Women with Vision.™ - Spring, 2014

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Women with



Showcasing Business & Lifestyle in South Georgian Bay

Spring2013/2014 Issue 2014 Winter Issue


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Susan Aglukark Between Two Worlds




Stay True to Yourself





On the Cover

Susan Aglukark

71 69 73 74

Home, Garden & Design



18 20


Regular Features 6

Lifestyle & Beauty

Editor’s Desk ~ Start Talking By Lorraine Leslie Women With Vision! On Location Life Numbers By Paola Gucciardi Vision Wordsearch Last Word By Lorraine Leslie

Help, I’m Losing My Mind By Lesley Paul Fashion Classics By Marilyn Wetston Spring Fashion Shoot Joy Boutique

50 52


10 11

25 29 31


33 35 37 38

12 14 15


3 Simple Ways To Get Your Spouse Behind You and Your Business By Janette Burke


Are You Crazy? By Rose Pellar

Wedding Day Survival Kit By Karen Sencich

Major Push: Steve Major By Dean Hollin

Exchanging Vows The Officiant By Lorraine Leslie Choosing A Wedding Cake By Lorraine Leslie The Art Of Inviting By Lorraine Leslie

Motivational & Inspirational 60

Vintage Weddings By Lorraine Leslie


Makeup Simplicity By Lorraine Leslie


Old Fashioned Chocolate Pudding The Joy Of Cooking By Susanne Mikler

Fashions by Joy Boutique

Financial Awareness: A Gift For Your Children By Rick Ziemski

at the YMCA

It’s Crystal Clear To Me By Mary Ann Matthews


Do I Write My Name The Same Way Every Time? By Lorraine Leslie

Gardens As Therapy By Janet Kurasz

Arts & Entertainment

Email Marketing By Susan Baka

The Challenges of Change By Donna Messer

Mental Clarity By Monika Gibson

Spring Bridal Guide

Business, Finance Georgian & Communication Gourmet 8

Let The Sun Shine In By Lorraine Leslie

Susan Aglukark... Between Two Worlds By Lorraine Leslie Share a Little And Listen A Lot By Marj Sawers Getting Out of Our Own Way By Deborah Johnson

Women with


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Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n ! ™ m a g a z i n e i s p u b l i s h e d b y Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n I n c . Founder/Publisher, C.E.O. Lorraine Leslie Sales/Marketing: Lorraine Leslie, Debby Goldrick Feature Writers: Susan Baka, Janette Burke, Monika Gibson, Paola Gucciardi, Dean Hollin, Deborah Johnson, Janet Kurasz, Lorraine Leslie, Donna Messer, Marj Sawers, Karen Sencich, Marilyn Wetston, Rick Ziemski


Design/Layout: Candice Lewis |www.candicelewis.ca Special Feature Design: Lorraine Leslie Cover and Feature Photography: Courtesy of Susan Aglukark Photography: Dreamstime.com

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Feature Photography:Lorraine Leslie/L’original Productions | Women with Vision Inc.


Fashion, Gourmet & Home Garden Design Features: Lorraine Leslie Proof Readers: Lynda Pogue and Wendy Senten

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Women with Vision!™ magazine aims to provide editorials that educate, motivate and inspire people of all ages and from all walks of life, and to promote success in business and daily living.

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As we go to press with the spring issue of Women with Vision!® you might have been noticing a lot of attention in the media about mental awareness.

March 5th Women with Vision held an EXPO in Barrie to bring more awareness to the general public; through seminars, exhibitors and six keynote speakers that struck a chord of curiosity. As you read through this issue you will see a common thread in the articles written by our experts, which cover a wide range of career paths. We are all touched by disorders of some kind, but to understand the way and why we act, react and project our five senses is still an unsolved mystery to many. Our DNA is pre-programmed before we are born through our heritage. Do you recall a distant relative who suffered from some form of anxiety, depression and/or suicidal thoughts? Life is like a spider web when you actually think about it. I have had the privilege of working with the blind, special needs children and autistic people throughout my career and understanding that they are ‘real people’ who want to be the best they can be, has given me the opportunity to better understand them and why they act and react the way they sometimes do. Their cognitive responses were compromised during the gestation time in the womb. We all hope and pray that our unborn will be healthy and happy.

This said, mentally challenged people are healthy and happy…they like to enjoy a good laugh, the sound of music (as long as it is soothing) and to play, no matter how minimal it may be. To recognize and be knowledgeable about how they function is OUR responsibility. Try putting yourself in their place. Try to experience what is going on in their mind. Try to put yourself in a position of needing help all the time. They want to be just as normal as the rest of us. I ask you to be open, and to share and listen attentively with an open mind and heart. We all talk about cancer, MS, drug addiction etc. so now it’s time to “Start Talking” about mental awareness. Be there for someone who needs a helping hand and a good ear, especially if they are a veteran, a person who is shy or showing signs of depression, among other tell tale signs. Reach out your hand and help today – you’re life will be so much better for it. A couple of books I recommend to read for a better understanding: The Spark and The Reason I Jump. Your vision is my mission… my mission is your vision!© Nominated for

Lorraine Leslie Founder/Publisher 2005, 2006, 2009 & 2010

2013 International Toastmasters Communication & Leadership Award The feature people about whom I write, have traveled a long, winding road to success – each one on their own journey; a journey that sometimes hasn't been smooth. These people open their hearts to inspire and motivate others, of all ages, to follow their dreams and passions, creating their ultimate VISION!™



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Having worked in a variety of careers...policing, fitness/ personal training and business/life coaching it’s become more and more evident that we live and work in a world of confusion about mental disabilities.

…connecting through educational & networking updates






To Get Your Spouse Behind You and Your Business

By Susan Baka

…make it work for your small business

By Janette Burke

5 tips to elevate your strategy and cut through the noise to persuade buyers

One tried and true method to capture this online crowd is via email. Here are some tips to help ensure that your e-marketing campaign works: 1. Create quick-scan content. With so many emails landing in inboxes everywhere, who has the time or inclination to fully read each one? Write your content in short paragraphs and bullet points with clickable options and with messages that resonate with your target audience. And no more than one page, maximum.

2. Pay special attention to your subject line. This is the first thing recipients see, and it is their deciding moment whether to open your email. Give them a compelling reason to read on. 3. Design your email. Even the best content will not get read if your email is not appealing to the eye. And make sure that your email design – colours, style, etc. – is consistent with your overall branding, especially your website. If readers click on a link to your website and it looks completely different, they may think they have landed on the wrong page.

n Susan Baka, President Bay Communications & Marketing Inc. sbaka@baycomm.ca www.baycomm.ca www.womenwithvision.ca

Emotionally or financially, when it comes to investing in your business, if you’ve ever thought, “I don’t think my husband or mate will go for this” you know what I mean! Want your partner fully behind you even if they’re concerned about the economy and how success may change you?

4. Send at the best time of day, on the best day of the week. Rules of thumb abound among marketers about when is the optimal time to distribute. But target markets are unique. Depending on your business, Friday night may be better than early in the week, especially if you are targeting a consumer rather than business audience. How do you determine what’s best? Don’t be afraid to test, test, test. Distribute at different times and measure the results of the campaign to determine the best fit for your customers. A good way to measure the results of each email broadcast is to create a special landing page on your website for each email and compare the number of clicks you get. And send emails consistently. Don’t be a pest, but at the same time, don’t let your customers forget about you. Once or twice a month is best. 5. Don’t go it alone. If writing is not your strength or if you lack the time, hire a professional to write the email for you. At the very least, have a second set of eyes review it before you hit the send button. If your content, especially your offer, is unclear or confusing, you may lose the sale and even risk having your future emails ignored by your target audience.


There’s nothing like having the full support of your spouse in your business. But are you aware that many women business owners struggle with getting the unwavering, committed and unconditional support they need?

Try these 3 simple tips… 1. Stop Playing “Little Girl” When you talk to your partner about your business plans, are you secretly seeking permission or approval? If so, you’re setting both of you up for a power struggle and creating a wobbly foundation that will make it hard for you to attract clients and marketing partners, or to charge what you’re worth and get it. Instead be honest with your mate. Present your vision, plans for closing new clients and estimates of where you want to be in 90 days, 6 months and a year from now. Tell your partner exactly how they can support you in getting there. For example, ask for more help around the house or with the kids. Remember, your relationship is a partnership with equal contributions.

Photo: Yanka Van der Kolk

According to Ipsos, online Canadians are spending more than ever making online purchases (up to an average of $899 per year in 2013 from $639 in 2012). Further, Ipsos has found that 86% of Canadians would rather spend time looking for a good deal as opposed to paying more to make a quick and efficient purchase.



Marketing You don’t have to be a marketing guru to understand why Canada Post is not bringing in the revenues it once did. Its recent cutback announcements are another sign of the “online” times we live in. After all, when was the last time you opted to mail a letter instead of contacting friends, family, and businesses via email or social media? That’s why small businesses need to get the most out of e-marketing.


2. Be A Woman Of Your Word Growing a successful business takes tremendous courage and confidence. There will be setbacks, such as losing an important client or not making the sales you projected. During these times, you may wish to crawl in bed and pull the covers over your head. But this is when staying committed to your dream matters most. Instead of quitting or hiding behind the “I guess it wasn’t meant to be” clause, pick yourself up, learn from what happened and try again.

Join a coaching or home-study program or invest in a training course that you actively participate in. Complete the exercises; put what you’re learning into play and take advantage of every benefit being offered. Demonstrating commitment to your own success will give you greater self respect along with the respect of your mate. 3. Don’t Take On Your Mate’s Emotional Stuff Watching someone else pursue their dream can trigger feelings of frustrated ambition, fear of losing the relationship they’re accustomed to and other insecurities that can lead to disagreements or difficulties in your relationship. It’s important to be understanding of what your partner is feeling and vital that you let them own their feelings, while you own yours. Do not react to their “inner child” when it acts out. Rather accept them for what they are in the moment - scared. Your business is a journey you’re both on and can be an amazing opportunity for you to stand in your feminine power with ease and grace at home as well as in your business. So continue to live a life of passion, purpose, contribution and fabulous income, even if every moment isn’t as blissful as you might like because you’ll beam with pride!

n Janette Burke Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant and Columnist Fempreneur Marketing Mentor, Host, I’m Every Woman! TV janette@yourmarketingmagnet.com www.yourmarketingmagnet.com







The Challenges of CHANGE By Donna Messer

Change is in the air; are you experiencing any new challenges? Are you or someone you know in transition, going through a merger or acquisition, maybe being downsized, or given an early retirement package? It really doesn’t matter what the challenge might be, the solution is to accept the challenge and move forward. While it might sound rather hard to believe, we all know what we want in life; it just takes a little time to generate a plan of action. Sometimes we doubt our abilities and need a little push to get us heading in the right direction. A simple solution is to use the AHA Factor - Awareness Heightens Achievement! This is the most valuable tool anyone in transition can use. You need to become more aware of whom you know; and take time to find out what people within your circle of influence know.

Adapting to Change Don’t hold on to what may soon disappear. Look for new opportunities. Where can you go to find those new opportunities? The Internet is a wealth of knowledge; providing you with key contacts on organizations, associations and agencies that can be excellent next steps in your challenge of change. Use Google Alerts – an on-line source for almost everything you might want to know. Set up a Blog, become an expert in the field you want to pursue. Join a support group where there is an agreement to help each other.

Determine your AHA Factor: • What do you like to do? What are you good at? What special skills do you have? • What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? • What are your hobbies/interests? • What associations do you belong to? • What is your Alumni? Do you keep in touch with fellow graduates? • Who do you know - your friends, associates, neighbours who do they know? • Do you volunteer? Do you have a charity of choice? • What is your wildest dream, what’s on your bucket list?

The Top Ten Steps to Handle the Challenges of Change 1. Develop a SMART action plan – specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and timely 2. Make a list of the people you want to contact 3. Attend industry specific events and force yourself to circulate 4. Be prepared to listen and take notes on what you hear 5. Ask how you can help each person you spend time with 6. Be willing to give as well as to receive 7. Follow up with any promises made. 8. Determine the best way to reconnect, phone, email or mail. Make sure it’s their choice 9. Keep files on the people you meet, and keep in touch. 10. Never directly ask for a job, build the relationship first

n Donna Messer Networking Expert, International Speaker www.connectuscanada.com





Are You CRAZY? By Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B.

Samuel Beckett said “We are all born mad. Some remain so.”

Everyone has an opinion about everyone else’s actions and decisions, although those opinions are not always disclosed. When we act or make decisions which do not conform to the so-called “norm” we are judged to be crazy or irrational. It is the exception that an individual will care less about what others may think. (Yet, in hindsight, many of the “crazies” have tended to be the heroes of success stories.) However, on a practical everyday level, we are expected to be accountable to those in our immediate sphere of familial and social ties. We do not exist in a vacuum and what we do and say affect those around us. We cannot be rude and expect our employees to respect and serve us willingly and efficiently, nor can we take our spouses and family for granted and expect them to remain faithful and loving to us. We also need to provide a high level of service to our customers and clients to receive their gratitude in repeat business, prompt payment and referrals.

Just remember the next time when you are tempted to ask “Are you Crazy”, it is coming from your judgment and may not necessarily reflect the truth.

n Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B., Author, Speaker, Trainer Barrister & Solicitor, Notary Pellar Family Law Professional Corporation rosepellar@pellarfamilylaw.com

It’s easy to tell someone how they “should” behave and we generally all know “the rules”, So, why does anyone choose to do something “crazy”? It’s usually because they really believe it isn’t crazy based upon what they ultimately want. It is the cost they are willing to pay for their ultimate result. For instance, relatives may tell a woman she is crazy for quitting her well paying job to go back to school in her mid-40’s. What they have not ascertained is this woman’s big “WHY” for going back to school. Many will tell you they only work because of the money. They are wrong. Our reason for working is not the money. It is what the money will do or get for us. We need to start asking the right questions before we judge someone to be crazy. Even if we don’t immediately see the reasons for someone’s actions there is a reason, which, when determined, will prove the person not to be crazy after all. Of course, there are some actions and circumstances which will beg the question of whether or not the person is mentally incompetent. When someone gives away a huge sum of money without really understanding the consequences of that action (in other words their WHY cannot be adequately answered) and there is an inference of undue influence, then certainly examine whether or not that person is mentally competent and if not, take steps to have the person assessed. www.womenwithvision.ca








So what are the messages?

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Financial Awareness A Gift For Your Children By Rick Ziemski

“The power we exert over the future behavior of our children is enormous. Even after they have left home, even after we have left the world, there will always be part of us that will remain with them forever.” ~ Neil Kurshan

• Money is in constant state of fluidity; flowing out with great ease but flowing in with great reluctance. Even during sleep the human spends money. E.g. Heat, hydro etc. People will eagerly assist you with the outflow but not so much the inflow. Just watch them! • Whether single or a family, you are an “economic unit” no different than any corporation city, province or country. Money is integral to daily life.You cannot ignore it. • Survival and success in all aspects of life, financial included, depend on focusing not on what you know but rather focusing on what you don’t know. What you don’t know absolutely can hurt you. • Treat personal finances like any other life hygiene. If you don’t brush your teeth, they will rot. If you don’t manage your finances, they will also rot. • Get over yourself. You are living in times of entitlement, often fueled by well-meaning Baby Boom parents. What your parents have earned is theirs, not yours; simple as that. Rid yourself of entitlement; even with therapy if necessary. Otherwise success from good financial management practice will be only limited.

Pellar Family Law Professional Corporation

Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B. The greatest gifts, especially for our children, are not found in malls on toy shelves. They are gifts of experiences, shared time and knowledge. An important example is financial awareness, a gift that is not easy to give to the kids without first being financially literate yourself. The events of 2008 have indicated that lack of financial literacy contributed to the financial

meltdown; so much so that improving financial literacy is now a top priority of governments and society at large. Poor financial literacy makes for a weaker Canadian consumer and that translates to a weaker Canadian economy...it’s a chain. Each November has now been designated “Financial Literacy Month” to encourage each of us to hone our financial awareness and money managing skills. But back to the home, whether you have small or adult children you may wonder what sort of things they should better understand for a higher level of financial awareness. If you were a fly on the wall of my home over the last couple of decades you might have heard some of the advice received by my daughters. At first they took my “advice” because I was “Dad” and “I said so”! More recently, as adults they continue to use my services as a financial advisor because I promised to stop being “Dad” and became their personal Chief Financial Officer...means no judging.



“We care not only about your results, we care about you and your family”

• Enduring wealth is driven not by how much you earn but by how much you don’t spend so convince yourself that you have the right to spend only 90 percent of the money you earn. The other 10 percent is saved for the long term. • No GPS can tell you how to get anywhere unless it knows where you are. Same applies to money management. If you don’t know, in enough detail, where you got your money and where it went, you’ll never figure out where you’re going financially.You need to keep earnings and spending records.Try Quicken; it works very well. • With or without a pension at work, start early to measure your “net worth” (what you own less what you owe). It’s important for planning long term financial well-being. It worked for this parent.

n Richard Ziemski, C.A. Management Consultant rickziemski@cogeco.ca www.linkedin.com/in/rickziemski

Women with



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Do I Write My Name THE SAME WAY EVERY TIME? By Mary Ann Matthews

How many times do you think you have signed your name? Hundreds of times? Thousands of times? Tens of Thousands of times? You sign personal documents, insurance policies, your driver’s license, cheques, receipts, sign in and sign out sheets…and the list goes on. It’s automatic. Very often you sign your name without even thinking about it. Believe it or not……..each time you sign your name, your signature varies. Think of your signature like a set of fingerprints. No two sets of fingerprints are alike. No two signatures are alike! Amazing, isn’t it? Try it yourself. Sign your name three times and then superimpose one signature over another and hold it up to the light. However small the difference is, there is still a difference! Your signature represents your public self-image, which means how you behave in public, how you act around other people, your social persona. The term public selfimage also encompasses what you think of yourself in public and what you would like others to think of you. Not everyone acts the same in public (crowds, school, business), as they do in private (relationships, at home with family and friends). And some will act differently in different situations for very good reasons.





LIFESTYLE BEAUTY ...living life at its best

Here are a couple of tips….. Do you underline your signature? If so, you are telling the world that you are self-reliant. You can do things yourself. Is your signature a little larger than the main body of the writing? If so, you likely go through life with a good amount of confidence in yourself. If your signature is much larger than the text, you may be selfish and overconfident. Interestingly, these overly-large signatures may compensate for feelings of inferiority. Signatures that are smaller than the text can indicate introversion. This may be a sensitive and mild person. Analyzing a signature by itself rarely gives a complete picture of the writer. More often than not, the signature will differ from the main body of the writing. Making a comparison of the main body of the writing and the signature is very important, as the main body is who you really are and the signature is who you want to be. And to add to the complexity, it is not unusual to have two different signatures - one is likely legible and carefully done and the other a quick scrawl. n Mary Ann Matthews CGA - Certified Graphoanalyst maryann@handwriting.ca www.handwriting.ca

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easy. In the early years of hormone replacement therapy, we were lead to believe that hormone therapy would decrease the risk of dementia. The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) told us otherwise; women over the age of 65 being treated with an estrogen and progestin combination actually had a higher risk of dementia, but for those taking estrogen alone the risk was not increased.

HELP! I’M LOSING MY MIND! By Lesley Paul, B.Sc. Phm

Hormone therapy generally isn’t used alone to treat mild cognitive impairment, although women may find improvement in symptoms when prescribed hormones for other menopause related issues.There is however a “window-of-opportunity” when it comes to initiation of hormone therapy. Favourable effects pertaining to the heart, bones and brain are greatest when treatment is started close to the time of menopause, rather than five to ten years after the fact. Using estradiol instead of the original “conjugated equine estrogens” (Premarin®) has been shown to have a more positive effect on symptoms and provides fewer risks. And since the WHI demonstrated that synthetic progestins have a negative effect on the body, using a micronized form of progesterone may improve outcomes. Your health care provider should investigate any suspected type of cognitive impairment, even if it is simply “fuzzy thinking”. The solution may be simpler than you think. n Lesley Paul, Pharmacist dlpaul@sympatico.ca



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Memory loss and “fuzzy” thinking are two of the most commonly reported symptoms in menopausal women. Between 40 and 60% of perimenopausal and postmenopausal women will experience difficulty with word finding, trouble planning, organizing and executing complex tasks with the same ease they had in earlier years. There are many causes of what is known as cognitive decline or impairment. It may be related to chronic diseases of aging such as hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism, postmenopausal estrogen deficiency, as well as other heart, lung and kidney diseases. Other causes may include sleep apnea, traumatic brain injury, cancer chemotherapy and radiation as well as certain medications used to treat pain, anxiety and bladder incontinence. More advanced cases of

New LocatioN

cognitive impairment are usually associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson disease and other diseases of the brain. Mild cognitive impairment doesn’t always progress to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, if it is a result of an underlying cause such as the aforementioned diseases of aging or medications, treating the origin of the problem can stop progression of and often restore cognitive health.

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For a woman entering the menopausal years, memory changes may be caused by estrogen depletion as well as by the symptoms of menopause itself. A recent study demonstrated that women who experienced significant hot flashes also reported issues with memory loss. As well, the elevated negative mood that so many women experience may also be connected to poor memory. Continued research is revealing that there may be other factors that determine dementia risk in postmenopausal women. Unfortunately, when it comes to estrogen deficiency the solution isn’t that






• Button front shirts can offer tailored or preppy statements or offer a loose cool cover up over tanks or narrow pants. • Shift shirts offer a simple uncluttered topper for short skirts and narrow pants . • Athletic influences bring you hoodies, mesh inserts or overlay tops as well as slimming scuba effects. Thus the introduction of peekaboo fabrics such as mesh, net, lace and gauze to use strategically. • Baggy pleated wide legged pants bring nautical fashions to mind.

Fashion By Marilyn Wetston

The Wardrobe Doctor

• Baggy leg pants can be knee length or mid-calf or ankle or drape the floor. • Crop tops to bare your middle pair well with this wider trouser and remind one of the 70’s. A sheer underpinning can fill in the bare flesh if you wish.

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• Bold stripes in navy and white, or black and white or - make a current statement.

• Tribal influences such as peasant blouses, prairie skirts and African motif prints offer the gypsy in you an outlet.



• Sparkly fabrics, opulent brocades and metallic lamés are now confections of clothing that are not restricted to after five. Day time swish will let the diva in you emerge if you wish . • Cropped boxy jackets, long and short offer roomy toppers to wider pants or slim ones. • Skirts come in a variety of shapes and lengths, but one of the newest ones is tea length and a sexy slit in long skirt is also a fresh look.

Your wardrobe cannot be created without a solid understanding of who you are and what you represent. To achieve an image statement that reflects this you need to be aware of your inner being and make it the foundation of your message and your wardrobe. Own your look, pay attention to your inner voice and select your spring wardrobe by staying true to yourself.

n Marilyn Wetston contact@marilyns.ca www.marilyns.ca

Clothes are items that can hang in your closet and just cover your body. However, if you are aware of the person you are today, you can use your clothing to frame yourself and make a statement that expresses more than just the aesthetic one offered by fashion designers. Your genes have given you certain qualities which help determine your fashion choices. Of course, the fashion industry has provided you with fashion trends, but without knowing who you are, your wardrobe has no form beyond fitting your physical being. To approach the new season and be assured that your spring wardrobe is more than just beautiful clothing on hangers you need the following: 1. A realistic view of the person you are (size and proportion, stature, and coloring) to evaluate your assets and determine what you want to highlight and what you wish to conceal and or diminish.

4. An awareness of where you are and the “dress code” so you can be comfortable in your surroundings.

2. An understanding of your inner self (your personality, your values and your character) to help you seek out the messages the clothing you select will convey.

• Colours...beyond the emphatic black and white include brights and pastels, colour blocking, color splotches or painted motifs with an artistic flair. Also columns of colours expressed with textured fabric combinations let one immerse oneself in a favourite color choice. It is a great season for adding mocha as a neutral.

3. An open mind to new styles and trends so you can use the criterion above as a filter in your selections when you shop. (see trends below)



Trends for spring 2014:



20 www.womenwithvision.ca Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Spring Fashion

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Spring Bridal Guide

Wedding Day Survival Kit By Karen Sencich Wow! If ever there was a particular activity that requires acute mental awareness it has got to be organizing wedding day details. Having recently celebrated a wedding in our family, I updated my list of wedding day essentials, first utilized on my wedding day in 1982.

I recommend carrying the contents of the Wedding Survival Kit in a large tote or small suitcase on wheels. Assign a member of the wedding party to be in charge of where to keep it for quick emergency access. Presort essentials into mini kits contained in convenient zip lock bags. Some items you would never think of, such as a brown paper bag to breathe into to help prevent hyperventilation. Brilliant! continued on page 26



Spring Bridal Guide Wedding Day Survival Kit ...continued from page 25 Timetable: 4 Communication is paramount therefore create a minute-byminute wedding day schedule outlining who is supposed to be where at what specific time. 4 Schedule time for hair, makeup, nails, makeup application. 4 For family photos, plan to pose with seniors last so they will be well rested. 4 Determine the location of washrooms at the church, reception and photo location.

4 Develop a master transportation plan and outline where cars need to be and what luggage is required. Who is the designated driver for each vehicle? 4 Who will transport deliverables i.e. flowers, guest book etc. 4 Who is in charge of security i.e. storing and transporting money envelopes and gifts? 4 Provide a hearty breakfast and bring a portable picnic cooler containing non drip items such as cheese and crackers, bagels, muffins, apples, granola bars, nuts, bottled water. Documents: clipboard or binder of vendor contracts, phone contact list for wedding party and each vendor plus minister, the guest list, pen, paper, list of photo poses, music playlist, reminders i.e. payment envelopes and tips, list of speeches, location of liquor permit, wedding party assignments i.e. returning tuxedos, and maps of route from church to reception or photo location. Accessories: linen handkerchiefs for men and women, extra dark socks, pantyhose, extra earring backs, cufflinks and tuxedo studs, eye glasses, contacts, sunglasses, cell phone, camera, watch, jewellery, shawl or coat, and additional comfy shoes i.e. flats (remove price from shoe soles if kneeling in church!) First Aid: (Be sure to transport any medication in the original packaging to ensure proper use and dosage.) Band-aids, liquid skin, pain relief, eye drops, sunscreen, peppermints, antacid chews, brown paper bag, non-drowsy Gravol (for stomach upset), Antihistamine (for allergies), and Immodium (anti-diarrhea). Remind guests with severe allergies to bring their own Epi-pen. Grooming Aids: small makeup mirror, makeup, comb, brush, hairspray, curling iron, electric curlers, hair pins, comb, brush, hairspray, toothbrush and paste, dental floss, nail clippers, emery board, razor, tweezers, hand lotion, lip balm, deodorant, tampons, sanitary pads, Depends, hand sanitizer, wet wipes and mini hot packs. Disaster-proofing Essentials: a sewing kit, scissors, safety pins, lint brush, clear nail polish, nail glue, anti static spray, Tide stain remover pen, double sided tape, duct tape, several umbrellas, kerchief to protect hairdo, small hairdryer, small toys to amuse young children, and extra cash for emergencies. n Karen Sencich CPO速 Certified Professional Organizer速, Speaker and Writer www.havoctoharmony.com



Spring Bridal Guide

Exchanging Vows… During Tara Klein’s years in University she discovered a passion for bridal fashion when she took a part time job in a small town family operated bridal boutique. “It was here that I learned the fundamentals of design, fabrics, sewing and alterations. Customer service was always important and not only was it the main focus for the perfect gown selection experience but it allowed the bride to be more than just a customer. The service lead to friendships that lasted a life time between the owner and the brides.” Moving to Toronto to further her career, Tara was fortunate enough to work with another family operated and very successful bridal boutique. “Here I was able to put the skills I had already learned in my previous position to run the daily operations of the store, including scheduling, ordering, working with manufacturers and buyers and was also able to give input on design ideas. During my time at this boutique, I also became a certified wedding planner, helping brides plan their special days at prestigious event locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

“I now have over 15 years experience in bridal fashion and the bridal retail industry with five of those years working with a world famous and well known couture bridal and evening wear designer out of Toronto and New York. Here I held the positions of Production Assistant, Account Executive, Director of Customer Service and Quality Assurance Manager. I oversaw the success of accounts all over the world, travelled to do trunk shows, worked in New York at the couture bridal fashion markets and dressed the models in the season's newest collections for press, magazines, bloggers and accounts. I was fortunate enough over the years to work with and meet some of the most influential people and women in this industry!” Tara brings to Collingwood and Exchanging Vows her love and passion for the bridal industry. “I promise that you will have the best experience in our boutique finding your perfect gown for your special day!



Spring Bridal Guide

Spring Bridal Guide


Officiant By Lorraine Leslie

A Working List...

Get to know your Officiant.

Ask for the Ceremony YOU want!

•What experience do they have – how many ceremonies have they performed (ask for referrals)

Finding an Officiant to tie the knot can be a challenge. Some questions to ask your Officiant are: •Can you write your own vows? •Design your own ceremony? •Can you pick your own music? •Is a photographer and or videographer allowed during the ceremony?

•Ask for a copy of the Officiant’s Credentials •Ask how many times you will meet with the Officiant as a couple. •Do you like their voice tone, mannerisms and spirituality? •Ask how long the ceremony will be •Ask how much the ceremonial package will cost

•Does the Officiant perform interfaith weddings?

•Is the Officiant willing to travel and is there an additional cost.

•Will the Officiant be asked to stay for the reception?

•What form of payment will the Officiant accept - credit card, cheque or cash?

•Will there be a rehearsal with the Officiant? •Do they have a cell phone to answer questions?


•Ask to see the Officiant’s license and or Certificate of Authorization •Ask if the Officiant requires a couple counseling SESSION before they will perform the marriage



Spring Bridal Guide

© Elitravo | Dreamstime.com

Choosing a

Wedding Cake

Plan well in advance to ensure your wedding cake is as special as the ceremony and the reception. Things to consider: • Find a cake creator as soon as possible (some wedding seasons are busier than others) • Ask to see the bakers credentials – School of Baking Certificate. • Inquire about the cost of the cake – some bakers charge by the tier • Ask to taste various types of cake before making a decision. • Ask what type of payment is required and what deposit is required

By Lorraine Leslie

Types of cakes: • Croquemouche is a French cake that has toffee, candied almonds, chocolate flowers and ribbons. • Chocolate cake is a favourite of everyone. This can also become a marble cake quite easily • Cheese cake for those that don’t like traditional wedding cake • Theme cakes are nice for those who are celebrating with a nontraditional twist • Cookies are always great for the kids n

• Ask if the baker/creator is familiar with special decorating elements – types of icing is important • Decide what type of cake you would like to serve your guests : chocolate, carrot, marble or traditional fruit cake • Ask what type of icing the baker is most comfortable working with and most popular • Decide if you want a cake and or cup cakes (a small cake is usually made for the cutting ceremony) • Start a folder to hold all the pictures you find of wedding cakes... you might like to mix and match • Research online for wedding cake ideas – look at old pictures of cakes from weddings in your family • Visit the bakery to see the facility where your cake will be made and delivered from. • If there’s to be writing on the cake ask for a sample of the script • Ask how many people the baker can serve with their cake styles • Be very clear on your budget to ensure there are no hidden costs (supplies, baking, decorating, and delivery) • Ask if you can check back with the baker from time to time with any questions and if any changes during your planning stage for the reception can be made.



Spring Bridal Guide

The Art of By Lorraine Leslie

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

As far back as primitive cave drawings in the 1700s, wedding invitations have been used to gather family and friends to the celebration of joining two people together in matrimony. The Town Crier was used to invite guests…if you heard the ‘cry’ you could attend – unless there was a family feud going on. These methods were used as people could not read. It was the monks who with their beautiful handwriting; the art of calligraphy, that inspired those who could afford it to create the written word, hence the invitation.

© Chiff | Dreamstime.com

Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art...


In the 1600s metal plates covered with black ink were used to press the image onto the delicate paper. Tissue paper was used between the written word to protect the scripted message about the upcoming nuptials. The invitations were delivered by horseback so an outer envelope was created to keep the invitation clean. In most cases two envelopes were used. The carrier would hand the larger envelope to the house butler or master of the house, to be removed to find a second envelope which held the delicate message of commitment to be. A wedding was and still is a social event of the year, so to ensure only those invited would attend it became tradition for the guest to present their invitation at the church door. Each invitation was detailed by numbers which designated a specific pew seat for each individual guest. Many of the traditions are still used today but the texture of the paper used is far superior. Some of the wording on the invitation has changed and the formalities are more relaxed but the step by step process of sending invitations remains the same. n



Spring Bridal Guide

Vintage Weddings By Lorraine Leslie

Every bride wants her special day to be perfect, from the gown, the reception to the honeymoon; but setting the mood is an important part of the day. Planning a theme wedding will make memories for years to come. Looking for that perfect dress can be overwhelming. Should it be sparkle white or champagne, or maybe the next tend, a bold coloured wedding gown or a vintage wedding gown and theme could be your dream wedding. This is the fun part! Having bridesmaid’s that agree on a suitable style and colour is the first step to a successful wedding. Use your imagination and anything is possible... Carrying through on the antique theme for the reception could be full of new beginnings. Are you a couple who enjoys making memories? continued on page 38



Spring Bridal Guide Vintage Weddings...continued from page 37 Some items you might consider for the theme are: • Antique lace table clothes • Lanterns (using LED candles) • Linen napkins with laced trimmed edges • 1940’s Antique lace wedding gown • 1940’s style tuxedos for the groom and his ushers • Crystal glass vases in rose pink or champagne yellow • Mix ‘n match silverware on loan from grandparents and aunts • An antique garter for the bride and crisp white handkerchief for the male attendants. • A pair of 1940’s white pumps or satin covered shoes, which can be dyed to match any colour theme or dress

Start your vintage wedding theme by setting aside a day to do some antique shopping. Keep a list of ‘to find’ and jot down items you see and watch your imagination start to create your special day…. How about asking your Grandmother and Aunts if they have any antique lace table clothes you could use; what a wonderful way to bring back memories for some of your guests and to start conversations between family and your friends who don’t know your family. And the internet is full of ideas and it’s just a click away. Whatever your wedding day theme it’s a day to enjoy and build lasting memories.




Makeup Simplicity

By Lorraine Leslie

Experimenting with your wedding day makeup three to five weeks prior to the big day has saved many a bride. Try to avoid getting to much sun if you are having a summer wedding to ensure your skin in the same colour all over your body. You don’t want a perfectly tanned body and a pale looking face. And vice versa – try not to sunburn your nose and keep the rest of your body pale. The most glamorous of brides are ones who have a natural skin colour with a touch of simple makeup.

...eat, drink and entertain

Have a full exfoliation and facial a few days before the wedding to ensure any imperfections are taken care of before your big day Use a concealer under your eyes but be careful not to use too much – less is more. Try not to duplicate the makeup of a movie star…be yourself – your new husband will appreciate it so much more… If you’re going to wear false eyelashes have an expert apply them. There are individual lashes at different lengths that give a natural ‘fluttery’ effect. Brows should be nicely shaped so have them waxed two days before the wedding so they look soft and tailored.



The best wedding day make-up should last as long as you do – from the time you walk down the aisle to the second you say goodbye to your guest at the reception or drive away with your new husband. n

© Filipe Varela | Dreamstime.com

© Maksim Shmeljov | Dreamstime.com

When you experiment with makeup colours (foundation, shadow, blush and lipstick) wear a cloth around your shoulder as close to the colour of your wedding gown so you can see the true contrast you would like to achieve – make sure your skin tone looks even. This will help the photographer when he’s flashing his camera – you want the candles and room reflections to make you look your best.

Ge o r gi a n


The Joy of Old Fashioned

Cooking By Susanne Mikler

Meet Susan, a very determined mother seeking chef hats. She talked to people at Liaison College wanting to find out where she could possibly purchase these hats. This was an odd request coming from someone who just walked in off the street. This simple request was what began a journey on the joy of cooking.

Lauren is now 26 and her joy of cooking has been passed on to the Georgian Triangle. In the fall of 2013 there was a pilot for Teen Cuisine at Liaison College, Barrie campus; this was done in partnership with Autism Ontario (Simcoe County Branch). Working closely with program coordinator continued on page 43



1 C sugar ½ C baking cocoa ¼ C cornstarch ½ tsp salt 4 C milk 2 T butter 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 C of whipped cream

In a saucepan combine sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and salt gradually…adding milk slowly. Bring to a slow boil over medium heat – boil and stir for two minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and butter. Spoon into individual desert bowls or martini glasses Chill until serving Before serving top with a large dollop of whip cream Garnish with chocolate shavings Variation Cappuccino Pudding – add ½ tsp cinnamon, 4 T instant coffee dissolved in 1 T boiling water.

© Karen Sarraga | Dreamstime.com

Susan with her daughter, Lauren and her father, Ihor

Susan has a daughter, Lauren, with Williams Syndrome (WS). This is a genetic condition causing learning disabilities and developmental delays. Lauren is very social and outgoing (another characteristic of WS) and she loves to cook. So Susan started a cooking class for Lauren and a small group of teens, using the very humble facilities at a local community centre. In Susan’s mind, chef hats would have made a wonderful treat to ramp up the class. Little did she know that the person she was asking for the chef hats was Rudy Florio, the President of Liaison College. Rudy had a daughter with a severe condition called Tuberous Sclerosis and suddenly he liked what he heard and he was a man with a mission. The Teen Cuisine Program was launched, not only did Liaison College provide the hats, they also provided the facilities, the teachers and the ingredients to conduct a weekly cookery class for teens. www.womenwithvision.ca


Ge o r gi a n

Gourmet The Joy of Cooking...continued from page 41

To learn more about the field of autism and autism spectrum just ask Erin; she is your expert. She will share her beliefs and tell you that Autism is not a mental health issue rather, it’s a social, behavioural and developmental disability that is extremely complex. Erin believes that teens with Autism may also experience anxiety, depression (suicidal) and eating disorders. The Teen Cuisine Program was launched to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for teens to socialize, learn some basic cooking skills, challenge their creativity, make healthy choices, inspire independence and give parents a few hours of peace of mind.

photo credit : Snapd-Barrie

Erin Nightingale, the Teen Cuisine Cooking Program was offered to 8 teens in the region.

Kristin Vanderstelt, Liaison College Barrie Campus Manager & Cher Kyle McIntosh with Erin Nightingale, Autism Simcoe County Chapter Programming Manager,Volunteers & ‘Teen Cuisine’ participants.

Kyle McIntosh, a graduate of Liaison College accepted the challenge of teaching some of his learned skills to the teens. He was an impressive teacher and an excellent role model. Some of the recipes he shared included baking bread, making soups, sandwiches, salads and (by far the crowd favourite) cinnamon buns. The eight week session was held on Tuesdays after school and attendance was 100%. In reviewing the success of the program, Erin pointed out that most of the teens didn’t know each other, but by the time the program ended friendships were developing. During the sessions there was lots of chatter, exchanging social media contacts, trading sports cards and general happy camaraderie. The pilot was successful enough to launch another session. In the preparation for the Teen Cuisine program we discovered a very valuable resource cook book: Coach in the Kitchen by Penny Gill. Penny Gill, the author of the cook book was more than willing to come and share her experiences in establishing a similar program. It seems the Joy of Cooking is alive and well and being served up in a community near you. n Susanne Mikler



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all Photography for this article © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™






all Photography for this article © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™








Mental Clarity By Monika Gibson

© Arne9001 | Dreamstime.com

early. Asking for assistance is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength that you recognized that you needed help. And it doesn’t have to be a major issue. I have been saved many times by my handyman who has made repairs to my home that were beyond my abilities. His help allowed me to concentrate on the areas in my life where I possess the expertise. I had peace of mind knowing that I didn’t have to worry about that leaky faucet. It can be a simple thing or a complicated thing. The important lesson here is that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help. The solution will help you attain the mental clarity we all need in our everyday lives; The clarity to do what we do best. n Monika Gibson Sales Representative Century 21 Millennium/ Collingwood

Mental clarity can be achieved as a result of a number of factors. We take care of our minds through

Women with

exercise, nutrition, proper sleep, vitamins and supplements, and brain exercises. At least the experts would


recommend some or all of this to help you nourish your brain and hence make things clearer.

We often get bogged down in our day to day lives and don’t take the time to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves. We don’t ask for help to solve the issues. It is important to realize that we don’t hold all the answers and it isn’t a sign of weakness to ask for help. Whether you are already a home owner or thinking about becoming a homeowner, you owe it to yourself to check with the people who know what the next steps should be. If you are new to the real estate game, talking to a REALTOR® can be a good place to start. They have the experience and knowledge to help you through the process. That’s not to say that home ownership is in everyone’s future but it is worth exploring. Talking to someone in the Mortgage industry will give you an idea whether you have the financial ability to buy a home.Your banker, financial planner, or mortgage broker can sit down with you and determine whether you are able to buy a home and the price range that you can afford. If you are not qualified to buy a home these experts will be able to make recommendations on your next steps so that one day you may be in a position to buy



a home. After obtaining the pre-approval for a mortgage you can start looking at properties.


A REALTOR® knowledgeable in the area you are buying will be able to assist you in your search. They will be able to search for homes that are currently for sale that fit within your price range and have the features that you want. They can also find other homes that may not be currently on the market. Once you have found the home then it is time to talk to other experts. Your real estate sales person can help you find home inspectors, electricians, contractors, surveyors, plumbers, lawyers and others from the data base they have built up over the years. These are trusted experts who can make sure that the home you have chosen is sound and that it will be a place to call home for you and your family. Your real estate professional is a resource that can help you find mental clarity when navigating the home buying pathway. Those who already own homes can call upon the same experts when homeownership becomes burdensome. This can take many forms. Whether it is the state of the home or the financial side, there are experts who can help you find a solution and empower you to make change. It helps to get the assistance www.womenwithvision.ca






During the winter I use the time to enroll in an educational workshop, do independent research or reflect on lessons learned. Back in 2009, I became interested in learning more about Horticultural Therapy. It is a topic I was familiar with, always thinking in the back of my mind, that I must “look into it.” Horticultural Therapy is defined as “the use of plants and gardens for human healing and rehabilitation". It is an ancient practice, but a rather new profession. In the early 19th century, Dr. Benjamin Rush, observed and documented the benefits of working with plants for his patients at his Philadelphia clinic. Horticultural Therapy programs are now commonplace at many different facilities in North America and abroad.

Gardens as Therapy


© Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime.com


It was in the winter of 2010 that my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer sufferers share a number of common symptoms, but the disease can present differently in each patient. Unfortunately, my father’s symptoms included a high degree of stress and anxiety. It took several years to develop a treatment plan and several attempts to find the ideal


facility that could care for Dad as his disease progressed. One of the treatments utilized in many of the progressive chronic care facilities, is the use of Horticultural Therapy to reduce stress and anxiety. Research by pioneers in the field of therapeutic environments show nature helps heal. Roger S. Ulrich’s research showed that “viewing natural scenes or elements fosters stress recovery by evoking positive feelings, reducing negative emotions.” Other research indicates nature puts our minds in a state similar to meditation. There is strong evidence suggesting that gardens help to heighten patient and family satisfaction with the healthcare provider and the overall quality of care. With all this evidence, an aging population, and high-stress lifestyles, it makes sense; it seems to me, to incorporate the principles of horticultural therapy into our everyday lives. I can attest to the benefits to my father. Walks in the garden were the highlight of his day; we would witness his level of stress and paranoia reduce as we took in nature: the birds, the warm breezes, the colourful flowers and the rustling of trees that spawned memories in Dad we believed had been erased by the effects of Alzheimer. If you have a loved one facing a mental or physical challenge, or you yourself are finding life is just too demanding and you need a break, consider including these few elements into your surroundings as a starting point to improving your overall wellbeing: Include activities in the garden. Even gardens designed for the passive enjoyment of visitors, can be enhanced considerably by holding special events, such as family get-togethers, or daily exercises in the garden. Think about using the garden space for book readings, luncheons, workshops or invited speakers. •

Provide accessibility in the garden. Features and equipment are selected to provide accessible places within the garden. These modifications can ease the task of gardening or enhance the horticultural experience enabling them to see and even study the plants, touch or smell them, or experience the garden in their own way, on their own terms at their own pace.

Define garden spaces. Well defined perimeters where edges of garden spaces and special zones for activities within the garden are intensified to direct the attention and the energies of the visitors to these areas.

Provide safe, secure and comfortable settings for people. It is essential to avoid using chemicals such as herbicides, fertilizers and insecticides. The provision of shade and other protective structures will offer personal comfort and refuge to the garden user.

By Janet Kurasz, Hort, AMCT(A)

An increasingly large body of research attests to the unique values of horticulture as a therapy for people with physical, mental, emotional, and social disabilities. Plants will respond to anyone providing care. Studies show that success with plants can lead to successes in other aspects of our lives.


n Janet Kurasz, Horticulturist www.kurasz.ca www.womenwithvision.ca




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Steve Major



Major was not quite a teenager when he landed the title role in “Oliver!” at the Sunshine Festival in Orillia. The role was his first professional credit and might have, in fact, been a pivotal experience in his deciding to become a full-time “pro”, however, this experience was by no means his first opportunity to tread upon those rather addictive theatrical boards! Heavens, no! Having moved from Brampton to Barrie with his family, and barely into double-digits, Steve’s passion for the performing arts began to get the attention it craved working with Barrie’s “Strolling Youth Players”. Under the Artistic Direction of Joy Bainborough, Major boasts over ten years working with the S.Y.P., and without hesitation names Ms. Bainborough (Thompson) as his most revered of mentors. He was singing. He was acting. He was dancing. He was in his element. Throughout this tremendous and creative time, one thing became apparent – more than anything else, he wanted to SING!

Major Push By Dean Hollin

When reviewing the life, times and career -- thus far -- of Steve Major, an underlying theme of “youth” undoubtedly runs throughout that conversation. A career that began as a pre-teen is now helping to nurture a new generation of entertainers coming up through the ranks…

As high school approached he yearned for something greater than what his hometown could offer. He looked farther afield, and found what he was looking for in the Etobicoke School for the Arts. The decision to attend was a tremendous commitment for both himself and his exceedingly supportive parents. Up just before 5:00 a.m., travel by numerous buses took about 2 hours, either way, but going to school each morning, he adored.

Steve Major performing

During those busy high school years Steve became involved in an exciting extra-curricular activity as a member of “The Groove Club” (Canadian Kids & Friends) – a proto-type project of Sony Canada. This endeavour had him and a handful of other young performers travelling around Canadian shopping malls and such, promoting a CD of cover tunes they’d recorded. Post high school years proved equally as busy. Major made it into the top-100 of season two of Canadian Idol, in 2004. Also, during this time, he’d teamed up with fellow musician/singer Steve Joseph. The two formed “St. Eves”, landed a small record deal, and enjoyed some Canadian airplay. For 5 years they toured around Ontario promoting their continued on page 58








Steve Major ...continued from page 57


Steve talkss with three young singers at the Local Live auditions

release – “All That I Need”. Touring and promoting are expensive. Money ran out…the two went their separate ways. In recent years, Steve returned to those earlier theatre roots, performing in non-pro productions of Rent and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – again handling some title/leading roles. Additionally, he got himself back into the recording studio. His new CD will be out shortly. Currently, Steve is hosting his second season of “Local Live” on Rogers Television. The project – conceived by Major – began as a live showcase of local Barrie-area musicians, but recently reemerged on Rogers as a television project, allowing Steve to continue his artistic growth, as well as help bring to light another generation of young and talented entertainers. Dean Hollin Singer, Playwright and Live Stage Performer www.deanhollin.com





© Milda Basinskiene | Dreamstime.com

Women with

...gentle insights of awareness and change


Susan Aglukark

When selecting a dynamic women to feature in the spring issue of Women with Vision Magazine it was important that she be a woman who had life experience, a comfort in sharing her personal challenges and be open to sharing her journey of self discovery. Susan Aglukark’s name came to me via an email…a call was made and within fifteen minutes I was speaking with Susan personally. We met a month later for an interview and this is the life story of a crusader for women, an individual who has opened her heart so that the world can be a better place...

Between Two Worlds By Lorraine Leslie

“I am one of six siblings, born in Fort Churchill Manitoba in 1967. I was right in the middle. Looking back, my parents David and Dorothy Aglukark traveled around a lot when I was small. My father was a Preacher so by the time I was five years we lived in Whale Cove – Rankin Inlet and Arviat eventually settling in the village called Arviat – (an Inuit hamlet located on the western shore of Hudson Bay in the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut, Canada. Arviat is derived from the Inuktitut word arviq meaning "Bowhead Whale") and it happened to be my mother’s home town. Missionaries have been part of our culture since colonization and there has always been a large influence with this religion to be part of our heritage in the north. Both my parents were very active with the church. My Dad was an Anglican and my Mom was brought up Catholic eventually both becoming Pentecostal and are both ordained ministers. My father was also a politician and was involved in the negotiation for a time for Nunavut, (Nunavut officially became a territory in 1999)”, shared Susan.



Susan (left) with Nancy & Lillian at home in Rankin Inuit NWT 1973

“Like in many small villages, all the children played together…it wasn’t unusual for me to be playing with my cousins. We loved camping. We’d be gone from early spring, when it was time to fish for char and trout, and hunt together for geese until fall when we would hunt for caribou and whale. I did this camping until I was about fifteen years old. During this time in my life I loved to write in my journal every day, especially poetry.” “I recall my favourite teacher in kindergarten was Carol Hammond. I can’t really say I had a favourite teacher past primary school… At thirteen I was sent to Frobisher Bay in Iqaluit the Capitol of Nunavut to complete grade ten. Due to the pressure of being away from my family I didn’t finish the year. In 1983 I was sent to the private school in Regina.”

Susan at age 15 in Arviat Nukairit 1982

“Students would leave their villages and communities and stay at a residential school from August to December and then return after the holidays again to complete the year from January to the end of May.

Photograph left: Susan Aglukark at the International Aids Conference in Vancouver, BC 1996

In 1982 dropping out of high school was a hard choice before finishing grade ten. I was homesick due to being so far away from home; I was only fifteen. For different reasons I didn’t go back to finish that year. My parents arranged with Pastor Straza for me to finish grade ten at a private school called Maranatha Christian Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan, I was at that school for one year after which I switched high schools to Yellowknife and graduated from grade 12 there. continued on pg. 62






“Between my boss David Webster and the gentleman who wrote the music from my poem, Larry Crosley, to working with documentary videographer Dennis Beauchamp – the four of us put the video together. That year I was featured on MuchMusic© by Denise Donlon who was the Music Director at the time. That same year the videographer Dennis Beauchamp won the Cinematography Award which helped raise my profile– and I was still an unknown artist”, smiled Susan.

Susan Aglukark...continued from pg. 61

“In 1986, a member of parliament who was a friend of my dad’s offered me a unique opportunity to move to Ottawa to work at his office and to house-sit for three months, I was given a once in a lifetime chance to see what it would be like to live in a big city.” The Canadian Government was, and still is the biggest employer in Nunavut. “I went on to continue my studies and graduate with my grade twelve diploma in 1987 before taking a job with the Municipal Government at age nineteen.

Susan with Tom Cochrane 1994

After living and working in Arviat during that time Susan decided to take a two year training position with the territorial government back in Rankin Inlet to be a Lands Officer in the Kewatin Region. Like many other young women she was looking forward to being a wife, mother and raising a family someday but this new job was going to be the start of a new journey.

Shortly after the video came out I was approached by CBC Northern Services. They asked me to submit some music for them to listen to and to use as part of their annual Northern Artist compilation. I was thrilled to be asked. Every year they put together a vinyl LP of northern artists and in 1991 they chose me to submit some for the project.”

By age twenty Susan was ready to step out on her own. She was on the path like most people who lived in the North – get a good government job, get married, raise a family – but Susan was full of curiosity...what was out there? “I had wanted to be a missionary pilot when I was fourteen. I was always an ‘out there kind of person’ so I was ready for whatever career opportunities were available for a young woman in 1990?”

“Although I grew up in a very musical family our access was limited to church music so we had hymnals and a couple of acoustic guitars. And there was a local radio station that played old, old country music - Hank Snow and Johnny Cash and Bluegrass - and that was the extent of my musical background. There was of course the traditional music of the Inuit such as the Qilaut, drumming and throat singing but I had not had access or much exposure to that music.

“I was living in Rankin Inlet when I learned that the person who had abused me as a child had been still active. I was approached by a mother of another victim to help charge him – it turned out that my evidence was the most credible. Even though he was convicted, it took longer to get the conviction than the time he got which was only one third of the time.

“I remember saying to the people at CBC...I am not a singer or a songwriter. I have some short poetry, I play a couple of chords on the guitar; let me record a couple for you, which I did. I recorded eight songs for them and all eight were selected.”

Once he got out, “I couldn’t stay in Rankin Inlet anymore, so in 1991 I was offered a one year contract position in Ottawa with a small division of Indian and Northern Affairs – it was my saving grace – a one year contract that turned out for me, being in the right place at the right time. Part of the job was giving presentations in Ottawa high schools about my heritage - Indian Culture. I had always written everything in my journal since I was eleven years old. At age fifteen, in high school I had written a poem called Searching, in my native Inuktitut language about living between two worlds to get a high school diploma...this became part of the Ottawa presentations. There were three of us working in this division, myself, a manager and a supervisor.”

“This was my first project – Dreams for You which was available only on cassette.

“To this day I don’t know which one of the other two actually started the dialogue about doing a documentary from this poem but it became a music video. I wish I did remember how the conversation came about…to take the poem and begin a documentary and next thing it’s a music video…which ended up on MuchMusic©. I had some singing experience as a preacher’s kid but that was the extent of it. I would sing with the youth group on the occasional Friday night but there was really nothing at all that placed me in the environment of being an artist – in my heart I knew I was but as a child, like many, I never had the opportunity to nurture the dream. So here I was, doing my new government job, doing a documentary that became a music video and that ended up on MuchMusic©, and that’s how everything changed. It was a new beginning. It was really being in the right place at the right time in late 1991 early 1992.”



Susan's lucky catch of the day, 2006

Through this I met a producer by the name of Randall Prescott who approached me to write with him. Working as a linguist at the time with the Federal Government’s Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada in Ottawa and studying at night to become a pilot, it was during this time that I began writing and recording my first album Arctic Rose (songs of depth and humanity related to depression and suicide).”

Susan on Blood Red Tour 2005

“I still wasn’t convinced that there was a viable career for me as an artist. Really, that project was recovery for myself from the abuse – the anger and resentment; putting myself on a healing path. I had an outlet through the writing. It was 1992/93, I had switched day jobs and was with a different organization and on a journey of validation from the abuse. Subconsciously I was on course to get my feelings out and in return the universe gave me a gift of the unknown…which I now share in my music.” Rehearsing Susan sings the Canadian National Anthem at the NHL game in Edmonton 1995

continued on pg. 64

Susan Aglukark...continued from pg. 63

Things were getting very busy with the release of the Arctic Rose album and I realized I needed help and that person needed to be someone who had as much experience in the North as I did…“In late 1993 I had a huge decision to make with regards to EMI...then the record deal was signed in 1994. The choice was between me getting my pilot license or singing and songwriting. I realized I could get my pilots license any time but a record deal was a once in a lifetime opportunity.” The time between 1994 and 1996 was a huge learning curve for Susan. Between 1996 and 1998 Susan had another challenge… to truly engage the artist she had to learn how to perform on stage, write more and find out what direction her artistic career was moving in. “Everything that could go wrong was – there was no right answer”. Things happened for a reason that she had to take care of – Susan was going through post partum depression after the birth of her son, managers changed, agencies changed, her follow-up album was not charting, what does one do? Between 1998 and 2007 Susan faced another decision, leave EMI and continue as an independent artist? She decided to continue and began working on her 6th album,…best decision ever!” In 2008 after writing, recording, promoting and touring Blood Red Earth, (Susan was an independent artist at this point) and after rebuilding her home (which had burned down in the summer of 2007) Susan was appointed as a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at the University of Alberta. She worked between two worlds; Toronto and Edmonton – academia and artist, for three years doing research and creating programs that addressed the school drop-out issue among aboriginal students at all grade levels. Between work, and fulfilling special engagements, she found herself with very little time to devote to her art and music. By June of 2011, Susan had a significant event happen that was going to change her life; the University offered her an extension. “Most artists will tell you, the lure of the steady income is a powerful thing. The university position was getting in the way of my creative side”, said Susan. “I told my husband, I need the job to support my “habit”, art (music) is my habit. But it wasn’t working. I was dying as an artist. It was driving me crazy. I wish I could do both, but couldn’t.” Susan declined the offer and returned full time to her passion with a renewed confidence. Walking in the tension between two worlds; academic and social justice arenas and that of being an artist and musician has been a defining note in her remarkable career so far. After working one year with the Federal Government she took a job with the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada and at the same time releasing and touring with her first album - the album that led to her signing a deal with EMI Music Canada.



A petite, fine boned woman with an angelic voice who wrote and performed songs in both English and Inuktitut suddenly found herself in the limelight. Susan’s music is a timeless kind of pop music with lyrics that have dealt with subject matter of real depth and humanity. It was no wonder it was embraced in Canada and internationally. Susan has a rare and exotic presence in the mainstream music world, an Inuk woman, a modern woman, a strong woman with something important to say which is sometimes very rare in the entertainment industry. Susan embodies a pure, graceful and honest approach to her music. Her inner strength and dedication - her songs climbed the charts, her stories and her candor about the struggles of the Inuit and Aboriginal communities, and her bravery as she opened up about her own anger and her struggles as a survivor of sexual abuse, captured the public imagination and won her an audience beyond that of most pop artists. Over the next few years she released a series of CDs, a total of 8 studio albums, and became an in-demand speaker. The accolades and awards began to pile up. Susan shares. “For any young artist, this would be a lot to handle. But for a young woman who was raised in the north, it was a whirlwind.What people don’t realize, not that they have to, is the beauty of what we Inuit still carry is a certain innocence. Sometimes that innocence borders on too much naiveté and that can be a detriment. I had a lot of learning and catching up to do, as an artist, as an entertainer and a performer on stage, and I was learning it all while headlining.” Susan’s songs are very strong visually and story wise. “The stories are of people back home in Nunavut and represent traditional and non-traditional Inuit - people extending back to the Viking era and a look at their history from three major turning points, from the past to the present. “I’ve lived in Ontario for 20 years and I still feel the pull of home every day. No matter where I’ll end up, my heart will always feel the Arctic before I feel anything or anyplace else. I’m not attached to the material things – or to a certain status. I still believe in the stories and the history. We live in an incredible time and I am in a great position to share it. I have this great career where I can share it and that’s a choice I’ve made at this stage and it has affected my performance on stage and as a woman in the 21st century.” Susan Aglukark’s musical success is even more interesting when you realize she didn’t start her career until she was twenty four years of age. Her first and most successful single is O Siem which reached No. 1 on the Canadian country and adult contemporary charts in 1995.

continued on pg. 66







This Child is the second album released in 1995.The album was Susan Aglukark's commercial breakthrough in Canada, spawning chart hits with O Siem and Hina Na Ho (Celebration), and making Aglukark the first Inuk performer ever to have a Top 40 hit. This album was also released in Japan on September 6, 1995

By Marj Sawers

Susan on a home visit to Arviat NU 2007

© Aniram | Dreamstime.com

White Sahara, (2011) features fifteen songs. Even though the songs represent a span of a decade of writing and performing (and two new songs), the CD is a cohesive work. This speaks to the clarity and artistic vision that has been with Susan since she emerged as an independent artist performing for Inuit communities in the North in the early 90’s. Today, Susan’s husband is her business manager. Her most recent CD, produced by Chad Irschick was released just before the 2013 holiday season. It is an angelic collection of Christmas songs with her own unique touch called Dreaming of Home. It was an honour to spend time with Susan and learn of her amazing heritage and life journey. I’m grateful she chose to share her story with me… With sincere gratitude Susan…you are among many amazing Women with Vision! FOOTNOTE: Susan Aglukark has an honorary DFA from the University of Lethbridge, and in 2005 she was named as an Officer of the Order of Canada. She has performed for HRH Queen Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela and a number of Canadian Prime Ministers and dignitaries, honorary law degrees from the University of Alberta and University of Calgary. Susan has won three Juno Awards; the first-ever Aboriginal Achievement Award in Arts and Entertainment along with the Canadian Country Music Association’s Vista Rising Star Award.

n copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine September, 2014





Susan Aglukark...continued from pg. 64

In addition to five albums released by EMI between 1994 and 2004, Aglukark Entertainment has released, Blood Red Earth, (2007) (songs of insight of those suffering from depressions and suicide). Susan is one of Canada’s most unique and most honored artists. After all, how many artists can capture a broad audience singing in both English and the language of the Inuit - Inuktitut.


Susan Performing

PTSD.........There is that word again; you hear it on the news in conversations, discussed in whispers in hospital corridors, at wakes, and within families. These initials stand for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is not what happens to just other people, it can happen to you, it did to me. These initials explain what so many of our armed forces have endured after they served. Life can be a daily struggle for those with PTSD.Things we cannot possibly imagine they need to seek a safe and secure place. The time spent with comrades is priceless, they understand. Our troops in the past and present need our support and funding for this challenge. They have survived, now they have to learn to live with what they experienced. Our Legions and other clubs are a safe place to benefit from the camaraderie of those who have walked the walk. Anyone who has experienced deep trauma has got to learn how to deal with it. Quite often it presents with flash backs that put them right back into the middle of their nightmare. Souls with this condition actually find themselves back in the life or death battle they have survived. It can be a sound, a smell or time of day. Just the shifting of light can bring it on. It takes several years of hard work to overcome this condition, lots of love, support and professional care is the only way to return to living a normal life. With the pressure our families live in today we need stress free zones in our day to day life. Awareness is everything. For me,

this is quiet time, no phones, no obligations, no deadline, just time to read, or a long soak in the tub, work in my garden or play with my pets. Walking is an instant solution; it can be done on a lunch hour, around the block or in your local parks. No membership, equipment or too much time set aside is required. Just do it!! Walking together, chatting about your surroundings is a great stress manager and time together is priceless. A long walk with a kid who has been acting out just might uncover a lot more than we think. This could be the perfect time to share a little and listen a lot. Classroom and/or peer or sport pressures can be overwhelming. Bullying can be a real challenge for our youth. We need to work toward a safe place to land, a support team around us so as we or they can download and relax. If we do not have these things in life what is the purpose. It can’t just be a promotion or a newer car or two trips a year. Band aid surgery only works for while. If it is a relationship thing, then work on it, by acknowledging the challenge, you have taken the first step to personal peace. Don’t forget your quiet time...... a chance to catch up to your soul, your friends, or just allow time to smell the roses. Remember, “If it is to be, it is up to me”. n Marj Sawers, Retired Philanthropist www.womenwithvision.ca




Life Numbers


© Martinmark | Dreamstime.com


Our Own Way... By Deborah Johnson We’ve all heard the term ‘it’s all in your head.’ What if that truly is the case? What if every area of our lives from our health, to our career path, to our financial decisions, hinges on our mental/emotional awareness and resulting physical actions and decisions?

What if we have the capacity mentally to create success in whatever we set our minds to? Think for a minute about the power of mind over matter; mind over body. Is acknowledging and trusting the signals our subconscious constantly provides our conscious mind, the key we seek to optimum awareness and empowerment? Could how we use our mind conceivably control the dynamics of our lives to such an extent that we could determine our own destiny by what we mentally attract and repel? Science is not only proving but recognizing that intuition is an actual brain function. If this is the case then is it possible we can increase our mental capacities intentionally and if so, to what degree? We are conditioned to limit ourselves. From our earliest years we are taught with ‘don’t’, ‘can’t, ‘shouldn’t: Words, which although intended to be protective, unintentionally set the boundaries we mentally, emotionally and physically adhere to subconsciously. If from infancy we could encourage and intentionally condition our children positively, we have the potential to develop children who know no limits and naturally excel in all they do. As adults we seek tools to better ourselves, enrich our lives, grow and expand. Everything we do that involves learning in any way expands our brains’ capacity to become sharper, more aware, more attuned. Exercise and appropriate diet also play a key role in maximizing our awareness. Like the engine of a car, if junk is poured into the gas line, the car will run rough or seize altogether. If clean, quality gasoline is used, the car will operate optimally. Our bodies and minds are no different. If we provide our bodies with



quality nutrients and effective exercise, not only will our bodies reflect this in the form of good health, but our minds will also reap the benefits. Add mental stimulation combined with limitless mental/emotional boundaries, and we could begin to access areas of our mind yet untapped.

Fear of the unknown limits us tremendously; yet once fear is removed we grow exponentially. A dear elderly friend of mine recounted a story from her youth; she was asked to go door to door in the community selling a new service. She stated she has never had so many doors slammed in her face, told to get off property, called names, and been accused of evil and witchery as she did with this particular job. To this day she chuckles at the reaction residents had to what she offered. What service was she trying to sell that was rejected with such vehemence? Residential electricity – she was offering homeowners electricity. Fear, lack of knowledge and limited awareness caused those she dealt with to reject what she was offering. If we are mentally open to entertaining all possibilities we remove self-imposed limits, we allow ourselves to truly grow and reach our maximum potential! Providing the balance between mind, body and emotion will open the pathway to increased mental awareness. n Deborah Johnson Clairvoyant, Medium, Author, Speaker www.deborah-johnson.net

TO BETTER HANDLE CHALLENGES... BE AWARE OF YOUR BALANCE NUMBER By Paola Gucciardi Numerology is an excellent tool to help create self-awareness. It highlights who you are; what you are here to do; and ultimately how to live a fulfilling life. Since today’s demanding schedules cause many to go into automatic pilot, living with conscious awareness can be difficult. The BALANCE number identifies the specific ways you habitually and automatically handle challenging situations. For instance, do you automatically express feelings openly or hold on to them tenaciously? Consciously bring your awareness to your Balance number and learn how to better deal with life’s difficulties.

To Calculate...Add Example:

1 2 3

B 2

the numerical values of the first letter of your first, middle and last name on your birth certificate





L O U I S E C 3 3 2 + 3 + 3 = 8 Balance




1. Write your full name that appears on your birth certificate 2. Using the chart below, record the numerical value of the first letter of your first, middle and last name 3. Add the subtotals until the sum is reduced to a single digit



































Balance 1 Since difficult times cause you to isolate yourself and to turn inward, you can benefit from seeing these situations from a different perspective. Turn to friends and family for help and be open to advice and new ideas. Ultimately, draw from your strength, creativity and courage. Balance 2 You tend to approach problems emotionally which often causes you to blow them out of proportion. Use tact and diplomacy to bring about mutual resolution rather than retreating from fear and conflict. Your cornerstones are balance and harmony. Balance 3 Your sensitivity to criticism causes you to respond emotionally to challenges. Since you tend to see your solution as the correct one, adopt an objective and more easygoing, optimistic approach and recognize that mutually beneficial solutions exist.

Balance 4 Difficult issues cause you to become angry and obstinate. Learn to forgive and to adopt a more lighthearted attitude. Using compassion, understanding and objectivity to see the bigger picture allows you to explore more options. Balance 5 To avoid potential pain that difficult situations may cause, you tend to escape them by indulging in vices such as food, alcohol and drugs. To find solutions, use your charm, creativity and mind.

solutions, calm yourself, and utilize your strong mind and incredible analytical abilities. Balance 8 During challenging times, your tendency is to use your leadership abilities to get your own way. Rather than ignore the needs of others, use your creativity and power to explore mutually beneficial solutions.

Balance 6 Your incredible understanding of people and the causes of conflict make it hard for you to handle situations directly. Rather than depending too heavily on the comfort of friends and family, get personally involved in exploring solutions.

Balance 9 When faced with difficulties, you tend to adopt an aristocratic attitude often looking down on others. Remember that it is in giving that you receive. Rather than being aloof, develop realistic solutions by utilizing your understanding of people and the ability to see the big picture.

Balance 7 Your tendency to handle challenging situations emotionally causes you to retreat within and avoid them altogether. To find

n Paola Gucciardi, Numerologist www.lifenumbers.ca

A Mother’s Day Memory... When I was five, I would look up to your knees I never knew the day would come when I'd look up to the trees When I was seven, I would look up to your waist I never knew the day would come when I'd look up to your smiling face At the age of ten, I'd look up to your waist I never knew the day would come when I'd say, "this is your chest"

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Written by Lorraine Lesley’s son in 1986

© Delfinista | Dreamstime.com

And now, I'm only sixteen, and I will still look up to my mother But I can't wait until the day when I look down and tell her I love her...



Women with




Women with...




Last Word

S pe cial Eve nt s S howc as ing th e Co mm un ity...



As the eagle soars among golden clouds I reflect on my life journey amidst the crowd

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Balancing between water and sky I don’t let a single day pass me by

Luncheons/Dinners: Breakfasts 7 a.m. / Luncheons 11:30 a.m. Dinners at 6:00 p.m. and last 2.5 hours. Each district has its own networking day and location.

Wings spread to stay aloft I search through the morning mist so soft Circling high and diving low to aspire I set my vision to create and inspire


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Photograph © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Women with Vision was founded in 1998 to offer business women a networking venue in which they can provide support for one another and develop new business connections. Through this dynamic networking opportunity attendees will receive motivation, inspiration, advice and mutual support to help them take their business & lives in general to the highest possible level.

Phone: 1-866-306-6021 womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca

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By Lorraine Leslie © Eti Swinford | Dreamstime.com

n copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine

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