Welcome to the 61st Tokay Invitational at Woodbridge Golf & Country Club. We are very pleased to have you in our sold-out field. Thanks to this year’s sponsors, we have improved our tournament prizes and food and beverage offerings to bring more value and fun to everyone!
The Tokay is considered the premier golf event at the Club each year. The three-day competition will once again be held on all three 9’s: River, Vineyard, and Lake. The courses are in great shape and we’re sure you will enjoy playing them.
Inside this booklet, you will find all tournament information, including schedule of events, golf rules, contest descriptions and participants. The tournament committee and Club staff have worked extremely hard to make this event special, and we proudly present this prestigious tournament to you.
We sincerely hope you enjoy your time, make some new friends and create longlasting memories. Please let us, or the Club’s staff, know how we can enhance your experience
All the best,
Jordan Archuleta & Craig Ledbetter Co-Chairs Tokay Invitational CommitteeWednesday, June 21
Optional Practice Round & Skins Game Reserve your tee time with the Golf Shop. Guests Complimentary.
Registration & betting
Tee Prizes; Store open 5-7pm
Thursday, June 22
7am: Registration & Breakfast
10am: Shotgun 10am-3pm: Hosted Call Level Bar on Course 10:30am-2:30pm: Lunch on the Course
Tee prize redemption
Course Contests Par 3 Shoot Out - Sponsored by Archuleta & Associates
3pm: Player BBQ Buffet during Shoot Out
Friday, June 23
7am: Breakfast 9am: Shotgun 10am-3pm: Hosted Call Level Bar on Course 10:30am-2:30pm: Lunch on the Course
Horse Race for all flights - Sponsored by Williams Tank Lines
6pm: Dinner Buffet for Participants & Significant Others (Hosted Call Level Bar)
Saturday, June 24
7am: Breakfast 9am: Shotgun 10am-3pm: Hosted Call Level Bar on Course 10:30am-2:30pm: Lunch on the Course
6pm: Awards Dinner for Participants & Significant Others (Hosted Call Level Bar)
(Back to Quick Links)
served 7am until shotgun in the Founders Cafe
Thursday: Omelet Station
Scrambled Eggs
French Toast
Bacon & Sausage
Country Potatoes & Hashbrown Patties
Fruit Platter & Assorted Pastries
Friday: Eggs Benedict Station
Scrambled Eggs
Bacon & Sausage
Country Potatoes & Hashbrown Patties
Fruit Platter & Assorted Pastries
Saturday: Assorted
Breakfast Burritos
Scrambled Eggs
Bacon & Sausage
Country Potatoes & Hashbrown Patties
Fruit Platter & Assorted Pastries
served 10:30am-2:30pm on the course
Thursday Stations
Philly Cheese Subs - at Turn (no Bar)
Tacos - at #7 Vineyard
Dog & Brats - on River near restroom
Chef's Korean Tacos & Fried Rice - at #9 Lake
Friday Stations
Meatball Subs - at Turn (no Bar)
Tacos - at #7 Vineyard
Dogs & Lockeford Sausages - on River near restroom
Chef's Korean Tacos & Fried Rice - at #9 Lake
Saturday Stations
Italian Subs - at Turn (no Bar)
Tacos - at #7 Vineyard
Dogs & Hotlinks - on River near restroom
Chef's - Korean Tacos & Fried Rice - at #9 Lake
(Back to Quick Links)
Wednesday, June 21
Southern Style Buffet
Shrimp Salad
Chicken Fried Steak
Blackened Snapper
Mac N Cheese
Green Beans
Red Beans and Rice
Apple Cobbler & Peach Cobbler
Thursday, June 22
3-6pm in Founders Cafe & Clubhouse Entrance
Stag BBQ
Spare Ribs
Potato Salad
Mac N Cheese
Baked Beans
Friday, June 23
6pm in Clubhouse
Spouse Heavy Appetizer Night
Grazing Table & Bruschetta Bar
Pasta station & Pasta Wheel
Lamb Lollipops
Salad Station
Greek Platter
Oysters 3 Ways
Shrimp Cocktail & Sushi
Slider Bar
Dessert Bar
Saturday, June 24
6pm in Clubhouse
Awards Buffet Dinner with
Canapes Station
Grazing Table
Salad Station
Cheese Wheel
Live Pasta Station
Seafood Station
Mixed Vegetables
Carving Stations
Cakes Dessert Table (Back to Quick Links)
USGA Rules of Golf apply.
Scramble format played at 30% of handicaps. Scotch played at 50% of combined handicaps. Better Ball played at full handicap. 10-shot maximum differential between players for the Scramble and Scotch competitions.
Teams may not keep their own scorecard; cards are to be exchanged with fellow competitors, signed & attested.
Handicaps will be based on lowest indexes of the last 6 months -- generated from Chardonnay Tee ratings.
GIMMIE PUTTS ARE NOT ALLOWED. ALL COUNTING PUTTS MUST BE HOLED OUT. Each team player must use six (6) tee shots for Scramble.
All ties will be broken by USGA Guidelinesplayoff for overall gross and net.
Driving Range Netting: If a ball touches a post or netting, or physically interferes with the player’s area of intended stance or area of intended swing, the player may drop the ball within one club length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole without penalty.
Six (6) Flights of Competition. In case of any questions, Rules Committee decisions will be final.
Official scorecards will be provided for every round. Please return immediately to the Golf Shop following play.
One per player, per day
Scotch: One player putts
Scramble: Both players can putt
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The 61st Annual Men’s Tokay Invitational will have 6 flights. It is a 54-hole event played over three days on all three 9’s.
p a r im u t u e l b e t t i n g
AVAILABLE Wednesday evening & Thursday morning only. Betting closes at 10am.
Betting will open at 5pm Wednesday and 8am Thursday.
Payouts will be paid Saturday night. Bets will be in $5 increments for Win, Place or Show (1st, 2nd or 3rd).
10% of the betting will be applied toward tournament expenses, 90% to payouts. Teams will be assigned team numbers for betting purposes.
Four separate bets will be allowed. One for the overall net winning team, and the three overall format winners.
Overall format bets will be divided into three categories: Best Ball, Scotch, and Scramble, with one winner, one 2nd place winner and one 3rd place winner from each format. Pari-Mutuel winners will be for overall format winners, not flight winners. There will not be Pari-Mutuel betting on the horse race.
8 9. Pigeon sheet is in the printed program to track your side bets.
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Win a new Mercedes for the first Hole-In-One on River #2 & other Prizes on additional Par 3’s.
Prizes will be awarded Saturday night to overall gross and net winners and to the top finishers in each flight. No team may win for both gross and net.
Free Entry Into 2024 Tokay
foursomes of golf
...and more Purchase tickets Thursday-Saturday
t e a m b u yi n
The team buy in ($100/team) will be split by each flight and funded by those teams who paid in each flight.
Only teams who paid the entry fee may win; if a team did not pay into the buy-in, the next highest finisher will be paid.
The team buy in will pay 1st @ 50%, 2nd @ 30% and 3rd @ 20% in each flight, each day, and overall.
Winners will be paid in cash Saturday at the awards dinner.
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After play on Thursday. Driving range tee to Vineyard #9 green, between 100 & 125 yards. Players will need to provide their own golf ball with their initials on the ball so winner can be determined. Closest to the hole wins $1,000.
5 & 6 #2 River #3 River #5 River Teams playing: 24
Teams playing: 12
Teams playing: 6
Eliminate: 12
Eliminate: 6
Eliminate: 3
Closest to the hole contests on #7 Lake, #8 Vineyard Optional $5 per player to enter the contest. Winner of the contest (50% of the pot) is determined by the ball closest to the hole for the day.
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Teams playing: 3
Cen-Cal Fire Systems, Inc, Wayne Weisz
F&M Bank, Craig James
Mercedes Benz of Stockton, Brian Martucci
Pietro's Trattoria, Pete Murdaca
Vino Farms, Craig Ledbetter