Women With Vision! ™ - Summer, 2013

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Women with



Showcasing Business & Lifestyle in South Georgian Bay



Summer Issue 2013

Happy Feet



Jill McPherson Everything’s OK


Fashions Perfect

Garden Containers Business • Health • Gourmet • Fashion • Entertainment • Art • Design • Motivation • Destinations


Women with


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Regular Features 6 73 77 78

Editor’s Desk ~ Free To Be By Lorraine Leslie As The Mountain Turns Life Numbers By Paola Gucciardi Last Word By Lorraine Leslie

Business, Finance & Communication 8 9 10 11 12 14 15

Lights, Camera, Action...Market By Susan Baka Freedom To Be A Millionaire By Janette Burke The Dating Game By Donna Messer Retirement Without Financial Freedom...Really? By Rick Ziemski Freedom Of Speech By Annette Lavigne Do Your Own Thing By Mary Ann Matthews

22 24

26 32 34

39 42

Happy Feet By Beth Nigh Freedom Dressing By Marilyn Wetston

A Well Paired Journey To The East By Grey Coyote The Dark Side Of Microwave Oven Convenience By Joanne Fleming-Valin

Home Garden & Design 46 49 50

Up Front And Personal With Lisa Oz By Lorraine Leslie


Freedom Under Foot By Sue Kenney


The Dangerous Summer By Lesley Paul

Women In Fashion

Georgian Gourmet

Freedom In Relationships By Rose Pellar

Health & Wellness 18

Fashion & Beauty

Living Free At It’s Best: The Home of Ken And Margaret Adolphe By Lorraine Leslie

Arts & Entertainment 56

67 66


My Log Castle Get-Away By Lorraine Leslie Free To Explore By Lorraine Leslie

On the Cover


Feature Editor: Melanie Vollick Sales/Marketing: Lorraine Leslie Feature Writers: Susan Baka, Janette Burke, Monika Gibson, Paola Gucciardi, Dean Hollin, Deborah Johnson, Annette Lavigne, Janet Kurasz, Lorraine Leslie, Mary Ann Matthews, Donna Messer, Beth Nigh, Marj Sawers, Karen Sencich, Karen Sweet, Marilyn Wetston, Rick Ziemski

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Fashion, Gourmet & Home Garden Design Features: Lorraine Leslie

for $16.00+ 13% HST

Proof Reader: Wendy Senten, Office Gem

Women with Vision!™ magazine aims to provide editorials that educate, motivate and inspire people of all ages and from all walks of life, and to promote success in business and daily living.

Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. Copyright 2013 Women with Vision! Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher. The views, opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of this publication and/or publisher who hereby disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from the advice, information or offers presented in articles or advertisements herein. Women with Vision! welcomes submissions, but accepts no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, illustrations and photographs submitted must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope if they are to be returned or acknowledged. Readers who require legal, accounting or other expert advice should obtain the services of a qualified professional.Women with Vision! is a Member of the Canadian Copyright Association.

Created in Canada

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Jill McPherson


Founder/Publisher, C.E.O. Lorraine Leslie

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Freedom Of Soul Freedom Of Self By Deborah Johnson

Summer Freedom In the Great Outdoors By Karen Sweet

Women with

Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n ! ™ m a g a z i n e i s p u b l i s h e d b y Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n I n c .

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Freedom By Marj Sawers

Perfect Containers By Janet Kurasz

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Lorraine Leslie/L’original Productions/Women with Vision Inc.

Jill McPherson... Everything’s Ok By Lorraine Leslie

Freedom To Choose By Monika Gibson

Freedom From Junk By Karen Sencich

womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca

Special Feature Design: Lorraine Leslie

Wright Moves: Amy Wright By Dean Hollin

Destinations 68

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Design/Layout: Candice Lewis~Vivid Designs

Motivational & Inspirational 60


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to be…

Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think. ~ Dale Carnegie We are blessed to live in a country where freedom of speech is our right. We can say what we mean…freely…as our formed opinions / beliefs / thoughts occur to us. As our random unconscious thoughts speed though our minds, we consciously bring some forward and act upon them… freely choosing which paths we take in life. Hopefully your life choice creates a fulfilling and happy journey. Interestingly, we don’t have to learn to write our ABC’s in order to speak our first words. Think of a baby’s babbling which turns into speech. We learn to speak…to mispronounce our first words, like elephant can be ‘efilent’. Then awareness of words comes as children are read to which, of course, helps them to read for themselves. So we talk, then read, then write…and … when you write something down as you get older the evidence is comparative and can be challenged. This is freedom to communicate your ideas AND freedom of others to respond. In this issue of Women with Vision, our writers have expressed to you the reader what FREEDOM means to them through their fields of expertise.

now an example of strength and courage for all who meet her. Also in this issue we look at gourmet and fashion entrepreneurs…entrepreneurialism is based upon the whole concept of freedom. Through my experience of interviewing for our feature articles it was evident to me that having the freedom to share their thoughts and insights was critical for each woman. Are you a good cook? Do you like to entertain or eat out? Among our local women in business four restaurateurs share with you how they became engaged in the gourmet fair. And three fashion experts showcase their passion for designer clothes and décor accessories – let’s go shopping! Recently, I was a little adventurer. First, I spent five days at a magnificent castle in a remote mountain area of Quebec. Then, back home, I climbed up the Scenic Caves in the Town of the Blue Mountains and glided down a zip-line! Now, my feet are firmly on the ground allowing me to be free…to walk, climb or swim this summer. I’m always looking for a new adventure! Lorraine Leslie

What type of freedom are you looking for this summer?

Nominated for


2005, 2006, 2009 & 2010

The feature people about whom I write, have traveled a long, winding road to success – each one on their own journey; a journey that sometimes hasn't been smooth. These people open their hearts to inspire and motivate others, of all ages, to follow their dreams and passions, creating their ultimate VISION!™ 6 www.womenwithvision.ca

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Our feature article on Jill McPherson, a professional educator, is an amazing woman whose freedom became a reality only at the age of nineteen…freedom to move through enormous psychological trauma and physical limitations which enabled her to follow her vision and is

…connecting through educational & networking updates





Lights, Camera, Action… MARKET!

By Janette Burke

Video as a marketing tool People aren’t just watching the latest Justin Beiber shout out, or footage of cute kittens in cardboard boxes. They are engaging with brands, and even subscribing to corporate YouTube channels. Viewers want to learn about products and services, and will even share videos, participate in contests, and respond to what they have seen. If you want to take advantage of this medium, but are unsure about what to produce, look at it this way: a company video is about communicating your brand. It’s also about telling a story. If you are a specialty grocer, you may want to show preparations for a party that showcase your products. If your expertise is your strongest selling point, put yourself front and centre and make a video on a topic of interest to your customers that reveals your knowledge. Here are some other ideas: • Events. Do you hold customer appreciation events? Or, if you are a caterer, perhaps one of your customers would let you film the action. • Employees. Is your staff one of your strongest assets? Have them demonstrate your product or service, create a video greeting, or you can film mini-profiles about them to put a warm, human face on your business.

• Testimonials. You’d be surprised how willing your satisfied customers are to tell people. Tip: Give them a plug for their business if applicable.

I know this – ‘cause I’m working on being a millionaire! I've spoken with and mentored many women entrepreneurs who 'tell' me they want to make more money and have the business and life of their dreams, but in reality create barriers for their success.

Here are some quick do’s and don’ts:

If you're stuck, here is some of the great feedback I've received which I'm sure will help...

• Get permission. Ask anyone appearing in your video if it is ok with them.

1. Believe in yourself and your expertise. 2. Feel free to increase your rates when you’ve worked hard to deserve it. 3. Value your brilliance. 4. Positive thoughts will become your reality! 5. Stand out from the crowd – you’ve earned recognition from your peers for being smart and capable. 6. Get another degree speaks – opportunity will knock on your door in another new client… 7. Hang around successful entrepreneurs to increase your level of excellence. 8. When you have an idea…share it…then it will become a reality. 9. Give support to those who need it – it will come back three fold. 10. Talking about positive people, places and things shows you know what you are interested in. 11. Invest financially in yourself…the rewards will be amazing. 12. Hire help when you need it…no-one said you have to be Superwoman. 13. Travel to events where you can network and learn from other experts. 14. Make positive decisions. 15. Shine, smile and strut your stuff…you’ve worked hard and come a long way lady!

• Write a script. You don’t need to follow it word for word, but a script will help everyone know what should happen when. • Consider voiceover. It’s difficult to follow a script without a slip up or two. It can also be a challenge at editing time to maintain the continuity. A solution might be to record an intro on film, then a full voice narration later to lay on top of the video. • Get a proper videographer. While it may be tempting to go the do-it-yourself route, a professional videographer will know things that you may not, such as optimal lighting techniques, how much to move the camera (since constant movement can strain the eyes of viewers) and how to edit. • Stage your scene. Don’t select an untidy or too busy location. Also, keep your mind on your viewer…if you are touring your bed and breakfast, show the table set, ready for diners, or, better yet, serve breakfast.

• Tours. Certainly a no-brainer for an inn or bed and breakfast, but you can also be effective if you have an interesting workshop or unique production facility.

The bottom line is that using video as a marketing tool works. Whether you use it to answer questions or solve problems, to amuse or entertain in order to stand out from the pack, or to put a human face on your business, it might be a good idea to give it a try. At the very least, it can be fun to make a video!

• How to’s. This can either be to demonstrate how best to use a complicated or unique product that you sell, or, if you are a jeweller for instance, you could produce a video about how to safely clean engagement rings.

■ Susan Baka, President Bay Communications & Marketing Inc. sbaka@baycomm.ca www.baycomm.ca

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I'm convinced that there would be many more millionaire women business owners if they recognized and broke-free from what is holding them back.

Photo: Yanka Van der Kolk

YouTube is now the second largest search engine worldwide with some 72 hours of video uploaded to it every minute. And Canadians especially love viewing videos online. We rank second worldwide in terms of both hours of monthly viewing and number of videos watched per viewer.What does that have to do with your business? Plenty!


FREEDOM to Be a Millionaire

By Susan Baka Your customers spend a lot of time online. Stand out and make the experience and your company memorable by offering up a video.


Another little trick to try… Choose three things from the list above for one week at a time and watch and meet the new and interesting millionaires who want to do business with you. Continue to be authentic, beautiful and divinely feminine – you’ll love the freedom you’ll experience.

No-one said being an entrepreneur is easy, but on the other hand a few reminders always help to put us back on the right path to success and the freedom to do what we want when we want. Be free; everyone is waiting to see what you’re all about…the positive woman with vision you’ve always been. ■ Janette Burke Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant and Columnist janette@yourmarketingmagnet.com www.yourmarketingmagnet.com

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By Donna Messer

Retirement without Financial Freedom

Networking and relationship building is a lot like dating – you have the freedom to choose who you meet, where that meeting takes you and ultimately, if you want to make it a long term commitment.



Dating GAME

Freedom: The absence of necessity, coercion or constraint; the quality of being frank and open. This is the real definition of freedom and could be used when you reflect the true currency of relationships. Being able to speak freely without feeling compelled to say what someone wants to hear is a gift that most of us don’t give to ourselves. As someone who knows the importance of relationship building, I can’t stress often enough how important it is to generate trust. And that trust comes from being honest, forthright and unafraid of what might not be a perfectly positive comment. I speak all over the world and regardless of my audience I tell them that relationships must benefit both sides of every introduction. I stress taking the time to “tell not sell” and to really get to know each other before beginning to do business. The business relationship process is a lot like dating.You think about what that “date” should look like; you make a list of all the qualities that you would like to see that would make them a “perfect” date.You finally meet them and you start to tick off in your mind if they actually do meet your list of requirements. If they do, or are at least close, you might consider setting up another “date”.You want to find out more, see what you have in common.You know that the more you have in common the easier it will be to move from the dating stage to the engagement. With engagement comes intimacy, you get to know them even more, you find out all the little things that may or may not be on your list. You weigh what you learn and you decide to move forward. It’s time to tie the knot, to cement the relationship – you realize that you have to put your words on paper, to divulge your commitment. You need witnesses and you want to make it a special event. Often there are differences in opinion when it comes to the final stages of agreement – can you overcome any hurdles and finalize the relationship? You’ve been advised to have an agreement in place that protects both sides – so that neither party will lose out if the relationship doesn’t last. Does this sound like a strategy for success when it comes to building a long lasting relationship that will benefit both sides? In my opinion, it does.We met, we danced a little, we liked what we saw, we dated, got to know each other, and we made a verbal commitment. The relationship grew and we felt comfortable putting that verbal agreement into a written one. We signed on the dotted line, exchanged vows and as of now, we are “married” and in a relationship that should bear fruit. Our off-spring should be a blend of both sides with a measurable reward from our commitment. We have the freedom to choose our relationships, to present who we are with truth and honesty. The results should be measurable for both sides. ■ Donna Messer Networking Expert, International Speaker www.connectuscanada.com 10 www.womenwithvision.ca

By Rick Ziemski “Freedom’s just another word...” ~ Janis Joplin In 1939 Nazi Germany and The Soviet Union ignited World War II and proceeded to snuff out the political freedom of millions of people in Europe. As a descendent of Polish parents who endured an unplanned three year “vacation” in Soviet Siberian labour camps, I possess till this day a keen interest in the meaning of freedom; a state of existence that seems to me both elusive and totally relative in nature even in a politically free society like Canada. To my parents, the survival of the labour camps and later combat in Italy made living in Canada after the war feel like a freedom fantasy come true. Most certainly, relative to their earlier experiences it was just that. But it was also clear that despite the political freedom, our family was somehow enjoying the good life a little less freely than some others. Life included, high job competition, low wage work, hand to mouth living and nagging periods of layoffs. Clearly freedom was again relative as those who achieved “financial” freedom lived more freely than those who had not. The latter group was obligated in employment and for at least five out of seven days a week did not have the freedom to choose what to do with each day. The choice of whether to get out of bed or not wasn’t possible until the magic state of “retirement”, a time when financial freedom happened. Ah, Eureka! So, in those days you had to earn your financial freedom by holding on to a job and managing money prudently. Otherwise there might be no retirement. What a great concept!

believing that they will magically still retire in their late fifties or early sixties. It just “ain’t gonna happen”! Time for a head shake! Just like with many diseases the options for recovery become more limited the more advanced the situation. For those at the doorstep of retirement the option of “Freedom 70 or 75” may be the only way out. For the younger crowd there is still time to ditch the entitlement feelings and start a net worth building plan, including a more formal money management process and stronger self-discipline, including perhaps some therapy for that entitlement thing. The one thing that is certain is that corporations and governments are moving further away from funding our retirements, even in the public sector. It is just not affordable. The onus is falling on each of us individually. ■ Richard Ziemski C.A. Management Consultant rickziemski@cogeco.ca

But somewhere in the hand-off to the boomer generation this concept got lost. Many boomers, followed now by their own children, gave up on achieving financial freedom and embraced a new form of enslavement called “feeling entitled”. This surrender to entitlement has become a primary obstacle to reaching financial freedom and in turn retirement. It is mind boggling to think that many people, even with substantial pay cheques, not only do not save (via pensions or otherwise) but actually borrow to spend more than they earn, all while www.womenwithvision.ca 11




Freedom of Speech…

Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly reports • Payroll • HST • WSIB • QuickBooks set up and training

By Annette Lavigne

““If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all…” ~author unknown

The freedom we have to share and speak in this country is truly a privilege, and not one to take for granted. But does this mean we should say whatever is on our mind, at any time no matter how it affects one another?

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Picture this, your teen daughter comes home from a friends place and her gorgeous copper penny hair is now jet black with black finger nail polish to match.You have a few options here if you can just control your impulse reaction. If that’s even possible! Option A You flip a gasket and tell her to change it back or she’s grounded for life. (We all know how that’s going to fly, and you’re lucky if she doesn’t choose to run away for the day just to show you who’s in control) Option B You can tell her that her Dad is going to be seriously angry or disappointed when he gets home. (This works for one and not for another and does not apply if Dad’s not living there)



staring at me when I’m walking down the hall!” My auto response was, said in my lovingly maternal voice, “what did you expect when you made the decision to have green hair?” She glared at me with the most evil eyes and then said “what do you know lady?” I deserved it. The story doesn’t end there. A teacher walks in the room, takes a look at the girl and comments “great hair there young lady!” The girl then responds back to the teacher “I know, and everyone else loves it too. They keep looking at me!” And so, I learned a great lesson that day. If I couldn’t say anything nice, then I should have kept my mouth shut. We do have the freedom to say what we want, but the question I have for you today is this. Do you choose to breathe life in your words, or kill with the same? It’s a conscious decision we all make. So the next time your teen comes home with the boy/girl from you know where, what will your freedom of speech sound like?

Option C First, get your breathing under control, then say with a smile (I know it’s hard) “Wow, Sweetie, that’s a big change for you, how are you liking it?” (Note:You didn’t say it was good or bad), and let her tell you what she thinks. I had to learn this lesson the hard way. A young teen came into the school lunch room when I was volunteering and with her vaibrant Kelly green hair, and 8 pony tails placed all over her head, said, “I just wish everyone would stop

■ Annette Lavigne The "Shy Buster!" www.shybusters.com

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I HAVE MY OWN IDEAS ….and I do my own thing



FREEDOM By Mary Ann Matthews

in relationships By Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B.

Some people need to be part of a team, to be with others, to do what is expected of them. And then there are the independent spirits who will make up their own mind without having to concern themselves about what others are thinking or doing. They don’t want to be part of a team. In fact, they can get pretty irritated with someone breathing down their neck, telling them what to do. They want the freedom to do their own thinking. They don’t want someone else doing it for them. They have their own measurement of what they think is right and what they think is wrong.

I have heard of individuals jumping into relationships to escape their parents’ control over them. “I was just eager to leave home” said one woman to me in answer to my query why she chose her partner when it was clear to her from the outset that he had very undesirable traits. This error is not exclusive to women. I have had a few men who told me they knew they shouldn’t have married their wife but was just hopeful things would change once they were married.” On the other hand, there are individuals who jump out of relationships because they want to be free of the responsibilities of marriage. Everyone it seems want to be free.

This independence shows up in a couple of areas. It’s all about the height of the letter ‘d’ and the letter ‘t’. What neither of these two groups grasped is that they are motivated by what they do not want, as opposed to what they want. They are “running away from” instead of “moving towards”. When we run away from what we do not want, we are in fact giving up control of our circumstances to a situation we believe to be less than ideal. In reality, we have chosen not to be free. In the sample, there are two ‘d’s. Take a look at the height of the ascending stroke. It’s short, not tall. This short ‘d’ stem is less than twice as high as the writing (the arrow illustrates how the height is measured). Writers with this independent ‘d’ will dress the way they want to, regardless of what others wear. They are not impressed when someone says to them, “Oh, you have to buy this purse. It’s in season and everyone has one.” They could care less. If they don’t like it, they won’t buy it just to please everyone else. Their mantra might be taken from one of Shania Twain’s songs…“That don’t impress me much”. In the sample, there is one ‘t’. The stem on this ‘t’ is short as well. This is the independent spirit who does not want to be micromanaged. Being a team player is not her favourite place to be. Whether it’s in the workplace or in a social setting, this writer needs her freedom. You might hear her saying things like, “Get out of my kitchen and leave me alone. I can do it myself.” They have their own rules and have a tendency to cut through established procedures. They do not want others to do their thinking for them. Will they have difficulty conforming to rules and regulations? ….. probably. They need the freedom to do their own thing.

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■ Mary Ann Matthews CGA - Certified Graphoanalyst maryann@handwriting.ca www.handwriting.ca

The mindset of believing there is always an escape route is perhaps one of the underlying reasons for divorces or failed relationships. As many individuals have found out, leaving a relationship does not free them of the responsibilities which a relationship requires. If there are children from the union, the responsibility (financial, emotional, etc.) continues for a very long time and regardless of the breakdown of the relationship, you will have to deal with your children’s other parent for so long as the children and you are alive, more so when they are dependent. Also, depending on your financial situation, you may be responsible for or you may be dependent on your spouse for some time. How does that make you free of the other party? Perhaps prior to entering into relationships we should first determine what we want in the relationship and actively and consciously take steps to create the environment to foster that type of relationship. The work doesn’t stop there. Once you

are in a committed relationship, do not be complacent. Keep showing your spouse the love you had for him at the beginning of your relationship and request that he does the same for you. No one is a mind reader. Being mindful in and of your relationship, you can be free to be yourself knowing that your spouse is also free to be himself (the person you took time to know and love) and likely neither of you will want to escape the relationship to a misperceived freedom.

■ Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B.,Barrister & Solicitor Pellar Family Law Professional Corporation rosepellar@pellarfamilylaw.com

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Up Front and Personal with

Lisa OZ By Lorraine Leslie Being the keynote speaker for the Jewel Radio Girls Getaway Weekend in April of this year at the luxurious Fairmont Chateau Montebello Hotel,I had the privilege of sharing the stage with Lisa Oz. Yes, the wife of television personality Dr. Oz. Lisa’s talk was on the Saturday just after lunch so being on a tight schedule, as she was doing a turnaround flight back to New Jersey right after her presentation,I was given the opportunity of a private interview – which thankfully stretched from ten to forty minutes. Our conversation took place in a quiet corner of the Chateau Montebello patio dining room next to a window overlooking the Ottawa River. There was an immediate relaxed feeling as we started to chat…

Lisa was born in Philadelphia USA where she attended Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania; she now lives with her family in New Jersey. At what age did you think medicine might be your chosen profession? “I actually thought health care would be my profession when I was young. I don’t think it is now… My father is a cardiac surgeon and my mother is a nutritional counselor. I’m the oldest of six children so there was an assumption I would go into medicine. When Mehmet and I got married I didn’t have to be the compliant child anymore; therefore, I set my sites on acting. I went to the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute and started acting. Just to keep my parents happy, as parents want you to be a doctor, teacher or a minister, I took classes at the Seminar so they thought I wasn’t totally superficial. I kept having children, we have four and I wouldn’t travel to Los Angeles for pilot season. Family was my priority. Our children are now 27, 22, 18 and 13 years of age.

medical student and I an undergraduate at the time; actually on our first date he took me to an anatomy lab and after that I thought this was probably not what I wanted to be doing. I still toyed with the idea. My graduation speech was about Catherine Hepburn, who was my idol and also attended Bryn Mawr College so I started to realize then I really wanted to be an actress. Health has always been part of my life… growing up we were always immersed in homeopathy at home, attended yoga clinics, my whole family is vegetarian; I became vegetarian when I was fifteen. It was always the focus, not a career path, but a way of life.” Did you at one time think of becoming a Reflexologist? “I rub my husband’s feet…I’ve read books on Reflexology and enjoy it. When you look at the map of the foot it represents all the pressure points of the human body. It is easy to do on an amateur level. Life is a series of opportunities and choices that set us in a specific direction so there were a lot of minor epiphanies and interactions that sort of set the projector of where I am today.” Do you offer suggestions for Dr. Oz show topics?

I thought I wanted to be in medicine until I was in college. My husband to be, Dr. Mehmet Oz, who is three years older than I was studying at the University of Pennsylvania. We started dating in my sophomore (second year student) year in college and his first year in medical school. He being a

“Yes I do…absolutely! I suggest to him things that I am passionate about as a topic for the show. Right now I am politically engaged with genetically modified organisms of food - the whole GMO Food Movement is huge, so I will tell him he needs to talk about this. We are being fed in a way



that we have no say over. I will read something online or look for new information in a book and suggest this would be a great topic – even if it’s not about the show we’ll have those kinds of conversations all the time.” What are the top three qualities you admire about Dr. Oz? “My husband is an incredibly kind person which I love about him. He’s very curious and always looking to improve himself…and he’s very irresistibly charismatic.” What would be your top success strategy to move your life forward? “Do what you love, not what you think you should be doing. I’m a big fan of Will Smith, he talks about, if he gets on a treadmill with you one of two things will happen: either he’s getting off second or he will die. He will outwork you. He’s talented but he’s not more talented than you or anyone else. So I think when you love what you do, you’ll work at it because it doesn’t feel like work. I think that is the key to success…you’re willing to put 10,000 hours into something to be an expert at it. If you kinda show up and like what you do and it’s not your passion you will not excel at it. It’s about loving it, so much that you do it even if you weren’t getting paid and that’s when you actually make money doing it. Truthfully, if my husband had to pay to do the show he’d show up because he’s having so much fun…he loves the fact that he’s having an impact on changing people’s lives – he did that in the operating room but this is at a whole new level. I think the reason he’s so successful at it is that he works so hard. The first time we met Oprah was about ten years ago. Mehmet was getting frustrated repeating himself over and over again to his patients – you have to eat better, you have to quit smoking, you need to start exercising or you are going to be on my table and before they knew it they were on his operating table. He has always been a great speaker and I was in the entertainment business, I had never done television before so I wrote him a pitch to do a television show. I thought it would be a special on PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) so I sent the pitch to a friend of ours who was in television who also happened to be his college room-mate and at the time he was working with CBS. He loved it and shared with us that he was moving to be the

Lisa Oz and Lorraine Leslie

head of the Discovery Channel and this would be his first show. We’ve known Gayle King socially for quite some time so when we were at a function we casually asked Gayle if she thought Oprah would consider being on the show…the topic was on struggles with weight loss – the first show was called Second Opinion and Oprah was our first guest.” Lisa and I both agree; “Ask and You Shall Receive.” Who are your role models? “My Mother – she has a way of being completely selfless in the way that she gives to other people, yet never losing any of herself. She’s probably the strongest, most independent, confident person I know…she owns her space…she’s never the beta dog. She’s all about service and that gives her the strength – she’s not thinking what kind of impression she’s making or trying to impress anyone. Catherine Hepburn – she was a strong outgoing woman who had mind of her own. Mother Teresa – she was completely selfless. George Lucas – I love him because storytelling is my passion continued on pg. 20

18 www.womenwithvision.ca

www.womenwithvision.ca 19







Lisa Oz...continued from pg. 19

What do you and Dr. Oz do for fun? and that’s why I went into the entertainment business. He's a great story teller. He did such a great job of bringing archetypal ideas to the modern entertainment forefront and he did a brilliant job.” What are your top three reads right now? “I have six books on the go right now as I have to interview the authors. My eldest daughter has a new book coming out in April called Relish. It’s partially a cook book and lifestyle book – balancing a career, making a beautiful home on a budget…She has a television show called The Chew on ABC. A couple of other books I really like are: Find Your Own North Star by Martha Beck and True Self/False Self by Richard Roar.”

residuals from commercials used to pay our mortgage while Mehmet finished medical school. I don’t have to contribute now. I work now because I love what I do not because I have to…I guess there is a have to in there because I want to be engaged in a broader area and I have the time that allows me to do that now.” What do you love about your life... “The people in it…my husband, children and all the people I’m surrounded by. ...and what would you change? Ah, the Butterfly Effect – if you change anything it changes everything, so in that regard I wouldn’t change anything. I’ve been incredibly blessed and really happy every day.”

“Family always comes first, second business, then self/career. I’ve been lucky enough especially now, life’s a lot easier. My

“It’s an attitude thing. All time can be for yourself if you’re present in the moment and love what you’re doing. You don’t need to go do something else to counter act that…it’s all attitude and time spent with people that you love that can be refreshingly rejuvenating, even if you are actively doing something for someone else at the time.” “Mehmet and I tried date night once about twenty years ago and that didn’t go so well…balancing our time together is doing things together like writing books. Part of the reason he is in television and I made the pitch was because it gave us time to work together. I find that doing things together works for us rather than planning special time. We like the same things generally – he likes to run marathons, I don’t. We travel together and that time alone works.”


At SIESTA SUN we offer a controlled, intelligent way to get your Vitamin D and a tan. Did You Know? Tanning also helps lessen the effects of acne, psoriasis and eczema.


20 www.womenwithvision.ca

Are you looking for an alternative health care system that has the power to transform your health...one that respects and operates in cooperation with your body’s priorities and needs? Then Jessy’s “Finding Health” Clinic is for you!


“Focus…I do think we are 100% responsible for our attitude. What we choose to focus on colours our reality. When we focus on what’s going right in our lives and what is positive and what we are blessed with and we approach that with a sense of gratitude – that creates positive energy. When you focus on the negative you manifest more negativity.” What bugs you most about Dr. Oz? “Laughingly…”I find it ironic, in life our greatest gifts can be our downfall. His complete and utter drive to achieve and to push himself - he and Will Smith would have a tough time together on the tread mill... He never gets home for dinner on time, he will call and say he’ll be home in half an hour and four hours later show up…but it’s all good.” If you could pick two words to describe you what would they be? “Private and shy...it’s complicated… While I have this very public persona and I’m out all the time, I’m actually ridiculously private and shy. My eulogy would be…if you knew her you know what’s she’s like…if you don’t she wouldn’t care. I’m not on twitter and I’m not interested in celebrity chatter. You could say I’m a complete contradiction to myself.”

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Lets Talk... Because sometimes the best medicine is a good dose of knowledge.

What do you do for Personal time? “Thankfully all of my close women friends are outside of our media/career/public field that my husband and I share…they are my girlfriends and it’s nice to talk about shoes…”

How do you move through a road block?

SUN Information: UVAdvantage.org; VitaminDcouncil.com VitaminDSociety.org; TanningTruth.com; SunshineVitamin.org

30 Forty Fifth St. S. Wasaga Beach, ON 705.429.7474

Finding Health Clinic

BodyTalk How do you maintain your positive energy?

How do you find time for yourself?

How do you balance your professional and family life?

Avoid the hassles of outdoor tanning, such as annoying insects, sand sticking to your body, and exhausting heat. Also, for working people, when you do have a chance to tan, it is either rainy, cloudy or too hot and you burn. Why waste hours of your free time when you can do indoor tanning in minutes.

“We like to go skiing in Utah. We love to do active things together.When all the kids are home they will play pool…we are all very competitive so it has to be something that they can beat each other at like ping pong, basketball.” Our thirteen year old son is in eighth grade, my eighteen year old is a senior in high school and the twenty two year old is just graduating from college, living in London England, making films, and she wants to be a director.”


“The old cliché…how do you eat an elephant – one bite at a time? Same thing, we chuck things together to make achievable tasks. If you have overwhelming projects and you never get around it so, by breaking it down into workable chunks then you can accomplish the entire project.”

My interview with Lisa was so authentic and down to earch…I felt like one of her girlfriends sitting down for an afternoon chat.

© Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine – May 10, 2013

Stuart Ellis Pharmacy 169 Hurontario Hurontario St. St. Collingwood Collingwood 169

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www.womenwithvision.ca 21








Dare to go bare… The beginning of my approach to a holistic life started in the early 90's when I went to a yoga studio. I also became a vegetarian like so many other people today, eating organic foods and subscribing to natural modalities for healing and wellness. Even still, I felt like I wasn’t in complete control of my health. As a child, I experienced a sense of freedom the last day of school each year as I took off my shoes and socks and ran outside barefoot. For me shoes represented discipline and structure. Being barefoot allowed me to be free and experience life in a way that made me feel very happy.

Footnote: Feet are full of acupressure and reflexology points. Each foot when walked on has different anatomical and biomechanical benefits. The natural balancing act with each step and the surface walked on will determine the sensitivity and reaction the pressure points will have on the body.

My name is Sue Kenney and I’m a ‘pilgrim’ who takes groups for long walks on the Camino in northern Spain annually. A couple of years ago I decided to go for a walk barefoot and was amazed at how it affected me. I started to wonder if my approach to being committed to a holistic way of life was missing one important ingredient: connecting to the Great Mother Earth.

■ Sue Kenney Speaker, Coach, Author, Inventor www.suekenney.ca

It's a well known fact that the earth provides us with minerals that contribute to a natural healing process of our bodies. Science has proven that the human body is electrically conducive and evidence shows that the influx of electrons received through direct contact with the earth, yes the dirt under our feet, neutralizes free radicals and reduces inflammation in the body

© Petarpaunchev | Dreamstime.com

Personally, after a few months of going barefoot my posture and balance improved and the inflammation in my hands and feet reduced significantly. I wasn't bloated all the time, the stiffness in my body went away and the bottoms of my feet were no longer sensitive. The biggest change was my allergies to dogs and cats that often flared up in an asthma attack, virtually disappeared. The only change I had made was to walk barefoot in the forest a few times a week. I found my body healing itself - I felt more in control handing the process over to Mother Earth. Just think, you can integrate this forgotten component of a holistic health approach into your life by putting your feet directly on the ground, grass, and rock or in water for 10 minutes a day. That's all. It’s organic, free and it’s right under your feet.


22 www.womenwithvision.ca

www.womenwithvision.ca 23







A “First Aid” Kit By Lesley Paul, B.Sc. Phm The carefree days are not as innocuous as we might like to think. And our skin seems to take the brunt of it. Before you head up to the cottage or campground here are a few topical items that you may want to keep handy to preserve and protect our skin.

Aloe Vera Gel: If a family member forgets to apply their sunscreen, aloe vera gel can provide pain relief, decrease inflammation and promote healing of a burn. The gel from the plant is most effective but you can also use commercial products that are free of added colour and scents. Insect Repellant: West Nile Virus continues to be a concern in southern Ontario, but who can forget the annoying discomfort that is felt after a mosquito bite. Insect repellants with DEET remain the most effective products available to prevent mosquitos from biting. DEET doesn’t kill mosquitos but rather makes humans less attractive to them. The higher the concentration, the longer the effect lasts. Never apply repellents under clothing, or to cuts, wounds or irritated skin.When applying to the face, spray the hands and rub onto the face carefully, avoiding the eyes and mouth. This is also the best way to apply insect repellant on children.Alternatives to DEET such as oil of lemon eucalyptus, citronella or soybean oil are effective but only for shorter periods of time.

Oral Antihistamines: Products such as Claritin®, Reactine®, Aerius® and Benadryl® are first aid kit essentials. We often think of using antihistamines for seasonal allergies but they can be helpful in relieving itching, swelling and inflammation from insect bites and stings, poison ivy, summer rashes and even minor burns. Benadryl® (diphenhydramine), is a fast acting antihistamine is helpful to have around for more acute reactions. Hydrocortisone Cream: This can be purchased from the pharmacy in 0.5% without a prescription. It is useful for treating rashes, itching from bug bites or bee stings, poison ivy and even minor burns. Calamine lotion, an old agent may also helpful in such situations. Topical antibiotic cream or ointment: A product such as Polysporin® is beneficial for minor cuts and scrapes as well as the insect bites that the kids have scratched and irritated. Antibiotic Eye/Ear Drops: Polysporin® Eye or Eardrops are useful for mild conjunctivitis (pink eye) or swimmer’s ear. Both can be purchased at your pharmacy. Be sure to consult with your pharmacist about proper storage conditions. Your pharmacist is an excellent resource when it comes to stocking your cottage first aid kit. Your kit should be individualized for your family. Be prepared; be safe and have a carefree summer!

■ Lesley Paul, Pharmacist dlpaul@sympatico.ca

24 www.womenwithvision.ca

....for the easy, breezy days of summer

© Geanina Bechea | Dreamstime.com

Sunscreen: Sun exposure and burns during childhood increase one’s chance for developing skin cancer later in life. Suncreens should be used daily after six months of age. Look for a product with a minimum SPF of 15 (30 is better) and preferably products with sunblocks such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.Waterproof products are recommended for water activities or those who sweat heavily. Be sure to apply sunscreen liberally 30 minutes prior to sun exposure and reapply every two hours or after swimming or heavy sweating. And don’t forget lip protection with SPF as well.




owner Herma Vegter-Petrie

The vision behind the talent goes back to Herma's earliest years. Born in Holland, she grew up with her four sisters surrounded by European fashions and decor. She found her own way to stay unique while always managing to be one step ahead of the trends. Coming over to Canada, Herma continued to grow and evolve her style; opening her first retail establishment in Cookstown. Through the years, as demand for her unique style and flare grew, she expanded her stores and merchandise selection. After over 20 years of continuous success and a growing family with two daughters, Herma decided to close her doors in Cookstown and move to Oakville.

26 www.womenwithvision.ca

Her brief, yet successful venture in Oakville lead her to begin a more relaxed lifestyle here in Collingwood with her husband Bob. Herma soon realized that her creative mind would not be satisfied without the excitement of retail ownership, and the opportunity to share her talent. She is the one mastermind behind the beauty and atmosphere of Leuk bij Herma’s, which continues to thrive in Collingwood's downtown core. Leuk offers a unique selection ranging from linens to furniture, clothing to fresh florals. Always expressing Herma's exquisite taste and talent.

Model, Heather Cook on location at Leuk www.womenwithvision.ca 27

Joy Boutique, Linda Parolin’s life passion has always been artistic expression with a deep desire to help people. She began her career as a graphic designer, a profession she enjoyed for nearly 20 years before making the decision to further educate herself in the Mental Health and Addiction field.

owner Linda Parolin

accessories to camouflage the larger figured frame to accentuate the positive. I know every woman regardless of size can feel beautiful, and this was the premise behind ‘JOY’.”

Joy Boutique carries a variety of stylish clothing from small to 4X. We have a lot of fun accessorizing with Wanting to bring joy to others Linda did a complete our extensive lines of costume and sterling silver career change in 2011, opening up JOY Boutique. jewellery. Match your ensemble with fabulous “My vision was to work in a happy environment and fascinators, purses, scarves, sandals and umbrellas – and to make others happy. I was grateful to find a walk out the door with the perfect outfit, complete storefront in downtown Stayner where we compliment from head to toe. the other unique shops on the Main Street.” “Customer Service, Fair Trade and Canadian made “Accepting my experience of being a diet failure, I products are an important part of our business. I look chose to share my knowledge of using clothing and forward to serving you at ‘JOY’.”

28 www.womenwithvision.ca

Model, Emily Culham on location at Joy Boutique

www.womenwithvision.ca 29

Gaia, owners Valerie Ford

& Tarren Gilchrist Gaia opened its environmentally conscious clothing shop in the spring of 2010. The mother daughter team of Valerie Ford and Tarren Gilchrist had a goal to provide customers with clothing that was both social and fun to wear. Gaia offers a large selection of natural fibers such as Hemp, Bamboo, organic cotton as well as Eucalyptus. A large variety of Canadian designed and manufactured clothing and accessories are displayed visibly with care and ease for the shopper in mind. “We strongly encourage our customers to shop locally, supporting small independent businesses, which we try to practice as well when purchasing goods for the store.” “Change starts with choice! At Gaia we offer our customers a chance to participate in a revolution of personal values and alternative styles.” 30 www.womenwithvision.ca

Model, Angie Vancise-Robinson on location at Gaia www.womenwithvision.ca 31

Happy FEET


Why not have your favorite esthetician treat your tootsies to a pedicure? Your feet will thank you for it! Enjoy your summer.

By Beth Nigh

■ Beth Nigh, Certified Esthetician

Permanent & Corrective Cosmetics Electrolysis Treatment of: fine lines and wrinkles acne scars • age spots rosacea • facial veins laser hair removal botox and restylane non-surgical face lift medical grade chemical peels excessive sweating

Symptoms include pain (sometimes excruciating!) along the margins of the nail, worsening if becoming infected. Special care must be taken to treat the condition. In mild to moderate cases, conservative treatment with warm Epsom salts soaks, antibacterial ointments and cutting the toenail straight across will provide relief. If conservative treatment does not succeed or if the ingrown toenail is severe, surgical treatment may be required. Plantar Fasciitis is a painful inflammation of the connective tissue on the sole of the foot, caused by overuse of the plantar fascia or arch tendon of the foot. Injury to the tendon is usually the result of an accumulation over time of microscopic tears at the cellular level. The pain is usually felt on the underside of the heel and is often most intense with the first steps of the day. Some people may experience difficulty bending the foot so that their toes are brought toward the shin. 32 www.womenwithvision.ca


• Protect your feet by wearing flip flops when in a public place where the Athlete's Foot fungus may be lurking

Well, I think that Sandal Season has finally arrived! In this issue, I would like to inform you on a few foot conditions that although can be uncomfortable, are very treatable.

Ingrown Toenails can be a painful condition in which the nail cuts into the side of the nail bed, caused by the actual penetration of the flesh by a sliver of the nail.


Treatment options include rest, massage therapy, stretching, night splints, physical therapy, cold and heat treatments, orthotics, anti inflammatory medications and surgery in refractory cases. Athlete's Foot is a fungal infection of the skin that caused scaling, flaking and itch of the affected area. While it is typically transmitted in moist communal areas where people walk barefoot such as swimming pools, showers etc., the disease requires a warm, moist environment such as the inside of a shoe in order to incubate. Conventional treatment typically involves topical anti fungal medications. Keeping feet dry and practicing good foot hygiene is critical to preventing re-infection. Zinc oxide based diaper rash ointment may be used and talcum powder will absorb moisture to kill off the infection.

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So to have happy feet this summer; try to remember...


• Cut your toenails straight across to prevent Ingrown Toenails

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• Wear proper footwear when exercising to prevent Plantar Fasciitis

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274 Main Street E, Stayner joyinstayner@gmail.com 705.517.2000

www.womenwithvision.ca 33



Each season brings new and assorted fashion offerings. The trends are established, the clothes made, and it becomes our decision which items are for us and which are not. We have the freedom to choose and pull our best look together. This summer the parameters are the usual ones. What hues shall we wear? What shapes? What fabrics will we combine? What lengths will we go to? What accessories will we use? It is necessary to understand what the options are and then make our decisions based on our personal preferences, and needs. This spring- summer you can select from very diverse colour palettes. Soft pastels, vibrant primaries including neon, aquatic blues and greens, earthy spice and cool stone tones as well as metallic that shimmer and sparkle. Patterns pull hues together and make unique statements. Small flowery prints can be romantic and feminine, whereas dynamic huge blooms make sophisticated statements. Graphic prints using stripes or squares team traditional black and white or any tone with a neutral or mimic old pj’s with fruity colour combinations.You are free to choose your colours and presentation. The message is yours. You can say “Hey Look at me”, with the bright and bold combinations and patterns or whisper “hello” with soft hues and subtle prints. Regardless of where your spirit guides you, do pay attention to your natural assets and make certain that the colours you select help you achieve eye contact and make you look your best before make up.



34 www.womenwithvision.ca

By Marilyn Wetston

The Wardrobe Doctor



Similarly, when you decide on shapes and styles keep your stature and dimensions in mind.You control what is highlighted and can camouflage whatever you wish with placement of colour and lines you create with your clothing. The conversation about length is always part of the fashion scenario. Now it is not just about hemlines because anything goes! It is also about the length of tops. A bare middle is now a new look. For some a bra top and low rise trouser is perfect. For the rest of us it becomes a challenge to use a short top so that we achieve a fresh look and show no skin. How? Try a short top over a longer one.

Change starts with choice.

Pants come in assorted rises, so select what you prefer. Deep V necks are stylish.You are free to wear a neckline that plunges to your naval or you can exercise your right to fill in the flesh exposed with an under pinning. Sheer fabrics offer you the liberty to wear next to nothing or use your under layer to control what others see. Skirts can be soft or pencil thin and body hugging. Length is a matter of choice. Mini can be completed with leggings or with a great leg reveal and smashing shoes. The decision is yours.

28 Bruce Street, Thornbury 519.599.3040 info@gaiaboutique.ca

Select what flatters you, what feels comfortable and what is appropriate for your lifestyle and you cannot go wrong. In today’s world the current fashions are available to everyone, giving us limitless choices. We can become victims who follow all the trends under the banner of the right to have total freedom of choice or we can exercise our taste, develop our own personal style, and communicate effectively with our clothing selections, thus truly exemplifying the best of being free –free to choose well! It was once written that “no bird is so free as the one who will not fly”. We are free to be our best, free to draw the lines and use fashion on our own terms leaving all unflattering, uncomfortable and illogical clothing options behind. Make good use of your freedom. Enjoy!

■ Marilyn Wetston contact@marilyns.ca www.marilyns.ca www.womenwithvision.ca 35



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705.444.4736 36 www.womenwithvision.ca

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© Nagy-bagoly Ilona | Dreamstime.com

Beth Nigh

Herbal peeling treatments that lighten hyperpigmentation, tighten enlarged pores and improve skin texture

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www.womenwithvision.ca 37 37 www.womenwithvision.ca



The Hungry Sumo


To The East

When Joanne You arrived in Canada at age 20 from Korea, she had no idea what was in store. She came here like most people, not speaking the language with nothing more than a strong desire to make a life for herself here. In 10 years, she has managed to open her own thriving restaurant, “The Hungry Sumo”, located at 188 First Street in Collingwood, a feat not common among her age or gender.

By Grey Coyote

As warmer days take hold, the standard fare of hearty stews and meats paired with rich red wines will start to give way to lighter dishes of fishes and salads paired with lighter whites and beers. This offers the chance to add some Asian spice to life through the food and beverage pairings we decide upon. Here's a quick run-down of the best ways to enjoy the every more popular Asian cuisine scene in your area.

Joanne’s experience is fairly wide ranging from traditional Korean cuisine, slinging coffee’s in a busy café, serving in Japanese and Thai restaurants, and even being the sous chef at a fine dining Italian restaurant. Apart from her experience, she loves good food, and strives to deliver that to her customers, and it shows. After working for so many other people and seeing their successes and failures at running their businesses, Joanne decided it was time to make her move.

With a minimal budget and an abundance of elbow grease,The Hungry Sumo opened in July of 2010. It has been almost 3 years, and “The Hungry Sumo’s” popularity is rising steadily. 38 www.womenwithvision.ca

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

After searching in Orillia, Barrie, Midland and other smaller markets, Joanne set her eyes on a property for lease in Collingwood that she saw the opportunity to make things happen. With the help of her husband, Chris Gordon, the couple secured the property and dove in head first.

Japanese: Don't shy away from this country's cuisine just because you may not like the idea of raw fish. There are many wellcooked dishes within Japanese culture – and we only get about 1/10,000 of the variety of dishes they have! However, if you are a sushi and sashimi fan, we absolutely recommend exploring the world of Sake (which is as diverse as the wines of Italy!). Of course, a Japanese Dry Beer is a fine match, but inquire about the Sake available and try each kind at least once, served at the proper temperature. We don't have many here in Canada compared to what's available in Japan, but that will continue to slowly change. If you can't find a Sake that you feel enthused about drinking, then go for a Riesling or Gewurztraminer – preferably Alsatian. Chinese: It's easier to run the gamut of many different dishes at your local buffet or restaurant in general. When it comes to stirfry, try a light Zinfandel, Pouilly-Fumé or Gewurztraminer. If you're going to eat a heap of barbeque, go with a rich Zinfandel or a Shiraz. If it's spicy fare, go with a German or Ontario Riesling. For lobster, select a medium-bodied Chardonnay or a Rosé Sparkling. For shellfish with mild flavors, a Provence White is fine, and for spicy shellfish, most New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs. Thai: This is where beer can really come in handy if you're a lover of spicy Thai – so go for it! However, if you don't want to feel so full, choose a nice Sparkling Wine or Off-Dry Champagne. If you're not in the mood for something that carbonated, the good-old standbys of Riesling and

Gewurztraminer will usually mean win-win. Whatever the choice of wine, a good acidity will help complement the lime juices, tamarind and salts. Vietnamese: Many of the same choices apply to the ones chosen for Thai or Chinese. There is also good Vietnamese Beer. For a good standby that will work with most spicy dishes, again with the medium bodied German or Ontario Riesling. Korean: Often difficult to pair with wine, feel safe with a Korean Beer. For the meat dishes Bugogli or Gabli, a Chianti or Chilean Shiraz should do nicely. Most fish dishes will work well with a chilled Rosé. For those who like strong Sake, try the Soju! *A good thing to remember is that all of these countries have curry dishes of some sort, and that a good match for almost any of them would be a Pinot Blanc or Pinot Grigio, and/or a Gewurztraminer if it's a very full-flavored dish. Bon appetit! See you next quarter for more delights from the kitchen and cellar! ■ Grey Coyote former Sommelier daily Bon Vivant! www.womenwithvision.ca 39





Grandma Lambe’s

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Dianne is the new owner and operator of Friends Pub & Grill in downtown Stayner. She is enjoying running her own business after working in the industry for twenty five years. At the age of fourteen Dianne started working at Shirley’s Family Restaurant, creating everything from soup to nuts and somewhere along the way felt she had discovered her niche in life… definitely cooking and connecting with people. Working for Terra Cotta and The Gateway…which hold a lot of fond memories for the locals, Dianne learned so much in these great establishments. “During these formative years I found time for my family life, most importantly raising my two sons who are now grown and living on their own. With their help and understanding over the years I am sure they have learned many social skills from being around the restaurant world.” “In 2011, I purchased my own pub in Stayner “The Friendly Town,” knowing full well the only name to compliment my business would be “Friends Pub & Grill.” The people and the Town of Stayner have welcomed my business well beyond my hopes and dreams and I will be always grateful and will strive to continually give back to them.” “We are busy! Open seven days a week for breakfast, with people of all ages dropping in for a homemade bowl of soup, our homemade daily specials and without question our homemade friendly atmosphere.” Friends Pub & Grill is… “where everyone knows your name…” just like the TV Show Cheers.

40 www.womenwithvision.ca

www.womenwithvision.ca 41


Microwave Oven Convenience By Joanne Fleming-Valin

Life’s Way Too Short For Just Average Food.

“When the people lead, the politicians and corporations will follow.”

© Igor Shmatov | Dreamstime.com

The microwave oven still sits on our kitchen counter. I suggested again, to my husband that we remove it, after reading another article on the risks of microwave cooking. I enjoy and often make homemade soups using healthy ingredients.Why would I reduce or destroy its nutritional value by heating it in the microwave? Yes, too often I have been guilty of choosing the most convenient way to heat my food. Do you choose convenience over nutritional benefits? Microwave ovens were first developed by the Germans during the World War II. Later Russian researchers issued an international warning of the health hazards, both biological and environmental, of microwave ovens.

FYI - Microwaves heat food by causing its water molecules to resonate at very high frequencies and quickly turn the water into steam.This friction changes your foods chemical structure ripping apart the molecules. According to some scientists this process renders some nutrients inert, at best, and carcinogenic at its worst, creating new compounds not found in humans or in nature. The research on microwave ovens is extremely contradictory but some scientists now acknowledge differences between microwave heating, and conventional heating at the molecular level, though they appear identical on a “macro” level. These differences at the molecular level are described as the ‘microwave effect’ and are not yet fully understood. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, voted Physician of the Year by the Global Foundation of Integrative Medicine in 2007. In his search for a deeper understanding of illness he identified seven factors that cause chronic health problems that he believes are partly related to food nutrition and microwaves. He believes the “microwave effect” destroys biophotons in the same way it breaks apart DNA bonds, rendering your food dead and lifeless. How yummy is that? continued on pg. 44

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Doris Lajoie love to cook. Her passion started at the young age of eight when she watched and learned how to cook from her father who owned and operated a Bakery and Coffee Shop in Germany before immigrating to Canada in 1960. As the Executive Pastry Chef at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto Doris’ father went on to be the Culinary Course Teacher at George Brown College. In 2000 Doris seized the opportunity to open a café at the Collingwood Airport. A mother of two girls she had her hands full – for ten years she built a loyal customer base. Living in Meaford for twenty three years Doris was always looking for a facility closer to home to open her dream restaurant; and fill a market demand for a unique atmosphere with excellent food that would distinguish her as the ‘go to’ breakfast and lunch destination. In 2010 Eggcitement Bistro became a reality. Doris changes her menu with daily specials to please her faithful customers. Aware of today’s wide range of healthy eating Doris now includes Gluten Free items seven days a week. Along with Customized Catering for Private Parties Doris will tailor a menu to any request. “Our Eggs Benedict has earned us wide acclaim...drop by and say hello” :-)




Microwave Ovens...continued from pg. 42


Just imagine how much the food industry will change if/when these concerns are confirmed by more research. The hazards of cigarettes and asbestos insulation were denied for decades by companies and their well paid lobbyists, to create doubt in people’s minds. Their goal was to continue to make big profits, not public safety. It was grassroots lobbying that raised public awareness and applied pressure for changes in rules and regulations, not the vigilance of the regulatory institutions that were supposed to protect us. Based on my review of past and current research, I’m convinced regular microwave use will compromise the health of thousands of people. I invite you to take time to learn more about the effect of microwaves on your food, and make an informed decision. I’ve decided I can wait a little longer while my soup heats on the stove. How about you? Well informed consumers make the healthiest decisions. ■ JoAnne Fleming-Valin Environmental Insights – Changing How You See Your Choices Inspiring Speaker, Empowering Workshops www.environmentalinsights.com

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Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

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FREEDOM By Monika Gibson



to choose “Freedom lies in being BOLD” ~Robert Frost

Simply said...live the life you dream...the one that’s yearning to come out from deep down inside. Envision Harry Potter in the first movie living underneath the stairs. He was trapped with limited or no options. Yet, Harry believed in himself. He allowed himself to dream a greater vision for his life; he knew he deserved to experience freedom and his potential.

Allow yourself to dream and experience freedom when planning your purchase with the end product in mind. Freedom can mean different things to every individual...so I suggest you do your homework. When you’ve chosen the right home for you, consider the monthly payments, do some research for a mortgage that meets your needs and fits your financial security. Purchasing a home is one of the largest investments you can make and having the freedom of choice will make your dream come true.

When buying a home, whether it is your first home purchase or your fifth, your true heart’s desire should reflect the life you create with precious walls you call ‘home’. For example, when someone walks into your home they should be able to feel the energy, natural spirit of you and or your family. Each room should reflect the freedom and passion that relates to their life. In today’s world, more so than twenty or fifty years ago we have the opportunity to create and live a life of potential and possibility. The state of being “free” rather than being confined or physical constrained requires us to fully realize our own potential and embrace the possibility of creating a home environment we or the whole family will love.

■ Monika Gibson Sales Representative Century 21 Millennium/Collingwood

With an abundance of housing possibilities in today’s market: condos with amazing recreational facilities, freehold homes in family-friendly communities, big homes, little homes, or medium size with a garage, homes with acreage, and homes with a lush mountain view or one on the shores of Georgian Bay – freedom to choose is unlimited. Freedom to paint, decorate or embellish the grounds can make or break a purchase or sale. Everyone loves a bargain but when that bargain needs work the house or property could be red flagged by drive bys... on the reverse, sometimes the house with the ‘bright lime green doors’ can have the same effect. Having the freedom to do what you want with your investment is up to you but when it comes to resale you really have to take into consideration the aesthetic value of your home and property. The reflection of who you are will be reflected in your home and it’s important that you and or your entire family work together to present your property in the best way possible. Freedom of choice sometimes can step in the way of a successful transaction. Don’t think of the price tag until you have done a staging of both the interior and exterior of the house and property If you love the terra cotta walls in the living room consider painting them a neutral colour – a potential buyer always looks at a room by day dreaming of their own furniture in the same space. 48 www.womenwithvision.ca

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4. Incorporate perennials, grasses and dwarf shrubs into your containers to reduce the need to deadhead and trim. These plants are generally more drought tolerant then most annuals and can handle a few weeks of neglect. Choose colourful foliage, interesting form or fragrance. 5. Use self-cleaning annuals that don’t require as much deadheading or trimming back. 6. Always select plants for the location – sun, shade, heat, maintenance requirements, etc.You cannot mix shade loving Impatiens with Marigolds, place the planter on a hot asphalt driveway in full sun and expect the Impatiens to survive. 7. In shade, use white as your main colour, or as an accent to brighten and contrast against green foliage and colourful flowers.


Containers By Janet Kurasz, Hort, AMCT(A) Usually, around March/April, I dig out my gardening books and magazines looking for inspiration for the upcoming summer gardening season and, to be honest, I probably just need my “fix” of greenery and flowers, after a rather gloomy winter. I’m struck by the catch phrases and titles: “Perfect Perennials”, “Easy Designer Containers”, “Dream Gardens” – you get the idea. I understand they are designed to catch your attention, but really? If it was so easy, then you wouldn’t need a designer! What is needed is some sound advice and common sense. Containers are essentially little gardens which mean they are miniature eco-systems. They require the same elements as any garden: a growing medium, proper plant selection, nutrients and moisture. Over the years I have experimented with different growing mediums, plants, fertilizers and whatever other new gimmick is on the market that will help me maintain beautiful containers to the end of the season. Without exception, there are key ingredients to successful containers: 1. The bigger the container the better. A large container can hold more growing medium (container mix) and more moisture to support plant growth and uptake of water and nutrients. 50 www.womenwithvision.ca

2. Use good quality container mix and add a layer of garden soil or a mixture of composted manure and peat moss at the very bottom of the container. I like a ratio of 1 part triple mix on the bottom, and 1 part container mix on top. The lower layer retains moisture and nutrients for a longer period of time. 3. Use a water soluble, powdered fertilizer, formulated for container plants. I use a diluted formulation (1/2 the recommended dosage), weekly, during the early part of the season, by mid July, I reduce the application to every 2 weeks and in August, I cease fertilizing altogether to give the plants a “rest” and then start up in September with biweekly feedings. This break in fertilizing, is why my containers stay vibrant and healthy right up to frost. If you choose to mix a slow-release, granular fertilizer in with your planting mix, you should not have to augment with regular applications of water-soluble fertilizer for 6 to 8 weeks after planting.

8. Remember, green is Nature’s neutral. Choose planters that will complement the style and colours of the plants. Containers must have a drainage hole or holes in the base. 9. Try to reflect the style of the house, surroundings or backdrop. If it is going to be placed in a formal setting, then add formal elements. A window box on a rustic shed should have rustic, informal elements. Take your inspiration from things you love. 10.Experiment with different ideas...monochromatic, greenery only, add statuary or solar lights, etc. Just remember, make it your own. Don’t be afraid to buy a pre-made container and drop it into your own creation. Hanging baskets are great for this. Carefully remove the plants (without separating them) and place in the new container. Then add more plants.Proven Winners provides many examples of container plantings to inspire you:

My passion in Real Estate leads to your Good Fortune.

http://www.provenwinners.com/containergardening/container-recipes Well planned containers are not prone to insect and disease problems so a little care and planning ahead will go a long way towards successful containers.

■ Janet Kurasz, Horticulturist www.kurasz.ca

Monika Gibson Gibson Monika Sales Representative Representative Sales

72 Hurontario Street, Collingwood, ON L9Y 2L8 Direct Line: 705-607-0445 Office: 705-445-5640 www.century21.ca/monika.gibson www.womenwithvision.ca 51





tall cedar trees. I chose a cobble lock paver that looks like natural stone for the surface of the patio.The area was prepared by excavating eighteen inches then packing limestone screening to a depth of ten inches tamping down every two to three inches. The corner markers were established for the patio and then the paving stone was laid in an offset pattern. The joints were sealed with sand.

in the great outdoors


Kitchen & Bath Studio

Photography by Karen Sweet

Once your base is established you are ready to decorate your “room”. The rustic furniture is made from cedar trees and was purchased at The Olde Stanton Store. It suits the native elements of the space and can remain outdoors all year around where it will weather nicely.

By Karen Sweet

The sun is shining, a light breeze is blowing and the brook is babbling. Ah summer, it gives you the freedom to take your design savvy outdoors where you can create a space that invites you to sit with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and friends. We rarely take time for ourselves and summer is the perfect opportunity to enjoy doing nothing! But the discerning homeowner will want a patio or a deck that is as beautiful as the interior of their home. If you take the design basics you used inside outside you will love the space you are in.

80 High Street, Unit #1 Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4V6 705.446.9931

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First decide on the size and location of your outdoor space. If you can, allow three feet around the perimeter of your furniture for traffic flow. Make sure you have a bit of a slope to your patio for water runoff, approximately one inch for every four feet. The next step is to determine the material you will use. The outdoor space I created is adjacent to a brook and just off the master bedroom visually extending the size of the bedroom to bring the outdoors in. The property is located in the country with lots of stone and

The focal point of the patio is the brook so the largest piece of furniture, the loveseat, was positioned to face the brook. A traditional symmetrical layout was used with the side chairs on a straight axis creating a comfortable conversation area. The coffee table is accessible to every guest. A clay chimenea offers warmth and visual interest on a summer night. Finish your room with accessor ies including colourful cushions, garden ornaments and plants. Hostas in different shades of green fill the garden beds surrounding the patio and multi-coloured impatiens thrive in the half barrel planters – both well suited to the shady environment. Planning your outdoor room with the same thoughtfulness that you do your interior will give you the freedom to enjoy your home with family and friends inside and outside.

■ Karen Sweet International Decorating and Design Professional ™ www.altaireinteriordesign.com

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Freedom from

JUNK By Karen Sencich

Do you have maximum use of the floor space in your basement, attic and garage? How did we all end up with so much junk? Typically there is a standard cycle of accumulation as the kids grow, culminating with all the stuff they bring back home from university. Inevitably, once children marry and move out, many parents find themselves warehousing an avalanche of cast off belongings until they decide to downsize.

The old saying is likely true, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.The treasured items will be those relevant to your current lifestyle – therefore the talking fish plaque you inherited from Uncle Bob likely doesn’t qualify. Essential items will be those that you are able to easily access and use regularly. There are basically three different ways to dispose of junk. 1. Have a Dumpster Delivered to Your Driveway A large waste container dropped onto your driveway allows you to take your time filling it up before it is hauled away. Heavy metal dumpster bins sometimes mar the surface of the driveway which gave rise to the popularity of the new soft-sided gigantic bags. Just

be aware that after dark your neighbours may sneak their junk onto your pile! Also, find out if your municipality requires a permit for dumpsters before choosing this option. 2. Deliver to the Dump Yourself A true do-it-yourself enthusiast will head off to the dump.This can work well if you have a pickup truck or van suitable for hauling; just remember that dumps can be hazardous to both you and your vehicle. Dumps can be volatile places with an undesirable concentration of sharp items, dangerous terrain, mould and bacteria.

...experiencing classical & creative masterpieces

Research the hours of operation and when to avoid long line ups at your local recycle centre. Pre-sort junk into categories to save valuable time and money as dumps often charge for certain categories of material. Broad sorting categories include compost, organics, yard waste, household hazardous waste, recyclable materials such as wood, glass, electronics, old appliances etc. Finally, be aware that some municipal dumps require photo ID as proof of residency. If you are dumping on behalf of a family member you’ll have to provide their written permission.

Reclaim your space today by ruthlessly sorting through the bins and boxes of accumulated stuff. Casting off junk can free up valuable space for other purposes such as the car fitting back into the garage! ■ Karen Sencich CPO® Certified Professional Organizer®, Speaker and Writer www.havoctoharmony.com 54 www.womenwithvision.ca

© Anita Nowack | Dreamstime.com

3. Hire a Contractor Many individuals, especially seniors, don’t have the muscles, mobility or motivation to haul items to the dump. Hauling junk has become an indispensible, competitive service in our downsizing society. Exercise due diligence before hiring a contractor. Search online for a reputable service provider, one who is licensed and insured to remove junk without damaging your home. Inquire about responsible environmental disposal policies to ensure the maximum number of items will be recycled as opposed to clogging the landfill site. Some service providers will charge by weight and some charge by volume and this will affect the total cost of the service.







Wright moves… By Dean Hollin

The fact of the matter is that entertainers will typically spend a whole lot of their career attempting to convince certain individuals that they are the perfect choice for a particular job. We do this a lot – usually in the form of an ‘audition’. It is also rather typical, in an effort to land a particular job (and the seemingly evasive paycheck that comes attached to it) that said entertainer will try his or her darndest to be whatever it is the casting director seems to be looking for. – An “artistic act of desperation”, perhaps. However…when said entertainer is lucky enough – or clever enough – to find, and then excel in, whatever he or she is superb at, well…the level of freedom it affords an artist is quite wonderful! Just ask choreographer, Amy Wright.

Amy grew up in the town of Simcoe, and like so many other little girls, took dance lessons in various studios in the area. In high school she joined the cheerleading squad. It was here that she began to put together routines for the team, considering and better understanding things like “levels” and “pictures”. Her passion for choreography had begun. So it was off to University – for General B.A. in Sociology. Yup – you heard me right. However, she continued her dancing while attending Western, and along the way met one George Randolph – a highly credited dancer who had recently started his own Academy for the Performing Arts in Toronto. Amy took stock, made the shift, and ended up at Randolph. While completing the two-year program at Randolph she became acquainted with and began working for faculty member, Stephanie Gorin. Ms. Gorin was (and still is) a name to attached to the casting duties of so many of the mega-shows that Toronto has seen. Through Gorin,Amy became involved in the casting for shows like Beauty and the Beast and the Ross Petty Pantos. This connection proved fruitful! Amy’s energetic personality and skillset prompted Gorin to recommend Miss Wright to choreograph a Campbell’s Chunky Soup commercial. More commercials followed...and live shows…and then a tremendous break, as Amy was hired as assistant choreographer for the 1998 film “Superstar” starring Molly Shannon. Amy’s list of credentials is simply too vast to even begin to list, choreographing everyone from Peter O’Toole to Drew Barrymore, and having worked on shows like So You Think You Can Dance Canada and Degrassi, and Murdoch Mysteries. Through talent and hard work, she’s become a bit of a go-to girl in her field. continued on pg. 58

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Wright Moves...continued from pg. 57

■ Dean Hollin Singer, Playwrite and Live Stage Performer www.deanhollin.com 58 www.womenwithvision.ca

...gentle insights of awareness and change ‘Free’ by Lynda Pogue | lyndapogue.com

Amy’s latest project is more personal in nature. It’s a project she believes in and stands by. She recently helped conceive and bring to fruition a new series on Family Channel called The Next Step – a “tween drama shot in a reality television style following the lives of a group of dancers as they prepare for a National dance competition”. As Choreographer, Casting Director and Consulting Producer for this family-friendly show, Amy’s using that wonderful ability to create…to create wonderful things!



Jill McPherson

Everything’s Okay Born in Orangeville on Aug 20, 1971 Jill McPherson grew up the youngest of three siblings on a fifth generation century farm with a twelve acres apple orchard near Mansfield, ON. With beef cattle, pigs, crops and the orchard, there was always a lot to do growing up. “My older sister Paula and brother David were both adopted so when my parents found out unexpectedly they were expecting a baby their lives changed dramatically. After many tests the doctors at Sick Kids Hospital called it Hypochandriaplasia, which means slow bone growth which resulted in Jill’s dwarfism but only to her lower legs. “I went to Mulmur Mono Elementary School, an entirely bused school out in the country near Shelburne. When I started school I soon realized

how much shorter I was than my peers and it began to bother me. The older I got, it became more apparent the difference in my height to my classmates. I also seemed to suffer with a fair bit of joint pain and often found myself wanting to take breaks from the jobs around the farm like stacking wood or picking up branches when we pruned the apple trees. My siblings would accuse me of wanting to get out of work. I often did what I could to pretend I wasn't in pain as I didn’t want to look lazy but some days I cried. My dad would tell me to go into the house and help my mother. I often wondered why everyone else could do so much work and not feel any pain afterwards. I know my mother would feel bad for me and I guess sometimes "babied" me. She became a little over protective. I think at times I allowed myself to be a victim and would think there were things I couldn't do that I likely could have.”


“My mother often said she got the best of both worlds as she got to experience having children come into her life in two different ways. I always admired how my parents dealt with the adoption. It was always an open topic right from the start. When my brother was young, my mother would rock him in her arms and say "you are my precious adopted baby boy". When he was old enough he asked what adopted meant and my mom said “It means precious.” That was all good until one day he asked what it really meant. After she explained it to David he said he wished he had come from her tummy. My mother said she did too but how he got to her really didn't matter.All that mattered was that they were together forever. We all grew up thinking that adopted was so natural. I never thought that my siblings were any less than my parents' children than I was and I realized that evolved from their honesty in handling the topic.”



You could say this became the backbone of who I am today.”

Jill, Far right -stands with her grade six class in 1983

“My grandparents were also very involved with the church. Grandma was a minister's daughter and she expressed her strong beliefs in God, hard work and gratitude. Until Grandma pointed out things like birds enjoying the bird bath in the back yard, a rainbow or colourful leaves in the fall and acting like she was witnessing a miracle I was oblivious to them. I remember wondering what the big deal is, but now I know and often think of her when I see miraculous moments in nature,” shared Jill.

“My short stature really began to bother me as I grew into my teen years. Fortunately, I did well in school and was well liked by my peers, so overall I enjoyed my school experience but when I wasn't at home or school, I could feel the pressure of people pointing at my legs. People were often cruel at constantly noticing how short I was - like I never noticed myself. Even at school, kids would not realize how much I got tired of them pointing out how much taller they were than me. Due to the “All of us kids were raised with the Jill, (far right) at age 16 with parents John & Isabel Ireland celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary, brother David and sister, Paula condition, I also had bowed legs which belief that we were expected to clean June 1988. added to my lack of self confidence, and up after our selves as well as help with being "different". Looking back I realize the many chores on the farm. I don't now how much this affected my self image. I labeled myself as a nice remember feeling bored very often as no matter what time of year it girl but who was different and deformed.The part however that I am was, there was always something to do. As a young girl I soon learned so grateful for is what my trips to Sick Kids taught me. At a young never to express to my mother that I was bored as she always had a age I learned to appreciate my body and the importance of taking long list of chores that needed done,” shared Jill. care of it. Even though I would often feel sorry for myself at school when I was surrounded by healthy and normal kids, when I went to “I do remember at times feeling sorry for myself that we had a lot of Sick Kids, I was the lucky one. Many of the kids who I met there work to do but when I reached my adult years and moved away from lived in wheelchairs or on crutches or just struggled to walk. My home I soon realized the advantage I had over the other students at surgeries were considered easy and straight forward and my hospital university who didn’t seem to know much about taking care of time, compared to many, was minimal. I remember during my themselves. Some were even in shock at the tasks of managing their surgeries in grade seven and eight promising myself that I would lives and the responsibilities that went with living on your own.” always do my best at taking care of my body. I knew that without a healthy, independent body, life would be challenging. Thirty years With a smile Jill went on to say, “My family has always been very later, I know some of my peers still have not learned that lesson.” involved with the local church. Dad was the choir teacher – he sang and played the guitar and often performed in the musical “Overall, my teen years were good. I have a lot of good memories productions. Mother was the church treasurer. Paula was in the of the fun times at school and weekend social events with my friends. choir and David taught Sunday school. I followed in David’s My parents put a pool in our backyard when I was seven so we footsteps and taught Sunday school when I became a teenager.” attracted a lot of the social time at our place during the summer months. Like most teenagers, I did have my fair share of stress “At church I always felt very comfortable and grateful that my growing up. My short stature constantly concerned me. In social parents taught us kids the Golden Rules - treat others as we would situations I would seek out ways to make sure I was sitting down so like to be treated; which meant, if a neighbour, friend or church my height was less noticeable. I was a "late bloomer" as well so I was member needed help in any way, we were to offer help in what ever form that seemed needed at the time - work hard, be good to others. continued on pg. 62

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By Lorraine Leslie

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Jill McPherson ...continued from pg. 61

often guessed to be about two years younger than I was.To be fifteen and someone thinks you are twelve is crushing to say the least. I remember thinking all my friends had long legs and big boobs and I was the little kid tag along. I often wondered when I would ever feel grown up.” “I enjoyed high school (Centre Dufferin District HS in Shelburne) academically and socially, but I constantly hated dealing with my short height (4'8).When my Doctor at Sick Kids moved to the States (as many were doing back in the 1980's) I got a new doctor who was trained in a medical procedure called The Ilizerov. She had gone to Russia and was trained by a Dr. Ilizerov who invented a contraption that lengthened limbs. She explained that this procedure involved cutting my bones in two places, drilling approximately six pins through both legs that would attach to metal rings that were connected by threaded bars. Every day I used a wrench to turn and force the rings down the treaded bars extending the length of the break in the bones. Even though this sounded very painful, I did not hesitate in knowing that this was the answer to my prayers. I couldn't remember a day going by that I had not prayed to be taller and I knew this was finally the answer. So, at almost seventeen, in 1988, I was the eighth person in Canada to have the Ilizerov procedure performed. I was in the hospital for about ten days and then sent home with my wrench and strict physiotherapy and walking instructions. Overall the procedure was very painful and to this day I have no idea how my parents handled it so well. I would often rock back and forth in my wheelchair moaning with pain, but I never complained, as my way of getting through the pain was imaging myself taller. It didn’t take long for me to notice when I was standing up with my walker I thought I was feeling taller. In about two and a half months my legs had been stretched to the desired length. One leg was seven and a half centimeters longer and the other ten centimeters. I was taller, at my desired height of five foot and both my

legs were the same length too. All I had to do next was to wait for the breaks to solidify. I wore the braces for another eight months. After that there were still casts and external fixtures, walkers, crutches and canes but eventually, by early 1990 I was walking free and tall. In fact, I had just graduated from my last cane a few weeks before meeting my husband at a Junior Farmers Dance. I loved to dance but was pacing myself. He asked me to dance that night and I was so excited that he was such a good two stepper. He kept asking and I couldn't refuse. I remember going home that night in so much pain that I had to crawl up the stairs to get to my bedroom, but I had a smile on my face anyway as I did not regret one dance.” “One of the side effects from the surgery resulted in one of my ankles turned in and almost completely fused leaving me with only 5% range of motion in that ankle. This left me with a limp and a challenge to find foot wear that would fit properly and comfortable. At first, I was not worried as I assumed the doctors could just fix my ankle; but, unfortunately nobody wanted to touch my ankle. They basically suggested I go home and try to make the best of it. Fortunately, I found an old German man who made shoes and orthotics. He made me a custom pair of Burkenstock shoes (I just threw them out this year) and orthotics to put in my shoes. I was so grateful that I could go back to walking again with minimal pain. Fortunately, his son learned the trade and took over making me shoes when his father passed.” “Over the years I have been asked if I regretted having the surgery or if I could go back and do it all over again. I know in my heart I would do it again, of course I would love to go back knowing what I know now so I could have prevented the ankle problems, but I learned so much from that experience, dealing with physical pain, living in a wheelchair and inaccessibility (which I made a video about for one of my high school courses). I was determined at the time as it just felt like something I needed to go through, almost like a prerequisite for what lied ahead in my life. It is during our challenging times that we grow and looking back I realize I did more than just physically grow during those teenage months.” “I graduated from high school in June of 1990.Then I was off to the University of Guelph to take Child Studies. I did not know yet what I wanted to do for a career but I did know without a doubt that it had to involve kids. I always loved kids. I was the one girl in my community who still loved to babysit even when home from university. I was often in high demand to babysit as I loved the kids and the parents knew that.” “I spent four years at Guelph. During that time I started volunteering at a local hospital in the speech and language department as I thought I wanted to be a speech pathologist for children. I enjoyed my time there but it wasn't until my fourth year when I had to do a placement at a local school that I discovered my real passion - working with special needs children.

Jill shows off her walking braces - March 1989 62 www.womenwithvision.ca

I almost missed the deadline to apply to teacher's college. I quickly filled out the applications but was devastated when all three colleges turned down my application. I knew in my heart I had to be a teacher and they just made a mistake. So I sought out the appeal

process and any people I needed to contact who would help me get into teacher's college. A few weeks later I got an acceptance letter to Brock. I graduated from Guelph in 1994 with a Bachelor of Applied Science and from Brock in St Catharine’s in 1995 with my Bachelor of Education.” “After graduating from Teacher's College, I started supply teaching right away. I was fairly busy with that as I would also supply for grade seven and eight which many teachers would not do. Once again my youthful looks made things challenging as I could be mistaken for a student or even get a few chuckles from teachers who had to look twice to tell if I was old enough to be a teacher. It wasn't until 1996, the year I married Scott McPherson, just prior to my twenty fifth birthday, that I remember feeling like I had finally made it. I was finally an adult.” “I soon decided as an adult that I was going to do whatever I decided I wanted to do. I took on a very independent "I can do it myself" attitude. If anyone responded to my ideas as being too hard to do or impossible, I would often respond with "just watch me". Looking back, I realize I was often very busy doing lots of things like teaching, doing extra curricular activities, community involvement, hobbies like book clubs and the gym and people would say ‘I don't know how you do it all’ and I would think ‘well if you want something done or you want to do something in your life - just do it!’. It really almost seemed simple to me.” “Motherhood did not change my attitude on "getting things done" either; I became a mother at twenty eight. Perhaps it was due to my upbringing, plus all the babysitting, but to be honest, there were no surprises with motherhood. I didn’t feel overwhelmed like many of my first time mom peers. I remember being surprised at their surprise of sleepless nights, etc. and think ‘what did you think you signed up for?’ I also promised myself that I would never allow motherhood to stop me from doing what I wanted to do. While so many moms gave up their lives for their kids, I kept going, doing most of what I was doing before motherhood. I have four kids now and not once have I

Jill, age 23 graduates from the University of Guelph 1994

missed a shower because of kids! LOL. Lots of times babies were in a baby seat or towel on the bathroom floor while mommy took a shower. If they cried, oh well, they could handle listening to mommy talk to them through the shower curtain for a few minutes. If I wanted to go somewhere, I would often just pack up my kids and take them along or I would book a babysitter. I always wanted to teach my kids that part of being a good mom is taking care of yourself. I never wanted to ‘let myself go’. My husband and I decided we would welcome our kids into our lives rather than completely changing our lives for them. Overall, I think we all adjusted well.” “I spent my twenties and most of my thirties living in a black and white world. I worked hard most of my life seeking out the ‘rightness’ in everything. No matter what I was doing, I always wanted to make sure I was doing it ‘right’,” said Jill.

Jill and Scott’s Wedding Day - July 1996

“My life was going along according to plan very well until 2004 when, Olivia, our third child was born. She was born with a lung infection and went into respiratory distress pretty quickly. She was transferred from Fergus to Guelph and then airlifted from Guelph to London Hospital. At the time we didn’t know if she was going to survive. The week Olivia was in critical care changed my life forever. I spent the first few days in a compete fog, and then I went into anger, deciding I didn’t do anything to deserve this. I had worked so hard all my life to be a good girl and this is what I got for that? A week after she was born, early Easter morning, as I got up to use the breast pump at Ronald McDonald House where we were staying, I had my first spiritual awakening. I was busy being angry letting my ego tell me all the reasons this should not be happening when I heard a voice…. "You need to surrender, if you stay angry, you will miss the reason this is happening, everything is going to be okay, surrender and let go" “Then I saw a vision of myself swimming anxiously up a stream of rapids and then turning over on my back and riding the waves peacefully. Hearing "everything is going to be okay" didn't even feel like it applied to Olivia. It just felt like no matter what happened everything would still be okay. It is so hard to explain that feeling. Peace

Jill kisses baby Olivia's tiny hand while still in the hospital - April 2004

continued on pg. 64

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Jill McPherson ...continued from pg. 63

suddenly overcame me. Later that morning I called our minister as was the practise every morning. I told her that everything was going to be okay. She said oh great, is Olivia off the respirator? I said "no, oh no nothing has changed with Olivia. I just know now that this is happening for a reason and if we stay angry or upset we will miss the reason it is happening. I think it is happening for different reasons for different people. It is up to everyone else to figure out what the lesson is for them." The next day, Olivia was taken off the respirator.” “After Olivia got better, I must admit, it didn’t take long for me to get back into my busy life of ‘doing" rather than "being’. Three years later we had our fourth child, Grace, who also went into respiratory distress. Not as severe as Olivia but as they called for an ambulance to transfer her to Kitchener hospital from Fergus, I heard myself say to my parents ‘I can't believe this is happening again!’ I quickly assured myself that getting angry was not the answer so I tried to stay open for the signs to why this was happening. I promised myself that when Grace got better I would do better at living a more peaceful, meaningful life…so began my true conscious spiritual journey.” At the same time Jill was dealing with her own on-going physical pain from her childhood. “My joints continued to cause me pain and when I learned about all the healing modalities while seeking spiritual answers, I decided I could use this information to heal myself physically as well. Well, to make a long story short, I was eventually led to a surgeon at St. Michaels hospital who performed hip replacements to both my hips. After returning home from the hospital, after my second hip replacement in January 2011, I awoke early in the morning to what I describe as another spiritual moment. I felt I was being told I was to put on a spiritual event to share with others the many healers that were in our community. I tried to talk myself out of it as I had already made my plans as to how I was going to spend the next four months healing but try as I may, I was constantly given the signs that I was to put on an event.” “With the help of some friends the event took place and was a huge success. After trying to put on a second event five months later on my own, it didn’t go so well. I was forced to stop and do a major inventory on my life.” “After Grace was born in 2007 I took an extended leave of absence from teaching, but my leave was up in September 2011. Motherhood, kids activities, teaching, putting on events plus the many other things I was involved in, resulted in having what I believe was a mini nervous break down. After having a good cry one night, I got out my journal, as I have many times when I have felt lost, and began to write.When I was done and read what I had written, I saw what I needed to do. I knew I was once again being divinely guided. Ask and you shall receive. So, that night I got up from my bed and went to the computer and began politely dismissing myself of the many committees and other activities I 64 www.womenwithvision.ca

Jill with Lisa Nichols co-author of ‘Chicken Soup for the African American Soul’ & ‘The Secret’

was involved in. When I was done, I was down to being a wife, mother, teacher and going to the gym. I could not remember the last time my plate was that empty and I cried tears of joy. I knew I was to take a rest and prepare myself for something new that was coming. I did not know what it was but it felt exciting. At that point I knew I would have to be strong and very selective over what I participated in. Since then I have said "no" to many things and it feels great having the discernment in knowing what I say yes to and what I need to say no to without guilt.” In the fall of 2008 I attended an event in Caledon where I met the publisher of Women with Vision Magazine, Lorraine Leslie. The event was focused on the book The Secret. The speakers included well known authors such as Jack Canfield, Johns Assaraf and Lisa Nichols…the two day event was phenomenal. We enjoyed our time working on the workshop projects but like many people you meet at events didn’t really think our paths would cross again. Lorraine and I reconnected at another event in the fall of 2012 in Flesherton, Ontario, at Silver Springs Culinary Retreat where I was doing a speaking engagement. You could say through the universe we were destined to meet again.” “My path was being set before me. I still wanted to promote healers and the many modalities of healing I had come across, I just didn’t know how. I was completely okay with the "not knowing" as I felt eventually it would present itself.” Sure enough, in the spring of 2012, I got an email from one of the producers at the local Rogers cable television station asking me if I would consider hosting a show on spiritual topics. I laughed out loud when I read it and thought "there is no way that was even on my radar screen; the Universe sure has interesting ways of answering our prayers and showing us the "how". In the summer of 2012 six shows were taped in my basement and the show started airing in September 2012.” “I’m now filming on my new set in the local studio. Local businesses have come on board as sponsors and are providing hair, makeup, wardrobe, flowers and set design consultation.The show is bumping up a few notches and I am looking forward to seeing the next stage the Universe has in mind for me.” My friendship with Jill has grown, sharing and networking and now to the point of her allowing me to share her amazing story with you and for me to appear on her television show. We both truly understand the universe works in mysterious ways.

■ copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine May 10, 2013

Freedom By Marj Sawers

One of my favourite words is FREEDOM because it tells me as women we can achieve anything we want to do within the law.... as well as be anyone we choose to be. In some countries women still do not have that same freedom we take for granted. I am so grateful to be a Canadian! I can hear those who know me rolling their eyes and saying there she goes again.......... Yes, I am one of those proud flag waving Canadians.

Don’t miss a fall leaf drive, or a chance to dip in one of our fresh bodies of water this summer. Experience your freedom to be who you are.

O. We are all good at cheering others on... that is commendable, but what about you setting a goal or a dream and then going after it. Get on with your life and follow that dream. You have the right and the freedom to do it.

M. Back to my favourite old adage... “If it is to be, it is up to F. We can be a friend to anyone we choose, we can support each other in our endeavours. We can experience other nations and or do business around the world. We are free to travel in most countries.

R. We can benefit from the richness and beauty of our country both physically and financially. Success is at our finger tips. We are free to develop our education and our own businesses if we choose. The opportunity to gain grants, training and other benefits are often provided in countries that support growth like Canada. E. Education is available for anyone who is willing to work at it and reap the rewards. Upgrading at any level is possible. Would it be easy to go back to school full or part time? No....but you can if you make the decision. Age is no barrier, I have several associates and family members who have, or are upgrading their education and I am proud to know them, and will support them unconditionally.

me. Call me the rah rah Queen if you like, but I have just finished a long stint caring for my Friend in Long Term Care. I have also lost three very significant Friends who died too early. I spent a lot of time with these vital, wonderful exciting ladies before they left us. I don’t remember hearing one of them say “I will do it tomorrow”. Each of them gave this old world all they had. Don’t develop the “should have - could have” disease. Go get what you want now. Your future is waiting, time isn’t. ■ Marj Sawers, Retired Philanthropist

E. Experience is yours. You are free to follow your dream. I love those news pieces about people diving out of an aircraft on their 80th birthday. What joy it is to watch a little one stick their toes in one of our wonderful fresh water lakes, or one of our oceans on either side of our great country. What are you waiting for?

D. Do make plans to do something big this year or take baby

Shirley Mary Fish M.A., M.ED. author of Forever Love, Twin Souls Collingwood • (416) 605-9301 shirley@toapeacefulplace.com • www.toapeacefulplace.com

steps and do something within your own area....but do it. www.womenwithvision.ca 65




FREEDOM OF SOUL By Deborah Johnson

© Daniela Spyropoulou | Dreamstime.com

Freedom of Self


How often have you discussed a situation or issue with another, listened to their advice which seems logical and sound, yet that ‘little voice’ inside you is advising you differently? When was the last time you felt a ‘red flag’ going up about a choice or decision you needed to make, and disregarded it, opting for the choice that seemed most logical, practical and comfortable? Usually in these situations we find ourselves at a later date reprimanding ourselves with statements such as ‘if only I had trusted my instincts’, ‘if only I had listened to myself instead of others’. As we age, some of us become more settled and trusting in our intuition and follow our hunches and gut feelings more, while others seem to lose the confidence to trust themselves and come to rely heavily on those around them. This dynamic to me is the ultimate freedom – our ability to choose for ourselves; and just as importantly is the freedom and ability to accept full responsibility for the choices we make. When we ultimately put trust in ourselves, and only when we follow our intuitive guidance, do we find true freedom. This ultimate freedom allows freedom of speech – to speak our minds and say what is in our hearts; freedom of expression – to fully extend ourselves physically, emotionally, 66 www.womenwithvision.ca

mentally and spiritually, without anxiety of being judged or rejected because we are content in ourselves therefore other opinions don’t rock us. Freedom of movement and the ability to share ourselves with others from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and countries through travel and technology is a luxury we now have. Not all wish to travel to exotic lands but sharing ourselves openly and freely with those around us who differ from us is also a way of freedom and expression we disregard. Intuition guides us daily in all we do; it’s that inner thought, feeling, or sense we have about all that goes on around us. To be aware of this intuitive information expands our horizons incredibly and allows us the means to be truly free in ourselves in every aspect of our lives. Don’t hold back from fear, embrace change, embrace chance, and embrace the ability to be totally free to do with your life what you wish.

■ Deborah Johnson Clairvoyant, Medium, Author, Speaker www.deborah-johnson.net

© Kenneth Sponsler | Dreamstime.com

Freedom comes in a multitude of ways; freedom of speech; freedom of expression; freedom of movement from country to country; and freedom of choice. This last ‘freedom’ is the one we truly exercise the least. Why? Because we are fearful of making ‘the wrong choice’, ‘the wrong decision’, making a mistake, so we hold ourselves back. More often than not we seek the advice and expertise of others. It never occurs to us that someone else couldn’t possibly know the full dynamics of our situation, yet instead of trusting our intuition, we put our trust in others. If the person we are asking the opinion of is an expert in the area in question, we may certainly benefit, however, even experts can only give guidance based on the extent of their knowledge.

...Explore the world around you



Log Castle


By Lorraine Leslie

Driving cross country on a brilliant sunny morning this past April, I could only imagine the serenity of my destination. Following my Google map made it easy as I twisted my way through the rocky terrain which had been blasted to create the scenic route half way between Montreal and Ottawa to Le Chateau Montebello.

In February of 1930, the site where Fairmont Le Château Montebello now stands was a clearing in the woods. The project was the dream of a Swiss-American named Hubert Saddlemire, who was inspired by the châteaux of the Swiss Alps, and dubbed the project "Lucerne-in-Québec". A Finnish master-builder named Victor Nymark supervised the construction and woodworking teams, who worked in overlapping shifts around the clock, using electric lighting at night.Four months later, the unique and majestic log structure was constructed out of cedar logs and the Château was complete. The construction team started this project by building a spur line from the nearby Canadian Pacific rail tracks; a line that would transport in a total of 1,200 carloads of timber and building materials. Camps were built to house the 3500 construction workers who would create Hubert’s vision. Craftsmen used 10,000 red-cedar logs to build the resort's three main buildings, all cut and set by hand. For 40 years after its completion in 1930, the log château was the private retreat for Canadian businessmen and politicians. In 1970, the resort was taken over by Canadian Pacific Hotels, who re-named it Le Château Montebello, and opened its doors to the public for the first time. It swiftly became known as one of the prime resorts in Eastern Canada. 68 www.womenwithvision.ca

Arriving just after mid day I was welcomed by Nathalie Beauchampo, the Director of Sales and Marketing. Instantly, I knew my stay was going to be one to remember…the experience was about to begin. Walking into Le Chateau Montebello took my breath away. As I walked slowly to absorb the majestic rugged architecture with its luxurious old European flair I could see why it was a special place to visit. I had arrived a day earlier than the rest of the girls…yes I was going to be hanging out with over one hundred and fifty ladies at the Jewel Radio Girls Getaway Weekend. Having organized many conferences and events it was nice to be on the other side of the table…so to speak. After settling into my corner suite with a king size bed it was time to explore. Nathalie introduced me to the Executive Sous Chef, Jean Francois and we settled in for a chat over tea. I was privileged with a private tour of the kitchens, not something that many people have the opportunity to do. There is an Executive Chef, Executive Sous Chef, three Sous Cooks and one Pastry Chef. Thirty five cooks (half of them are women), twenty two stewards, five buffet attendants on staff. Fairmont hotels are proud of the longevity of their staff – one server just retired after fifty years…another server is trying to surpass her colleague and continued on pg. 70



Fairmont Le Château Montebello ...continued from pg. 68

only has three years left until her retirement, if she decided to retire. He shared with me his staff served over 1400 people at this year’s Easter Sunday Brunch. The staff look at each other not as a team but as a passionate family…focused on making each guests experience one to remember. Late afternoon I returned to my room to rehearse my presentation only to receive a knock at my door. Upon opening the door a gentleman presented me with a wooden plank with three tiny pastries. It was around 4 p.m. so I made a cup of tea and enjoyed a quiet moment while having the tasty delicacies. That evening I was the guest of the hotel and dined on the spacious enclosed stone/log patio overlooking the Ottawa River. Chef Jean Francois suggested the trout for dinner which I enjoyed immensely. It had been a long day so when my head hit the pillow it was nothing but sweet dreams…. The next morning, as I woke, I started to think of all the dignitaries including Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and international presidents from around the world who had slept in this amazing hotel; included in this list are countless celebrities such as Bette Davis - 1936, Bing Crosby – 1947, Sandra Bullock and even 007’s Pierce Bronsnan; which made me wonder whose bed I was sleeping in….LOL I took all my meals on the patio, so on the Friday morning I sat watching the robins and listening to the quiet chatter among the patrons…some in French, others in languages I did not recognize. I made my way down to meet with the Director of the Spa, Isabelle Lalonde. I was introduced to a petite woman who led me into a softly lit room with a lavender aroma. I was told the hotel had arranged for me to have a full body scrub, full body massage and a facial – to which I was very grateful. Ninety minutes later I was educated on the history of the spa. For fifteen years Isabelle rented a small room where she provided a limited menu of spa services. Twenty one years later the spas transformation from the one room rental space into a luxury first class spa with a staff of thirty three. Isabelle’s plan on developing

a state of the art spa and team as well as incorporating a small Nordic outdoor spa and more couple suites. Isabelle is also very proud of the program she has developed, training the developmentally challenged. Her present student has been there for seven months and is in charge of preparing the rooms for the staff, making sure the supplies are ready and to help the therapist where needed. Pampered all morning, I retreated to the buffet lunch and back to my room to review my speech. Dinner that evening was from the new spring/summer menu: a crisp Caesar Salad, perfectly cooked steak along with a glass of Perrier, glass of Pino Grigio coupled with a delicious Spanish Coffee. The ladies had arrived for the Jewel Radio Get-Away Weekend coming from all over southern Ontario. The foyer was buzzing with enthusiastic, high energy women, who were ready to relax, party and shop. Vanessa, one of the organizers created a flawless event…everyone was ready to enjoy the food and live entertainment. On the Saturday I had the privilege of interviewing Lisa Oz (Dr. Oz’s wife) and that evening enjoyed listening to comedian Kate Davis, ironically, who I had met a few months prior at another event in Wasaga Beach. Many ladies shopped ‘till they dropped at the amazing exhibit tables, and many people danced at the bar into the wee hours of the night.

Free to Explore By Lorraine Leslie

A number of years ago, 450 million B. C. years ago actually, shells of tiny creatures settled to the bottom of what we now call Nottawasaga Bay. The sediment brought by rivers formed layers of sand, clay and calcium carbonate. The natural pressure, heat and chemical reactions turned the sedimentary layers to stone which became sandstone – clay became shale and the calcium carbonate became limestone.

Research shows that 250 million years B.C. the sea retreated and the Escarpment began its slow rise from the Earth. A layer of hard dolostone now tops softer layers of limestone, shale and sandstone. Over millions of years, the softer lower layers eroded, while the tough upper layer resisted, protecting the layer below it. Having flown over the region a few years back I wanted to see this magnificent transformation and escarpment view for myself. Challenging my inner warrior, like the native tribes that lived in the area hundreds of years before me, I decided to participate in the EcoAdventure Tour at Scenic Caves Nature Adventures which included Tree Top Walking, climbing through the Scenic Caves and Zip Lining high atop of the rocky cliffs in the town of the Blue Mountains. As I arrived at the Eco-Adventure Tour Centre I was introduced to an amazing group of ladies who had traveled from Woodstock, Niagara on the Lake, Toronto and one lady visiting from New

Zealand. We teamed up with a partner, gave ourselves a unique animal name starting with the first letter of our name; I was a Lima, for easy recall (name mind association) and then we were off to explore… Our first stop was stepping onto a large platform that anchored the Suspension Bridge. Gripping onto the large steel cables tightly we all strolled to the centre of the bridge. Enjoying the 10,000 square kilometre panoramic view we could see Georgian Bay sparkled in the sunlight. The view spans across the town of Blue Mountains, Collingwood,Wasaga Beach and on a clear day one can see across the Nottawasaga Bay to Christian Island and if you’re really lucky all the way to Penetanguishene. This amazing bridge was built during the winter over a six month period to ensure the 420 foot suspension bridge would be ready for a late spring opening. The goal was to have tour groups enjoying the warm summer breeze blowing through continued on pg. 72

A lot of the woman spent part of the day at the indoor oversized pool. Others attended seminars and some just wanted to kick back with their feet up in the main lobby by the cathedral high fireplace. Sunday morning at 9 a.m. was the last presentation of the weekend…I was thrilled to be so well received as I shared with the audience How The Universe Works in Mysterious Ways and my epiphany to create Women with Vision! Before I left for the long seven hour drive home, I met with Genevieve Dumas: the General Manager, who has worked at Le Chateau Montebello for a year and a half but has been with Fairmont Hotels for eighteen years. She brings extensive experience to the resort having worked in hotel management and has been trained by experts around the world in such places at Saudi Arabia and Dubi. A driven and visionary woman Genevieve is a creative people person whose goal is to be Vice President of Fairmont Hotels within the next five years. I will be forever grateful for my wonderful visit/stay at the Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello and for having the opportunity to meet such a passionate team of employees who made me feel like a ‘princess’.

■ copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine May 10, 2013 70 www.womenwithvision.ca

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Scenic Caves...continued from pg. 71

their hair as they listened attentively to the experienced tour guides while taking pictures from various angles from this breathtaking suspension bridge. Did you know this bridge is the highest point on the Niagara Escarpment? Our next adventure was climbing up a wooden ladder to an open tree platform; a wooden deck. This Treetop forest canopy walk is 600 meters across ten inch wide airborne walkways strung between a web of platform decks. After clipping our safety lines onto the overhead cables it was time to venture out onto planks one step at a time. The walkway dips and climbs from thirty to fifty feet above the forest below. This above ground exploration stretches between two sturdy hardwood trees and the course trapezes over sixteen trees in all. The trekking was a little testy in spots, which was part of the fun. When we all looked back at the tree top walking event it was agreed it was thrilling and exciting, plus how very proud we were of our accomplishment.To finish the Tree Top Walk we all descended down a 300 foot zip line to the ground. After a wee rest and some water the group was off to explore the scenic caves; which were carved out during the glacial ice age – some of the cave pockets snow still hugged into the corners of the caverns. We were told that over time the ice, weather and waves (the shore line used to reach the walls of the escarpment) shaped the caves and sculpted the rocky outcrops along the towering cliffs…hence the Scenic Caves. We could see how the rock formations created a natural path and shelter for its Indian inhabitants of days gone by. To finish the tour we all had to take our turn on a 1000 foot zip line to get back to the finish of our tour.

With my camera on video I slowly climbed down the ladder face to the view…stepping off the last step I could feel the straps around my leg harness take the full weight of my body. Yahoo, I was zip lining for the first time in my life. Before I knew it I was airborne, gliding, not too gracefully through the air, enjoying the bright sunshine, watching the tourist pointing up at me taking flight. Gliding over the pond 160 feet above the ground what looked like a small brown box in the distance actually tuned out to be a full scale log cabin when the ride reached its final destination. Anxiety aside, I didn’t have more than a second to realize I was safe and enjoying and having fun every second of the way down to the platform where two experienced guides unhooked all my safety equipment. What a day!

As the


Mountain Turns...


I’m going back to ride the Thunder Bird, Canada’s Longest Twin Zip Line which is a half mile cable ride of 2550 feet with a 287 foot vertical drop. This half mile twin zip line runs from the top of the escarpment to the valley below. You start from the top of a 50 foot tower and the next thing you know you and a flying buddy whiz down just above the tree tops while observing the scenery of Collingwood, the Blue Mountains and Georgian Bay all around you. Each person can glide at their own speed (yes you can control the kilometre per hour) as you descend and soar with the birds high above the tourist looking up in astonishment. I must admit to being a little tired later in the afternoon but thinking back on what I had accomplished gave me a sense of empowerment. I have now completed another item on my bucket list…I wonder what’s next?

■ copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine May, 2013

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74 www.womenwithvision.ca All Photography this page © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Special Eve nts Showcasing the Com m unity... GEORGIAN BAY LIFE




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S pe ci al Eve nts Showcasing the Com m unity...

Life Numbers YOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE HOW YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE YOUR NUMBERS! By Paola Gucciardi Your numerology chart is your life’s roadmap. Each of the numbers in your chart represents the various routes and detours available to you. Just like some routes are easier and more enjoyable than others, so too are your numbers. Each number in your chart has distinctive personality traits which influence you in a specific way. One number may encourage you to be introverted while another extroverted. Some numbers can manifest aggressively while others promote cooperation. Since you have freewill thus the freedom to choose, your life is a reflection of your choices. If you don’t like the life your living, change the way you are choosing to experience your numbers. For instance, your Life Path is one of the most powerful numbers in your numerology chart. It outlines the opportunities, challenges and lessons that you will experience. When you choose to use its traits positively, it becomes one of your greatest assets in life. The alternative is to experience the challenges it provides.

To Calculate Your Life Path Number ... • Add the numerical values of your Month, Day, and Year of birth and reduce the subtotals and SUM to a single digit

Example: December 17, 1973 1 2 3 4

Life Path 1

You are a born leader with incredible creativity, originality and competitive drive to achieve success and the limelight. Choose to be a trendsetter, pursue innovations, and make a positive name for yourself. Guard against selfishness, stubbornness and aggression.

Life Path 2

As a sensitive, natural peacemaker who avoids conflict at all cost, living in peaceful and harmonious environments is important for you to maintain a healthy nervous system. Choose to avoid becoming passive, dependent and emotionally unstable.

Life Path 3

Your creative, spontaneous, and fun-loving personality brings joy to others. To avoid scattering your energy, commit to and focus on completing tasks. Choose to balance emotions and vulnerability so not to succumb to moodiness and sarcasm.

Life Path 4 76 www.womenwithvision.ca

December (12th month) 17 1973 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 1+7=8 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 20; 2+0 = 2 3 + 8 + 2 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4 Your Life Path is 4

Since your stability

and security are important to you, your hard-working, conservative and practical ways can cause you to feel restrictive. Consciously choose to avoid becoming overly cautious, rigid, antagonistic, critical and disorganized.

Life Path 5

You are a fun-loving and curious adventurer who loves freedom, change, and travel. Consciously choose to control your impulses and to focus on completing tasks. Also, watch for moodiness, restlessness and overindulgence of drink, sex and drugs.

Life Path 6

Your compassionate and loving nature seeks to help others. Business, love of family and tradition are important to you. Resist the temptation to take on others’ burdens and choose not to become a doormat.

Life Path 7

As the seeker of truth to the mysteries of life, contemplation of ideas, solitude, and privacy are important to you. Choose to positively use your intelligence and intuitive ability.

Resist becoming superficial, argumentative, secretive and detached.

Life Path 8

You are a natural born leader who desires success, recognition and material achievement. Consciously choose to balance financial success with spiritual endeavours that benefit mankind. Guard against becoming arrogant, domineering and dispassionate.

Life Path 9

As a philanthropist, humanitarian and visionary, you enjoy spending money, time and energy on improving mankind. Choose to positively focus on larger causes and watch for moodiness, withdrawal and the tendency to blame others.

■ Paola Gucciardi, Numerologist www.lifenumbers.ca www.womenwithvision.ca 77

Women with...





Last Word

Beams of sunlight free and clear Strike down on daisies far and near


Women with Vision was founded in 1998 to offer business women a networking venue in which they can provide support for one another and develop new business connections. Through this dynamic networking opportunity attendees will receive motivation, inspiration, advice and mutual support to help them take their business & lives in general to the highest possible level.

Happy pistols of yellow unite Giving a glow to petals of white Clusters of flowers bring peace and joy To all who pick them and enjoy Gather a bunch to bring forth a smile Knowing the daisies will be ‘round a while

Guests & New Members are always welcome.

By Lorraine Leslie

Luncheons/Dinners: Luncheons meet at 11:30 a.m. / Dinners at 6:00 p.m. and last for two and a half hours. Each district has its own networking day and location.

Cost: Each district has its own fee structure ranging from $25 to $30. Reserved seating only. Contact the District Coordinator no later than 48 hours prior to the Women with Vision!™ Networking Luncheon/Dinner at the location of your choice.



Usual Agenda: 11:30 Registration & Networking 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Announcements & Introductions

12:50 Guest Speaker 1:15 Q & A 1:30 Back to work…

Membership: Annual Fee: $75.00 + $9.75 HST = $84.75

Members benefits: • WWV Membership REFERRAL BONUSES* • Direct mailing of Women with Vision Magazine • $5 off on your luncheon or dinner – all regions • Member bio and picture on the Women with Vision website with a link to your website • 10% off magazine advertising* • 1/2 hour telephone session with Award Winning Coach Lorraine Leslie • WWV Membership tax receipt

• Advance notification of networking events, conferences and trade shows • Annual Membership Card • Franchise opportunities

To enquire about Networking Luncheon/ Dinner locations across Ontario contact Head Office 156 Brophy’s Lane, Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 Phone: 1-866-306-6021 womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca

New Regions Opening all the time Call us to become a District Coordinator in your community.

Start a Women with Vision! Networking Association in YOUR community today! We are seeking businesswomen who are committed to excellence, leadership, mentorship and supporting like-minded women in business! The right person will understand business development, marketing and building the Women with Vision mission: to educate, motivate, inspire and promote women in business and daily living. If you are a leader that likes to change lives and you believe in working with a dynamic visionary team…Women with Vision is for YOU!

Give us a call today! 1.866.306.6021 or email your resume to:

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womenwithvision@rogers.com – Application Go to our website at www.womenwithvision.ca to see how we’ve grown from a one page newsletter to a full glossy magazine and 6 Women with Vision Networking Chapters. Send us your resume, request and application form, meet with us in person, and you could become part of the Women with Vision Networking Association in your community.



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