Women With Vision ® Winter - 2013

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Showcasing Business & Lifestyle in South Georgian Bay


Lesley Paul You Only Live Once!

Winter Issue 2013/2014

5 Tips

for Powerful Presentations





with n e Wom

FUNDRAISER For the Barrie Canadian Mental Health Association

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Women with


Winter 13/14 On the Cover

Lesley Paul

18 22 24


Regular Features 6

68 69 72 73 74

Editor’s Desk ~ Communication & Leadership By Lorraine Leslie Visions Views & Insights As The Mountain Turns


10 11 12 14 15

Elder Care...Be There By Lorraine Leslie

Fall Fashion

Georgian Gourmet 31 33 34 36

Life Numbers By Paola Gucciardi Last Word By Lorraine Leslie

46 48

Fashion Reflections By Marilyn Wetston

The Life Of Pie By Susanne Mikler Crystal Clear Holiday Wines By Grey Coyote Christmas Plum Pudding By Sally Michaud Chocolate Fondue By Lorraine Leslie

Vision Wordsearch

Business, Finance & Communication 8

Lifestyle & Beauty


Gardening from the Start By Janet Kurasz Be Your Own Florist By Lorraine Leslie

Arts & Entertainment 50

As She Likes It: Jane McClelland By Dean Hollin

Motivational & Inspirational 54 61 62

Keeping It Simple By Marj Sawers Your Life...Crystal Clear Or Murky? By Deborah Johnson





Celebrating A Local Hero: Billy Bishop Contributed By Mindy Gill

Create a Crystal Clear Home Safety Plan By Karen Sencich

Five Tips for Powerful Presentations By Susan Baka Are you Clear on Why Trying Isn’t Doing By Janette Burke The Little Brown Bag By Donna Messer



Do You Stay Or Should You Leave By Rose Pellar The Bean Counter By Rick Ziemski It’s Crystal Clear To Me By Mary Ann Matthews Crystal Clear Communication By Lorraine Leslie

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1-866-306-6021 or e-mail: womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca

Women with


Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n ! ™ m a g a z i n e i s p u b l i s h e d b y Wo m e n w i t h V i s i o n I n c . Founder/Publisher, C.E.O. Lorraine Leslie Sales/Marketing: Lorraine Leslie, Debby Goldrick Feature Writers: Susan Baka, Janette Burke, Monika Gibson, Paola Gucciardi, Dean Hollin, Deborah Johnson, Janet Kurasz, Lorraine Leslie, Sally Michaud, Donna Messer, Marj Sawers, Karen Sencich, Marilyn Wetston, Rick Ziemski


Design/Layout: Candice Lewis |www.candicelewis.ca Special Feature Design: Lorraine Leslie Cover and Feature Photography: Kristi Brethauer and Lorraine Leslie Photography: Dreamstime.com Feature Photography:Lorraine Leslie/L’original Productions | Women with Vision Inc.

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VISION!™ MAGAZINE for $14.00+HST $1.82

Fashion, Gourmet & Home Garden Design Features: Lorraine Leslie Proof Reader: Wendy Senten, Office Gem

Women with Vision!™ magazine aims to provide editorials that educate, motivate and inspire people of all ages and from all walks of life, and to promote success in business and daily living.

Mailing Address: 156 Brophy’s Lane Blue Mountains ON L9Y 0K3 Bus: 1-866-306-6021 Fax : (705) 445-7153 Email: womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. Copyright 2013 Women with Vision! Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher. The views, opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of this publication and/or publisher who hereby disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from the advice, information or offers presented in articles or advertisements herein. Women with Vision! welcomes submissions, but accepts no responsibility for unsolicited materials. All manuscripts, illustrations and photographs submitted must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope if they are to be returned or acknowledged. Readers who require legal, accounting or other expert advice should obtain the services of a qualified professional.Women with Vision! is a Member of the Canadian Copyright Association.

Created in Canada


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Cover and Feature Photography: Shane Maclaughlan | masterpixcanada.com

Lesley Paul... You Only Live Once By Lorraine Leslie

Home, Garden & Design An Old-Fashioned Country Christmas By Lorraine Leslie


Build Your Bright Shiny Future By Monika Gibson

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The EDITOR’S desk

Communication and Leadership Crystal clear communication is a year round effort, not just during annual holidays five times a year. Whether it’s at work, with friends or someone new you’ve just met…knowing how to express yourself can make for a lasting friendship.

Leadership comes from a continual effort to express your wants, needs and desires. If there’s a mutual compatibility from the start, then the ladder to a successful relationship is yours to climb. What’s the old phrase: ‘People come into our lives for a minute, an hour…a week… a year or a life time’. It’s not uncommon for relationships to wean over the years. Change of interests, jobs, even marriage can alter how leadership can affect your day to day lives – out of sight, out of mind.

…connecting through educational & networking updates

In coaching and mentoring people from all walks of life it is a common thread that spending time with family and or friends once or thrice a year can be challenging, especially if you don’t talk between visits. Taking a few minutes to pick up the phone, send an email or card (everyone loves to receive a card out of the blue) or connecting on Facebook can keep you connected. Making an impromptu visit you can pick up where you left off... Combining communication and leadership for success takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight. I learned to talk in sentences by the age of two…it’s taken a lifetime to learn how to communicate. As I go to press with this winter issue of Women with Vision!® I want to thank you, the readers and all those who have continually encouraged me to follow my vision – as I accept the 2013 International Toastmaster Award for Communication and Leadership. I share from experience; communicate with everyone you know and meet along life’s journey and the leadership will come naturally.

Lorraine Leslie Founder/Publisher

Your vision is my mission…my mission is your vision!© 2005, 2006, 2009 & 2010

The feature people about whom I write, have traveled a long, winding road to success – each one on their own journey; a journey that sometimes hasn't been smooth. These people open their hearts to inspire and motivate others, of all ages, to follow their dreams and passions, creating their ultimate VISION!™



© Tomasz Tulik | Dreamstime.com

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Why Trying Isn’t Doing? By Janette Burke

By Susan Baka

It’s your wedding day and instead of your partner saying "I do!" He or she says, "I'll TRY" ... Not exactly the kind of commitment you'd expect to hear from your partner, is it? Well, the same goes for your business... © andres rodriguez | Dreamstime.com

Make yourself known as an expert by giving presentations to your target audience. We all want to raise awareness about our business. One relatively inexpensive way to achieve this, as a business owner, is to showcase your expertise to an interested audience. And the most direct route to such an audience is live and in person. Find the best group by offering to speak at business associations or, better yet, ask your clients what associations they belong to and offer to give a presentation at an association event (eg. monthly meeting, conference).

1. Try beginning with humour. It warms the audience, makes them want to hear what else you have to say and, most importantly, helps them remember you. Try to make your joke or comment relevant to your audience. If you are from out of town, reference the area or local weather perhaps. Another source of humour is to joke about yourself (eg. reference a mishap experienced on the way to the site) or your profession if you are in the same line of business as your audience. 2. Be self-deprecating. Don’t be afraid to reveal yourself as human. We all tend to have similar fears, worries and faults. By sharing yours, you put yourself on the same level with your audience and, at the same time, make them want you to succeed. 3. Pause during your remarks. This can be tough to do. If nervous, we tend to speak too quickly and not to pause. But pausing serves to reinforce that you are the centre of attention, let’s you make eye contact and allows people to think about what you are saying. It also gives you time to refocus. And remember that an



unintended pause (we can all lose our train of thought) is less noticeable if you have taken brief moments throughout your talk. 4. Keep it simple! People are not going to be impressed with intricate charts and graphs. Instead, they are likely to get bored. Besides, do you really expect them to remember complicated data? A single, powerful and crystal-clear fact – ensuring that you put it in context for your group – is better. (eg. Women make 85% of consumer purchasing decisions. If you’re not catering to this market, how are you staying afloat?)

n Susan Baka, President Bay Communications & Marketing Inc. sbaka@baycomm.ca www.baycomm.ca

Being committed to trying isn't good enough... You need to be committed to doing! Successful FEMPRENEURS don't just "TRY" to be successful. They are 100% committed to being successful and doing what ever actionable steps it takes to get them there! So much so that everyday they make decisions others are not willing to make in order to achieve their goal. And they continue to make decisions that others are not willing to make in order to stay successful.

With your personal challenges; or with potential clients and their reluctance to spend any money with you. And about a hundred other factors on an never-ending list.

5. Leave time for a Q and A. This connects you with individuals who are particularly interested in what you have to say. It also helps you hone your remarks for next time. Bonus tip: Showcase your expertise…but don’t self-promote. Provide valuable information rather than a blatant sales pitch for your business. One of the biggest gaffes is when a business speaker self-promotes to the audience.The best way to market yourself is to share tips and knowledge. Give the audience your sales material afterward.

Whether a Coach, Trainer, Sales Agent, Consultant, Retailer, Speaker or Bread-maker, many FEMPRENEURS (Women in Business Owners) think, talk and do in terms of "TRYING" to generate leads and "TRYING" to grow their business.

Like it or not, the business environment we now operate in can be harsh, cutthroat and competitive, seemingly increasingly competitive each day. I'm not just talking about competing businesses - today, you're competing against the economy.

obstacles to overcome in order to get back on track and achieve what they wanted. Do you think that if they had just been "TRYING" to be successful they would have had the strength to pick themselves up and turn things around? Or course not! Their commitment and resolve kept them going while all of the "Try'ers" gave up and fell by the way side! This applies to you too! Don't just "TRY"! Be 100% committed, relentless and willing to do the things that others are not willing to do and make the decisions that others are not willing to make...

And soon you’ll be the next success story! n Janette Burke Marketing/PR Coach, Consultant and Columnist janette@yourmarketingmagnet.com www.yourmarketingmagnet.com

So if you think, talk and do in terms of "TRYING" when things get tough, as they will at more than one point in your business life, you're not going to be able to weather the storms.

Photo: Yanka Van der Kolk

Whether you want to be a speaker to boost your business, or are simply faced with the prospect of public speaking for whatever reason, it is a skill that can be honed. Here are some tips.



for Powerful Presentations

I’m not referring to a sales presentation, here. I’m talking about making presentations to audiences on topics of interest to them and about which you have a great deal to share based on your experience. This can position you as a subject matter expert or even a thought leader in your industry.


Ever read the biography of any successful person in any industry, regardless how or where they attained they’re success? Whether in business, sports, politics, religion, music, fashion, movies, TV, almost without exception, there was a point in their life or career when they were pretty much at rock bottom. Their businesses or career was in trouble, bankrupt or close to it. They were threatened by injuries that either had them temporarily drop off the map or team. And had some very big www.womenwithvision.ca




The Little Brown BAG By Donna Messer



© Mauricio Jordan De Souza Coelho | Dreamstime.com


© Vadim Yerofeyev | Dreamstime.com © Yuri Arcurs | Dreamstime.com


Crystal Clear, Clarity, Vision. All words that can reflect what we see. If you looked in the mirror – would you see what others see? When my grandson was in junior school, he came home with a little brown bag. The kind you could get when you bought penny candy years ago. His eyes were shining and he was excited, he couldn’t wait to share the contents of that little brown bag. Like so many little guys, what people saw in him, was their vision and not necessarily what everyone saw. As with many little boys, he had been categorized with ADHD. If you asked him for words to describe himself, he would say “troublemaker; disruptive; uncooperative and noisy. Not very positive words for a young boy! Where did he get those words? From the people who were in his life. His teacher, the kids who reflected the teacher’s words and from the people he came in contact with day after day. Imagine how he must have felt. His teacher recognized that she had to change his vision. She wanted to “right the wrong.”

The class was small and everyone sat in a circle. The teacher passed each child a mirror and asked them to say something positive about themselves. Then she said that each child must write a positive word about all the children sitting in the circle. They were instructed to say the word, while dropping that word into the little brown paper bag in front of each student. At the end of the day, each child took that little brown bag with all the positive words that described them home. My grandson raced home that day to share what his school mates had written about him. He dumped out the little brown bag and the words swirled around the table…words like “Happy, Smiley, Helpful, Brave and Fast, quickly settled on the table for both of us to consider. He looked at me and with a huge smile on his face he said, “They like me Nanny, they don’t see the bad me, they see the good me! I hugged him and realized that we all have two parts to who we are. And it’s often the negative that we dwell on. It’s been years, but he still remembers that little brown paper bag and how it made a difference in his life.

It’s crystal clear to me, “we all need a mirror and a little brown bag occasionally.” n Donna Messer Networking Expert, International Speaker www.connectuscanada.com



Do You Stay OR SHOULD YOU LEAVE? By Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B. i met with a client recently when he was required to sign his Separation agreement. His relationship had lasted over a period of about 20 years and bore two children who were now in their teens. He shared how this relationship had been wrong from the very beginning. naturally, i questioned how the relationship had lasted as long as it did. The answer I received is representative of a mistaken belief held by many. His reply was “I kept hoping she would change. I thought she did sometimes but then it wouldn’t last.” Many individuals think their spouse will miraculously change or that they can change their spouse. Let’s be crystal clear about one thing – individuals do not change unless they themselves truly want to change. The spouse may temporarily change their behavior just because the other person complained but a person can pretend for only so long to be the person you want them to be. Eventually, their true character cannot be denied. When your spouse’s conduct is unacceptable to you and you discuss it with your spouse and receive any of the following responses - a failure to admit the behavior; a denial that there is anything wrong with the conduct; or attempts to excuse or assign blame for the behavior to you or to someone else – no change will ensue. You then either have to decide whether you can really overlook the behavior or whether it is so

unacceptable that the relationship must end. When the conduct entails an addiction – whether drugs, alcohol, gambling or other addiction – the challenge to keep the family intact is even greater and sometimes impossible. Despite the commitment of one person, unless both parties are invested in the relationship and are prepared to do whatever it takes to keep the relationship together, sometimes it is inevitable that the relationship must be ended for selfpreservation; to help the other person or for the protection of the children. n Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B., Barrister & Solicitor Pellar Family Law Professional Corporation rosepellar@pellarfamilylaw.com www.womenwithvision.ca








surprise their wives with duty free perfume and a champagne breakfast out. Some of them are still married and I still laugh, probably because I didn’t go. Humour is indispensable in life and is a critical tool in managing stress, especially in professions where standards are high and deadlines tight. To excel as an accountant you must be able to laugh, especially at yourself.Years ago one of our breed, Bob Newhart, even had his own sitcom.

© John Takai | Dreamstime.com

The ‘Bean Counter’ Myth By Rick Ziemski

The final myth is that accountants spend their careers “pushing numbers”. The truth is that those that do so have chosen it. Basic math and quickness with numbers are fundamental to becoming an accountant but then accountancy becomes a tremendous doorway to other opportunities for upward mobility. For me it was entry into corporate management and eventually into the executive ranks of an exciting Canadian Tech company. I left pushing numbers behind and instead used them to help shape corporate strategy. Professional Corporation

Pellar Family Law

Recently, the three Canadian accounting bodies; CA, CMA and CGA have worked to unify into a national Canadian body under the designation of CPA. The movement occurred in response to globalization and keeps Canadian accountants globally competitive. It is an exciting time to be entering the profession. To young undergrads today who are searching for a career direction I would say to have a look at accountancy. Yes, you have to work hard and compete but like I said, there is a lot more to being an accountant than people think. It’s been a lot of fun and without any regret for all the effort it took to get through. I am still grateful for that crystal clear epiphany, years ago, that opened the doorway to such extraordinary career opportunities for me.

“People always ask me, were you funny as a child? Well, no, I was an accountant.” ~ Ellen DeGeneres Ask someone what comes to mind at the mention of the word “accountant” and to this day you will likely hear about a number mumbling introvert, wearing shiny pants, green eye shades and furiously counting beans under a dim light. The picture is most certainly an unflattering but timeless perspective.

epiphany one day while teaching basic accounting to grade 10’s. What better way to disprove the stereotype than to sneak an expressive, well dressed extrovert, bad with numbers and who barely passed university accounting into the CA program. And that was how I came to uncover the myths about accountants.

Just to test this stereotype, in 1972 after a two year adventure in teaching, I hurled myself with abandon into Chartered Accountancy. The idea had come to me as a crystal clear

The CA “boot camp” was tough; hard work but surprisingly, also hard play. Midnight oil was burned not only at the books preparing for CA exams but also at the pub, honing communication skills. The bosses encouraged both academic and social excellence by setting difficult training and work challenges and also by picking up the pub tab frequently. Unlike law students we were called to the bar regularly each week, leaving no time to be “nerds”. And so I cracked myth #1. To become an accountant you actually cannot be a nerd. How well you relate to people, communicate, behave and present yourself is as critical to success as is technical accounting knowledge.

Rose Pellar, B.A.S., LL.B.

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Yes, I’d do it all again! n Richard Ziemski, C.A. Management Consultant rickziemski@cogeco.ca www.linkedin.com/in/rickziemski

705-429-1153 Fax 705-429-2780 998 Mosley St. Unit 2 Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 2G7 rosepellar@pellarfamilylaw.com www.pellarfamilylaw.com

As for absence of humour, I learned quickly that this was another myth. In the first week a group from my team played a great joke on their wives when, on a whim, they went to New York City one evening, returning the next morning to









It’s Crystal Clear TO ME …my friends ask me for answers By Mary Ann Matthews There are times when situations are anything but clear. They are muddy. It is often said that when we are in the middle of something, it’s hard to see our way clear to get out of that mud puddle. An outside or objective point of view is often what is needed. Are you someone with a high degree of objectivity? Perhaps you are a Solution Provider. You seem to have answers to problems by logically analyzing the challenges and finding an answer. Do you sometimes wonder privately and secretly what planet some people have fallen out of? You might think to yourself, “they can’t even find their way out of a wet paper bag and the solution is crystal clear to me!” Some people have very little logical ability when they are in the middle of a situation. Take Sally for example (I use that name all the time). Sally is in the middle of a dilemma and it is hard for her to decide what to do. Sometimes our heart tells us to do one thing and our head tells us just the opposite. She can’t decide whether or not to accept a dinner invitation. Her heart tells her to go and her head tells her not to go. We have often heard (and may have said it ourselves), “I need to ask you your advice, because this is not crystal clear to me.” Analyzing a situation can be genuinely tough for Sally when objectivity is lost. So Sally turns to the Solution Providers in her life – and you may be one of them. Sally needs some advice from you as to whether she should go or whether she should stay home. In order to find the Solution Providers, we look at the lower case ‘m’s and ‘n’s.

Notice that all of the ‘m’s and ‘n’s have a v-type wedge at the bottom, which is what we call the baseline. This shows that the writer has strong analytical and logical skills. She is always sifting, sorting and evaluating the data that she is taking in. This process is often laser-like. The Solution Provider will not always get along with those lacking logical skills. They will frustrate her as they can’t keep up with her thought processes. Those people will be surprised by her quick and creative answers and will be relieved that she has found a solution to their dilemma. You will often hear them say, “Wow! That’s a great idea! I never thought of that before!” The Solution Provider is a must at brainstorming sessions. This is where she shines. Give her a puzzle or a problem to solve and she is in her element! Just listen to the number of surprising solutions that she can provide.




Crystal Clear

Communication By Lorraine Leslie

Making your message crystal clear… How many times have you said this phrase or thought it for that matter. Clarity of thought sometimes eludes us in our busy lives. We internally understand what we are trying to say but sometimes it doesn’t come out the way it was intended. So what about writing down what you want to get across to someone through written correspondence.

(u), meeting (mtg) just to save space on the small screens? Or is it laziness or lack to interest to write the full word out? In twenty years what’s going to happen when our children have to write their first resume to get a job? Is sending it electronically going to be the norm? Is a computer going to

We learn to speak by the age of two. Learning to communicate is a lifetime of learning. continued on pg. 16

In school we start with our ABC’s and then graduate to forming sentences, paragraphs and eventually essays. We don’t think about the process much…it just happens. We learn to make speeches; to communicate to large groups of people as we stand on stage in the school auditorium but what happens once we leave that educational institution? Now don’t get me wrong I find my state of the art technical devices cell phones, lap top, etc. very useful but when it comes down to making a crystal clear presentation these devices do not work as well as talking about it in person. What happened to the good old telephone that we dialed? Seems the whole world is pushing buttons or tapping on screens these days. What’s next…telepathy? What’s happened to writing…script writing. Not to mention the English language…

…because it’s crystal clear to her. Yes, the trail of ink that we leave as our pen travels across the page really does tell our story.


n Mary Ann Matthews CGA - Certified Graphoanalyst maryann@handwriting.ca www.handwriting.ca

How many young people are using short forms – message (msg), you www.womenwithvision.ca






Crystal Clear Communication... continued from pg. 15


scan the resumes for the catch words or will an actual person review the top ten words before they are invited for an interview. Who will hire them; the person or the computer? Now that’s scary! My question is…will our children know how to communicate clearly through the universal language that seems to be disappearing ever so slowly or will they keep the basic written skills to introduce them self on paper? We will never speak in code – u hav 2 mtgs btwn nx wk & the end of the mo. Being crystal clear and writing things out in full to communicate your thoughts will enhance everyone’s life… and we will continue to teach the next generation their ABC’s.



© Rodjulian | Dreamstime.com

n Lorraine Leslie

...living life at its best www.womenwithvision.ca




ELDER CARE...Be There! By Lorraine Leslie

The snow has fallen all night and your elder parent is rubbing their arms to keep warm. It’s chilly under foot as they step out of bed. They’ve been tucked in under warm blankets all night so their shivering body seems a little ridged as they slowly enter the kitchen for breakfast. Sound familiar? Do you recognize theses symptoms in your aging parents? We tend to look at our parents as though they are invincible, then one day you look up and see they are not the spry, always-on-the-go ‘Grandma or Grandpa’ they were a few years back. Thinking of ways to care for them really doesn’t take much time at all. Although we joke about the cold weather, elderly people in their seventies and eighties really do feel the cold differently than they did in their sixties. As we age, our skin loses it elasticity and the epidermis (the top layers of the skin) also thin giving way to showing protruding

veins. Veins carry blood throughout the body but when the core of the body is chilled it will leave the extremities, (feet and hands) to keep the upper body warm. Unlike a baby who is born with a plump little body full of all the needed physical requirements to keep them warm, the body changes as we age. When women go through menopause, their estrogen levels are all over the map so they are uncomfortable with hot flashes, but both men and women who are aging lose their hormonal balance leaving them with no backup system to keep them warm. Elder people are more susceptible to catching colds, the flu and pneumonia. Sometimes the best prevention for avoiding these seasonal ailments is to take the time to plan ahead and prepare for the cold weather. Being more aware can eliminate many unforseen problems experienced by your elder parent. 1. Eat properly. Include fresh fruits and vegetables and lots of water. 2. Let the elder person have time to rest during the day. Elders sleeping patterns are more frequent and not as deep, so napping is good for them. If they fall asleep in a chair put a blanket over them. 3. Wash their hands frequently! Keep a warm face cloth handy when out shopping to keep germs under control. Always wash their hands before they eat, especially in a public place. A small package of alcohol-based cleaners is perfect for their pocket.

continued on page 21



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Elder Care...continued from page 18 4. Get a flu shot – drink plenty of fluids and have the appropriate mild pain relievers for elder people on hand. Always check with your Pharmacist first for the proper cold medications. 5. Exercise is very important for elderly people. Walking is the best exercise as it will continue to keep the blood circulating throughout the entire circulatory system that keeps their body warm.

Lets Talk... Because sometimes the best medicine is a good dose of knowledge.

6. If your elder parent lives alone…hire someone to shovel their driveway…it would make a nice Christmas gift. 7. Drink lots of liquids to keep hydrated…when you have a drink automatically give one to your elder parent. Avoid giving an elder parent caffeine as it dehydrates them twice as fast. Water, milk and juice are best.

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8. Update your car’s winter safety kit. In your vehicle keep candles, dry matches, pre-packaged food, extra blankets or sweaters, etc. in a dry container. Even if you’re not planning on a road trip, having the emergency kit in your car could save you and your passengers from frostbite or worse. Nancy Kivell Certified Esthetician

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9. Keep your cell phone charged. With the family packages these days give one to your elder parent. Tell them where you’re going and when you plan to return and always give them a second person to call if needed. 10. In the case of a snow storm, stock up on extra non-perishable food items for the whole family. Remember elder people may need softer food items due to digestion and/or eating ability. If a storm hits your area hard you can safely cancel your activities and know you’ve got food to survive until the roads clear or the power comes back on. You or your kids can sit next to your elder and warm them up with a hug and a blanket. Give them reassurance...you are there to protect them…as they were for you when you were growing up. Winter can be a beautiful time of year for all ages but can pose some challenges for elderly people. While you are outside building a snowman, place your elder parent in front of the window so they can join in on the fun…make them laugh, smile and leave a fond memory for the entire family playing and working together. Isn’t that how we all picture our family, young and old? n Lorraine Leslie Certified Gerontologist Working with the Aged

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Throughout history humans have been captivated by objects that glitter and sparkle. They capture our attention and draw our interest.

Fashion REFLECTIONS By Marilyn Wetston

The Wardrobe Doctor

For centuries designers have utilized things that refract light. To make garments that shine. They accented ensembles with jewelry that framed the wearer. This fascination with the effect of crystalline sparkle is still with us. It’s not just snowflakes, diamonds and Swarovski crystals that we enjoy; we mimic their shine with sequins, rhinestones, metallic fabrics and even add glittery sparkles to our make-up.

The holiday season traditionally has offered sparkly attire and accessories. This season is no exception. In fact, the fashion trends offer head to toe shine and glitter and it is not just reserved to evening splash. Yes a fully beaded dress is available, but there are alternatives. You can capture the magical glow of crystals and enjoy it all times of day and in as much intensity as you find comfortable. Beyond cocktail and gala evening wear you can choose to wear bling on a t- shirt or sweater or even on a denim item. Nor is this shine relegated to just clothing. An evening clutch or a day bag can sparkle. Shoes and boots can have a stud or jewel to brighten them. In today's world one need not be wealthy to have the effect of diamonds and gemstones. A small investment in a statement piece of contemporary jewelry can make you look and feel like a millionaire. Some individuals are put off by bling in their wardrobe. To these individuals I say that a little sparkle goes a long way. It is wonderful to harness the effects of the light projected by crystal and use it to your advantage. The objective of dressing well is to communicate and reach out to others so that you connect and achieve eye contact.The twinkle in your eye is more fascinating than any sparkle



thrown by a crystal of any kind. The most beautiful diamonds are wasted if they do not frame their wearer. Shiny touches are your weapon. When you wear bling of any kind it is there to make you stand out but not to overshadow you... It is essential to use the sparkle strategically so that you reap the benefits of its magical powers to showcase you and help your wardrobe convey your unique message. The concept of adding crystal touches is part of the equation of establishing your image. It requires that you crystallize your thoughts and gain a clear understanding of who you are. Embrace your best colors, shapes and styles and then make use of the stylish sparkles in today's fashion offerings to keep the attention where you want it. Use it to highlight your best features and make the connection with the brightest sparkle of all-the twinkle in your eyes and the sparkle of your spirit. It is never wrong to be the best you can be and stand out because you have pulled together your best look - one that conveys your desired statement to the world and make you shine like a polished diamond.

n Marilyn Wetston contact@marilyns.ca www.marilyns.ca

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Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

fashion winter Angie Vancise & Laura Ford Stayner Public Library Fashions - Joy Boutique



Laura Ford & Angie Vancise Stayner Public Library Fashions - Joy Boutique www.womenwithvision.ca





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Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

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© Christopher Elwell | Dreamstime.com

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Women with

Ge o r gi a n


The Life of

Pie By Susanne Mikler

Meet Trish Smith, born in Orillia and raised in Whitby, Ontario. Upon graduating she entered the IT field and while on the job she met her future husband, Dave. They were both successful and thrived in the IT realm travelling extensively. They ultimately moved to New Jersey, USA to accept promotions. They had a family and the last of their three children was born in the USA. Health issues brought them back to Canada where family support was nearby. Trish began to visualize her next career, why not trade her lucrative but hectic IT career for time with family and doing something she loved? Like the story of The Life of Pi – she saw possibilities in everything she envisioned and food seemed to be part of that vision. Was it pie in the sky? Could this be her new career? She loved cooking – why not give it a try! Trish enrolled at Liaison College in Downtown Toronto and began her culinary journey; she excelled and quickly developed her love and passion for food – especially baking. She graduated with Honours at the top of her class and was awarded the merits and a reference book signed by her Chef Instructor, Chef Mick Elliott CCC. It was a proud moment.

Trish values her customers and friends in the region; it’s been five years since she and Dave bought the business. She continues to provide a welcoming gathering place and source for delicious meals and baked goods. With the addition of gluten free products and a growing wholesale market, Trish is feeding her passion. As she fondly refers to her gifted reference book from her Chef Instructor she is reminded to “keep it sexy”. It was obvious to Trish, that her dream wasn’t just “pie in the sky” Thornbury Bakery is a dream come true! n Susanne Mikler

With three children growing quickly and the oldest already in high school, Trish and Dave were ready to turn the page in their next chapter of life. They decided to explore the possibility of a simpler and quieter life outside of the GTA. It was on a weekend ski trip to Blue Mountain with her sisters, that the notion of making Georgian Bay their new home started to develop. In August 2008 they moved to Thornbury and within a month they purchased a business. Trish and Dave became the proud owners of the Thornbury Bakery Café on Bruce Street. The Thornbury Bakery is a local landmark and traditional in its offerings; Trish decided not to make any drastic changes right away. She inherited many delicious and comforting recipes with the business so, the legacy continued. This welcoming and bustling business is a familiar place for locals and visitors alike.They come to enjoy the freshly baked goods, piping hot coffee and other tantalizing beverages along with a full breakfast and lunch menu. They are known for their amazing homemade soups. It’s almost impossible to resist the tempting vision reflected in the glass display case at the front counter. It’s here that Chelsea buns, decadent squares, freshly baked breads, marvellous muffins, and a host of delectable pies and cookies await you. Eyes feast on the array of bountiful and aromatic delicacies conjuring up memories of a cozy home kitchen. It’s impossible not to weaken; everyone takes home some of those old fashioned memories. www.womenwithvision.ca


Ge o r gi a n



Holiday Wines by Grey Coyote

With the global economic recovery plodding along at a snail's pace, most of us probably won't be spending $300-$700 for a bottle of Cristal this holiday season. Not a problem. With the right study, we can all drink like kings and queens for $15-$20. So let's buy some artisan cheese, pull out the old fondue set, spring for some Swiss chocolate, order a bird or two, and settle in for a wonderful season with some alternatives to the “Veblen goods” that have nothing to do with the Christmas spirit anyway...

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

One of the most important things to know about the L.C. B.O. is that if your local store doesn't carry one of the products you want, it can be transferred from one of the larger stores if there is enough in stock! Now, if we were to start with what we have right here in our home province, then we'll need a bottle of Chateau Des Charmes Brut Methode Traditionelle. Clocking in at $22.95, this is easily one of the best values going. With evenly balanced citrus, apple, pear and acidity, a toasty finish keeps this sparkling at the top of my list. 2012 Diamond Jubilee Medal winner Paul Bosc has set the high bar in Niagara with a fine product at an even finer price. Match with most flavours of pudding and/or your breakfast or brunch omelette. If you prefer something at a more modest price-point, there are usually at least one or two Cavas on the shelves in the sparkling section. The Spanish answer to sparkling, they go great with roast duck or pork, as well as eggs and smoked salmon, and salted nuts around the fireplace. Next door, in Portugal, a nice Espumante can be matched with light fish as well as roasts. Perhaps easier to find will be a Moscato. An Italian native, Moscato is very aromatic and fruity. It matches well with fresh baked pies and cobblers from the fall harvest. It also holds up well with a cheese or charcuterie plate. Another Italian fave, Prosecco, also has a lot of forward flavour, and can be enjoyed with mushrooms, fried chicken, and rich, creamy pastas. All can be found for $15-$20.

be giving you some type of sparkling wine – not real champagne). My personal choice for the money is Veuve Cliquot. It has a standard that is hard to match and it combines everything that a champagne should be into a well-balanced, extremely pleasant experience. For just under $70, you can gift, or bring home elegance and style. Not only does it have a rich colour, it is creamy on the palate, with citrus, minerals and toasty qualities running evenly throughout. The acidity is perfectly balanced and it will sit like a queen next to your mushroom quiche, oysters, avocado salad, shrimp in butter, and those Christmas shortbreads! Finally, if you would like to have an experience almost as good as a real champagne but for half the price or less, then set about finding a Crémant. Also from France, they will match up with most champagne pairings, but will feel creamier in the mouth. Better yet, for something a little different, find the Crémant Ciderie St-Nicolas, which is a cider-crémant from Quebec. It will lift your holiday spirits as you try to control your desire to eat more fine aged cheddar and slow-roasted pork!

Happy Holidays! n Grey Coyote former Sommelier daily Bon Vivant!

Now, if you want to buy a real Champagne, for yourself, or as a gift, then you'll have to spend the extra money because there is only one real champagne region in the world, and anything else that tries to call itself champagne is actually breaking the law (all of those ads you see for New Years packages that claim “Champagne At Midnight” are actually misleading – they will www.womenwithvision.ca


Ge o r gi a n

2 1 1 1

cups seedless raisins 1 ⁄2 cups currants cup glace cherries, halved cup candied peel, chopped 1 ⁄2 cup chopped apple 1 cup ground suet 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind


Flour the mixture and shake off the excess.

By Sally Michaud



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Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Beat until light: 2 eggs Gradually beat in 1 ⁄2 cup sugar Blend in: 1 ⁄2 cup light molasses 1 ⁄2 cup milk 1 ⁄2 teaspoon lemon extract Blend or sift together: 1 1⁄4 cups pre-sifted all purpose flour 1 ⁄2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 1⁄2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 ⁄2 teaspoon nutmeg 1 ⁄4 teaspoon mace Gradually combine the dry ingredients and egg mixture. Blend thoroughly. Fold in the fruit mixture. Divide batter between two 1-quart moulds which have been well-greased. Cover with aluminum foil and tie in place. Steam for 2 1⁄2 hours. Cool thoroughly before storing. This pudding should be allowed to ripen for at least a month before serving. It will keep for months. To reheat, steam for about 1 hour. Serve hot, with hard sauce. NOTE: This pudding may be steamed in four 20 ounce cans which have been well greased. Reduce steaming time to about 1 3⁄4 hours. For variety, try serving your festive steamed puddings with Lemon Sauce topped with hard sauce.

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12 oz of dark chocolate - chips or cubes 8 oz of heavy cream Pinch of salt Dippables – strawberries, banana pieces cut into one inch cubes, dried apricots, apple pieces Method Warm cream over moderate heat until tiny bubbles form and chocolate starts to lightly boil. Gradually add the chocolate and gently whisk until smooth. Transfer to a fondue pot already heated at a low flame. Arrange dippables on a nice platter around the fondue pot. Use fondue forks to spear fruit and dip into chocolate mixture. Eat and enjoy (be careful the chocolate is not too hot or you could burn your mouth) If the chocolate starts to become stiff add a little cream one tablespoon at a time and stir into mixture….



Chocolate Fondue warm delicious delightful

By Lorraine Leslie

© Paul Maguire | Dreamstime.com

© Rainer Plendl | Dreamstime.com

...creative and helpful tips


all Photography for this article © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™







Home Safety Plan Each New Year begins with the urge to improve our household environment. This year, focus on creating a comprehensive home safety plan. Identify problem areas by performing a household safety audit noting details of safety hazards that require attention. The next step is to create a crystal clear communication system for

© Vasja Podbršček | Dreamstime.com

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

By Karen Sencich

implementing the family safety plan.

The following checklist outlines the most common safety problems.The simple instructions will help to improve safety for children seniors and pets. The tips are easy for all ages to handle, so post the list inside a kitchen cupboard for quick reference. • Keep a maintenance list to jot down required repairs such as loose railings, broken tiles or crumbling concrete steps. • Stock a portable tote with first aid supplies so that it is easy to transport to where it is needed during an emergency. continued on page 42

40 40

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• Ensure that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order. Instruct family members about how to install fresh batteries. • Inspect the basement for damp or leaking areas where toxic mould may grow. Persistent attention is important since many insurance companies don’t cover damage caused by mould. Call in trained help to handle floods or leaks. • Monitor for signs of bug infestation, rodent droppings or dead birds on your property. Dried pest excrement is extremely toxic to handle or inhale so hire licensed exterminators to remove infestations. • Make it a household rule to never leave piles of clutter on staircases or in high traffic areas. • Hanging electrical cords pose a tripping hazard. Clamp electronic cables with cable ties and securely attach to a desk or wall. • Prevent fire hazards by never running extension cords under carpets. Use only cords properly rated by CSA (Canadian Standards Association). • Replace bookcases and shelves that have buckled under heavy loads such as boxes of books. Always store bulky, heavy items


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below the waist and lighter items above the head. Securely affix shelving units to the wall to prevent injuries from toppling items. • Instruct family members on the proper way to lift with their knees to avoid back strain. • Never climb on furniture to access high shelves. Instead, purchase a sturdy step stool with rubber feet. Ensure stools are rated to hold the heaviest person using them. • Determine how to best make your home safe for children, visitors and seniors who may have limited mobility. For example, motion sensitive nightlights make it easier to navigate hallways in the dark. Adding a grab bar in the bathtub is a good idea for every home. No obligation quotes • Professional design services Full kitchen and bath renovation services Granite, quartz and laminate counters Dining furniture • linens • home décor and accessories

• Create a “blackout kit” with flashlight, batteries, candles and matches and make sure everyone knows where to find it in the event of a power outage.

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• Be prepared for a natural disaster by creating an emergency preparedness kit. Search for a complete checklist at www.redcross.ca.

n Karen Sencich CPO® Certified Professional Organizer®, Speaker and Writer www.havoctoharmony.com

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Greg Fess Photography

• To protect sensitive skin, provide rubber gloves and face masks when using cleaning products, paints and corrosive solvents. Also, practice safe storage procedures to prevent poisoning children or pets.

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Crystal Clear Home Safety Plan ...continued from page 41

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• Build equity with mortgage payments. • Tax advantages. Especially for the first time home buyer. • Appreciation of your home’s value. • It can cost less and be more secure than renting. If you obtain a fixed rate mortgage than the payments will remain consistent monthly throughout the life of the loan. Rent in Ontario has increased on average 3.5% a year. • It builds and creates a sense of communities and allows one to put down roots.


© Artistashmita | Dreamstime.com

Some disadvantages to owning your home:


• You can’t just up and move. If something comes up, a divorce, a job offer, etc. You must deal with the stress and time to sell your home. Closing costs, land transfer tax, commissions, etc. will impact the financial picture. • If it’s broken,YOU have to fix it! • On average most people pay for their homes 3 times before it is paid off. • Property Taxes! • It is your home... make sure you like your surroundings, your neighbours and the community.



• Wanderlust.....do you crave travel and adventure or are constantly on the move with your career.....who will take care of your home? There are so many factors to consider in whether to own or rent a home. The decision involves much more than running the numbers. You’ve got to consider the emotional rewards and challenges of each alternative. But one factor is certain; you must know what is right for YOU. One of my favourite quotes comes from Walt Disney “If you can dream it, you can do it”. We all need a place to call home and hang our hat, what do you value in terms of a home. When you align your values with your dreams, decisions are easier to make and your direction will become crystal clear.

n Monika Gibson Sales Representative Century 21 Millennium/Collingwood

Women with According to Statistics Canada, Canadians do have a love affair with their homes, stretching finances to buy them, sacrificing other things to have a house or a condo and placing themselves deeply in debt even when the numbers suggest renting maybe a better option. About seven in ten households own their homes,



a number largely unchanged in recent years. The latest National Household Survey data found that approximately 9.2 million households were owners, placing the national ownership rate at 70%. Even young people have caught the housing bug. Stats Canada says much of the increase in ownership - the number was 68.4% in 2006 - has been from young people buying condos. In the debate over renting versus owning, one isn’t necessarily better than the other. Whether you rent or own is a matter of personal preference and lifestyle. If home ownership is right, you must be financially and emotionally ready. Buying a home isn’t only about money. While money is a consideration (there are tables and calculators on line that can help you www.cmhc.ca) and a complex one - it isn’t the only one. You should also listen to your heart. An important ingredient is: what matters to YOU....What is your crystal clear vision? I read an interesting article by a professor who asked his students to draw whatever popped into their minds when they thought of the “Canadian Dream”. Almost every student’s paper included a drawing of a house - a square with a triangle roof attached, four



little windows and a front door. This begs the question: Is home ownership the ultimate expression of the Canadian dream? Is it part of your dream? Make sure you know what you are doing before purchasing a home. It is a big investment that should not be taken lightly. Here are some advantages to owning your home: • Its’YOURS! You can do whatever you want to it: paint the living room red, put up a fence, have a garden, have pets. It is nice to have the ability to do whatever you want without getting consent from your landlord. Being able to say, “Yes, this is MY home, I own it.” Pride in owning a home is a great thing to have.







3. Read a book. Books like Peter Rabbit or The Secret Garden can spark your child’s interest in gardening.

If we are to continue down this path, then we must teach our children, early on in life.

4. Feed the birds. Collect large spruce and pine cones. Coat with smooth peanut butter and roll in bird seed. Hang these from trees and shrubs in your yard.

© Luminastock | Dreamstime.com

1. Windowsill gardens. All you need is a sunny spot and a few containers of soil. Herbs are an excellent choice for windowsill gardens.

By Janet Kurasz, Hort, AMCT(A) For over a decade we have witnessed a rebirth of the “back to nature” movement. (Those of us old enough to remember, can think back to the 60s.) There are more and more organic growers and organic produce can be found on your grocer’s shelves. Urban dwellers can share in the harvest, purchasing farm-fresh local foods direct from cooperatives; farmers’ markets are enjoying a resurgence in popularity and thankfully can be found throughout Ontario and Canada. I truly hope and believe this is not a trend. Sustainability studies, green technologies, agri-tourism and eco-tourism are more than just “buzz” words, they are indeed the way of the future and the future, it seems, has arrived!


cultivating, pulling weeds, staking, trimming – their smiles say it all. It is crystal clear:

Why not introduce them to gardening this winter? The holiday season is the time to give thanks, to reflect on a season of bounty and to make positive changes. Here are a few winter activities to get started:

Gardening from the Start


2. Watch seeds sprout. Purchase edible sprouting seeds. Line a glass jar with a damp paper towel and insert several seeds between the glass and the towel. Place a lid on the jar, leave it on the kitchen counter and check the paper every day to make sure it’s still moist. Seeds should sprout in a few days.

5. Make a potato clock. Purchase or locate a battery operated clock. Remove the batteries. Obtain 2 potatoes, insert a galvanized nail into each potato. Insert a short piece of copper wire into each potato, placing the wire as far as possible from the nail. Use an alligator clip to connect the copper wire of one potato to the positive (+) terminal of the clock’s battery compartment. Use another alligator clip to connect the nail in the other potato to the negative (-) terminal in the clock’s battery compartment. Use a third alligator clip to connect the nail in potato one to the copper wire in potato two. Set your clock. n Janet Kurasz, Horticulturist www.kurasz.ca

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This past season I became involved with an organization that promotes vegetable gardening; growing your own veggies. Residents and businesses are encouraged to create vegetable gardens wherever they can find a suitable patch of earth, either in their own back yards or at a community garden.



I visited the community garden in Collingwood several times and collaborated on several residential and commercial projects. Time after time, I heard from parents about the importance of teaching their children where food comes from, the value of a sustainable lifestyle and the benefits of growing your own food. At the community garden, families work together busily

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Be Your Own


© Calvste | Dreamstime.com

By Lorraine Leslie

Designing a floral arrangement doesn’t have to be tricky...

Start by holding the flower stem next to the vase to decide how high you want the stem and flower head above the edge of the vase. A good rule is to have the stem and flower head no longer that half the length of the height of the vase. Fill the vase one third full with water…the flowers make the water level rise a bit depending on the volume number of flowers. To arrange the flowers so they show evenly from all sides, start with putting your forefinger and thumb together to form a circle. Place each flower stem one at a time in a north, south, east and west pattern. As you place the next flower stem in between each of the first four stems you will start to create a circle of flower stems proportionately. Keep adding stems one



at a time until you find it difficult to hold onto the cluster. Once you have used up all the flowers move your hand holding the cluster down toward the bottom of the stems. Carefully take your other hand and place it around the stems above your other hand and hold the arrangement over the top of the vase. Slowly lower the full arrangement into the vase until the stems touch the bottom of the vase. Release your hands and watch the arrangement naturally fall into place. You can adjust a few flower stems if needed at this time.

...experiencing classical & creative masterpieces

Insert your baby’s breath, eucalyptus and or ferns slowly in between the flowers to fill up the space and at the same time turn the vase to ensure you don’t miss any open spaces. Now you are your own flower arranger expert!

n Lorraine Leslie © Marilyn Gould

All you need is a fresh bouquet of flowers; a sharp knife or pruning shires; a vase and room temperature water. Some garnish such as baby breath, eucalyptus or a strong stemmed fern.





Now, growing up in small-town Quebec, Jane probably did her fair share of playing with toys and such as a child – no surprise there. Like many other “actor-types”, Jane got the “theatre bug” whilst in school, where she participated in a number of productions – “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”, “Annie”, and the like – again, no big shocker. As she made her way through post-secondary education (John Abbott College and Windsor University) studying acting, she discovered a passion for things “Shakespeare”. Upon graduating from Windsor, she relocated to Canada’s hot-spot for actors – Toronto, at which point she met a couple of particularly important dudes.

Jane McClelland

So, it’s 2001, and literally weeks after moving to T.O., she auditioned for a part in a show called “Look Back in Anger”. Not only did she get the part, but she and the director, Ken MacDougall, fell head-over-heels in love with each other. The two have been inseparable ever since – married with two boys.


While working at Roy Thompson Hall as an usher (ushering being a pretty typical part-time gig for actor-types) she met Mike Petersen (also ushering) who ultimately taught Jane a valuable thing or two about puppetry. You see, Mr. Petersen, among other things, had worked alongside Jim Henson during the Fraggle Rock days.

As She Likes It By Dean Hollin

Arguably, an adult sitting around playing with stuffed animals just might be cause for a certain level of concern – perhaps, even a phone call or two. Furthermore, if that same adult makes that plush “speak” the tongue of Shakespeare, one’s level of concern might pop up a couple o’ notches! However, if you’re Jane McClelland, than it’s likely all in a day’s work…



So, here’s a talented gal with the skill of puppetry and a love for Shakespeare. Incidentally, she marks as a clear highlight in her Shakespearean credits, as playing Olivia in “Twelfth Night” at the Piggery Theatre in Quebec – where she got to work alongside Moira Wylie and the late Douglas Campbell. Nice! Where was I? Oh, right – puppetry and Shakespeare. So, along the way, Mike identifies his favourite Bard-play as being “As You Like It” and then… the “hey you got chocolate in my peanut butter” thing happens! Jane and Mike develop a version of “As You Like It” using what’s called “table-top puppetry” – where the audience can clearly see the puppeteers. “AS YOU PUPPET” is born! The two develop a script, scour the city for the perfect cast of stuffed animals, and are eventually continued on page 52




& ENTERTAINMENT Jane McClelland ...continued from page 51

Jane with her son

accepted into the 2009 Toronto Fringe Festival (Kids Fringe). It’s a bit crazy, Jane is having babies, husband Ken and co-director Tom McHale are alternating child-care and directing...BUT...“AS YOU PUPPET” beats the odds and is selected as one of the 2009 Fringe Favourites, an honour for a select few...very few. Ultimately this then leads to a run at Toronto’s Lorraine Kisma Theatre for Young People (Y.P.T.) and of late, it’s being considered as a film project by an interested Producer.

...gentle insights of awareness and change

One might suggest that Jane’s future is crystal clear, shiny and bright... Dean Hollin Singer, Playwright and Live Stage Performer www.deanhollin.com

Women with




© Mcech | Dreamstime.com








When I first met Lesley Paul in 2001 we were both new members at a breakfast meeting of the South Georgian Bay Rotary Club. There were only a few women in attendance but as the months passed it was recognized that the time had come for women to become Rotarians, especially in Collingwood. There was a natural camaraderie as we were both working in the health and well-being field. Lesley, a Pharmacist was well versed in women’s health issues and became one of the first and regular columnists for Women with Vision!® Magazine as it grew from a one page newsletter to the magazine you are holding today fifteen years later.


When Lesley Paul came into the world on March 15, 1970 she became a ‘local’ - born, raised, married and raised her own family in her home town of Collingwood.


“I started Kindergarten at Cameron Street Public school, which was only a block away from my house. I was there until the end of grade two, at which point my parents moved us to St. Mary’s Catholic School, where I created a new group of friends.” “My Mom was always a little old fashioned when it came to my wardrobe….although I can attribute my love of fashion to my her. From my earliest memories I always wore dresses… most specifically white ones (now I wear a white lab coat most of the time). Friends of my family to this day remind me of my need to be clean…which possibly explains my fetish today. I was not allowed to wear jeans to school until grade seven or eight…in fact I’m pretty sure I had my first training bra before the jeans!” “Elementary school was a pretty normal experience”, shared Lesley. “My favourite years were by far grade six through eight. In grade six, my teacher’s wife had a baby. I think this was my first experience at event organization. The class managed to throw an in-class surprise baby shower for him and his wife, complete with decorations, food and beautiful gifts for the baby. In grade seven and eight I had my favourite teacher, John Murphy. He was rough and tough and you didn’t want to be on his bad side, but Mr. Murphy brought the best out in all of us. He played guitar and led the choir for the school and the church, so music was a huge part of our class time. And even though I couldn’t and can’t sing to save my life, he still let me be in the choir, albeit in the back row!”


Family Portrait - Ricky (mother) Eugene (father) her brother Andrew and Lesley

Photo: © Kristi Brethauer

“I wasn’t much into school sports; my athleticism came out in later life, but managed to play on a number of the school teams, sometimes only to be with my friends. My mom put me into figure skating. It was the thing to do in Collingwood. After a very short career, she realized that this was NOT the sport for me and my dad took me downhill skiing, which was where I spent every winter weekend. The Collingwood Ski Club became our weekend family home until I left for university.” “At age fourteen the summer prior to grade nine was spent mostly on my bike, hanging out at Sunset Point watching the older boys windsurf. This was also the last time that I ventured to the drive-in with my parents.

continued on pg. 56



“My parents moved to Collingwood from Hamilton in the fall of 1969. My mom was just pregnant with me and my dad came to work at Stuart Ellis Pharmacy. So yes, I am one of the true locals!

You Only Live Once By Lorraine Leslie


Lesley in grade one







With a chuckle Lesley shared, “On many a summer night my brother Andrew and I would get our pajamas on and take our pillows and blankets in the back of my parents Buick and head to the Collingwood or Elmvale drive-in. This summer was the last…there was no way I was getting out of my parents car with all those high school boys there!” When Lesley started grade nine she started working at her Dad’s pharmacy. “My brother and I had always done odd jobs for my dad, who by this time in 1973 had purchased the pharmacy from Stuart Ellis. This was my first real position.”

Lesley wearing her Rotary jacket with all her international pins 1989

“At age seventeen, that February during my year abroad, I spent a week in a Swedish Apotek (pharmacy) for “take your kid to work week”. Their style of pharmacy practice was much different than ours at the time and I found they had more of a focus on the patient, something that didn’t really happen in Canada for almost another decade. When I came home that summer, I decided I wanted to follow in my Dad’s footsteps and go to pharmacy school.”

Lesley went onto share, “At the age of sixteen I applied for a Rotary Youth Exchange. My dad was a Rotarian in the Rotary Club of Collingwood and since I was seven we had had students stay with us from a variety of countries: Germany, Brazil, Sweden, Belgium and Denmark to name a few. I was so excited to be accepted in August of 1987. I left for a small town in Northern Sweden, Stromsund. I didn’t know a word of Swedish, so when I arrived 24 hours later in this town of less than 5000 people (which wasn’t even listed in our atlas) you can imagine that I was a little nervous. Lesley and Doug during the winter holidays from university 1991

My first week there was certainly character building. Summer was pretty much over in the northern town, so the cool rainy temperatures were enough to dampen anyone’s spirits. Growing up in a Rotary family I was quite familiar with the way things worked within the organization and with the students.You participated in whatever they asked you to. So of course when I was told we were planting trees as a fund-raiser for Polio Eradication I went along. In borrowed boots and coats (yes multiple) I trudged through the bushes listening to Rotarians laugh and joke in another language. I cried that night in my room, wondering what I had gotten myself into. School started two weeks later and I never looked back. This became one of the best years of my life! “Picture this… Here I am coming downstairs on the first day of Christmas holidays. I had just woken up from a dream in my new language! I sat at the table with my younger host sister, who did not speak any English and had a fairly severe learning impairment. For the first time we chatted in Swedish about her week at her boarding school and our plans for Christmas. I was finally feeling at home.” Lesley and Doug's wedding day photo with their parents


“I learned to dance, to do needlework, to dress warmly and to eat blood soup and pudding (or how to avoid eating it on Tuesdays in the cafeteria!). In the winter I went to school in the dark and came home in the dark. In July before I came back to Canada my friends had a going away party for me in daylight, at midnight. How cool is that!” “I made friendships that are still as vibrant today as they were twenty six years ago. Thanks to email and Facebook we still stay in touch, almost on a daily basis. My host parents came to my wedding and my friend Ullis was a bridesmaid.”

I loved high school! As a student, avoiding sports at all cost I felt it important to do well, so I remained focused on my schoolwork, but I still hadn’t decided what career path to take after graduation.



“What I did and saw that year could take me a year to describe… Now remember, I mentioned, I wasn’t into heavy athletics but I watched a traditional Lapp reindeer slaughter, tracked a moose that had been attacked by a bear, helped with the moose hunt, and of course sampled everyone of those animals. I skied through mountains on cross-country skis and skied downhill as well. I went to school with all the other kids and even helped teach the English class in exchange for Swedish lessons.”

Lesley Paul ...continued from pg. 55

I was a cashier in the old store, located two doors north of its current location on Hurontario Street. My mom pointed out that if I was going to sell cosmetics, I had to learn how to apply and wear them. This was great news for me, the girl who only a few years before was allowed to wear jeans to school. But even at school, I continued to wear skirts while most of my friends wore jeans and sweats. Don’t get me wrong, I was creating my own style, but much of my mom’s influence was still present.


“Unfortunately my year abroad didn’t count in our school system, I still needed to complete grade twelve and thirteen back home in Collingwood. I concentrated all my credits into a year and a half, obviously focusing on maths and sciences, coached heavily by the best science teacher in history, Mr. Mark Redmond!

New ownership 2007

– we dined at the Alphorn, where everyone used to go for their first date from Collingwood. Doug had just finished his first year of teaching in Wasaga Beach. That same night you can imagine his disappointment when I told him I was leaving for Michigan to go to pharmacy school in August! We spent the next five weeks together until I left for Ferris State University in Northern Michigan. My dad was skeptical about Doug and me getting together before I was going away. Our theme song became “Here for a good time, not a long time” by Trooper. We agreed to see other people when I left. That lasted until Thanksgiving.” His parents and mine had been friends since my parents moved to town. In fact his dad was my mom’s doctor. On the day of my birth, Dr. Don Paul was away at a Leaf ’s game. The next day Don came in to visit mom and she said to him “I’ll get you for this! And she did!”

Just turning twenty, I spent it working in the pharmacy as much as I could, and spending nights and weekends teaching skiing at the Toronto Ski Club and Blue Mountain. That spring I returned to Sweden for nearly a month to visit my friends and second family.

“I finished my schooling in three and a half years, graduating December 1993. I spent my summers in Michigan, fast tracking through the program. Doug joined me for July and August, seeing as he was off school during those months and he would help me study. I attended school in the morning and then the afternoons were spent playing baseball or floating down the river in inner tubes with my classmates and professors, studying of course!”

My boyfriend had just left to move out west so feeling a little down I was out with my girlfriend’s at Jet North drowning my sorrows. Here I met Doug Paul. He is the son of my Dad’s friend so I knew of him all my life.

After getting her pharmacy license in Michigan and Ontario, Lesley and Doug were married July 9th, 1994. This is where Lesley’s Mom stood up and reminded Dr. Paul….”I got you Don!”

July 27th 1990 I had my first date with Doug. He picked me up in his little red Honda Civic that he had just bought that day

“It was a busy year, trying to study for the boards, plan a continued on pg. 58



Lesley Paul ...continued from pg. 57

wedding and complete my internship for my Ontario license. I remember the day that I became licensed that September 1994. Of course in those days it was a phone call, to which your license became effective immediately. I hung up the phone, screamed with excitement…my dad handed me a key to the Pharmacy and said, “have fun” before walking out the door.” And so began Lesley’s career. “Within the next year, my dad made me the “manager of pharmacy services”. Pharmacy was changing and moving towards a “care based model of practice” rather than medication focused. My job was to manage the pharmacy staff (we had a retail manager already) and to implement new programming. Around this time I was volunteering to the Canadian Cancer Society and giving sun protection advice on the radio…hence this turned into a long term engagement doing voice commercials for the Stuart Ellis Pharmacy on local radio station.”

grand reopening Spring 2008

For two years Lesley worked alongside her Dad but on April 19th, 1996, she threw a bit of a wrench into their plans as she gave birth to her first son Andrew. “I only took six months maternity leave and then was back at work in full force. I took some training at the University of Toronto and the following spring became a preceptor (off campus trainer) for the Faculty of Pharmacy teaching fourth year pharmacy students prior to their graduation. We were teaching the new patient focused care model, ironically what I had experienced in Sweden.

In 2002 I became the co-chair of “Taste of the Town”, an event that is now in it’s eleventh year. I was the chair for five years before passing it on to someone else. It is the club’s largest fundraising event to date. I am very proud to be part of this organization that allows us locally to give back to those people in need here at home and around the world.”

Three years later, Jonathan, Lesley’s second son was born on April 6, 1999. “Doug and I wanted our boys to be three years apart and we were pretty close! Again, after six months I was back to work.” Lesley is now a host mother for other Rotary Student Exchanges

“My dad and I felt that we needed to expand our pharmacy services yet again and joined PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America). We built a small lab in the pharmacy and took pharmacy back to what it used to be and “made medicine from scratch”. As grocery and big box stores expanded into the pharmacy world this gave us a new niche in our environment and allowed us to provide individualized care to our patients. Work, family and philanthropy have always been an important part of Lesley’s life.



“In the spring of 2000 my father and father-in-law approached me about starting a second Rotary Club in Collingwood, a breakfast club. So in February of 2001 the club was chartered and I became a Charter Member of the Rotary Club of Collingwood-South Georgian Bay. A good friend David Sturch moved over from the noon club to be President for a few months… in June I became the clubs second president. This is where I met Lorraine Leslie, the publisher of Women with Vision Magazine, and we’ve been great friends ever since. Rotary has always been a significant part of my life. As a little child helping my parents decorate halls for dances and fundraisers. As an exchange student in my teens Doug and I are now host parents for other young people from around the world.

“After practicing as a Pharmacist for a few years I discovered another disparity in the medical world. There was little or no help for menopausal women. With my knowledge of compounding and nutrition I felt this was a perfect fit for me. As women are living longer, they are spending more time alive after menopause and this brought out a whole new set of issues and concerns. In my grandmother’s life time no one talked about menopause so little was known. In 2002 when the Women’s Health Initiative Study abruptly ceased the use of synthetic hormones I felt that I could change that and help women through this natural but troublesome period of their lives.” Lesley took courses through PCCA and became a Certified Menopause Practitioner through the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) a group dedicated to the research and well being of menopausal women.

Lesley at the Chicago Marathon 2012

“I felt it was important to have as much knowledge as possible and eventually I had physicians referring women to me for advice. It is very rewarding to know that I could take a woman from the brink of an emotional and physical breakdown and helping her to live again, through nutritional support, exercise and sometimes bio-identical hormones.” My dad was backing off a bit at the pharmacy and spending his winters away in California. It was also around this time that I was getting very busy with work. The compounding business was growing steadily and we had more staff than ever, hovering around twenty-two or so employees. We were trying to expand our cognitive services and improve patient care. My kids were growing, my husband who is an elementary school principle was working out of town and life was undoubtedly stressful. I was trying to “practice what I was preaching” and get some exercise but felt I needed more. I had made some new friends who were runners and suggested that I might need to join continued on pg. 60









Lesley Paul...continued from pg. 59

them. My mom always joked that “runners always look like they are in agony”, and really why would anyone want to get that sweaty.

“In the spring of 2005 I ran my first half marathon in Ottawa with about twenty other girls from Collingwood. It was by far the most challenging thing I had ever done but boy did I love it. Fast forward to November 2006, to the New York City Marathon, and I am at the starting line, scared to death, looking for my host father from my exchange in Sweden who was in a different corral. I never did Lesley with her husband Doug and two sons, Johnathon (bottom left) and Andrew, 2013 find him, at least not until than with my patients.” dinner that night, but I did painfully finish my first marathon. “They say that everything happens for a reason and I now believe it. My passion in life has always been to help people. In June of I hadn’t trained properly putting in enough miles, but I did 2013 my mother was diagnosed with cancer. At the same time we manage to raise almost $7000 for Team Diabetes. It wasn’t until were approached about selling the pharmacy. It was a hard October 2012 that I successfully completed my second decision, one that occurred after much discussion with my marathon in Chicago. This time I was well prepared. I had run husband and my parents. After all, this was the business that my many half marathons in the meantime (including one in Sweden dad had built. But the stress of the business was taking a toll on with my host dad) and followed a fairly strict training regimen. my family and me. Furthermore I needed to be with my mom… I finished eight minutes faster than my goal, with a smile on my ” face. The next day I rode a bike along the Chicago shoreline with my family. Other than the Around the Bay Race in On September 30th 2013, I changed my nametag from Hamilton this past March, my running life has slowed down, but “pharmacist/owner” to “wife/mother/daughter/pharmacist”. then again so has the rest of my life.” My kids love having me home. And I don’t think that I will ever regret having this time with my mom. On November 1st 2007 Lesley bought the pharmacy from her dad. As I handed him a golf club and he passed me the “mortar I don’t know exactly what the future holds. I will go back to and pestle”, a tradition among Pharmacists. being a pharmacist at some point and working with women. Everyone needs a break to refocus. Always a career woman the I had no idea what the next six years would bring.We renovated past thirty years has brought me to a good place in my life. I the dispensary the following spring, adding a private can now take the time to sit down and chat with my sons about consultation space and expanding the compounding lab. what is going on in their lives. Doug and I have found a new Everything was great. In early spring of 2009 the government beginning…But for now, as my kids say: “YOLO; you only live announced radical changes in health care. The practice of once.” pharmacy seemed more to do with paperwork and red-tape than helping patients. I was spending more time in my office n copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine September, 2013



© Winterstorm | Dreamstime.com

…Well guessing from the past eight years of my life she was wrong.

Keeping It Simple! By Marj Sawers This past weekend I was holding my new Great Grandson. What I observed was a tremendous mix of two families and several generations. These are moments that you can only capture in your heart. I looked into his eyes and he seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. He is like an unwritten story, ready to burst onto our scene with the knowledge of time at his finger tips. You see his life is simple, eat, sleep, hugs, diaper changes, and trying to smile at his older Brother. His life as a baby is simple all he has to do is trust. His wise look tells me, “I am an unwritten story, an adventure about to begin”. The swirl of activity around us disappeared as I tried to absorb his secrets.

it and last but not least use it. Now that can’t be any clearer can it? I am talking to myself here, but I know our numbers are legion.

Every time he wakes up he lets the world know he is here. His communication is not verbose, it is crystal clear, I am here, I am awake and I need to be changed and eat. I need cuddles, I need nourishment and assurance. I need love and laughter, I need to feel secure. I cannot do any of this myself yet so I need help. I need to trust and depend on my family.

Let’s promise ourselves that we will not do this in this New Year. Let’s take a page from my Great Grandson......let your needs or desire be expressed as clear as a piece of crystal hanging from a brilliant chandelier. Build in deadlines so it is completely clear you are going to the movie on Friday afternoon, I will be leaving at 12:30. If you are in the car you are going, if you are not, we will miss you. Life is for living and enjoying. If there are bumps along the way learn from them, but most of all just enjoy.

Are our own needs much different than that? I don’t know about you but I find the simpler my life is, the happier I am. As humans we seem to need to make things so confusing. We keep adding things to allegedly make life easier. Each new handy dandy item we add just makes more to do or be responsible for.You need to store it, insure it, learn how to use

It is amazing how even plans to get together can become so complex. It starts with” I sure would like to see that new movie” for example. A few in the group say they would like to see it too. Before long it becomes an afternoon and evening. “Let’s go out for dinner “ before the movie. We now need two cars because I can only seat six in mine....and so on. I have actually missed movies as it was gone before we got our safari off the ground. You are smiling...you have been there.

n Marj Sawers, Retired Philanthropist








Crystal Clear or Murky? By Deborah Johnson Imagine looking into shallow crystal clear Caribbean waters. The aquamarine translucence allows you to behold all the beauty that lies beneath the surface. Think of yourself swimming calmly through these waters, in perfect harmony with both water and sea life. What if the process of our living was actually like those waters...clear, translucent, providing us with the ability to see clearly all around us and flow smoothly with the gentle waves and current – if we allow it? What if we, of our own accord, stir up and murk our own waters? What if we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves in some, or all areas of our lives and muddy our own waters to a point where we have no visibility at all? Worse yet, what if we allow others to come into our aquamarine waters and disrupt our tranquility, harmony and clarity. Crystal clear thoughts, goals, and dreams combined with conviction to follow your own path, will ‘keep your waters’ clear. We have experts telling us to ‘take control’. We have other experts telling us to ‘let go and go with the flow’. No wonder we are confused. Perhaps life is simply supposed to be a comfortable blend of both: ‘Control of ourselves’ by making and accepting responsibility for our own choices and decisions because they work for us while at the same time ‘not controlling’ our path as we have been taught. Instead envisioning the outcome of our goals and dreams and allowing God, Universe, Karma, Powers That Be, whatever your belief is, to create the path for us to follow harmoniously. Then trustingly walk the path.

present themselves based on our thought processes? Choose the opportunity that feels most appropriate for us at that point in our lives, accept full responsibility for the decision and pursue it. Most importantly, trust your intuitive judgement that it is in your best interest overall, without question. People complain that others ‘won’t let them do something’ when in reality they are choosing to let someone else dictate. They are allowing another to take control of their lives to a certain degree. If it works for us that is wonderful, however many people live their lives based on someone else’s criteria, goals and dreams. Unfortunately the realization comes too late that life could have been very different if one had made decisions for themselves based on their own needs, desires and wishes. To have crystal clear focus, contentedness in all areas of your life, balance and harmony - perhaps it is as simple as holding true to yourself and allowing others to decide if they fall in sync with you or not. If they do, they swim harmoniously with you in your pool of water. If they don’t, they have the option to find another body of water to swim in.

...Explore the world around you

Think of your life as your pool, keep your mental and emotional waters crystal clear and enjoy your life to the fullest because it is your life, not someone else’s.



© Mikhail Kokhanchikov

n Deborah Johnson Clairvoyant, Medium, Author, Speaker www.deborah-johnson.net

© Belopez | Dreamstime.com

We are conditioned to set our goals then make a step by step plan to achieve them. What if we actually got out of our own way to allow related opportunities to


64 www.womenwithvision.ca 64 www.womenwithvision.ca






As the


Mountain Turns...



I’m just looking at this wonderful magazine in my hands. I feel the quality; enjoy the coloured pictures and the content. I have been looking forward to, and writing for Women with Vision! for as long as it has been printed. When I held the first newsletter in my hands, it did not look like this. It was printed with no colour or possibly black and white if my memory serves me correctly, on a good quality newsprint paper. I first met you at a networking meeting... (We still strongly believe in the power of women getting together and sharing). You shared your dream and that is when it happened. It is one thing to want to do something, but to stand up in a group of women and say it is going to happen, that takes true determination and focus. I believe you, Lorraine; at no time did you see the magazine in any other format but what I am holding in your hands. You had a crystal clear concept of where you were going with this project. You were concerned about the challenge, maybe, but no one would every guess that as you charged forward clasping your dream firmly in your heart and mind. The fall issue celebrating the fifteenth Anniversary validates every step taken to follow your dream. Tada! ...what a living example of true grit and a firm belief in self and the power of women when they set their minds on a goal. I can’t wait to see what your have up her sleeve next. Congratulation Lorraine to you and as one of the many people you have mentored God’s Speed to you as you put ideas and plan to work for our next edition.

Marj Sawers


Hi Lorraine: I just got my issue of Women with Vision... congratulations I love all the additional bits and pieces – you’ve captured a way to make advertising appealing and readable! Keep up the good work Happy Thanksgiving! I’m in your area this weekend with my family – I’m looking forward to sharing just how thankful I am for all my many blessings – my family, my friends and a career I love!

Donna Messer

Lorraine, Thank you so much for a very enjoyable evening. It was great meeting so many wonderful Women and hearing their stories, sharing their desires to succeed and help others. I thought that Jessy's presentation was fantastic and so much information!!! Even if it is not something that we could completely do ourselves there were lots of small details that we could do for ourselves.... so interesting. Please add me to your mailing list and I am excited to join and take out a membership at the next meeting. Once again, thank you and take care,

Louise Powers





Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™







Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Photography © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

S pe cial Even ts Showcasing th e Com m unity... GEORGIAN BAY LIFE GEORGIAN BAY LIFE





Life Numbers YOUR LIFE PURPOSE IS CRYSTAL CLEAR By Paola Gucciardi Are you pursuing your life purpose? Do you know what it is? Your Expression number makes it crystal clear. It is a lifelong target that identifies your inherent nature, inner goals and specifically what you must do and be in this lifetime. Success is contingent on the effort you genuinely make to pursue it.

To Calculate Your Life Personal Year ... Add all the numerical values of the letters in your full name Example: 1 a n n e M a X i e B r o W n 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 4.

1 5 5 5 4 1 6 9 5 2 9 6 5 5 16= 1 + 6 = 7 25 = 2 + 5 = 7 27= 2 + 7 = 9 7 + 7 + 9 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5 Expression

Write your full name that appears on your birth certificate Using the chart below, record the corresponding numerical value of each letter in your name Separately subtotal the value of your first, middle and last name and reduce to a single digit Add each subtotal and reduce until single digit


You are a natural leader who uses originality as well as a pioneering and trendsetting approach to pursue innovative and creative ideas. Success is achieved using determination, selfreliance and uniqueness. Guard against becoming domineering, too aggressive and overly opinionated.

2 Pursue environments, occupations and relationships that align with your diplomatic and peacemaking ways. Your sensitivity and ability to see both sides of an issue are both your strength and challenge. You arbitrate and settle disputes effectively but it can cause health issues. Work towards inner peace and tranquility.


Your life purpose is to utilize your optimistic, fun-loving and passionate character to inspire and bring joy to others. Whether you are writing, acting, designing and/or speaking pursue a life of self-expression. Balance fun and discipline.




























Q r










Utilize your responsible, hardworking and methodical approach to pursue endeavours, relationships and careers. Being grounded, secure and stable are vital to your well being. Success is contingent on accepting limitations and being adaptable.


Your free spirit, charismatic, and funloving ways encourage you to explore new experiences. Freedom, change, progression and variety are important. Pursue endeavours such as selling, advertising, promoting new ideas or thoughts, travel, and public relations.


Service to home and community is your mission in life. Stability, security, and a loving harmonious family life are essential to your happiness. You are extremely responsible so beware of your tendency to take on the burdens of others.

Spending time alone to contemplate life is important. To prevent becoming isolated, remember to have fun.


Destined for big business and finance, balance your desire for control and material achievement with other aspects of life such as family, friends, love, and spiritual development. Success will be achieved through your personal efforts.


Service to mankind is your duty and to transform the world is your deepest intention. Use love, compassion and understanding to improve humanity‌.to give is to receive. Balance your emotions and sensitivity by utilizing self compassion, forgiveness and your strong mind.


Seek the truth to the mysteries of life. Use your intellect and inner knowing to gain understanding and acquire wisdom. Live by realities, not superficialities.

n Paola Gucciardi, Numerologist www.lifenumbers.ca www.womenwithvision.ca


Women with...



Last Word Star light star bright Guide us all through tomorrows light,

Guests & New Members are always welcome.

Cascading shades of purple divine and true Show us all a path clear and new,


Crystals on branches reflecting our past Sparking a cheerful future that will last,

Breakfasts 7 a.m. / Luncheons 11:30 a.m. Dinners at 6:00 p.m. and last 2.5 hours. Each district has its own networking day and location.

Cloud angels guiding us from afar Bring peace on earth with each memoir, Share your spirit with all you meet Welcome a New Year; this one's complete.

Districts: Barrie, Brampton, Collingwood, Etobicoke, Grey County, South Simcoe, Owen Sound

Cost: Each district has its own fee structure ranging from starting at $35. Reserved seating is a MUST! Contact the District Coordinator no later than 48 hours prior to the Women with Vision! Networking Breakfast/ Luncheon/ Dinner at the location of your choice. ™

Membership: Annual Fee: $75.00 + $9.75 HST = $84.75

Members benefits:

session with Award Winning Business & Life Coach Lorraine Leslie • WWV Membership tax receipt • Advance notification of networking events, conferences and trade shows • Annual Membership Card • Franchise opportunities

New Regions Opening all the time… To become a District Coordinator:

Photograph © Lorraine Leslie | L’original Productions | Women with Vision! Magazine™

Women with Vision was founded in 1998 to offer business women a networking venue in which they can provide support for one another and develop new business connections. Through this dynamic networking opportunity attendees will receive motivation, inspiration, advice and mutual support to help them take their business & lives in general to the highest possible level.

Phone: 1-866-306-6021 womenwithvision@rogers.com www.womenwithvision.ca

• Direct mailing of Women with Vision Magazine to home or work • Card holder members receive $5 off on breakfast, luncheon or dinner In all regions • 10% off magazine advertising* • 45 minute telephone coaching

Start a Women with Vision! Networking Association in YOUR community today! We are seeking businesswomen who are committed to excellence, leadership, mentorship and supporting like-minded women in business! The right person will understand business development, marketing and building the Women with Vision mission: to educate, motivate, inspire and promote women in business and daily living. If you are a leader that likes to change lives and you believe in working with a dynamic visionary team…Women with Vision is for YOU!

By Lorraine Leslie

Give us a call today! 1.866.306.6021 or email your resume to:

© Dan Collier | Dreamstime.com

womenwithvision@rogers.com – Application



n copyright Lorraine Leslie – Women with Vision Magazine May 10, 2013

Go to our website at www.womenwithvision.ca to see how we’ve grown from a one page newsletter to a full glossy magazine and 6 Women with Vision Networking Chapters. Send us your resume, request and application form, meet with us in person, and you could become part of the Women with Vision Networking Association in your community.



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