2 minute read
ealing Your Life Ha Personal Journey
Respond to the callings arising from within, whatever they may be. Whether that is to go read a book, take pictures, help someone out, anything. Honor it. What is your spirit asking of you? If money were no object what would you be doing? Our souls want to lovingly serve humanity. What brings you Joy? Do more of that. For me it was Kindness and in 2015 I created a charity - KindnessCrewCalgary Society Ltd. and we are committed to helping the homeless.
Spend your energy on, or surround yourself with those who uplift and inspire you. It is said we become most like the 5 people we hang out with. Who are your 5? IF they are not being a positive part of your life, you may have to release them with love and attract 5 different people.
Switch up your routine. Rather than living such a structured existence, return to your natural way of living spontaneously. Try a new way to drive to work. Park somewhere different. Do something to change up the normal routine.
Go within. Close your eyes and meditate; Be the Breath. Through dedicated practice, the chatter of the mind naturally subsides. Use meditation music or even binaural beats on YouTube to assist.
Forgive yourself. Let the past go. We forgive because we deserve peace.
Read books Following the feelings of excitement that you get; they are guidance from your higher Self. Explore the teachings from teachers whose offerings deeply resonate with you. Follow the guidance of synchronicities.
Notice the signs the Universe is sending you.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day, perhaps more than you may already. Give up eating processed foods, and even meat if you haven't already.
Compliment yourself daily. Look at all the things you have done and are doing right. Embrace the totality of who you are. see all as equal expressions of the whole, even the negative parts that you may not like, or wish weren't so. Honor them; perhaps they persist because they've been rejected rather than accepted. Compliment others as well and see that each Soul is playing a unique role just as important as that of any other Soul. You carry so much love in your heart, give some to yourself.
Love yourself. Do it now. Truly loving yourself is the root of all healing. Healing is a journey and it is never too late. I wish you an amazing journey to love yourself to health.
by Giuliana Melo
Healing doesn’t have a time limit. Allow yourself time. Create time in your day to yourself- love practice. Make a promise to yourself. And if you are serious and want to begin today –then write it down and follow through.
Healing is possible. Transformation is possible. It is setting the intention just for YOU. You are worth it.
Thank you.
Giuliana Melo