Moxie Magazine - November/December 2022

Page 36

Fresh * Fun * Fabulous NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 • FREE
Auto | Home | Life | Business | Farm | Lake Estate® When protecting your Auto, Home, Life, Business, Farm and more, the EXPERIENCE MATTERS. (269) 381-1262 | 6221 W. Main St., Kalamazoo Call Jaime Flees today! 2 November/December 2022
SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2023 9 AM – 4 PM | Kalamazoo County Expo Center JOIN US FOR A DAY OF FAMILY FUN! VENDORS: Reserve your booth for the 2023 Expo now! (269) 870-7321 | | GREAT ACTIVITIES & ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY • Bounce house & obstacle course • Heroes and characters who love to engage and pose for photos • Rocking musical performances • Petting Zoo • Exciting magic show • Princess story time • Face painting 3 November/December 2022

There is something about the holidays that brings this warm, peaceful feeling. Cities decorate their lampposts with holiday-themed banners and wreaths adorned with holly. Many people decorate their homes with twinkling lights and place majestic Christmas trees in front of their windows to spread joy. As children toss snowballs around their yards and aim for their friends, family dogs frolic in the powdery white snow. This is truly the most wonderful time of the year.

Please enjoy reading this issue as much as we enjoyed creating it. You’ll find scrumptious holiday recipes that you can share with your friends and family. If you prefer to watch someone else work up a sweat in the kitchen, you can make one of the Christmas cocktails found inside. I am so excited about our collection of holiday gift ideas – custom creations to jewelry to everything in between! Our specially curated collection came to be as a result of spending an entire day in picturesque Saugatuck and exploring Portage and Kalamazoo’s gems.

Finally, we would like to thank all our readers as we end 2022. This year was full of joy, and next year will be even better. On behalf of the staff and myself, we wish you all the happiest of holidays, and we are excited to see how your inner Moxie will radiate in 2023.

Much love, Heather

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ZHANG PORTAGE COMMUNITY SENIOR CENTER 203 E Centre Avenue Portage, MI 49002 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2022 To register visit: | FROM THE PUBLISHER |

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Jessica Redmond

PUBLISHER: Heather Dombos
LAYOUT & DESIGN: Alicia Pauwels SALES MANAGER: Onda Lewman
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Danielle Beller Kim Carson Ashley Carter Youngblood Kelly Duggan Doug Mitchell Elizabeth Precopio Ethel Wilkey-Downs Marlita Walker COVER IMAGE: Rene Rodriguez, StudioOne Creative THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE IT HAPPEN WEBSITE: BY EMAIL:
LIFE 6 She’s Got Moxie: Jacque Jennings-Carter COVER IMAGE: Rene Rodriguez, StudioOne Creative 10 More Joy, Less Stress: 3 Hacks to Hosting the Perfect Party 12 Great Gifts: Local Holiday Gift Guide 16 Gifts, Office Parties, Thank-Yous 22 Saugatuck’s Got Moxie: Katie Doucette 26 Meijer Book Club: A Wish For Winter 30 Book Review: Neighbors with No Doors 31 Holiday Jewelry Gift Guide 38 Four Key Benefits of Botox 40 Holiday Joy FOOD 20 Restaurant Review: Jungle Bird 28 Christmas Morning Casserole 34 Christmas Cocktails 36 The Ultimate Red Velvet Cake 42 Nanny’s Famous Fruitcake 5 November/December 2022
ASSISTANT: Mary Miller |
INFO: 269-870-7321



Never compromise your core values. Be a person of your word, personally and professionally.


The same advice that was offered to me (above). I would also add one important thing: Do your best to tune out the “nay-sayers” as much as possible, no matter who it is


I have always been protective of animals, people who find themselves left out, and people and animals in need. This feeling is probably due to my childhood and other personal experiences growing up. I have always loved “helping” (volunteering) and making a difference for as long as I can remember. Although still practiced, volunteerism seems to be decreasing in numbers. This decline makes me sad; volunteerism makes such a difference in many ways and on many levels for those receiving and giving. It goes both ways. I also watched each of my parents give to others, even if it meant personal sacrifice, and that was an excellent example for me.

I have many “favorite” causes I give time and resources to, and I try to help as many as possible, even if they don’t fall into my “favorites” category. I typically ask myself, “If I – whether animal or human - had a need, what would I want someone to do?”

The answer is almost always, “I would want someone to help.” And so I do if I can, even if it’s only a little. Something is better than nothing, which reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.” I could care less about recognition. I simply want to help make the world a better place – whether that be helping to improve our global environment, working toward significant improvements regarding animals and their treatment, or simply caring for other people. So, you can imagine how the Ukraine and Iran situations are impacting me. Probably best for me not to get started on those topics.

A long time ago, I read a quote by Marian Wright Edelman, and I adapted it for myself. My version says, “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of being here.” Serving/giving is, and always has been, one of my guiding principles. When I joined my Rotary Club in 1987, I was thrilled to learn that one of the primary mottos for Rotary International was “Service Above Self.” It was perfect for me and has been part of my daily living ever since. Do I always “hit the mark”? No. Far from it. But I do my best to do something whenever I can, especially when it comes to giving to, caring for, and serving animals or humans. And

to be clear, helping others does not mean that I need to put myself last.


At the top of my list is being with family, animals, and friends. Anytime. Anywhere. When I had horses, that is where I was every possible moment. I still try to spend time with horses - and dogs - any time I can. They are much more to me than “just animals,” as my family knows. I am very excited that my daughter recently started riding again. We used to do it together, so I’ve decided I will start riding again.”

Because of my love for animals, in the not-toodistant-future, I plan to volunteer at the SPCA, both here and in Florida, once a few other things are “off my plate,”; so, if they need more volunteers to come and just “love” on the dogs, specifically, I’m their girl. I love tennis. I used to play a lot and still love to watch all the national and international tournaments. Since the late 70s, I have been heavily involved year-round as a volunteer for the annual USTA Boys 18s and 16s National Championships held here locally. 2023 will be our 80th year hosting. I also love to travel nationally and internationally, but my travel was on hold until earlier this year. I finally got back into more regular trips within the US. Even though I have several international locations on my travel list, international travel will be off the table for me for a while.

6 November/December 2022

Rene Rodriguez, StudioOne Creative


The words “most important” are what trip me up. They’re all tied at #1! Of course, I could give you a list of a dozen or more because they are all important to me. Still, I think the most important causes are those which define, help, eliminate and prevent abuse of any kind, at any level, and implement stricter prosecution – significantly more than what currently exists - of those who were the perpetrators. Whether human or animal, I have no tolerance for any form or level of abuse, whether physical, emotional, mental, negligence, discrimination, or whatever. It upsets me just talking about it.


Well, that is the $64,000 question.

WLB is a vast and highly complex issue, but we must be open and realistic about our situation. Whether a woman works or not, achieving balance in life is quite challenging. It isn’t just limited to those who work outside the home. Thankfully, we are finally talking openly about it. Sadly, it has taken way too long for this to occur. This issue has existed for as long as I can remember and will continue to be an issue until several things and attitudes in our society change.

On the surface, almost every woman achieves a level of WLB in order to simply survive. But deep down inside, we “know” we don’t exactly have what we want/need. We just pretend we do. It is critical for our mental health that we recognize and accept that it will probably never be what we visualize as “perfect” WLB, and that’s okay; being realistic about it will, hopefully, eliminate some of the pressure we put on ourselves.

Please remember that I am not a licensed therapist. My opinions are based on what I’ve experienced personally and observed over nearly 50 years of being in the workplace, and I have learned by networking and masterminding with other working women. If anyone disagrees with any, or all, of my comments, I am perfectly fine with and respect that.

I don’t believe there is a “one size fits all” answer to WLB unless we accept a basic

definition of WLB as simply monitoring how much time we spend working, how much time we spend with our family, and how much time we spend on ourselves. And when it isn’t what we want, we magically “fix” it. That’s great in theory, but where we, as women, get tripped up is implementing and achieving it because, let’s be honest - there is always so much on our “plate.” And we keep adding more even when we already know our plate is full. Knowing the definition and executing it successfully are two very different things. WLB isn’t easy to accomplish because there are so many variables, many out of our direct control.

For those who work for someone else, it will depend on how our company and our boss value WLB and the organization’s overall culture as it relates to WLB. Some companies/organizations do a great job and have intentionally made improvements to help both men and women have better WLB, but most companies do not. Frankly, I find that inexcusable in the year 2022. Thankfully, the last 2+ years have helped bring about more positive change for both men and women. But we must be diligent in moving forward in this regard and not regress as has recently happened with some issues.

The ability to achieve WLB depends on different factors: where we are in our career, who we work for, who our boss is, and what is happening in our personal life, to name a few. A key component is also what kind of support system we have. Having support is so important. Unfortunately, some women have little to none.

Sometimes, an acceptable level of WLB just isn’t in the cards at certain times for some of us. But we can manage it, so we are more in balance than out of balance, and therein lies one of the keys: that we are managing it instead of it managing us so that we can at least achieve a tolerable level of WLB. But even that is difficult sometimes. So it’s essential to give ourselves a break and be more understanding with ourselves and others.

It’s also important that we recognize and accept that there will be times when we are out of balance and, due to the circumstances at the time, finding balance the way we prefer

may not be possible. For some, it may stay that way for a long time. The most important thing is that we do our best not to feel guilty about it. And not let others make us feel guilty about it, either. I am not sure which is worse – being out of balance or the guilt we pile on ourselves because we can’t “do it all.” That out-of-balance season in our life may last quite a while, no matter how hard we try or how much we want our WLB to be different. Sometimes things are just the way they are. If that is the case, it is imperative not to be upset at, or disappointed in, ourselves when that occursbecause it will probably occur.

To help us be more balanced, I highly recommend that we learn a short but essential, two-letter word to say to others whenever possible. Say “n-o” more often, even when we want to say “yes.” And say “yes” more often to ourselves. Whether the situation calls for a “yes” or a “no,” the key is learning when we can say whichever word is appropriate at the time and when we cannot. We are the ones who will need to put it in perspective. No one can do it for us, although a professional therapist, which I highly recommend, can help us put everything in perspective. Putting things in perspective is also where our “inner circle” can help. Talk with them. Just keep in mind that when we say “yes” to others – no matter how much we love them or the task/ project/cause - it often means we have to say “no” to ourselves on something else, and often it is our self-care that we postpone. If we can keep that thought in our mind, it can help us take more time to think about it when we become faced with that choice. It would be nice to be able to “do it all,” but none of us can – at least not regularly.

WLB also depends on many other things. Is the person single with no children? Is the person married without children and has a supportive and helpful spouse? Is the person married with several children whose spouse does not lend a hand or is not supportive? The list goes on and on. The more factors to consider, the more challenging it is to have the WLB we all desire.

If we can’t have as much balance for whatever reason, and that will probably occur many times for each of us, it is essential to include as much self-care as possible: a massage, a spa day, a long walk, lunch, or a phone call

7 November/December 2022
“Self-care is such an essential element of WLB”.

with a friend. And, if we need to do something like a massage but it isn’t in the budget – and it often isn’t for many - consider borrowing the money, if necessary. Ask for one as a gift or trade business services. Sell something. Do whatever is needed because we matter, and self-care is vital to our mental health! But if we are limited on time already, how do we fit in a massage, etc.? Again, limited time is a perfect reason to say “no” to something else and say “yes” to ourselves. Self-care is such an essential element of WLB. Those with a healthy level of WLB are very blessed, but it didn’t occur by accident. It was intentional, and it didn’t happen overnight. I recently read a great article from DailyOM ( entitled, “Making Choices from a Place of Balance.” One of the statements was, “It is important to make decisions from a place of balance, by taking a breath and checking in with the heart and mind.” If you want to read this article, please visit the website, or email me at Jacque@ with the subject, Moxie Article – DailyOM, and I will email it.

Realistic WLB is always the goal. As women, it’s a goal we’re always working toward. It’s important to recognize and accept that sometimes we’ll have it, and sometimes we won’t. When we don’t have it, we don’t need to be embarrassed or feel guilty – easier said than done. The most challenging part is what we all need to do at some point: Ask for help. Asking for and receiving help, even professional help, is not a sign of weakness, inadequacy, or failure on our part. Instead, it shows that we should strive to be our best selves and lift up those who need a little “boost” to get there. Simply put, we need help at that point, and there is no shame in asking for it.

Much of what I’ve said has been relative to being under someone else’s employ. If we are self-employed full-time, own a small business, or have a second job, that changes things quite a bit and adds another layer – and sometimes multiple layers - of additional challenges for achieving WLB. But what it doesn’t change is the need for, and the importance of, self-care.



Knowing what I know now, I would have pursued several health specialty certifications. The challenge is that even though that is what I would like to have done, there would have been two significant obstacles even if I could “turn back time.” First, I was a female, a roadblock to many careers back in the late ’60s and early 70’s when I started my career. Second, the acceptance of alternative/ holistic health practices was minimal; even massage and chiropractic care – which I highly recommend as part of an overall wellness plan – were not well accepted in the medical community. But those who know me know that I am quite a persistent person and would have figured out something. Thankfully, things have improved over the past 20 + years but fall short of where they should be. Those who remain uninformed about holistic and alternative health information/protocols/treatment once introduced to it do so by choice.

Same – Be intentional and determined in everything I do. Honor the advice/answer I referenced in your first and second questions.


The first thing I have to say is pretty simple, but given what I see happening in our society on virtually all levels, I think it is essential to say it, basic or not. I have always believed this, but the last 2+ years have made me even more conscious of how important it is: Communication is key to everything. And I mean everything. We humans don’t, won’t, and shouldn’t always agree. No species does. But when we disagree, even in the face of deep, polarized disagreement, we need to be kind, realistic, respectful, honest, understanding, forgiving, and try to see the other person’s point of view. It’s sometimes tricky, especially when we have an emotional attachment to our thoughts and opinions, which we all do, but we can be kind. So how can we have a meaningful impact on this issue? It starts by looking in the mirror, as painful as it might be.

Second, mental health is finally being talked about openly. I am so very thankful. The

levels of stress we all face, male and female, young and old, are at the highest levels it has ever been. I am not sure why we, as a society, always seem to wait until things are in a crisis state before we do something about it/take action/start talking openly about it. Still, sadly, that seems to be a repeated practice on many levels. Waiting until the last minute to act might work for infrastructure, repairs in our home or car, etc., but it doesn’t work with people.

That said, please check in with and reach out to family and friends, not just during difficult times. “Be there” as much as realistically possible when those you care about are in need, or facing some personal loss or family difficulty, even if they don’t ask. Some people aren’t good at asking even when they want to. They also may not want to ask because they think you are already “too busy”; or they “don’t want to bother you.” Do the best you can to anticipate what they might need. Mentally put yourself in their situation. What would you need/want if you were in their shoes? While it may not be the same, it will at least give you a starting point for talking with them. And that can lead to some constructive and very positive things.

You may think they are okay because, on the outside, they seem okay. But inside, they could be experiencing some very dark thoughts. If you are checking in on them occasionally, you may see the change and be able to tell if they are genuinely okay or need help. If you are “there” for them, even when they didn’t ask, you will eventually realize – perhaps after the fact - how important it was and how much you’re checking in on them mattered to them and was appreciated, as well as very much needed. It might have even saved their life in dire but not necessarily apparent situations.

Jessica Redmond

Meet Jessica Redmond, a wife, mom, gamer, and artist born and raised in the Mitten State. She enjoys Cyanide and Happiness, The Oatmeal, and sarcasm. Life is an adventure so Get Schwifty.

8 November/December 2022
Never compromise your core values. Be a person of your word, personally and professionally.


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Fantail Farms Llc 231.930.7216 What we do: Wagon Rides On our Farm or yours Sleigh Rides Our farm Parades | Country Weddings | Funerals Special Events | Scheduled Barn Visits 4700 Wallaker Road Benzonia, Michigan 49616 9 November/December 2022



I cannot stress enough how important it is to plan. Preparation is essential. Either cook or purchase everything ahead of time. Serving a simple chicken pot pie, green salad, and some fabulous wine and turning the lights down is incredible. I mean, just how bad can that be? Everybody’s going to love that! Ideally, you should cook everything up to three days in advance, so if anything goes wrong, you have three days to resolve it. You don’t have to freeze it if you do this; you can reheat it. It is always best to let the flavors get to know each other - to be a part of themselves - to become that wonderful Umami.

A spirit of generosity is the best place to start. Although you can’t learn to be generous, you can refine a generous spirit. Inherently, there will be some people who are good hosts and others who are not. There are plenty of good books, like mine, that can be helpful. I’m just going to say that no one has ever died from reading an etiquette book. They’ve died from other things but not from that. A successful evening is one where you do not have to ask for salt, more wine, or anything of the kind as a guest. You feel taken care of - like it’s luxury and glamour - and you don’t have to worry. Luxury and glamour are not about money but about feeling taken care of. It’s a luxurious feeling to be at a party where someone thinks about you as a guest.

Too many things are attempted without the necessary experience. Please keep it simple. To impress people, they spend too much money. Don’t do that. It is imperative never to stop smiling; I cannot stress this enough. Your guest doesn’t want to see you running around in a cold sweat, popping Xanax, or being a martyr. They don’t want to see that. They want to feel that it is effortless. But it’s not. Everything worth doing is worth doing well, and everything worth doing well is hard work and challenging. My big one is to put down the phones and get off Instagram.

Kim is an Author/Podcast/TV/ Internet personality. Watch and listen for her on WGVU TV’s Kalamazoo Lively Arts and J. Schwanke’s Life In Bloom.

Learn more at and

Life changes, but food remains the same. It’s always about your childhood, especially when it comes to food. Alex Hitz has been named “The Best Host in the World” by the Wall Street Journal. His third cookbook is Occasions to Celebrate: Cooking And Entertaining With Style. According to Hitz, special occasions are not necessarily special occasions; sometimes, they are everyday events made special.
3. What are the biggest hosting mistakes?
Kim Carson
1. What is the best thing a host can do to ensure more joy and less stress?
10 November/December 2022
2. Is there a way for someone to learn how to be a good host?
WORKSHOPS • DIY CRAFTS • ARTISTS VENDORS: Reserve your booth for the 2023 Women’s Lifestyle Expo (269) 870-7321 | | Explore the many businesses & organizations of the greater Kalamazoo area communities at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo presented by Moxie. Take a day away for some “me” time or make it a day with your friends! FASHION • PAMPER • BEAUTY • SHOP • PETS Kalamazoo County Expo Center • 2900 Lake Street | Kalamazoo, MI March 24 & March 25, 2023 Friday 12 PM – 6 PM | Saturday 9 AM – 4 PM 11 November/December 2022
THE RUSTY KOOP SCHULTZ’S TREAT STREET 3023 Oakland Drive | Kalamazoo, MI 49008 269.743.7137 NOTEWORTHY INVITATIONS BY DESIGN 8801 N 32nd Street | Richland, MI 49083 269.203.5853 SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES THIS HOLIDAY SEASON WITH THESE CREATIVE HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS! Great Gifts TEMPO VINO WINERY 260 E Michigan Avenue | Kalamazoo, MI 49007 269.342.9463 12 November/December 2022
LITTLE CHICK SHOE SHOP 1924 Whites Road | Kalamazoo, MI 49008
WEST MICHIGAN DANCE CENTER 678 Maple Hill Drive | Kalamazoo, MI 49009 BRICKS & MINIFIGS 1926 Whites Road | Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Perfect ideas for family & friends! 13 November/December 2022
COLORS & COCKTAILS 240 S Kalamazoo Mall Kalamazoo, MI 49007 269.443.7005 | CHOCOLATEA 7642 S Westnedge Avenue | Portage, MI 49002 269.903-2447 THE ZEN DENS 4242 Stadium Drive | Kalamazoo, MI 49008 269.365.0766 14 November/December 2022
THE PANTRY ON TAP 7634 S Westnedge Avenue | Portage, MI 49002 269.978.6641 | URBAN NEST MICHIGAN 9975 M-89 | Richland, MI 49083 269.629.6118 PINSPIRATION 5880 S Westnedge Avenue | Portage, MI 49002 269.216.3214 KALAMAZOO CANDLE COMPANY 166 S Kalamazoo Mall | Kalamazoo, MI 49007 269.532.9816 | 15 November/December 2022

Gifts, Office Parties, Thank-Yous


Returning to a “new normal” may bring you back to the fun of gathering in professional social settings for the holiday season. In these times of fun, food, and holiday festivities, enjoy our twelve etiquette tips of the season.

May your holidays be merry &bright!

KINDLY RESPOND Don’t miss responding to a requested RSVP. Your host is planning food, venue space, and seating.

RESPECT PERSONAL DECISIONS For in-person events, respect and honor the decision of those that may choose not to attend or wear a mask. Looking for other ways to share the joy of the season may be the right choice.

DRESS FOR SUCCESS Yes, dress for success — even at an office holiday party held outside the office and after hours. You can easily dress up the mood of your look with a change of accessories: earrings, necklace, dressy clutch bag, or glitzy shoes for women and a festive tie, shirt, or dinner jacket for men. Then, complete your look with well-groomed/styled hair and finished make-up.

DON’T FAIL Arrive on time and dress venue appropriate.

INTRODUCTIONS Limit awkward moments by remembering to introduce your significant other to the host and other guests when attending social events.

GIFTS Gift-giving is not outdated and is an easy way to say, “you/your business is important to me.” These gifts may run from traditional holiday gifts you’d send to customers to more individualized ones. Know your office policies and use them as a guideline.

BUSINESS IS BUSINESS The number one mistake is forgetting you’re there for business! While it’s okay to relax, have fun and let aspects of yourself show, it’s easy to get too relaxed. Knowing the company culture and your values, and your career goals will help you find the fine line between appropriate and inappropriate.

ABIDE BY HOUSE RULES Whether physically in a boss/co-worker’s home or at a place of business, follow and respect the ‘house rules.’ E.g., masks, handshakes, etc.

CORDIAL DINING The dining experience should allow you to connect and spend time with your colleagues and business associates. To do this, you need to be able to focus on the people seated with you.

TO DRINK OR NOT TO DRINK (alcohol, that is)

If you’ve been in the work world for any length, you’ve probably encountered the individual who chooses to drink and then drink some more—not recommended — even if your employer or boss is leading the way. Know your limits. No one is immune to the hazards of socializing while under the influence of too much alcohol.

NOTE OF THANKS Send a hand-written thank you note within the first 48 hours but know that a tardy thank you note is better than no thank you note.


Merry Christmas still dominates modern vernacular, despite a push over the past decade to move to a more universal “Happy Holidays.” Please do your homework, know your audience and let it guide you to a respectful conclusion.

Kelly Duggan

Kelly is an Image Consultant specializing in executive and personal image development, etiquette & communication skills. She is a certified member of the Association of Image Consultants International. Contact Kelly at:

16 November/December 2022
17 November/December 2022 INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATE 269.779.2900
pre register at: more than 80 vendors and $2,5500 in prizes! Wings Event Center Advance Tickets $6 $7 at the door Sunday, January 8th, 2023 • 11:30a m - 3:30 pm Wedding & Party PlanningEXPO Advance tickets can be purchased at Bert’s Bakery Westnedge location & Wings Event Center Box Office 18 November/December 2022
Village Kalamazoo North Woods Parkview Ave StadiumDr. 9th St. Harding’s Speedway Stadium Dr. 9th St. 131 94 131: Exit 36 I-94: Exit 72 Call today for more information and to schedule a tour. 269-397-2200 LICENSED MEMORY CARE ASSISTED LIVING 6203 Stadium Drive | Kalamazoo, MI 49009 Our Community Features: • Safe & Secure community, specifically designed for those with memory challenges • State-of-the-art motion sensing technology in all resident suites • Certified Dementia Practitioners on staff • Licensed Nurse on-site 24/7 • “New Directions”® tiered programming tailored to each resident • Virtual Communication Center for families to stay connected • Beautifully appointed & enclosed courtyard with walking paths • Delicious chef-prepared meals & snacks • Dedicated Non-Denominational chapel • Respite stays welcomed 260 E Michigan Ave Kalamazoo, MI 269.342.9463 TEMPOVINOMARKET.SQUARESPACE.COM Tempo Vino Winery is a unique experience for all wine lovers! Weddings & events, a new baby, purchasing a home, graduation, holidays and all that life brings in between. WE STRIVE TO BRING YOU UNIQUE – ITEMS FOR EVERY OCCASION –The Zen Dens is a mind and body wellness collective; and a place to let go and get zen. With a salt cave, 4 float tanks, and LED red light rejuvenation, we are confident that you will find the right experience to improve your wellness and find your zen. A place for you to relax the mind & body while reconnecting with yourself. 4242 Stadium Drive, Kalamazoo, MI | 269.365.0766 19 November/December 2022


Nothing excites me more than learning about new and different foods in the area. Jungle Bird’s addition to downtown Kalamazoo made me eager to visit.

Menu items promised flavors from the Caribbean, Florida, and Cuba. This variety isn’t something we have much of around here, so I was thrilled to try it.

As soon as I stepped into Jungle Bird, I was captivated by the eclectic and vibrant décor. Despite the cool Michigan weather we had just on the other side of the large windows that pointed out to the busy downtown, I was delighted that it wasn’t a cheesy theme restaurant. Instead, Jungle Bird is a fun spot that makes you feel like you are on vacation in a tropical climate.

Plants, super fun wallpapers, and art deco lighting reminded me of the 1920s.

In addition to classic cocktails, they serve tiki-themed cocktails (such as Mai Tai’s and Painkillers) and margaritas with different flavors.

I chose the La Baya Fresca for my drink, which had rum, strawberry, citrus, and soda. I found it to be just as tasty as it was beautiful! My dinner companion chose the Classic Margarita, which was also picture-perfect and delicious.

We began with their Salsa & Queso Flight to share. The dish arrived with Queso Rojo, Roasted Pepper Salsa, and Spicy Salsa Verde, all accompanied by blue corn chips. Despite all three dips being delicious, my favorite was the roasted pepper salsa, while my friend preferred the queso.

My entree was Birria Tacos, and my friend had Vegan Tofu Moqueca. She had a few other things in mind to order, but our friendly server informed us that some items were out that evening. She explained that they were still figuring out supplies, ordering, and which menu items went fast since they had only been open a few weeks. We appreciated her transparency, and I understood that these things take time to resolve.

The tacos I had were amazing! In addition to three tacos, I received a bowl of consommé for dipping and a side of beans and rice. I only have one complaint about these: they’re pretty spicy. Heat isn’t my thing, so I found it just a bit too spicy for me, but perhaps someone with a higher tolerance would enjoy it.

Tofu Moqueca was a hit with my friend. Even though it wasn’t her first choice, she was delighted with her meal. The stew consisted of large tofu pieces in a coconut curry and

tomato-based sauce with cilantro lime rice and chunks of crunchy bread. Delicious!

For dessert, we decided to share


It did take a while for the churros to appear. Despite this, I appreciated our server checking in on us several times during our wait and apologizing for the delay. It was personally brought to our table by the manager, who apologized and removed it from the bill. Although we were patient and willing to wait, we were impressed with how they communicated. Also, the churros (which came with a spiced chocolate dipping sauce) were so good that we didn’t mind the wait!

I look forward to returning to Jungle Bird soon. There was an exciting yet inviting atmosphere, and the food was delicious and out of the ordinary from what I usually do. I love the cocktails. The cocktail menu is impressive, and I would love to try them all (but not in one sitting.) They are also simply beautiful and Instagram-worthy! We appreciated the attentive service they provided. Jungle Bird is a fantastic addition to downtown.

If you want a fun place to have a great meal, check them out!

E.B. Precopio

Elizabeth is a hairstylist by day and 24/7 food enthusiast. She visits restaurants in the Kalamazoo area and blogs about her experience at

20 November/December 2022
The Park Club A Unique Christmas Gift | 269-381-0876 Excellence in Dining & Tradition Since 1904 9975 East M-89 Suite 8
MI 49083
We believe our lives should be filled with things we love, that gifts should be thoughtful & unique, clothing should beautiful & wearable & our homes should be comfortable & inviting. 21 November/December 2022
Richland, 269.629.6118


I think of a few things when I think of the SaugatuckDouglas area. There’s the sparkling lake, the marina filled with boats docked at slips (the term used to describe the parking spots), and the adorable storefronts nestled together, their entrances inviting and beckoning shoppers inside. On Michigan’s lakefront, this charming area is packed full of shops, restaurants, and everything in between – offering something for everyone to enjoy.

WHAT CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF? I was born and raised in Saugatuck, Michigan. My family has been in Saugatuck/Douglas for generations, and I am now raising my own family here. My husband is also from Saugatuck/Douglas (as are his parents!), so we have deep roots here. I graduated from Saugatuck High School 20 years ago. I have two high schoolers and have been married for 19 years.

CAN YOU TELL ME HOW YOU GOT STARTED IN YOUR CAREER? As a child, I worked at The Butler in Saugatuck. It was bought by my grandfather when my mom was a child. I always imagined being the third generation to operate it. Although I learned a lot about hard work and entrepreneurship, my heart was never in the restaurant industry. Writing soups and specials on the dry-erase board in fancy handwriting was my favorite part of the job. So I decided to find my career path when my parents decided to “retire” from the Butler in 2011.

On Blue Star Highway is a small retail shop known as Polka Dot Mitten. In addition to being appropriately named (this is Michigan, after all), Katie Doucette’s boutique is a true gem. With a variety of artfully handcrafted items available in her store, Katie has transformed her passion for art into a creative haven for shoppers. As this prolific artist explains how to bring her craft to life, grab your favorite spot and read on.

In Douglas, we started a small gift shop at 50 E Center St. We didn’t know what kind it was - handmade, upcycled, used, new - it was just what it was. Initially, our budget was limited, so I began making small art plaques and selling them. One of our wholesale reps noticed my little signs. She offered to sell them all over Michigan if I wanted to make more. With that little push, Polka Dot Mitten was born. Previously, we worked out of our kitchen and family room before moving into our present-day Saugatuck studio.

My art is designed and manufactured for gift shops using watercolor, handwriting, and a computer. My artwork is also marketed to art directors and product developers at major gift companies through an art licensing agent. A wide range of products have been licensed with my art, including fabric, garden flags, art poles, art pots, mailbox covers, journals, planters, zipper pouches, pens, koozies, badge reels, manicure sets, and storage boxes.

The Polka Dot Mitten will be ten years old in January, and it has grown to include coasters, mugs, magnets, tea towels, note cards, wine

tumblers, water bottles, keychains, trivets, ornaments, and more!


THIS CAREER PATH? As I purchased products for the Douglas store, the cute artwork on the products inspired me! I didn’t realize there were careers available in designing gift products - it was a field that had never crossed my mind. However, as soon as I realized it was, I knew it was my calling!

MODELS YOU ADMIRE? My mom. Despite our different personalities - she’s fun and outgoing, and I’m reticent - she has always been creative. I remember painting at the kitchen table with her as a child. Our Halloween costumes were always handmade. We painted shirts and shoes and made handmade cards. Our craft cupboard was filled with bingo markers, construction paper, sequins, glitter, and paint. She always encouraged us to be ourselves and to do things our way.

22 November/December 2022


AFTER A LONG DAY, THE BEST WAY TO UNWIND IS... A bubble bath, pajamas, a glass of wine, and whatever TV show I’m currently binging would make me happy.

CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT ANY CAUSES THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU? The idea of bringing attention to heart-related issues is essential for me. My youngest brother has had multiple surgeries to fix his hole in the heart. My cousin has a heart defect as well. My first sales rep, Sue Ross, who sparked the idea for Polka Dot Mitten, passed away from a heart attack in 2014 while my brother was undergoing emergency open heart surgery.

ON YOUR PERFECT DAY OFF, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? I would wake up at 8:00 a.m., eat breakfast and a few cups of coffee, scroll social media, and doodle on my iPad. Next, I would go shopping in a cute downtown area with many boutiques, have lunch and afternoon coffee, watercolor, go out for dinner, then wind down with a bath, wine, and TV.

WHICH ASPECT OF YOUR JOB DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST? Whenever people inform me that my art touched them in some way, whether it was a memory or something special, I love listening to their stories.

HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR FREE TIME? I play the piano, watch my kids play sports, and rearrange the house in my free time.

WHAT IS SOMETHING FEW PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOU? It is common for me to worry excessively.

IS THERE A HOLIDAY TRADITION YOU LOOK FORWARD TO THE MOST? In recent years, traditions are changing, but I still enjoy Christmas Eve. First, my husband makes cinnamon rolls for breakfast; then, we go to his parents’ house with his family; then, my family joins us at night.

ARE THERE ANY HOLIDAY MOVIES THAT YOU PARTICULARLY ENJOY WATCHING? The movie ‘Home Alone’ and the classic ‘ It’s a Wonderful Life’ are excellent.

ANY MESSAGE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH MOXIE’S READERS? Thank you for supporting small businesses like mine!

Meet Jessica Redmond, a wife, mom, gamer, and artist born and raised in the Mitten State. She enjoys Cyanide and Happiness, The Oatmeal, and sarcasm. Life is an adventure so Get Schwifty.

3383 Blue Star Hwy, Saugatuck, MI 269.455.5090 Wholesale Gift Studio Art, inspiration & little gifts lovingly handmade in West Michigan.
Jessica Redmond
“... people inform me that my art touched them in some way, whether it was a memory or something special, I love listening to their stories.” 23 November/December 2022
24 November/December 2022
We are a Home Décor & Garden Accent store with some fun twists or is it some twisted fun, we want you to decide? Home Décor & Garden Accent Store ― Est. 2012 ― 133 Mason St Saugatuck 49453 269.857.7465 Open daily through the end of December & through the winter, generally Thursday through Sunday. Follow us on Facebook to see the latest arrivals 303 Butler St Saugatuck, MI 616.566.2492 the OWL HOUSE Affordable hand-crafted items from artists in Saugatuck, the U.S. & Canada 25 November/December 2022


a Wish for Winter




“I love this book—funny, perfect, and wonderfully good. A not-to-be-missed delight.”

—New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery

Despite losing her parents in a tragic accident just before her fourteenth Christmas, Susan Norcross has had it better than most, with loving grandparents to raise her and a gang of quirky, devoted friends to support her. Now a successful bookstore owner in a tight-knit Michigan lakeside community, Susan is facing down forty—the same age as her mother when she died—and she can’t help but see everything she hasn’t achieved, including finding a love match of her own. To add to the pressure, everyone in her small town believes it’s Susan’s destiny to meet and marry a man dressed as Santa, just like her mother and grandmother before her. So, it seems cosmically unfair that the man she makes an instant connection with at an annual Santa Run is lost in the crowd before she can get his name.

What follows is Susan and her friends’ hilarious and heartwarming search for the mystery Santa—covering twelve months of social media snafus, authors behaving badly, and dating fails—as well as a poignant look at family, friendship and what defines a well-lived and well-loved life.

“Viola Shipman has written a captivating story for anyone whose memories run deep… This book keeps faith and hope alive!” —New York Times best-selling author Sherryl Woods

26 November/December 2022
The Rose S hop 269.637.3252 | 764 LaGrange Street, South Haven, MI @southhavenroseshop We Carry a Unique Selection of Dog & Cat Toys, Collars, Leashes & Apparel. Our mission is to make it easy for pet parents to spoil their fur babies. 10 W. Center Street Douglas, MI 269.455.5873 The stockings are hung from the chimney with care, knowing you’ll want 42N to be in there! Balms • Body Butters • Soaps • Scrub • Skincare • Gift sets MICHIGAN INSPIRED Locally Sourced Ingredients HANDMADE LOCAL Lake shore inspired. Sustainable packaging. MI42N.COM 109 Butler Street Saugatuck, MI 49453 27 November/December 2022

Christmas Morning Casserole

I don’t remember the exact year, but I will never forget the first time my Mimi (grandma) made this casserole for Christmas breakfast. She found the recipe in a Southern Living magazine and it has been a Christmas morning tradition ever since (probably close to 35 years.) I hope you family enjoys this recipe as much as mine does!

1 (16 ounce) package Regular Flavor

Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage

10 large eggs, lightly beaten

3 cups milk

2 teaspoons dry mustard

1 teaspoon salt

6 cups cubed bread

2 cups shredded sharp Cheddar cheese

½ teaspoon black pepper

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).

Grease a 9x13-inch baking dish with cooking spray.

Cook sausage in a large skillet over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until thoroughly cooked and no longer pink, 8 to 10 minutes.

Remove from heat.

Combine eggs, milk, dry mustard, and salt in a large bowl; stir well.

Distribute 1/2 of the bread evenly into the prepared dish.

Sprinkle with 1/2 of the sausage, 1/2 of the cheese, and 1/2 of the black pepper.

Repeat layers one more time.

Pour egg mixture evenly over casserole.

Bake uncovered until eggs are set, 55 to 60 minutes.

Tent with foil if the top begins to brown too quickly.

28 November/December 2022
Give the gift of time this holiday season. A clean space is a happy place. Serving Greater Kalamazoo area. 269.366.5994 29 November/December 2022


with No Doors:

The Truth About Homelessness & How You Can Make a Difference

“Up until my mid-twenties, I judged people living on the streets. I had the typical stereotypes, thinking that people were lazy or that they wanted to be homeless. Josiah Haken’s book is something I wish I’d read back then. It would have been an eye-opener for me.”

As my kids and I drove away from the old house we had called home for eight years, I faced very stark facts: We have no home and no foreseeable income. My husband had left for Michigan the week before to search for a job. It was 1997, and the word “homeless” was not commonly used, but that’s how I felt... we were headed back home to stay with my gracious parents until we could figure out what the future held. An acute sense of failure, despair, and fear overshadowed my mental checklist of positive outlooks: We are capable, we will get jobs, we will find housing, and we will survive. In our case, those things did happen, but with over half a million homeless people currently living in the U.S., it’s clear that not everyone gets a happy ending.

Josiah Haken is the CEO of City Relief, a not-for-profit organization in New York City that aims to transform the lives of the unhoused. In this 150-page book, several myths surrounding this group of people are debunked: They are lazy and dangerous. They are mentally ill. They are drug addicts. As a person with many years of street experience and wisdom, Josiah has a compassionate approach for those of us who feel helpless in the face of this seemingly hopeless situation. He advocates that we treat them with respect and dignity, even if there is nothing of monetary value we can offer, by looking each one in the eye and greeting them. He elaborates on this in his second section, “Becoming a Good Neighbor”: “Over the past ten years, I have worked with homeless people, and I have learned that asking for names is important, even if you don’t get an answer. It is always a good feeling to show interest in someone’s identity as a person. But I have also learned that assuming someone’s name before offering mine is presumptuous.”

In addition to his beneficial and insightful narrative, he provides engaging anecdotes about the people he helps, such as how they have been assisted in getting jobs, finding housing, and finding social service organizations that are tailor-made to their needs. I enjoyed the closing section, “My Neighbors,” which featured full-page photographs and stories of ten of Josiah’s friends.

Having been challenged by Neighbors with No Doors, my holiday plan begins at Thanksgiving. In addition to a conversation around the year’s ups and downs with our guests, I am committed to a discussion on “Who can we bless?” To help them better understand the myriad of feelings our homeless neighbors go through daily, I would like to describe my emotional journey as someone who has been briefly “unhoused.” Will you join me in this singular endeavor? Read this book! It’s time to show the Kalamazoo Homeless Community we care - with our gifts and service - by bringing our MOXIE.

Marlita Walker

Marlita is a native Michigander, who returned back to the area after 18 years spent in IL and PA. When she is not on cruising adventures with her hubby in their vintage Roadtrek camper van; she relaxes by re-arranging her home decor, walking with friends, and connecting with her 10 grands who live in TN and CA. Read more book reviews at

30 November/December 2022

Holiday Jewelry Gifting Guide


Jewelry for Her:


Mexican Fire Opal Diamond Doug Original Ring >

This one is almost too easy. If the recipient seems to be wowed by different gemstones and colors, maybe even has one of everything, pick them out something less ordinary or extraordinary. Those who adore Opals will surely be blown away by Mexican Fire Opals. Are you shopping for an Amethyst lover? An Amethyst fantasy cut will melt their hearts! For those who prefer blush tones with everything they wear, Morganite is a beau tiful choice.

Can’t find that perfect gift you know they’ll love? Let them create something unique by gifting some one-of-a-kind loose gemstones! We are experts in that area at UniQ Jewelry Gallery, after all! Your loved ones won’t forget this experience and will have something they won’t find anywhere else.

Fantasy Cut Amethyst > Diamond Doug Original Ring

Stackable 0.30 Oval Morganite> & 0.12 Diamond Ring Set in 14 Karat Rose Gold

SIMPLISTIC Is her style more casual than flashy? Get her something she can wear every day, regardless of the occasion. Stackable bracelets or bar necklaces are great ideas; they can be worn alone or with other jewelry.

Jewelry for Him

A guy has to look good, right? Men’s accessories can sometimes be over looked. Have no fear! We have quite a selection. Here are some ideas for your guy that he won’t forget, whether he wants an out-of-this-world gem or something more relaxed!

Freeform Ros& White Gold Diamond Doug Pendant Marquise Two-Tone Drop Earrings Adjustable 14K Yellow Gold Bracelet
32 November/December 2022


The perfect sentimental gift is birthstone jewelry. Enjoy watching your loved ones unwrap something that commemorates one of life’s most meaningful events: their birth. Monogram jewelry can also be a good choice for someone who’s not too flashy. This piece can be custom-made in that special someone’s favorite metal so that it becomes their new staple piece! Family birthstone jewelry always means so much to those we hold dear. You can show them how much you care with a custom ring, bracelet, or necklace that showcases every person’s birthstone. Even names can be engraved!


Carat Weight Round > Garnet with Diamond Accents Ring Set in 14 Karat White Gold.


Designer Oval & Heart Diamond Ring Set in Platinum


< Fantasy Cut Amethyst in Rose Gold Necklace Diamond Doug Original


< Diamond DougOriginal Pear Cut Aquamarine & Diamonds Ring

MAY: EMERALD Round > Emerald Birthstone Ring Set in Sterling Silver & 18 Karat Yellow Gold.


1.15 Carat Weight Blue Sapphires & .49 Carat Weight Diamond Ring Set in 14 Karat White Gold


Watermelon Tourmaline

Bypass Ring Diamond Doug Original


Citrine & Diamond Ring Set in 14 Karat Yellow Gold.

LEATHER A leather bracelet can add texture and definition to his outfit. One would be a great addition to new jeans, for instance!


<Colored 10 Millimeter Pearl Rings Set in Sterling Silver


< Ruby Trillion Shape Necklace with Dot & “X” Design Set in Sterling Silver AUGUST: PERIDOT < 1.39 Total Carat Weight Round Peridot & Diamond Pendant Set in 14 Karat White Gold


1) Radiant Cut Blue Topaz Two-Tone Gold Ring Diamond

2)1.15 Total Carat Weight Trillion Cut Tanzanite and Round Diamond Ring Set in 14 Karat Yellow and White Gold

METALS There is more to men’s jewelry than simple chains. Get him something that sets him apart from the rest. Taking metal jewelry to new heights is Damascus steel!

GEMSTONES Let him show off his style! There’s no better place to buy men’s jewelry than UniQ. Diamond Doug provides absolute master pieces, especially if he’s into gems and baubles.

33 November/December 2022

Christmas Cocktails

Here at Moxie, we love a good Holiday cocktail! Here are our picks to savor the season. Please remember to enjoy responsibly.

Cranberry Gin Rickey

2 ounces Gin

1 ½ ounces cranberry juice

1 ½ ounce ginger beer


Add a handful of ice to a large cocktail shaker.

Add ice to two high-ball glasses.

Add the gin and cranberry juice to the ice-filled shaker.

Place the cap on the shaker and mix vigorously until the outside of the shaker frosts over.

Pour the mixture into the glasses and float ginger beer over the mixture.

White Russian Eggnog

3 ounces Eggnog

1 ounce Kahlua Liquor

1 ounce Peppermint Vodka

Fill an old-fashioned glass halfway with ice cubes.

Pour all ingredients in a large cocktail shaker. Shake vigorously to combine.

Pour mixture over ice cubes and stir to mix

Enjoy! 34 November/December 2022
1926 Whites Road Kalamazoo MI 49008 269.350.5690 Bricks & Minifigs® is your one-stop aftermarket LEGO® toy shop! We are the largest toy store of our kind, specializing in only new & used LEGO® items. We buy and trade all LEGO® products, from bulk tubs to storage unit-sized collections. If it’s the LEGO® brand, we’ll take it! Enjoy our selection of individual minifigs, bulk bricks, components & accessories. With the largest assortment of new, used & retired LEGO® sets, we keep your collection growing! COME PLAY WITH US! Flavor inspiration for the gourmet in all of us! 7634 S. Westnedge Ave. Portage, MI (Portage Plaza – ½ mile North of Centre) 269.978.6641 | The Pantry On Tap is a specialty food store. Locally owned (sister-store to ChocolaTea) we specialize in gourmet Olive Oils, Balsamic Vinegars, Spices, Blends, Condiments & more to “bring out your inner chef!” If you are looking for that unique gift this year The Pantry On Tap will help you find something special. We can do custom gift baskets with advance notice. The Best in WMU Apparel Clip and return this coupon for 10% OFF WMU PURCHASES Use our coupon code MOXIE22 OR Coupon valid for one use only, not valid with other offers, physical and digital coupons expire 12/31/2022 Come shop our inventory in-store or from home at our online webstore So Many Pins, So Little Time 5880 S Westnedge Ave, Portage, MI 269.216.3214 Pinspiration is a DIY Craft Studio where people of all ages can come try their hand at making a project together! Looking for EXPERIENCE GIFTS this holiday season? 35 November/December 2022

The Ultimate Red Velvet Cake

If you are looking for a visually stunning Christmas dessert, look no further than this red velvet cake. Layers of decadent cream cheese frosting envelop this beautiful crimson cake. Your guests will be raving about this dessert.

1 cup butter, softened

2 1/2 cups sugar

6 large eggs

3 cups all-purpose flour

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1 (8-oz.) container sour cream

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 (1-oz.) bottles red food coloring

Preheat oven to 350°.

Beat butter at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy.

Gradually add sugar, beating until light and fluffy.

Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating just until blended after each addition.

Combine flour, cocoa, and baking soda.

Add to butter mixture alternately with sour cream, beginning and ending with flour mixture.

Beat at low speed just until blended after each addition.

Stir in vanilla; stir in red food coloring.

Spoon cake batter into 3 greased and floured 8-inch round cake pans.

Bake at 350°for 18 to 20 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.

Cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes.

Remove from pans to wire racks and let cool 1 hour or until completely cool.

Spread Cream Cheese Frosting between layers and on top and sides of cake.

Cream Cheese Frosting

8 ounces cream cheese softened

½ cup salted butter softened

4 cups powdered sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Beat the cream cheese and butter together until smooth using a hand mixer or a stand mixer.

Add the powdered sugar and vanilla extract and beat again until creamy and smooth.

36 November/December 2022
3023 Oakland Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 269.743.7137 & others this Holiday Season! Get your Winter Fun Pass for Skiing & Tubing! Skiing, Snowboarding, Tubing Gobles, MI 269. 694.9449 37 November/December 2022

THINKING ABOUT BOTOX? Here Are Four Key Benefits

Botox is a popular cosmetic treatment that can help people look and feel younger. In fact, Botox is one of the most favored non-surgical cosmetic procedures for adults under 40. It has become a go-to procedure for those looking to reduce signs of aging because it only requires a quick injection to temporarily remove wrinkles. Many people want to know more about what Botox can do for their appearance and what the procedure involves.


Botox is a purified protein solution that temporarily paralyzes the muscles it is injected into. It is mostly used by plastic surgeons to reduce fine lines and wrinkles on the face. The procedure is quick and painless with results lasting from three to six months.

Botox is effective in reducing:

> Crow’s feet

> Frown lines

> Furrows

> Forehead lines


Since Botox effects are temporary, treatment will need to be repeated periodically. Your plastic surgeon will work with you to create a plan that fits your individualized needs.

1. QUICK AND NON-INVASIVE PROCEDURE: After an initial consultation with a plastic surgeon, you will be set up with a care plan and will be equipped with the information necessary to receive treatment. The procedure can last anywhere from 1545 minutes, depending on how much Botox is being injected.

2. ENHANCES CONFIDENCE AND NATURAL BEAUTY: Botox injections will enhance natural beauty. Softening hard lines and creases will make an individual’s face look more youthful without removing expression from the face. Many people report feeling an increase in confidence because of the results.

3. AFFORDABLE: Botox is not just for movie stars anymore! The cost of treatment has become significantly more affordable in the last 15 years. The price is determined by how much Botox is needed to achieve the desired results. Botox injections are measured in units, which allows you to decide on a treatment plan that works within your budget.

4. QUICK RESULTS: Results can be seen within three to seven days after the procedure. Some patients experience minor discomfort such as bruising and swelling around the injection sites. These side effects typically go away within a week. If symptoms

Schedule a Consultation Today! If you or a loved one is considering Botox treatment, schedule a consultation with the cosmetic experts at Bronson Plastic Surgery Specialists by calling 269.372.3000, or by visiting
38 November/December 2022
Provided by Bronson Plastic Surgery Specialists
39 November/December 2022

Holiday Joy Holiday Joy


Women seem to be conditioned from a young age to believe that everyone else’s joy and happiness are their responsibility. Unfortunately, this misconception is something I am guilty of believing. In many ways, we make decisions based on what we think other people want and need and what we believe will bring them joy and happiness. Everything from, “What’s for dinner?” to “What do you want to watch on TV?” As we approach the holiday season, we feel the need to make things perfect for everyone, and this continuous striving for perfection, joy, and happiness is amplified. This notion took me many years to realize, but I can now assure you

that it is untrue. It’s time we stopped putting so much pressure on ourselves to make everything perfect. What does it matter if all the bulbs on your tree are at your child’s eye level? Does it matter if you serve Prego over noodles? Is it really a big deal to stay in your pajamas all day? The answer is NOPE, NOPE, and NOPE.

Spending time with family brings me joy, especially during this season. It’s turning off the TV and playing Scrabble with my children. It’s doing a puzzle in the evening as Christmas music plays in the background. It’s everyone making breakfast in the kitchen together. It’s

choosing a new place to hike and explore. It’s the quiet little things that count. It’s not about the perfectly wrapped gifts, elaborate meals, or perfectly decorated house. Of that, I am sure.

So, what brings you joy? Take the time to figure that out, and then do it. Trust me. It will bring your family closer together and bring everyone so much joy.

40 November/December 2022

Chocolatea is the one-stop shop for all of your holiday gifting needs. We are passionate about creating a wonderful experience for our customers & our friendly team is happy to help you select the perfect gift.

6136 S Westnedge Ave, Portage, MI 269.459.6727
1924 Whites Road | Kalamazoo, MI 49008 269.342.2024
Whether you are looking for a unique gift, a fun stocking stuffer, or a little treat for yourself, ChocolaTea has something perfect for you. We feature over 200 varieties of loose-leaf tea, unique candy, fine chocolates, as well as a beautiful selection of teapots, mugs & accessories. Visit us this holiday season and see our huge selection of holiday gifts for the coffeetea-chocolate lover in your life! 7642 S Westnedge Ave Portage, MI 269.903.2447 41 November/December 2022

Nanny’s Famous Fruitcake

Love it or hate it, fruitcake is the quintessential Christmas classic. I asked my Nanny to crack open her recipe box and share this gem. Given the number of requests she gets for these cakes, I think you will be delighted with the results.

1 pound pecans, chopped ½ pound red candied cherries, halved ½ pound green candied cherries, halved ½ pound candied mixed fruit ½ pound chopped dates

½ pound raisins

2 cups all-purpose flour, divided ½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground cloves ½ teaspoon ground allspice

5 eggs

1 cup sugar

1 cup butter, melted ½ cup light corn syrup ½ teaspoon vanilla extract ½ cup brandy (optional)

Combine first 6 ingredients and dredge in 1 cup of flour, stirring to coat evenly.

Set aside.

Combine remaining 1 cup flour with baking powder, baking soda, salt, and spices.

Mix well and set aside.

Beat eggs in a large mixing bowl.

Gradually add sugar, mixing well.

Add butter, corn syrup, vanilla, and flour mixture, mixing well.

Stir in fruit mixture, and blend well.

Spoon batter into a greased, floured and waxed paper-lined 10-inch tube pan.

Bake at 250 degrees for 2 ½ to 3 hours or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool cake completely in the pan.

Remove from pan and remove waxed paper.

Moisten several layers of cheesecloth with ½ cup brandy, if desired.

Cover cake completely with cheesecloth.

Wrap with foil and store in a cool place at least one week, remoistening cheesecloth as needed.

42 November/December 2022
43 November/December 2022

5 Tips to Help Families Manage Holiday Stress



MAINTAIN YOUR SCHEDULE. Children thrive on consistency, and during the holidays it’s important to at least try maintaining as much of what they’re used to as possible, such as naps, meals and playtime. Changes in schedule can result in more tantrums, so be sure to allow space for them to safely work through their emotions.

It’s also important to note that children feed off their parents’ energy, so make sure you’re in tune with your own emotions. When overwhelmed, openly discuss how you’re feeling and involve your children when taking breaks. For example, “It’s loud in here, would you like to go sit outside with me?”


. The commotion that often comes with the holiday season can be stressful for young children, but you can help alleviate worries by familiarizing them with what’s to come. Talk to them about upcoming travel arrangements, who they’ll see at events and what to expect through out the season. If they are cautious in their current developmental stage, let loved ones know beforehand to give them a little extra space at festivities. Parents can also begin familiarizing little ones with relatives through photos and phone calls.

EMPOWER CHILDREN. It’s important for children to understand they have a choice – and family members are willing to respect that choice. Parents should acknowledge their children’s body language and empower them to say “no” in uncomfortable situations. Parents can help by proactively asking questions such as, “Do you want a hug?” and if they say “no,” support them in their decision. This also helps establish healthy long-term social skills.

HAVE FUN. Make time to spread joy and integrate activities to bond as a family, such as reading holiday-themed books, crafting, playing games, singing or baking. Whether old traditions or new, these are moments your child can cherish for years to come.

KEEP OTHERS IN MIND. While it’s important to set children up for success ahead of the holidays, parents should also teach children the holiday season can look different for others. Putting a focus on experiences rather than the gifts can help them have more to discuss with their peers when returning to school. It’s also a good time to consider donating toys to make room for new ones or volunteering at a local charity to show children joy can be experi enced through more than just gifts.

To find more tips to help manage holiday stress, or to access additional resources around social development, setting boundaries and routines, visit

44 November/December 2022
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
269.267.0515 IN TODAY'S HIGHLY COMPETITIVE MARKET, YOU’LL NEED STRONG, PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE TO LEAD THE WAY. From coaching you through my Home Readiness Program to ensure the highest market returns, to being diligent in my every move to get your offer accepted, no one works harder to help you achieve all your real estate goals. I LOOK FORWARD TO GUIDING YOU HOME . IT’S A SELLER’S WORLD. THINKING ABOUT SELLING? NOW MAY BE THE PERFECT TIME. Ethel Wilkey-Downs, REALTOR®  Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices - Michigan Real Estate 45 November/December 2022

Out & About

It might have been my Hallmark movie-loving subconscious paying homage to those Northern Michigan snow belt roots or the lyrics of Jingle Bells telling us, “What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh”; that inspired our Jeep Grand Cherokee to be named Blitzie. The feminine version of one of Santa’s most trusted reindeer, she has us dashing through the snow easily! Even though it’s the season for remote starts, heated seats, and heated steering wheels, I underesti mated how much we would use that back plug to make Keurig fresh cups of hot cocoa and have a mobile holiday tailgate while #OutandAboutwithOnda.

Let me tell you about some hot cocoa-worthy adventures - I sincerely hope you will share yours by tagging #moxiemediagroup and #OutandaboutwithOnda so we can enjoy the fun you wonderful readers are having this holiday season!

1 Take a trip to the Reindeer Ranch Make it a memorable holiday season by visiting this family-owned reindeer farm in Kalamazoo. Book your tour and enhance the holiday spirit!

2 Visit the Gilmore Car Museum with your loved ones Enjoy the Winter Wonderland light displays and Festival of Trees at the Gilmore Car Museum. There’s also Christmas Card Lane at W. Main and Lauderdale Dr., a 43-house street in the Westwood neighborhood that makes large Christmas cards out of plywood for all to enjoy.

3 Enjoy at least one, if not several, tree lighting ceremonies. This year, we’ll attend as many as possible, including Saugatuck. You can’t help but feel as though you’re living in your own Hallmark movie as a community counts down together with such anticipation!

4 Schultz Sweets & Pinspiration has your gingerbread fix. There will be two gingerbread house workshops held during December. The holidays are a great time to create your delicious-looking holiday village!

5 Are you eager to hear those sleigh bells ring? Let Fantail Farms take you on a sleigh ride! While you can snuggle under wool and warm blankets and enjoy the serenity of Northern Michigan, their beautiful draft horses will carry the sleigh through the woods and white snow.


46 November/December 2022
WORKSHOPS • DIY CRAFTS • ARTISTS VENDORS: Reserve your booth for the 2023 Women’s Lifestyle Expo (269) 870-7321 | | Explore the many businesses & organizations of the greater Kalamazoo area communities at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo presented by Moxie. Take a day away for some “me” time or make it a day with your friends! FASHION • PAMPER • BEAUTY • SHOP • PETS Kalamazoo County Expo Center • 2900 Lake Street | Kalamazoo, MI March 24 & March 25, 2023 Friday 12 PM – 6 PM | Saturday 9 AM – 4 PM 47 November/December 2022

Partner with a Plastic Surgeon.

Every person is unique and the care that we offer is, too. We’re all about solutions. The solutions you’re looking for. Our plastic surgeons are committed to working together with you to provide healthy, aesthetically pleasing solutions that are driven by your individual needs and wishes.

Our surgeons bring a wealth of experience that goes beyond what you might normally find. They have full spectrum plastic surgery training that includes not only cosmetic procedures, but also surgical training in medical trauma and reconstruction surgeries due to accidents, illness or genetics.

The team offers an array of cosmetic procedures and treatments:

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• Body Treatments – both surgical and non-surgical o Tummy Tucks o Liposuction o Collagen and Fat Injections 7901 S. 12th St., Kalamazoo (269) 372-3000 surgery

“ What I find most satisfying is helping my patients find the course of treatment that works best for them. Every patient has a unique set of problems, needs and priorities. It is vitally important to take all of these into consideration when working with the patient to create a treatment plan.”

“ I consider it a real privilege to work with my patients, helping them to achieve their personal health and wellness goals. The plastic surgery field has allowed me so many opportunities for personal growth due to the variety and problemsolving characteristics involved.”

“ I enjoy working with a wide variety of patients. It allows me to draw from my strong foundation in general plastic and reconstructive surgery, breast surgery and reconstruction, body contouring, skin cancer and cosmetic surgery. I believe that really understanding my patients is the most important way for me to bring improvement to their lives.”

“ I always do my best for every patient, treating them as if they were a family member. Together, we choose the course of care that will provide the best outcome possible.”

Karen Buckley, MD Kimberly Clawson, MD Alan Stephens, MD Kyle Ver Steeg II, MD, FACS Plastic Surgery Specialists

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