Women With Vision!™ - Spring, 2011

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Holiday 2010/11


Painting in the Moment Christmas Morning Wifesaver

Eden Watt

Rebel to Author

Are You A




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Monday • Wednesday • Friday During the Chats Program

Now you can listen to Lorraine Leslie Founder/Publisher of Women with Vision!™ Magazine three mornings a week on the PEAK FM 95.1 Lorraine Leslie

Lorraine shares educational, informative and insightful tips on business, health, networking and entrepreneurship

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CONTENTS CONTENTS Regular Features 7 8 On the Cover... Eden Watt ~ Rebel to Author By Lorraine Leslie

Visions Views & Insights Editor’s Desk ~ Moving Forward By Lorraine Leslie


73 As The Mountain Turns


Business, Finance & Communication


10 Is It Time For A Website Revamp? By Susan Baka

11 12


Health & Wellness

13 14 15 16 18

Are You A Linchpin By Donna Messer Know Your Corporate Culture By Rick Ziemski Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity By Janette Burke I’m Always Right By Mary Ann Matthews Think With Your Head Not Your Heart By Rose Pellar

It’s Getting Hot In Here By Lesley Paul To Stretch Or Not To Stretch By Justin Aubin Holiday Fitness By Lorraine Leslie

Fashion & Beauty 26 28 30

Adorning For The Holidays By Cathy Day Glowing Healthy Winter Skin By Beth Nigh Infinity Year Round By Marilyn Wetston

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“Your vision is our mission… our mission is your vision”

Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n ! ™ m a g a z i n e i s p u b l i s h e d b y Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n I n c .

Lorraine Leslie

Founder/Publisher, C.E.O. Lorraine Leslie Feature Editor: Lynda Pogue Sales/Marketing: Lorraine Leslie Feature Writers: Justin Aubin, Susan Baka, Sharron Brown Janette Burke, Cathy Day, Riva Glogowski, Paola Gucciardi, Deborah Johnson, Kate Knox, Janet Kurasz, Shannon Leone, Lorraine Leslie,Tillie MacDonald, Harry Magill, Mary Ann Matthews, Donna Messer, Sally Michaud, Beth Nigh, Lesley Paul, Rose Peller, Lynda Pogue, Marj Sawers, Karen Sencich, CathyYoung, Marilyn Wetston, Rick Ziemski

Design/Layout: Candice Lewis~Vivid Designs Photography: Dreamstime.com, istockphoto.com Shane MacLaughlan | masterpixcanada.com Lorraine Leslie/L’original Productions/Women with Vision Inc. Cover photo and feature article photo of Eden Watt by photographer Catherine Capek

Women withVision aims to provide editorials that educate, inspire, motivate, stimulate, inform and promote women in business and daily living.

Mailing Address: 156 Brophy’s Lane Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 Bus: 1-86 6-30 6-60 2 1 Fax : (7 05 ) 445 -71 53 Email: womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. Copyright 2010 Women with Vision! Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher. The views, opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of this publication and/or publisher who hereby disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from the advice, information or offers presented in articles or advertisements herein.Women with Vision! welcomes submissions, but accepts no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, illustrations and photographs submitted must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope if they are to be returned or acknowledged. Readers who require legal, accounting or other expert advice should obtain the services of a qualified professional.Women with Vision! is a Member of the Canadian Copyright Association.

Created in Canada

Women With Vision Making A Difference ~ Barb Clumpus By Lorraine Leslie Agreement number: 41557518

An Ounce of Prevention By Sergeant Sharron Brown

As any Women with Vision Member can tell you attending a luncheon or dinner networking event is a great privilege as a member. Each month, we feature a guest speaker that provides relevant information on issues that can directly affect your business and/or personal development that has and will increase the potential for success. Members are also encouraged to bring their flyers, brochures, business cards, and other promotional material to share. Each attendee is given the opportunity to introduce themselves and their business. At Women with Vision we are here to help you grow through education, promotion, motivation, and inspiration...

At this time we are pleased to announce our NEW WOMEN WITH VISION REFERRAL MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM. Membership benefits include: • • • •

WWV Membership REFERRAL BONUSES* Direct mailing of Women with Vision Magazine $5 off on your luncheon or dinner – all regions Member bio and picture on the Women with Vision website with a link to your website • 10% off magazine advertising* • 1/2 hour telephone session with Award Winning Coach Lorraine Leslie • WWV Membership tax receipt • Advance notification of networking events, conferences and trade shows • Annual Membership Card • Franchise opportunities

If you want to find out how Women with Vision can impact your business success, please give Lorraine Leslie a call today at 1.866.306.6021 to learn how you can join the fastest growing women’s networking association in Canada.


Customer number: 9067964 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN TO 156 Brophy's Lane, Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3

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Feedback... Dear Lorraine,

36 44


CONTENTS Georgian Gourmet 34 36 38 39 40

Venison Sausage & Quail By Chef Ron Lumsden Cranberry Inn Resort Wise Woman Slaw By Shannon Leone Vegetarian Strudel By Chef Robert Kilbride Duncan’s Cafe Christmas Morning Wifesaver By Cathy Young Pumpkin Cranberry Carrot Cake By Sally Michaud

Home Garden & Design 42 44 45 47 48

So What Do Gardeners Do In The Winter By Janet Kurasz The Sparkle of Chandeliers By Lorraine Leslie Light Up Your Life With A Beautiful Chandelier By Riva Glogowski

Conti nued Arts & Entertainment 50 55 56

Painting In The Moment: Debra Lynn Carroll By Lorraine Leslie A Vertical View The Traditional Japanese Kakejiku (Hanging Scroll) Keeping The Beat By Shane Cloutier

Old Man Winter By Harry Magill Curing Chronic Lateness By Karen Sencich

Motivational & Inspirational 58 65 66 67 68 70 73 78

Eden Watt: Rebel To Author By Lorraine Leslie Keep Your Circle Flowing By Marj Sawers Intuitive You By Deborah Johnson I Already Have One Of Those By Lynda Pogue & Louise Cullen What It Takes To Succeed In Business By Tillie MacDonald Life Numbers By Paola Gucciardi As The Mountain Turns Last Word By Lorraine Leslie

I wanted to express my gratitude for your encouragement and support in telling my personal story in the fall 2010 issue. You have an extraordinary way with words and a real gift for bringing out the best in people. You bring women together to learn from each other, support each other and to encourage each other to follow theirs dreams and passions. Telling my story was an exercise in trust and intimacy. Something I had to work hard on in order to heal from past hurts and betrayals. You have helped me heal and overcome a part of my life that was standing in the way of me really living a full life. For that I am eternally grateful. If sharing my story has helped another woman see that she can overcome anything with persistence, and what we focus on becomes our reality, then it was well worth being so vulnerable in telling it. I let everyone know about the great work that you are doing to help empower women and your new venture into franchising your magazine. I admire you and know that you will only continue to touch lives. God bless you and continued success.

Good morning Lorraine from Montreal!



Firstly a big thank you and also a "well done" on the article, it has really been very positive and my partners, John and Murray are also happy. Thanks again for a great article!

Robert Ketchin Ketchin Sales & Marketing & Georgian Hills Vineyards Women with...








Fall 2010


Fall Recipes & Wine Pairings

Dawn Mucci

Unlimited Persistence 12th Anniversary Issue



Canadian Women’s STATUS & SUFFRAGE

Georgian & Bay LifePictorial

Since you started your "Luncheon With Lorraine" program we are please to share that Women with Vision has contributed $500 in donations to Front Line Collingwood Foundation. Many thanks to you Lorraine and your generosity and thoughtfulness.This amount is as of August 31st, 2010.

Taking Your Summer




Sharon Johnston Chair, Front Line Collingwood Foundation


Dawn Mucci

Sonia Day, (sitting, 2nd from RT) a Toronto Star Garden Columnists speaks to Women with Vision Networking Luncheon Meaford Chapter in October 2010

Women with Vision Networking Lunch & Dinners Cycling for the Cure Raised $127,284 in 2010



Owen Sound

Wasaga Beach

1st Wed/month District Coordinator: Lorraine Leslie 705.445.1891

3rd Wed/month District Coordinator: Alice Otrysko 519-538-0066

3rd Fri/month District Coordinator: Mindy Biggar 519-372-1595

3rd Tues/month District Coordinator: Julia Leslie 705.888.6167


Peel Region


4th Thurs/month District Coordinator: Lorraine Leslie 705-445-1891

2nd Tues/month District Coordinator: Phyllis Surridge 905-451-5715

3rd Thurs/month District Coordinator: Corin Pagie 705-326-9763

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Forward! We are all faced with many challenges, hourly, weekly, monthly and annually, but taking a moment to focus with self-affirmations, people can shape their own destiny with a positive attitude and by controlling their train of thought. No New Year’s Resolutions for me… but… I do I like to refer to my ‘inner thoughts’ as my ‘outer words’. Let me explain this to you… Over the past 12 years I have been asked many times:“What’s the secret of your amazing success in creating Women with Vision?” With a deep personal sense of peace and a smile on my face my reply is always the same, “What it really comes down to is this: I’m always wanting to move forward so I practice a powerful “thought exercise” using my conscious awareness (inner thoughts) of what I want my future to look like. I picture the future.” When pulling together this issue of Women with Vision I asked myself how I can share with you, our reader, some words of wisdom to help you to have a happy and prosperous future. I began by repeating aloud, over and over again, this inner thought: 2011 is going to be a year of inner and outer growth as a person who enjoys sharing with others.

forward. This is what I do and you can too: When a negative thought comes into your mind simply catch yourself, stop and think how you can change that thought into a positive affirmation that will move you forward. I’ve learned that speaking my new positive thought aloud instantly creates a sense of inner peace knowing that I’ve made another positive decision. I hear my own voice! Here is an example of changing personal negative inner thoughts into positive outer words… Inner Thought – I can’t lose any weight. Outer Words – I feel so happy and glad I’ve lost 20 pounds! By envisioning yourself 20 pounds lighter your conscious mind will start to believe that you are 20 pounds lighter…and before you know it, without really trying, within a few months you will notice your clothes getting looser and the weight coming off magically. Simply pay attention to your ‘inner thoughts’ and start saying your ‘outer words’ aloud and watch what happens! And please, let me know about your success stories! By using your conscious mind to manifest your future, whether for your personal or business life the most surprising things will start to happen as you move forward into 2011.

Happy New Year!

So, here is a little trick I use when faced with challenges to transform my daily life and thus enable myself to move Nominated for

Lorraine Leslie Founder/Publisher

2005, 2006, 2009 & 2010

The feature women about whom I write, have traveled a long, winding road to success – each woman on her own journey; a journey that sometimes hasn't been smooth. These women open their hearts to inspire and motivate other women, of all ages, to follow their dreams and passions...

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© Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime.com

As late December brings frosty mornings and chilly nights I turn my thoughts to what the New Year will bring each of us. I predict that 2011 will hold many great opportunities; especially when we decide in what direction we want our lives to go.

...learn, grow and flourish







Is It Time for a Website



Are You Indispensable? By Donna Messer

By Susan Baka

How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Building sales and business through traditional outbound marketing like advertising, telemarketing and direct mail is swiftly giving way to inbound marketing where potential customers seek you out – for example, by visiting your website. As one of the most important inbound marketing tools, your site deserves significant attention. Is it time for a revamp? I see many companies do the wrong things…building fancy sites that attract little traffic and failing to recognize that it’s not just about look and feel.

1. Don’t sacrifice content for design. Spend the lion’s share of your resources on creating good content rather than beautiful design. Search engines and your target audience like fresh content, which will drive the performance of your site more than graphic design. Remember, the goal should be to generate business – it’s not an art project. Blogging is a great content strategy that attracts links and traffic like a magnet.Think about having podcasts, videos, and presentations, too.

I’ve read all Seth Godin’s books, and he’s generally on target and on time when it comes to trends.

If you’re currently an unemployed linchpin-type (i.e. indispensable, creative and able to make a difference) how do you get a good job?

His book Linchpin is really one of the most relevant books on the workplace and the opportunities out there for those he has tagged Linchpins.

Godin’s solution:“Look for a company that understands the value of the linchpin, one that doesn’t use a computer to scan resumes. Look for a company that hires people, not paper. Bring passion and creativity to the workplace, become a true artist. Become indispensable. Be a linchpin!”

The dictionary defines Linchpins as “persons regarded as essential” Linchpins, explains Godin, are the essential building blocks of every great organization. They invent, lead (regardless of title), connect with others and make things happen. They love their work and pour their hearts into every project, behaving almost like artists. In today’s world, these people are landing the best jobs and enjoying the most workplace freedom.

2. Include calls to action everywhere. Have one on your home

Here are some key considerations before you embark on any kind of redesign:

page and in all e-newsletters and emails that link to landing pages that will convert visitors to leads and customers.

• Understand your current performance.

3. Make it easy and simple to measure the right results. Don’t

get caught up in having a complicated analytics system that only a webmaster can understand. The key metrics to monitor are your visitors (i.e. the number and what is driving them to your site, such as your e-marketing, any campaigns, social media, organic search, paid search, etc.); your leads (how many are converting to leads); and your sales (how many are converting to sales).

Maybe you don’t have to just use the terminology when it comes to finding and keeping that perfect job – perhaps the terminology can be applied to entrepreneurship and owning your own business.

4. Consider a content management system. There are many user-friendly systems now that give you the ability to add content rapidly without the need to go through a third party to post content or make small changes.

If you’re in transition, or worrying about your future, becoming a Linchpin might be the answer.

What are your basic, current stats, such as number of visitors and what is driving them to your site? Are you converting them to leads and sales? Take an inventory of your existing site. Do you have some good content (such as helpful articles and tips for your target audience), inbound links that attract traffic and good conversion tools for generating leads (eg. sign-up for an enewsletter)? Be sure to retain these in any redesign if they are attracting visitors. Just because you may be tired of certain things does not mean your target audience is. Applying these tips to your site revamping will help ensure a good return on investment (ROI):

Hey wait a minute, this sounds like me!

According to Godin, there is an opportunity to actually enjoy what we do, to make a real difference to our colleagues and clients, and to unlock the genius we’ve been hiding all these years.

The Linchpin is an “Artist” For Seth Godin, the linchpin metaphor can be applied to anyone who is so valuable, so unique and so creative that they are indispensable to the operation of a corporation or a large organization.


Business Mentor

* Marketing Consultant * Advertising Specialist

Life Line Transformational Coaching is your professional link to building awareness and taking your business and personal life to the next level. Improve your marketing and communications skills while achieving your life goals. Lorraine Leslie 1-866-306-6021 womenwithvision@rogers.com

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Many companies embark on a website redesign for the wrong reasons. At the end of the day, it should be driven by the need to be found by more prospects who can be converted to solid leads. Business websites should fundamentally be about lead generation. ■ Susan Baka, President Bay Communications & Marketing Inc. sbaka@baycomm.ca www.baycomm.ca

If you want to become an indispensable linchpin in your workplace, you need to start thinking of yourself less as an employee and more as an “artist.” So, what makes someone an artist?

Photo: Yanka Van der Kolk

Life Line

Transformational Coaching

Engage in social media. Build your website’s reputation through promoting your content on social media like LinkedIn, Facebook,YouTube and Twitter. If your business has a presence on any of these social networking sites because your target audience is there, be sure to include links on your home page.

A true artist doesn’t follow the rules; they start with a blank canvas and create what will eventually be a piece of art. Most artists think along the extreme edges of the box, because that’s where cool work actually gets done. That’s where the customers are, that’s where the creative means of production are available, and that’s where artists can make a positive, real-life impact.

If you want to know more about Seth and his insight – there is an executive summary and I’m happy to share it with you! Donna Messer is a Linchpin. ■ Donna Messer Networking Expert, International Speaker www.connectuscanada.com


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By Janette Burke

By Rick Ziemski

If you’ve recently visited Amazon.com or made a trip to your local bookstore; browsed the business section and took stock of all the titles promising an array of keys, secrets, tools and formulas for marketing success – and feel overwhelmed. I don’t blame you!

“Culture is a little like dropping an Alka-Seltzer into a glassyou don't see it, but somehow it does something.” ~ Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Typically corporate culture is a reflection of the values and visions of the founder/leader of the business. As an owner, to understand your corporate culture is to understand yourself first. Businesses normally start small and because the owner/manager plays a direct role in all activities, he or she cannot help but shape the evolving culture. As new people are added, they pick up on the norms and behaviours and become assimilated into the culture. As an example, an owner is distrusting of his employees and believes that he is the only one who can get things done right. Eventually, the assimilated employees do not behave with initiative, but act defensively to cover their behinds. Performance suffers.

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It’s not that these titles and authors don’t provide useful suggestions. It’s that the vast amount of information they offer tends to leave small & mid-size business owners, entrepreneurs, book authors and even a few marketing directors with the impression that marketing their business has to be difficult and complicated.

With time and growth, business conditions change and that necessitates change in organizational behaviours, which in turn requires change in corporate culture. Enlightened business leaders understand this need and either change personally or step aside to allow for the birth of a new culture. It takes an insightful realist to understand when they are driving the wrong culture in the business. For those leaders that don’t get it the usual result is a broken business and lost shareholder value. It is no surprise that in broken businesses, turnarounds are most successful only after first lopping off the head of the organization through executive terminations. Where the task of changing the corporate culture is insurmountable it is often better to let the ailing business die. Should General Motors have been taken off life support?

If you lack time, resources and know-how, this may be the case. However, it doesn’t have to be! In reality, marketing, publicizing and promoting your business should be fun. When it comes right down to it, marketing and business success come from adhering to and applying fundamental, tried and true principles with slight twists or variations. If you stop and think about it, you’ll realize I’m right. Why? Because there are only three foolproof ways in which you can actually make more money: 1. Find more customers 2. Make more from your existing customers by increasing the value of each sale 3. Increase the frequency that customers buy

We humans often aren’t very good at looking in the mirror to see the truth about ourselves. Usually we can use some third party objectivity in these matters. It makes good sense to periodically conduct a corporate culture audit to see if the culture is right for your business conditions. Using external, experienced mentors or advisors as a resource can provide that third party objectivity needed for this exercise. ■ Richard Ziemski C.A. Management Consultant rickziemski@cogeco.ca

© Cammeraydave | Dreamstime.com

By definition, corporate culture is “the character of the organization” that embodies the values, customs, traditions, meanings and norms shared by the people in the organization, and determines how these people interact with each other and with the stakeholders outside the organization. It is what makes your corporation unique and is the foundation for the ethical standards and behaviours within the organization.




Frequently, when we wonder why things happen in a business the way that they do, we find that “corporate culture” is behind the outcomes.Whether you plan to start a business or already own one, your corporate culture can make the difference between mediocrity and excellence in performance.


Therefore it stands to reason that boosting your business revenue is best achieved when you follow and implement a combination of simple on & offline marketing strategies. The trick is knowing when and how to take these principles from the theoretical to the practical - so they fit your specific context and circumstance – and then allocate the proper resources, timelines and planning stages to them. Remember the old saying that you can’t be everything to everyone? Well, this is especially true in business. Big department stores still have a measure of success with the generalist approach - although even they are struggling to break even. We live in an age where customers demand an ever increasing degree of specialization. So make sure you are able to offer this by developing a precise target customer profile and a strategy for delivering what they want.Turning away from the masses to service the few may sound slightly counterintuitive,

but it remains the simplest way to build a loyal customer base that is appreciative of the fact that your business is geared toward meeting their specific needs.

■ Janette Burke Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant and Columnist janette@yourmarketingmagnet.com www.yourmarketingmagnet.com

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… I’ll prove my point

By Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B.

In the world of handwriting analysis, this trait is considered to be a resistance trait, as it involves two people. The person that argues needs someone else to hear what he or she has to say. The arguer is resisting the position or point of view that someone else has taken. And look out if you try to correct them! They will uphold and debate their point of view or belief to the bitter end, as they view this correction as a criticism and/or a rejection. At first glance, it appears to be a socially unacceptable thing to do. Most people that argue can be very annoying, particularly if the

The example shows how the top of the ‘p’ in ‘prove’ is well above the bowl of the ‘p’. The higher the ‘p’ and the more frequently they appear in the writing determines the strength of this trait in the personality. When the writer makes the top just a little above the bowl of the ‘p’, as in the word ‘point’, the trait is softened. The writer enjoys discussing matters more openly. They will not put themselves into a position of heatedly defending themselves. This trait also helps them from surrendering their opinions in order to agree with everyone else. Of interest in the graphic of the two little girls arguing, is the body position of both of them. One is leaning forward, the other is leaning back. Both have their arms closed in front of them, resisting the other person. Who do you think is currently winning this argument? A little bit of this trait is very healthy. A lot of this trait can make the writer a social pariah. Yes, that trail of ink that we leave as our pen travels across the page really does tell our story. And our story is very complex.

■ Mary Ann Matthews CGA - Certified Graphoanalyst maryann@handwriting.ca www.handwriting.ca 14 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Cammeraydave | Dreamstime.com

By Mary Ann Matthews

trait is strong in the personality as illustrated below. They will argue that black is white and vice versa, just for the sake of argument.


Think with your head,


Some people just love to argue! They take great joy in goading someone into a heated discussion…..and coming out the winner. It’s easy for them to jump into a conversation and express their point of view. You will often hear them say,“This is my opinion” or “I think this about that”. They are never silent.


Too often, an individual will put his/her partner’s name on a property when the partner has paid absolutely nothing or very little towards the price of the property. This sounds rather romantic and the rationale generally is – we’re committed to each other and we want to share everything. Unfortunately, as a family law lawyer I deal with those whose dreams have been shattered and the financial fallout can be devastating. The parties who once were so much in love are now in conflict. Although the partner who invested very little or nothing knows that morally he/she is not entitled to share in that property, he/she may well insist on an equal division. Legally, the assumption is that if his/her name is on title as joint owner, he/she is entitled to 50% of the value. Arguments can be made to the contrary but not without significant legal costs. At the end of the day, it might be more economical to concede to some buy out, rather than to pay huge legal fees and then still having to pay a sum out to an undeserving partner.

in common” ownership, each party can deal with his/her share separate and apart from the other person. For instance, if you own 50% of the property, you can leave your 50% share to anyone you wish in your Will. Of course, it will likely mean that your partner will pay out the value of your 50% share to your beneficiaries rather than have your beneficiaries own the property along with your partner. If you wish, you could will your share to your partner but at least give some thought first to protecting your investment just in case the relationship does not work out. Regrettably, when real estate lawyers are asked to put title of a property into your and your partner’s name, they seldom ask questions which could help to protect each of you in the event of a breakdown of a relationship. Likewise, when financial advisors are requested to add a spouse’s name to an investment, which you may have owned from before marriage, or from an inheritance, they seldom know enough to advise you against doing that or to suggest that you should speak to a family law lawyer prior to doing so. You can still love with your heart, but do think with your head. ■ Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B. Barrister & Solicitor Pellar Family Law Professional Corporation rosepellar@pellarfamilylaw.com

To those of you who have not committed the mistake of adding your partner’s name on title, my advice is don’t. If you are both putting in money to the investment, by all means add his/her name to the title but make the ownership “tenants in common” and have it state the percentage of ownership according to your respective cash outlay. If the percentage ownership is not stated (e.g. 60% to you, 40% to your partner) then it is assumed to be 50/50. Do not put the ownership in joint tenancy, because if one person dies, then ownership goes to the survivor. In “tenants

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Women with

jumped in with both feet and got involved in the Economic Development Steering Committee funded by HRDC (Human Resources and Social Development.). Three working groups of citizens from different backgrounds worked together on creating the big picture…my vision for Meaford was ‘imagery’.”

VISION! making a difference... By Lorraine Leslie Barb Cooper was born in Winnipeg Manitoba to a military family. Her father was in the Air Force so at a very young age Barb found herself living in both France and Germany. Later in life, following in the family’s tradition, Barb’s first husband worked for International Nickel (INCO). “We travelled to many places with his work, which was both exciting and tiring as we packed and unpacked our homes in Boston, Toronto Sudbury, Mississauga and even in the jungles of Guatemala. While in this exotic country I was in a traumatic car accident in 1980 and spent a lot of time in the hospital. We lived there for one year before the plant was closed down because of the war between Iran and Iraq and the oil prices went sky high.” “Our move back to Canada made me feel more at ease as we settled in Sudbury where I began working in the not-for-profit world: a Multicultural Centre and the Kidney Foundation.” “Another transfer took us back to Mississauga where I worked as a volunteer for the United Way of Peel Region as the Campaign Manager. As they were a fledging organization at the time, my job was to raise funds. I am proud to say that we met our first target of more than six million dollars in 1986. As Mississauga’s population was exploding the organization continued to need more and more funds. Then, with a new campaign strategy, we brought in 10 million dollars in 1992.” “Life continued to be full of more and more yo-yo moves… too many to count. When we moved back to the familiar territory of Sudbury I took at job at the Northern Cancer Research Foundation in 1994. As the Executive Director of Fundraising for the new cancer centre in support of cancer research I was able to have two experts in Stem Cell Research (Dr.Stefan Gluck and Dr. Amodeo Parisenti) come and to speak to us and provide us with inspiration.” “As many communities do, we held a golf tournament where we brought in professional golfer Billy Casper, who drew a large crowd. Along with the dinner and silent auction we raised $80,000. One of the more enjoyable parts of my job was spending the money. After the review team made their selection from the applications they would hand everything over to me to 16 www.womenwithvision.ca

Barb and Frank Clumpus

...The Richness of Volunteering administer the financials. Barb’s first marriage had dissolved so she happily remarried in 1997…to Frank Clumpus. “One year into our marriage we took a ski get-away to the Blue Mountains. Barely arriving at the ski hill we received a phone call that our house was burning to the ground in Sudbury.The fire department thought it started in the basement where the propane tank was. Sadly we lost our dog in the fire and the entire contents of our home.” “You could say good things come out of tragic experiences. We liked the Georgian Triangle area so much (particularly the Meaford area) that we decided to move for the last time in our lives. Frank had been a dental surgeon in Sudbury for 47 years and since I had moved all my life I knew I needed something substantial and for the long-term. So we put our roots down in an historical house built in 1875. After much-needed renovations we are now truly happy and contented…there is no place like home.” “Once the renovations were completed I wanted to work in my new community. Surrounded by the military for so long I had learned the phrase…“Jump into the community and own it as your own”. I soon recognized the daily opportunities to learn something new and loved the challenge and the enthusiasm and camaraderie of my new colleagues.” “I saw the potential Meaford had as a community… its heritage and magnificent harbour which had been well-preserved. Having travelled a lot we were very appreciative of a community that valued its own heritage. Plus everyone made us feel right at home.” “In 2000 the first thing I did was get involved in a focus group. We had a professor from Guelph University come and talk to us about economic development, which I found fascinating, so I

“It was an interesting exercise as we developed an economic development strategy which was the key strategy being the restoration of Meaford Hall. We were working in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce’s Tourism and Economic Development Committee of town council. I worked on eliminating the dead and dying trees in Meaford while my co-workers Ann Marsh Evans, Liz Harris and Ali Boltam looked at the downtown tree-scape but soon realized the area needed a lot more attention. Together we decided on a new focus upon lamp posts, the hazards of missing street signs, and the need for new sidewalks. I wanted it done right. I really enjoyed this project. I’m happy to say that I came up with the entrance signs for the municipality.”


Today Barb’s role is the outgoing Chair of Meaford Hall and Culture Foundation. “I find volunteer work is very gratifying, and the level of satisfaction one achieves is at least equal to and often greater than the effort one puts into it. I love to work on a project with equally enthusiastic colleagues who quickly become good friends.” Barb and a friend at the Meaford & District Chamber of Commerce Awards Event

Barb Clumpus receiving Rotary Award

“At the same time I also volunteered as the committee secretary for Communities in Bloom which won the National Award that year. And again in 2002 we won the Provincial Award.”


“I think each volunteer brings his or her own skill sets, experience and expertise to a project or cause. Everyone has their own reasons for volunteering…it might be social engagement, helping others who are less-fortunate, for others it may be personal growth or opportunities, recognition or individual accomplishment, but I enjoy most working with folks who are dedicated to common goals and who are action-oriented.” “Lorraine, my Dad inspired me at a very early age to "always do more than my share, because there will be others who can't do theirs". I've never forgotten that, and it has brought me much joy, friendship, satisfaction and personal growth over my lifetime. I have tried to pass along this learning to my children and theirs – we truly get out of life what we put into it. Moving into new communities as I have done many times, has taught me that the quickest and most effective way to feel at home in new surroundings was to get involved in it.”

“Around this time I became President for the Meaford & District Chamber of Commerce with a focus on tourism and we could promote tourism and bring new business to the area. As president I proposed we develop a fiveyear contract to provide tourism services as part of the municipality. Out of this initiative came the International Barb’s next challenge is just Plowing Match 2003 with a Tourism beginning as she was elected on Coordinator being responsible for Monday October 25th 2010 to the Barb at far left presenting an award at Chamber of Commerce setting up a whole tent with local Municipality of Meaford Council. Business Awards businesses. I remained as President of the Chamber of Commerce from 2002 – 2006.Then in 2006 I was “I see my role now as supporting the volunteers and local asked to take on the leadership and develop a foundation that would municipal staff to continue to make Meaford the best it can be. support Meaford Hall.” This is a very exciting time for our community. A lot of work has been done of late by Council, staff and volunteers, to “After Meaford Hall’s restoration was completed in 2006 my team position Meaford to get our financial house in order and to began looking at ways to raise $300,000 in support of the realize our development potential. I am enthusiastic about functioning of Meaford Hall. The Foundation's achievements having the opportunity to now work at the decision-making included bringing in live performances to encourage patrons to level with many of the projects on which I have volunteered attend and to build up an audience base. Over the years, more and over the years.” more wonderful productions were held in Meaford Hall - with 8 sold out shows this year (2010).” ■ www.womenwithvision.ca 17







...living life at its best

By Sergeant Sharron Brown

Christmas is meant to be the time of the year when people should be concentrating on getting together with family, enjoying those you love, wondering just how big a turkey is needed this year and trying to get all your gift shopping done without losing your sanity. As much fun as all this is, I just want to take a minute to remind everyone of some safety tips to make sure your Holiday Season stays the way it should be.

• Keep your gifts stored in the car out of sight and lock the doors. • When walking to your car with gifts, be aware of your surroundings. People can follow gift buyers out to their cars and then when returning to the mall for round two of shopping, people can then break into your vehicle.

well. This will help with the ‘at home’ idea and will also be a cost savings eco green initiative.

• Let your neighbours know when you’ll be away and coming home. That way they can keep an extra eye around the house.

• So you broke down and bought that big screen TV finally? • At home when you’re packing the vehicle for some visiting, if you have a garage, do the packing inside the garage. Firstly, it will keep you a little warmer and dryer and secondly no one sees you getting ready to leave your house.

Make sure the cardboard boxes are cut into small pieces and tied up. Make sure the labels and logos are covered when at the curb so you are not advertising the new ‘toy’ that you have just brought home.

• While you’re away visiting Aunt Beatrice make sure you have

• Take your time getting to your destination. Weather and road

multiple lights on timers in different rooms set for various times. The idea is to have your house looking like there is someone home. Also set your Christmas lights on a timer as

conditions can change in a moment’s notice. Drive according to the roads, not when dinner is supposed to be on the table. • And finally make sure you have a designated driver, take a cab or stay over. Please don’t drink and drive.

18 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime.com

These are just a couple of tips that might help you get through the holidays with a little more peace of mind and may I now wish to you and all your family a Happy Holiday Season.

■ Sergeant Sharron Brown Ontario Provincial Police, Orillia Detachment







Hot in Here! By Lesley Paul, B.Sc. Phm Oh the weather outside may be frightful, but the temperature continues to rise for menopausal women. Complaints of hot flashes and night sweats are made by 75% of women age 40 and beyond. For some females the symptoms will wane as time progresses but other women will have their internal thermometer elevated for decades after their menses has ended. And just as different as each woman is when it comes to frequency, duration and severity of flashes so is the choice of treatment that is used. In 2002 the Women’s Health Initiative Study (WHI) was abruptly halted due to a reported increased incidence of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease in study participants taking hormone replacement therapy.What wasn’t mentioned was the decrease incidence of colorectoral cancer and osteoporosis in these women. Since then the results have been repeatedly digested. Women who received estrogen therapy alone had lower rates of breast cancer than those who used combination therapy with estrogen and medroxyprogesterone, a synthetic form of progesterone that was used to protect the endometrium from high doses of estrogen. Although breast

cancer rates have decreased substantially since then, fracture rates and the incidence of osteoporosis have increased.

Females were left in the heat without treatment.Women were miserable as they suffered through their hotflashes, nightsweats and mood swings. Women turned to alternative therapies for relief. Sales of soy based supplements and foods soared as have other natural products such as evening primrose oil and black cohosh. Soy appeared like the logical choice since women of Asian cultures seemed to have fewer hot flashes.We have since learned that soy does not work for everyone and that the optimal dosage remains unclear. As well, there are still many unanswered questions when it S UP ERFOODS 3-STEP PROG R A M comes to the safety of soy based Cleanse products, whether from supplements or Daily Cleanse with PGX. diet in breast cancer survivors. Until For healthy detoxification & liver support. more is learned about these effects, it is Energize best to consult your health care provider Whey or Vegetarian Protein. Gluten & Wheat Free. before using any supplement.

NAMS has concluded that estrogen and progesterone replacement therapy in low doses, for a short period of time (5 years or less) is safe for some women. However it should be noted that the optimal time to begin HRT is in the first five years post menopause. Beyond 60 years of age, the initiation of new hormones must be assessed carefully as it is at this time that the risk of cardiovascular disease begins to rise. Women who begin HRT should also be assessed yearly by their physician to see if there is still a need for hormone and to ensure that no other complications are occurring. According to NAMS, the risk of using hormones increases as women age and the benefit decreases. However many women have used hormones safely for decades without any increase incidence of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke or blood clots.



United States has far more commercially available options available than we do here in Canada.) Commercially available or compounded bio-identical hormones are an alternative for many women, but all options should be discussed with your physician. As well, compounding of hormones allows for more individualized dosing. Regardless of your decision, know your risks; know the benefits; know your body.

■ Lesley Paul, Pharmacist dlpaul@sympatico.ca

An interesting fact from NAMS statement is that transdermal hormones are believed to be safer for those with Type 2 Diabetes. Transdermal dosage forms don’t cause appear to cause an increase in triglycerides or elevate the risk of blood clots. As always the choice to begin hormone replacement therapy should be a collaborative decision made by the patient and the health care provider. Be sure to discuss your risk/benefit profile before starting any hormone therapy. There are many more options available to women nowadays than there were twenty years ago, so understand your options. (Unfortunately the

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20 www.womenwithvision.ca

The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) recently released their current position statement on the treatment of post menopausal symptoms. Although many questions still remain unanswered, this group has decided that the treatment of peri-menopause and menopausal symptoms must be individualized. After assessing for cardiovascular status, stroke risk, osteoporosis risk and lifestyle issues there are many more choices available now. www.womenwithvision.ca 21


Holiday Fitness



or Not to Stretch

Balancing work and family during the holiday season can be difficult. Baking and decorating, shopping and socializing can take its toll setting in fatigue more often. Something's got to give and one of the first things you need to let go of is the stress of exercising with out feeling guilty. So if you resent decorating, cooking, cleaning and baking, think exercise and fitness instead.

Whether 'tis nobler in the muscle to suffer The pains and strains of muscles torn, Or to take action against a sea of troubles, And by opposing ends stretch them? To static stretch: No more; and now a dynamic stretch to say we end

Here are 10 “do it on the spot” exercises to strengthen, stretch, energize and de-stress anywhere, anytime throughout the holiday season.

For years the pre-workout or pre-sport recommendations were to perform static stretches to increase flexibility and prevent injury. This was common practice among athletes and trainers alike but with continued research into muscle physiology and exercise science there is growing evidence that static stretching BEFORE exercise can actually lead to weaker performance and possible injury. Muscles consist of millions of tiny fibres that overlap and form cross-links between them. It is the microscopic movement of these millions of cross-links that perform, what we know, as a muscle contraction.

Dynamic stretching is intended to move a muscle through its’ full, natural range of motion thereby activating the muscle fibres without damaging the cross-links. Dynamic stretching increases range of movement and blood flow to soft tissues prior to exertion. This maintains and activates the muscle’s strength and flexibility without causing microscopic damage that could hinder performance. So Hamlet,‘tis not a question of stretching or not stretching, but when each form is most appropriate for maximized performance and minimal risk of injury.

■ Justin Aubin, Chiropractor a_justin@yahoo.com 22 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Serdar Tibet | Dreamstime.com

The muscle-aches and the thousand natural shocks.

First off, not all forms of stretching are the same. For this discussion, let’s define the two major forms of stretching. Static Stretching refers to holding a muscle in an elongated position with no movement for a specified amount of time. Dynamic Stretching is defined as actively moving a muscle through its natural range of motion.


By Lorraine Leslie

To stretch or not to stretch, that is the question.

Static stretching, by design, creates a greater “flexibility” of the muscle fibres by slightly lessening the sensitivity of tension receptors, which allows the muscle to relax and to be stretched to greater length. But more often then not, static stretching actually microscopically damages the muscle fibres by tearing the cross-links. This causes the muscle, in the short term, to be weaker, require more energy, and to be more susceptible to further damage. Over time the muscle fibres and cross-links heal and often with greater flexibility.


…on the go

By Justin Aubin

Ok, Hamlet was not really concerned with stretching; he had much greater things on his mind. But for today’s athletes, from the weekend warrior, to the medal winning Olympian it has become a legit question. To stretch or not to stretch?


© Linda Bucklin | Dreamstime.com


1. Vacuum lunge Vacuuming can build up a sweat on its own, but you can turn up the intensity with lunges. Step forward with your right leg as you push the vacuum forward and bend both knees until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Push back with your right leg as you pull the vacuum backward. Switch sides as you go. 2. Laundry challenge Add a splash of workout to your wash day. Fill the laundry basket with the dirty clothes and head to a set of stairs. At the base of the staircase do 20 step ups on the bottom stair before heading into the laundry room. But before you fill the washing machine, hold the full basket out in front of you with your arms straight, shoulders back and neck relaxed. Hold this position for as long as you can -- beginners strive for 30 seconds; those who are more fit aim for two minutes. Repeat for each load of laundry. 3. Dishwashing pushups When waiting for the sink to fill with water, try some pushups to strengthen your chest. Place your hands on the edge of the kitchen sink and while keeping your back straight and tummy tight, step back far enough so your body is at about a 45-degree angle to the floor; bend your elbows, lowering yourself toward the sink. Hold for two seconds, and then press yourself back up by straightening your arms. Do not lock your elbows.Aim for 25 pushups.

4. Dancing around the house Dusting doesn't have to be monotonous -- crank up your favourite tunes and dance like it's 2007! Ten minutes of energetic dancing will increase your heart rate and burn more calories than 10 minutes of walking. 5. A little elbow grease Forget plugging in your electric mixer; instead, grab a wooden spoon and mix your recipes by hand. Not only will you burn more calories, but you will also be strengthening your hand, wrist, elbow, upper arm and shoulder and core muscles. 6. Power walk shopping Walk the entire mall once before beginning your shopping.When you've finished shopping, do another lap before returning to your car -- which, of course, you parked at the back of the lot. Do not try this with excessively heavy bags, and always remember to keep your tummy tight and shoulders back and down. 7. Curls with every purchase While waiting in a holiday checkout line, use your parcels to perform a set of isometric bicep curls. With your tummy tight, shoulders back and down, and arms at your side, bend your elbows about 15 degrees and hold for 30 seconds. Lower the bags and repeat for the remainder of your wait. Don't forget to breathe.

continued on pg.24 www.womenwithvision.ca 23





Holiday Fitness... continued from page 23


8. Stair climbing Try ditching the elevator and escalator for the stairs. Be sure to wear flat shoes or running shoes to get your heart really pumping, try running up the stairs or taking them two at a time. 9. Calf raises in line Stuck in line again? Why not strengthen your calves and get the blood pumping. Calf raises will act as a mechanical pump to flush the blood out of the calves and around the body.They will also help strengthen and tone your calves, leaving you with sexy legs that look great in heels. Standing with feet together, lift yourself up on tiptoe, hold for two seconds and lower yourself back down to the floor; repeat 20 times. 10. Toboggan rides Climbing hills means you avoid turning into an icicle -- and get in interval training at the same time. If there's no room for you on the sled, carefully walk down the hill to meet the kids and race them back up, pulling the toboggan. Your kids will love the game, and your heart and legs will love the workout. ■ Lorraine Leslie Certified Fitness & Activation Trainer

Certified Menopause Practitioner Lesley Paul

...helping women sail smoothly through the best years of their lives. Specializing in women’s health-care & bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

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Stuart Ellis Pharmacy


for the holidays





Day Spa

By Cathy Day

Hand made in Barrie, glass bead & silver flower pendant


Pamperme FASHION

Specialized Facials (Dermalogica products)

Jazz up your outfits this holiday season with influences from nature, antique mental finishes, bold and colourful statement pieces, and simple but sentimental charm necklaces. Use these inspirations to create different looks for all your holiday outings. Having a variation of accessories is a great way to get more versatility out of your wardrobe.

Mindy Biggar

Massage Therapies Aromatherapy • Hot Stone Relaxation • RMT

Facial Therapy Specialist

Spa Body Treatments Couples Packages

Gypsy girl lemon quartz & sterling silver necklace, ring, earring set.

Handmade dramatic feather earrings made in Duntroon

Real silver dipped maple leaf pendant on a shimmery flesh tone ribbon

Turkish silver lace necklace and ring

3 unique sterling silver charm necklaces.

Layered gold chains including richly textured henna print pendants Handmade feather hair clip.

26 www.womenwithvision.ca

1920's era flamingo pendant & copper chain

■ Cathy Day, B.A Certified Yoga Instructor Owner of Awear Eco-Boutique

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Antiqued Turkish silver chain link necklace and earrings

© Niknikopol | Dreamstime.com © Baloncici | Dreamstime.com


Girls Getaway Packages

Ionic Facial Therapy Treatments 133 9th Street West Owen Sound, On


Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing Gift Certificates Available

75 Hurontario Street, Collingwood 705.446.1286 www.pampermespa.ca

Now you can have eyelashes like the Stars! Natural looking eyelashes that draw more attention to your eyes. Great, longer, thicker and natural looking eyelashes... that look so natural, no one will know they are not yours!

Where Fashion Lives...


• No more mascara • Minimum touch-up required • Great everyday and evening look • Perfect for weddings, proms and special events • Safe in the shower, swimming, sleeping or exercising Extensions are semi-permanent and are made from single strands of synthetic eyelashes curved to replicate a natural eyelash.They provide length and thickness to your own lashes and are available in varying lengths and thickness. Applied by a licensed, certified and experienced Eyelash Extension Specialist ~ Beth Nigh Attitudes on Pine • 143 Pine St. Collingwood • 705-445-6715

Point Zero CYC Fresh FX Dusak LOIS jeans Tribal… and so much more


of Collingwood 33 Hurontario Street 705-446-0378 ESTILO

of Orillia 67 Mississaga Street East 705-326-5800

www.womenwithvision.ca 27




Glowing Healthy


Winter Skin

Get the look you want with

Permanent Make-Up Electrolysis Hot Stone Massage Fall Special

By Beth Nigh

Get a FREE facial with purchase of cleansing lotion and moisturizer

Protecting our skin during the winter can be confusing….cold frigid out door climate contains less humidity than the lazy hazy days of summer. Moisture is leached from our exposed skin making us susceptible to frost bit while hot furnace air can draw the little moisture we have causing us to have extremely skin dry.

7 Saint Marie Street, Collingwood beatrix@rogers.com www.beatrixbeauty.com

Specializing in Hair Replacement Systems for Men & Women FIRST TIME CLIENTS RECEIVE 20% OFF

Hair Solutions

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Lemon Lily

Drinking plenty of water and herbal teas during the our cold winter days will help keep the skin feeling soft and healthy.

Aesthetics & Skin Therapy Feel Good Taking Care of Yourself

A good diet consisting of fruit and vegetables makes a considerable difference in how your skin appears.

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Supplementing your diet with a multivitamin rich in vitamin and mineral nutrients will ensure that your skin gets what it needs to repair itself.


Quality Organic, Health, Bulk & Whole Foods

Because your body heals and repairs best while sleeping, wearing a night cream is highly recommended.

NEW Frozen Yogurt Cups & Cones Vegetarian Specialties Gluten & Allergen Free Products Home Made Grab ‘n’ Go Meals Baby Boutique © Martinmark | Dreamstime.com

Treat yourself to a hydrating facial at home or with a professional esthetician.

28 www.womenwithvision.ca

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Sunscreen is an essential element of a winter skin regimen. As we go from warm indoors to cold outdoors using a moisturizer with a built in sunscreen can be useful to maintain a glowing complexion.

■ Beth Nigh, Certified Esthetician

Le ts make it

Chris Richardson Licensed Hair Stylist & Wig Specialist

First of all, try not to over wash your face. Doing so can strip the skin's natural oil barrier, leading to dryness and then breakouts because bacteria can build up in the cracked skin. Use luke warm water and be sure to apply rich, hydrating moisturizers while the skin is still damp.

See you on the slopes!

Tu rned Any ly? Heads Late pp ha en!


Merry Christmas-God Bless



A Wellness Centre Continuing to Grow

7280 Main St., Stayner 705.428.2160

36 St. Marie Street, Collingwood

www.womenwithvision.ca 29






Winter is here and looms ahead with its dull days. Occasionally we are treated to a spectacular sunny, postcard panorama of a Canadian winter day. Snow birds run to warmer sunny climates and those of us who stay are trucking along in our winter wardrobes waiting for spring.




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By Marilyn Wetston

The Wardrobe Doctor:


If the winter blues have struck you and you need a lift to cheer you up, you can escape the bleak days without the expense of travel. The world of fashion accessories is yours to discover. Have you played with and enjoyed any of the new bold accessories? You will be surprised at how a new stylish bauble can add sparkle to a dull outfit and to your eyes.The accessories offered this winter season will lift your spirits, cheer up and freshen up your wardrobe and even inspire your creative spirit. Layering your clothes will make you cozy. Layering your necklaces will give you a frame to your face, and a fresh new accent. Try adding chains and beads of assorted lengths and weights to achieve your desired effect for any given day. No two looks need be alike so no boredom can set in.




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Using a simple scarf to keep you warm is practical and achieves your purpose. However, have you discovered the Infinity Scarf yet? It is a scarf woven or knit in a continuous oval that loops to the figure eight – the infinity sign. It is available in assorted weights and textures that create the mood from rustic heather knits to diaphanous confections in yarns or bubbly fabric. Its name describes its versatility. In fact with imagination there are infinite looks one can achieve with such a scarf.

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continued on pg.32 30 www.womenwithvision.ca

www.womenwithvision.ca 31





Express Yourself with Fashion... continued from page 30


You can simply loop it over your head once or twice or even three times depending on its length.Voila! You have a dramatic cowl neck to frame your face. Once it is sitting this way, pull it down over your shoulders to make a shrug. If you lift one band up behind and forward you will have created a hood and scarf combo. If you wish to add a fanciful romantic touch to your outfit try tying a bow at your neck with the doubled infinity scarf bands.

Treatment of:

When you step into the loops of this figure eight it transforms to a hip wrap with a simple twist and tie or you can pull a flexible scarf so that one loop is around your hips and the other pulls up over your head to make stylish confection.

fine lines and wrinkles acne scars • age spots rosacea • facial veins laser hair removal botox and restylane non-surgical face lift medical grade chemical peels excessive sweating

Your winter wardrobe and spirits can be lifted by punctuating your existing wardrobe with current accessories such as the flexible and versatile Infinity Scarf. Experiment and play a little and enjoy the results. Winter days need not be bleak for those of us who cannot run away. Make the way you dress for this season part of the pleasure of each day. It can be colorful and as exotic as your imagination will allow.

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32 www.womenwithvision.ca

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© Sergey Chirkov | Dreamstime.com

Outerwear, unique clothing & accessories plus a large selection of jewelry

Geor gian


By Chef Ron Lumsden Cranberry Inn Resort

VENISON SAUSAGE & QUAIL With Rosemary, Baron Potato Hash

12 rashers of apple bacon, sliced very thin into rectangles 3 shallot diced fine Pinch of diced fresh Garlic ½ of a small russet potato diced fine 4 sprigs of Fresh rosemary chopped fine 2 local quail boned 4 knobs of sweet butter 2 local venison sausage 1 medium local spy apple, cut into thin wedges 2-4 tsp of local honey Blanch the venison sausage in salted water, when done let rest. For the base quickly cook the shallots until they are translucent, add the bacon, when bacon is half done 34 www.womenwithvision.ca

add the potato. Cook until diced potatoes are tender, set aside and keep warm. Slice the venison sausage and add to the pan to keep warm. In a hot pan sear the apple, it will only take a few moments, add the honey and set aside. Season the quail with a dash of sea salt, white pepper. Sear the quail skin side down in a hot pan to brown, add the butter and spoon the hot liquids over the quails to cook fully. When plating, mound the rosemary and bacon, potato hash and top that with the slivers of honeyed apple. Lean your Quail against that and flank the hash with the sliced Venison Sausage. Garnish with fresh Rosemary. Serves as an appetizer for any elegant dinner or just a celebration of what the Georgian Bay area has to offer. Pair this with a Riesling to highlight the apple flavours and you can’t go wrong.

Geor gian


WISE WOMAN SLAW By Shannon Leone

Cultured vegetables are SO good for us and available commercially at most natural foods stores but I find them a bit pricey and they are so fun and easy to do at home. Many veggies can be cultured with great success for more nutrition and digestibility. Spices and dried herbs add something special: I like caraway seeds, chili flakes, garlic and ginger. Celery juice makes a great brine too. But to just get started, go basic and just try cabbage and water with salt so you get comfy with this first before experimenting.


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Seventy Two

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INGREDIENTS 1 cabbage, red or white, Nappa or mixture as the base- organic is best1 head cauliflower 2 lbs carrots. METHOD Clean all vegetables well and then chop or use a food processor to shred everything. Mix vegetables in a bowl. Pack vegetable mix tightly into glass jar(s). When the jars are full with about 1 -2 inches room at the top, use a wooden spoon to pound the mixture down and then add some more. Always leave 1-2 inches at the top of the jar so the fermented veggies have room to expand. I use 2 quart size jars. Then you add liquid or brine which is a mixture of good quality Celtic or Himalayan salt, about 2 T, and water. I also add a few leaves of cabbage that were from the outside that I could have thrown away, instead they help take up the space at the top and still leave room for expansion.

A Proud Supporter of Women with Vision Networking Luncheons

Pour brine over the veggies, leaving breathing room for expansion. Cap tightly and leave at room temp for 2-4 days, then move to the refrigerator for storage. I 'check in' every day and release the cap to let the built up fermentation gases escape, and re-seal air-tight.

■ Shannon Leone Raw Foodist & Nutrition Consultant sjkleone@yahoo.com 36 www.womenwithvision.ca

These keep very well and are great to have on hand in the fridge. You can eat them alone as a condiment, or add them to salads, sprouted tortilla wraps, etc. I love them with a little olive oil, some turmeric and dulse sprinkled over tip, with avocado. I munch happily away with my chopsticks. In-Joy! www.womenwithvision.ca 37







By Chef Robert Kilbride Duncans Cafe ~ 60 Hurontario

Phyllo Pastry Herbed Goat Cheese Zucchini Red Peppers Spinach Plum Tomatoes Fresh Garlic Fresh Basil Virgin Olive Oil Salt & Pepper Vegetable Stock Water Pastry Preparation: Each Strudel requires 2 sheets of phyllo. Place 1 sheet of phyllo then lightly place second sheet on top of first, slightly off centre. Stuff Phyllo with: Grilled Zucchini Spears Roasted Red Peppers Spinach Herbed Goat Cheese Fresh Garlic Fresh Basil Salt & Pepper Roll Phyllo: (bottom, side, side,top) Brown on flat top or brush pastry lightly-with virgin olive oil. Bake in the oven at 350oc for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Slice in half (angled) & enjoy!

Sauce 8 Plum Tomatoes Fresh Basil Garlic cloves sliced Shallots-sliced 1 ⁄2 cup Vegetable Stock 1 ⁄4 cup Water (all spices to taste) Oven Bake Tomatoes: Lightly season with salt & pepper and a splash of virgin olive oil, then bake for 10 minutes at 350oc. In a sauce pan, over medium heat, add the following: Baked Tomatoes mixture 1 ⁄4 cup Water 1 ⁄2 cup Vegetable Stock (liquid) tsp Basil tsp Garlic tsp Shallots Salt & Pepper Bring to a slight boil & reduce heat (simmer). The longer the sauce simmers the taster it becomes! Remove from heat, puree mixture & drizzle over strudel. The beauty of this recipe is that you may stuff the strudel with any ingredients! Serve with steamed brown rice and fresh steamed/ grilled seasonal vegetables. Enjoy. XOXO

38 www.womenwithvision.ca


Wifesaver Submitted by Cathy Young

16 slices white bread with crusts removed 16 slices of Canadian back bacon or ham slices 1 C shredded cheddar cheese 6 eggs 1 ⁄2 tsp salt 1 ⁄2 tsp pepper 1 ⁄2 to 1 tsp dry mustard 1 ⁄4 cup minced onion 1 ⁄4 cup green pepper (optional) 1 to 2 tsp worcestershire sauce 3 cups milk dash tabasco sauce 1 ⁄4 lb butter special K or crushed corn flakes

In a 9 x 13 buttered, glass, baking dish, put 8 pieces of bread to fit the bottom entirely so it’s all covered (even if you have to piece slices side by side). Cover bread entirely with back bacon or ham sliced thinly. Lay slices of cheddar cheese on top of the ham. Then cover with bread to fit (like making a sandwich). In a bowl, beat eggs, salt and pepper. To the egg mixture, add dry mustard, onion, green pepper (cut small pieces) worcestershire sauce, milk and tabasco. Pour over the sandwiches. Cover and let stand in fridge overnight. In morning, melt 1⁄4 lb butter and pour over top. Cover with crushed cereal (optional). Bake uncovered 1 hour at 350 degrees. Let sit 10 minutes before serving. Serve with fresh fruit and cinnamon rolls. www.womenwithvision.ca 39





...creative and helpful tips


CARROT CAKE By Sally Michaud C flour C brown sugar C white sugar tsp baking powder tsp baking soda tsp salt tsp nutmeg C shredded carrots C fresh cranberries eggs

1 1⁄3 C vegetable oil 1 C pumpkin puree Combine first 8 ingredients together in large bowl Add carrots & cranberries Blend eggs & vegetable oil in separate bowl 40 www.womenwithvision.ca

Add pumpkin puree & beat well Add to dry ingredients, beat till well mixed Spread in greased and floured 10 inch fluted tube pan Bake for one hour at 300 degrees or till done Icing with Cream Cheese Frosting 1

⁄2 cup butter 2 packages - 250 gram cream cheese 1 box of icing sugar Pinch of salt Flavour with lemon join and grated rind Add vanilla Blend all ingredients together to a fluff firm texture before icing cake.

© Pablo Scapinachis | Dreamstime.com

3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 5





The beauty of winter need not be lost on the avid gardener. What better way to keep the gardening ideas flowing than to pick up a good book and read what other gardeners are doing? Rather than focusing on the plant, search for books that focus on the wooden end of the shovel - the gardener.

Gardeners DO IN THE


© Darren Brode | Dreamstime.com


I’ve always marveled at the talents of those, both amateur and professional, who can take beautiful photographs. There are many great courses offered through local School Boards, Colleges and Universities. Now is a great time to take that course in Photography or Hypertufa or garden planning; or maybe you have always wanted to try your hand at writing.What better way to share your love of gardening then to write your gardening memoirs?

By Janet Kurasz, Hort, AMCT(A)

Harry Magill Sales Representative

42 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Nyul | Dreamstime.com

Winter is a time of planning, regrouping and studying for the coming growing season. Gardening is a constantly evolving creative process, so although you may tell yourself you have a plan “in your head”, it doesn’t always work out that way so you need to put things down on paper. One of the best tools you can use to plan and organize your garden is a large calendar. You can purchase day-timers and use them as a garden planner or journal, search the internet for templates or create your own. This time of year, seed and flower catalogues start arriving in the mail and this will help pass away those long, dark evenings. In late winter/early spring (or during the winter thaw that we seem to be experiencing lately) go outside and look around your garden and flower beds; take a writing pad and pen to make notes. Is there a perennial bed that needs to be moved, enlarged or reduced in size? What perennials need to be divided? If you are thinking of adding a new garden, now is the time to start planning. Many catalogues and gardening websites have diagrams for designing plants which can be a great jumping off point.

36 years in the real estate business Experienced in selling residential and commercial Community focused... On the advisory Board of the Salvation Army Director and now Treasurer since 1998 of the Women’s and Children’s Shelter of Barrie 100 Percent Club • Director’s Club • Masters Ruby Award

If you haven’t already looked in to joining a local gardening group, winter is a great time to investigate these groups. Most gardening groups allow you to come as a “visitor” without joining, just to check them out. So many novice gardeners are reluctant to join because they feel their skills and knowledge won’t measure up to the serious gardener’s standards. This is nonsense. My experience has been, gardeners are some of the most engaging people I know; always willing to share their experiences (successes and failures) and their knowledge. What a great way to advance your knowledge! If you find your community doesn’t have a gardening club, then why not start one? And, if you still haven’t got enough to do then try your hand at the Winter Jar Garden.You can grow your own edible sprouts using glass jars as miniature greenhouses. Edible sprouts can be grown from alfalfa, broccoli, cabbage, lentils, radish, barley and red clover. Purchase seeds produced specifically for sprouting and not agricultural seed that may be chemically treated. Sprouting kits can be purchased or you can make your own. Fresh, live produce is very beneficial to our winter diets which are lacking in these types of nutritious foods.

See you next spring! ■ Janet Kurasz, Horticulturist www.kurasz.ca


BJ Roth Realty Ltd. Brokerage

Perhaps not my favourite winter gardening task, but definitely a necessary one; this is the time to clean and oil the gardening tools, discard or recycle the broken and damaged ones and make a list of replacements or new tools to make gardening easier. I am always amazed at how often I have watched gardeners struggle with a task because they don’t have the right tool. Just like any job, tools are there to make the work more efficient and with all the focus on ergonomics, there are tools to protect you from repetitive use injuries.

By now you have put all your gardens to bed for the winter, planted your spring blooming bulbs, brought in the annuals that you would like to preserve over winter and gathered seeds from your garden for next year. It is time to take a deep breath and reflect on a very busy gardening season and, lord knows, we can all use a break! The holiday season is just around the corner so the time to reflect and rest will just have to wait a little longer. But soon after, especially in the months of January and February, we start to feel the “winter blues”. The holidays are over, the holiday decorations are packed away and Mother Nature has blanketed the earth with drifts of snow. The birds are busy keeping fueled in the cold temperatures, so keep feeding them. Soon, we are already starting to miss those productive hours spent in the gardens…so I ask you, what do gardeners do in the winter?


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The Sparkle of Chandeliers

with a Beautiful Chandelier

Chandeliers are so romantic and classy! Small chandeliers make the entrance to a home sparkle or turn a bathroom into a spa… and large ones make a foyer elegant or a dining room graceful. Chandeliers were originally (and sometimes still are) lit by candles, and can be traced back to before the 15th century. They were primarily used for lighting but eventually they often became more decorative than functional. They can still be found in medieval churches, abbeys and monasteries. Chandeliers would only be found in private houses if the owners were particularly wealthy; even if they were only lit on special occasions.

By Riva Glogowski There is nothing more gorgeous than turning on a stunning chandelier and seeing how the light glitters and reflects around the room. Depending on the size of the room (more on this later), the effect is well worth the money spent on this important decorating tool.

The earliest known crystal chandeliers appeared towards the end of the 16th century and were dressed with many levels of rock crystals (a transparent form of quartz). The shapes of these crystals would have been irregular. By the end of the 17th century, chandeliers were created with polished glass trimmings and the shapes were becoming more regular.

It will be a fair chunk of change for this purchase so there are several things to consider before you make your final decision. There are inexpensive versions of the traditional cut glass/crystal that are very convincing but spend as much as you can as this will be the finishing touch to your room.

The glassmakers of Bohemia, now the Czech Republic, had been producing hand-cut lead crystal for centuries. In 1724 a glasscutter named Josef Palme received royal permission to build chandeliers in a workshop in Prachen, a small village in the north of the country. His creations quickly became known as Bohemian chandeliers and are now supplied to virtually all countries of the world.You can see splendid examples in Konopiste Castle in Prague or in the Casino de Monte Carlo, which is lit by eight Bohemian chandeliers… each weighing over 140 kilos/ 308 pounds.

What kind of statement do you want to make? If traditional, choose one with more ornamentation and decorative details such as a sparkling crystal chandelier. Consider a ceiling medallion to finish off the elegant effect. Try painting your ceiling in a pale gold or silver to enhance the overall drama of the light fixture- very sexy!

The craftsmen of the Italian island of Murano had been making fine Venetian glassware (which was detailed with a floral flair) since the early 13th century. And in the early 18th century they began to create extra ordinarily elaborate glass chandeliers.Today Murano glass chandeliers are exported all over the world. Fine examples of these can be seen at the Doge's Palace in St Mark's square,Venice and in the ballroom of the Grange Langham hotel in London. In 1783 George and William Penrose began manufacturing crystal in the port of Waterford, England. Today Waterford crystal chandeliers are prized and can be found across the world.

© Tacna | Dreamstime.com

And now you can find excellent examples of their grandeur at such places as the ROM:

44 www.womenwithvision.ca

The most important point is to match your light fixture to the size of the room and your table. Too often people choose lights that are too small for the space, or overwhelm the area with too big of a fixture. What may have worked in your former home may be the wrong size or too formal for life in the Georgian Triangle. Tip: Recycling a fixture by spray painting it a new colour can be very cost effective and can create a whole new look. Size, Measurements and Correct Height… To size a fixture for your dining room, or to be the eye catching focal point of your space, measure the length and continued on pg. 46


If you have a more modern or contemporary aesthetic, try the sleek fixtures, appearing everywhere, with rectangular shapes with crystals hanging down or chandeliers with see thru shades around the free-form crystal/glass droplets. Large “Danishstyle” ala 70’s shaped globes are very much in fashion again.

In 1895 Daniel Swarovski and his brother-in-law Franz Weis set up a factory in the tiny Tyrolean village of Wattens, near Innsbruck. They began by making very high quality jewelry stones. It wasn't until 1965 that they started to manufacture chandelier pieces.

"We are so pleased to be working with a firm like Swarovski, internationally recognized for their use of light and crystal in the areas of fashion and design" said William Thorsell, Director and CEO of the Royal Ontario Museum. "



By Lorraine Leslie

“We are delighted to commission Daniel Libeskind to create this unprecedented work, which integrates Mr. Libeskind's compelling artistic view with the distinctive architecture of the new Michael Lee-Chin Crystal building,” said Nadja Swarovski, Vice President of International Communications for Swarovski. “It is an honor for Swarovski to donate this chandelier to the Royal Ontario Museum, one of Canada's great cultural treasures."


For country/chalet environments, think of pewter and glass, wrought iron with “faux candles”, large fixtures with multitudes of antlers, stained glass etc.

84 High St,. Collingwood 705.444.2100 www.georgiandesigncentre.ca

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Light Up Your Life... continued from page 53



Old Man Winter… brrrrrrr

width of the room and add those figures together. The sum, converted from feet to inches, will equal the diameter of the correctsized chandelier.

• When

measuring, if the resultant measurement seems inappropriate due to the size of your table, size your fixture to be three quarters the width of your table. That is assuming your table is sized appropriate for the room.

By Harry Magill

• The correct height to hang your light should be 30-32” above your table top to the bottom of light fixture (based on an 8 ft. ceiling). Add 3 inches for each additional foot. Many large light fixtures come with extensions, if necessary, buy more for cathedral ceilings. For ceilings of 9 feet or higher, consider a two or more-tier chandelier. NOTE, it is worth paying an electrician to come in to move the electrical box so it is CENTERED over the table. Whatever your style is, have the confidence to choose something that makes your guests go AAAAHHH when they walk into the room. This chandelier will give you much pleasure in the years to come.

We have had a gorgeous summer and fall and now Old Man Winter is about to arrive! Is your home ready? Here are a few suggestions that will save you money in the long run.

■ Riva Glogowski Interior Design Consultant zigriva@sympatico.ca

Are your eavestroughs/gutters cleaned out? If not and you do not want to do it because you have a fear of heights it is worth the few dollars to call somebody who is skilled at doing small jobs/ household repairs. Check your local newspapers or flyers … but before you jump in be sure to check references. Is it a well-known company or person in the area? When your gutters are all cleaned out consider buying a mesh screen or leaf guard to cover the troughs. You can purchase this at a local hardware store in the proper width which attach easily to the eavestrough. The screen allows the water to flow through naturally, but, and this is a huge but, no twigs, and especially no leaves can get in to clog the troughs. Now, let’s talk about your roof. The air flow in your attic comes by way of your soffits. The air comes directly through the soffits and is then vented out by way of your roof vents; whether they are stationary or turbine. The important thing to know is the purpose of the soffits which is to avoid warm, moist air in your attic which leads to the growth of mold. The air temperature in the attic should be the same as the air temperature outside (+20 or -20 in the winter).

of insulation and in our case the installer even left a certification in the attic trap door. One of the biggest sources of heat loss is windows and/or doors that are poorly fitted, broken or cracked. If you have a home that is more than 15 years old, and the windows are thermal paned with wooden frames, you will want to check the caulking both inside and outside. Be sure to check all around the windows and door frames. If the caulking is cracked, then I strongly recommend removing all the cracked caulking – do not put new caulking (with a rubberized content) over the old. Note: caulking will also keep the heat out in the hot summer months. Don’t forget, if you are not able to do some these important chores yourself, then I suggest you talk to your neighbours and friends and get some good referrals for someone competent / professional to help you. Stay warm! ■ Harry Magill, Sales Representative, Century 21 – BJ Roth www.harrymagill.com

When the water leaves the eavestrough and travels down the downspout you will need to make sure the water is directed away from your home. If not, the water will eventually work its way into your basement through the weakest spot in the foundation wall and this costs a lot of money to repair/replace! To conserve both energy and heat loss, consider upgrading your insulation. For example, when we bought our home, the insulation was approximately R30 (The higher the R value, the better the result). Deciding to upgrade we were advised not to insulate higher than R50, as anything more than that is a waste of money. R50 would give you approximately 17 inches/ 43.2 cm 46 www.womenwithvision.ca

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© Frank D'angelo | Dreamstime.com









LATENESS By Karen Sencich As a Professional Organizer, I assist people with space and storage issues. Inevitably, the root cause of disorganization can be traced back to a lack of basic time management skills. Failure to allocate sufficient time to properly store items results in chaotic filing systems and clutter.

Time is finite. Think of time as a box - you must be able to fit everything in and still close the lid with no bits bursting out. The root of chronic lateness is the lack of a planning process. These timely tips will help to improve the time flow each day. Refine Exit Routines Whether trying to get out of the house in the morning or attempting to travel across town to get to a meeting, time your exit routines. Ensure that there is a backup plan for predictable interruptions, current weather conditions, construction and seasonal traffic patterns. List arrival time, then work backwards to calculate what time you must leave in order to reasonably expect to arrive on time.The GPS in your car can estimate your travel time. Also, factor in time usually spent in the drive through line-up if that is part of your routine. For a week, track how you spend your time getting ready in the morning in 10 minute intervals. Determine what needs to be accomplished: shower, breakfast, grooming etc. Post a shower schedule allowing the early birds to go first.Those who habitually hit the snooze button go last. Set a timer to ensure sufficient hot water for everyone. Reschedule activities that could be accomplished the night before 48 www.womenwithvision.ca

i.e. making lunches, ironing and mending outfits or filling the gas tank. On days when you are running behind: choose a fuss free hairdo and a foolproof, no iron outfit that is easy to accessorize in a snap. Gather essential items near the exit: keys, bus pass, parking money, lunch, backpack and umbrella. Post sticky note reminders near the exit door.

...experiencing classical & creative masterpieces

Radio station morning shows are split into tight time intervals between news, contests, traffic reports etc. making it easier to benchmark each portion of your timetable. Avoid time consuming distractions like television, e-mail and the phone. Lateness at Work I have had calls from administrative professionals frustrated by how to instill good time management practices with their boss or co-workers. One business related suggestion is to start the meeting even if the chronically late person is missing, or always schedule their presentation first. I once read the suggestion to remove all of the extra chairs once the meeting starts so that late arrivals must stand. A radical twist on musical chairs! Finally, prevent the stress of constantly rushing, by regularly building in “wiggle room” to your schedule. Model good behaviour – if you forget something, no back tracking! When you actually leave at the calculated time you stand a better chance of arriving on time. ■ Karen Sencich CPO® Certified Professional Organizer®, Speaker and Writer www.havoctoharmony.com

© Fotosutra | Dreamstime.com

Chronic lateness is very stressful for those kept waiting. Family, friends, coworkers and clients resent hearing lame excuses. Lateness is inconsiderate and creates negative perceptions. It sends the message that, “my time is more valuable than your time.”

Painting the Moment Debra Lynn Carroll





Compiled by Lorraine Leslie

Born in Kentville, Nova Scotia, in the heart of the Annapolis Valley near the Bay of Fundy Debra Lynn Carroll had a lively childhood with her parents Marion and Bruce. Debra was the eldest of seven children (six girls and one boy) and one memory jumps out for her… she remembers delighting in the positive feedback she received for her artwork during her early school years and the recognition she received from judges at a county art exhibition. “I took local art classes when I was about 11. At 16 years of age, I thought I would go to an art college but couldn’t envision making a living as an artist.” After completing high school, Debra Lynn continued her education at Acadia University (BA) followed by an MBA at Dalhousie University. “I worked in the fishing industry after graduation… briefly in Cape Breton and then for a number of years in Yarmouth where I was active with a few community groups. I was a director on the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce and president of the Business and Professional Women’s Club. Two highlights I recall were bringing in a health benefit plan for the company and starting a mentoring system for young high school girls and women in the community as well as networking with high school guidance counsellors. Being a mentor helped in ways that would stand me in good stead as I moved into the art world later in life. In particular, my own mentor taught me to overcome my shyness in situations such as hosting an art exhibit opening where I concentrated on welcoming my guests.”

Trillium Twilight 48x72

“I traveled extensively in my 30s through Europe, India, and North Africa. I even went on a bike tour for several months with one of my sisters. Then, at age 35, my brief marriage had ended and I decided to settle in Toronto near my two sisters before giving birth to my son James. I was a single parent and this challenged me in many ways.” “When I turned 40 I was at the point where I needed a vision for myself. I thought that if money (I didn’t have any money at that time) wasn’t a factor, what would I want to do with my life? Who would I want to be? Vocational rehabilitation counselling, personality/skill testing and a desire to be creative opened my mind to the idea of allowing Contemplating Change 48x60

On the Edge of Time 48x36

Metcalfe Meadows 60x48

myself to become an artist. I figured I had nothing financially to lose at that point in my life so why not go for it? And I did.” “After doing volunteer work in a children’s art-related business I decided to go to art school. I enrolled at the Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) as a preprogram part-time art student and was later accepted fulltime. I thrived in art school and had the greatest admiration and respect for the young students at the school. I now know that I couldn’t have done it when I was younger. It required getting to know myself and becoming more open … an openness to create and share. I’m proud to say that I completed my degree with honours in 2000.”

continued on pg.52 www.womenwithvision.ca 51





Painting in the Moment - Debra Lynn Carrol continued from page 51

There are so many people who visit the gallery, out-of-towners and locals, all of which I enjoy getting to know while talking with them and sharing what I am working on or have just completed. Like any artist, I want people to see my work… and to be able to share it with them brings me constant rewards. Many of the artists in our gallery don’t have the opportunity to see people’s reactions to their work on a daily basis. It is an inspiring and heart-warming place to be.” “The beauty of this area (southern Georgian Bay) is the primary source of inspiration for my work at present. My husband and I are constantly roving the area for images of special places. The texture of the landscape, both distant and up close inspires my work. I keep numerous photos that I have taken over the last nine or ten years as inspiration. I find that I like working with music on and I have my comfortable chair to sink into when I feel like it…I sit back and look at the painting on which I’m working.”

Debra Lynn Carroll

Jennifer Woodburn

Laurie De Camillis

“Upon graduation, with a very large student loan, I was determined to make a living as an artist. The sale of a big painting to a fellow student, sales of some other paintings to my family and two Toronto ‘moose commissions’ shared with another artist got me through until the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition. Sales from that show allowed my son and I to survive until I did my first solo art exhibition at the Women’s Art Association on Prince Arthur Avenue in Toronto (where my first tiny studio was located). I did another solo show with all new paintings in the spring…and the day-to-day world of an artist began to unfold for me. At the next Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition I was picked up by Gallery 133 in Toronto and began selling my work regularly through galleries.”

“I remembered a painting I once saw in Amsterdam at a museum…a large painting of a frightened bird taking flight. I felt like I was there…in the moment…participating as an active viewer. I had hoped that when I started painting I could paint images that would similarly capture the viewer’s eye so they to would have the feeling of being right there. In terms of my work … it is my desire to make the viewer feel like they are seeing the same thing I saw that inspired me.” “I also like to work standing up so that I can put all my energy into the painting. I work on a vertical metal grid system with hooks that enable me to easily move the painting up and down.”

52 www.womenwithvision.ca

“My ideas for my paintings come from the visual stimulation of the landscape as I pass through or by it. But further back than that are my childhood memories of the landscape. What awed me then… the beauty of apple orchards in full bloom, lilacs by our front door, marshes, wildflowers, woods… was their coolness and mystery. I know when I have found a special place. There is an excitement… a tingling… an “I just have to capture this place in this moment”. I take hundreds of photos when I am out searching. I load them on the computer and play with formatting and shapes and imagery and then print out my results.” “The photos provide the structure of the painting. It is my job as an artist to bring the painting to life through my memory of what I have seen. Many people describe what I do as being like a photograph but there is so little information in a small photograph compared to when I am doing a 6 x 9 foot painting. I have to know what is in the dark spaces of the photo. I need to feel the vastness of the distance that has been flattened into a photo. I need to remember the feel of the place, and the light. I need to paint all of that on the canvas and then I need to step back from the abstractness of all the blobs and see what is working and what needs tweaking.” “I often start with the distance or top and grow the painting downward. I love the foregrounds best when I sometimes feel like I can’t get the globs on there fast enough. With the foregrounds I often do a very abstract layer of colours just to get the canvas wet. While it is still wet I draw through it and plop paint onto it and build the foreground rapidly making sure that I add details but this is where the essence of my technique comes to the forefront. It isn’t the details that I am adding…it is the illusion of details.”

“In 2006 my wonderful new husband Phil McCormack and I moved to Thornbury in the Town of Blue Mountains and opened the Loft Gallery in Clarksburg, which we financed from the sale of my paintings. I really liked that my studio was adjacent to the gallery. I think my business background and entrepreneurial spirit (which came to fruition relatively late in life) differentiates me from some artists and I was determined to make a living as an artist. We knew a number of great artists such as Laurie De Camillis and Jennifer Woodburn and invited them to exhibit in our gallery. I love for artists to “make a living” from their art.” “My studio has a very public aspect to it and I struggle with the internal conflict of wanting to share what I am doing coupled with my needing quiet time alone to work and focus.

My technique is in one word, “messy.” Alla prima (at once). I am a very direct painter, often mixing gobs of paint on the brush or canvas. I use lots of paint to create texture; I like to get a great deal of wet paint on the canvas so I can draw my brushes through it for the strong foregrounds. I tend to paint one area of the canvas bringing it almost to completion which is a different technique from most other painters that I know. It’s like a scratch and reveal. The mystery is how the abstract quality that I am working with up close translates into something “real” at the viewer’s distance.”

“Up close, many of my paintings are just messy abstract blobs. It is using abstraction and energy that creates the illusion of reality. In some of my most successful paintings, the viewer remarks that they feel like they are there in the place rather than in front of a painting. And yet, when they step closer to the painting to see it more closely, they are sometimes confused as things become less focused. I remember the first time I noticed this in a painting by James Leahy in Toronto at the Wynick / Tuck Gallery. It was a painting of a wave and I repeatedly stood at a distance from the painting and walked towards it looking for the exact distance where the wave disintegrated from reality to abstraction.” Winter in Kolapore 48x54



Debra’s half painted picture

“Back in art school I had tried everything I could: painting, drawing, plastics, wood shop, metal shop, jewelry, sculpture, figurative works, portraits, encaustic abstract works and lots of what I would call psychological art. My favourite medium was encaustic… combining oil and encaustic wax to create abstracts that evoked blossoms, water, fire, or a snowstorm. Today, my landscape paintings are done in oil.” “A number of my teachers inspired me. I remember my first painting course with Maria Gabankova at OCAD. I was standing in front of a large blank surface surrounded by students and a live model, and was feeling unsure and scared. Then from deep within I summoned the words “no guts, no glory” and stepped forward to make my first mark.” “I was also inspired by artist and teacher Greg Damery who taught drawing techniques. I learned that there is no such thing as a “mistake” in mark-making. He also taught me how to paint with oils without using solvents and to be concerned about health issues for painters. And, Laura Millard inspired me with her art and her love and validation of the importance of the landscape. Also, Michele White inspired with her broad knowledge of materials and techniques. My fourth year drawing instructor Richard Robertson had me making large life drawings that directly influenced my large landscape paintings. I liked working “big”. I learned about the whole body getting into the art piece.” “Some advice I would offer to art students…when in art school just soak it all in. Then you try to find what works best for you… what is unique to you … what comes from within. That is how my “style” developed. I firmly believe that what I create is just the flow of the universe flowing through me. I “give birth” to the paintings but they come from a more universal spiritual source. I am happy to hold onto the brushes while they “paint themselves”. And I am now very happy to soak in the responses of the viewers knowing that each painting has a home and a journey of its own.” ■ www.womenwithvision.ca 53





Kakejiku (hanging scroll) Original Japanese Painting


THE TRADITIONAL JAPANESE KAKEJIKU (Hanging Scroll) Being accustomed as we are to western art (“yoga” in Japanese) in its usually horizontal, rectangular form, the “Kakejiku”, or hanging scroll imparts a different sense of depth and perception, as most of them hang in a long vertical manner. Often depicting various aspects of Zen Buddhism, nature or landscapes, Japanese art mounted on a hanging scroll usually provide a room with a completely different feeling than what we are used to here. It becomes a window into a different culture, a culture that believes that everything, whether it is a rock, a tree, or a bird – has a spirit. Nature is inherent in some way in almost every hanging scroll, as the traditional Japanese artist attempts to capture life like a poet tries to capture a moment with a haiku. Sometimes this translates into a piece that is disarmingly simple, or a painting that is detailed enough to give life to a tree-covered mountain. Almost always working within the master/apprentice relationship, the Japanese student will often take their teacher’s name, and quite possibly change it one or two more times in their lifetime. These names are conveyed with a “hanko”, which is a personalized stamp that is dipped in red ink and then applied to the finished painting - indicating the Zen moment of closure.

■ Paradise Bound www.paradisebound.ca

Egrets 9 This painting dates back to The Meijiera Era. It comes in its original Tomobako Box (approximately 100 years old) and is made of Paulina wood, which retains proper humidity & repels insects.

To see more original Japanese Art visit our website


270 Augusta Ave Kensington Market Toronto ON

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THE BEAT… School & Instrument Boutique Professional Instruction Guitar Drums Vocal Bass Theory

By Shane Cloutier

After teaching music for 19 years in Toronto, Oakville, Orillia, and now in Collingwood, I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside many music teachers, and I’ve come to the conclusion that we all have many different styles and techniques in instructing our students. Personally, I learned to play guitar jazz at Humber College and through trial and error and as a result of thousands of hours of practice and lessons with my teachers, plus educating myself on the techniques of teaching and theory I can quickly recognize when a student is having challenges. Like Eddie Shack, the former Toronto Maple Leaf hockey player, a person’s true and unique talent along with passion in life can turn a vision into a reality. Like anything else in life, learning through bad habits can actually hold a student back from mastering an instrument such as a guitar, drums, piano etc. So, finding the right teacher who really cares about his/her students is like finding the right coach for an Olympic athlete; the chemistry of the two people must match for each to accomplish their personal music goals.

...gentle insights of awareness & change

Some people simply play for themselves however, if performance is the ultimate goal of the student and the teacher then knowing how to explain/teach “real life” theory and/or technique properly takes dedication. In short I suggest when looking for a good music teacher for any instrument, look for the one that has some musical outlet other than just teaching. Theory is great, but nothing beats “real life” knowledge and experience.

207 Hurontario St. Unit 3 Collingwood ON 705.446.6837 ■ Shane Cloutier Cloutier Music, Collingwood

56 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Roman1963 | Dreamstime.com

Now available Melissa McInnes CD at Cloutier Music



After a troubled youth, Eden landed on her feet and now she juggles her careers and motherhood. Like many women today, she has taken multitasking to a new level with her roles as software executive, fiction writer, and mother of three active young men.


There is nothing like a proud parent to get things moving.

Exactly four months later, little Eden Irene Remme was born on July 9, 1962 in St. Joseph’s Hospital in downtown Toronto to two teenagers who were attending Alderwood Collegiate. Then, fifteen months later, Eden’s bother Randy was born.

Eden, Jason with new baby sister, Rebecca

Rebel to Author

“Changing houses as a kid wasn’t much fun due to my parent’s marriage being in jeopardy. They eventually reconciled but this period of my life was less than harmonious. During this time I was a perfect, obedient, results-oriented student but did not have a lot of friends in my new schools. I had braces and glasses and felt like the school nerd.” Moving into Rexdale was an eye opener for Eden. “I started grade seven in a new school. The part of Rexdale that we lived in was a tough neighbourhood and I didn’t immediately fit it in. I remember being very frightened that first year. At one point I decided that the way to fit in with all the other kids was to rebel and misbehave in class.”

Life for Eden’s parents was a challenge in the beginning but her father, Ola, eventually carved out a successful career; first as a salesman and then as an entrepreneur. “My father has done well. He owns his own business called Cool Team Service Corporation. Once my brother and I were in school fulltime my mother returned to school at York University to achieve a BA in Economics. She has always been a talented artisan in quilting and has also written a number of books. Much to our surprise when I was eleven years old my mother had my little sister Rebecca.”


“I had a happy childhood. I liked school. I was a good student. We had a cottage in Huntsville and at the age of nine my whole family took up skiing. As the hills weren’t that big to ski on we later moved our weekend life to Collingwood. My dad was a coach at the Toronto Ski Club for a number of years before the whole family moved its membership over to the Alpine Ski Club.”

Both of Eden’s parents were only 18 years old when they married. After her parent’s brief nuptials Eden’s maternal grandmother and stepfather celebrated the event on a bench outside the Salvation Army. (It should be mentioned that Eden’s mother and father are still together after all these years.)

After reading a copy of Women with Vision Magazine, Camille Remme found herself emailing me about her incredibly inspiring daughter. She briefly explained how her daughter had just finished writing a book and was inviting me to contact her. Within an hour I received a copy of the book in my mailbox which motivated me to pick up the phone and call the author. My conversation with Camille’s daughter, Eden, led me to her recent book launch in Aurora, Ontario … and here I discovered an amazingly dedicated woman with a vision.


Eden’s High School Picture Age 15

“Once my braces were removed in grade 7, and my breasts started to mature, I was suddenly receiving a lot of attention from the opposite sex. It took some time but by the end of the school year and certainly by the beginning of grade 8, I was in trouble at home and in school regularly – but I had a lot of new friends and was on the fringe of the ‘in crowd.”

By Lorraine Leslie

continued on pg. 60

58 www.womenwithvision.ca

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Eden Watt...continued from pg. 59

son Jordan was born when we were just finishing our 3rd year. Doug and I both graduated in April, 1989 with Honours Math in Computer Science. After that I went to work at IBM and Doug started at Coopers and Lybrand.”

I was going in life. It was difficult. I was emotionally charged and often overreacted, getting myself more deeply into trouble.”

“With two busy careers in the computer industry and two more babies, Perry in 1990, and Tyler in 1991, life was chaotic. We advanced our careers, worked long hours, travelled for business and juggled our active and exciting lives with three very active sons. As a family we loved skiing and, like my parents, became members at Alpine Ski Club in 1993.”

Eden moved back home during grade 12 at North Toronto C.I. but still continued to hang out with her friends from her old school in Rexdale. In grade 13 she spent some time at both Northern S.S. and Leaside C.I. but did not finish all her final credits. Still unsure of what direction her life was going and having continued to struggle with her parents Eden decided to work for a couple of years.

“In the early 90’s I left IBM and went to work for a software development firm called LANSA. By the mid 1990’s I was promoted to the position of manager of consulting services with a few consultants reporting to me. Life was busy. I helped win some big deals and my team was growing nicely.” (Note: today Eden is the Vice President of Professional Services for LANSA and has about 50 consultants reporting to her from across North America.) In 1997 Eden began writing articles for business and computing magazines resulting in two dozen published articles. And, she

“By this time my younger sister had grown into a great little ski racer and I was working as a ski instructor part time. And, to my parent’s irritation, I found the party scene around the ski hills as easy as I’d found it in the city.” Eden doing laundry at university

Eden continued in her honest and straight-forward voice... “My home life wasn’t getting much better…increasingly turbulent. In 1976 I started classes at North Albion Collegiate Institute. I had great friends, I went to (I thought, as only a rebellious teenager thinks.) great parties with lots of drugs and alcohol. I received many suspensions from school for smoking in the girl’s washroom, skipping school, and talking back to the teachers. My parents were beyond frustrated. My brother, on the other hand, was one year behind me and was well-behaved in school. My baby sister was only 3 at the time and I adored her; but she didn’t understand what all the yelling and screaming was about. My parents wanted to go away every weekend to ski but I wanted to stay in the city near my friends. When I was in grades 10 and 11 due to my intolerable behaviour I was kicked out of the house on more than one occasion. I lived in a few different places: with a girlfriend and her family, in a basement apartment, in a group home and for most of grade 11, I lived in my aunt’s basement apartment. As a result of all this turmoil my parents moved their family to a less-troubled neighbourhood in the city.” “Lorraine, my high school years for me are remembered through a filter of pain. Although I had lots of friends and steady boyfriends, and went to all the ‘in’ parties, the separation from and disapproval of my family led to confusion over where

60 www.womenwithvision.ca

“With my wilder side it took me a few years of continual struggle with authority but, eventually, I realized that I had to make plans for my future. At that time many family members took the program called Landmark Forum at the urging of my mother. I took it too.”

Eden and Doug’s Graduation picture with their son Jordan

“At 20, I finally went back to school and decided to take a job as a data entry clerk for an insurance company in downtown Toronto. I attended a Computer Programming course at George Brown College through Manpower Retraining. When I got straight A’s in that program, I decided to go for the top program. I wanted to go to the University of Waterloo (UW) for Computer Science. This was a big departure from where my interests had been in high school. Prior to this, I had always imagined that I would study French, General Arts and Literature.” “I thought my college diploma would be enough to get into university but was told I needed to go back to Grade 13 while I was in college. I soon found out why this was necessary. In order to get into UW, I needed all three Grade 13 math courses and I needed an 85 average in them. And … I did it! I took the courses at night school and by correspondence while I completed the program at George Brown College.” “At the age of 22 I entered into the University of Waterloo which was the transformational time in my life. My parents

Eden and her husband at their university graduation

couldn’t believe that I would really do it but they were very pleased and very supportive. I remember crying the whole time while driving down Highway 401 with all my luggage piled in the back of my old Pacer. I was so happy! I was finally doing something with my life. I still tear up when I think about it.” “The years at Waterloo zipped by. I met a lot of younger people who had been more dedicated and focused during their high school years than I had. They hadn’t wasted time, but on the other hand, they hadn’t grown up yet. Eventually some of them didn’t make it but not me… I was ready…and I did well in school. I met a younger man in my program – Douglas Watt. During our travels in the co-op term I became pregnant. When we returned home we got married and in December, 1987 our

Eden celebrates her graduation with her father Ola in 1989 continued on pg. 62

www.womenwithvision.ca 61





Eden take a ski break for a photo with grandpa Remmie, father Ola and one of her sons

Eden with husband Doug, father Ola and mother Camille

critiques. I got a bit better. But I was still largely in the closet (the writer’s closet). I did not know anyone else who was a fiction writer. I had never attended a writer’s group meeting. I’d never been to a writer’s conference or workshop. Only a few selected friends and family knew I was writing fiction. Everything started to change when I joined the Aurora Writers Group and started to write Vision Speak.” “I took some workshops and attended Humber Summer Writer’s Program. In 2007 I started working with a professional editor; reworking the novel repeatedly until it was published in 2009.” “As a fiction writer, with two completed novels, a third in progress, and a number of short stories in-between these projects, I can now stand back and see the progression of my personal evolution during the development of these stories.” Eden and Doug’s wedding day Eden Watt...continued from pg. 61

contributed chapters to an eCommerce college textbook for IBM’s Partners in Education program. Motivated by involving herself with writing and finding a need to return to her first love of the arts and literature, Eden began to create her first novel. “When I began to sincerely write fiction in 1999, I was in the midst of a personal crisis with my marriage. As I look back now on the last decade of my writing and the works I have produced, clearly this has been my therapy. My research into topics of humanity and spirituality, the self-examination that is explored through my characters, and the actual building of the story and ultimate resolution are all integral to my own personal growth and spiritual journey.” 62 www.womenwithvision.ca

“My first book had parallels to my own troubled youth…and ultimately brought closure to any lingering hang-ups about my tumultuous teenage years. This book also launched me on a path that has become increasingly important to me. I needed to write fiction – but I had a lot to learn.” “For a period of time I sent out random query letters to try and sell my first book but regrettably received a series of ‘form letter rejections’ in response. Having been a little naïve to think it could be that easy, I continued to explore the craft of writing, especially fiction. I did a lot of this on my own. I read books on ‘how to write’ and ‘how to get published’. I wrote short stories and I entered a few contests; particularly ones that sent back

“In my first novel,Tristan's Legacy, the life of a rebellious teenage girl spins out of control resulting in tragedy. Years later, as a mature adult with a family and career, the character Samantha must face the past she had buried and solve the mysteries of her youth so she can finally find closure and repair her troubled marriage.” Tristan's Legacy has not been published yet, however, I am now working with an editor to revise and polish this manuscript. I hope to be ready to present this to prospective publishers by late 2010. While the original version of this novel had underlying messages about forgiveness, letting go of the past, and accepting and being grateful for what we have, I hope to subtly strengthen these themes with more life lessons about how we heal ourselves and master our minds, thereby contributing to everyone we touch.”



Vision Speak book covers

“After seeing tragedy unfold on the world stage, beginning with 9/11, and then within our extended family with the death of a lovely young girl by cancer in 2004, and perhaps also as a natural reaction to being a mother of growing boys and maturing as an individual, I began searching for answers on a broader scale about life and death.” “When someone young and promising departs, the ripple effect is enormous. Those affected by the tragedy are haunted by the unanswerable question "why?" Religion is a common source of comfort for those who are grieving but, at the same time, I was tormented by the senseless violence in the world and wondering why organized religions have been at the heart of human conflict for as far back as our history books can trace. And, to be honest, I’ve always been ‘uncomfortable’ with institutional religion, leaving me in a spiritual wasteland of sorts. I’ve since come to understand that there are many paths one can follow to a spiritual life; some more suited to my way of thinking than traditional religious practices.” “These are many of the conflicting emotions that were affecting me while I was writing Vision Speak which was my second novel but the first one unleashed on the world. It was released at a book launch at the new Aurora Cultural Centre in February, 2010. This story is a sci-fi mystery, centered on a gifted young woman whose evolving consciousness becomes a threat to her society while holding the key to humanity’s future. A number of “thought leaders” influenced this story… including the wisdom of Joseph Campbell and Jung's theories on the collective unconscious.” “I have also begun a sequel to Vision Speak with a working title of The Joinings, which continues to explore themes involving continued on pg. 64

www.womenwithvision.ca 63






Eden Watt...continued from pg. 63

“In the meantime, while I strive to entertain and provide thought-provoking stories in my books, they also serve me in my journey to grow both personally and spiritually and I hope that this comes through in my writing. If it helps a few people along in their quest then I am successful.”

By Marj Sawers

As I move through life I have discovered the importance of not just looking forward but also taking time to look back. It appears that everything that is old is new again and can be used by ourselves while learning life lessons that can save us both time and money.

“A primary focus of my business computing career, first with IBM and in my two decades with LANSA and with my writing for business publications (magazine articles, textbook, and blogs) has always been about encouraging organizations to move forward with new technology, by salvaging their IT assets while evolving towards a higher state. Although a career in IT may seem at odds with that of a fiction writer, it does not really conflict. It’s just different.”

I shudder sometimes when I think about the time and the money that it cost to learn some of those life lessons, but I smile when I think of the end results and the joy I have had with my small businesses. Now that I have your attention with the time and money part I would like to share the latest gem that has crossed my desk. C. S. Lewis a wonderful Irish writer and scholar stated

“The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are”

Eden with son's Jordan and Perry at book signing of Vision Speak

I sat back and started to think about my years in business and the people who have shared my journey. Memories of all of the wonderful people who have contributed to my life and my success flooded back to me. In retrospect I realized that I met most of them while networking or volunteering. Wow…can you even start to visualize how many people you have chatted with at a meeting, a speaker you heard or a magazine you have read who have contributed to your success? I have found no matter what I am working on I always seem to get a fresh angle to the situation by talking it over with someone else who is a small business owner or as I like to think of them as “trench mates”. Like every ‘take’ solution when we take, then we have got to add the ‘give’ component. Who are in your circle, now….how are you contributing to their success? If some of your successful friends were chatting about you what would they say? “She is always there for me”…” She is a giver not a taker or, would they say “she only calls me when she needs something” or “she never follows through, she says she will but she doesn’t” Hummm! You really need to take time and ponder this, our actions speak louder than words. As small business owners we really are all in this together even if your products or services are similar.

“Of course, I am still a work-in-progress myself and I expect that this process, and my writings, will continue for another thirty or forty years!” She laughingly adds, “By then, I should have it all figured out!”

This is our secret weapon, we have each other!! Most of our lives are the same, we are juggling home, kids, money relationships etc. so we do indeed speak the same language and deal with the same problems. Isn’t it great to be part of such a legion of exciting people? Now the challenge is to tap into this wealth of experience and information. Start networking today. Check your local “Women with Vision” meetings for a starter, that’s how I got started over ten years ago. You’ll meet many like-minded business women. You know how to do it, you need to challenge yourself to get out and network. Pick a trusted circle and share your load. Prepare to be amazed.

Eden and I have met on numerous occasions since that first chat on the phone. I read Vision Speaks once I had completed my interview with Eden and now I see the whole woman she is: curious, sensitive to other people’s pain, assertive, strong and confident, loyal to her work – both personal and professional, protective of those she loves and still a little bit of a rebel, but now she is the leader, author and a lifelong friend.

■ copyright 2010, Women with Vision! Eden, working sharing her writing awards

64 www.womenwithvision.ca


Circle Flowing

New Age spirituality, quantum consciousness and the future of humanity.”

“One of the greatest lessons that I have learned and continue to work on is how important words and thoughts are. We can tell ourselves that we are useless or we can master our mind and send nurturing, positive thoughts. It’s our choice. We can lose ourselves in conspiracy theories and imagine conflict that doesn’t exist or we can assume that our associates and companions are essentially good and loving individuals, even when it may appear otherwise. Everyone struggles with this at different levels of awareness and every one of us can make a difference in our world and that of others by being present and committed to this mastery of our thoughts.”


■ Marj Sawers, Wedding Wizard 705-722-0243 plan@weddingwizard.ca

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INTUITIVE YOU… Yours To Discover! By Deborah Johnson

© Carolborreda | Dreamstime.com


When most hear the words psychic, clairvoyant, and medium it conjures images of incense, darkened rooms, long peasant-style skirts and hoop earrings. The use of ‘seers’ is widely documented in history books as a practice throughout the ages but unfortunately most emphasis placed on the negatives of this ability; witchcraft, black magic, spells and potions. In reality the ‘evilness’ reputation sparked in England, when one of England’s most powerful kings proclaimed the ability to ‘see’ the work of the devil, therefore all who possessed such abilities be destroyed. In reality, this king retained one ‘seer’ for his own purposes to aid in giving him guidance about his enemies, their locations, battle strategies, army force, etc. This king wielded his power and using the strength of religion as mental emotional leverage to instill fear in the masses, decreed those who defied him and used their abilities be killed. His motive – to ensure his enemies had no ‘seer’ resources of their own to glean his strategies, army force, etc. giving him ultimate power over his foe. Fortunately we are coming out of the ‘sixth sense dark ages’ and beginning to understand, accept, and recognize the incredible positive power this ability offers. Again stereotyping, most think of this application in conjunction with ‘seeing’ the future when in reality it can be very effectively applied in a multitude of practical ways. I have used this ability with bankruptcies and insolvencies, insurance cases, bodily injury cases, jury selection, fraud, human resources placements, corporate coaching, clearing homes that just won’t sell; law enforcement; finding missing people, animals and lost possessions; to Intuitive Coaching which is simply giving people insight into situations and others they interact with, which they may not have otherwise. I view using intuitiveness as using your entire house. Think for a minute of your home, now divide it in two, separated by a closed door and imagine only living in half of your residence, totally unaware of the other section behind the closed door. Envision how cramped and claustrophobic you would feel. Now imagine opening that closed door, moving through it and exploring the other half of your house, how amazed you would be when you realized you could actually have been accessing and enjoying this amount of space all along if only you had thought to open the door! 66 www.womenwithvision.ca

Intuitive ability is exactly the same scenario. Our society closed that door centuries ago for self-serving purposes but now, in this incredibly advanced twenty-first century we are finally coming of age and realizing the unbelievable natural abilities we possess and how positively they can be applied in our daily lives. We are taught to use the left hemisphere of our brains only, to be logical, analytical and academic, to think things through and make sound decisions, when in fact we can actually be further ahead if we access the intuitive right hemisphere of our brains first, our insightfulness, our ‘think outside the box’ mindset that often gives us the most profound and cutting edge knowledge and information – if we choose to access it! Then couple your intuitive right brain perceptions with your logic left brain knowledge and just like the two halves of the house, you would then be functioning at whole brain capacity. What a novel concept! Even if you enjoy winter activities, winter is viewed as a time of hibernating and recharging the batteries, and for many gaining education, knowledge, mental and emotional growth and expansion. Use this season to do some soul searching, begin to tap into your own intuitive resources and allow yourself to discover hidden abilities, which unbeknownst to you, have been there all along, behind that closed door. Entertain the idea of using your intuitive side more freely, explore the possibilities open to you when you access this awareness and begin to apply it to your daily lives. Step past the deeprooted apprehensions subconsciously instilled in all of us and allow yourself to become the ‘whole’ person you were meant to be!

■ Deborah Johnson Author, ‘Look Within, Heal Without’ www.deborah-johnson.net



I ALREADY HAVE ONE OF THESE! By Lynda Pogue (and her pal Louise Cullen) I was in a store the other day admiring a gorgeous pair of red shoes. I love red! Oooooooo... Got to have them! Then....suddenly it struck me... Don’t I already have a pair of red shoes at home? Then it happened again when I was shopping with my girlfriend. I saw the most glorious candle holders that I thought would be perfect for the dining room table... nice and low so people can see each other around the table ... sparkling cut crystal pedestal ... perfect for the pillar candles I bought. I was swooning at the image of how these would twinkle and glow as I set them beside a couple of small cut glass vases filled with white flowers when my girlfriend looked at me and said "Don't you already have one of these?" As a matter of fact... I had TWO! Yikes! We laughed our heads off and admitted to each other that we've done this a few times over the last while. Apparently forgetting is the new normal! We giggled that almost everyone we know is complaining that they just don't remember things like they used to. My buddy admitted to doing exactly the same thing saying to herself… "I already have one of these!" It was good to know that I wasn't the only one thinking of buying the same thing more than once! There are many many many articles explaining the reasons that we "forget" and it doesn't always hint at the onset of a serious memory loss. I love the fact that something as simple as eating blueberries will help! Omega 3’s! Wild salmon! Dark chocolate! But let's get back to the buying the same thing idea. Each of us gets attracted to certain things (like particular kinds of music, people, art, etc.) over our lifetime, so why wouldn't we salivate over that pair of red shoes or crystal candle holder? Now you’ve probably done this before just like me...haven’t you? That’s why we have a closet full of shoes and clothes we rarely see nor have ever worn. Same with kitchen gadgets! We said to ourselves at the time that WE NEEDED IT! WE WANTED IT! SO ... WE BOUGHT IT! Well when I got home... I looked in my closet and sure enough I had one, two, three pairs of red shoes... two of which didn’t fit nor did I like any more! But

■ Lynda Pogue, Writer, Artist, Professor, Keynote Speaker lyndapogue@sympatico.ca lyndapogue.com

at the time I HAD TO HAVE THEM! Then I took a breath and asked myself...do I really need more red shoes? Yummy or not? After shaking my head at the thought of buying more and more of the same thing I started thinking about how lucky I was to be buying ANYthing. I flipped through the newspaper and there before me were some heart-breaking photos of the recent Pakistani disaster.The images burned tears into my eyes. Few shoes.... Few clothes...Little food or water… Homes destroyed.... As I continued to read about the devastation that surrounds us on a daily basis world-wide, suddenly Michael Jackson’s lyrics sang out from my memory: We are the world. We are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day So let's start giving. There's a choice we're making. We're saving our own lives. It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me So...do I need another pair or red shoes? No... I don’t think so... Red shoes just won’t cut it this time! What I need to do is help, in whatever way I can. I am truly among the most fortunate, especially living here in Canada... I have more than enough. What I’ve learned is that compassion, fervor and drive will “pay it forward” and give what others need most. Red is going to stand for “my red shoe reminder” about my new important call to action.

I cried the blues for lack of new red shoes ‘til on the street, I saw a man who had no feet. (Old Saying)

■ Lynda Pogue, Writer, Artist, Professor, Keynote Speaker lyndapogue@sympatico.ca lyndapogue.com www.womenwithvision.ca 67




What Does It Take

to Succeed in Business? By Tillie MacDonald

“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood: ~Marie Curie, Physicist and first woman to win the Nobel Prize

Volumes have been written on what makes a business person successful. Most acknowledge that it’s a combination of key traits. According to one expert on the subject, it takes a mix of intuition, wisdom, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurial giftedness and managerial talent. I’ll add my own, leadership. When Michael Dell decided to expand his young computer company internationally, they told him he was “out of his mind”. Yet Dell’s first international expansion was to the United Kingdom in 1987 and the business was profitable from its very first days. So what does Dell’s success say about leadership? In his words, the lesson is “believe in what you’re doing. If you’ve got an idea that is really powerful, you’ve just got to ignore the people who tell you it won’t work, and hire people who embrace your vision”. As entrepreneurs you know the value of having a vision and planning to achieve that vision. A few problem solving tips:

• The first option is likely to be the best • Use analysis to support your intuition • Put more energy into understanding than in deliberating over what to do • Do not confuse desires with intuition • Think ahead and consult the experts

1) More persuasive 2) Learn from adversity and carry on 3) are inclusive in decision-making 4) More likely to take risks. What struck me about this research is that women often think these attributes are more characteristic of male leadership. The statistics show otherwise. Although more and more women own and operate their own business there is still some stigma attached to their leadership. Fortunately this thinking is changing. There are many ways to operate a successful business but there are certain skills that are inherent in both women and men. The women who lead, know what it takes and do not think they have to operate as men operate, but rather they lead to ensure success in their business. As a small business owner-operator, understand that you have to play many roles to keep your business moving ahead. However, always keep in mind that you are the leader, not just the manager. Consider the following differences:

Managers………See things as they are Leaders……… See things as they could be Managers………Do the thing right Leaders……….. Do the right thing

Do the right work and success will follow. Leadership is the word that always comes up when researching successful people or talking to those who play that role. In a ‘Leadership for Women’ workshop, one of the interesting pieces of research I learned came from the study by Caliper which revealed that women leaders are:

Footnote: Excerpts from the publication CanadaExport and Leadership for Women, TPG

■ Tillie MacDonald, CBED, General Manager tmacdonald@centreforbusiness.ca

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Life Numbers

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WHAT DOES 2011 HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU? By Paola Gucciardi The theme and momentum of the Universal Year and Personal Year numbers are felt throughout the calendar year (Jan – Dec).The Universal Year describes the types of events and activities influencing the world as a whole whereas the Personal Year describes the events that will affect you directly. How will the global environment affect you in 2011?

To Calculate the Universal Year in 2011

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Add each numerical value in the year (2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 4) • Same for everyone Globally, 2011 is a year of structure, practicality and foundation building. A time to settle down, work hard and to implement conservative, thrift and economical practices.


To Calculate Your Personal Year ... Add the numerical values of Month + Day of Birth + Universal Year (4 – See above) • Reduce the SUM to a single digit

Example December 14


December (12th month) 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

3 4


Universal Year (4)



3 + 5 + 4 = 12 = 1 + 2 + 3 Your Personal Year = 3

Personal Year 1

Personal Year 4

Start new projects, embrace change, and be decisive, innovative and even daring. Although global markets may encourage caution, explore new ventures and plant the seeds that create your foundation. Be organized, confident, determined, avoid distractions and pay attention to details.

The events unfolding in the world resonate and influence you. Focus on hard work, organization, practicality, security and foundation building. Take care of the details and guard against becoming too rigid, inflexible and overly worried about money.

Personal Year 2 Focus on patients, tact, cooperation and diplomacy as this year brings unusual sensitivity. The global economic and financial attention may trigger worry and fear. To balance your nervous system, take time to rest, eat properly and meditate.

Personal Year 3 Although the global theme emphasizes hard work, your personal year encourages fun, creativity and self-expression. Your social life is highlighted which inspires you to entertain and be entertained. Focus on completing tasks, avoid scattering your energies and refrain from spending unnecessarily.

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Personal Year 5 Contrary to the planetary vibration, your personal year promotes freedom, change, travel, progression and variety. You may feel impervious to the world’s events. Be aware of the impulsive nature of this year and use wisdom and prudence when making choices.

Personal Year 6 Focus is on progress, financial advancement, family and business. The global attention on security and foundation building resonates with you. Create an environment of love, balance and harmony. Guard against fear and worry about financial affairs.

Personal Year 7 Introspection and contemplation are required to seek deeper understanding. Unlike the economic

emphasis on the world stage, your attention is drawn away from material goals. Quiet the mind, tap into your intuition for guidance and answers and guard against becoming overly analytical.

Personal Year 8 A powerful year focused on pursing and achieving business goals. Follow global events and focus on reaping the rewards of the effort, commitment and motivation in previous years. Pay attention and stay positive. Tap into your intuition, inner strength and confidence.

Personal Year 9 Focus is on your inner world. Although the global events may trigger fear and anger, use courage and strength to complete unfinished business and to de-clutter your life. Alleviate emotional stress by redirecting your attention to the needs of others.

■ Paola Gucciardi, Numerologist www.lifenumbers.ca

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Women with Vision was founded in 1999 to offer business women a networking venue in which they can provide support for one another and develop new business connections. Through this dynamic networking opportunity attendees will receive motivation, inspiration, advice and mutual support to help them take their business & lives in general to the highest possible level. Guests & New Members are always welcome. Luncheons/Dinners: Luncheons meet at 11:30 a.m. / Dinners at 6:00 p.m. and last for two and a half hours. Each district has its own networking day and location. Cost: Each district has its own fee structure ranging from $25 to $30. Reserved seating only. Contact the District Coordinator no later than 48 hours prior to the Women with Vision!™ Networking Luncheon/Dinner at the location of your choice.



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with Life Coach



Are you experiencing some of life’s unexpected challenges? Award winning Entrepreneur and Business Life Coach Lorraine Leslie can assist you in changing your limiting beliefs. Unlock your past, learn from the present and look forward to a bright and wonderful future. A one hour session with Coach Lorraine could help you see life from another perspective. Lorraine’s expertise as a Certified Psycho Spiritual Life Coach,Validation Therapist, Business Mentor and Marketing Specialist has helped hundreds of small business owners throughout Ontario to move their lives and businesses to the next level.

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Mystical reflections of liquid form, Chandeliers after a winter storm. Droplets of crystals seen so clear, Capturing your eye from far and near. Shimmering gems in morning's new light,

Each new shape drips without fear, Bringing sparkle and excitement for another New Year. By Lorraine Leslie

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Diamonds dangle in clusters so bright.

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