2 minute read

The Visibility Factor: 4 Keys to Grow Your Influence, Impact and Income

You were called to influence and impact the world. But to do so, people need to know who you are. They need to hear your message, feel your energy, and experience YOU! Visibility is the primary factor to you manifesting the influence and impact you were created to have.

That means no more hiding. It’s no longer enough to post other people’s quotes or lurk in the comments of viral posts, periodically giving short and quick doses of the medicine you hold in your head and heart to heal thousands of people.


If these words are resonating with you or you felt a few flutters in your chest or belly as you were reading, this message is for you. Read on for the four keys that will uplevel your influence and impact.

V I S I B I L I T Y =

I N F L U E N C E + I M P A C T + I N C O M E


This may seem obvious, but I would bet money that fear is one of the primary reasons you haven’t staked your claim in the marketplace. You’re afraid that what you have to say doesn’t matter. I can tell you with certainty that it matters to the people waiting on you – waiting to hear your story and experience your solution in a way that only you can deliver. It’s your choice to make. Choose to believe that your message matters.


Developing content can seem overwhelming, and you may get stuck trying to determine what to share. However, if you simplify your options, you can simplify the entire process. You don’t have to talk about everything that everyone else is talking about or even everything within a particular industry or niche. Think deeply about your message and identify three content areas from which 90% of your content will come. Within your content core, you can create hundreds (if not thousands) of pieces of content, including quotes, tips, keys, infographics, strategies, checklists, ebooks, webinars, speeches, etc.


Now, you need to find the people who want to hear your message. This will take some research. Find out where your audience is hanging out and where they are looking for content like yours. For example, if you’re in leadership development, you may find leaders on Facebook, but are they looking for leadership development content on that platform or are they only there for entertainment. You may find your audience on one or more of the social media platforms, but you may very well find them in Meetup groups, professional associations, conferences, or reading magazines and books. Wherever they are is where you need to be.


This is where you will see your influence rise. The more visible you are, the more people will view you as an expert. When people view you as an expert, they will seek you out to solve their problems. Here is where you will see your impact increase. Balancing your message between delivering value and delivering a solution - meaning you consistently communicate that you have the solution, give experiences of that solution and periodically offer the solution – will transform your influence and impact into income. The key is consistency.

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