Woman's Essence Magazine Summer Issue 2014

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Summer has finally arrived. Most people look forward to the summer.


Adryana Nicolle


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Claire Guerre “Da Queen Bee” Angie BEE

CONTRIBUTING WEBSITES www.womanarticles.net www.huffingtonpost.com www.tstyledme.com www.whatpixieswear.com www.my-easy-cooking.com www.bhg.com www.bemz.typepad.com

DESIGN Grafx Passion www.grafxpasion.wix.com/grafxpassion grafxpasion@gmail.com www.facebook.com/GrafxPassion



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Woman’s Essence Magazine wemagazinee@gmail.com www.issuu.com/womans-essence-magazine/docs www.wemagazineblog.wordpress.com


There is so much to do. There are events happening all day in the summer. People are out more enjoying lunch or dinner at their favorite restaurant or just hanging out in the park watching people enjoying fun activities. Summer is the season most professionals take advantage of their 1 hour lunch break to enjoy the outdoors. However, there are some people who become very active in pursuing their goals of starting their own business or who are focused more on making their existing business grow. Well anything is possible when the weather is great and they have the energy to perform to their fullest capacity. Woman’s Essence Magazine (For and About Powerful Women) is having their first Launch Party to celebrate the birth of the magazine. Summer is the perfect season to introduce an extraordinary magazine that promotes and embraces articles/stories about women who are powerful. The summer issue has an informative interview with Allison Babb Phillips founder of her striving company GreatSmallBusinessAdvice.com. She has been featured on CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, and The Wall Street Journal. She worked in the corporate sector for 20 years and was a Senior Manager making six figures. She had higher goals for herself this is the reason she decided to walk away from her position and start her own company. She is a Powerful Woman for not allowing fear to keep her from achieving her goals. She challenged herself to get out of her comfort zone. The magazine will also include articles about Fashion, Fine Cuisine, Beauty, and Health. All the important ingredients our readers will need to have a fantastic summer. Allow yourself to let go of the winter and spring. Welcome the hot sun and the sounds of people having fun in the summer. Create your plan and execute it. Write down all the things you will accomplish this summer. Feel the energy within you and go with it. Let the summer be the season you decide to live, love, and laugh. Make new friends and meet with your old friends for lunch, dinner, and drinks. Take time to relax and read Woman’s Essence Magazine (For and About Powerful Women)





Business & Career

Obstacles for Women in Business: The Double Bind

8 Fashion & Beauty SHOPPING FOR SUMMER? The Neoprene trend is back and better than ever


14 Cover Story -Special

Allison Babb Phillips Get the 411 on Starting a Successful Business

24 Love & Relationships “Don’t Worry About Her... She’ll Be Alright!”

26 Food & Drinks

Chicken Breyani from the Bo Kaap Lighter Cajun Chicken Pasta Strawberry Margarita

30 Home Decor Hottest interior design trends in 2014

34 Partners & Sponsors







Cover Story


Interview Allison Babb Phillips

Get the 411 on Starting a Successful Business 5

Business & Career

Obstacles for Women in Business:

The Double Bind www.huffingtonpost.com


What is to blame for the fact that women (who earn over half of all degrees) in the U.S. are still not proportionately represented at the leadership levels of American business? As with any stubborn issue, there are many inter-connected causes. The most fundamental causes -- and the hardest to change -- are what McKinsey & Co. calls invisible “mind-sets.” They are invisible because they are unintentional and unconscious. (I listed three of these mind-sets in an earlier post.) The first is the “double bind.” In a nutshell, it is this: If a woman behaves in a “feminine” way, she may be liked, but she may not be respected or seen as a leader. If she operates in a “masculine” way, however, she may be judged and disliked. The title to Catalyst’s research paper on this topic says it all: “Damned or Doomed.” Most workplaces tend to be more masculine than feminine in many ways. For example, in communication style, the primary language of the workplace is firm and declarative and sounds confident. The feminine style is more humble; the speaker may qualify an assertion to avoid sounding “uppity.” When a woman speaks in a feminine way, she may be talked over, not be heard and not be seen as a leader. 6

Women naturally imitate workplace norms and the styles of those most successful in reaching the top. They learn to operate in more masculine ways. If a woman adopts a masculine approach too often, to too great a degree or at the “wrong” time, however, she may be penalized. Others may judge, “Who does she think she is?” The dilemma shows up in other dimensions of the masculine-feminine continuum, including when a woman: • In decision-making, drives a team to a goal rather than involving others and incorporating their ideas, • Is energized by, and motivates others with, a work style that is competitive rather than collaborative, • Influences by giving orders rather than through persuasion, or • In handling conflict, is direct rather than indirect.

tice shifting consciously between masculine and feminine styles. According to aStanford study, women who can do this get more promotions than either women or men who cannot. As you move up the corporate ladder, you may find more freedom from the double bind.

Women as well as men trap women in this lose-lose proposition. What can we DO about the double bind? An unconscious mind-set is like the blind spot in your car. If you know about it, you can manage it and avoid danger. Being aware of this dilemma can enable you to monitor your automatic mental reactions and alter them. If your kneejerk response to a confident woman is “What a tough woman,” stop. Would you think the same thing about the identical behavior in a man? Or is there a double standard? You can consciously choose to widen the range of acceptable behavior for women. What can women trapped in the double bind do? Women can whine about the double bind. Indeed, it is not “fair.” It is, however, a reality -- today. We can accept it and prac-

an “edge.” I worked in a group of very tough men. I calmly asked him, “Compared to whom?” I was respectfully asking him if he would apply the term “edge” to my much “edgier” male colleagues.

Share your experience of the double bind and what you Women can try to make others aware of this obstacle. I have done to minimize its negative effects. suggest they do so without judgment or blame, by noting that it is not intentional or malicious. Or we can respond to “coaching moments,” like when my boss told me I had


Fashion & Beauty


The Neoprene trend is back and better than ever


www.tstyledme.com 9


Neoprene floral skirt – Romwe Polka dot turtleneck, bow belt and grey shoulder bag – H&M Chain necklace – vintage Pink leather gloves – Roeckl Sailor’s cap – Elbsegler Ankle strap heels – Buffalo London

www.whatpixieswear.com Photography by Florian Topf http://the-escalated-publisher.at 11

www.tipsmon.com.br 12

www.girlsofffifth.com 13


Get the 411 on Starting a Successful Business

interview with Allison Babb Phillips


here are many people who dream of starting their own business. Unfortunately, most of them do not know the steps to starting a successful business. There are few who reach out for help by hiring a Business Coach and the majorities are determined to do it alone. Allison Babb Phillips who is The Business Coach of the Year has helped many entrepreneurs start their business and showed them how to accelerate revenue. She launched an Integrity Based Sales Training website for women business owners to help their business grow and have longevity.

Woman’s Essence Magazine had the pleasure of interviewing Allison on her success as a Business Coach and getting some good advice for our readers who are starting or have a business they would like to see become successful. by Claire Guerre 15


As a coach to business start-ups, what would you say is the greatest challenge to turning a hobby into a viable business venture? A large percentage of business owners jump into business ownership without a clear picture of what is required for creating a successful business. On the one hand, that’s the nature of entrepreneurs unlike others, they dare to dive in and figure things out as they go. On the other hand, the tendency to fly blind creates a tremendous amount of unnecessary struggle in figuring out the marketing and sales aspects of how to grow the business. With the popularity of search engines where people seeking the know-how to any venture or business can just go online and google it, how do you re-invent yourself to stay relevant? For me, the reinvention process and staying relevant is simply staying in touch with what the market wants and the shifts that are happening, and also staying in touch with what I was divinely called to do in this world. I’m always asking prospects (daily) what their key challenges are and I listen intently to what they’re saying. On the internal side, my business is my calling so I stay in touch with my own divine inspiration as well. Nothing can beat the uniqueness of that. :) There are big corporations that, although sophisticated in their approach to things, still need business advice; why did you then decide to focus on small businesses and not the corporations with lots of money to spend? I choose to focus on what I’m most passionate about and what I feel I’m being called to do in this world. Chasing money just for the sake of money will not be fulfilling in the end. Also, there’s a misconception that small business owners do not invest to grow their business, but I’ve experienced otherwise. There are lots of business owners out there who invest thousands of dollars to get the help they need. Can you share some of the experiences you faced while starting your coaching business?* My experiences are vast and multi-faceted. My most memorable experiences ere: - Realizing that I have in choice in how I grow my biz - I can choose the “trial and error” method and take the longer path, or I can choose to align myself with a mentor/coach and skip past unnecessary mistakes. I chose the latter. - Realizing that when I invest to learn how to grow my biz, I also need to invest the time to implement what I’m learning. There’s a daunting statistic in the information marketing world that only 5% of people who pay to learn business strategies actually implement what they paid to learn. I was in the 95% who did not implement. Suddenly I realized this was a huge contributor to how much I ended up spinning my wheels. Thankfully, I shifted from being an information addict to becoming and implementation addict.

- Realizing that my mentors are simply providing guidance, but in the end, I have to “do me.” You cannot copy your mentors and become successful. God designed you to contribute to this world in your own unique way. I realized that while I have a voracious appetite for business and personal growth information, I also need to remain in alignment with my values, who I am authentically and what I am called to do in this world. - Realizing that more than any other contributor, my thoughts, mindset, and beliefs had more to do with the success I was (or was not) experiencing that any other factor. I’ve had the experience of coaching 2 business owners and giving them the exact same strategies and support. One thrives creating $50-$100K in a single month, and the other continues to struggle. There’s no difference between the two entrepreneurs other than their beliefs about what was possible and their beliefs about what they were capable of. Believe that you can, and you will. Believe that you can’t and you won’t. You are an experienced public speaker. How would you respond to this assertion that the art of knowing to speak in public by business owners or company staffs is key to a business growth? Hands down, the most successful marketing strategy I’ve ever used is public speaking. It has brought me more clients and customers than any other strategy. That said, I’m aware of countless other business owners who create massive amounts of revenue without doing any public speaking. Here’s what I know to be true - do what you love and do it with passion and a sincere desire to help and people become magnetically drawn to you. I encourage all entrepreneurs to share their expertise and gifts with the world through speaking, BUT, if they’re terrible at speaking, it simply won’t work. Aside marketing and branding, what other key concepts would you advice businesses to ascribe to if they must grow? Aside from marketing and branding, sales skills is critical for the success of every business owner. Most of my clients are women entrepreneurs and they hate the traditional sales approach. When I unveiled www.IntegrityBasedSalesTraining.com, it received coverage in national media for the simple and humane and authentic way in which business owners were invited to experience sales. Sales does not have to be pushy and manipulative. It can indeed be a service to others. Some argue that while others are born with the ability to be entrepreneurs, they are not. Is it compulsory that everybody must have some form of personal business? Do you. If you’re feeling a sincere desire to start a business and you’re passionate enough to persevere through tough challenges, you can succeed. But you must choose to quit “flying blind.” Get a mentor, get a coach, tap into marketing and sales training to become savvy in those areas. Your skill alone will not produce a successful business.


Starting out on your own, you paid a great amount of time and money in studying solo entrepreneurs; is that all it takes to be successfully self-employed? To be successfully self-employed, you must commit to understanding precisely what the steps are to creating the results you want. You must know the step-by-step process required to create a successful business. Flying blind for too long will only serve to frustrate you. The good news is that there is no challenge you’re experiencing in business for which the answer does not already exist. So really, all that’s left is for you to access the answers you need. It requires that you be willing to invest in your own success, but the investment pays off in the long run saving you months and even years of needless confusion and frustration. Running a business on its own is no small task; a lot more difficult is when combining business with being a wife. How do you do it? Yes indeed, it is not easy. And there were many stints in my entrepreneurial career where I thought I was out of balance - I was spending way too much time on the business and not enough time with my family. I needed to remind myself why I decided to become an entrepreneur in the first place - flexibility and freedom. If I had neither of those, then what’s the point. So I had to surrender - surrender to the fact that I can’t do it all (and hire help). Surrender to the fact that there’s always more work left to do and it can be done tomorrow. Surrender to the fact that I can indeed find the path to doing business with greater ease. You look extremely younger than your original age of 40plus; is it due to a unique kind of beauty regiment? Pure genetics. Yes, I’m 48 at the time of doing this interview and every ingle year, people still think I’m thirty. So I jokingly tell people that hen I turned 30, I mysteriously stopped aging. Honestly, the beauty product industry will be flabbergasted, but I have no beauty regimen and I’ve used nothing but Dove soap for 30 years. So my younger looks have got o be pure genetics. :) Your time is divided into many parts; how do you successfully manage your clients and still find time to be the mother of your children? I’m pretty strict about my hours now, but it wasn’t always that way. The honest truth is I worked a lot of long hours before my realization that something had to change. Now I simply choose to end my day at a certain time, and I am completely offline when the day ends. No Facebook and all that social media junk. When I’m off, I’m off. And I do not work on weekends. Again, what’s the point of choosing to be an entrepreneur for greater freedom and flexibility if I have neither. How did you and your husband meet; and what was it that made you fall in love with him? We met online and I fell in love with his tender-heartedness, 18

He’s always got my back and supports me through the ups and downs of running my business. He is my confidant, my friend, and the love of my life.


how respectfully he talked about his mom and what a devoted father he was to his daughter. He is just a very caring and giving person, and much like me, he’s whole-heartedly into personal growth which allows us to have very profound and deep conversations about the human experience. I’m pretty sure I’m married to most wonderful man on this planet. :) How would you describe your husband’s support towards your business? I can truly say he supports me 100%!! Sometimes I cannot even believe the level of support he gives me. Just recently I was contemplating joining another $20K coaching program and was really wrestling with the decision. He was the one that encouraged me to go for it and to trust that God is guiding me in the right direction. He’s always got my back and supports me through the ups and downs of running my business. He is my confidant, my friend, and the love of my life. 20

Following your passion can sometimes make you lose touch of those who matters; what are the ways you and your husband rekindle your love for each other? My husband is in the military so he’s gone most of the month. We are on the phone each night, sometimes for 2-3 hours! And when he does come home (which is about monthly), it’s like a honeymoon every single time. We also read marriage books together which allows us to ask each other some really profound questions - it’s pretty cool that I’m still learning about him and he’s still learning about me. We also commit to really solid conflict resolution skills and we use the process in a book called “Difficult Conversations” by Doug Patten and others. That process really works.

his dance career. Also, in his first 2 months in college, he was chosen to choreograph the first dance program. This inspires me because it reminds me that any human being can choose to do what God designed them to do and if you follow that calling and God’s direction, you cannot fail. There may be moments of failure, but as Napoleon Hill says “defeat is only temporary” and “Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” Would you say being in charge of your life, by running your own business, has made you a better woman, wife and mother? I don’t know that the word “better” fits. To me it feels like being an entrepreneur has enhanced my experience has a woman, wife and mother. The growth that is required of me as an entrepreneur touches every area of my life - especially since I’m such an avid personal-growth reader and seeker. Any obstacles in my biz throws me into becoming an avid student of success and success requires personal growth. That personal growth has created within me a more understanding woman, a more tolerant wife, and a more patient mother. Who do you find, whether living or dead, to be your role model; someone who embodies successfully well the role of career woman, wife and mother? I can’t actually say I have a single role model although I truly admire Oprah and the journey of success she’s been on. I admire that she follows her calling despite all odds and I admire that her work impacts lives and often changes generations. But I think for me, because I’m a student of success, I study a vast amount of successful people. My mentoring and role-modeling often comes through books - more recently like Think & Grow Rich, The Science of Getting Rich, The 10-Second Philosophy, The Law of Divine Compensation, A Return to Love, The Untethered Soul and, of course, The Bible. My role models come through my avid study of how others succeed and most importantly, how they persevere through challenges in life. Not just those who succeeded financially, but those who succeed in all areas of their lives and live their lives in such a way that they are leaving a legacy. Some mothers find their children as a form of inspiration to pursuing their dream; is it that way for you? I had never thought of that but it has certainly turned out to be true in my life. My son just graduated from high school and attends a college where he can pursue both academics and his passion for modern and jazz dance. At first, I wanted him to pursue his brilliance in Math or his amazing writing talent. I had my own plan for where I wanted him to go to college etc. But I had to surrender to what God put into this child. He’s gifted and I have to allow him to step into his gifts. If I squelch his gifts, he’ll do like most folks do which is spend 20 years doing something that he dislikes and then right around age 40, he’ll wake up and realize he wants to pursue his dream. That was my own experience in corporate America, and I don’t want that for my son. He has already gone on to become amazingly successful in


ou can continue to dream or take action to making your business dreams come true. As Allison mentioned in the interview it is about turning what you love into a business. Stop chasing the money and start chasing your passion. Let 2014 be the year for you to start and grow your business. To connect with Allison go to www.GreatSmallBusinessAdvice.com/Blog or www.AllisonOnFB.com.





“Don’t Worry About Her...

She’ll Be Alright!” by “Da Queen Bee” Angie BEE

Two men had the following conversation: “Man, you really don’t need to be worried about her. Women these days got vibrators and books. They don’t need none from a man. Go on and get what you want from that other “side-piece”. Your wife ain’t gonna care if you home or not” stated Man #1. Man #2 replied “But what about vows? To have and to hold and all that stuff. I thought that meant to have your wife and hold her... I thought that’s what that meant? Man #1 returned with “that stuff is of the world. Even the bible says that a wife’s body belongs to her husband. That means, when YOU want to get some she is supposed to be there for you. That don’t mean that you have to satisfy HER! When I decide which of these hoes I’m gonna settle down with, that’s the way MY house is gonna be set up. You need to stop worrying about your wife. Now, let’s heard on over to the church for choir rehearsal” 24

Last week and found a re-run episode of “Iyanla, Fix My Life” airing on the Oprah Winfrey Network. Iyanla traveled to help a couple that was approaching their 5-year wedding anniversary. They needed her help with their life because in the 1825 days of “wedded bliss” they had only made love roughly 20 times. What does the bible say about sex within marriage? 1 Corinthians 7:1-40 ESV “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another, except by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control”. Let me tell you about two wonderful women. They are both wives and have been monogamous since exchanging their vows. One is a newlywed that married after living with her man for nearly two decades. The other strives to live lovingly with her husband in spite of his drug and alcohol addiction. Both women are financially lucrative, spiritually powerful and invitingly attractive. They are intelligent and wise, they are leaders within their circles and will be the first at the

hospital to visit and bring you a meal! Both women are sexual and have desires. Neither woman is having sex with their husband... because their husband’s won’t have sex with them. “I should have known that my husband wouldn’t have sex with me after we got married. He promised me that he would consummate our marriage, but the night we got married he was fighting a cold. The next week he was tired from going to back to work and now a month later I’m still waiting”. “As long as my husband is out of the house, we are good!’ another woman jokingly says. He is sick (with an addiction) and even though I can tell he is aroused he simply doesn’t approach me for sex. I just keep working and I don’t worry about it anymore!” What else may be missing from that relationship when the husband refuses to make love to his wife? Should these women leave their husband’s on the grounds of non-compliance in the marriage? Iyanlya worked with the sexless couple on rebuilding trust (he had an affair after she went out and adopted a baby on her own) and Iyanlya worked with them on establishing communication. They each expressed their desires and their disappointments through a variety of exercises and in the end shared information with each other. The closing credits stated that they had returned to having a sex life. Can you truly have a relationship with your husband when he isn’t making love to you? What do YOU think?

Christian, Author, Producer, Promoter & The Host of The Hottest Home Hotspot WORLDWIDE

Syndicated Holy Hip Hop Radio Show and the new TV show “Angie BEE Presents” airing from 4-8 pm EST weekdays on www.MyJBN.com click the Gospel Vibe link to hear the show Hear past episodes of the radio show at www.MixCrate.com/DaQueenBeeAngieBEE

Visit us online today at www.DaQueenBee.com Twitter.com/HHHotspot www.Facebook.com/MeAngieBEE www.ooVoo.com - account Angie BEE www.Skype.com - AngieBEEproductions Call us today at 407-914-6519 AngieBEEproductions@gmail.com BEE Blessed!


Food & Drinks

Ingredients 4 chicken breasts – you can use bone and skin on ( more flavor) 500gr rice – basmati or normal 2 large onions sliced thinly 2-3 cloves garlic – crushed thumb size piece fresh ginger – grated 1 tbsp fennel seeds 1 tbsp dry coriander seeds 2 sticks cinnamon 2 star anise 5-6 all spice 2 bay leaves 3-4 cardamom pods – just cracked to release flavor 1 tbsp gara masala 1 tbsp curry powder vegetable oil about 1 1/2 l liters of chicken stock salt/pepper 1 tin lentils – drained and washed 4 boiled eggs finely chopped tomato chopped coriander toasted almond slivers 1/2 cup sultanas or chopped dried apricots

Chicken Breyani from the Bo Kaap

by www.my-easy-cooking.com


Method Heat the oil in a pot and add all the spices at once and stir around for a few seconds.( this will release essential oils and flavors) Add the onions and brown slightly and allow to soften. Add the garlic and then the chicken. Move the chicken and onions around in the pot, allowing the chicken to brown slightly. Add some of the chicken stock and simmer for about 1/2 hour. Now add the rice and again fill up with more chicken stock. Lower the heat, place the lid on and let the rice and chicken cook together until the rice is cooked and has absorbed all the liquid. Add the lentils and sultanas or apricots and stir through. Taste and adjust seasoning. Dish up and dress with the almonds, chopped tomato, a boiled egg and chopped coriander.


Lighter Cajun Chicken Pasta Ingredients • 8 ounces whole wheat linguine or fettucine • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into small strips • 1 tablespoon, plus 1 teaspoon Cajun seasoning (divided), adjust to taste • Salt and pepper to taste • Cooking spray • 1 teaspoon olive oil

• 1 red onion, thinly sliced • 3 large bell peppers, thinly sliced • 1 (8 ounce) package sliced mushrooms • 2 garlic cloves, minced • 1 can (12 ounces) fat free evaporated milk • chopped green onions, for garnish


In the same saute pan, add olive oil and heat over medium heat. Add red onion, peppers, mushrooms and garlic to pan and saute for 9 to 10 minutes, or until vegetables Prepare pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, sprinkle chicken evenly with 1 tablespoon are tender and liquid evaporates. Cajun seasoning and salt. Return chicken to skillet and mix with vegetables. Add Spray a large saute pan with cooking spray and heat evaporated milk and 1 teaspoon Cajun seasoning, and salt oven medium-high heat. Add chicken, and saute for 5 and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a to 6 minutes or until done. Remove chicken to a plate, simmer for 3 minutes. Add linquine, toss to coat Garnish with green onions, as desired, and serve immediately. n tented with foil. 27

Strawberry Margarita Ingredients Kosher salt 10 lime wedges 3 cups Triple Sec or other orange liqueur 2 cups tequila 1 1/2 cups freshly squeezed lime juice 1 cup superfine sugar or powdered sugar 2 cups fresh hulled strawberries Ice cubes


Method Place salt on a small plate. Rub rims of eight glasses with one of the lime wedges. Dip rims of glasses in salt to coat; set aside. In a pitcher combine Triple Sec, tequila, lime juice, and sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Place strawberries and 1/4 cup of the tequila mixture in a blender or food processor. Cover and blend or process until smooth. Stir into remaining tequila mixture. Chill until ready to serve. Place ice cubes in salt-rimmed glasses. Pour tequila mixture over ice cubes. Garnish with remaining lime wedges.



Home & Decor

Hottest interior design trends


in 2014


Let’s start the New Year by taking a look at the hottest interior design trends that will define 2014, with a focus on colours and textiles. The biggest trends are undoubtedly lots of fabrics in cool pastels, bright yellow and strong patterns, especially graphic and floral patterns, which when combined create a fresh, modern yet highly personal look. Update your home by mixing these trends with your current interior. Whether you want to make big or small changes you can easily change the expression of any room with Bemz products. We picked out some inspiring photos with examples of how you can use these trends in your own home.


Bemz cover for Karlanda in Mineral Blue TegnĂŠr Melange. Bemz cushion covers in Dusty Rose, Straw Yellow, Soft White Belgian Linen Blend, Sand Beige Raffia. Create the perfect balance in a room by mixing warm and cold pastels. In this room blue and pink dominate. The trendy brass table lamp and patterned shade makes the look complete.


Stockholm sofa in Rose Tegnér Melange. Henriksdal chair in Silver Grey Tegnér Melange. Nils footstool in Sun Yellow. Nils chair in Dusty Rose. All from Bemz. Create a dining room that gives you a sense of joy by adding beautiful colours and patterns. Because pastels are bright and calm, they are easily paired with a broad range of colours range and mix equally well with a variety different patterns.

Bemz cover for Karlanda in Mineral Blue Tegnér Melange. Bemz cushion covers in Dusty Rose, Straw Yellow, Soft White Belgian Linen Blend, Sand Beige Raffia. Create the perfect balance in a room by mixing warm and cold pastels. In this room blue and pink dominate. The trendy brass table lamp and patterned shade makes the look complete.


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