Women With Vision ® Fall, 2014

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Women with



Showcasing Business & Lifestyle in South Georgian Bay


Fall Issue 2014



fall Issue




Brenda VanTorre Barnim

My abc’s of life


Take A

Personal Style Quiz






On the Cover

Brenda VanTorre Barnim

Lifestyle & Beauty 14 17 18



Regular Features



78 79 82 83

Editor’s Desk ~ ABC’s Of Business By Lorraine Leslie Life Numbers By Paola Gucciardi As The Mountain Turns Georgian Bay Life & Pictorial Last Word By Lorraine Leslie Vision Wordsearch By Lorraine Leslie


ABC’s of Entrepreneurial Health Debbie Bullock Automatic Balancing... Consciously Jessy Morrison Anorexia vs. Healthy Eating By Lesley Paul ABC’s of Dressing Well By Marilyn Wetston Personal Style Quiz International Image Institute Inc. Beautiful You Fall Makeovers By Jeannine Faubert

Georgian Gourmet 34 36 40


10 11 12

Hollywood Marketing By Janette Burke ABC’s Of Networking By Donna Messer When One Is Better Than Two By Rick Ziemski The Value Of Writing Those ABC’s By Mary Ann Matthews

46 48


Eliminate Procrastination By Karen Sencich 6 Tips For Pet Travel By Dr. Tina Grey

Arts & Entertainment 58

Singing For My Life By Lorraine Leslie

Motivational & Inspirational 64 71 72

Brenda VanTorre Barnim... My ABC’s Of Life By Lorraine Leslie Following Your Dreams By Marj Sawers Living Life’s Simplest Essence By Deborah Johnson

ABC’s Of Cooking By Susanne Mikler


Fabulous Fall Feast By Lorraine Leslie


Slow Cooker Vegetarian Chili By Amanda Wood


Business, Finance & Communication Home, Garden & Design 8 How To Master The Art Of Follow Up By Susan Baka


ABC’s Of House Hunting By Monika Gibson The Second Harvest By Janet Kurasz

The Camino De Santiago By Jane Tilley Lest We Forget By Lorraine Leslie


Women with


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Wo m e n w i t h Vi s i o n ! ™ m a g a z i n e i s p u b l i s h e d b y Wo m e n w i t h Vi s i o n I n c . Founder/Publisher, C.E.O. Lorraine Leslie Sales/Marketing: Lorraine Leslie Feature Writers: Susan Baka, Janette Burke, Monika Gibson, Paola Gucciardi, Deborah Johnson, Janet Kurasz, Lorraine Leslie, Donna Messer, Marj Sawers, Karen Sencich, Marilyn Wetston, Rick Ziemski


Select Design/Layout: Candice Lewis |www.candicelewis.ca Special Mini Feature Design/Select Ad Design: Lorraine Leslie Cover Photography: Elise McMillan Sectional Page Photography: Dreamstime.com

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Feature Photography:Lorraine Leslie/L’original Productions | Women with Vision Inc.


Lifestyle & Gourmet Features: Lorraine Leslie/L’original ProductionsWomen with Vision Inc.

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Proof Readers: Lorraine Leslie, Margaret Adolphe Style Quizs: International Image Institute Inc.

Women with Vision!™ magazine aims to provide editorials that educate, motivate and inspire people of all ages and from all walks of life, and to promote success in business and daily living.

Mailing Address: 156 Brophy’s Lane Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 Bus : 1-866-306- 6021 F ax : (705) 445-7153 Email: womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. Copyright 2014 Women with Vision! Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher. The views, opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of this publication and/or publisher who hereby disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from the advice, information or offers presented in articles or advertisements herein. Women with Vision! welcomes submissions, but accepts no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, illustrations and photographs submitted must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope if they are to be returned or acknowledged. Readers who require legal, accounting or other expert advice should obtain the services of a qualified professional.Women with Vision! is a Member of the Canadian Copyright Association.

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The EDITOR’S desk

abc’s of




The ABC’s of business start small...with a thought, a goal and a long term vision. Sixteen years has passed since Women with Vision!® started, and what a ride it’s been.

Acquire business knowledge; Build and develop skills; and Cultivate relationships In 1998, the very first Women with Vision conference was held in Collingwood Ontario. Shortly afterward a one page black-and-white newsletter was distributed at the region’s first chapter of Women with Vision Networking Meetings; I’ve dedicated my life to educating, motivating, inspiring and promoting women in business and daily living. Through this commitment, I have acquired business knowledge to sustain a growing and successful magazine, networking association, television show as well as coaching and mentoring practice supporting many new start up businesses and entrepreneurs. The magazine you are reading has gone through numerous transformations. As I continually build and developed my skills in the publishing industry along with my team of writers, we collectively contribute to the ‘vision’ of bringing you the most up to date information on running a business, enhancing your daily living and most importantly keeping the lines of communication open for women of all ages and from all walks of life. Through cultivating relationships I have seen the impact on small business owners who need assistance in sustaining their business or encouragement to continue and follow their dream. I’ve certainly built a following of faithful customers, business colleagues and made new and lasting friends along the way. It’s certainly been a pleasure to work with so many confident and professional colleagues.

I am proud to announce that we are now ready to launch the Women with Vision Institute!© in October 2014. It’s been a long time coming. The Women with Vision Institute will educate women entrepreneurs in various modalities through workshops, seminars and training modules taught by seasoned entrepreneurs. More than 50% of small businesses in Canada are run by women, so it’s the natural thing to do – work together to assist each other in creating and growing our visions and make our businesses a reality. Join me and my team and celebrate Women with Vision and the NEW Women with Vision Institute as we move forward at this exciting time. We’re here to assist you with the ABC’s of your business – that’s what we are all about. Women with Vision!® was created for YOU! You are all women with vision...I’m the woman who cares about your goals in life and how collectively we can all help pave the way for other like-minded women in business.

Our vision is your mission – your mission is our vision!© Footnote: Thank you for your continuous calls, emails, letters and cards; but most of all, thank you for your continued support over the past sixteen Lorraine Leslie Founder/Publisher years :) Nominated for

2005, 2006, 2009 & 2010

2013 International Toastmasters Communication & Leadership Award

The feature people about whom I write, have traveled a long, winding road to success – each one on their own journey; a journey that sometimes hasn't been smooth. These people open their hearts to inspire and motivate others, of all ages, to follow their dreams and passions, creating their ultimate VISION!™



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Working with entrepreneurs most of my life, I’ve learned the three most valuable ABC’s of Business are:

…connecting through educational & networking updates



The ABC’s of


Hollywood © Christos Georghiou | Dreamstime.com


the Art of Follow Up ….The ABCs (Always Be Closing) of sales need a little updating in today’s market By Susan Baka It’s rare to make a sale on the first attempt with a new prospect. In fact, a Harvard Business Review study found that 80% of new business materializes on or after the fifth sales attempt. Follow up is vital. But how do you keep prospects interested? When and how often should you follow up? You don’t want to be forgotten, but you also don’t want to become an annoying pest. And you don’t want to waste your time with those who will never buy your product or service.

1. Have a process. When business is brisk, we tend to fall down on follow up with new prospects. Put a process in place, including a calendar and what action you’ve taken so that you don’t lose track of valuable opportunities. And follow up with indirect prospects: gather website data about who has visited your site or downloaded information from it. Make sure that you contact event and trade show attendees too. 2. Tell them what you want. It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to take your eyes off the prize. If you want a meeting, for instance, ask for it. But don’t be needy or vague. For example, don't just say, "Could we please meet sometime?" Say, "I’m available to meet on (date and time). Are you free then?" 3. Break through the noise with multiple media and creativity. It was a long time ago that Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase, "The medium is the message." But with all the distractions and competitors approaching your target, it’s as true today as it ever was. Phone calls can go to voicemail. Emails can get lost in a full inbox. But a postcard or certified mail piece can be an attention getter. You have to be bold, creative and memorable in your communication. For example, send a mini flashlight with the message, “I appreciated your time today. I hope you found our conversation as illuminating as I did.”

4. Get personal. Include something about the prospect as an individual (you’d be amazed what you can find out via social media), like where she/he went to school or a previous city lived in. You can also customize and show your value by sending articles or information of interest (without including a sales pitch). When you do pitch, focus on helping by solving a business problem or issue.

By changing up your follow up methods, using a little humour, and showing yourself to be a valuable connection to have, you will be remembered – not as a nuisance, but in a positive way. And being well regarded drives sales. n Susan Baka, President Bay Communications & Marketing Inc. sbaka@baycomm.ca www.baycomm.ca




By Janette Burke

For the Toronto International Film Festival, the Grammies and even the Oscars, celebrities get ready to walk the red carpets at their movie premiers well in advance of the event. Having experience in hosting and creating my own television show...just like the publisher of Women with Vision Magazine, Lorraine Leslie...I thought I would take this opportunity to share with you the ABC’s of Marketing Hollywood Style.

It’s all about Marketing! The way Hollywood markets movies is of great benefit to small business owners. Just like us movie producers want to protect their investments in their businesses and turn a profit. So they invest in marketing national campaigns purposely designed to get a segment of the public, and most importantly for them to take action.

5. Know when and how to back off. By using a combination of email, phone, note, package, etc. you can make up to six or seven follow up attempts. Once you get some attention, if you’re unsure whether the prospect is ready for a follow up meeting, ask if it is premature to schedule one and what you need to do first. If it becomes obvious that you aren’t going to make a sale, why continue? A good “Dear John” letter, however, doesn’t slam shut the door. Instead, it concisely recaps why you were trying to connect, including your value proposition and is friendly enough to let the recipient reply now or in the future.



What Hollywood specifically knows about movie-making pales in comparison to what they know about marketing in general. They are able to convince millions of people to leave the comfort of their homes and go to movie theatres to spend thousands of dollars a year, or so, for less than two hours of mediocre entertainment in order to make their promotional efforts pay off.

When a new movie is released, you see TV and web advertising around it with the best teaser highlight previews to get you excited. Often these ads are tied-in with fast-food chain promotions making you want to see the movie event even more. At the same time, the stars of the movies make the talk shows rounds. This isn't a lucky coincidence. Every one of these activities is part of a carefully constructed marketing campaign to make you want to wait in a line-up to watch that movie at the theatre, rent it online, or buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Photo: Yanka Van der Kolk

Here are five tips to get results from prospect follow ups:


pitch, angle, hook or story line, supported by a proper media kit, designated media section of your website and targeted media contact list, just like that. But you certainly can and should show up on someone's Google Handout, web-TV series and podcast, as well as in their newsletter. And don’t forget social media posts. The trick to employing the ABC’s of Hollywood marketing in your marketing is to think bigger, think more and think like a Hollywood producer. When you do, you’re bound to experience blockbuster results. So go ahead and shine that inner star! I look forward to seeing you in the limelight! n Janette Burke Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant and Columnist Fempreneur Marketing Mentor, Host, I’m Every Woman! TV janette@yourmarketingmagnet.com www.yourmarketingmagnet.com

So how can you, the small business owner, possibly compete with Hollywood’s marketing? Well, the truth is you can't. However you can learn a lot from how they get the job done. It all starts with knowing your customer, and where he or she is most likely to see or hear about your product or service, and then creating ways to show up where they are at. Now you likely won’t get booked on national talk shows without a well-written press release conveying your clever www.womenwithvision.ca





of Networking By Donna Messer

I’m always looking for ways to enhance business opportunities and in keeping with the Women with Vision fall theme let’s focus on the ABC’ of networking… The A is for ACHIEVE. To accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. In networking this means we follow a systematic process that can produce measurable results. Below is the action plan to achieve those goals. • Start with a vision -What would you like to accomplish? • Next give yourself a mission statement, when and what do you want to accomplish? • Follow up with an objective, use the SMART acronym, specific, measurable, accountable, realistic and time bound. • Move on to the strategy - how will you accomplish what you’ve envisioned? • Finally what plan will you put into place to make that vision work? The results of your simple action plan will provide the solutions you need to accomplish your goals. Remember, Goals are just dreams with a destination! The B is for BELIEVE - To have integrity and to look for others who share a similar vision. Believe in yourself and others; find common ground. This is an important part of business building.

Be systematic and focused. Be upfront on the ROI you expect from your networking. Give to Get. Ethical networking is building business that is often based on perception; we perceive that because we network is a specific way, others will do the same. We need to learn to become more aware of why people network. Some network to sell, some to build relationships, while others network for alliances and joint ventures. Decide where your best fit may be. The C is for CLARIFY - to free from confusion; to be understood; to become clear. When you network, you need to state clearly and concisely who you are, what you need and what you can share. Use a 30 second infomercial. Ask open ended questions. Listen to responses. Share resources. Clarification is a one of the first rules of networking. Never assume, clarify the information you need as well as what you can share with others. Ask questions that will enable you to make wise decisions. People like people who are like themselves, try building rapport using common interests, associations, and industries. 7 Steps to Good Networking • Be prepared – have plenty of business cards • Be open minded – have a We not Me attitude • Don’t be afraid to ask – but “give to get” • Build your network wisely, use social capital • Say Thank You – in writing! • Don’t waste your resources – use the Internet • Set realistic & achievable goals be accountable n Donna Messer Networking Expert, International Speaker www.connectuscanada.com



One Two


When is Better Than



By Rick Ziemski

“There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage.” ~ Oscar Wilde One of the best things in life for me is walking without a crowd. So naturally I’m a bit of a contrarian, particularly when it comes to the subject of advice for best money management practices for married couples. In fact I am amazed at how much published advice from “financial advisors” is frequently aimed at telling the “sheep” what they want to hear; namely that the best money management techniques are the ones that make you feel most “comfortable”. They can be acquired with the greatest of ease; no change of behavior, nothing complicated, no new disciplines or learning necessary. All you need is separate bank accounts and the only spending that needs to go through a joint account is for the basics of food and shelter. Sound like rubbish? Absolutely! A couple or a family is an “economic unit”, no different than any other economic unit such as a government or corporation. The challenges are the same. There is money flowing in and out that needs to be controlled and there is a need for a strong balance sheet, mixing assets and debts properly to avoid bankruptcy. Couples need to build a strong net worth over time (net worth = assets debts). For a couple, net worth determines how well they will retire or even whether they get to retire at all. For corporations good money management processes and systems have evolved over time. The fundamentals have been standardized and widely accepted and the professionals who run these systems do not allow substructures in these organizations to do whatever makes them feel “comfortable.” So each department does not get to have its own bank account. Isn’t that amazing? They keep one set of financial records, a single chequing account along with short and long term investing accounts. All transactions must flow through the single system and be kept in one set of software based records.

Through this system of centralized financial control a business can derive greater leverage from the money that it has worked hard to earn. So why anyone would advise a couple or family to do anything different than pool their money and follow a similar formal process of money management is beyond me? The only possible reason is to ingratiate the advisor with clients who are afraid of change and learning or who don’t want their marital union to include financial union. On the latter point, it seems ridiculous to stand at the altar and make a life commitment that might go like this; “I promise to love and honour you and to share with you the most intimate aspects of my life with full transparency, except for my finances, about which I want you to know as little as possible.” Marital union that excludes finances is a breeding ground for poor communication, build up of suspicions and eventual financial infidelity. Marital counselors claim financial infidelity to be as serious a problem as emotional and physical infidelity. A financial system that includes joint accounts, joint record keeping, family budgeting with regular review and communication not only enhances the power of family money but also strengthens the marital bond through its high level of transparency. So if you are prepared to share your bed, your body and your deepest feelings with someone then why not your finances too. And if that doesn’t make sense, then just remember that if and when you split up the law divides it all in half anyway. n Richard Ziemski, C.A. Management Consultant rickziemski@cogeco.ca www.linkedin.com/in/rickziemski www.womenwithvision.ca


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BEAUTY ...living life at its best

Far too often people ask me, “Why do you continue to analyze handwriting? Cursive writing is a lost art. With the increased popularity of keyboarding, i-pads, texting, etc., handwriting is no longer valued. You are flogging a dead horse.” I disagree.

Writing is harder to forge than printing.

There have been many cycles of rise and decline in handwriting throughout all of known history. In every cycle of decline in handwriting one thing remains true – those who could not write were always in a worse position than those who could write. We are already in the phase where only those who are wealthier and can afford private schooling, tutoring or home schooling will ensure that their children are able to read and produce cursive handwriting.

If you cannot sign your own name, you cannot put your own thumbprint`` on critical transactions like a bank loan, a mortgage, a lease, a car purchase, permission for medical procedures, income tax returns, court documents, land deed or a will. Misreading prescriptions and illegible recordkeeping can result in costly and potentially life-threatening errors.

Do you want to be smarter? Just grab a pen or pencil. According to The Wall Street Journal, more and more studies show that good-old-fashioned handwriting boosts brainpower in everyone from kids to seniors. Handwriting is a functional task. It is a way of expressing thoughts, ideas and knowledge. It is a very complex skill that encompasses visual motor coordination, higher-level cognitive processes, perceptual abilities, tactile sensitivity, kinesthetic sensitivity, spatial organization, temporal control and the integration of written language. Neuroscience and cognitive science research are providing strong correlations to cursive handwriting, resulting in higher scores in reading, improved eye-hand coordination, and dexterity. The physical activity of writing in cursive strengthens neural pathways and calms the emotional brain.



It would be a cultural loss if our children were unable to read the handwritten messages in family albums, letters from grandparents, and historical documents. The loss of the ability to write by hand will have the most profound impact on our children’s future. There is no need to give up texting and keyboarding. Why not do both? We pay a lot of attention to physical fitness and physical workouts these days. Let`s do ourselves a big favour and have a mental workout. Starting writing! The rewards are endless.

n Mary Ann Matthews, CGA Certified Graphoanalyst Certified Cursive Writing Coach maryann@handwriting.ca www.handwriting.ca

© Martinmark | Dreamstime.com

Although I deal with printing, scribbling and doodling as well as cursive writing, I want to urge readers to take a look at the value of writing in longhand. Here is some interesting information:

Our society continues to value handwritten notes over less personal, typed, or emailed messages.







of Entrepreneurial Health By Debbie Bullock Many Entrepreneurs are often so caught up in their business and continually trying to move it forward to the next stage, that sometimes they lose sight of the fact that if they get sick, have an accident or find themselves in the position that they need time off to care for a child, parent or spouse…they don’t know what to do! I don’t have time to get sick, injured or take time off to help a loved one. My business wouldn’t survive if I couldn’t be there every day! Does this sound like you? I’ve loved spending the past fifteen years dealing with families who want to make sure their financial health is taken care of, just like their home and car (and even now lawyer’s fees). I can’t tell you how many appointments I have had to reschedule because I receive a last minute call…“my mother had a fall and I need to go to the hospital” or “ my child broke their arm and we’re headed to the hospital”.

© Odua | Dreamstime.com

Well, my conclusion is ‘life happens’ and it is often not an “if” but a “when”! So in retrospect I now offer the ABC’s of life, which includes an Automatic Business Compensation package for Women with Vision! Entrepreneurs –simply, financial security for whatever happens...



As an entrepreneur ask yourself these five questions: 1. What would happen to my business (and family) if my income stopped due to illness or injury? 2. How long will my emergency fund last? (Yikes! I don’t have an emergency fund! All my money goes back into my business!) 3. How do I pay for office space and employees if you can’t work? 4. Am I prepared to dip into my retirement savings and how long will that last? 5. How will the income continue to flow? As entrepreneurs we all try to keep our taxable income down as low as possible so we may not qualify for traditional disability insurance from insurance companies – they often determine the amount you are eligible for as per your taxable income! Or because you only have a couple of employees, some small businesses don’t qualify for traditional group benefits…so what’s a businesswomen to do? Luckily in today’s hectic world there are options for Entrepreneurs like us when it comes to income continuation, health care and medical benefits…and having it lets me sleep at night! Peace of mind is what I need when I’m working and having an ABC (Automatic Business Compensation©*) package in place has given me the security in knowing my family and I will be taken care of should my ABC’s of life be called upon…how about you? n Debbie Bullock Independent Insurance Broker Founder of Savvy Sense Financial Education for Women www. Savvysense.ca

*phrase created by Lorraine Leslie

Women with





AUTOMATIC BALANCING... Consciously Women with

By Jessy Morrison



We were taught that Music begins with Do Re Mi. Numbers begin with 1, 2, 3; and learning began with A, B, C. However what we learned in kindergarten no longer serves us. At the very least it is outdated, at the worst it is distorted and keeps us stuck, ill, or unfulfilled. We are not content to just “go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, and retire…”. We’ve realized that this is NOT the formula for Inspired Living. More and more people are waking up to a more conscious lifestyle. Our goal is simple: We want to overcome our personal barriers, to give back and realize our highest potential. What if all it takes to live the life of your dreams is learning how to Automatically Balance our energy Consciously. The new ABC’s of inspired living “Automatic Balancing Consciously©”, a phrase coined by my friend Lorraine Leslie, to explain the skills we now need but were never taught, to help us live life to the fullest. Here is three easy ways to start living your authentic inspired life…

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• A used to be for “An Apple a day keeps the doctor away”. They were on the right track but with the advent of processed foods people forgot this old adage, and now we have to heal what we messed up and take it to the next level. • Alkalize your body, your mind and spirit. Eat your greens, live foods, veggies and fruits. Processed food creates an acidic environment depriving your body and brain of oxygen, ripening the development of germs, inflammation, pain, depression, excess weight, and more unconscious negative thinking. • Avoid negative sources – people, places, things and habits. • Acknowledge where you are now in mood desire or deed, (without judgment) so you can move forward towards your goals. • Accept that there is never just one right Answer – school taught us there was only one - the one the teacher wanted; but we know differently now don’t we. • Answers are not solutions; in order for energy to move we must Ask Questions, rather than make conclusions or limited decisions based on fear or playing small. And at all times strike a fair deal – its good karma


• BREATHE deeply and allow yourself to receive Life Force energy. When you inhale and exhale deeply it is physiologically impossible to remain stressed, and you allow your body and all your cells to awaken your power and potency within, keeping you balanced. That’s why your body invented yawning to reboot your system, and de-stress you! • Breathing allows you to Believe in You! and BE Yourself! BE inspiring, BE passionate, and BE BIG and Bold! Just BE excited, life is a gift, not a drudgery to be endured. Be mindful, Be true to your values, BE real and settle for nothing less in others. • Break bread together and eat family meals together. In fact bake bread together it’s a fun way to spend time. Create memories together – oops that’s a C


• Care about others • Choose CAN instead of CANNOT and live in the “Yes” of possibility. • Choose your thoughts, consciously not on automatic pilot. • Have the Courage to Convert your thoughts into positive actions Challenges make life interesting, overcoming challenges makes living meaningful, stimulating and stretches you; When you welcome challenges they do not paralyze you, they help you discover who you truly can BE! n Jessy Morrison Body Talk - relief@jessymorrison.ca

New LocatioN

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Healthy Eating By Lesley Paul, B.Sc. Phm

We look in the mirror and wish we were skinnier, more beautiful, fitter or smaller. The media bombards us from all angles with touched-up images of models that epitomize human perfection. And this summer, the fashion industry hit us one more time when retailer J. Crew came out with the size 000 clothes. By adolescence, more than half of teenage girls (and even boys) feel the pressure to be thin and beautiful. This pressure erodes our self-esteem, increases anxiety and in some cases leads to eating disorders. According to the National Eating Disorder Information Centre, approximately one percent of the adult population suffers from an eating disorder. Although more common in women, men are not immune as the fashion industry focuses on male models that appear slimmer and more androgynous. Mainstream attitudes towards food and weight begin at a very young age. Sadly, the earlier a child

© Arne9001 | Dreamstime.com

“Put your make-up on Get your nails done Curl your hair Run the extra mile Keep it slim so they like you, do they like you?”*

begins obsessing about his/her weight through strict dieting the more likely they are to develop an eating disorder. There are three main types of eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. Although they have different symptoms, they all have one thing in common; an unhealthy obsession with body image that affects the person’s self-esteem. They often feel that they are out of control and being able to manage one’s weight to what they feel is acceptable helps them to feel in control. Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by inadequate food intake leading to dangerously low weight and an intense fear of weight gain. There is often an inability to truly appreciate the severity of the disorder. Obviously, such restriction can have serious consequences such as heart and kidney problems, bone loss, digestive problems and even fertility problems. Sadly, up to ten percent of those with anorexia nervosa will die from complications or suicide. On the other hand, those with Bulimia Nervosa frequently consume very large amounts of food and then purge by selfinduced vomiting or extensive laxative use. Long-term, these habits can also lead to kidney and digestive problems as well as dehydration and damage to the mouth, teeth and throat due to vomiting. Those with Binge-eating disorder have similar behaviours, however they do not find ways to





prevent weight gain. They often feel ashamed or guilty about their habits that can lead to weight gain, Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. While it seems that those with an eating disorder are focused on food and body image, the roots run much deeper. Eating disorders are complex conditions involving behavioural, biological, emotional, psychological and social factors. To say that the media is solely responsible for causing an eating disorder is wrong, although it certainly contributes to the low selfesteem of many. Eating disorders can be treated. Actually seeking treatment is probably the most challenging aspects of healing. Not only will they have to face their worst fear of gaining weight but there is also the discussion of the guilt and shame felt with the illness. Treatment of an eating disorder will often involve many health professionals. It may include hospitalization to treat the physical symptoms, counseling (cognitive-behavioural therapy and interpersonal therapy), support groups, stress management, and in some cases medication to help with mood problems that often accompany eating disorders. It is common for the entire family or even friends to be involved in treatment especially when it involves a young person. Treatment will take time and may be ongoing, but a full recovery is possible.

Women with



“You don’t have to try so hard You don’t have to give it all away You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up You don’t have to change a single thing. …Take a breath Look into the mirror, at yourself Don’t you like you? ‘Cause I like you.”* For more information on eating disorders: • National Eating Disorders Information Centre (nedic.ca) • Canadian Mental Health Association (cmha.ca) • National Eating Disorders Association (nationaleatingdisorders.org) *Caillat, Colbie. “Try.” “Gypsy Heart”, 2014 Republic Records

n Lesley Paul, Pharmacist dlpaul@sympatico.ca www.womenwithvision.ca


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Grandma listen to the birds singing! Hearing is essential to allow us to communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas with one another. Hearing loss is the third most chronic medical condition experienced by the general population. Aside from reducing our ability to communicate with one another as our hearing diminishes we may also experience depression, isolation, embarrassment and in some cases dementia.

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Mark Neukom is a certified Audiologist at Blue Mountain Audiology. He is passionate about improving people’s ability to communicate with one another. An improvement that can be achieved not only by hearing aids, but also PSAPs (personal sound amplification products), auditory training, aural rehabilitation, education and counseling. Mark has many interests and holds degrees in engineering, medicine and music. These interests have provided Mark with a unique perspective to hearing, hearing loss and its rehabilitation. If you have any questions about hearing loss or would like to chat with Mark Neukom contact bmaudiology@gmail.com

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

705 241-8680

An Audiologist is responsible for helping rehabilitate the auditory system. Just as a physiotherapist helps rehabilitate a hip or knee replacement.

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imagine a life without pain... If physical pain from injury is inhibiting you in your everyday life - you are not alone... We at COLLINGWOOD SPORT MEDICINE/Life Mark Health, are dedicated to working with you to reduce the time between your injury and your return to activity. We want to help you enjoy the life you were meant to live.

Physiotherapists create a customized program which encompasses numerous therapeutic tools combined with focused exercise protocols. Our goal is to get you on the road to recovery and discharge you in a timely manner with a program you can continue at home. Trust our TEAM! They have over 100+ years of combined physiotherapy experience!

© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Our Therapy Team can help you. We are highly skilled at relieving the cause of your pain by getting to the root of your injury. Using a broad understanding of all of your bodily systems we assess and diagnose your problem.

© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Many Canadians under-estimate the seriousness of their injuries and don't seek adequate or timely treatment. They hope things will get better by relying on remedies, or by using over-thecounter medications which often provide only short-term relief. Unfortunately these treatments don't address the cause of the injury and may in fact prolong the pain.


7. Pants of all leg styles and lengths from leggings to slim to boot leg to wide palazzos and event culottes 8. Butterfly motif items including jewellery and as patterns on fabrics used for everything including handbags and shoes. 9. Scarves, shawls and capes to drape over anything, indoors and out! 10.Knits –tops, bottoms, and dresses. Head to toe knit look is comfy as well as chic.


Dressing is a key method of communicating. Your clothes are the vocabulary and how you combine them pulls together your message. Your accessories are the punctuation.

To speak well with our clothes we need to explore the new trends and find what best expresses our message.

Usually the more exact the word you use to share an idea the less words you have to say. A current and varied vocabulary gives you the most efficient way to express an idea.

1. Leather items or leather trim on clothing 2. Leopard prints for anything including foot wear. 3. Colors – red, rosy tones and aubergine, cobalt blue, nature greens both cool and warm, and friendly orange. 4. Non –colors such as black, navy, taupe, grey, mocha and winter white. 5. Color blocking a la Piet Mondrian. Stripes, dots and floral prints add to a solid mix. 6. Oversize blazer and a general men’s wear look

Similarly, the fashion world offers new trends each season so we have new ways of expressing ourselves. We can take our basics, add fresh items and reinvent ourselves so our look has positive impact and relates effectively. The truer our selections of trends are to ourselves, the more pared down our outfit can be.



This fall the top 10 trends are:

Walk-ins always welcome

Your goal is to frame yourself so you make eye contact in clothes that make you feel as if you are wearing a second skin. Human connection requires clear communication. Build your skills to use your wardrobe to create your unique message this season and every season.

© bing.com

By Marilyn Wetston

We all learn to read and write and build a vocabulary so we can communicate with one another. Each year the dictionary adds new words like "Selfie". To relate we need to keep up with the language of today both verbally and in the way we dress. Author Malcom Gladwell pointed out that we create an impression in the time it takes to blink!


Review the trend list above. Select what speaks to you and helps you look and feel your best. Eliminate the trends that are definitely not for you and enjoy the refresh of adding your favourites to your existing wardrobe.

of Dressing Well The Wardrobe Doctor


Reinvent yourself so you dress every day to create the impression you desire; always keeping in touch with the authentic you. Be sure to clothe yourself with items that create a balanced and proportioned look. Highlight your positive qualities. Camouflage what you wish and finish with a "selfie" that reflects your best you!

36 St. Marie Street, Collingwood

Fashion trends are yours to help you speak to everyone including your contemporaries. Select carefully, then enjoy the effect of the messages you create with your updated wardrobe.

n Marilyn Wetston contact@marilyns.ca www.marilyns.ca

Women with...


Life Line

Transformational Coaching

Business Mentor • Marketing Consultant • Advertising Specialist

Life Line Transformational Coaching is your professional link to building awareness and taking your business and personal life to the next level. Improve your marketing and communications skills while achieving your life goals.

Lorraine Leslie 1-866-306-6021 womenwithvision@rogers.com




Personal Style Quiz Courtesy of Karen Brunger, President of International Image Institute Inc.


7. The clothing styles that I like to wear most are: oA Fashion forward, dramatic oB Elegant sporty oC Comfortable, easy, breathable oD Tailored and elegant oE Soft, creative, personalized oF Flowing and sensuous

The home that fits me the best is: oA A penthouse condominium in the heart of a cosmopolitan city oB A traditional country estate, perhaps a castle oC An ecological home, perhaps made from logs, with windows everywhere, somewhere in the country oD A traditional home in a safe, well-tended neighbourhood oE A warehouse or other unusual space oF A beautiful home in a gated community

To define your individual style, check the answer that most applies to you. If two seem to be equal, then check both. It’s important to pay attention to your own heart, rather than society’s 2. The decorating scheme that fits me best is: oA Contemporary, steel, glass, clean lines expectations. This quiz will oB Antiques, large scale, elegant not necessarily define your oC Hand-crafted, rustic, unique absolute style, but it can be oD Classic, tasteful, understated, elegant fun! oE Unique, unexpected, whimsical, creative oF

8. The communication style most natural to me is: oA Assertive, cool, confident oB Formal, reserved, gracious oC Casual, lively, straightforward oD Accommodating, gracious, warm oE Expressive, light-hearted, fun oF Warm, heart-felt, flirtatious 9. My body type is: oA Angular, slim oB Strong bone structure oC Compact, strong oD All average proportions oE Fine bone structure oF Full, curvaceous

Luxurious, ornate, mirrors, glass

Once you have completed your 3. A vacation that fits me best is: questionnaire send it to Women oA First class in a major European city oB Activity such as skiing, scuba diving, or rock climbing with Vision and Julia Leslie of o C A safari in Kenya Image Impact will be in touch to o D A tour to a cultural centre or a stay at a resort chat with you about your oE A visit to a place of great meaning Personal Style Category... oF A luxurious, relaxing resort-spa

10. The frequency that most resembles my walk and talk is:

BONUS: Each individual who 4. In my career I am motivated most by: mails a completed questionnaire oA Wealth and recognition oB Intelligence, effectiveness, and achievement will receive a complimentary o C Ethics, freedom, and rights copy of Women with Vision oD Peace, harmony, safety, order Magazine.

SEND YOUR COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE TO: 156 Brophy's Lane Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 Deadline December 31st 2014



oB oC

Personal development and self-expression Relationships & nurturing

I appreciate: oA Trends, technology, progressiveness oB Space, country, tradition oC Freedom, the environment, a bargain oD Reliability, standards, protocol oE Self expression, individuality, intuition oF Luxury, beauty, pampering

oD oE oF

© Paultarasenko | Dreamstime.com



© Selvan Raghupathy | Dreamstime.com

oE oF

An activity I am most likely to do in my spare time is: oA A trip oB A sport oC A productive outdoor activity oD Organize something oE Something creative / artistic oF Go to a spa

Now add up the numbers you had for each letter, and enter below. The category with the most is your Individual Style category.

A: __________ - Dramatic B: __________ - Aristocratic C: __________ - Natural D: __________ - Classic E: __________ - Creative F: __________ - Romantic

Quiz Courtesy of International Image Institute Inc.




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The Nissan 370Z Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Drive a for all occasions... ...your perfect Fall Fashion accessory

The Nissan Rogue



© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™


The Nissan Micra





Beautiful You Fall Makeovers



Makeup by Jeannine Faubert of Beautiful You


Day Look

After Five

Julia Leslie



Julie Fliin

© Subbotina | Dreamstime.com

Beatrix Lindavi

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

...eat, drink and entertain





abc’s OF COOKING By Susanne Mikler

Sandra Bruton has a passion! Actually, she has several passions and they all intertwine beautifully and deliciously in her healthy food venture: Sure Chefs. Sandra’s ABC’s of culinary passion started in high school where she wanted to enhance her enthusiasm for cookery – an obsession by the way, that she developed from her mother, a Chef (and founder of Sure Chefs). Enrolled for the culinary program at Liaison College for half day morning classes, Sandra was able to complete her high school diploma in the afternoons. Then, after school, she would dash to her co-op job as a dishwasher. A busy life that was leading her on a lifelong journey... Sandra’s culinary career goal was to bake and specialize in the pastry arts. With school, classes and a part time job her body started to agree with that at all; she was over-sugared and under-weight and generally unhealthy (which caused her to also be unhappy). It wasn’t long before Sandra took another turn in the culinary road. The solution to her career and health issues was clear: study nutrition. The Canadian School of Nutrition was the answer leading her to a new appreciation of food and chemicals; how the body processes what we feed it. High school completed, Sandra moved to Egypt where her mom, brother and step father had moved for work reasons. Sandra worked in her mom’s catering business while her brother attended an elite private school. The new outlook for nutrition opened her eyes in many ways. Overwhelmed by the obesity and health issues around the



kids at her brother’s school; a world class facilities yet the kids were lethargic and over-weight. Her newfound culinary skills for nutrition combined with her existing zeal for cooking started another interest: helping people learn about what they eat and how to prepare it.

super foods, kids, cooking and healthy eating/living. Her passion spurred her on to really make a difference and has now written a grant proposal for a Sure Chef food truck. The food truck will allow her to go to all schools in Ontario and teach kids how to make good food taste great and choose a healthy menu. With her food truck she could train 120 kids per day and do an entire school in a week. A focus on allergies and other dietary concerns while showing kids how easy it is to make healthy food choices and prepare for themselves – how cool is that? Sandra would like to start a series of classes for Mom’s who are plagued with the lunch making phobia. We all know someone who dreads the school year; making lunches, especially when they are not eaten because they are not palatable. There’s also the Teen Series where teens focus on body issues - skin conditions due to incorrect diet intake. This lovely, bright-eyed young lady is truly following the ABC’s of life with her craft and wants to share it. Her energy and enthusiasm is contagious; that’s for Sure. n Susanne Mikler

The first class of Sure Chefs was established as a summer camp where kids learned about healthy choices and how to prepare the foods to their liking to stimulate the craving for healthy options that provided energy and nutrients for growing bodies. The feedback was outstanding. Sandra had found her ultimate passion! Unfortunately the revolution in Egypt ended the journey and Sandra ultimately moved again to join her family in Argentina. It was here she started the “Mom and Kids Picky Eater” program. Kids were taught to take healthy food and make it three ways – writing down every recipe and noting which method they liked best. By the end of the classes, each student completed the program with a journal/cookbook of recipes that they had written. This outcome reinforced Sandra’s belief that kids will eat food that they have prepared and if it is food they like it’s even better. Now back in Canada Sandra has continued her journey and is presently hosting Junior Sure Chef classes at Liaison College in Etobicoke with great success. Sandra is host of a community TV show featuring her ideas on www.womenwithvision.ca





© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™




Fall Feast...

turn the page for some savoury fall recipes...






for detai ls

1 can (28oz) PC Blue Menu Diced Tomatoes ½ - 1 cup of water or PC Blue Menu No Salt Added Vegetable Broth 1 can (19oz) PC Blue Menu White Kidney beans 1 can (19oz) PC Blue Menu Red Kidney beans 1 can (19oz) PC Blue Menu Black beans 1 Onion, chopped 1 Green Pepper, chopped By Amanda Wood 1 Jalapeno Pepper, minced – optional Registered Dietitian, R.D. 1 Stalk Celery, chopped Loblaws, Collingwood 3 Cloves Garlic, minced 1-2 Tbsp (15-30mL) Chili Powder 2 tsp (10mL) Cumin 2 tsp (10mL) Dried Oregano

www .wom enwi thvis ion.c a


8-10 servings

Subscribe Today!


Slow Cooker Vegetarian Chili

Directions • In a slowcooker, combine all ingredients except for cheese. • Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours or high for 3 to 4 hours. • Or if you don’t have a crockpot you can use a large saucepan and stove top to cook the chili. Over medium-high heat, add some vegetable oil and the first eight ingredients to the sauce pan and cook until vegetables are tender. • Add in the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. • Reduce heat, cover and let simmer for a minimum of 20-30minutes or up to 6 hours, stirring occasionally. • Chili is great served over rice or couscous or in a whole grain tortilla. • If desired you can garnish your chili with shredded cheese and a dollop of PC 0% MF Plain Greek Yogurt. Tip: This recipe is an easy freeze for quick and easy lunch or dinner on another day!



© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™



Fresh Whole Foods for Fall






Š Steven Deming | Dreamstime.com


...creative and helpful tips




© Skypixel | Dreamstime.com





Looking for a home can be an opportunity to get back to basics and get really honest with ourselves. It can provide us the opportunity to change the old patterns that have always led to frustration and perhaps even apathy. My suggested ABC’s for House Hunting

be invaluable to you as you move into living a new vision for your life. The power to make these changes, to allow yourself to really let your home reflect you, lies only with you. Taking charge of your power can be challenging and stressful in its own way.

Look within yourself and ask what are my AUTHENTIC needs and desires for my home? Give yourself permission to really know what brings ease and joy to your daily life. This may involve challenging some of the things you have accepted in the past, things that have come from outside of you. Do your parents prefer a certain neighborhood or style of home, so you follow that? If it truly reflects YOU, that's great! If it doesn't, only you can make a change.

Have COMPASSION for yourself as you boldly step where you have not stepped before. Compassion is a beautiful gentle way to support yourself and nurture yourself as you grow and create your experience just the way you want it.

That change is possible when you allow yourself to be BOLD and take some risks in doing things in a new way. Working with a seasoned real estate agent who is open minded, understanding and supportive of your goals will

The result of living these ABC's is waking up to the new home and the new you that you have envisioned!

n Monika Gibson Sales Representative Century 21 Millennium/ Collingwood

Women with

of House Hunting



By Monika Gibson in collaboration with Sue Kern

Often, buying a new home feels like a new beginning in our lives. Sometimes we have the luxury of time, to carefully search for our dream home, and other times we must move more quickly. Either way can seem stressful as we deal with all the challenges and questions that come up along the way. The theme for this issue is "The ABC's of life", and in that vein, I share with you a simplified means of meeting your needs and fulfilling your dreams. Our homes reflect who we are! On the surface this can mean things like functionality and the face we present to the world; but let's go a little deeper. Are there "problem" areas that always seem to collect clutter? Do you always



have that room that seems to collect things that never seems to get sorted and organized? Do you find yourself under stress trying to always meet a standard of cleanliness and tidiness, which is forever unattainable? In today's world we are constantly under stress and there never seems to be enough time to get everything done. .







By Janet Kurasz, Hort, AMCT(A)

Over the past few years, I have focused more energy on vegetable gardening. My interest, like so many, began with a few pots of herbs on the patio and then expanded to include some choice vegetables in amongst the flowers in the ornamental gardens. Eventually, I had containers of tomatoes, barrels of herbs, radishes and leaf lettuce. It seems funny, in hindsight; why didn’t I just build a vegetable garden? Well, that takes time and like so many, I just kept putting it off. Finally, we decided the time had come to install a “proper” vegetable garden. We did our research on various styles of garden and with limited space, decided on the “square foot garden” design. In our case, we created four, 4’ x 4’ gardens contained within a raised bed protected by a barrier of wire fencing to keep out the wildlife. Because we are on a well, with limited water resources, we needed to install a rain collection system which we did by capturing rain water from our house and storing it in a 1000 litre container. Growing one’s own vegetables and herbs is a rewarding activity: beyond the obvious appreciation of fresh produce, there is the knowledge of the effort that went into the planning, sowing/planting



© Arne9001 | Dreamstime.com

The Second Harvest

and nurturing; and the absence of pesticides which we now know plays a major role in our health and susceptibility to various chronic illnesses. If one of the goals is to provide fresh, organic food then ideally this food will provide for the entire year. In our climate, that does present challenges. Of course, potatoes and carrots will store for several months, legumes can be blanched and frozen; while tomatoes and cucumbers can be preserved in a variety of ways. Too often we think of vegetable gardens as a summer activity, but there are vegetables that can be grown in the fall, right up to frost. Extending the gardening season with a second harvest can dramatically increase the yield and allow you to enjoy fresh vegetables into fall and winter. Fall gardening is often easier since there are less pests, and less watering required in cooler weather. Seeds of beets, carrots, chard, leaf lettuce, radishes and spinach can be sown and broccoli and cabbage transplants (seedlings) can be planted as late as the end August. Many herbs are perennial, coming back year after year. Sage, thyme, hyssop, catnip, caraway, chamomile, mint, oregano, lemon balm, horseradish and lavender come to mind. Watch out for the mint which can become invasive! Drying herbs is a relatively easy process. Air drying herbs is not only the easiest and least expensive way to dry fresh herbs, but this slow drying process also doesn't deplete the herbs of their oils. This process works best with herbs that don't have high moisture content such as Bay, Dill, Marjoram, Oregano, Rosemary, Thyme and Sage. The ABCs of life, is about getting back to the basics and finding a foundation to build a life upon. The basics, in my opinion, is the simplest approach to living; there is nothing more basic than growing your own food.



n Janet Kurasz, Horticulturist www.kurasz.ca

Women with








Eliminate Procrastination Using the ABC Method By Karen Sencich Do you find that there is so much to do and so little time? Which of your household priorities have you been neglecting? Stop procrastination at the source by applying The ABC (A Bit Calmer) Method to your list of things to do.

© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

A is for Action Taking action is sometimes important and often it is urgent. Paperwork is important; failure to maintain a filing system often results in misplaced paperwork, added stress and panic. To avoid an important bill becoming an urgent last minute issue, set reminders in your phone several days before each bill is due. Look ahead to anticipate important upcoming events. Create a perpetual annual calendar of important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries. Pencil in car maintenance, pet care and scheduled checkups with the doctor and dentist for yourself and every family member.



My passion in Real Estate leads to your Good Fortune.

B is for Backup Disaster proof your life by creating a backup plan to cover each of your responsibilities. If you became ill or incapacitated who could replace you at work? Who could take over childcare and essential daily activities at home? Create a database of emergency service providers to help your family through any potential disaster. Ask for recommendations to locate resources in your community who provide childcare, eldercare etc. For example, research which restoration company to call to clean up in the event of a flood or fire. Of course, the word backup has become synonymous with electronic maintenance including computers, tablets and cellphones. Protect computer files, documents and photos by scheduling regular backups stored either on an external hard drive or on a cloud based service. C is for Chore Chart Create a list of each task that must be performed to maintain your household. Break the list into suitable time frames: annual, semi-annual, monthly, weekly and daily chores. Briefly outline what needs to be done, specify the skills how to do it and the standards required. Most importantly, determine when the best time is to perform each task. In my experience as a Professional Organizer I find that the main reason chores don’t get done is that there isn’t a specific time assigned to complete tasks. Analyze your family’s weekly schedule and carve out some quality time when everyone is free to tackle chores around the house. Compiling a chore chart will make it easier to delegate and switch jobs between family members.

Monika Gibson Sales Representative Representative Sales

A little pre-planning using the ABC Method will prevent procrastination and keep you focused on your priorities.

72 Hurontario Street, Collingwood, ON L9Y 2L8 Direct Line: 705-607-0445 Office: 705-445-5640 www.century21.ca/monika.gibson

n Karen Sencich CPO® Certified Professional Organizer®, Speaker and Writer www.havoctoharmony.com www.womenwithvision.ca



6 Tips for Pet Travel

Identification and Health Records Make sure your pets wear identification tags and are micro chipped in case of escape during the trip. When travelling bring your pets’ health records along. You'll need them in case your pet bites someone or gets bitten. Put your name, destination address and cell phone number on your pets’ crates in case of emergency.

© Monika Wisniewska | Dreamstime.com

of an emergency – especially if you have to take your pet to a boarding kennel. Cat Travel Cats feel safer traveling in a small crate. To prepare your cat for crate time, leave the crate around the house for a few days so the cat gets used to it. This also works for


dogs. Familiarize harnessing and crating your dog or cat in the car before the departure date.

By Dr. Tina Grey

Prepare in Advance It’s always a good idea to prepare in advance when traveling in a vehicle with your pet. Pets that have never been in the car before need some short trips first to see how they react. To avoid anxiety or even motion sickness, talk to your veterinarian about appropriate medications. Keep pet’s vaccinations up to date in case


Pet Accessories Bowl and bottled water is all you need. You never know what might upset your pet's tummy, and you certainly don't want to find out while you're trapped in a small car together. So, stick with water - No food until you reach your destination for the day. Bring pooper scooper, waste bags, treats, extra leash and your pets’ favorite pillow or toys for comfort. Pack a toiletry kit for yourself and your pet – hand wipes are useful for both you and your pet! Restraint System The best way to keep your pet safe during a car trip is to use a restraint system. Harnesses that attach to your regular seat belts, or straps that attach to the ceiling of the car work great. You wear a seat belt for your own safety -- give your pet the same respect. There are many options to choose from depending on the size of your pet and vehicle. Secure and cushion crates for comfort and to avoid your pet from being slammed against the sides of the crate. Avoid pets in the front seat to avoid injury if an airbag is deployed. Restless Pet Pets sleep in the car, but like you get restless. Avoid letting your pets head out the window - speed is dangerous. Your dog could be hit by flying objects and the wind and cold air can cause inner-ear damage and lung infections. Excitable canines can unexpectedly leap out an open window, leading to serious injury or death. Instead, bring along a favorite chew toy and treats. During any trip stop often so pets can stretch their legs, relieve themselves, burn off some excess energy and sniff out their new surroundings. The best part is you'll enjoy a break from driving just as much!







© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Property Owner - Janny of Wasaga Beach

© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Hues of Fall Colours Harvest Flowers and Greenery Every Corner Full of Happiness and Fun


ARTS ENTERTAINMENT ...experiencing classical & creative masterpieces

© Wam1975

© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

...experiencing classical & creative masterpieces

58 www.womenwithvision.ca © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™



from left to right; Joe, Mike Janet, Lorraine, Stacey & Luke



© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™





Women with...




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Annual Fee: $75.00 + $9.75 HST = $84.75

Members benefits: Luncheons/Dinners: Breakfasts 7 a.m. / Luncheons 11:30 a.m. Dinners at 6:00 p.m. and last 2.5 hours. Each district has its own networking day and location.



• Direct mailing of Women with Vision Magazine to home or work • $5 Discount on networking luncheons/dinners • 10% Discount on long term advertising • WWV Membership tax receipt • Advance notification of networking events, conferences and trade shows

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© Constantin Opris | Dreamstime.com

Women with Vision was founded in 1998 to offer business women a networking venue in which they can provide support for one another and develop new business connections. Through this dynamic networking opportunity attendees will receive motivation, inspiration, advice and mutual support to help them take their business & lives in general to the highest possible level.


abc’s OF LIFE

By Lorraine Leslie


VanTorre Barnim


Walking into the Collingwood Library in the fall of 2013 friends and business colleagues were all there to support Sue Tennent’s Free School’s Literacy. Mingling and saying hello to as many people as I could before the evening’s presentation I turned to take a seat when I was introduced to the women who was presenting some of her poetry. The topic of the evening was ‘literacy’ and how so many lives have been affected, not only around the world but right here in our own county and community. After a very moving slide presentation the master of ceremonies introduced a bright eyed woman who I had recently met…she stood tall as she took to the podium. Her introduction was astounding, to say the least. Brenda VanTorre Barnim was making her very first reading of her poetry followed by a presentation on her life’s journey to becoming a published poet…

Brenda was born in Tillsonburg Ontario on a July summer’s day 1962 to Lillian and Murray Barnim. Murray worked in construction and Lillian babysat children for extra cash flow.



realize at such a young age that he left my mother with three children and a house that was not paid for...plus she didn’t have a job.”

“I was raised in the small town of Otterville. Mrs. MacNeil’s house is where I started pre kindergarten at age five. It wasn’t a regular school atmosphere… but I do remember Mrs. MacNeil reading to the kids a lot, and this is where I learned to tie my shoes and print my name.”

“After Dad’s death mom went to hair dressing school in Brantford while my older sister and one younger brother took care of me until she got home. This had its problems as young kids lose control of who is in charge. Fighting and craziness was what it was all about until she walked in the house - this was not a very memorable time in my life.”

“I wasn’t a quick learner so when my father passed away in 1971 during my second year of grade two I didn’t

“Otterville is known for its beautiful park with its amazing walking bridge and trails. On the other side of

photo credit - Elise McMillan

continued on pg. 66

Brenda with her dog Tippy

Brenda, Christmas morning with her sister Tammy in the background

Brenda in the middle with her sister Tammy and Brother Richard









Brenda VanTorre Barnim ...continued from pg. 65

the bridge is a pool and during summer vacation mom would buy me a membership where I spent most of the day and sometimes after supper as well. I became a very good swimmer as I was in the water all the time. One fond but heartbreaking memory is the last barbeque and dance held in the park where Mom and Dad were dancing when he had the massive heart attack that took him from us. Still today when I tell people my maiden name, they ask if I’m Murray’s daughter. His death left the whole town in shock. Dad was only thirty-one.” “There is one day at that park that will always hold special memories…it was a company picnic and a man was giving children pony rides and taking memento pictures. I was standing watching the other children as a man asked me if I wanted a ride. The pony rides were not part of the picnic. He asked me a second time,” Do you want a ride”? I said “yes sir”? I know it’s not safe to accept things from strangers but at that moment – I was happy and felt so special … you can only imagine how that made me feel? I went home and showed my mom the picture of me on the pony and she laughed for the first time in a long time since Dad’s passing. She couldn’t believe some of the things I could get myself into. To this day, I’m still very grateful for that man’s kindness.”

Brenda on horse in Otterville park

“As time went on I became more and more shy, only speaking when spoken to. Surprisingly, later in my life I over came my shyness – some people now say I seem to have what people call the ‘gift of gab’.” Brenda said with a chuckle.

“I wasn’t an angel by any means….’innocent’ did not describe me... My friend had a canoe and we’d row across the lake to this little island across from her house. One particular day we rowed over to the small island which was very close to the falls. I’ll call my friend Karen (not her real name). I got out of the canoe and stepped onto the ground as I threw her the rope so she could tie up the canoe. Well, she stepped into a very large bee’s nest, and OMG she started to scream! I was busy concentrating on getting out of the canoe when she jumped into the canoe and started screaming at me. GET GOING! GET OUT OF HERE! She was swatting at bees and almost tipping us over. I really didn’t know what she was doing at first - all I could do was laugh out loud as I tried frantically to get us away from the bees as fast as I could.” “We didn’t count the number of bites she had but I do remember it was very serious. She was out of commission for quite a while recouping from the stings.” Shared Brenda. Brenda found herself being influenced by others and becoming quite the follower… “Karen and I were about eleven years old and found all kinds of mischief – like taking her mother’s car and driving it up and down the driveway. I could hardly see over the steering wheel. We were dressed up in her mother’s clothes to boot…like wearing her mother’s fur coat. We zigzagged all over the place and luckily we just missed driving into the lake. I never heard anything from her parents and I never told my mom until I was about thirty years old. I’m so glad we didn’t get hurt; I really learned that was not a good thing to do, we could have died or even hurt or killed someone else.” Then out of the blue Brenda said, “...but childhood lessons make us who we are today…” Brenda was also very sensitive and impressionable as a child... “When I was little, I would sit in front of the TV and watch the starving children from Africa and start to cry which prompted my mother to shut the TV off. But I would go back and turn it on again and watch it intently. I just wanted to help somehow and thought one day I would.” “I didn’t get an allowance, so when I needed spending money; I ventured out to sell cabbages. There I was on

my bike going door to door. I’d put three large green cabbages in the carrier on the front of my bike, hold them with one hand and steer with the other. I sold a cabbage for twenty-five cents a head - my sales pitch was “they make great cabbage rolls”. Some people would buy two when I said that.” “I also picked dew worms for my Grandpa. He paid me two cents a worm. Looking back, I was definitely not a girly-girl, but I liked the money, I liked making money. Money was important to me at that age. I was a budding entrepreneur.” “Life on the farm had its merits but also had many negatives and difficulties. Not a day went by that there wasn’t something to be done. Tobacco and ginseng were the two crops we grew and the tobacco alone kept us hopping - the crop cannot be grown without hiring pickers to help with the harvest. The Ginseng was very labour intensive also; we found ourselves servants to all the work that needed to be done on a continual basis.” “I was working in the tobacco industry with my mother at age twelve. Mom taught me a lot. It was hard work but the money was great - even my grandmother worked in the tobacco fields when she was younger. In between my tobacco picking my real first job out of high school was in a shoe store at a local the mall which gave me lots of experience working with the public.”

“As I finished grade eight I was really looking forward to high school. Before going into grade nine I had to take an IQ Test for the teacher along with two other students. The test asked for us to read a series of short stories and then answer the questionnaire by filling in the dots... I couldn’t comprehend what I was reading! I had to reread the questions over and over. I later discovered I was an audio learner and only through listening to what the teachers said in class I was able to manage my homework. I had a lot of difficulty with all the reading assignments, hence I received failing grades. I found the IQ Test too hard so I just filled in the dots randomly – plus I couldn’t read the stories. I failed the test of course and I had to talk to my teacher about my reading skills. This was the first time I had been asked if I could read... I said no…and broke down in tears!” I still don’t know how I got to grade eight without learning to read, I mean, really read!” “This exercise was to determine which high school I was going to attend. I ended up taking a two year occupational course in Tillsonburg. I was so ashamed of myself - all my friends went to another high school in a neighbouring town. I started to hate school and myself even more for not being able to read like everyone else. I didn’t like the course that they made me take. All I could think about was I needed a grade twelve diploma because I wanted to be a flight attendant.”

“July of 1978 was a special day for me as I got to fly in an airplane for the first time. Like many children I dreamt of flying to some far off destination. I was invited to go to California with a girlfriend to visit her Aunt. Mom was happy for me but expressed she wasn’t going to be paying for the plane ticket! I saved up all my cabbage and worm money plus savings from working on a tobacco farm. It was ‘a dream come true!’ We went to Universal studios in Disneyland, played on the beach, shopped in downtown Hollywood – plus it was the best way to celebrate my sixteenth birthday! I was so impressed I even thought of becoming a flight attendant.”

Terrified, Brenda mustered up the courage and took it upon herself to go to the school counselor and ask for help. She wanted to get into the four year program. “I tried to explain that my teacher in grade eight had made a mistake – but she hadn’t. I couldn’t read! They checked into my explanation and were told I wouldn’t be able to complete the course. I told the counselor I still wanted to give it a try. After much consideration he told me I’d have to finish the year and get my grades up into the 90’s. I was so upset but I knew how to work hard and that I could do it.”

Shortly after, things took a turn for the worst for Brenda that would impact her teen years and adult life.

“I persevered! I listened intently to all my teachers and I did it…I even got a gift of money for doing so well. I proved myself. But did I? I was allowed to take the four year course, but I had to repeat grade nine. continued on pg. 68





Brenda VanTorre Barnim ...continued from pg. 67

Brenda took another positive step in her life when she decided work as a volunteer with the children in one of the villages of Haiti.

I did as asked but I really struggled, I was still having difficulty reading at grade level. I was supposed to read a novel in grade ten but I didn’t know how – so I didn’t. I didn’t pass one of the tests so the teacher asked me point blank, ‘Can you read? I said, ‘No’. Puzzled to how I got this far in school he said, ‘What am I going to do with you?” I asked, ‘What does it take to pass? He said, ‘Sixty percent.’ I said, ‘Then just give me 60%!”

“I always envisioned something big was going to happen to me, and people would know whom I am. For the past number of years I’ve been writing my thoughts down in the form of poetry. Poems that share my spiritualism, stories of what I see in nature, or reaching out to Veterans…

“I managed to get sixty percent and moved on into grade ten. With a lot of hard work, fortunately I graduated with my grade twelve. It’s like I have a gift of retaining what is spoken…those four years were grueling! They applied my first year (grade nine) credits and when added to the rest I had enough to graduate out of grade eleven. I never did go on to become a flight attendant as applicants also needed to speak fluent French and I could hardly learn to read let alone write English.” Brenda went out into the world functioning the best she knew how…by faking it. “I could go to the grocery store and purchase food by pictures on the boxes (cereal) etc. Most of the items were things I had seen on TV.” Life went on and Brenda eventually got married. “We were still newlyweds; when my husband was sitting reading the newspaper and he’d turned and asked me if I wanted a section to read. I got nervous and replied no, not right now, thanks. I told him that I really don’t enjoy reading the newspaper, so he didn’t have to share it with me. I never told him why and he never asked.” “As time went on, my two little boys where putting books on my lap wanting me to read to them. One night we were all in the living room – my husband was watching TV when the boys wanted a story read to them. Petrified, I turned to my husband, took a deep breath and said. “I am going to try and read this book to the boys but I don’t want you to laugh at me. With a puzzled look on his face he asked me why. It was time to tell him the truth. “Because I can’t read well.” He was really surprised to hear me say that, but he said he wouldn’t laugh.” “I proceeded to read the book but stumbled on many small words, so I asked him what it was… He said ‘REALLY! You don’t know what that word is?’ I said “No!” As I felt my eyes filling with tears; I was so ashamed and thought how stupid I felt.” Brenda kept trying to read to the boys and with each



The Unknown Soldier Life inside my ink well pen Is like frozen ghost of desert storm Time stands still in land of Zen Memories yearning to speak Comes to heaven though mind sweep Explosions of notions widen my hope To prove it all… time revoke Brenda with her two boy's baby Jordan and Craig 1991

effort she was getting better and better. “The boys didn’t judge me and my confidence was building.” Over the years Brenda kept up with her reading; practicing with everything she did, at work, with the boys, when grocery shopping... and at the age of fifty two she could read almost anything. She still has challenges with spelling and grammar but it doesn’t stop her. “People can still figure out what I am trying to read. This was my life’s challenge and I’ve overcame it because of how much I love my boys.” Eventually Brenda and her husband divorced and her life unfolded again as she and her two boys grew up together and moved on with their lives. “I left the farm and found a new life in town where I now work as a Civilian Guard for the OPP in London Ontario. I have worked there for seven years, switching back and forth between Ingersoll and Tillsonburg. I love my job and find it very rewarding.” Brenda dreamed of growing up and having a comfortable life like many young girls... “A few of my dreams became realities – like another plane trip – this time to Haiti in 2012.”

Not to quicken… soak Lightning rods upon my head Beacon to heaven for word spread Blink not for us to see Open heart beat gradually Shaken out of cold movement Story told with no improvement Kind memories, will be free Out on paper gliding free Lessons are small and sweet Only I know defeat. ~Brenda VanTorre Barnim - August 10 2012. “I was fifty years of age and starting to feel my life was leading me in a new direction – I’d always wanted to become a public speaker, maybe I can do it through my poetry.” Writing her poems has become Brenda’s passion. She had a collection for about ten years before she started to share them with her family. “Call it intuition but I always felt something good was going to come from keeping my poems but often wondered if I was ready for it.” Brenda now has numerous journals of poetry that are being published for everyone to enjoy.”

Brenda with the children in Haiti

The evening Brenda came to Collingwood she focused on her own literacy skills and experienced her first public speaking engagement. Admittantly she was very nervous but at the same time was extremely excited. This was Brenda’s coming out party.. She shares, “I was ready to share my story with the world.” Sitting with Brenda after her presentation I could see how proud she was with her presentation. Her two son’s stood next to her as I took their picture – they all smiled through tears of joy continued on pg. 70




Brenda VanTorre Barnim ...continued from pg. 69

Following your By Marj Sawers

Women with


membership has its benefits! 4 Advertising discounts 4 Reduce Networking Rates

Brenda with her son’s today

and admiration. Brenda’s courage and determination to learn how to read at the age of fifty is commendable and a lesson for all of us… It’s never too late to learn, to get an education… and in Brenda’s case, her dream is of sitting with her grandchildren on her knee and reading to them their ABC’s over and over again. n copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine September, 2014



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The dictionary states; ”a dream world is dream like, a dazed, hypnotic state, or trance”. Is it time you gave your head a shake and got out of your dream world of “ S O M E DAY ” , decide today! Are your dreams real, or are they the “...some day” song you sing to yourself.




Have YOU noticed how fast time is going? We are all excited about spring and boom it is fall. Did you get everything done you wanted to do this summer? Life itself goes so quickly.... as kids we couldn’t wait to go to school, then, we couldn’t wait, to graduate, and then to have a fulfilling career. First comes love then comes marriage and of course the baby carriage. On the home front time speeds by as you build a strong marriage and you raise your kids. On the career front, we constantly are taking courses to upgrade to keep up with the times. Don’t forget networking...it is imperative to build your business and in many cases a large part of your social life. All of the time managing your affairs to support your next dream - Retirement. I have been blessed to be able to follow my dreams, or as my loved ones might have seen it as screaming through life wanting to do it all. I have practiced the” why not” theory ever since I can remember, allowing me to experience life, not just pass through it. My business experience has been enriched by so many exciting people on the same track. Upgrading education or training with a “why not me” mentality we can literally wringing the life out of the meaning of”experiencing it all”. Be alive and excited about life, you are a growing being, not just “passing through”. Have you ever noticed the people who have this “wring it all out of life” attitude are contributors to many others success? Look around and see who is supporting you and your business, in most cases it is your networking contacts and business friends


© Valua Vitaly | Dreamstime.com


that understand and support your goals and your dreams. I like to think of these people that I have met in my work experience as trench mates. Most were supportive and caring; 24 hour a day contacts who were always there for me and my dream, because they understood what it takes. Make sure to protect your dream.....and watch who you let in to share the ride. I almost had my dream stolen at one point by a trusted contact. But the numbers who had my back were many and joyful. You are correct if you are reading this as a bit of a swan song. I have been retired now for a while and loving it. Getting some travelling in, time to contribute to Family, Friends and of course a few committees. It has been a pleasure to be able to ride along with you as you build your businesses. Remember to keep it light and enjoy what you do.


Footnote: This is Marj’s last article in Women with Vision as she enters into her retirement full time. We thank you Marg from the bottom of my hearts for always being there and showing us the power of love. You are a role model for all who have met you .... We’ve learned by example! Happy Retirement Marj! n Marj Sawers, Retired Philanthropist www.womenwithvision.ca





Living Life’s


simplest essence By Deborah Johnson

Somehow in the process called life we seem to have forfeited the basics of what living life is meant to be. Instead, we have unintentionally placed our focus and energy on striving, struggling and pushing for that better life and monetary gain toward a social and media driven benchmark. We have to a great degree, lost the essence of caring, sharing and enjoying the simplest of pleasures.

Such is the vantage point from the other side so their messages to those still living often express embracing life fully, taking time to connect with family or simply stopping to smell the roses a little more often. Why is it so important to those on the other side? Perhaps they have regrets or perhaps they hope their words will prevent a loved ones’ misgivings after they pass. Living life isn’t about running the race like a hamster on a treadmill. It isn’t about having free time to do nothing, it’s about comfortably filling time with people, thoughts, ideas and events that excite and inspire you. These people can be friends, family, co-workers or strangers. The events can be as simple as walking on the beach or down a country lane, or as complex as learning a new language just because you want to. It is about having balance and deep-rooted contentedness. It is about being successful in your own eyes to your own benchmark regardless of the opinions of others. Whatever your profession, social status, monetary situation or educational capacities, all



that matters when all is said and done is the basics of how we measure up to our own standards and achievements. If we are truly content with who we are, what we do, what we have and who we have around us we can consider ourselves successful. The essence of success is to go right back to the basics we function with as children. As children we are unfiltered. We speak from our hearts, we play freely, we are fascinated with what is new and different, we have a sense of adventure and we have no benchmarks. If we could return to those basics, incorporate them into our adult lives, in conjunction with the maturity and responsibility we must acquire as adults, perhaps when it is our turn to transition to the other side, we will do so with no regrets of what we should have, could have, would have taken the time to do with our lives. Slow the pace, and take time to embrace and cherish the simplistic essence of just enjoying your life by your standards– because you can. n Deborah Johnson Clairvoyant, Medium, Author, Speaker www.deborah-johnson.net deborah@deborahjohnson.ca

...Explore the world around you © Brian Maudsley | Dreamstime.com

When I connect with those on the other side their messages are words of advice and wisdom from a spiritual perspective, as one would stand atop a mountain and be able to clearly see and understand the lay of the land before them.

© Mircea Simu | Dreamstime.com

We have forgotten that we can actually turn our phones off, thereby turning a portion of our obligations, commitments and pressures off. Our pace of life has become so hectic that we no longer drive our lives, our environment drives us.

74 www.womenwithvision.ca Photo credits:

Š Jane Tilley

Photo credits: Š Spencer Rudling and Š bing.com

As the



Mountain Turns...

By Paola Gucciardi


Many clients have inquired about the energy of their homes and whether the address affects them personally. Yes it does! In fact, your Address number (includes numbers and street name) creates a vibrational resonance that plays a pivotal role not only in how you feel in your home but also the type of experiences it/you’ll attract. If you are looking to move and/or curious whether your home aligns with you, explore your address number.

To Calculate...Add

all the numerical values of your complete address

Example: 536 Harold Drive, Unit 39

D R I V E 4 9 9 4 5 4 + 9 + 9 + 4 + 5 = 31; 3+1=4 Number

1. Write your full address (Note: Do NOT include words “unit/apartment” or abbreviations ex. Dr.) 2. Using the chart below, record the corresponding numerical value for each letter in your address 3. Add the numbers and values of the name and reduce to a single digit 4. Add subtotals and reduce to a single digit

1 Address Since this number inspires independence, ambition, drive and leadership, it is not ideal for single individuals looking for a partner. Most suitable for individuals interested in advancing their career/business especially if working from a home office. This address encourages self-discipline, self-confidence and strength of character. 2 Address Ideal address for young families and couples as this address inspires empathy, romance and sensitivity. Normally it encourages tolerance, cooperation and harmony. However, the sensitive nature of this address sometimes causes individuals to feel energetically drained and depressed. 3 Address A cheery address ideal for both singles and families. It’s creative, optimistic, and expressive energy is excellent for artists and unconventional individuals. Great address for an art studio however not recommended for ambitious workaholics or individuals who lack focus and direction. 4 Address Ideal address for focused and career-driven individuals as well as



































young families with children. Its grounded and responsible energy inspires financial growth, inner strength and reliability. Best suited for conventional and practical people. Not recommended for the unconventional and creative. 5 Address This address exudes adventure, freedom, creativity and independence. Idea for single and unconventional individuals looking for change and exploration. Its changing energy may cause lack of focus and a chaotic environment. Not recommended for individuals desiring structure, stability, or long-term relationships. 6 Address This address infused with love and harmony is ideal for families with children. Its warm, protective and generous energy encourages residents to care for one another. Therefore tends to strengthen family relationships and friendships. Suited for most individuals including artists. 7 Address Since this address inspires deep thought, contemplation and introspection, it is ideal for single adults who prefer to be alone. It encourages

spiritual growth, meditation and intellectual pursuits. Its serious energy is not recommended for individuals who prefer to live lightheartedly. 8 Address A powerful address ideal for career and business oriented individuals as well as individuals/families pursuing material comforts. Its energy inspires ambition, financial growth, determination and drive. This address strengthens character and often improves the health of its residents. 9 Address Ideal address for individuals involved in humanitarian work and causes. Its energy is serious and compassionate, and inspires idealism and personal growth. Tends to be better suited for singles (especially women) than families. Also great for dormitories where young people live in groups.

n Paola Gucciardi, Numerologist www.lifenumbers.ca

Photograph © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

1 3 9 5 3 6 H A R O L D 2 3 9 5 3 6 8 1 9 6 3 4 3 3+9+5+3+6=26; 8+1+9+6+3+4 = 31; 3+1=4 2+6=8 4 8 + 4 + 4 = 16; 1+ 6 = 7 Address



Women with


Special Eve nts Showcasing th e Com m unity...

Photograph © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™





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