Women With Vision! ™ - Spring, 2013

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Women with



Showcasing Business & Lifestyle in South Georgian Bay

A Winning



Rose Pellar Pattern Broken

Spring Issue 2013

Dressing Well IS AN ART

Hire a


Making a

Difference Common Organizing Complaints

Business • Health • Gourmet • Fashion • Entertainment • Art • Design • Motivation • Destinations

Celebrating 14 Years in Business

What’s Your


If your goal is to build a rewarding and exciting career in publishing, then look no further than the best woman-owned company & professional networking team ~ Women with Vision! Inc.We can provide you with the opportunity to create a great career.

Women with Vision! Inc. is an award-winning publishing company that educates, promotes, inspires and motivates its readership, locally, provincially and across Canada. If you’re a positive outgoing person who likes to:

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Meet new people daily Showcase your community Educate, motivate and inspire others Work with a dedicated team of professionals Make a great income while having fun… ...then Women with Vision! Magazine is for you! Women with...







Women with...







13th Anniversary Issue

Women with...



Spring 2011

A Love Affair

Open All Your Senses

with Plants

to Spring


The Menopause




Meredith Deasley The Resourceful Mother

Summer 2011


Oh Baby

in your landscape

It’s Hot Outside


Showcasing Business & Lifestyle in Collingwood, Meaford, Thornbury, Wasaga Beach & Owen Sound

Select the Right


Shawne Duperon My ‘Aha’ Moment!

Create a Positive Personal Statement




Back to School







FALL Gardening GUIDE

Tracy Moore

Lynda Pogue

Local Artists:

Life is a Marathon


Dances with Colours

Fall 2011 B

We provide training, additional income streams, a vested interest in building the company, retirement security for you and your family while owning your own business within a business. Now that’s a VISION!™ Women with Vision! Inc. offers the opportunity of a lifetime for women looking to own their own business in publishing. Women with



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Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n ! ™ m a g a z i n e i s p u b l i s h e d b y Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n I n c .


Founder/Publisher, C.E.O. Lorraine Leslie Feature Editor: Lynda Pogue, Melanie Vollick Sales/Marketing: Lorraine Leslie Feature Writers: Susan Baka, Janette Burke, Monika Gibson, Paola Gucciardi, Dean Hollin, Deborah Johnson, Annette Lavigne, Janet Kurasz, Lorraine Leslie, Mary Ann Matthews, Donna Messer, Beth Nigh, Angie Vancise Robinson, Marj Sawers, Karen Sencich, Karen Sweet, Marilyn Wetston, Rick Ziemski Design/Layout: Candice Lewis~Vivid Designs Special Feature Design: Lorraine Leslie Photography: Dreamstime.com

❏ YES send me 5 issues of


Lorraine Leslie/L’original Productions/Women with Vision Inc. Fashion Feature & Home Garden Design Features: Lorraine Leslie

for $16.00+ 13% HST

Proof Reader: Wendy Senten


On the Cover

Regular Features 8 75 78

Rose Pellar


Editor’s Desk ~ Symphony Of Life By Lorraine Leslie

15 16

As The Mountain Turns Last Word By Lorraine Leslie


Life Numbers By Paola Gucciardi

Business, Finance & Communication 10 11 12 13 14 4 www.womenwithvision.ca

Giving Your Child A Head Start In Life By Angie Vancise Robinson Be Aware What’s Said About You Online By Janette Burke Women With Vision Making A Difference: Barriers Unlimited House Vs. Home Sweet Home Victim No More Pink Ribbon, Explore To Give By Lorraine Leslie

How To Keep Your BLOG A Winning Marketing Tool By Susan Baka

Health & Wellness

The Cash Cow Misconception By Rick Ziemski


Networking & Awareness By Donna Messer


I Know What’s Going On By Mary Ann Matthews


Cervical Cancer and HPV By Lesley Paul

Women with Vision!™ magazine aims to provide editorials that educate, motivate and inspire people of all ages and from all walks of life, and to promote success in business and daily living.

Mailing Address: 156 Brophy’s Lane Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 Bus: 1-86 6-30 6-6 021 Fax : ( 70 5) 4 45 -7 1 53 Email: womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. Copyright 2013 Women with Vision! Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher. The views, opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of this publication and/or publisher who hereby disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from the advice, information or offers presented in articles or advertisements herein. Women with Vision! welcomes submissions, but accepts no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, illustrations and photographs submitted must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope if they are to be returned or acknowledged. Readers who require legal, accounting or other expert advice should obtain the services of a qualified professional.Women with Vision! is a Member of the Canadian Copyright Association.

Created in Canada




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Cancer - Are You At Risk? By Beth Nigh Hair Removal By Betty Donaher

Agreement number: 41557518 Customer number: 9067964

Awareness vs. Listening By Annette Lavigne

RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN TO 156 Brophy's Lane, Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3

continued on pg.6

clip and mail this order form to: 156 Brophy's Lane, Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 along with a cheque or money order made payable to Women with Vision Inc. www.womenwithvision.ca 5



Fashion & Beauty

Home Garden & Design

Arts & Entertainment

34 38



Spring Fashion Dressing Well is An Art By Marilyn Wetston

Georgian Gourmet 46

High On Protein By Lorraine Leslie

51 52 54 58

Open Concept Living By Lorraine Leslie A House Or A Home By Monika Gibson Benefits of Hiring A Professional By Janet Kurasz Reno Awareness By Karen Sweet Common Organizing Complaints By Karen Sencich

Down Home Musical Magic By Dean Hollin

Motivational & Inspirational 64 69 70

Rose Pellar... Pattern Broken By Lorraine Leslie Personal Life Paintings By Marj Sawers Aware + Allow = Adventure By Deborah Johnson

Destinations 72 75 78 79

Collingwood’s Cultural District By Lorraine Leslie As The Mountain Turns Last Word By Lorraine Leslie Life Numbers By Paola Gucciardi

Women with




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…connecting through educational & networking updates

Symphony of Life

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see ~ Mark Twain

In this issue of Women with Vision, I’ve chosen the theme of awareness and in doing so I wanted to either introduce or update you on some very important organizations that are in need of community support. So what does this have to do with the ‘Symphony of Life’ you may ask? It wasn’t until I learned more about these five not-for-profit organizations and their urgent need for funding that I decided to share more about them with you. Each one has its own symphony of compassion, dignity and active volunteerism. One has a legislated law that isn’t yet being observed throughout the entire community. Another is making a difference in the well-being of mothers and children alike. With me, please applaud the Women with Vision Making a Difference who champion for those in need of assistance; be it physical, emotional, spiritual and or visual - learn what these unique charities are doing for people living in your community.

Our feature cover story is about a woman who shares her amazing story of inner strength to break a pattern unknowingly handed down to her from her mother. Visualize the journey both have taken and maybe you too can break a negative life pattern of your own. And let’s remember that spring is a time of growth. It’s a time to rejuvenate and build on our life journey by improving our surroundings. Embrace each day and live your life for your own happiness. The importance of the ever-changing symphony of life is yours for the asking. Giving back will ignite a deep inner sense of gratitude. Become an active member of your own community’s symphony by getting involved in a small or large way… it doesn’t matter which you choose… either way you will be tinkling the keys of the piano and magically playing a tune which will come together as a masterpiece. Gather with all the other volunteers and make a difference. You never know, someday you may also need help.

Lorraine Leslie Founder/Publisher

Nominated for

2005, 2006, 2009 & 2010

The feature people about whom I write, have traveled a long, winding road to success – each one on their own journey; a journey that sometimes hasn't been smooth. These people open their hearts to inspire and motivate others, of all ages, to follow their dreams and passions, creating their ultimate VISION!™ 8 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime.com

Piano keys can play a significant role in creating a musical composition. The vibrating strings on a twelve-string guitar bring an acoustic sound to one’s ear. A trumpet’s spine-tingling wail can rally all who hear it. Musical instruments are orchestrated to produce magnificent harmonies and can put those listening into a place of tranquility, or into a groove, or bopping to the beat. All these sounds are very instrumental in our everyday lives… if you stop and listen and become aware of Mother Nature’s symphony all around, you will be inspired throughout each day. Symphonies surround us.







The “Cash Cow”


a winning marketing tool Consistent, valuable content is what makes a successful blog tick. How do good bloggers do it post after post?

• Commit to it. It’s more than just having expertise in your field. Before you even undertake the task, remember that creating a successful blog requires patience, focus, responsiveness and a time commitment. That includes letting your readers know that you care about what they have to say by responding to their posts in a timely fashion. Ask yourself in advance if you truly have the passion, time and resources needed to keep it going over the long haul.

• Develop a content plan and schedule. Begin by choosing an overall topic/focus for your blogs, and then create an editorial calendar that lists specific topics you would like to cover. Tip: on one hand, don’t make your focus so specific that it will be too challenging to come up with content, while on the other hand, don’t be too wide ranging or readers will have no idea how they relate to your business.

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By Rick Ziemski

It is true that franchised business activity in Canadian retail sales is significant and does afford some good opportunities for a franchise investor. To those with money that they can afford to lose, boundless energy and some business acumen, I would say “go for it”. But for those who are under-invested for retirement, tired of being an employee, without business acumen but still dreaming of that “ka-ching” of cash at a Timmies drive-thru, it would be time to give your head a shake.

• Keep your expertise honed. It can feel alarming if your editorial calendar has a few blank spots. But, if you keep on top of industry issues and trends, topics will emerge.

• Encourage employee contributions. This can be a win for everyone. For staff, it provides an opportunity to impress the boss with their knowledge; for you, it’s a great way to divvy up the responsibility and workload; for readers, it can supply new and varying perspectives and insight, which can add depth to your blog. To boost staff morale and make a small company seem larger, consider crediting contributors as guest bloggers. An added bonus: you might discover a shining star among your employees or a better way of doing things that you may have overlooked.

The arguments for buying a franchise versus starting a business from scratch are numerous, and for those choosing the franchise route there are some basic but extremely important considerations: • In a franchise you enter into a relationship with a “boss” (the franchisor) under an agreement that spells out various controls by this “boss” over the profitability of the business that you buy. It is therefore extremely important to know and trust the people, culture and ethics of the franchisor that sells you the franchise.The number of active Canadian class action law suits by disgruntled franchisees has increased, so this due diligence is an absolute must. The Canadian Franchise Association is a good starting point for this effort.

If you don’t have time to create a blog that truly draws potential customers, or writing is not your forte, consider hiring a ghost writer. With some guidance from you, a good writer can not only showcase your expertise but deliver it in a style that speaks as you would speak…a voice that resonates with your customers. With the potential marketing impact a good blog can make, it’s well worth the investment.

■ Susan Baka, President Bay Communications & Marketing Inc. sbaka@baycomm.ca www.baycomm.ca

Misconception Most people are keenly aware that money does not grow on trees, but amazingly many of these same folks might tell you that owning a franchise is like owning a “cash cow”. Combine this with recent press about retiring boomers planning to supplement retirement income by adding a franchise to their retirement portfolio and you might agree that a bit more awareness on the subject couldn’t hurt.

Photo: Yanka Van der Kolk

Keeping your blog at the top of its game is easier said than done and many people struggle with what to say, especially after they have written a few. But you don’t have to write everything you know about a topic each and every time you post. The trick is to plan ahead and chunk it out. Here are a few more suggestions to help stay on track:


“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary” ~ Vidal Sassoon

By Susan Baka

Studies show that the more often a company blogs, the more likely that it will acquire new customers from its blog. But if a blog is not published consistently – ideally once a week – or focuses too much on you and your products, hard-earned readers will fall by the wayside, leaving you at square one. A well-written, informative blog that provides thoughtprovoking content that educates, shares industry research, reports, and best practices will be followed by readers and shared with potential clients, creating and sustaining awareness of your company.


• The explosion of franchising in North America in the 60’s had a seedy beginning and until recently laws to protect the interests of the franchisee were in catch-up mode. It was only in 2000 that Ontario’s franchise legislation, the Arthur Wishart Act, was passed. Consequently, before buying a franchise especially an international entrant, you should consult a lawyer, preferably a “franchise law” specialist..

• Mature and successful franchises are harder to buy because of limited availability and higher prices. For most buyers they are out of reach. New unproven franchises which are more readily available cost less but are a higher risk and require more due diligence. This should be done with the help of a business professional to assess markets, competition and the business and financial models proposed by the franchisor in the disclosure documents. • Remember that in addition to paying the cost of the investment for the franchise fee, required equipment and working capital you also take on the entire business risk for the franchise. If things go badly and there is no source of bail out money you could lose your entire investment. Consequently a lower cost investment like a service franchise where there is no equipment reduces the exposure and may be preferable. With these considerations in mind and as long as you are not “just buying a job” or retiring and recklessly unbalancing the diversification of your retirement portfolio, a franchise may be a good answer to get you into business ownership. ■ Richard Ziemski C.A. Management Consultant rickziemski@cogeco.ca

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Life Line Transformational Coaching is your professional link to building awareness and taking your business and personal life to the next level. Improve your marketing and communications skills while achieving your life goals.

Lorraine Leslie 1-866-306-6021 womenwithvision@rogers.com

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&Awareness By Donna Messer

The Dictionary Definition of Aware -To be perceptive; to be intuitive Be aware - perception is not necessarily reality

Past experiences can influence our decisions. Often it’s our perception that is based on something we have experienced in our past. It pays to take the time to really look at what is being presented, to be aware of all the circumstances before making that final decision to connect. When it comes to networking, awareness is critical to success. Recognize that there is more than one right way to network. We need to learn to think outside the box, our way is only one of the options to be explored. Open your mind and your eyes to new and innovative ways to network, to get work and move comfortably through the networking process.



I KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON …eyes in the back of my head By Mary Ann Matthews No question about it. Some people have a greater degree of awareness than others. This degree of awareness is so easy to spot in anyone’s handwriting or printing. It is measured by the size of the writing. Surprisingly, this can also be the source of a compatibility issue. Some people have a high degree of awareness. Others do not. Those that do not are often told that they ‘can’t see the forest for the trees’. Those that do are often told that they ‘have eyes in the back of their head’. These are two different worlds. Awareness is easy to identify in children’s actions, NOT in their writing or printing! Children when they are first learning this motor skill have a tendency to write/print in very large letters. As their motor skills improve, their writing/printing will assume the size that will accurately reflect their degree of awareness. If you are an adult with a high degree of awareness, it is quite likely that as a child you were constantly told to pay attention. This would be hard for you to do, as you likely were distracted very easily by things going on around you.

I often work with people from a variety of cultures. Sometimes I need to explain where I am coming from; often others see things differently than I do. It’s important that I be aware that they may not necessarily see what I do. I need to be cognizant of cultural diversity and respect those differences – it can make a huge impact on my results.

If your eyes are constantly flitting back and forth, other people think you are showing them a lack of respect by not paying attention to them or listening to what they have to say. The truth is that you ARE paying attention to them...and to everything else around you!

My network is made up of so many different cultures that it has become one of the most significant issues in my business development and growth.

So what do you do? You practice what I call ‘laser-like eye contact’, focusing your eyes on your speaker. By doing so, you are letting them know that you are respecting what they have to say.

Statistics show that 248,660 immigrants came to Canada in 2011. They came for a better quality of life, education and job opportunities. I meet many of these people while speaking at government funded initiatives. My role is often to help them culturally adapt to the Canadian way of life.

Having a high degree of awareness is a very useful trait to have. As an example, a parent might say, “Okay, I know what you kids are doing in the back room over there!” And the kids often think to themselves, “Rats! We can’t get away with a thing!” Awareness is identified by the height of the middle area of the writing/printing.

My networking is often international. I’ve helped set up joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions. Often I need to blend both my personal and professional life to succeed. I know that “people like people who are like themselves” and my research has found that common ground is often on a personal level. A good example would be that I’m a Rotarian, and there are more than 1.2 million members in more than 34,000 clubs around the world. Perception is an important part of my international business strategy; there is no one right way to build the network I need to succeed. I have learned to see what others see, to hear what others hear, and feel what others feel when it comes to building an effective and profitable international relationship.

■ Donna Messer Networking Expert, International Speaker www.connectuscanada.com

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Large writing is defined as measuring 4.5 cm or 3/16” in height or greater. If your handwriting or printing is this size or larger, you definitely know what’s going on around you. And you likely prefer to do several things at once. Yes, you are the kind of person who likes to juggle several balls in the air at the same time. This is a great trait to have at parties and social gatherings. You are able to have a conversation with one person AND listen in to other conversations going on around you at the same time! It’s not that you are being nosy. It’s just that your degree of awareness is so high that you can absorb more than one conversation at a time.

■ Mary Ann Matthews CGA - Certified Graphoanalyst maryann@handwriting.ca www.handwriting.ca www.womenwithvision.ca 13





Awareness vs. Listening By Annette Lavigne “Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent." ~Dalai Lama Being more aware of how I listen has topped my TO DO LIST this spring.

Once the chatter has started it can be difficult to turn it off.

Have you ever considered how being an active listener could have a more positive effect on your relationships; be it with your husband, children or even a best friend?

You know what I mean right? You’re biting your tongue and gasping for air and looking for a slight pause so you can jump in and say your piece. The moment the mind starts chattering is the very moment our listening skills have temporarily shut down.

What makes a good listener? Listening is a skill, listening with both ears is an art.

How do we stop this from happening? How do we assure ourselves the thought will be there when it’s our turn to share?

You might be asking yourself: How do we know when we are an active and effective listener?

You simply have to make the conscious decision to stop the chatter. Trust that if the story or thought is meant to be shared then it will come back to you.

Here are a few ways to recognize the answer to this question. If your mind is preparing a comeback; a response or a story that will top the one you’re listening to, then you’re not really listening.

It’s not easy to stop the chatter, trust me I know! Having been a person who loves to share (share means talk a lot!) I have had to learn to stop, listen and trust. An effective communicator doesn’t worry, if the story or comment is lost then, so be it, it wasn’t meant to be said. That’s trust! Being an effective communicator is often associated with the way we speak to others, but listening is the true gauge on whether we are doing well at this art. If you’re unsure, a good gage is the 80/20 rule. A highly effective listener, listens 80% of the time, speaks 20% of the time and stays in the moment by making eye contact, nodding and asking questions.Take note the next time you’re at an event, look around the room and see who has the biggest circle of influence. It’s more likely the highly effective listener.

W.D. Redick & Associates 47 Saint Marie St., Collingwood, ON L9Y 3J9 705 445 0301 587 River Rd W. Suite 5 Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 2P2 705 429 7600 wd_redick_assoc_collwd@cooperators.com

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Sometimes the best words said are the ones that never came out of your mouth. The Dalai Lama said it best.

■ Annette M. Lavigne The "Shy Buster!" www.speakwitheasenow.com



Giving your child a head start in life By Angie Vancise Robinson There’s never a dull moment when you have children in your life. From their first cry to their graduation day, there are so many milestones, activities, celebrations and accomplishments to share. As a parent myself , I want to do everything I can to give my daughter the best in life, so it’s hard to think about the possibility of her becoming seriously ill. Critical illness coverage goes a long way towards giving my family peace of mind, but it’s something I hope I’ll never have to think about using. There is a far greater chance of my daughter becoming seriously ill and recovering then her dying. Unfortunately a great deal of the expenses that go along with a critical illness are not covered by OHIP; such as gas to and from hospitals, some medications, food and lodging to mention just a few and they can add up quickly. These expenses plus not being able to work in order to be with my daughter would financially ruin me as well as most of the public. I don’t know about you but if anything happened to my daughter there is no way I could work. Knowing that my daughter is covered for things such as meningitis, blindness, cancer (life threatening), heart and kidney failure, loss of speech or limbs, severe burns, brain tumours, or coma, to name a few of the potential 29 critical illnesses covered, gives me peace of mind. Should any of these tragedies occur, I know my family will not have to worry about finances leaving us to focus more on recovery.

Pellar Family Law

The lump sum payment or an early assistance partial payment, if diagnosed, with and survive the waiting period, is a tax free benefit which means that I know I will receive the full amount to use for whatever my family needs. I can use the funds to hire a caregiver or take a leave of absence to be with my daughter, cover my day-to-day expenses, complete illness-related home renovations or buy medical assistance devices if they should be needed. I also have peace of mind knowing that if my daughter does not become seriously ill by the time she reaches age 75 or if she chooses to surrender her policy after the 15th year she will be able to take back all of the premiums paid and have the savings to use for whatever she chooses. I truly feel that I have set my daughter up for a huge head start and that is the most peace of mind of all.

■ Angie Vancise Robinson Associate Financial Advisor Collingwood

Professional Corporation

Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B.

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705-429-1153 Fax 705-429-2780 998 Mosley St. Unit 2 Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 2G7 rosepellar@pellarfamilylaw.com www.pellarfamilylaw.com www.womenwithvision.ca 15





Be Aware



Women with



What's Said About You Online?


Visit us at

By Janette Burke


As you build your online presence, along with clients, customers, followers, and fans who support your success and sing your praises…there will also be a few who want to complain or say something mean or weird about you in an online post. If you're one of those people who; “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” mentality, you may be shocked, hurt and saddened when you first discover them. After being on line for the past seven years nothing surprises me anymore. On average, for every 100 people who rave about what you might stand for, there’s always one who might not agree with them. Your fans will tell you everything.Your best clients, customers, and friends will too! Take a few simple steps to be aware of what’s out there. It’s your reputation we’re talking about here. I'm not just referring to critiques; one should always be open to improvement! I'm talking about unflattering comments. The Internet has made people funny…things they'd never say to you in person, they somehow feel privileged to put online. Be prepared! Being online means more people are aware of you and will ask to connect to you. . While we can’t control some who try to connect with us; the weird, nasty and creepy, we can reap the GOOD and confidently manage our online reputation. To control your online presence consider following these simple tips. Set Up FREE Google Alerts Anytime and anywhere your name or your business’s name is 16 www.womenwithvision.ca

mentioned on the Web, you will get an email alerting you. Visit www.google.com/alerts Track Your Social Media Mentions to see how often your business is mentioned via Tweets, Facebook shares, blog posts, comments on blog posts, etc. with www.SocialMention.com and www.SamePoint.com — these search engines let you scour a wide range of social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook—even bookmarks, audios, and videos—to find out where and how you are mentioned.You can also do a filtered search for negative comments. Google Yourself Search for your name, your company name, and your products and programs at least once a week. See where your own site is at, and where you’re being mentioned elsewhere. Be sure to check all categories: web, news, images, videos, blogs, etc. at www.google.com If You’re Super Sensitive, Delegate and Delete! If there is something inappropriate about you online consider you could take legal action; remove it right away or notify the search engine to remove it…leaving you more time and energy to be your best and help those who need you.

■ Janette Burke Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant and Columnist janette@yourmarketingmagnet.com www.yourmarketingmagnet.com


experience Commitment Compassion Results Collingwood 143 Pine Street • 705.606.7223 owen Sound 250 10th Street west • 519.376.1212



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Barriers Unlimited By Lorraine Leslie Since 1994, Andrea Abbott Kokosin’s passion has been advocating for people with special needs, be it visual and or physical. She has dedicated her career to creative and new ways for such people with disability, sensory, intellectual, emotional or mental challenges.

“My first job working in not for profit was at the West Toronto Support Services, where I did my job placement, which didn’t last long due to funding cuts. Securing a job at the Mid Toronto Community Services for twelve years, I provided Meals on Wheels, was Volunteer Coordinator, Team Leader for community based programs, Fundraising, and then became Manager of community based programs. Commuting to Toronto from Wasaga Beach daily was overwhelming, so I applied for a job at Breaking Down Barriers in Collingwood where I’ve been the Executive Director since 2008.” shares Andrea

Executive Director of Breaking Down Barriers, Andrea Abbott Kokosin

In speaking with Andrea I learned: the general public is unaware that the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, under the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act), became law in January 2008 which requires the public sector to comply with this law by January 2012. In Ontario, most workers will have received and or are in the process of being trained in the Customer Service Standards for dealing with customers who may have various types of disabilities – both obvious and invisible. “Currently, BDB is receiving our Strategic Plan because it is time to refresh our objectives. A lot of things stay the same and some don’t. At Breaking Down Barriers, we are seeing more consumers with mental health challenges than physical,” said Andrea.

18 www.womenwithvision.ca

“I’m optimistic and think people with only physical disabilities are able to access mainstream shops and recreation facilities etc. within the community as buildings become more physically accessible. People with other disabilities and challenges still need our help because they don’t have anywhere else to turn; that’s my impression, right or wrong. Federal funding has changed so much. The economy also impacts our fundraising.” Andrea goes on to say, “Demand for service has increased and funders are requiring more accountability, which is a good thing, gradually the community is starting to understand our initiatives annually.”

In 2009, a project called “We Assist” was launched in Leamington, ON to make people more aware that those with disabilities could ask for extra help in local grocery stores and could expect to receive the assistance they required. “Breaking Down Barriers services have changed to provide the local community due to the AODA passing legislation; Ontario will be fully accessible by 2025. 2010 was the first municipal compliance date that came into effect with the Customer Service Standards Act - municipalities must train their employees to provide excellent customer service to people with diverse disabilities.” continued on pg. 23

House vs. Home Sweet Home By Lorraine Leslie Finding one’s self homeless is devastating. Not knowing where to get help is unimaginable. Being alone in these kinds of circumstances can cause a downward spiral in one’s emotional and physical well being. Conscientious citizens recognized this was a growing concern in the Georgian Triangle and founded a charitable organization called Home Horizon. In 2005, a local group of people partnered with some service groups such as the Salvation Army, counsellors of the Mental Health Unit, My Friend’s House, Collingwood’s Affordable Housing Committee and representatives of several community churches. They put together a plan of action to help vulnerable families rebuild their lives and futures by providing them with safe, comfortable homes. Home Horizon now helps people turn their lives around by assisting them to set realistic goals – and give them the skills to reach them.

and growing percentage of our homeless population, especially in rural areas. Abuse, underemployment, serious illness and social isolation can often put a family in crisis with no place to go. Home Horizon helps these vulnerable people reestablish their lives through our program of transitional housing and personal counselling. Clients are provided temporary housing for up to one year. Adjustments are also made with clients who receive some financial subsidizing.”

Home Horizon rents modest housing units in wellmaintained neighbourhoods, Home Horizon’s Executive Director, Doris Sensenberger with good access to schools, shopping, health care and community services. Each Executive Director Doris Sensenberger works with a number unit is well equipped, comfortably furnished and maintained by of church partners to provide modest homes combined with local churches. personal counselling for women and children overcoming crisis in the Collingwood, Creemore, Meaford, Stayner, Wasaga This very economical model for providing our services has Beach and Town of Blue Mountain area. been highly commended by both government and social service agencies. “The first step: when someone and/or a family in crisis come to us our first objective is to find them a safe place to live and Our challenge is funding! We apply for provincial and federal give them personal support - someone to lean on” shared grants but with the cutbacks we rely on local community Doris. “You could say we are an organization to lean on.” monies to keep the programs going. Doris states, “Homelessness is a serious problem in our communities. Research shows that families constitute a large

continued on pg. 24

www.womenwithvision.ca 19



Victim No More! By Lorraine Leslie Canadian Statistics show that one in four women is physically abused by their intimate partners. This statistic rings true in the Georgian Triangle and should not be tolerated by anyone. It is a basic human right to live without fear of violence yet it exists within our homes, next door, at work and among our friends and colleagues on a regular basis. Alison Fitzgerald, the Executive Director of My Friend’s House, a women’s shelter that services the Georgian Triangle primarily Wasaga Beach, Stayner, Thornbury and Collingwood brought me up to date on this valuable service in the community. “The ‘house or shelter’ situated in Collingwood has been a safe haven for hundreds of women. At the shelter, violence against women and children is recognized as a crime and a very serious social problem. A non-profit organization, My Friend’s House provides temporary shelter and counselling services for abused women and their children who have to escape violence in their personal relationships.” shared Alison.

While at the shelter counselors help women deal with the impact abuse has had on their lives; establish formal safety plans to ensure women and their children can stay safe while at the shelter and after they leave; provide advocacy and support as they work through their family law issues; this includes preparing to meet with a lawyer, writing/responding to affidavits, obtaining temporary custody and applying for legal aid; provide advocacy and support as women work to obtain social assistance; assist with applications to obtain affordable housing; connect women with other community supports, including health, immigration, education and employment.

Executive Director Alison Fitzgerald of My Friends House at her desk.

“We have trained professionals on staff available to answer the Crisis Phone 24-7. Every counsellor at My Friend's House holds a Family Law for Abused Women Certificate through York University. It is vitally important that counsellors have the most up to date information in advocating for abused women. Day or night, women can access information, support and advocacy on family law matters. Counsellors are trained to respond to women in immediate crisis, assess safety and provide the necessary intervention. Our Child and Youth Program is for children who have been exposed to violence and abuse against their mothers. They also receive one-on-one counselling and support. The Child and Youth Worker offer self-esteem groups to the young women and workshops to both elementary schools and high schools upgrading.” continued on pg. 25

20 www.womenwithvision.ca

By Lorraine Leslie Kate (name changed for privacy), a single mother of three children aged three, eight and ten, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Kate was separated from her husband and working on a contract basis as a nurse in the local hospital in the Georgian Triangle. Undergoing a double mastectomy was devastating enough and with the additional radiation and chemotherapy, Kate was alone to cope. Not able to work her usual hours, as chemotherapy treatments made her very ill, plus the additional drugs and injections for five years Kate turned to Frontline Breast Cancer Foundation for assistance.

With little or no family support, her income virtually stopped. Kate needed child care assistance while undergoing radiation treatments. Every woman wants to look their best so Kate was hopeful that a wig would be within her budget. It was not; after her double mastectomy Kate required a specialty bra to hold the prosthetics. All of this plus the ongoing transportation to the Royal Victoria Hospital for radiation treatment created both emotionally and financial stress on her and her young family.

“Since August of 1991, our mission has been to work toward eradicating violence against our clientele. This is done through public education programs in the community and in the school system.” said Alison. “At My Friend’s House, our wide range of support services include therapeutic and supportive counselling, information, education and advocacy.” Alison went onto tell me, “We are an emergency shelter and our counsellors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Daily programs provide a supportive environment to both women and their children who can no longer live in their own home due to abuse, violence or the threat of violence. A significant percentage of our client group are escaping intimate partner abuse however, women who are abused by their parents, other family members, roommate, caregiver or landowner are also eligible for service.”

Pink Ribbon NOT Red Tape

These are just some of the hardships many women (and men) in our community are facing. FBCF (Frontline Breast Cancer Foundation) compassionately helps women like Kate with short term financial support to get them through these difficult and trying times. The majority of funds raised for Frontline Breast Cancer foundation since 2002 has come from the gala event called Titz 'n Glitz* plus personal donations from individuals and corporations. Incorporated as a charity in 2003, FBCF remains volunteer driven. “This is the important part. The money raised from the events provide financial assistance to women and men in the Georgian Triangle area who have Breast Cancer and have a demonstrated financial need. FBCF also supports the Breast Cancer treatment areas of the three local hospitals in the Georgian Triangle….Royal Victoria in Barrie, Collingwood G & M, and Grey Bruce Health Services in Owen Sound. 100% of the funds raised stays within the Georgian Triangle Area. No funds go to a national organization.” said Patti Norberg, the new Chair of FBCF.

L - Patti Norberg – Chair FBCF R - Sharon Johnston – Past Chari FBCF

“To date we have given money for equipment relating to the detection or treatment of Breast Cancer to the aforementioned facilities. Fortunately, some monies come from pr ivate donations. The majority of the money comes from the Titz’n Glitz event which has raised $678,000 so far, which includes the $90,000 raised in 2011.” continued on pg. 26

www.womenwithvision.ca 21



Explore to Give..continued from pg. 22

Explore to Give

stewardship in the students and schools we work with, become a new type of charity and help guide other charities to do the same, and help as many kids as possible to end their own cycle of poverty through an excellent education.”

By Lorraine Leslie

I met a young man back in 1998 named Jeremy Rhodes, whose father Jim, an avid traveler, shared stories of his adventures with his family. Jeremy as a young boy always dreamed of living and working with wildlife in the remote regions of the planet. Since he was five he told everyone he was going to become a wildlife veterinarian and save the African Elephant. This passion carried with him into adulthood and actually was the catalyst for his first trip to the Indian Himalayas. That first trip also introduced him to some remarkable people and because of those people and his deep inner desire to help them, Jeremy took a small detour and created Elephant Thoughts.

Jeremy’s dream became reality and Elephant Thoughts has become an international development charity with two main goals: one, to empower underprivileged and marginalized children through education particularly in Canadian Aboriginal communities, India, Nepal and Tanzania; and two, to create opportunities for Westerners to immerse themselves into developing world cultures and hopefully come to understand more about other people and themselves. Hence, the Elephant being a symbol for India, for compassion, for family values, and even for luck, for big thoughts and dreams, it seemed a great symbol for the organization which introduces Westerners to think about those in the developing world. Fifteen years later,while chatting with Lisa Farano, I was reacquainted with Jeremy and his dream. Lisa was a volunteer, wife and mother when she met Jeremy. She had studied international development in university and found she was reaching out, trying to find meaning in her life. “I hadn’t been in the work force in ten years but my background was in sales and marketing. I had been focusing on volunteering and with an intention to change my life things started to click which brought me to the reality of what I needed to do. I gave up my glamorous life with all the bells and whistles to pursue my passion – to help those less fortunate to have a better life.” Attending one of her weekly Rotary meetings in 2003, Lisa was introduced to Jeremy who happened to be the speaker that day. “I immediately resonated with what Jeremy was trying to do with Elephant Thoughts; there was something in his eyes – joy, gratitude, the true authenticity of making his passion a reality. After some personal life alterations, and a lot of inner soul searching it became apparent that my true life ambition was to see the bigger picture and to figure out how Jeremy and I could work together to make Elephant Thoughts 22 www.womenwithvision.ca

“Elephant Thoughts Global Development Initiatives became a registered Canadian charity in 2002. It didn’t take long before a group of teachers, principals and other professional educators created a team of motivated and visionary individuals. Our primary mandate is to help promote high standards of education worldwide despite economic or geographic barriers. As we pursue this mandate we make sure that everything we do will propagate and celebrate cultures as well as cultivate values of environmental stewardship among the students we engage. Through our projects, we fulfill our mandate by: serving as professional development and resources for teachers; building and enhancing on existing schools in the developing world; sponsoring children to attend school and summer camp in the countries we work in; creating and delivering one of a kind exceptional educational programs and by sharing our resources with others working in the same field.” shares Lisa. “We literally worked 24-7! We had everyone involved – our families and friends all helped. Our staff grew from two to fifty and we have seen a 10-15% growth in the charity every year – even through a recession”. “After ten years, Elephant Thoughts has created a multi-award winning national standard and now works across Canada in more than 100 First Nations and Inuit Communities, and in Nicaragua, Tanzania, Nepal, and India. Our summer camps are all hands on – it’s great to see the kids who want to be scientists work on the various projects. As a children’s education charity, our mandate is to ensure kids learn while having fun.” said Lisa.

Lisa Farano with Casper and Ringo, the in-house pet Limas

the vehicle for our vision of empowering children all around the world.” “Jeremy had from the outset developed a business plan to sustain the organization. We have actually kept to the original schematic that he created on his own way back at the beginning. It laid out how we could work both here in Canada and in the developing world, create values of environmental continued on pg. 23

“Our five year vision is becoming a reality. We opened up our new location of Elephant Thoughts in Collingwood in the fall of 2012 – the Explore Store, and by bringing awareness to the community all the money we raise through our business model goes back into the charity. At the beginning we all worked as volunteers, not getting paid for months but the passion we put into our jobs outweighed the sacrifice – we all chalked it up to resilience and we were able to carry on with our commitments. We will always be fundraising and with the help of additional support through grants and donations, we can continue to create programs, explore more educational opportunities to give back to so many.” Lisa said.

■ copyright 2013, Women with Vision!

Barriers Unlimited..continued from pg. 18

“What a lot of people, i.e. retailers, are not aware of... the law went into effect January 2012 which stated all businesses were to follow up with the same training. We are now working with a combined standard with transportation, employment and communication. The last law is soon to be passed in 2013. All of these laws have come into legislation very slowly and BDB’s mandate is to bring awareness to the community. If the consumer (you and I) and clientele both know the AODA, then our clients can feel comfortable going into stores and asking for the help they need. This help could take the form of reaching for an item on a high shelf, reading a label for someone with poor vision, or assisting in whatever way the individual customer might need.” shared Andrea. “In 2011, two local residents living in Collingwood with disabilities, Casey Morrison and Mary Weldon did a placement along with the assistance of Ruth Branget, a staff person from the Collingwood Library, where they worked together on the planning to launch a similar project called “Stepping Forward to Assist” in our immediate area.” said Andrea. “Since January 2012, our challenge continues to be bringing awareness to the general public. We are eighteen months into the initiative and it is just starting to work. We are fortunate that our local food stores have courteous staff and management that have willingly agreed to participate in publicizing the “Stepping Forward to Assist” initiative. All we need now is for everyone in the community to work with us to bring this awareness to local business, their employees and everyone in our community.” stated Andrea. Both Andrea and I agreed we both know how good we feel when we’ve helped someone who can’t reach the top shelf in a grocery store or when we’ve opened a door to let someone through that’s in a wheelchair. Editors Note: Breaking down the barriers is what it’s all about…please pass the word that it is our responsibility to do our part everyday to make sure there are no barriers here in our own community and throughout Ontario.

■ copyright 2013, Women with Vision! www.womenwithvision.ca 23



House vs Home Sweet Home... continued from pg. 19

“On the other hand, we are also proud of our successes”, shares Doris. “With the assistance of our volunteer team, seventy two families have been housed and counselled. Eighteen of our clients have gone back to school, with three graduating from college. In keeping with recreation in our active community, over a hundred of our client’s children have participated in local sports programs. With the help of teachers and dedicated parents, students have improved their school grades and now have a brighter future with their educational goals.”

Jackie Has No Where to Turn...we can help

Do You Have Breast Cancer? If you or someone you know has breast cancer and needs financial assistance then the Frontline Breast Cancer Foundation is here to help.

Do you need our help? Would you like to make a donation? Contact us: www.FBCF.ca 705-443-8540 Funds donated to FBCF are used to support Breast Cancer patients who live in or receive care in the Georgian Triangle area. No funds are used for Research. Charity number 858844681 RR0001

“With expert guidance, two Home Horizon clients have gone on to purchase their own homes and many more are now living independently. Our goal is that all our clients will never be homeless. Home Horizon currently operates six housing units.” “We've had to turn away many local families who need our help”, Doris shared sadly. In order to open new units, we need funding to be able to provide more counselling. Over the last six years, an average of thirty-two families were turned away including thirty-five children due to lack of funding. We desperately need to provide support, more housing, counselling and expand our services” said Doris. “I’d like Home Horizon to have its own building, rather than renting small office space to run our programs. We’d like to meet with our clients in our own environment, and at the same time house those in need of housing. If we could combine this with commercial space, we could also provide part time employment for those going through transition.” Footnote: Doris just received the Queen’s Jubilee Award for Volunteerism December 20, 2012.

■ copyright 2013, Women with Vision!

24 www.womenwithvision.ca

Victim No More!..continued from pg. 20

Our Outreach Program offers supportive counseling. • What is abuse • How to stay safe • How do deal with feelings • Developing self-awareness • Increasing self-esteem • Life strategies • Make decisions and goal setting.

“At the shelter our Outreach Worker gives practical support through information and resources and is the Legal Advocate at My Friend’s House. Using extensive knowledge of both criminal and family law, we ensure women do not get lost in the system. Women learn their rights and we help them prepare to meet with their lawyer and assist both the woman and the lawyer at court to ensure the woman is well represented.” said Alison. “Our Transition Program is a service for all the in-house women, with or without children, who are trying to rebuild their lives”, shared Alison. “This is a goal-oriented program for those women who are ready to develop and follow a specific action plan leading toward a violence-free, independent life. Through one-to-one support, the Transition Worker assists women in developing an individual "transition" plan which identifies short-term goals to secure housing, financial assistance, legal aid, education, job training, immigration services, parenting support, court support, and health and wellness. Safety planning is a very important component of life transitioning.” Women, children and men…we all have the choice not to be a victim!

■ copyright 2013, Women with Vision!

www.womenwithvision.ca 25


Pink Ribbon NOT Red Tape..continued from pg. 21

Financial Services By working together, we can help keep a handle on how your business is doing with a full range of services including: • Bookkeeping • Payroll and payroll remittance • Accounts receivable • Bill payments

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Patti Norberg was co-chair for the 2011 Titz ‘n Glitz event. She felt so empowered by the organization when she was asked to take over the position of Chair of FBCF, she didn’t hesitate to accept. “Our clients are recommended to FBCF by family physicians, social workers, and health care professionals who identify patients requiring financial assistance where other alternatives are not available. Our goal is to provide a positive impact on the patient’s well being and promote strength and healing. Our motto is: Pink Ribbon NOT Red Tape “Each case is different. FBCF provides living expenses, child care, transportation costs, therapies and personal care for those women/men who can’t afford these expenses. They pay for their stay at the Princess Margaret Hospital Lodge and the Thamesworth Lodge in London while undergoing radiation treatment. Each application is analyzed for the patient’s immediate personal needs and compassionately FBCF helps with expenses that are causing stress which inhibits healing. To qualify for funding, firstly an applicant must live in the Georgian Triangle area, or be diagnosed and receiving active treatment from doctors in Barrie, Collingwood or Owen Sound.” said Patti. “There are various ways to apply; website application (www.fbcf.ca), or by mailing the completed application by Canada Post. “We have given out half a million dollars directly to women/men in need. This is an ongoing challenge to keep the funding available now that we are a recognized charitable provider. Breast Cancer can be a very difficult time in someone’s life. We really try and catch those individuals who fall between the cracks of other agencies.” Patti shared. “Our primary focus is to support the women/men who need our help.”

knows the value of your time!

Patti and I both agree FBCF has touched many lives but there is still more to be done. The volunteers will be organizing this years October 26th 2013 event with a theme of “Fifty Shades of Pink”. We anticipate the whole area will get involved so they can continue to help cancer patients in need locally.

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Organize for success. Your time is valuable. As your business grows, so does its administrative demands. Office Gem can take care of your paperwork and stay on top of your administrative needs.






Because HPV and even cervical cancer in its early stages doesn’t exhibit any symptoms, routine screening is recommended. Women between the ages of 21 and 70 years of age who have ever been sexually active should see their doctor every three years for a pap smear. If abnormal cells are found, repeat tests will be ordered more frequently. Almost ninety percent of cells will revert to their normal state within two years. Cells can be treated in their early precancerous stage to prevent them from becoming cancerous.


Be Aware; Be Prepared. © Rob3000 | Dreamstime.com

HPV or Human papillomavirus is a common virus that is usually spread during sexual interaction through skin to skin contact. There are more than 40 HPV types that can affect the genital areas of both females and males. Some can even affect the mouth and throat. HPV is different than the Herpes virus or HIV. Three out of four adults will get HPV at some point in their lives and never know it. Most people will fight it off. However if the body isn’t capable of fighting the virus, HPV can become genital warts, cervical cancer or other cancers in both men and women. In Ontario alone, 500 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 140 die each year. But fortunately, HPV is preventable.

© Ljupco Smokovski | Dreamstime.com

By Lesley Paul, B.Sc. Phm

But why not prevent cervical cancer before it happens? An HPV vaccination called Gardasil® has been used in over 100 countries and more than 40 million doses have been given. It protects against four strains of HPV which are responsible for 70% of the cases of cervical cancer and 90% of genital warts. Three doses of the vaccine are required and will provide almost 100% protection against the four strains. You cannot become infected with HPV from the vaccine. Gardasil® does not contain any preservatives, antibiotics, thimerosal or mercury. The side effects of Gardasil® are minimal and are similar to those seen with other vaccines. Most commonly reported is pain and redness at the injection site, although rarely dizziness, nausea, headache and fever have been described. As with any vaccination, severe anaphylactic reaction is possible although extremely rare.The HPV vaccine should not be given to anyone who has had a serious allergic reaction to a



previous dose, is sick with fever or infection (worse than a cold) on the day of injection, has an allergy to any component of the vaccine or is pregnant. Gardasil® was originally approved and recommended for females between the ages of 9 and 45. In 2011 it also gained approval for males aged 9 to 26. In Ontario, there is a free vaccination program for girls in grade 8. At this time their immune systems are strong and they will respond best to the vaccination series. Those who miss any of the doses during the grade 8 year can visit their local health unit to complete the series before finishing grade 12. It is important to vaccinate girls before sexual activity begins, but girls can be vaccinated at any time. The program is not open to males.Vaccination of young men must be obtained from the family physician. Gardasil® is covered by some private insurance plans. It is easy to ignore this silent killer. But when it’s also so easy to prevent, why not stop cervical cancer before it starts?

■ Lesley Paul, Pharmacist dlpaul@sympatico.ca

Women with



Most people will not show any symptoms of HPV. It is not necessary to have intercourse to contact the virus. It is a sexually transmitted infection, spread by kissing or touching of the penis, scrotum, vagina, anus or rectum. Many people don’t even know they have HPV and will infect others unknowingly. HPV can even be transmitted by carriers who have not been sexually active in years.

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Reiki BodyTalk

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Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in North America, and is rapidly on the rise. It is also the easiest to cure, if diagnosed and treated early. In this issue, I would like to talk to you about being aware of one of the many types of skin cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma BCC's are usually caused by a cumulative or intense UV exposure. If allowed to grow, BCC's can become disfiguring, but almost never spreads (metastasizes) beyond the original tumor site. Only in rare cases can BCC spread to other parts of the body and become life threatening. Five Warning Signs of BCC 1. An Open Sore that bleeds oozes or crusts and remains open for a few weeks, only to heal up and then bleed again. 2. A Reddish Patch or Irritated Area that can be crusty or may even itch. But, sometimes these areas persist with no irritation at all.

3. A Shiny Bump or Nodule that is often translucent, white, pink, brown or black. 4. A Pink Growth with a slightly raised, rolled border and a crusted indentation in the centre. It may grow having tiny blood vessels developing on the surface 5. A Scar-like Area that has a poorly defined border with a white, yellow or waxy colour. The skin itself appears shiny and taut.

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Hair Removal:

DID YOU KNOW? By Betty Donaher When it comes to hair removal one has to think twice on how to remove it. There have been numerous products on the market, creams, gells, adhesive strips – ouch! Both men and women are always looking for the most comfortable alternative to make the right decision for them. Time and technology has been on our side… The newest piece of technology is the Palomar Icon with Skintel™. This system delivers pulsed light or laser energy on the clients pre-determined treatment site. The device has individual hand pieces for various areas of the body. Each hand

piece has its own laser head with a built-in cooling system. The nice thing about this new laser for our clients is its much more comfortable. The Skintel™ technology predetermines the melanin (pigment) in the skin and gives the operator the proper setting to start the treatment. This is useful for tanned, Asian or Dark skin types as there is no guess work involved. The other exciting point about the Palomar Icon laser is its special tip for fine dark blonde hair which has been a difficult problem for most lasers users in the past.

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Fed up with doing your own hair removal at home…try some new technology, you’ll be quick to do hair removal more often.

Pre-Treatment It is important to discontinue use of AHA, Retinol or Vitamin C three days prior to treatment. You are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to your treatment time to have a topical anesthesia applied to the treatment area to minimize discomfort. You must arrive with the treatment area cleaned (no make-up, moisturizer, or SPF).

Immediately After Treatment No make-up, AHA, retinol, or Vitamin C applied to the treatment area for at least 24 hours. Application of cool gel packs and appropriate topical creams immediately following treatment can help alleviate post treatment itchiness and stinging that may occur. Edema and sometimes blanching is expected immediately post-treatment and generally resolves within 24-28 hours. Notice on Betty the redness and swelling immediately after treatment.

One Day Post Treatment To help remove debris and bronzing of skin that can appear 1-4 days after treatment, soak treated areas for 5-15 minutes with gauze or a wash cloth wet with water, then gently remove debris. Do not pick or scrub the treated areas. Notice on Betty how much the redness has subsided, there is still slight swelling. Look at the results around her eyes and around her mouth and in front of her ear.

Three Days Post Treatment All swelling and redness is completely gone. The lines around Betty's eyes are gone. The lines around her nose and mouth have decreased significantly. This is all after just one treatment. Treatments would be scheduled four weeks apart. The cost of this would be $500.00 per treatment and if you booked three treatments you would save 25% on this package as well as all future laser services.

308 Hurontario Street ritualsdayspa.ca info@ritualsdayspa.ca 705.444.4558 866­938­4558 32 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Candybox Images | Dreamstime.com

Excellent Improvement in Appearance of Wrinkles with Palomer Fractional 1540 Non- Ablative Laser...

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

34 www.womenwithvision.ca

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Angie Vancise-Robinson Dress from Gaia – Thornbury On location at Leuk in Collingwood

Nora MacLean Dress from Zazzys – Collingwood On location at Leuk in Collingwood www.womenwithvision.ca 35


Women with




36 www.womenwithvision.ca

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Lianne Napasney & Heather Cook Skirt, tops and boots from Leuk On location at Leuk in Collingwood

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

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Regardless of their art form, artists usually do their best work when they are inspired. They determine the focal point, establish what and how they want you to perceive their subject and deliver their message to the beholder of their work. Each of us is an artist and we are our own work of art. We can use our clothes and accessories to establish our best look. What is our inspiration? First and foremost, we need to be our own muse and love ourselves and realize that we are perpetually a work in progress. It is up to us to highlight our best qualities; to keep the attention where we want it and to create our best look for each and every day; and to dress so that we deliver the message we intend and require. Initially view your reflection and see what emanates from the mirror image. Determine your best features. Look at your colouring, body type, and proportions. Keep in mind that you control how you are perceived by how and what style clothes you wear. You can highlight positives and camouflage whatever you deem necessary and strategize to keep the focus where you want it. Most of us benefit from creating eye contact. Achieve this by wearing lighter, brighter colours and patterns on your torso.


is an Art By Marilyn Wetston

38 www.womenwithvision.ca

The Wardrobe Doctor



Details such as a good haircut, flattering make up and accessories will be of great assistance. Once an artist completes his work of art, it is finished and frozen in time. People are more malleable and can reinvent themselves as they wish.You control your look and can change the message at your whim by using your wardrobe. It is always up to you what you say with your image. To create a current statement, you also need to discover what inspires you this season.

Change starts with choice.

The Spring 2013 fashion line up offers you a plethora of looks. Let this new season motivate you to explore fresh possibilities and use them to create your best look. You can look seductive or romantic using clothes in leather, lace, or with see-through elements. You can be romantic by wearing stylish ruffles to softly frame your face or mimic a sensual flamenco dancer with flounces completing the hem of your skirt. You can draw from the 60’s mod looks or play with graphics and optics by adding stripes in any direction, band width, or colour combination. Stripes up the sides are slimming and triggered by scuba attire. If the exoticism of Far East dressing attracts you, adopt aspects of the Japanese Kimono including an obi style belt. Alternatively, bare your mid-section with the flavour of an Indian sari.

28 Bruce Street, Thornbury 519.599.3040 info@gaiaboutique.ca

When a colour captures your imagination use it to express your mood. Watery blues and greens, shades of white, mixes of soft neutrals, pastels and brights all have a place in this season’s fashion palette and can be part of your current message. Whether you love tailored masculine looks or preppy sportswear, spring 2013 will have an item to help you express that aspect of your taste. Your special mix will make your individual statement. You’ll be able to pair a sheer top with a tux jacket or slip a loose tunic over a fashionable Bermuda short. It is totally up to you to explore the new trends and discover what influences you wish to incorporate to create your ideal wardrobe and convey your unique message. Be your own muse, spark the fire to create your unique image using the key elements of fashion to trigger your creative juices and establish your best look right now. ■ Marilyn Wetston marilynsthestore@rogers.com www.marilyns.ca www.womenwithvision.ca 39


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Joy ad Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

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High on Protein! By Lorraine Leslie Slowly I have been changing my diet to include more high protein foods. I’ve discovered that protein in a macro nutrient composed of amino acids are necessary for the proper growth and function of the human body. As I am 65+ I feel it is important I consume several amino acids daily for protein production. Learning that amino acids need to come from both animal and vegetable protein, I started to modify my diet. The recommended amount of 46 grams for females aged 19-70 puts me right in the statistic; its 76 grams for males. Interestingly any excess protein consumed is turned into energy by our body. Wanting to keep my muscles strong, which I do by daily exercise, I now know without the protein intake my muscles would atrophy and impair my general functionality.

...creative and helpful tips

To kick start my protein intake I selected foods I like…don’t force yourself to eat something that is foreign to you.

Life’s too short to not take care of your body and with a little increased protein and less carbohydrates you’ll also notice your clothes getting a little looser – the pounds will melt off naturally. Lorraine Leslie Certified Gerontologist ‘Working with the Aged’ 46 www.womenwithvision.ca

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Tuna Soymilk Almonds Sunflower seeds Dry roasted peanuts Chicken & turkey Lobster & crab Parmesan cheese Egg white Beans

© Nerss | Dreamstime.com

Protein foods to get you started are:

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or A HOME By Monika Gibson

When a home buyer enters a potential house to purchase they often know immediately that this one is either it, or not it. What is it that determines this sense of knowing: the location, the features or the layout? Most often purchasers describe it as a feeling. The feeling is something beyond the normal everyday desires for a certain number of bedrooms and bathrooms. The feeling arises from a place within us that connects on a level beyond our usual conscious awareness. Becoming aware of the types of things that create the feeling for you can assist in narrowing down your search for the perfect home. Take a moment and imagine how you would like to feel when you arrive home at the end of a long day. Allow your imagination to create a vision of this feeling.

Lighting - Makes a home look and feel great inside and out. No area should look like a dungeon or feel scary. Atmosphere - Little things can go a long way: some fresh paint on high traffic areas, fresh flowers on a table, lingering smell of home baking, etc. Your House, Your Home.... Here’s to making it everything you envision!

■ Monika Gibson Sales Representative Century 21 Millennium/Collingwood

A home supports and launches you into your life. It is an outer representation of you and is the place from where you create the life of your dreams. Let yourself become aware, with all your senses, what that looks and feels like. Then integrate this with the other aspects that are important. Know what elements of a home are a must have versus niceties. If a south facing backyard is important because you are a gardener, do not compromise that because the home itself is good. If you are a master chef at heart go for the gourmet kitchen with the open concept floor plan that allows you to be with your spouse or family while you create your culinary masterpieces.

call for your FREE one hour consultation

Become a visionary, look at a home perhaps below your budget line that could be modified to become the perfect home with the money saved in the purchase. Allow yourself to have a full scope of awareness of all aspects and then share your vision with your Realtor. This will help them to narrow down the search and serve you better and go a long way to ensuring that you are purchasing a home that is in alignment with your true desires. If you are selling your home remember that unconscious elements create the feelings and can be as important as physical elements. Allow potential buyers the opportunity to see and feel themselves in your home by: DeClutter - Remove all the knick knacks, personal items, photos and religious material.

professional interior design for your entire home... Karen Sweet LL.B., IDDP®

519.599.3779 www.altaireinteriordesign.com

Furniture Placement - Spacing furniture correctly will maximize and enhance a room. 50 www.womenwithvision.ca

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© Caraman | Dreamstime.com

garden just hasn’t quite measured up to the vision. Gardens are living, breathing, organic miniature worlds. They are in fact eco-systems. Under the best of conditions, gardening can still be a challenge. It is the challenge and the promise of success that provides satisfaction and it is why we garden.


hiring a professional By Janet Kurasz, Hort, AMCT(A) Over the years I’ve attended many Home and Garden Trade shows and have participated in a few, providing expertise and advice, and promoting the “craft” of gardening. I use the word craft because it describes best what I believe is the act of gardening. It takes years of experience to become a “craftsman”. Along with experience, there is a need for knowledge. This knowledge can be gained through trial and error or by researching, reading books on gardening or seeking the advice of professionals. Trial and error can become an expensive teaching tool, with a lot of time, effort and money being lost through failed attempts. As a Horticulturist, I have seen for myself, when a 52 www.womenwithvision.ca

I have always encouraged people to take on small projects and seek advice when necessary. There lies the dilemma. When is it time to seek advice? While working trade shows, I noted a common concern: people assume we are snobbish and expensive. Nothing can be farther from the truth. I have never considered myself as unapproachable. I believe everyone is entitled to good design, regardless of the size of the budget. But how to know when is the right time to hire a professional. A little research and planning, on your own, will determine the scope of the project and give you a better understanding of the challenges. I like to break projects up into smaller components. This approach allows for analysis of each step along the way. You may find that you can prepare the garden and need help in choosing plant material. Or, maybe it is a case of bringing in a professional at the beginning to see if your vision is even possible. A good example of this type of project is one that I recently completed on my own property. I have a stone retaining wall that was built many years ago. There are cracks and crevices in the stones and over the years, these became filled with weeds and unwanted plant material. Plant material is essential in a vertical garden; plant roots will knit together helping to retain the soil. This is no easy feat to accomplish. Water and soil will run away, so how to get the plants established and ultimately to grow in such a challenging environment? Plants with aggressive roots will grow too large and blow the wall apart. The type of plant, size, planting method, growing medium, all needs to be carefully considered before undertaking such a project. This is where the expertise of a professional can make a difference in the success of your vision.

■ Janet Kurasz, Horticulturist www.kurasz.ca

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insulation were removed from the closet wall. To our surprise we uncovered mold which prompted us to immediately contact a local contractor. He removed the base plate and studs and rebuilt the exterior wall up to local building code standards before we could continue our renovation. Lesson learned – when you open a wall be prepared for the unexpected and call a professional.

By Karen Sweet

Kitchen & Bath Studio

Photography by Karen Sweet

With the remediation in place, it wasn’t long before we were able to proceed with our project and now enjoy a delightful view.

above: bedroom reno with new french doors

On another note; if you are planning on a fabulous new powder room one thing to remember is to make it sound proof for your family and guests. My suggestion is, whether you are building it new or continued on pg. 56

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“Awareness is empowering” – Rita Wilson

above: angled ceiling with accent squares and pot lights

Being a seasoned renovator and interior designer I know when it comes to redesigning a room, any room, one may encounter things you did not expect – such as mold in the wall, on studs or even in your duct work; or wiring that’s just not in the right spot. Sometimes these challenges may be enough to put you off from renovating the room or home you love, but they don’t have to.

80 High Street, Unit #1 Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4V6 705.446.9931

www.collingwoodclearchoice.com 54 www.womenwithvision.ca

At our house, we recently renovated our bedroom to take advantage of the stunning view of the babbling creek and lush green forest. The design called for the removal of a single French door which was replaced with double French doors centred into the wall. We also chose to relocate our closet to accommodate an electric fireplace and new window. Things were going pretty well until the drywall, vapour barrier and www.womenwithvision.ca 55





Women with




Reno Awareness..

continued from pg. 55


renovating, make sure you use soundproofing insulation and install a solid core door with a shoe sweep to minimize the transmission of any noise. You might also want to consider a soft close toilet seat. When flipping through design catalogues I see a riot of colour in the gorgeous rooms displayed, and like you may fall in love instantly, but beware. If you spend a lot of money on recreating the room of your dreams, and trust me this does happen, you may fall out of love with it in a few years and long for something quieter. A good hint is to purchase the large pieces in a neutral colour and accessorize with colours you love and can change seasonally. Another added tip is to use art…it’s an excellent way to add colour to a room and instantly change its character.

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Organizing Complaints By Karen Sencich

How often do friends and family moan about their cluttered and disorganized homes? Awareness is the key to clearing the clutter. Before a cure can be found, the root cause of disorganization must be determined. Here is a summary of the top three complaints that I hear from clients.

1. I don’t have enough space for my possessions! • Having more space is seldom the solution so don’t rush out to rent an expensive off- site storage unit. Instead, focus on improving time management in order to sort, store and gain access to what you own. • I believe that the reason so many basements, garages and junk drawers are a cluttered mess is that there is no scheduled time or person assigned to tackle the job. Think about other household tasks such as meal preparation or removing garbage; there are automatic consequences if these jobs don’t get done. • Be sure to assign a home for everything, label it and create an inventory list so everyone will know where everything is supposed to be stored. Labels and lists will prevent misplaced items. 2. I can’t afford to pay for help to get organized.

• The benefits to removing excess clutter will be fewer tripping hazards, an easier to navigate home and improved safety especially for children and seniors. Cleaning an organized home is faster and easier and helps to reduce allergies to dust and mould. 3. I don’t have enough time to organize! • Make organizing a priority ahead of leisure activities. Enlist the help of family members. You’ll each get more satisfaction from reclaiming usable space than you will from aimlessly clicking channels or surfing the net.

...experiencing classical & creative masterpieces

• Organize mail and files while sitting in front of the TV. • The most common scheduling problem is unrealistic expectations.You might be surprised what you can accomplish once you begin what seems to be an overwhelming task. Remember the old saying, “Inch by inch, life is a cinch.Yard by yard, life is hard!”

58 www.womenwithvision.ca

• Research ways to turn discarded items into cash which can offset the cost of hiring outside help to get organized. Hold a garage sale, use a consignment store or post items on Ebay or Kijiji.

■ Karen Sencich CPO® Certified Professional Organizer®, Speaker and Writer www.havoctoharmony.com

© Alenavlad | Dreamstime.com

© Dolgachov | Dreamstime.com

• Start organizing as a do-it-yourself household project. Don’t wait until you need a dumpster and a crew of helpers to dig you out.







Down Home

Musical Magic Donna & Brian working with youth musicians

Remember those great old Mickey By Dean Hollin Rooney-Judy Garland films of the early 1940s, where they led up a group of kids with a whole lot o’ talent and a whole lot o’ heart…and a barn…and said “Hey, kids, let’s put on a show”!?!? Well, the happily-ever-after of this story, is that things like that don’t just happen in the movies! Donna Bennett grew up on the family homestead, east of Toronto, in the smallish town of Campbellford, Ontario. There was a time, she recalls, that all she really wanted to do was get out of that smallish town – do her own thing and see the world! Before leaving, however, she was captivated by the mellifluous sounds of classical music – she would decide to make singing her career. 60 www.womenwithvision.ca

Donna attended U of T, getting a Music Ed. Degree, whilst studying Performance -- later heading off to Munich to study with a note-worthy soprano, getting her Masters. Prior to heading overseas, she met the love of her life – Brian Finley – another classical musician – piano being his thing. The two worked hard on their craft, travelling all over the globe performing independently in their respective disciplines. Love and marriage and having babies do things to people – like giving them the hankering to head right back to the one place they clearly wanted to escape from. So, while the 80’s were about jet-setting and performing all over the world, the 90’s were about heading back to and settling down in Campbellford. Shortly after the death of Donna’s mother in ’93, she, Brian and their wee boys assumed the Bennett homestead – right there on that county road. Even before they settled in to that square footage that Donna had grown up in, they’d been pondering ways to make a living as classical entertainers in a small Ontario town. No easy task. Working somewhat ‘outside the box’, the two headed up a community production of Jesus Christ Superstar in ’97 at a local church. They sold 2000 tickets. The following year they experienced similar success with a production of The Sound of Music. They were on to something. The homestead…and the land…and the barn…soon became the focus. In 2000 they mortgaged their home to build a new barn in place of the old – a barn designed not for cattle, but for continued on pg. 62

www.womenwithvision.ca 61




Down Home Musical Magic...continued from pg. 60

Donna and Brian

concerts. A new barn, built in a traditional way. A barn where multiple and expansive doorways would reveal grand rural vistas whilst glorious music would waft, within. An exciting concert venue had been born. Naturally, they drew from the world they both knew and loved – the classical music world – calling on friends and colleagues they offered world-class concerts in a relaxed, rustic, openair setting. The public responded with rousing applause! Their vision had been realized. When the Westben Arts Festival Theatre first began over a decade ago, it presented 4 weekends of concerts. These days, between professional and community presentations, it boasts about 40 events per calendar year – featuring everything from Bach to Broadway.

Judy & Mickey…Donna & Brian…both couples had a barn…and delivered folks a bit of musical magic.

62 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Misscanon | Dreamstime.com

■ Dean Hollin Singer, Playwrite and Live Stage Performer www.deanhollin.com

...gentle insights of awareness and change






“My grandfather moved to Kingston, Jamaica as an immigrant and my dad, Tse Tseung, followed him in his early twenties. My mother, Lim Geow, who later changed her name through an arranged marriage to my father, followed him after giving birth to my older sister. My sister was left behind to be raised by my grandmother. My grandfather financed my father to open a grocery store, but when my mother joined him, he was on the verge of bankruptcy, plus she found him out to be a gambler and a womanizer. His creditors considered his situation personal, as he had put out the funds he owed them to bring his wife to Jamaica which resulted in them giving him more time to pay his debt,” said Rose.



Born in Jamaica to Chinese parents, Rose Pellar developed a passion for learning. This drove her to observe and later analyze her mother’s arduous journey through life. With courage and determination Rose taught herself to break the repeated patterns learned as a child. “Life’s circumstances don’t have determine your future,” shares Rose.


The lessons Rose learned through her mother’s unpredictable life journey taught her to be strong and follow her dreams. An advocate for change and making things right Rose become a lawyer. She knew she had to write a book to ensure her Mother’s and her own legacy would be immortalized. After a few years of soul searching and life coaching, Rose is now ready to share her life story…

...Pattern Broken By Lorraine Leslie

It took only a short period of time for Rose’s mother to learn how to work in the store and understand the monetary system even though she did not speak or write English. Through her due diligence she helped to turn the business around. Unfortunately, her ungrateful husband couldn’t keep himself from womanizing and gambling so his business failed over and over again. This pattern continued unbroken for years until one day Rose’s father kicked her mother out of the house forcing her to turn to relatives and the new friends she had met. Rose went onto share with me, “my mother moved in with some relatives for a little while, borrowed some money and opened her own small store. After my father’s store had again gone into bankruptcy, my father landed on my mother’s doorstep. Due to my mother’s Chinese culture she took him in. The Chinese avoid anything that would embarrass or disgrace them personally and their family.” “After a few years, my mother was introduced to the Catholic Church and would rally my brothers, sister and I at 5 a.m. so we could walk half an hour to early morning mass. This gave her enough time to attend church and get back to open up the store before my father woke up from his worry-free slumber. The Church became my Mother’s salvation. One night in a dream she had a vision of the Mother Mary which prompted her to change her name to Mary Lee. Around the same time my father changed his name to Harry Lee, possibly to throw off the creditors.”

Rose sitting on the chair with her brothers & sister

Rose goes on to tell me, “my mother was recognized by her customers as an honest and fair woman, so when the riots broke out in their small Jamaican town some of the locals protected her from being attacked and having her home and business burnt to the ground.” “Two children later, Sterling and Vincent, my mother had to contend with my father’s continual abuse and gambling. Another baby boy was born whom she named Lucky. Tired and exhausted my mother literally put Lucky into a sling and kept working while my father went about his old ways. Lucky died at the age of two.” Stirling,Violet, Donald, Rose stand behind their mother Mary

Shortly afterwards another child was born, a little girl named Violet. In the mid 1940’s even though they were not living in China, historically the Chinese culture felt - girls had no worth. “My father was very upset when he ended up with another daughter.” On a cool December day in 1949, Rose entered the world unaware of what was before her… “Behind the locked door, Mama writhed and moaned in agony as the midwife sternly shouted out instructions to her. My three brothers and sister were outside the locked door, crying.They were confused. My father swore at the children to shut up. continued on pg. 66

64 www.womenwithvision.ca

left to right: Stirling, Donald(baby on knee) , Harry, Vincent, Mary, Violet...prior to Rose’s birth

Rose's last Christmas with her Mother

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Rose Pellar ...continued from pg. 65

Mama could not wait to be done with the childbirth so that she could get to her other children to calm the situation in order not to anger their father any further. Rose was the name the midwife gave to me. She must have been obsessed with flowers, since she named my older sister Violet. My father’s reaction to another girl was predictable. Hyak lung mee (a waste of rice), he muttered.” “My mother moved from one place to place opening small stores. She was always looking for better locations and opportunities to make a more lucrative living for all of us,” explained Rose. “Mother was very creative,” continues Rose. “She added an ice cream store to the existing grocery store and even sold beer to the sailors who were on shore leave from the huge ships docked in the harbour. She listened to her customers and brought in items they requested. She was a true entrepreneur!

money she had made from the sale of the business along with her savings was quickly dwindling. With five children who ranged from seven years to seventeen, another child in China, and a husband who contributed nothing to the family financially or otherwise, she knew she had to find a way to make more money and keep her husband from draining her dry financially and emotionally”, shared Rose. “Mary Lee watched the contractor with great interest as he built anther house close by. She went onto implement what she saw and learned by asking many questions as she built many more houses to take care of her family’s need. She became Mary Lee, the builder.” With a glint in her eye Rose went on to say, “mama not only did what others said would be impossible for her to accomplish, she became an example for others. A relative took inspiration from her success and thought to himself; ‘if this small determined woman can do this without the benefit of education and limited reading and writing skills (Chinese symbols represent words and or phrases) or speak little

Rose's graduation from Law School

I’m told a neighbourhood friend advised her – it’s not a good environment to raise children. She was reluctant to give up the thriving business but she chose the higher good—what was in the best interests of her children.”

English, then so could he.”

“After a number of years she thought she had enough money to buy a piece of property and build a house for her family. She hired a contractor who did all the preliminary work - he purchased all the materials, hired the workers, and built the house. It was quite exciting to move into a house as opposed to living behind a store or above a warehouse.”

Throughout her life, Mary Lee withstood the mental, verbal and physical abuse of her husband but she stayed with him until she passed.

“Within a few months of moving in, Mary Lee (now using her new legal name) realized there was no money coming in, and whatever 66 www.womenwithvision.ca

She became his mentor and he went on to make a very decent living for himself.

Rose shared with me, “I graduated from a Catholic preparatory school in 1960 and went on to attend a convent high school. I completed a year of commercial college and immediately started working at an aluminum extruding plant in the sales office.” “It was a time of huge personal growth for me!”


“I was a steno typist for the sales manager for about a year when one of the married men in the office starting hitting on me. I got a new job at British American Insurance Company where I eventually became the personnel assistant.” Rose’s career had a choppy start. “When my boss left British-American, I decided to join a travel agency as the secretary to the president. After that, I went to a new merchant bank that was setting up but there wasn’t enough work for me and it just happened that the travel agency contacted me and invited me back to a different position – special projects coordinator, putting together tour packages for Disney, the Bahamas, London and Mexico. It was a very interesting job and gave me an opportunity to see the world from another perspective. I was overcoming my shyness.” “I was nineteen when I got married to the boy next door. We had similar backgrounds being Chinese and living in Jamaica. Looking back now I realize why I married so young, being very sheltered and not allowed to go out much. I wasn’t prepared for motherhood and went on to give birth to two children, eleven months apart by the age of twenty two. I took this responsibility way too seriously rather than enjoying my two boys. I was very unhappy. I don’t think either one of us were prepared for marriage or parenthood. My husband was hot tempered and with the political climate starting to unravel around us we both agreed and applied to immigrate to Canada.”

Rose with her two sons at her University graduation


“I arrived with my husband and two boys at the Toronto International Airport on August 27th 1976. My sister-in-law arranged an apartment for us to live in but my first priority was to get a job. Having had more education than my husband, he wasn’t able to secure a job for a whole year and certainly wasn’t interested in going back to school. We were trying to get some of our savings out of Jamaica but the so called good friend who was supposed to send us our money scammed us. Plus, with a limit placed on us by the government as to the amount of funds we could withdraw, we lost everything. We only had our personal belongings when we landed in Canada.” Despite many setbacks Rose managed to save and eventually purchased a home for her and her family outside of what they could afford. “We had a first, second and third mortgage. It was humiliating to walk down Church Street in downtown Toronto and go into a pawn shop and hawk my jewellery so we could make our bill payments. I vowed I would never sell any of the jewellery my mother gave to me, and I didn’t.” “We had financial and parenting problems. My husband and I tried counselling. He thought I had changed – obviously I had; we all do. The counselor said I should have helped him to change with me. My final decision to leave him was precipitated by his specific abuse of my eldest child.”

Rose working at her desk in her law office

“During an open discussion with my boss and finding out his fiancée was a social worker my situation would be reported to Children’s Aid Society if I didn’t leave the abusive environment. I did not leave my husband but I knew I had to do something. At the time I was struggling with my faith since the Catholic Church looks at divorce as a sin but a priest who counseled me assured me that God would not want me to live this way. When I realized I could lose my boys, it was as if I had received a green light to move forward. When I told my mother, she was relieved and happy for me. Until the day, the boys and I moved out, I slept with the kids fearing for their lives and mine….the pattern was repeating itself, just like my mother. I needed to protect my boys so I made my decision and there was no going back. He did not accept the separation and tried to forcibly convince me to reconcile. When I rejected his solicitation, he attempted to kill me with a cocked rifle.Thankfully, when I made the sign of the cross to pray what I believed was going to be my last prayer he backed off and ran out of the apartment. He turned himself in and was charged with assault with a deadly weapon and was given probation. Trying to clean up his act and be a good father, my boys went back to live with him until they were of age to leave home. We didn’t see each other for years as I kept my life a secret from him.” Before Rose’s separation, she was going to Atkinson College to get her undergraduate degree. “I worked with a consulting firm, got laid off because of the economy, so I decided to try my hand at real estate which didn’t turn out so well.” “I was working for a shopping centre developer when I met a man who charmed and enticed me with a very decadent lifestyle. I lived continued on pg. 68

www.womenwithvision.ca 67





with him on and off for four years and despite having made a declaration that I was not going to marry again, I remarried. He was twenty six years my senior. We had been having a tumultuous relationship for about five years prior to that.”

After Rose hung out her shingle in an office, she shared at Lawrence and Yonge in Toronto, things started to get better, until her second husband resurfaced and convinced her he had changed. “We reconciled as we hadn’t divorced yet. We bought another condo and I made the same mistakes all over again. I put everything I had into the relationship but soon found out he was taking trips to Cuba and having numerous flings behind my back once again. What helped me through everything was my motivational and inspirational reading to improve myself. It also made me realize where his insecurities came from. I learned I had to take responsibility for my own feelings and I walked away from the marriage for the second and last time.” “In 2001 he was still trying to remain friends. I wasn’t having anything to do with him. I started to work at a new law office in Barrie and was totally happy on my own. I was out and about making new friends and building my law practice. I was at peace with myself for the first time in my life!" In 2003, Rose met her present husband-to-be, un-expectedly. “I wasn’t looking and Ted had been on his own for fifteen years. There had been no extended or meaningful relationships for either of us for quite some time. When I asked him what took him so long in finding a partner or wanting to have a relationship, he told me, “I was waiting for the right person.” “We dated for about three years and whenever he brought up the idea of living together I changed the subject. Eventually, I had 68 www.womenwithvision.ca

By Marj Sawers

Rose & Ted's Wedding

found out we both believed in marriage. I took the time to learn what his values were and he did the same with me. One evening when he brought up the topic of living together I told him “if you and I are not 200% certain about each other and if we are not totally committed to making our marriage work, it’s not going to happen.” He had thought because a lot of my friends were living together I’d be okay with it. He replied, “I always intended to marry you.”

I wonder if we really understand how many times we face life-changing moments. There are so many new beginnings in our lives and the biggest seems to be when you have to totally start over. It’s right up there with being born. Sometimes it is a choice, other times it’s a happening: a new opportunity presenting itself, the reality of being laid off, a break-up, a death, or a transfer due to employment can be cause for happiness or apprehension. It might be upgrading education, viewing existing relationships or the hopes of a new one. We empower dates like the New Year, birthdays and graduations to be life changing experiences. But, when all is said and done, we experience change and unfamiliar territory. Exciting and frightening at the same time. In truth, every breath we take is a new opportunity.

We were married June 10, 2006 and I became Mrs. Rose Pellar.” Rose and Ted moved to Wasaga Beach so one wasn’t driving further than the other to work. For the past six years, Rose has been running a successful law practice in Wasaga Beach. She has also gone on to become an exceptional and entertaining keynote speaker. Rose’s shyness has certainly disappeared through the twists and turns of her life’s journey to the point where she has lots of life experience in dealing with separation and divorce to pull from when counselling her own clients. Rose is about to release her first book called A Gift in Every Challenge.

Both my brother and I have experienced/survived many changes in our lives. We have shared most of them with each other and are blessed with a very open (sometimes too open!) dialogue about most things.

As a keynote speaker, Rose inspires her audiences to believe in themselves and to follow their dreams. Her charming and personal demeanor draws in her audiences while sharing her story of struggle and challenges brings a resounding celebration and ovation of her accomplishments. Many people from her presentation have attributed Rose for inspiring them to make positive changes in their lives. “The pattern broken now gives me inner strength to handle life with a positive attitude which I now pass onto my four grandchildren. My vision is to inspire all the people I meet and to encourage them to use their challenges as gifts and lead a happy and successful life.” Thank you Rose for being so open and honest in sharing your truly heartfelt story.

■ copyright 2013, Women with Vision!

‘Lovers’ by Lynda Pogue | lyndapogue.com

“He told everybody we broke up because he didn’t want to be married to a student as I had decided to attend law school at the time. I had no idea where I was going to get the money for tuition. I called a friend who allowed me to stay with her for awhile until I got a bachelor apartment on campus where I lived for three and half years.”


Personal Life Paintings

Rose Pellar ...continued from pg. 67

“My bad choice of a partner stemmed from my discomfort with who I was as a person. I let other people determine my worth. When this man started to fool around with other women I became depressed. I was out of control because I valued his estimation of me more than who I really was. He was a former ‘Bobbie’ (Police Officer) in England and was very intimidating and told me he could hit me where no one would see any bruising. That was it! We separated.”


He was here with me when I lost a very dear friend. His silent support, his wise words, his believing in me was such a gift at an overwhelming time. Our conversations caused him to have a dream. There was a group of people fussing over a painting. It was still damp as one person would dab a finger here, another tried a damp cloth there, everyone trying to change the picture. It was an abstract painting with a cobalt blue background and in the left -hand corner there was an orange or red shape either a circle or a heart. (To me, the heart form represented affairs of our heart; who we

love, what we think.) The more they dabbled with this quite acceptable painting the more smeared it became. What a vibrant discussion we had about our theories and our personal life paintings. My interpretation was that the dream was a reflection of our lives. We try to change things that are not satisfying. We allow others too much input into our lives… we share a fear, others who are not really qualified make it something that can cause us to diminish our own strengths. Our conclusion.... when your life gets mucked up you select the next step, whether you start over or to do some controlled patching up. By carefully choosing who you allow to have input into your personal life painting you need to then cautiously consider the value of the input. Always remember that it is your life, your life painting. You are the only one qualified to make decisions regarding it. If necessary, get experienced input (a close friend, a coach, psychologist, etc.) who are trusted sources, but not just people who float through your life. Those who earn the right to the title friend are invaluable and precious. To my friend Elaine that just passed away…God rest your soul....thanks for your input into my life painting, I am humbled by your friendship and overjoyed with the love we shared.

■ Marj Sawers, Retired Philanthropist www.womenwithvision.ca 69



AWARE + ALLOW = ADVENTURE By Deborah Johnson

DESTINATIONS © Wildcostphotography | Dreamstime.com


Throughout our childhood we are taught to block our intuitive impressions, to conform to society, to cautiously plan and plot every step of our physical journey called life. The result; we live our lives with blinkers on, only using a fraction of our abilities to perceive and appreciate what is going on around us. We mentally, emotionally and to a great degree physically confine ourselves to our ‘sandbox’ comfort zone, and base our choices and decisions on accommodating this comfort zone.

What if we actually trusted ourselves enough to use our own intuitive guidance to direct ourselves: To envision the final outcome we desire then allow opportunities to materialize based on our vision? Perhaps our degree of awareness drives our degree of accomplishment; they in fact go hand in hand. What if awareness of self, awareness of others and allowing ourselves to experience fully without fear or self-limiting, can provide us with a life of amazement and adventure. Does it mean we should all climb Mount Everest or trek the Amazon? No. Does it mean we should follow our intuition, our hearts and our dreams? Absolutely. Intuition is that ‘hunch’, that ‘gut feeling’ and unexplainable, sometimes illogical, feeling or thought we know we have to follow but can’t fully explain why. Pay particular attention to these emotions, thoughts and ideas, embrace the possibilities that are often connected to them and excitedly step outside the comfortable sandbox we all inadvertently put ourselves into.

70 www.womenwithvision.ca

We automatically measure all we do by ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, ‘success ‘ and ‘failure’. Rather, view life as nothing more than a series of events, like links in a chain. Each link/event results in an experience, positive or negative, an experience nonetheless that defines us in some way. These experiences then link and weave together to create the fabric of our lives. Choose the weave; choose the boldness, the energy, the excitement and passion of the fabric of your life. Weave a colourful fabric that reflects all you are, all you can be and all you hope to be! It is your fabric, no one else’s. Henry Ford once said ‘you can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do’. Increase your awareness to maximize your experiences, allow yourself to step outside your comfort zone and take chances when and where you feel inclined, and embrace the adventure life can be if we move past our fears, venture into uncharted experiential waters and allow life to just happen. Build your life exactly as you wish and trust your intuition to guide you, as that intuitive awareness will never steer you wrong.

■ Deborah Johnson Clairvoyant, Medium, Author, Speaker www.deborah-johnson.net

© Kenneth Sponsler | Dreamstime.com

What if we didn’t limit ourselves to what is comfortable; what if we consciously chose to embrace change, to expand and grow; to raise our sensory awareness, then use this awareness to create ongoing changes in our lives?

...Spring fun for people of all ages



Collingwood’s Cultural District

want to use the space for an assortment of creative activities. Anything from Open Mic Nights to drama workshops, to speakers series and we want the public to bring us their ideas, too. We are looking for collaborations and we are happy to let others use the space.” Everyone in the building got involved for the Launch Party…Creemore Coffee sponsored the food and all the doors in the building were open so visitors could see the Fleetwood Dance Studio, the CCFC and the beautiful antique store. The Collingwood Heritage Committee and the Collingwood Museum also partnered on this event and TC supplied a local young artist to play the guitar. It was so nice to see familiar faces whose support is so important to keep these programs going. Do drop in and say hello.

By Lorraine Leslie In the spring I like to stroll through cultural districts in large and small communities. My son owns and operates a small music and Japanese Antique Art shop in Kensington Market in downtown Toronto so, when the Cultural District in Collingwood started to take on a life of its own I had to stop in and see the progress for myself.

At 65 St. Marie St. at the corner of Simcoe Street where the old Enterprise Bulletin newspaper building stands, a transformation has taken place over the past year. It began with two dynamic individuals, Rick and Anke Lex and their passion for the arts and architecture. In doing so they’ve made a new home for the Collingwood Community Food Co-op (CCFC), Theatre Collingwood (TC), Fleetwood Dance Studio and a privately owned and operated unique Antique Shop and yummy cafe. CCFC is a food store and food education resource in the heart of this new Cultural District. CCFC is member owned, operated, and managed. A co-op is a group of people who come together to run a non profit organization with set goals. There is a board that is elected, and each membership of the complete co-op has one vote to determine the major directions that the co-op takes. I caught up with Ian Royce the Manager and he shared with me how it works... “Everyone wants good local and away foods ... What are “away” foods? Think oranges, bananas, avocados and chocolate. For instance in 2012 it was devastating for the apple industry. Everyone had trouble finding local organic apples. CCFC went further afield to obtain these apples because of this situation. When it's appropriate CCFC does not shy away from fair trade products. It is nice to know they support both local and “away” growers of good food. We all want good clean food.This encompasses local, organic,

non-genetically modified, pesticide-free foods of all types. CCFC keenly supports local producers to sustain our regional and local economy to give good clean choices for food, simply grown without dependence on chemical based methods. CCFC depends upon its suppliers to have high standards for the products brought into the store.”

■ copyright 2013, Women with Vision!

Anke & Rick Lex at Launch Party at 62 St. Marie St.

CCFC is committed to working with the social and educational components of food - the industry and the politics. They use the values set up by fellow modern co-ops that have been in existence for over 150 years. There are many different co-ops in various parts of the economy like housing, and insurance, as well as food. The general public is welcome to shop in the store as well as members. Ian shares, “Membership has its benefits such as occasional discounts off of their purchases. This way we make available, good, regional food for ourselves and our neighbours.” In preparation for the buildings Launch Party, Rick hung some amazing architectural pictures of Collingwood’s historical buildings. When I attended in mid February I also stepped into the new Theatre Collingwood Production Centre where I caught up with Eric Angus, the new Executive Director. Erica shared, “When you step inside this great space you can feel the energy as you walk through the doors. The walls welcome you with ever changing forms of art produced by talented local artists. Taking ones time to walk down the checker board hall brings you to Theatre Collingwood’s (TC) home base and Box Office. Presently called The Production Centre, it is far more than that. I am steering the company forward but in a somewhat different direction than what the general public may have come to know. It’s true that TC will continue to offer a summer theatre season (at The Historic Gayety Theatre) but I want to build on the strong company history that has been handed to me. This year the summer season will now run from June to September, including five very entertaining plays, but watch for TC events happening throughout the year as well.

Bradley Kerr, Acting Chairman of the Board Collingwood Community Food Co-op (CCFC), and Lynn Zaugg, Member and Volunteer, CCFC.

The Production Centre is being redecorated with the hope that the community will come to “play”. “What we mean by this”, says Erica “is that we 72 www.womenwithvision.ca

New Executive, Erica Angus with Board Chair, Harold Bickerstaff of Theatre Collingwood

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Women with...






Women with Vision was founded in 1998 to offer business women a networking venue in which they can provide support for one another and develop new business connections. Through this dynamic networking opportunity attendees will receive motivation, inspiration, advice and mutual support to help them take their business & lives in general to the highest possible level.

Guests & New Members are always welcome. Luncheons/Dinners: Luncheons meet at 11:30 a.m. / Dinners at 6:00 p.m. and last for two and a half hours. Each district has its own networking day and location.

Cost: Each district has its own fee structure ranging from $25 to $30. Reserved seating only. Contact the District Coordinator no later than 48 hours prior to the Women with Vision!™ Networking Luncheon/Dinner at the location of your choice.



Usual Agenda: 11:30 Registration & Networking 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Announcements & Introductions

12:50 Guest Speaker 1:15 Q & A 1:30 Back to work…

Membership: Annual Fee: $75.00 + $9.75 HST = $84.75

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To enquire about Networking Luncheon/ Dinner locations across Ontario contact Head Office 156 Brophy’s Lane, Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 Phone: 1-866-306-6021 womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca

New Regions Opening all the time Call us to become a District Coordinator in your community.

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As the


Mountain Turns...


76 www.womenwithvision.ca All Photography this page © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Spe cial Even ts S howc as ing th e Co m m un ity. .. GEORGIAN BAY LIFE




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Last Word

By Paola Gucciardi Numerology is an excellent tool to help create self-awareness. It highlights who you are; what you are here to do; and ultimately how to live a fulfilling life. Since today’s demanding schedules cause many to go into automatic pilot, living with conscious awareness can be difficult. The Balance number identifies the specific ways you habitually and automatically handle challenging situations. For instance, do you automatically express feelings openly or hold on to them tenaciously? Consciously bring your awareness to your Balance number and learn how to better deal with life’s difficulties.

To Calculate... Add Example: 1 2 3

the numerical values of the first letter of your first, middle and last name on your birth certificate

B E 2




L O U I S E 3 2 + 3 + 3 = 8 Balance

1. Write your full name as it appears on your birth certificate 2. Using the chart, record the numerical value of the first letter of your first, middle and last name 3. Add the subtotals until the sum is reduced to a single digit

Balance 1 Since difficult times

cause you to isolate yourself and to turn inward, you can benefit from seeing these situations from a different perspective. Turn to friends and family for help and be open to advice and new ideas. Ultimately, draw from your strength, creativity and courage.

Balance 2 You tend to approach problems emotionally which often causes you to blow them out of proportion. Use tact and diplomacy to bring about mutual resolution rather than retreating from fear and conflict. Your cornerstones are balance and harmony.

Our symphony of life blooms like tulips in spring Bringing smiles to faces as everyone sings Pick your tune and hum it all day Taking it with you all through May

Share music with all who love the art Step forth daily with a song in your heart By Lorraine Leslie

© Edward Fielding | Dreamstime.com

Give gratitude to those who genuinely care Offer hope to others who openly share

Balance 3 Your sensitivity to

criticism causes you to respond emotionally to challenges. Since you tend to see your solution as the correct one, adopt an objective and more easy-going, optimistic approach and recognize that mutually beneficial solutions exist.

79 www.womenwithvision.ca

1 A J S

2 B K T

3 C L U

Balance 4 Difficult issues cause you

to become angry and obstinate. Learn to forgive and to adopt a more lighthearted attitude. Using compassion, understanding and objectivity to see the bigger picture allows you to explore more options.

Balance 5 To avoid potential pain that difficult situations may cause, you tend to escape them by indulging in vices such as food, alcohol and drugs. To find solutions, use your charm, creativity and mind. Balance 6 Your incredible understanding of people and the causes of conflict make it hard for you to handle situations directly. Rather than depending too heavily on the comfort of friends and family, get personally involved in exploring solutions. Balance 7 Your tendency to handle challenging situations emotionally causes you to retreat within and avoid them altogether. To find solutions, calm

C 3





4 D M V

5 E N W

6 F O X

7 G P Y

8 H Q Z

9 I R

yourself, and utilize your strong mind and incredible analytical abilities.

Balance 8 During challenging

times, your tendency is to use your leadership abilities to get your own way. Rather than ignore the needs of others, use your creativity and power to explore mutually beneficial solutions.

Balance 9

When faced with difficulties, you tend to adopt an aristocratic attitude often looking down on others. Remember that it is in giving that you receive. Rather than being aloof, develop realistic solutions by utilizing your understanding of people and the ability to see the big picture.

■ Paola Gucciardi, Numerologist www.lifenumbers.ca

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