Volume 1 Issue 5
October edition
1 October 2014
Exams are here!!!! Do not be fooled the year is almost over and the best way one may seal it academically is by beginning the exam preparations right away, that is if you have not hopped onto the wagon already. Gone are the days of last minute things, therefore while there is still time may we gather all we ought to gather and begin studying. Now we belong to Christ meaning kingdom excellency is the only standard we are willing to give out in those exam rooms. That means distinctions ladies!!! Yes distinctions, but such are not achieved by only praying, fasting and fantasizing. One must actually believe, work and sacrifice for such results. Therefore in our time of preparation, may we not live aside exercise, healthy eating, peace and faith so that our bodies and minds will be able to face a book, concentrate, read, and understand so that application within the exam room will be as easy as blinking. We encourage everyone to trust in god and know that you have already made it. All the best your exams, let us glorify God in through our studies.-Molatelo Mathoko
Hayrick Fall Original Meladi Montjane has done it again. Our committee members looked
Inside this issue: Woman of Influence : Refilwe
Unashamed woman of the month
Dreams and interpretation
Dreams and itepretation
radiant in their Hayrick Fall original garments which where tailor made for their bodies and had a unique and stylish tribal twist. Remember to place your orders on 0790653603
Mahlatse Tloubatla(left) and Phethego Kgatla(right) in their tribal dresses
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October edition
Woman of influence Focus: Sandra Maphoto This month we focus on an amazing woman of God
Sandra Maphoto, a 23 year old Business Management and Entrepreneurship graduate who is currently a
Business Development officer at Nedbank. Sandra is a
born-again Christian who is passionate about business, people and ministry. Sandra is a former co-founder of Glitz Youth Org. & current founder & CEO of Lady Dandelion Corporate Events and WAR_RnA (War Against Rape & Abuse). She is also a blogger
(Refiloesandra.blogspot.com) and an anti-rape Activist. With these accolades, Sandra remains one of the most Sandra Maphoto
kind hearted and loving people God has placed in the
lives of many women and her story of courage will
inspire you to rise up beyond what you have been. Sandra is the woman behind
War RnA, a silent protest against sexual violence which will be hosted in Polokwane during the month of November.
Describe a day in the life of Sandra?
“A day in my life is activated first by sweet moments with Daddy God then takes off
with back to back meetings, emotional moments and loads of administration. Oh, a bottle or 2 of water with a little apple cider vinegar. I spend most of my weekdays working, eating chocolate and weekends out with friends or hibernating in my room hehehe. “
Would you describe what you do as a calling? “Yes. I was taught that when your career elevates your passion for living, working and reproducing yourself, that career is your calling. The two are intertwined. For me Business & Literature are not just my career, they are my calling because they are what govern and manage my Ministry. “
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What inspired you to start this protest and what are you hoping to achieve/gain from it?
“At the age of 19, I was hijacked, beaten and gang-raped. Its nearly 5 years later and
this has moved from being a stigma to being a learning curve right through to being a point of contact to women and children that have been in and are in similar
situations. The Silent Protest is a launch of the various projects that WAR_RnA will be implementing in and around our country. “
What have your experience been that have let you to trust the heart of God?
“As stated above and having lived with an abusive biological father, then loosing him to death, raised by a single mother, surviving physical defects, being molested by my Spiritual father, loosing Sade, a close friend who passed on last year and the
constant whirlwind of living in this modern version of a cruel world. In it all, I see nothing but God's grace.”
Where do you see yourself years from now? “Phew guys, such a heavy questions! *gulps water & chews some ice*
WAR_RnA national centers in full
operation, Lady Dandelion thriving, my memoir and documentary
published, with a beautiful set of twin babies from a beast of a
husband <3 hehehe. I see myself
being the healing tool for women & children in South Africa. A
successful entrepreneur and a growing servant of God's Kingdom. “
The next page features the War RnA
details. Please go through the poster
carefully so that you do not miss out on this protest. We will keep you posted.
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October edition
While Jesus is at the Temple, ready to teach the people. Some respected Jewish leaders bring a woman to him who had been found guilty of adultery. They challenged him on what he thought was to be done with this woman, who had been found guilty of a capital crime? He just refused to speak, but instead wrote in the gravel. Then he straightened up, looked at the crowd of accusers and said â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'. One by one the crowd melted away. Jesus told the woman to go, and not to sin again. By doing so Jesus did not question her guilt, neither did he condone the sin. He condemned the sin, not the sinner, and commanded her not to sin again. The woman was called to change and not condemnation.
Congratulations to the new bride We would like to congratulate our dear friend Daphney who recently got married. The wedding was nothing short of perfect and it reminded us that when you stay in God, he is faithful enough to give you that which you desire. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Phoshoko may God bless your union.
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22
Mr and Mrs Phoshoko
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October woman of the month competition Congratulations Refilwe! Our Woman of the Month this October was decided by Refilwe Sambo. She will be the recipient of a
book of her choice and we'll get to meet her in the following issue of the Newsletter, hopefully with her new book in her hands! The following books are her favourite: Good Morning Holy Spirit - Benny Hinn When God Whispers Your Name - Max Lucado The Power of A Simple Prayer -Joyce Meyer He Still Moves Stones - Max Lucado The Journey: Living By Faith - Billy Graham The Source of My Strength: Rlying on the life changing power - Charles F Stanley On A Quest For Christ- Lisa Walf Congratulations! One of these is coming your way!
October's Woman of The Month: Naomi The book of Ruth takes us on a journey of love. This is not only the love we've seen between Ruth and Boaz but the love of a mother for her daughters in law. Naomi appears to be a loving mother. Although her sons passed away, she did not chase her daughters in law like we normally see with mothers these days. It's rare to find such love between a mother and
her daughter in law, considering all the eemotional turmoil she must have been going through because of the losses she has faced. Ruth 3:1 'Naomi said unto her, my daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?' Naomi loved her two daughter in-laws. You can see how close they were in the emotional pleadings of Naomi when she wanted them to go back to the land of Moab, as she knew that their desires to find husbands shall be met there. Unlike many women, Naomi loved her daughters , even to a point that she helped one of them find her prince charming. There's a lesson we can draw from this. We should be humble and willing to let those who love us serve us, especially when we are in need; and we should face everything with love. As I start praying for my mother in law. Entry written by Refilwe, edited by Lerato.
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October edition
What do dreams mean? Uncovering how God can communicate with you through dreams Dream: A series of thoughts, images, or emotions, occurring during sleep.
Job 33:14-19 â&#x20AC;&#x153;For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man perceives it not. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; 16 Then he opened the ears of
men, and sealed their Instruction, 17 That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. 18 He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword. 19 He is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with strong pain.â&#x20AC;?
Joel 2:28-29 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out of my spirit" Dreams have supernatural spiritual origins. Dreams of the Lord God come from the spiritual Kingdom of Light. Dreams can also come from the spiritual Kingdom of Darkness and from the human
spirit which is in darkness. The 2nd chapter of Acts tells us that the last days would be marked by a great increase of prophetic revelation, including dreams. We need, as the people of God, to step boldly into what the Lord desires to do on the Earth in our day. As God pours more of His Spirit out from His throne, there is going to be a greater manifestation of dreams. Dreams are a definite sign that the Holy Spirit is being poured out. Whenever God begins to move, dreams will begin to occur. We must learn how to interpret these so His communication to us will become more effective. If God made us that we spend much time dreaming, then surely He has a purpose in it. All through history we find that people have received help through their dreams. The devil will always attempt to counterfeit the things of God in order to discredit them. The Bible
tells us that we can expect false teachers, false prophets, false shepherds, and false doctrines. Do we then eliminate teachers, pastors, prophets and doctrines to make sure no one falls into the traps of the enemy? Of course not. Rather, the Word tells us to use discernment and test the spirits (1 John 4:1). The existence of false, counterfeit deceptions should not dissuade us from seeking the genuine.
Volume 1 Issue 5
We do not want to throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. The Lord has given
the ministry of dream interpretation as a gift to His people. (See Daniel 1:17). We must not surrender it to the enemy. We cannot force God to give us a dream; neither should we wait on a dream if God has chosen to speak to us in other methods. But we can ask God to speak to us in a dream and expect Him to. We need only to turn to the Bible to find a volume of records about dreams and visions. What is even more significant is that so many great
events in the Scriptures are hinged on those dreams. Story after story gives evidence of the importance of dreams. WHAT DREAMS WILL DO FOR YOU A. Confirm Through dreams God will confirm intuition. He will bring to the surface in vision form those senses and feelings that seemingly cannot be expressed. Job 33:15-18 "For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction." Dreams put the cap on. Or in other words, they confirm and seal His instruction. B. Warn Job 33:17 goes on to say in the context of dreams, "In order to turn man from his deed, and conceal pride from man, He keeps back his soul from the Pit, and his life from perishing by the sword." God may show an event happening in a dream that if we do not pray and do something about it, it will happen. God will give the dream in time for us to take action. Gen. 41--Joseph and the dream of seven years of famine. C. Reveal Daniel 4. God gave Nebuchadnezzar a dream about his future which Daniel interpreted. In Daniel 2, He gave the same king a panoramic dream about the four kingdoms which would rule this world throughout history. God gave Jacob a dream in Gen 28 where He showed
him that angels were ascending and descending up and down a ladder from heaven into his life. He can speak to us about our home lives, our marriages, our jobs, the church, and our attitudes, both on practical and spiritual levels.
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October edition
D. Direct Joseph and his dream when he was seventeen. God gave him a long-range promise. Later, his interpretation of Pharoah's dream would save the kingdom as well as catapault him into a position second only to Pharoah himself. Jacob in Genesis 31:11-13. God directed him to get up and leave Laban. God directed Abimelech, David, Gideon, Joseph, Daniel, and others through dreams. He can also direct us. E. Bring confidence of God's communication to us When God has given us a dream and we have received the interpretation, there comes a realization that God really does know about us, our trials and struggles, and He loves us so much that He desires to express Himself to us in much the same way as He did when He took the disciples out on the hillside and spoke to them in parables. Are All Dreams and Visions from God? The answer to this question is a definite NO! The only three places that I know of dreams come from are the Lord, from the devil, and from within us. It is up to us to know the Word of God as well as yield to the Spirit of God in order to discern what is
of God and what is not. The kingdom of darkness and even our own flesh will try and tempt us to sin, discourage us, lie to us, scare us, and many other things. We can also dream from the business of our day, or from the desires of our own heart. There are many voices in the Spirit realm. We need the Word of God to determine that the voices we hear are correct. E.g If you dream that someone is shooting arrows at you, or guns (our modern day arrows) it may be that the Lord is wanting you to know that it is possible that someone is speaking bitter words against you. This is important to know because the Lord told us in Isaiah 54: 17 that â&#x20AC;&#x153;No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment YOU SHALL CONDEMN. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me, Says
the Lord.â&#x20AC;? The Lord may let you know that someone is speaking against you because He has given us the responsibility to condemn the words in His name so that they, as weapons
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God is eager to speak to His people that He has created. To do so He has pattern of communication. God speaks, then He reveals. We need to recognize the relationship between the voice of God and dreams, for dreams are not the direct voice of God but the indirect voice. There is one main rule in dream interpretation. The closer we can maintain our intimacy with the Holy Spirit, the better we can begin to hear His voice in understanding what He is speaking to us. We can learn all the mechanics and they are immensely helpful, but after that we must depend upon His voice to lead us. "Interpretations belong to God" and in the end, it is hearing His voice that brings the revelation. An ability to interpret dreams is not necessarily a sign of greater spirituality; it just means in that area a person has learned to activate the truths found in the word of God. The language of the Spirit in dreams and visions is the hidden language of symbolism, metaphors, typology, analogy, allegory and parables that make up a significant part of the Bible. It is the language of the hidden things of God requiring divine revelation, insight and interpretation. For help with Interpretation of dreams contacts us: samuelcompany19@gmail.com
Christmas party Please be reminded of our Christmas party which will be held in December.
Details will follow. Look out for posters and info regarding this. Please start collecting toys and non perishables. The Christmas party will be held at sejikong sa lerato at Ga Mphahlele. For more information contact any of our comm. Members.
Women for Jesus Ministries Contact Vision bearer Lebogang Tisane 0713569928 Logistics Shirley Malope 0760278395 Love in Action Molatelo Mathoko 0724213344 Meladi Montjane 0790653603 Unashamed Lerato Masenya 0797845086 Mabothaka a morena Maphuti Mashamaite 0767348886 Secretary Phethego Kgatla 0766543160 Public relations Mahlatse Tloubatla 0721265311 We’re on the Web!
Tapping into the supernatural truth; we example.com are destined for success
Birthdays Happy birthday to all the October babies May God grant you the desires of your heart. We love you
Facebook page—Women for Jesus Instagram-womenforJesusSA Twitter-womenforJesus10 Tumblr-womenforJesussa Email– www.womenforJesus10@gmail.com