Women With Vision, Winter, 2015

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Women with



Showcasing Business & Lifestyle in South Georgian Bay




Georgina Cannon

Finding My Magnificence

Winter Issue 2015



Business, Health, Fashion and more








On the Cover



Lifestyle & Beauty

Home, Garden & Design



16 22





Editor’s Desk ~ It Can Happen In A Split Second By Lorraine Leslie Life Numbers By Paola Gucciardi Last Word By Lorraine Leslie Vision Wordsearch By Lorraine Leslie

Business, Finance & Communication 8 9

10 11 12

Transform Your Style By Marilyn Wetston

Chrystalis By Lorraine Leslie

Wedding 35


Change vs. Transformation Jessy Morrison

Special Features

Regular Features


Prescription for Change By Lesley Paul

Feeding the Content Beast By Susan Baka Fallout from 2008 By Rick Ziemski

Catering...What To Ask By Lorraine Leslie Writing A Proper Thank You, By Lorraine Leslie

Georgian Gourmet 42 40

A Foodies Path of Transformation By Susanne Mikler

54 56 58 60

Log Cabin Dream Home By Lorraine Leslie Change and Retirement By Monika Gibson A Time of Change By Janet Kurasz Home Transformation Using Organization By Karen Sencich How To Fold Sheets By Karen Sencich

Arts & Entertainment 62

It’s Crazy, Really! By Dean Hollin

Motivational & Inspirational 66 72

The ABC’s Of Pulses By Amanda Woods

Georgina Cannon Finding My Magnificence By Lorraine Leslie Living Your Life Is One Exciting Transformation By Deborah Johnson

Destinations 76

Women In Golf By Lorraine Leslie and Nancy Berkley

Transformation By Donna Messer Content Marketing Can Transform Your Business By Janette Burke The Ability to Change By Mary Ann Matthews


Women with


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Wo m e n w i t h Vi s i o n ! ™ m a g a z i n e i s p u b l i s h e d b y Wo m e n w i t h Vi s i o n I n c . Founder/Publisher, C.E.O. Lorraine Leslie Sales/Marketing: Lorraine Leslie Feature Writers: Susan Baka, Janette Burke, Monika Gibson, Paola Gucciardi, Deborah Johnson, Janet Kurasz, Lorraine Leslie, Donna Messer, Jessy Morrison, Karen Sencich, Marilyn Wetston, Rick Ziemski


Select Design/Layout: Candice Lewis |www.candicelewis.ca Special Mini Feature Design/Select Ad Design: Lorraine Leslie Cover and Feature Cover Photography: Manuella Pararas MPH Photography Sectional Page Photography: Dreamstime.com

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Feature Photography:Lorraine Leslie/L’original Productions | Women with Vision Inc.


Lifestyle & Gourmet Features: Lorraine Leslie/L’original ProductionsWomen with Vision Inc.

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Proof Readers: Lorraine Leslie, Cindy Bailey

Women with Vision!™ magazine aims to provide editorials that educate, motivate and inspire people of all ages and from all walks of life, and to promote success in business and daily living.

Mailing Address: 156 Brophy’s Lane Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 Bus : 1-866-306- 6021 F ax : (705) 445-7153 Email: womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. Copyright 2014/2015 Women with Vision! Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher. The views, opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of this publication and/or publisher who hereby disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from the advice, information or offers presented in articles or advertisements herein. Women with Vision! welcomes submissions, but accepts no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, illustrations and photographs submitted must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope if they are to be returned or acknowledged. Readers who require legal, accounting or other expert advice should obtain the services of a qualified professional.Women with Vision! is a Member of the Canadian Copyright Association.

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It Can Happen

in a Split


Have you ever sat in a trance...in a daze...or had a feeling of being vacuous and vulnerable? We daydream on a daily basis. We dream of going on a vacation to an exotic place…winning a million dollars… having the most perfect wedding day…changing jobs or becoming an entrepreneur. Sometimes these daydreams become a reality. And you are the only one who can make it happen.

Change and transformation comes from being consciously aware of what is going on inside and around you. Contemplating change can come as a slow transformation to ensure your ‘vision’ becomes a reality one day at a time. Or, it can happen in a split second! (Like saying yes to a marriage proposal!)

Think about this: Change is the act or instance of making or becoming different. Transformation involves making a radical change for the better.

Once you’ve made up your mind, there is no turning back if you truly want to alter your current path. Your entire body will react to change instantly – in transformation your body adjusts more slowly.

What changes or transformations are you personally making in 2015? Are you looking to change your career? Start a new job in your same profession? Choose something totally new? Anything is possible! All you have to do is face any fears and take the step to CHANGE!

I ask you to take a few minutes, sit back and think about the differences you want to make in your life this coming year, and, if you do this, be aware of the universe transforming your mind, body and soul into a more interesting, dynamic and powerful person…one that gains more self respect and gathers admiration from those around you. The next time you daydream, catch yourself and consider if you are Lorraine Leslie actually contemplating making a Founder/Publisher change...or a well thought out transformation ;) Nominated for

2005, 2006, 2009 & 2010

2013 International Toastmasters Communication & Leadership Award

The feature people about whom I write, have traveled a long, winding road to success – each one on their own journey; a journey that sometimes hasn't been smooth. These people open their hearts to inspire and motivate others, of all ages, to follow their dreams and passions, creating their ultimate VISION!™



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In this issue of Women with Vision Magazine our writers have focused their expertise on transformation and making changes. Our featured woman with vision has experienced both change and transformation both personally and in her career. For Georgina Cannon her transformation became a lifelong journey to find her inner self which inspired her to step away from the crowd in order to help others who were themselves in need of their own transformations.

…connecting through educational & networking updates






Feeding the

from 2008

Content Beast



“The only difference between rut and grave is their dimension.” ~ Ellen Glasgow

By Rick Ziemski

….5 Tips to Become an Unforgettable Content Marketer By Susan Baka

• • • • • • • •

Success stories and case studies White papers Webinars Blogs Posts (on Facebook and Twitter) Videos and podcasts E-newsletters LinkedIn updates

Recent research shows that over 60% of B2B marketers plan to spend even more of their budgets on content marketing in the year ahead. But, like most small business owners, you likely face two challenges in particular: 1. How to find the time to keep creating new content 2. How to produce content that gets noticed as more and more content floods the Internet, causing what some have coined “content shock”. Try these strategies to tackle the challenges and break through the clutter to get attention: 1. Create engaging content. Avoid sales hype and promotion. Instead, share your expertise by giving tips and advice and talking about industry trends. Blogging and distributing that content via social channels have the most impact. According to a recent survey of marketing professionals, those who prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy a positive return on investment (ROI).



Prior to 2008 many in North America practiced the “ostrich” method (head in sand) of personal financial management. It had become widely accepted. Then came 2008 and the “ostrich rut” crowd realized they were one step from a financial grave. It is sad that it takes neardisaster to convince people of the need for change. And so today we hear an enthused populace shouting a new national rally cry, “financial literacy for all”.

2. Deliver exclusive content. Consider giving only customers some of your more in-depth content such as white papers. You can even use this as a hook to help convert prospects to clients. 3. Outdo your competitors. They have websites and maybe even blogs. What else can you do that’s different? Think about industry reports, videos, podcasting, guest blogging and other ways that will make you stand out.

But awareness is only the beginning. Without commitment and action nothing changes. The usual reasons for staying in the rut prevail; apathy, laziness and fear. The innate power in humans to manifest their own reality goes unutilized and we continue to wallow in life as “financial victims”. Without a strong desire for change this pattern continues with no chance of abating. It breeds unhappiness and becomes damaging to individual and state. Change leadership becomes critically necessary.

4. Write simply and concisely. Use plain language and avoid acronyms and industry jargon. Creating bulleted copy and numbered lists (like in this article!) is a reader-friendly way to appeal to busy people. 5. Don’t stop. You won’t remain top of mind with customers and prospects if you take a hit-and-miss approach and just generate content occasionally. Feeding the content beast requires a continuous effort. Get help. As a small business owner, you likely lack the time to regularly pump out quality content. Hire a good freelance writer who can learn your industry, and nurture the relationship so that person can present you as a subject matter expert in your industry. Freelancers are usually inexpensive sources of content and can help you overcome that barrier of having no time yourself to create content. No doubt about it, its work. But anything that puts you in front of your target audience ahead of the competition is worth it. An effective content marketing strategy is a good way to boost the bottom line. n Susan Baka, President Bay Communications & Marketing Inc. sbaka@baycomm.ca www.baycomm.ca

Photo: Yanka Van der Kolk

If you keep abreast of marketing trends, you’ll know there is a lot of buzz around content marketing - that is, generating compelling content and practical tips to push out in communicating with your target audiences via e-blasts, social media and other means. This includes:

On a national level credit is due to our Federal leaders who have launched a Canadian literacy program and earlier this year appointed Jane Rooney as financial literacy leader, mandated to “champion financial literacy on behalf of all Canadians”. Rooney’s plan is three pronged giving recognition to the element of urgency by prioritizing seniors and retirement issues as the first prong, followed by focus on other priority groups like low-income, Aboriginal Peoples and the Disabled. Young adults and youth comprise the third prong. The focus is not only internal as the mandate also includes international collaboration with other nations that also grapple with the fallout from 2008. However, government cannot do it all for you. On a personal level, each Canadian should heed the warning bells with a commitment to do better at personal money management. The start comes with the will to learn. The heated concern about financial literacy has created many

sources of information and tools to assist. Our Federal government sponsors the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca). Another organization that has taken a leadership role in strengthening Canadians’ financial acumen is the professional body of Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. Most recently CPA Canada received international recognition for its financial literacy program by winning the Excellence in Financial Literacy Award from the Instituted for Financial Literacy in the USA. The CPA program is aimed at Canadians willing to learn and is comprised of “Community Connect”, various publications and a consumer website (www.financialdecisionsmatter.ca). If you chose to believe that you can manifest a positive financial reality by embracing change then, yes, you are wise to follow a program to improve financial literacy and learn the application of financial tools to your finances. There is however one proviso. All of this effort may produce only limited results in turning around your finances. The stopper is usually the inability to change those behaviors that impact personal finances negatively. For example no amount of literacy can stop shopping compulsions, impulse buying or unwarranted feelings of entitlement. At this juncture a financial advisor is of little use since the required help needs to be in the form of behaviour modification therapy. A good financial advisor should tell you so. Too often I have faced clients who directly say that they want help to improve their finances but really mean, “help me but don’t expect me to change my behavior”. The truth is it just doesn’t work that way! n W. R. Ziemski, CPA, CA Management Consultant rickziemski@cogeco.ca www.linkedin.com/in/rickziemski www.womenwithvision.ca






Content Marketing

Have you ever stopped to think about the life of a butterfly? We all know that the first stage in a butterfly’s life is as a caterpillar and that it has to spin a cocoon, lay dormant for awhile and finally a wonderful process happens and the result is a beautiful butterfly...So what’s the message? A young boy was out walking with his mother and he saw a beautiful butterfly. His mother sat him down on a park bench and began to explain how the butterfly starts out life as a caterpillar. She explained that the caterpillar decides when it’s time to rest and they find a comfortable tree or a shady spot and they spin a cocoon - almost like a silken blanket that covers them from top to bottom. His mother explained that the change takes time, and the result is a beautiful butterfly. The young boy loved the story and wanted to know if he could watch the transformation. His mother agreed and when the time was right they went hunting for a caterpillar. They found the perfect caterpillar and carefully placed it in a big jar - feeding it leaves and making sure that it had plenty of room to be transformed. The caterpillar began to spin the cocoon and eventually it was completely covered with a silken blanket. There was nothing for the little boy to see, but that silken bundle. He watched and he waited, checking the jar daily. One day, he saw the cocoon begin to move, and ever so slowly a small hole was punctured in the silken bundle. He was so excited he could hardly contain himself. He anxiously awaited the “birth” of his special butterfly! As he watched, the bundle continued to move, but nothing was happening to the small hole in the end....the hours passed and still no butterfly...he couldn’t understand what was taking so long... He thought for a moment and asked himself, “What can I do?” He had an idea, he could get his mom’s scissors and help the butterfly get out. He got the small pair of scissors and quickly snipped a little piece off the end of the cocoon proud that he was helping his butterfly get out. He watched the expanded hole and soon out came a strange looking creature, not a beautiful butterfly - not with beautiful wings, but an odd shaped and awkward creature. “Mom lied” he thought and quickly ran to tell her what had happened. His mother looked at the cocoon and saw the poor unfortunate creature that had emerged. She quietly explained what had happened. The butterfly must break out of the cocoon without help. With each push and thrust, the butterfly gains strength, develops its wings and gets in shape to be beautiful and able to fly when it emerges... What’s the lesson? Transformation takes time, and sometimes we have to struggle first, before we can fly.. Sometimes it’s not a helping hand that’s needed. It’s being able to let nature take its course.




Can Transform Your Business

This is the story of a boy and a butterfly...

Donna Messer, mentor, motivator and lover of butterflies!


n Donna Messer Networking Expert, International Speaker www.connectuscanada.com

By Janette Burke Content marketing is the marketer's darling today, but its concepts date back to the 1800’s when John Deere started The Furrow Magazine as a way to share his expertise about farming. The difference now is the Internet. Everyone can be a publisher, and they can use that content in a multitude of ways to demonstrate their expertise, attract buyers, develop and nurture client relationships, build their credibility and prove they are trustworthy.

Turn Audience Members into Clients - If you speak at events, chances are slim someone will come up to you after your talk and say they want to buy your services. The speaking engagement is the first step in networking with and engaging potential buyers.

Since no-one can walk into your office and pick up your widget, it’s easy to display your efforts as a “service peddler.” Aside from hearing from others how well you've helped them, the only way a “prospect can decide whether they want to work with you is by examining you.

Content you produce can go a long way toward nurturing relationships with people you meet at speaking events.

Content marketing makes that possible. More than publishing articles and white papers, content marketing also involves making connections with people in the online world. Being part of a community increases your level of trust. Through your site's content, such as reviews written by folks in the community, guest posts from business leaders in your town, and exchanges on Facebook among your neighbours, you show these connections effortlessly.

Turn Clients into Advocates - It's easier to get current clients to buy from you than to persuade prospects who don't know a thing about you to buy from you. Imagine if your clients helped with your sales and marketing—that they became advocates for your company. You could have a select group of clients who not only refer you to others but who write blog posts and social media posts on your behalf and even speak up for you and your services in community forums, simply because they love your service. n Janette Burke Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant and Columnist www.janetteburke.com

Other Ways Content Marketing Can Transform Your Business… Increase Sales - Sharing your content on social media networks allows you to build an online following. The more giving you are and the more you communicate with followers, the more likely they are to visit your pages and respond to your posts. Consistently reach out to prospects, invite feedback and comments, personalize communication with prospects, provide educational content, and connect your content with a sales call to action.









By Mary Ann Matthews Have you ever noticed that some people just seem to dance through life, while others seem to get stuck in the corners of life? It may well have to do with how flexible and agile their minds are or how open to change they may be. Writers who have this trait have the ability to communicate their ideas with ease. They can adjust to changing situations without stopping for a moment – a remarkable trait that is useful in every area of the writer’s life.


BEAUTY ...living life at its best

In the example above, the trait of adaptability is illustrated three times. Following the arrows, the first example is the ‘th’ combination in the word “this”. The writer makes the letter ‘t’ by crossing the t-bar and again, without lifting the pen, continues on to make the letter ‘h’. The second example is the ‘g’ in the word change. Notice that the ‘g’ actually looks like a figure 8? It is constructed in one fluid movement without a lift of the pen. The third example shows the writer making a figure 8. This time it’s the letter ‘f’ in the word “transforms”. Without stopping to change direction, the writer constructs the letter ‘f’ with one fluid movement. In each example, the letters are made without retracing or directional changes, illustrating the writer’s fluidity of thought. If you have a job or a lifestyle that requires you to adjust rapidly and easily to ever-changing situations, this trait will help you. If someone says to you, “Okay, we have to change things around right away and do this now, not later”, you will likely respond by saying, “That’s no problem at all! I can do that easily.” …and you can.

Yes, that trail of ink that we leave as our pen travels across the page really does tell our story. n Mary Ann Matthews, CGA Certified Graphoanalyst Certified Cursive Writing Coach maryann@handwriting.ca www.handwriting.ca



© Petr Kirillov | Dreamstime.com

Those possessing this ability can present their ideas clearly and effortlessly. They likely have a skill in handling words and can transform their conversation to fit the circumstances. As their mind flows easily and is very versatile, they can pass along information (true or false) with ease!






Prescription By Lesley Paul, B.Sc. Phm


Recently I read an article about a new “prescription” to treat atrial fibrillation (an irregular heart rhythm.) The prescription had no true adverse effects and had the added benefit of many positive “side effects”. This prescription is best “taken” daily, it can be shared with a friend and best of all, for the most part, this prescription is absolutely free. Physicians across the continent are now writing prescriptions for exercise. Last year, Queen’s University kinesiology and Health Studies students launched a program in the campus Health Services department called “Exercise is Medicine”. They developed an exercise prescription and referral form as well as a physician handbook that has since been presented at Kingston General Hospital and a local family health team. Although the project is in its infancy, the group is pleased with the support from a variety of health care providers. Their goal is not only to improve the health of the students but also to apply these strategies to the general public.

to improved mood and memory. It may even delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Overall, being active regularly leads to an improved sense of well-being and quality of life.

While I wouldn’t really say that this is “new”’, it certainly is a novel approach to treating our 21st Century ailments. I know you are thinking that this is just the same old rhetoric about how exercise is good for you. But the proof is out there that making a simple change in your lifestyle has numerous benefits.

Programs are available throughout the community to “fill” an exercise prescription. Whether it’s a personal trainer at your local gym or the YMCA or a healthcare provider at a local family health team, you can find a variety of programs to suit your individual needs. Your physician should approve any new exercise program especially if you have a chronic condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis or mobility issues. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to exercise so be sure to find the program that best suits your needs, condition and current abilities.

It has long been known that exercise aids in weight loss or maintenance of a healthy weight but studies are now focusing on the physiological benefits of an active lifestyle. Exercise can lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL) as well as increase good cholesterol (HDL). It improves insulin sensitivity, which delays the start of Type 2 diabetes. Exercise decreases inflammation in the body leading to improved mobility. Agility in seniors is a growing concern. Falls account for half of all injuries among seniors. In fact, ninety-five percent of all hip fractures in Ontario are due to a fall. Staying strong will not only help prevent a fall but provide protection if a fall occurs and aid in a faster recovery. And let’s not forget the positive effects on the brain that physical activity provides. It increases blood flow leading



But what makes the “exercise prescription” a new idea? Physicians are not just recommending daily activity but are actually prescribing individualized programs. The prescription often includes the intensity, duration, frequency and mode of exercise. Targets and monitoring of progression are important and may include things like heart rate or perceived exertion. Each exercise plan should be safe, effective, affordable and attainable for each person.

Making the move to become more active may be difficult for some. Change doesn’t always occur easily. And for change to occur there has to be a motivation to change, the ability to change and a trigger to kick start the new behavior. Unfortunately, sometimes all three of those components require a life altering event or scare to occur. But why wait? Make the change now. Get ahead of the game and start your own “exercise prescription”. It may be the best medicine you ever take.

n Lesley Paul, Pharmacist dlpaul@sympatico.ca

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How can a multidisciplinary team help me? A multidisciplinary team means that there are multiple healthcare providers from different healthcare professions each with a specialized skill set who collaborate together to facilitate quality, streamlined patient care. At Collingwood Sport Medicine Centre our team consists of a Sport Medicine Doctor, Physiotherapists, Athletic and Exercise therapists, Massage therapists, Kinesiologists, Acupuncturists and a Pedorthist. This means that when you come for your initial assessment by any of our skilled healthcare professionals they can call on different members of our healthcare team to create a customized treatment program for YOU. Our goal is for you to be able to participate in the activities that you enjoy with maximum function and comfort. We at Collingwood Sport Medicine/Centric Health are dedicated to working with you to reduce the time between your injury and your return to activity. We want to help you enjoy the life you were meant to live.

For more information, please visit www.centrichealthphysio.ca or call 705-444-5303


Transformation By Jessy Morrison

Winter is beautiful...the autumn leaves are gone and a blanket of crisp white snow can be exciting and invigorating. It stirs my inner juices and gets me fired up. I plan, I forecast, I see the changes I wish to make and I take action. I like change.

Change is inevitable, with the seasons, with weather, with our children, jobs, careers, business, loves, relationships, health, clothes, hairstyles, phone numbers, addresses ... We trade in tricycles for bicycles, and upgrade from bikes to cars.

They get stuck. They see change as bad, destructive, as a loss.

Change is unavoidable; it is the only constant in our universe and therefore to be expected, not feared. Changes are transformative. They are all milestones, Rites of passage, Growth!

OK I admit change can be downright scary, bumpy, risky and sometimes painful! But that is because we have stepped into a new unknown territory, and we no longer have a familiar map to show us the way. We probably have to make our own map. But that is ok. We are who we are because of what we have experienced.

Besides “How can anything change for the better if nothing changes?” If you want to change anything in your life, you have to change something in your life! Sadly many people fear change, they expend a lot of energy trying to keep things the same.

When we resist change we make life hard, traumatic. It’s going to happen anyway, resistance is futile!

Think back to when you were deciding to go to university, or get a new job; move away from home or make yourself vulnerable and open to a new relationship. In choosing to create and embrace change we find life exhilarating, exciting, and alive.

We use the words transition and change interchangeably these days, but they are NOT the same.

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People often only change long enough to achieve a goal and then go back to what they used to do. Change is temporary.

than change! It is more than a make-over. It happens inside you, - body mind and soul. You are living the change and can never go back. You think differently, you feel differently, you know things in a deeper way. I liken it to metamorphosis. Imagine the tiny caterpillar crawling into its chrysalis or cocoon to emerge and completely transform into another being. Transformation is permanent. Look at your life in hindsight; it will give you insight to every time change was a gift for you. Life is not predictable, it is wild, uncontrollable, unplanned, unexpected. You are energy, and energy is constantly moving, vibrating, resonating, changing, transforming evolving.

Women with



Honour changes with loving attention, an attitude of gratitude, with new found curiosity and awareness, and you too will transform. You are an infinite being; it is your choice to look at it as a victim - that life is happening TO you; or ride the wave and realize that the journey is happening FOR you. Celebrate the changes, the transitions beyond your previous comfort zone, and live your transformation. Because you have transformed, you are the change!

n Jessy Morrison Body Talk - relief@jessymorrison.ca

Transformation is MORE www.womenwithvision.ca





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Women with







Your Style By Marilyn Wetston The Wardrobe Doctor

Life doesn’t stand still and even when we want to keep things the same our lives move in a new direction. Since dressing is one way we communicate to others and also is essential for our comfort, it is necessary to assess the clothes in your closet and edit when changes nudge you forward. Expect to do this seasonally. Also a revamp is necessary with a lifestyle change or a change of weight and size. In nature a caterpillar metamorphoses to a gorgeous butterfly and no longer crawls but flies.

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A peacock matures to have gorgeous plumes that it fans out for attention when it wishes to share its spectacular show. People don't grow plumes but can metamorphose by developing the confidence to move their look when necessary.



Reinvent yourself in this new season with a current message. Rather than standing still, gain an understanding of the new fashion trends, work on your inner self and use your clothes with a fresh infusion to make your best statement for this season. A snake outgrows it skin and sheds it to reveal its newer one that fits its new size. Don't try to fit your old image or speak



a stale message. Take guidance from nature and be fearless. Become your best you and then dress the part. Use new trends and styles to make your second skin and your current statement. Gained weight? So be it. Resolve to look your best now and work towards your ideal. When you wear clothes that don't fit your physical size you don't look good. Dress the woman you are today. Own your look. Don't shy away from speaking your message clearly. Be seductive. Be strong. Be bold. Be professional. Be the woman you wish to be and don't be afraid to show different sides of yourself.

Walk-ins always welcome

Wear your best colors. Add bold bling and frame yourself. Embrace your authentic self and build your look on your solid foundation. Add glitter, add feathers, and add silk or satin or rustic yarn. Your look is your expression of the you of this moment. Build on the foundation of the woman you have become over time. Stand tall in flats or taller in stilettos. Strategize to dress appropriately for your setting. Never forfeit comfort. Reveal a little cleavage or not. This season, slide into slim leg pant or boot leg pants, and then complete your look. Go matchy – matchy; or mix prints or colour block. The messages you convey can be infinite. Base them on the woman within. Your look, done right will frame you and others will remember you for looking great rather than for a trendy item you have selected to complete your look. You can be fearless. You can be true to yourself. You will never go wrong when you evolve and change to reflect your personal growth and accommodate your environment. Your look will speak volumes and convey your message in a blink. So be a peacock or a butterfly or a serpent so long as it serves your purpose. Be the woman others admire and wish to emulate. Feel delicious. Change is growth. It’s a new season and a new year so time to transform and move forward in your life and in the way you wear your clothes. n Marilyn Wetston contact@marilyns.ca www.marilyns.ca

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Special Feature



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The Chrysalis and Chrysalis E

photos © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Universal Energy Healing

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28 All photos © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

www.womenwithvision.ca www.womenwithvision.ca





Š Salvador Ceja | Dreamstime.com

...guide to your special day



pictures provided by Sue Hickling – Lora Bay, Roadrunner Foods



What to ASK!

© Goran Bogicevic | Dreamstime.com

By Lorraine Leslie

pictures provided by Royal Canadian Legion – Collingwood Branch

Planning your catering needs for your wedding is as important as saying “I DO”! Start your research for caterers as soon as the engagement party finishes... for a good part of your budget will be spent on food more than any other part of your reception. Start making appointments to interview the top professionals in your area – no more than 50 km away from the reception is a good start. Once you have completed your interviews, choose the top five, and set some dates for menu and taste testing three months before the wedding day. Ask, ask and ask some more...there are no wrong questions. The follow questions will give you some insight to find the perfect caterer for your special day.

Ask the caterer if they also provide Wedding Coordinator. Ask how long they have been catering and ask for some references. Ask if they have worked with certain wedding facilities and wedding coordinators. Ask the caterer if they specialize in certain types of food or service. There are vegan chefs out there...you just have to keep looking. Ask if they prepare vegetarian, kosher, and kids meals for just a few of your guests. And does the caterer work with fresh (not frozen) food? Ask if they do wedding cakes or have baker referrals. continued on page 37



Wedding Catering...continued from page 35

Will the caterer be willing to include a recipe you provide, Ask to taste specific foods. If you have a favourite recipe, like a special family dish, or an appetizer with some sort of ask them to make it and taste-test it along with the sentimental significance? suggestions. Ask where the food will be prepared. Check to see if there Ask the caterer's average price range per person. Their rate are on-site facilities or do they have to bring their own should include the cost of food, preparation, linen, cutlery, equipment – plus if there is an additional charge? serving, cleanup, all taxes and gratuities. Also ask if they have a variety of prepared wedding menus that have been Ask to see the caterer’s business license. Each catering favourites at other weddings. business must adhere to health department standards and Tell the caterer you have a budget – and ask them if they can work within it – but do include some flexibility

have liability insurance. You will need to also enquire about a liquor license if you are serving alcoholic beverages.

Ask if the caterer provides tables, chairs, plates, table linens, silverware, salt and pepper shakers, and more or do they Ask for referrals for local wineries if you wish to serve wine. Like choosing a caterer and taste-testing, you can work with a specific rental company? also visit vineyards and sample various wines... Some Ask for a main person contact, including cell phone number caterers will get your liquor license for you but double and the hours they can be contacted Monday to Friday. check one week before for a copy of the license, which Ask if the caterer you are considering is working on any should be posted at the bar. Ask if there is a corkage fee other wedding the same weekend. You want to be assured plus bar tending, and clean up fee. Remember your all the attention is going to you on your wedding on your budget when ordering wine – unopened bottles can be special day. returned in the province of Ontario. Does the caterer handle all table settings? Will they put out place cards and favors? Ask if the caterer provides wait staff... Ask how many they suggest for the numbers of guests you are having... Ask what does their wait staff wear or can you request a certain uniform – black plants and white shirt/blouse.

Ask if the caterer is proficient at doing sit down dinners or do they just do buffets. Ask if they have photos of previous buffet tables etc. Does the caterer also do wedding cakes? Can you use an outside baker if you desire? Is there a cake-cutting fee?

© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™






Writing the Proper

Thank You Note... By Lorraine Leslie The wedding is over, the hustle and bustle has died down a bit but there is still a lot to do, to tie up all the loose ends after your special day. Writing a thank you card or letter doesn’t seem like a lot, but when it comes to the sincerity of your message you’ll want the recipient to remember your thoughtful words always... Wedding tradition has changed quite a bit over the years but if you are looking at being traditional and showing your heartfelt feelings of thanks for the beautiful gifts, money etc. you have received – taking the time is well worth it. Here are a few tips on how to write that special thank you. • • • •

Select the appropriate card and or stationary in white or beige Share a special moment you shared with your guest on your special day... If sending a letter, use a script font and address the envelope to Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Use classic and formal penmanship (even if you need to hire someone with excellent handwriting) – it’s worth it. • Ensure your spelling of the guest’s name is correct and avoid using ‘text’ abbreviations. • Personalize your cards and letters by writing the guest’s name out in full in the salutation. • Make mention of the gift they brought you • Use a folded card the size of a postcard –or a single piece of paper if you wish to invite them to a housewarming party or post wedding event. • For a letter. use one sheet of paper 5 X 7 inches in size (fold once) • If using a homemade card, purchase quality stock paper and envelopes • Avoid using stickers inside the envelope – it is acceptable to place one on the seal • Avoid inserting ribbons as they get crushed and appear wrinkled when the card/envelope is opened • Ask someone to be your “gift / card” list person from start to finish – this way you won’t miss anyone... A wedding thank you card should be sent to everyone who attended the wedding, sent a gift and or message (telegram, email, and card). Send your thank you cards within four weeks after your wedding.






Gourmet ...eat, drink and entertain

Women with


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A Foodies

But Nadine’s restless spirit and foodie enthusiasm has kept her busy on the side. She has developed recipes for Heart and Stroke and was able to do so from home while tending to her young family. Nadine wrote two cookbooks published by Robert Rose around healthy baby food, as well as another publication for Health Canada around native cookery. Since her favourite time is family time at the dinner table, she is busy contemplating her next book on family cooking and family gatherings.

PATH OF TRANSFORMATION By Susanne Mikler A career path can often be a bumpy and winding road filled with potholes of diversion and traffic jams of a busy life. Meet Nadine Day: mother, wife, daughter, entrepreneur, author and, ultimately, foodie. And coincidentally or not, it was her father’s actual journey down a famous trail that led her to where she is today. Nadine is a graduate of Applied Human Sciences majoring in Nutrition and completed her university educational experience as an intern at a hospital. Not long after completing her university education, her family … (a robust group of entrepreneurs of immigrant roots), with her mother at the helm, opened a small gardening boutique. Nadine set out to add a café to the little shop and started with a 30 seat cozy outlet featuring healthy and nutritional foods. Nadine’s father, also a true entrepreneur, meanwhile was involved in many different projects. In 2002 Nadine decided to take her love of cooking and baking to a more professional level and enrolled with Liaison College. To her surprise, when she started classes, her Aunt was also enrolled in the same program. The interesting twists on this path would continue. While Nadine attended Culinary Arts training, she also worked part time for the City of Toronto in the Smart program. Nadine was responsible for recipe assessment



and nutritional counselling in a program that aimed to entice Torontonians to make healthy eating choices and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It was also during this time that Nadine realized that Chef Instructor, Simon Day, was a kindred spirit and when she completed her training program they started a romantic relationship. They married a year later. Nadine was working at what seemed to be her dream job at the flagship Loblaw Headquarters in Mississauga. Her role was product development in the groundbreaking Blue Menu division where Loblaw’s was making convenience foods healthy, nutritional and most of all tasty. Nadine thrived at this position. Using all of her combined skills and knowledge was extremely rewarding. As one of 150 in her department, Nadine worked with food all day long and relied on her food science and culinary arts to create wonderful dishes that we enjoy at home today. As well she was involved in the Guiding Stars program where Loblaw used algorithms to analyse the nutritional density of foods.

Today Nadine is the operator and proprietor of Hacienda Sarria and works with her team of five other women. The story about this leads us back to her father’s journey, along with her brother, on the famous El Camino trail in Spain. While trekking on the legendary pass through Spain, Nadine’s father was overcome with fatigue. He stopped in a small village to rest a while and even considered abandoning the rest of the journey. Suddenly a local resident appeared from her house, and, noticing his discomfort, ushered him inside to ease his pain. She fed them, comforted them, encouraged them, and showed an unbelievable and improbable hospitality. Nadine’s father would never forget this experience. Upon her father’s return to Canada, he set out on a mission to recreate the feeling of overwhelming peace and satisfaction that he felt in Sarria. And so Hacienda Sarria was born out of a defunct and abandoned factory in Kitchener Ontario. Painstakingly he recreated the ambience and character from the ground up where hospitality was utterly genuine. The idea was to live in this paradise, but it was soon apparent that this mansion of vision was an ideal event centre. And the ever-present entrepreneurial spirit took over. Medieval, romantic and charming - the Hacienda Sarria is breathtaking. Mere photographs cannot justify the magnitude of the beautifully manicured lawns, the imposing iron doorways, the lavish tile flooring and other details of the fixtures. And here, in this magical place, corporate events, banquets and specialty wedding memories are created. In keeping with her father’s community spirit, Nadine also sponsors St. Mary’s Hospital and Nutrition for Learning Programs in the Waterloo Region. When paths intersect and cross and meet, wonderful things can happen. Nadine’s career journey is definitely not over. n Susanne Mikler Co-founder Liaison College www.liaisoncollege.com www.womenwithvision.ca







© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™







ABC’s OF PULSES Pulses are… Pulses specifically refer to dried beans, dried peas, chickpeas and lentils. They are part of the legume family. They are packed with protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc and are a great low fat meat alternative. Eating pulses can improve blood cholesterol levels, assist with blood sugar and weight management.

How to use pulses… Whether canned or dried, pulses make a great addition to a variety of dishes. They can be added to or used as a substitute for meat in many dishes including tacos, salads, casseroles, nachos, pizza, omelets, quesadillas, stews and even burgers. They can also be blended and used for dips, sauces, soups, baking and more!

How to prepare pulses… You have likely seen pulses available for purchase in dried or canned form. Dried beans, chickpeas and whole peas need to be soaked before cooking; they can either be soaked overnight (for twelve hours) or brought to a boil for two minutes and left to sit for one hour. Lentils and split peas just need to be rinsed before cooking. When ready to cook, be sure to rinse off the pulses and use fresh water to cook them.

Dietitian’s Tip When introducing pulses to your diet you may find they lead to gas and bloating. To help prevent these side effects introduce pulses in small amounts and slowly increase your intake over time to allow your gut to adapt. Also, be sure to drink lots of water when increasing your intake of these fiber-rich foods! Another tip is to change the soaking water two to three times, rinse pulses before cooking, use fresh water for cooking, and ensure pulses are fully cooked!



Reference: www.pulsecanada.com.

n Amanda Woods Registered Dietitian,RD. Loblaws® Great Food Collingwood

Photos © Dreamstime.com

To cook, bring pulses to a boil and let simmer until tender (this could take forty-five minutes to two hours depending on the pulse). Lentils and split peas tend to cook more quickly (ten to forty-five minutes). Remember to use a large pot, as pulses can double or triple in size while cooking. Canned pulses can be a convenient alternative to dried. Select “No Salt Added” canned pulses and/or drain and rinse with water to help reduce the sodium content.


for detai ls

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of retirement as a process not a decision, and furthermore not downsizing at all but Right Sizing. Here are some questions to reflect on when considering the Right Size for you and your family: 1. Do you like to entertain? For the person who loves to entertain family & friends, have plenty of sleepovers with the grandchildren, a small home may not work.


& Retirement By Monika Gibson

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2. How important is your outdoor space? For the avid gardener an outdoor green space may be a necessity for healthy living.



people, as clutter is a significant source of stress in their life. Going room to room and being honest with yourself, asking if this item is needed or necessary, you can positively impact your emotional health and well being. Remember there are no “Right” answers to the above questions. Right Sizing is about determining what is important to you. If the search for peace, quiet and happiness should bring you to the shores of Georgina Bay, know that there are many people who can help you take the stress out of your move and help you with choices.

3. How much do you or would you like to travel? If you spend or would like to spend more than 40% of your time in another country then minimizing the responsibilities associated with a home and its maintenance and moving into a condo maybe a great choice.

Change is inevitable and part of our life process, but making the right change and finding the Right Size can lead to the perfect home and a happy and healthy life.

4. How much “stuff” do you really need? Going from a 2000 sq. foot home to something smaller requires decluttering. This can be extremely difficult for some

n Monika Gibson Sales Representative Century 21 Millennium, Collingwood

Women with



“The only thing that is constant is change” ~Heraclitus

Change is inevitable and Resistance is Futile! The process of change does not have to be difficult or stressful. As we age life takes us through different stages, experiences and priorities. Retirement is a new phase of life which I believe allows us the opportunity to decide what is truly important. David Foot author of Boom, Bust & Echo described the aging process of the typical baby boomer as such: • In the 20`s you want to be where the noise and action is, near discos and you most likely rented. Dynamic cities with lots of rental accommodations. • In your 30`s you started a family, you need a backyard for your kid and dog to play in. So you move to the suburbs, hence the huge urban sprawl which grew around our downtown core and became the 905 region. This is the typical 30`s and 40`s for many.



• Then you get into your 50`s. You want more peace and quiet in your life. You start to look for vacation properties, a concept Intrawest fully understands. You want to move further away from the noise and action. You may not make the move immediately because you are still working in the 50`s, but many have a second vacation home or by the time they are in there 60`s have some sort of established plan. I have seen this trend countless times, but for each individual it takes on a different twist. In this process of aging and change many factors come into play; questions need to be answered. But the important point is that there is no “right” answer, only what is right for you. The decision to retire or to `downsize` should not just be about how much money you will save; there are numerous factors to consider. The decision has to take into account lifestyle as well as finances. I like to think

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Winter is a good time to review your garden photos, read up on new varieties and make notes about what you like in your garden and what you would like to change. Use a critical eye, but be open to what is arguably the best part of gardening - the unexpected vignettes throughout the garden. They are usually made up of a grouping of

Life is about change, and I believe embracing change and adapting is key to leading a full life. We can welcome change in our landscapes too. After all, gardens are made up of living things – many individual plants placed together. Gardeners know not all combinations will be successful. Growing conditions, insects and changes in the environment will affect each plant differently. Some will adapt and thrive, while others will decline. This is

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By Janet Kurasz, Hort, AMCT(A) plants. One of my favourite combinations started with a White Wings Peony, a donated fall Monkshood and an Anthony Waterer Spirea. These plants were originally placed together temporarily until the new garden was ready but the result was so attractive I left them in place forming the foundation for that section of the garden.


part of the life cycle of gardens and we need to embrace this for what it is: an opportunity to renew. Adding and changing aspects of the garden will keep it fresh and interesting.

A TIME OF CHANGE Winter brings about the most significant change to our landscape. Our properties are transformed from the brilliant colours of fall to the simplicity of white snow. There is a transparency that allows us to see the skeletons of the trees and shrubs that were hidden beneath their cover of leaves. Twisting and winding branches pointing upward, outward and downward project a different image allowing the imagination to fill in the blanks.


If your gardens are older you may find that your tastes have changed, because you have changed. So often we overlook the exterior of our homes and property, thinking we can’t change the exterior cladding/facade, or the footprint when in fact, adding a pergola, a covered porch or changing the trim colours can alter the look of the home dramatically, setting the stage for a garden re-do. Winter is a great time to contact a garden designer or your local garden centre plant expert for help with your landscape. Building on the “bones” of the garden and taking inspiration from your new ideas can go a long way to revitalizing your landscape.

n Janet Kurasz, Horticulturist www.kurasz.ca

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Home Transformation...




The beginning of the year is a great time to review your home organization systems to determine how to make your storage more efficient and more effective. Sometimes changes in the smallest area can net positive big results. Organizing isn’t about how your space looks; the true measure of success is how quickly you can find what you want when you need it.Too many of us waste too much time looking for things when we don’t have a visible organizing system. The good news is that no matter what area of your home you wish to tackle first, the organizing process remains exactly the same: evaluate, eliminate, containerize and maintain. Let’s focus on reorganizing the linen closet which is a small, manageable task that can be completed in about an hour or two. Enlist another family member to work with you so that they’ll learn how to employ organizing systems in their personal space! Step #1 - EVALUATE • Empty the entire closet and clean the shelves. • Note the main item categories i.e. sheets, towels, blankets, pillows etc. • Determine if each item is best stored in this closet or somewhere else. • Identify new categories of items to store in the linen closet. For example, a bin of medications or a first aid kit which can be quickly and easily accessed from the linen closet instead of from a locked bathroom. Families with young children may opt to keep all corrosive cleansers and other poisonous household items on a high shelf, out of reach of children, seniors and pets. To maximize safety, install a lock on the linen closet door.

Using Organization By Karen Sencich

Step #4 - MAINTAIN • Stay on top of your new organizing system and tweak it until it works for your family. • To prevent items migrating back into the closet, post an inventory on the inside of the closet door listing what goes where and also where other items have been reassigned. For example, sleeping bags may be stored in the basement along with camping equipment. Options for Homes with no Linen Closet • Store sheets in bedroom dresser drawers. • Store towels and facecloths under the bathroom sink or install a swing out pole behind the bathroom door to hold a set of towels. • Utilize a wardrobe cabinet installed in a bedroom or hallway as a substitute linen closet. n Karen Sencich CPO® Certified Professional Organizer®, Speaker and Writer www.havoctoharmony.com

Step #2 - ELIMINATE Ruthlessly eliminate items that don’t belong and sort into subcategories: • Throw away anything stained, torn or worn out. • Give away or donate sheets and towels that don’t match décor. • Remove belongings best stored elsewhere i.e. wrapping paper and gift supplies are often kept in the linen closet but take up too much valuable real estate.

My passion in Real Estate leads to your Good Fortune. Monika Gibson Sales Representative Representative Sales

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Step #3 - CONTAINERIZE • Keep everything folded neatly and store folded sheets inside the pillow case. • Maximize space by using large shrink bags to reduce the volume of bulky pillows and comforters. • Install towel bars inside the closet door to hold folded tablecloths and free up shelf space.

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How to Fold Sheets


ARTS ENTERTAINMENT ...experiencing classical & creative masterpieces

Folding sheets on your own is easier if you do it on a bed. The flat sheet and pillow cases are easy...just keep folding until you have a square. To fold fitted sheets - first place your fist inside one corner, and then one by one stack the other corners over your fist. 1. Lay the fitted sheet on the bed. Flatten out the two gathered sides best you can. 2. Lift the longest gathered side and fold into the center. Take the flat folded side and bring it into the centre next to the gathered fold. It will look like a puffy sleeping bag.

© Monika Wisniewska | Dreamstime.com

By Dr. Tina Grey By Karen Sencich

3. Fold the entire sheet in half again to form a long tube.

6. Place on top of the folded fitted sheet and one pillowcase. Put the whole package inside the remaining pillow case to make a tidy, easy to access package to slide into the linen cupboard.



© Romantiche | Dreamstime.com

5. Next, fold the flat fold into the centre and then fold the entire sheet in half.


4. Continue folding the sheet by taking the short gathered edges and fold them into the centre.






It’s Crazy, Really


Picture courtesy of Sarah Jane O’Donnell

By Dean Hollin

Sarah Jane O’Donnell

When performers get in front of an audience – when they “hit the stage” – there is a sort of metamorphosis that takes place. How can it be explained? Even the world’s most reserved individuals can seemingly come to life once hitting the boards. Reminiscent of cliff-jumping in the Muskokas – standing at the edge…waiting to jump…stomach in knots…and then…that undeniable thrill! Like a bee-keeper getting stung, that occasional and unavoidable discomfort often shows substantial benefits down the line…

Sarah Jane O’Donnell understands that magic of the stage. And the backstage. The whole nut, as it were. She began her life in the performing arts south of our border. Born in beautiful New England, she started early onstage as one of those oh-so-cute, teeny-tiny dancers we all “ahhh” at during dance recitals. Throughout her elementary and secondary schooling she found herself in numerous theatrical productions. When it was time for college, the “Performing Arts” was to be her thing – Performing Arts and Education. You see, whilst clearly bitten by the theatre bug, Sarah also possessed a keen desire to educate – to pass along this love of the stage. So, with Boston’s Emerson College as her alma mater, she completed programs in both Acting and Theatre Education and set out into the world with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Soon after, she landed in a rather perfect situation – the Arlington Children’s Theater – she was exactly where she wanted to be. Then she bumped into Fate. As fate goes, a little voice said, “don’t get too comfortable just yet” and gave her a swift push right up to our side of the border. That was a decade ago. In 2007, fate would have her land smack-dab in the middle of New Tecumseth. Thank you fate! Employment at Alliston’s Gibson Centre presented opportunities for Sarah to continue on her chosen path. Involved in executing a Theatre Orangeville Outreach Program early on, she ultimately ended up as one of the founders in what would be the Gibson Centre’s Theatre School. Then came “Crazy Pants”.


continued on page 64







It’s Crazy, Really...continued from page 62

In January of 2013 – right in the heart of Beeton – Sarah, with the endless help and support of her partner, opened up the Crazy Pants Theatre Co. Crazy Pants represents Sarah’s dream as a lover of theatre, youth and education. Crazy Pants is so many things – performing, improvisation, stage craft and more – for children between the ages of six and eighteen. In an era where the Arts, in general, are usually the first thing on the educational chopping block, Sarah is providing a place where area youth can come and create. Now, when I say “create”, indeed, I’m referring to theatrical productions and such, however, it goes much, much deeper than that. Consider building and designing, organizing and problemsolving. Growing steadily Sarah and her Crazy Pants are providing youth from all throughout Simcoe County the opportunity to play a part, swing a hammer, paint, thread, sing, dance and be part of a glorious team – skills and experiences that one can only imagine will resonate throughout each of their lives. Sounds Crazy? You betcha! Dean Hollin Singer, Playwright and Live Stage Performer www.deanhollin.com

...gentle insights of awareness and change

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From time to time, like many other people, I will sit and research various topics on the internet. Always looking to expand my knowledge and certification in personal healing, this particular day I found a website on hypnosis training. I was delighted when I found an expert in downtown Toronto. ‘Not one to be backwards in being forward’ I sent an email and also placed a call to Georgina Cannon....a follow up call came through a few days later and before I knew it I was sitting with Georgian in her corporate office where she works with a vibrant and growing clientele. A woman of insight and change, this is Georgina’s fascinating life story of finding her magnificence.

“I left school at the age of fifteen...and gave my first week salary to my mother who gave me back two shillings for my spending money. When I moved out by myself later, I spent my salary on an art poster and later a cleaning lady. That’s how I thought I wanted to live...” “My first job was in the mail room of the British Armed Forces Centre. This is where I learned to type. Someone told me that there was a position as a secretary/ receptionist to the advertising manager for a company in London. I was sure I could do the job. I am one of those people that didn’t know how to say no, so I accepted the job but I had no idea what it meant. The company was Underwood Typewriters. I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into...working for a typewriter company where you could not make any errors or white-out anything. It had to be perfect! It was the first taste I had in advertising and marketing...subsequently I got a job as secretary in the public relations department in an advertising agency. In those days there were ‘liquid lunches’, mainly Martini’s for lunches. I worked through my lunch hours.”


Magnificence © Manuella Pararas MPH Photography

By Lorraine Leslie



Georgina was born in Esher, Surrey England on March 21st – on the Ides of March, right on the cusp of Aries and Pisces. She is the eldest of two girls by seven years. As a youngster, her family moved to the small county of Esher in Surrey. “I don’t remember much about my childhood... except for my fear of my mother and my father not being around.”




the time. This woman instilled in me my work ethic that I still have today (if we had to write about exercise we had to exercise to feel the experience; if we had to write about a food product we had to taste a product so we could experience the different ingredients and identify what they were so we could honestly write about it). She was very interesting. One day she asked me to have lunch at the very elegant Ivy, a very upscale restaurant. I was petrified! I thought, was I going to be fired?”

“I then moved onto various short term jobs as a typist/secretary until I got a job as a full time secretary for a Public Relations department in the advertising agency at Hayhurst Advertising. After covering for my boss’s multitude of absences and extended lunches I ended up doing a lot of the work he was to be doing...this was when I made my first corporate mistake – I went to his boss and asked for a raise – I was promptly fired. While chatting with a friend she told me about a magazine called Women’s Own, a weekly publication with a three million copy circulation, who were looking for a beauty writer. In 1964, I became one of four beauty editors; all called Diana Day. We worked on numerous issues at once at Woman’s Own. Some two or three months out....”

“We sat down and Mrs. Norton turned to the waiter and asked for a bottle of champagne. I thought - what is going on...in my state of anxiousness I reached to toast her with my glass and accidently tipped it over. I was mortified! She turned to me, clapped her hands and said, ‘Oh my dear, how lucky is that” and proceeded to dab her finger in the wet tablecloth of spilled champagne, reach over and put a drop behind each of my ears while saying “That’s good luck darling, that’s very good luck...” From that moment on I was in love with her; as she knew how I felt. If anything, I was going to remember that moment for the rest of my life – to remember to be gracious and kind to those ill at ease. It was a huge lesson. As we ate our lunch, I was still very nervous and she turned to me and said. “I want to give you some advice. You have a very good brain and I don’t want you to addle it. Once you have addled your brain you don’t have it anymore...” She had been watching me and the people I had been chumming with... She said, “I’m not telling you what to do, I’m just saying respect and honour what you’ve been given. You’ve been given a very good brain, don’t’ spoil it.”

“The publisher of Woman’s Own, Phyllis Digby-Morton, was an amazing woman! She was at work first before everyone else and the last to leave at the end of the day – her husband was a designer to the Queen of England at

“I went through all sorts of emotions around what she had said – who does she think she is, telling me what to do, blah, blah , blah, but by the time I got back to my desk I realized what a gift I had been given. It instantly changed continued on pg. 68




Georgina Cannon...continued from pg. 67



my life. Both her actions and kindness, and the gift of her words... ‘don’t addle my brain’, set me on a path of knowing anything is possible. From there I became the Fashion and Beauty Editor for Everywoman Magazine.” “A very good friend of mine who had come back from a holiday in Canada told me, “I’ve always loved you! Why don’t you marry me and let me take care of you?” I thought this was a really good idea as I didn’t grow up in a very caring home. We got married in 1966 in England and had the honeymoon on the ship, but by the time we landed in Canada I realized I didn’t love him – he was a kind man but it was wrong to be married to him; our marriage lasted about six months. “I looked around at what I was going to do. I looked at all the media and saw there was Chatelaine, The Globe and Mail and The Star, and they all had their own fashion editors. There was a new magazine called Toronto Life but they weren’t hiring. I did however call the editor Jeremy Brown at Toronto Life and asked for an interview. I told him I was a fashion editor from England and he told me he didn’t want that type of topic in the magazine. I called him every week for six weeks, until finally he said to come and see him. At which point he said, “Come and see me and we’ll see what you can do – if I hate it we’re not going to run it. I stayed on as Fashion Editor there for two and half years. From there I opened a small Public Relations company, Cannon Associates, and got some great clients – The King Edward Hotel, Four Season Hotel, Estée Lauder, The Gold Information Centre, Chanel. I did the openings at Hazelton Lanes and special events for fashion and lifestyle...” “We did the first ever fashion week in Toronto, discovering new talent with Ray Ban Canada as the Sponsor – we were up all night doing rehearsals, building sets, planning the music, doing makeup. I built the company until we had twelve people with two offices in Toronto and Vancouver. We had great media coverage and made lifelong friends.” “By this time I had met my second husband. I got a call from MacDonald’s US looking for a PR firm to do all their marketing/advertising across Canada. You can imagine it was a huge coup but the downside was they always got their PR for free. I had to go to the ad agency and tell them they were being charged for it...I walked into the Needham Agency with my assistant Jamie and knew right away I was going to have to sell them the idea

Georgina making a video in a local studio

of paying. The principal person in charge, Tim, and I weren’t seeing eye-to-eye. It had been a long day so I turned to Tim and said why don’t we go for a drink and discuss this further – I knew I had to sell him on the ideas we had and close the deal. I closed the deal alright and moved in with Tim three months later and eventually married. I later got a call from Burst Marcelo who had heard about the work I was doing and wanted to buy me out. I wasn’t prepared to sell my company. I discussed it with Tim and he thought I should listen to what they have to offer. I went to the New York office of Burson Marsteller – they were the largest PR firm in the world at the time with offices in all the major cities. They had a SWAT team of experts – they would fly them in from around the world to close the deals. They wanted me to join their SWAT Team – I said sure. I was their creative director for Canada. After five years I opened up the sister company Cohn and Wolfe of Burson Marsteller so that we could take competitive business. I then went back to Burson as their managing director for all of Canada.” “I will be immensely grateful to Burson for many, many things. I learned a lot about the corporate world, I learned about myself. It was very uncomfortable being one of very few women worldwide at that time. But they gave me a gift that was unbelievable... because of what I had done for the business they wanted to say thank you, so they offered me a chance to go to an organization called the Centre for Creative Leadership which consisted of twelve CEO’s from around the world from different companies. I was the only one from Burson and continued on pg. 70








Georgina Cannon...continued from pg. 69

the only woman in the group. We had six industrial psychologists watching us all day from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. for one full week. Before we left we had to complete 360 reviews of which we never saw the results. We had to take business attire and relaxing attire...that’s all we knew to bring. I asked Tim, “What am I going to talk about?” He said, “Don’t worry, they’ll be watching and asking you questions, role playing and playing games”. “At the end of the week we felt like puppies waiting to be adopted by one of the psychologists who had been watching us. One of them took me aside for a chat – I asked him, “What have I done wrong?” His response was, “Why would you assume you’ve done something wrong.” I replied, “Because I’m here and blah, blah, blah, I’m terrified because I was being judged.” He said, “Let’s get one thing straight...you are the same as all the other guys here; you all have a communication problem; you all assume everyone thinks the way you do which is 150, 250, 1000, 2000, 5000, when in fact most people think one, one and a half, two, two and a half etc. and you get irritated when people don’t get you.” I thought to myself, “This was a gift in itself...it was huge.” The psychologist went on to say, “The second thing that you need to know is that you were chosen by the group as the second favourite leader.” I started to cry. He then showed me a chart which showed me my creativity – my chart showed that I was off the chart; you go beyond other people who have gone through this course, not just this group but over the last fifteen years. I asked, “What does this mean, what do I do now? He said, “Don’t tell your boss, because it means you are unemployable.” He went on to explain that there were always other ways of doing things, a better way of doing things...that I would create or just do automatically, as my brain was not addled.” “At the time I had a boss in Chicago who couldn’t face me or deal with me which I began to find very funny. Even at social gatherings he’d step back to avoid me – I started doing the cha-cha-cha with him. I learned to draw him in – I had to speak very softly and he would step closer to hear what I was saying...it became a talent.” “I came away from that train with a chest of gold. I knew for the first time I was absolutely smart and didn’t have to run from my fears anymore. I was in my early forties at this time and still had lots of time to live a happy and healthy life.




Burson asked me to become managing director for another three years...they wanted me to move to Washington or New York and I said no. I had enough of being a woman being constantly pushed down so I could climb the corporate ladder in the business world. At that time, Canada was the only country that refused to work with clients in the tobacco industry, the fur industry and the paper industry, but I still had to make the bottom line and my team did it together. I was tired; I was being paid an obscene amount of money; I had on golden handcuffs. My husband and I had split after sixteen good years. I had enough! It was time... I went for a hike in the Adirondack Mountains with a girlfriend to decide what I was going to do. I had numerous offers but I had to make some choices. There was nothing like being wanted in industry. They were amazing offers, but like working in an ice cream store, I didn’t want it anymore. In the end I was paid very handsomely due to the Canadian laws – they thought they could just let me go... Someone once told me not to lose too many feathers...I thought it was time to lose some!


She is regarded as a respected member of the mainstream health community, and often called upon by media as an expert source on hypnosis and alternative therapies. In 2003, CBC Television produced a 3-part series on Past Life Regression from inside her clinic which aired in Canada and on the U.S. Discovery and History channels around the world. Having earned her doctorate in Metaphysical counseling, Dr. Cannon treats clients from Canada and around the world. As an accredited ‘Train the Trainer’ for Canada, she has thousands of alumni globally - all trained in the healing art of hypnosis. An accredited Life Coach and developer of The Third Circle Protocol, she regularly works with senior corporate clients to assist them to stay focused and balanced in all aspects of life. Dr. Cannon’s latest book Return Again, published by Red Wheel Weiser in 2012, hit the top metaphysical books list on Amazon on its launch. Her previous books, Return - Past Life Regression and You reached the best seller list in Canada. Her second book, The Interlife Discovering Your Life Between Lives sold worldwide with increasing recognition of the subject, and the book.

“I took some classes in Reiki (and became a Reiki Master), Colour Therapy, Gestalt Therapy training and classes in Psycho Drama Therapy and then I happened on Hypnosis in 1998. The laws were changing in Canada which allowed us to teach/practice. I had been used to facilitating meetings around the world and now I was sitting there reading a book which I thought was ridiculous and I had to say to myself - Get over yourself! If this book is worth reading, just do it...so I did. I sat there and saw my future – I’d get trained to open a clinic... a school, and I did, and it grew to become Canada’s largest school of Hypnosis across the country. I became a ‘Train the Trainer’ for the National Guild of Hypnotists. The first four years I had to educate the medical world about the advantages of Hypnosis.”

Georgina also designed a book especially for starting up new business – Marketing and Much More for Start Ups: How to Turn Your Profession into a Successful Small Business. In this book Georgina uses her expertise of building and successfully selling three businesses over the years. Using the columns she wrote on marketing for a small business for an international professional magazine she launched on Amazon.com in March 2013.

My mission is to help people find their magnificence.

Georgina sold her clinic and school in 2011 to her longtime receptionist and friend, who will now continue all the hard work.

Dr. Georgina Cannon is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and lecturer at the University of Toronto; she is also a certified master clinical hypnotherapist, who founded the Ontario Hypnosis Centre in 1997. Today, through her expertise, the OHC has become recognized as the 'public face' of hypnosis in Ontario, and she has since sold the School and Clinic in 2011.


“Since I started it, the school has become Canada's largest hypnosis school teaching hypnosis and NLP to both the medical profession and others who are interested in the mind-body connection. The busy clinic sees a variety of clients who want to make a positive change in the way they live their life.”

“In the next five years I will launch a brand new relationship protocol that works with families, employees, employers, friends, lovers, husbands and wives...absolutely everyone. It will be used by counselors in the school and therapists around the world. I’m writing a book on it and building the workshops and

Georgina at home

manual, as well as creating a TV show on it...It’s called the Third Circle – Relationship Contract. It’s huge! And this will definitely be my legacy.” I found Georgina and I had many things in common during our chat. A kind and creative woman, Georgina has a determination and fortitude to succeed in all she does. She not only connects with those she meets and trains, but she is consciously aware of whom she is, within herself. She has paved the way for many, and feels her soul thumbprint is that of a teacher. As we are still on the cusp of the Meta-physical world, I know Georgina Cannon’s work will be studied by thousands for years to come. Thank you Georgina for sharing your life journey with us...Namaste.

n copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine 2014/15






Living Your Life is One Exciting


Transformation! ...Explore the world around you

By Deborah Johnson For most, transformation and change means being taken out of your comfort zone, upset in some way, and something you want to go through as quickly as possible so you can ‘settle’ again...

On a spiritual level we are meant to experience, share and change while we spend our time here on earth. It is these changes in ourselves, we take with us in energy form to the other side when we pass. These changes stay with us in our subconscious forever. As we transition from one life to another –physical form to spirit and back again–these experiences remain embedded in our psyche, are the building blocks of our very essence and define who we truly are. In today’s society it is not realistic to assume one will have just one career path. Our world is changing and advancing so rapidly, it is quite conceivable that our youth will experience at least three or four different careers in their lifetime. For many this would be a daunting thought. Far too often I work with teens whose biggest fear is ‘what if I make the wrong choice and choose the wrong path’. On a soul and spirit level any path and all paths are the right path for you at that particular point in your life. All you have to do is embrace the path you are presently on, draw from it what you need, then welcome change and transition when it comes, and step into the change. Transition is the actual essence of ‘living’ your life here, not just existing. Our spirits seek transition for growth and



development while our conscious minds and fear of the unknown (what if I fail?) hold us back and make us resist what is the natural course of our lives; transition and transformation. If we change our mindset to one of seeking out, embracing and enjoying change in and around us, we will discover how much more easily our lives will flow, and new and exciting opportunities will automatically find their way to us. We will stop fearing, longing, seeking and struggling. We will become excited and inspired at new prospects and develop an ‘I wonder what is around the next corner’ attitude with anticipation rather than apprehension. Welcome change and transformation in yourself and those around you. For your spirit’s sake, take on what excites and inspires you, whether it resonates with others or not. Walk the path your soul has chosen at a subconscious level and you will discover a personal deep-rooted contentedness with whom and what you are. Define success and happiness by your benchmark alone, not by someone else’s. Be who you want to be.

Transformation means living not just existing your life!

n Deborah Johnson Clairvoyant, Medium, Author, Speaker www.deborah-johnson.net deborah@deborahjohnson.ca

© Arne9001 | Dreamstime.com

If we think about it though, life minute to minute is change and transformation. Every new conversation we have, every day’s simplest events cause small changes in us; how we perceive, think, act and decide. We are ever evolving, learning and growing whether we realize it or not.



Life Numbers

Women with...


Women with Vision was founded in 1998 to offer business women a networking venue in which they can provide support for one another and develop new business connections. Through this dynamic networking opportunity attendees will receive motivation, inspiration, advice and mutual support to help them take their business & lives in general to the highest possible level. Guests & New Members are always welcome. Luncheons/Dinners: Breakfasts 7 a.m. / Luncheons 11:30 a.m. Dinners at 6:00 p.m. and last 2.5 hours. Each district has its own networking day and location.

KARMIC LESSONS IDENTIFY WHERE TO MAKE CHANGES By Paola Gucciardi Each letter in your name and its corresponding numerical value identifies the talents you possess. Karmic Lessons are the numerical values missing in your name. They show up in life as weaknesses or barriers that must be faced and strengthened. You may have many karmic lessons or none. If you do, what’s important is that you make changes in the area of your life identified by the karmic lesson.

To Determine Whether You Have Karmic Lessons… Example: Beth Carol Stirk

Districts: Barrie, Collingwood, Grey County,

Cost: Each district has its own fee structure starting at $35 per person. Reserved seating is a MUST! Contact the District Coordinator no later than 48 hours prior to the Women with Vision! Networking Breakfast/ Luncheon/ Dinner at the location of your choice. ™

Membership: Annual Fee: $90.00 + HST $11.70 = $101.70 (tax receipt provided)

• ONE 2 hour consulting with Certified Life & Business Consultant Lorraine Leslie • Annual Referral System – ONE monthly e-blast to other WWV members • Women with Vision! Health Benefit Packages - WWVM renewal annually • FREE review of your business ‘INFOMERCIAL’ • 10% Discount off Women with Vision! Institute – ABC Programs

• Direct mailing of Women with Vision Magazine to home or work • $5 Discount on networking luncheons/dinners • 10% Discount on long term advertising • Advance notification of networking events, conferences and trade shows • Annual Membership Card • Franchise opportunities

T H 2 8

C A R O L 3 1 9 6 3

1. Write your full name as it appears on your birth certificate 2. Using the chart to the right, record the numerical value of each letter in your name





4 5



























3. Beginning with the number 1, count and record the total of each numerical value. For example, Beth Carol Stirk has 2 letters that correspond to the number 1 (A&S). It has 4 letters that correspond to the number 2 (B, T, T, K). etc.




4 5














Phone: 1-866-306-6021 womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca

Karmic Lesson 1 Show more initiative and learn how to promote yourself as you will be forced to stand up for what you believe. Ignore what others think and be more independent, self-confident and assertive. Change your tendency to procrastinate by strengthening your determination. Karmic Lesson 2 Transform your life by using diplomacy and working cooperatively with others. Be sensitive to others’ needs and feelings. Understand that success sometimes means you must stay in the background. Accept that reward and praise are not necessary to accomplish goals. Karmic Lesson 3 Change your serious disposition by adopting an optimistic and cheerful attitude. You are highly self-critical and must learn to lighten up on yourself. Your success depends on hard work, your perseverance, imagination and excellent communication.


S T I R K 1 2 9 9 2

Since Beth’s name has zero letters that correspond to 4 and 7, her karmic lessons are 4 and 7.

New Regions Opening all the time…

To become a District Coordinator:

Members benefits:

1 B E 2 2 5

Karmic Lesson 4 Overcome your tendency to be impractical and disorganized by establishing a methodical and

disciplined approach to life. Creating practical systems allows you to adapt more easily to change. Strengthen your concentration and recognize the importance that organization and structure have upon your success. Karmic Lesson 5 Your transformation depends on your ability to adapt to change. Learn to have faith and to be flexible. Travel, meet new people and explore new experiences. To overcome your fear of living, broaden your horizons and be more adventurous. Karmic Lesson 6 Responsibility and commitment to others is a major issue for you as is true communication of affection and care. Learning to establish sincere relationships is vital to your growth. Remember healthy relationships require give and take. Karmic Lesson 7 Positively change the way you think and how you tackle life. Although a thorough understanding of important matters allows you to experience the fulfillment of your true potential, it’s important that you stick to a

specific task/discipline as you lack the willpower and determination to fully develop your abilities. Karmic Lesson 8 Make changes to how you handle money as it tends to slip through your fingers. To avoid major swings in your financial affairs, be efficient and accept there are limits to your resources. Learn to positively deal with authority figures. Karmic Lesson 9 Your transformation stems from your incredible ability to influence not only your own life but also the lives of others. You must be compassionate, tolerant and understanding for your community and mankind. Self-sacrificing personal ambition is vital to your evolution.

n Paola Gucciardi, Numerologist www.lifenumbers.ca

Last Word Your day is driven by a rising sun A golden ball brings forth a day of fun. Soft tranquil hues reflect night’s snowfall A shallow mist circles trees like a shawl. Pines cluster together to shelter the deer Keeping the day ahead crisp and clear. Dawn’s rays of light reach from afar Beaming bright creating a morning star. Enjoy the sight of nature’s true essence A vision of peace, calm and luminescence. In moments this precious gift will be done Go forth… for your day has just begun.



© Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

By Lorraine Leslie

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