2 minute read
Becoming More: 8 Things to Leave Behind
As you continue on your journey to unpacking and unleashing the MORE that is within you, here’s what you must leave behind to make room for what’s to come:
1. The fear that you are not good enough
You have made too much progress and survived way too many things to think you are still not qualified or just as worthy as the next woman. There is MORE to you!
2. The expectation that God is going to do what you want
God doesn’t give you what you want, He gives you what you need based on what He NEEDS you to do and who He needs you to BECOME. Surrender to doing less so that God can step up and do MORE in your life.
3. The unhealthy thoughts that consume your mind
Your beliefs are running your life and if you let it get too out of hand, it could cause damage that ruins your opportunity to move forward to your divine destiny. The more negative the thought, the more it decreases your belief in yourself. Release this habit.
4. The part of yourself that needs someone to fill a void
No one else is responsible for your happiness: not a man, your child, friend, no one! Learn to love you and the rest will follow. There is MORE to you if only you would look within.
5. The unhealthy relationships and connections that drain you
You are not obligated to connect with someone that does not bring joy or fulfillment into your life. Instead focus on being full and whole MORE so that you can attract healthier relationships.
6. The belief that you still don’t know your purpose
Stop sleeping on your skills and stop sitting back on the sidelines waiting for purpose to find you. God knew you before you were in your mother’s womb, therefore where you feel you fall short, God already knows there’s MORE to you. Tap into it and become it.
7. The guilt/shame you feel for past mistakes
Your past mistakes are anointed to connect with your purpose. Be gentle with yourself. Forgive and let go. As long as you learn from it, you can keep going and use it purposefully for your next level.
8. The belief that someone/something is going to save you
Only God can move you from your current circumstance. No man, family member, child, or even coach is coming to save you from where you are or where you hoped to be by now. It is your responsibility to make the decision to be a woman of MORE.
It is imperative that you work on these as you enter a new season so that you can experience what M.O.R.E. God has for you in this season. God wants to bring you Miracles, Opportunities, Relationships, and Experiences that glorify Him, but also elevate you!