6 minute read
Candice has a beautiful 2-year-old boy, Blake, who is the driving force in her life and the reason she is so passionate and dedicated to her clients on finding them the perfect home She's also so thankful to her supportive friends & family (especially her Mom, Phyllis a k a Gramma) who have always been her biggest cheerleaders.
Real estate has been something she has wanted to pursue for a long time and looking back at her first year, it was definitely the right move.

s a realtor I focus on having the best professional photos to showcase my properties. I have extensive experience and I'm well versed and exceptional with social media, ensuring you're marketed best on all of our platforms (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok for example). I believe you should be able to ask what the marketing plan is for your home before you list - how it's going to bemarketed is an extremely vital aspect of selling.
I believe in strong communication and being timely in that, providing as much information as I can and of course as much education as possible throughout the process. For first-time home buyers for example, that part is extremely important. I go into every meeting with a client, 100% myself. I don't try to put on a front or be anyone else to try and get business. I take what I do very seriously and I treat everyone with the utmost respect and as a friend. While there are sales tactics and there is an aspect of understanding personalities and being able to be a chameleon in some sense - I never want anyone to feel that I'm feeding them what they want to hear just to get their business. I will probably talk more buyers out of more homes that into them, I will probably tell my sellers things that they don't want to hear because I believe in being honest and transparent. Because again, if I'm telling you what you want to hear to get your business, I'm not doing them the service I want to and I'm also not being who I am, authentically as a business woman. If that loses business for me then I'm ok with that. I won't compromise on who I am and the values that I have. If I'm not the agent for you, that is completely fine. If I am, you have one firecracker on your side. This business is mainly about relationship building and maintenance, you have to be a great people person and able to manage those relationships through what can sometimes be difficult situations. Buying or selling a home is the largest transaction you will make, it's something I take serious pride in when people trust me with that.

Why are you so passionate about your job and people?
Buying a home is so exciting, whether it's your first, your next, your dream or an investment property - you're building a real estate portfolio and it is such a privilege to be a part of that. When it comes time to sell your home or property, for whatever reason, I take that task very seriously. There are numerous reasons why clients sell and I've been a part of so many stories - some I've laughed and some I've cried. Some may call that unprofessional, but I feel it sets me apart, there is not one person who will ever be "just a client" to me. How many cups of Tetley tea I've had and homemade muffins, teary eyed chats, hanging out with so many wonderful kids and grandkids, and hearing everyone's stories and being thankful every single time that I'm a part of that. Not to mention the 3% Realty East Coast family and my own team of course within that company, The ATeam. The environment and culture they have created, the continuous training and always being available at any time for support and the community involvement - it is just the most amazing place that I've found to be a part of and I'm thriving there. I'm so grateful for Ashley and Andrew Fleming who brought me into 3% 1 year ago - this is exactly where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing.
My favorite quote: "Be yourself - everyone else is taken" - Oscar Wilde
How does this job make you feel?
This job makes me feel like I'm making an impact on the lives of people that trust me with their homes I've been through a lot of situations in my life similar to that of some of my clients and what they have been through or are going through during their sale or purchase with me. So when I empathize with someone it just lights an even bigger fire under me to do the absolute best job I can for them I love being a part of my community, I love that this job gives me the opportunity to give back and be a part of so many wonderful things to do just that I can't say it's not stressful, I would be lying if I did, but it is worth every second of it when a client gives you a beautifully written thank-you card, a rave review or a batch of muffins and a warm hug. My goal is always to take the stress off my clients and make the buying and/or selling process much more enjoyable for them. If I'm successful in doing thatthere's no better feeling
What inspires you to get up every morning and do what you do? I started my real estate career after I had my Son, Blake - so it's easy to say that he is the reason I wake up every morning and have nothing but hustle in my mind He is the absolute greatest joy in my life and being able to provide a great life for him is always at the top of my list and is what drives me every day. I have so many personal goals and this career is allowing me to accomplish those in strides, I couldn't do any of it without my clients or the 3% family who are an unbelievable support system and cheering section for each other Three fantastic and remarkable women own this company and I've spent my entire career in sales & marketing trying to prove myself and exceed any expectations and grow in any role that I was in and it feels exceptional to be a part of what they've grown here in Newfoundland with 3%. I get to provide top tier service to my clients, for 3% commission - keeping more of their investment in their pockets. What better feeling is that?

Ashley has been a successful, award winning Realtor for o 11 years and a Co-owner of 3% Realty East Coast for 9 ye along with her two sisters Brittany Penney and Genna Hic They have grown it into a successful business employing o 35 Realtors and Staff Ashley also has a successful Real Es Team with her husband, Andrew Fleming known as The Team, 3% Realty East Coast.

Ashley is no stranger to hard work. Prior to obtaining her R Estate licence, Ashley left Newfoundland and moved to McMurray, AB for the summer to work, planning to save tuition. Starting in a tool crib on one of Fort McMurr largest mines, Ashley was introduced to a career in the Trades, where she became a Journeyman Welder and later foreman at SMS Equipment. During those 8 years, Ashley learned the true definition of hard work. Being the first woman the company had as a tradesperson, she worked hard to show that she was not only capable but later proved to be one of their hardest and most skilled welders, something she is always proud to share There were challenges along the way but this gave her more determination and made her excel even more
During her time as a Welder, Ashley’s interest in Real Estate was ignited while she was in the process of selling her own home. She purchased the course, studying during her breaks and time off and eventually obtained her licence. In the beginning, Ashley decided to do both welding and Real Estate, sometimes working a nightshift in the mine, and waking at noon to do Real Estate until her shift again that night. She used her earnings from Real Estate to fund her advertising to grow her business, and it paid off. Ashley quickly became one of the Top Producing Realtors in Fort McMurray. Quitting welding wasn’t easy, but Ashley knew her passion and success in Real Estate was worth it.
Ashley attributes a lot of her success to her Broker, Kathy Bowers at 3% Realty Fort McMurray, who gave her the tools, mentorship and skills to be a Top Producing Agent within her first year in the business With her heart always wanting to be back home, Ashley approached her sisters and with the help of her Broker, Kathy, they brought 3% Realty to Newfoundland Her dream had become a reality They knew their company would have a competitive advantage in the marketplace, offering to sell homes for 3% Commission, allowing their clients to keep more of their investment, while still offering full service, extensive marketing, professional photos, and MLS exposure.