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Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women

Karen Strang Allen

As a young girl, I was taught to believe in the Cinderella story marry your prince and your life would turn out magically ok And I was blessed to meet my prince when I was only 19 We spent two glorious years together as soulmates, in between working and university After being bullied during my childhood, finding someone who loved me unconditionally felt like a dream come true
Just as I began my master’s degree, he proposed. The very same month, we found out he was dying. “Liver cancer,” the doctor said, “stage 4.” My fiancé was given 3 months to live…and I watched my dream for love disappear. We got married to honour our love for each other, and 6 weeks after our wedding, he died I struggled to recover from the grief and sadness I was a 22 year-old widow This was not how my story was supposed to end
It took me several years to recover from that unexpected plot twist Eventually I graduated, got a job, remarried and had two kids From the outside, I “had it all ” time alone allowed me to rediscover who I was outside of a relationship, and that love exists in many forms. It prompted me to build a solid network of friends, as well as a better relationship with myself. It empowered me to be financially independent and successful on my own. It taught me that being alone didn’t have to feel lonely…it could feel joyful and free. Too often, people stay in unhappy and even toxic relationships because they think there is no other option They fear being alone and going from one bad relationship to another They don’t see that the partners they choose are not random, they reflect their unhealed pain and inability to love themselves
But I felt unhappy in both my marriage and government job, I was trying to fit in somewhere I didn’t belong So I left the stability of both to start a new business and a new home, with a 2- and 4-year-old depending on me It was very scary…I had no idea if I could make it on my own as a single mom and entrepreneur, but I was determined to try. Looking back, I am so glad I followed my heart! Being single again was not what I had planned, but it was the best thing that could have happened.
That’s why I am so passionate about helping women rebuild their life and confidence after a break-up or divorce so that they raise their standards for love and choose their next partner from a place of strength and happiness, not loneliness

As a Love and Empowerment Coach, my mission is to help women fall back in love with themselves, create joy-filled lives, and build healthy, happy relationships. I am the creator of the Transform Your Life, Single 2 Soulmates and Lasting Love programs. I am also the author of “Free to be me: Create a life you love from the inside out!” and the founder of the "Empowered Single Women" Facebook group.
Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women Empowering Single Women
My life has changed in such wonderful ways. I have learned to love myself, have confidence, and know I can achieve anything that I really want "I am the driver of my destiny!” – Kathy, Ottawa, ON To learn more, I invite you to register for my free online masterclass called Loving without Losing
May you be blessed with love…in all its forms!
Karen Strang Allen, MJ Love and Empowerment Coach for Women Founder, EmpowHer Academy

https://www.karenstrangallen.com/ https://www facebook com/karenstrangallencoaching/EmpoweredSingleWomen/ https://www facebook com/groups/EmpoweredSingleWomenSisterhood/ https://silverliningsblog wordpress com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJBQYOrfSB8

My life changed the day our 21year-old son died in a sudden car accident.

Hewasonhiswaytostartanewjob that morning and was killed when hehadahead-oncollision.Iwasin denial, when the OPP showed up at our house to inform us of his fatality...Thatcouldn’tbeourson.
Ihadsaidgoodbyeandwishedhimwelljustafew hours earlier. When the police gave us evidence that it was him, my husband of 27 years, Darren andIembracedeachotherandbrokedown.This wouldbethestartofanewlife.
Learninghowtocopeoverthelast16monthswith the loss of our son has been a challenging, but spiritualandemotionalawakening.Whatgaveus thestructureandstabilitytogoon?Howdoesany parent go on with strength, courage and determination? I thought that my life leading up to this point prepared me for anything, but nothingpreparesaparentforthis.Asaneffortto helpothersgoingthroughwhatwedid,Irecorded “How To Go On After Somebody Dies” on my healthpodcast“AHealthierYou-LittlebyLittle. ”
InSanskrit,theycallaparentwholosesa childa“Vilomah”“Vilomah,”means“against thenaturalorder.”IcertainlyneverthoughtI wouldaddthattomytitleorcredentials.

WhenItalkaboutstructureandstability,my lifefromaprofessionalstandpointandmy dailyhabitspreparedmetomanagethis tragedyasbestasIcould.Asaretiredgym owner,successfulnetworkmarketerinahealth company,retiredYogaPractitionerandretired KettlebellInstructor/CertifiedFitness Consultant,Ihadmylifesquaredaway Inmy youth,Ihadlivedoutmyaspirationofbeinga militarymedicwhojumpedoutofplanesand servedonaUNtourinawar-torncountry WhenIretiredfromthemilitaryearlytomarry themanofmydreams,Ipivotedtobecomea full-timetrainerwithadesiretoopenmy home-basedgym.Ididthiswhileraising Dylan,ourson,andourdaughter,Amy.Since thattime,Ibecameatopachieverina prominenthealthsolutionscompanyI partneredwithandwasrecognizedasa cumulativemillionaire.
Mydailyfitnesshabits,nutrition,written affirmations,gratitudejournaling,scheduling mydays,takingnapswhenneeded,and naturewalksallcontributedtothehealthiest versionandmindsetIcouldhavetocope.In thehealingprocess,Iwroteabooktohonour ourson,whichhelpedme.Ialsojoineda mastermindgroupforaccountabilityandto continuallyimprovemybusinessmindset andskills.Myambitionforbusinessandmost thingshaltedwhenwelostourson.Linking armswithcaringpeoplewhowantedthebest formemadeadifferenceinmovingforward again.

Oursonwouldhavewantedustopay attentiontothesignsinnature,takemore timeforreflection,andseethebiggerpicture. Ichoosetopersevere,mastermyselfand honourlife.

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