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READER’S by Susan Erhardt
t’s June, and that means a spate of articles on “getting a beach body.” Well, guess what? The way to get a beach body is to go to the beach with your body. The end. If you need a little help believing that, here are some of the best books to help you make peace with food and your body.
Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole
Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating by Christy Harrison
After you’ve read Christy Harrison’s book and you’ve realized that dieting is a waste of your time, Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole will guide you through the steps of making peace with food and returning to the natural, intuitive eater you once were, before dieting came into your life. You will learn step by step to honor your hunger, challenge the food police, cope with emotions without using food, move your body in a way that feels good, and more. You can become a person who says “no” to a cookie and doesn’t feel deprived – or eats a cookie and doesn’t feel guilty.
This was a fantastic read. I highlighted passages to revisit on almost every page. The author delves into the racist, classist roots of dieting, explaining how our cultural weight bias and desire for thinness started a long time before any proclamations about body size and its relation to health. One of the most surprising things she explains is the impact that weight stigma has on our health. The weight stigma we are subject to is worse for our health than living in a large body! She backs up her statements with many good quality studies, all footnoted in the back of the book.
Women’s LifeStyle Magazine • June 2020