Workplace Banking Capability

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Workplace Banking Environments

a leading global design practice

We are positioned across Australia and into Asia. Front Cover Image: DBS Bank, Singapore

WORKPLACE Woodhead portfolio statement

About Us Our vision is to be the leading provider of Architecture, Interiors and Planning. We deliver projects by producing specialist solutions for our clients and the global community. Our driving force is to produce outstanding results that influence and shape places and spaces and provide for a sustainable built future. We deliver solutions internationally, via a network of integrated studios in Australia, Asia and Europe and collaborate with associations and partnerships globally. We understand our clients, act with professionalism, and listen to their needs. We believe that exceptional outcomes can only be achieved through effective communication.

Our Approach We approach our projects with a crossdisciplinary model, drawing upon the knowledge, skills and experience of our ‘Thought Leaders’, each one an expert in their various fields, to ensure an effective collaborative solution for our clients.

Workplace Today more than ever the workplace environment is vital in the delivery of an organisation’s services to its clients. Given the right attention and investment, workplace design will improve productivity, quality of service delivery, employee retention and knowledge sharing. Woodhead recognise that ‘wealth creation’ is now almost exclusively managed by people working in office environments. Creating workplace environments that support and enhance an organisation and its people’s productivity is an essential and specialised art with potentially high rewards. Woodhead understand the key issues that drive “modern office planning” and we have an intimate understanding of the emerging trends in workplace design.


Our Approach


Recent Banking Environment Project Experience


Case Studies


Sustainable Design


Technology and Innovation

Woodhead have an established track record of working with international and local banking clients

Banking Environments

Our Experience & Approach Banking Experience (Global + Local)

Interpreting the Brand

Woodhead have an established track record of working with international and local banking clients. These clients include Standard Chartered Bank SE Asia, DBS Bank Singapore, Rural Bank Australia, Deutsche Bank, Permata Bank Indonesia, CIMB Bank Malaysia and the Community CPS Australia.

Our banking experience has focussed on banks who are developing in new markets or have a niche approach to banking and financial services.

We have relevant experience in Queensland with other financial organisations including Suncorp, Allianz Global Assistance and the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC).

Why Woodhead Woodhead have a grounded and creative approach to our work. What we do is about exploring the future models of space, by asking the right questions, observing and listening to make sense of how to plan for it. We revel in complexity and understand that great results are a product of exhaustive rigor, research and proven processes and technologies. Our methodology is tailored and unique and is about the journey we embark on with our clients.

This is particularly evident in Asia where we have had to interpret brand differences across a number of varied geographies and cultures. In each assignment, we have evolved a unique solution in response to understanding and expressing our client’s identity. We believe that this is valuable experience, allowing Woodhead to offer a different point of view to the more established banks who may be considering new ways of doing business or re-interpreting their brand. In addition, our retail banking experience offers an ability to reinforce the visible brand with the workplace environment, providing a tangible link across all facets of the organisation.

Understanding Key Issues for Banking Clients Woodhead are cognoscente of the impact of Design on a workplace environment. Our experience with similar organisations has shown that design variables can significantly influence business objectives across three main areas: −− efficiency: making economic use of real estate and driving down occupancy costs (achieving the most from the capital investment)

Portfolio Thought Leadership

−− effectiveness: manipulating space to support the way people work and in turn, improving output and quality (achieving the most from the people) −− expression: communicating messages both to the workplace inhabitants and to those who visit it, to influence the way they think about an organisation (achieving the most from the brand)

Benefits of Working with Woodhead We believe the key to the success of our previous workplace projects is our ability to quickly establish and define desired benchmarks relating to design, cost, quality, engagement, communication and programme. Our approach to these management tasks is cooperative and founded on a substantial knowledge base of financial workplace experience, with a wide range of clients. Successful financial workplace projects are driven from a collective vision. Strategy and objectives need to be clearly articulated to allow buy-in from all facets of the organisation. Our consultation process ideally engages with stakeholders and our client’s people across a diagonal slice through every level of their organisation.

Collaborative Workshop Approach We aim to provide our client with a unique outcome and propose an approach that will harness the collective architectural design, cultural, technological and engineering skills of the multi-disciplinary consultant team. Our methodology looks to engage across a wide crosssection of our client’s people and we find this approach offers a high degree of client ownership and ability to shape the project vision, guiding principles and strategic outcomes.

The emergence of advanced collaboration and mobility tools allows previously unseen opportunities in both face to face and virtual interactions between people. Current technology advancements have led to the rise of ‘co-working’ and ‘work from home’ trends, with ‘3rd work space’ beginning to emerge as a viable alternative to being anchored to a workstation. On the back of this, the ability to ‘bring your own device’ and have them seamlessly interface with your workplace infrastructure is a compelling concept that allows people to work at their best. Technology is impotent however, without equal consideration of People and Place. In other words, only after careful consideration of architectural infrastructure design, culture, process and technology, can change be implemented. Equally, to embrace change, 5 conditions need to be met: −− A powerful financial incentive to seek innovation; −− The willingness to be genuinely excited by better ways of doing things; −− The leadership to put new ideas into practice; −− Complete confidence in the use of technology; −− The creation of a business environment that is measurable.

Creative Approach Our robust methodology underpins our ability to develop creative responses to inspire a whole new concept of workspace environments for the financial industry. We are able to understand our client’s vision and effectively translate this vision into a well-designed space tailored for the sustained growth of the business.

We adopt the use of a range of holistic briefing tools, using a sense of scale and metrics to observe organisational behaviours, sentiment, technology, processes and space utilisation. We review the client’s current workplace approach, then translate and distil the information into a series of workplace options, which we evaluate and test with the client to arrive at a final workplace environment that can be developed into a designed form for realisation.

We have extensive experience in exploring new ways of integrating leading edge physical and virtual technology within financial environments. The moulding of this technology to fit within our overarching design principles and our client’s desired cultural benchmarks provides critical experience that we are able to apply to all of our projects.

Collectively, our team works collaboratively with the client and their key project stakeholders to balance the critical elements of people, technology and environment, which we see as the fundamental framework to our workplace projects.

We are used to working with our clients and specialist consultants to facilitate and guide the transition to new ways of working and resulting workplace environments in a coordinated manner. In our experience, change management strategies consist of five core phases:

Change Management

We highly recommend that clients undertake a form of pre-occupancy staff survey, if they haven’t already done so, to establish current key issues that their people may identify as impacting on their effectiveness and well being. This process establishes benchmarks from which to measure ‘Future Workplace’ outcomes and metrics to further tune the workplace with new or changing objectives.

−− Awareness - Communicating the strategic vision and the need for change

The Ability to Think Differently

−− Reinforcement - Developing ownership via a focus on positive benefits and achievements, underpinned by visible leadership, feedback, mentoring and strategic post occupancy metrics evaluation

Woodhead recognise that technological evolution will drive the future of our workplaces. We are seeing organisations adopt alternative work strategies that at their core, are shaped by the changing workstyles of knowledge workers.

−− Desire - Engagement across all facets of the organisation to build support for the change −− Knowledge - Structured preparation for the change, including parallel and enabling programs −− Ability - Growing capability through staff training, protocol development and move preparation

DBS Bank, singapore


Recent Banking Experience


Standard Chartered Bank



Project size


BANKING ENVIRONMENT project experience

Standard Chartered Bank Changi Business Park, Singapore Woodhead has completed the interior fitout for Standard Chartered Banks’ new Changi Business Park premises as part of a company-wide workplace refresh. Standard Chartered at Changi houses over 2000 non front-line employees in human resources, technology and trade operations. Following an extensive stakeholder and design development process, Woodhead has achieved a new design standard for Standard Chartered, widely acclaimed in terms of sensitivity to internal branding, space planning principles, design principles and addressing agile work practices. The interior design principles reflect Standard Chartered’s own brand and its diverse and inclusive culture by creating workplace environments that enhance communication within and across business units and compel opportunistic meetings. Robust and flexible planning in the configuration of workspaces enhances teamwork and communication, whilst balancing the need for privacy. The space planning is designed against a modular grid enabling ease of reconfiguration, churn and minimal construction wastage.

The workplace design incorporates a 30% increase in communal space, hot-desk system for a mobile workforce, a Learning Centre featuring seven bespoke training rooms, recreational lounge, staff cafeteria and in-house café, open plan staff kitchens, sensor lights/timer, and lighting control master settings in meeting rooms to conserve energy. ‘Interchange Hubs’ act as alternative work zones with wireless connectivity to support informal working, collaborative/ chance interactions across departments and encourage a sense of open culture. Floors are themed Asia, Middle East and Africa in line with the geographic areas of the bank’s operations. Colours and environmental graphics express these themes and communicate the international, diverse culture of the bank.



Development Bank of Singapore


December 2012

Project size


BANKING ENVIRONMENT project experience

Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC), Singapore In March 2011, Woodhead was appointed as Interior Design Consultant for the new DBS Bank Regional Headquarters at Marina Bay Financial Centre, Tower 3, Singapore. Accommodating a headcount of 5,000 staff over 18 floors totaling 70,000sqm, it was the largest Workplace project in the market at the time. The areas include client-facing divisions such as Executive Suite, Private Banking, Priority Banking, and Consumer Banking, as well as multiple-function facilities such as an auditorium, gymnasium, cafeteria, and conference centre. Specialist areas include the Executive Suite, Dealing Room floor for 500 traders, and flagship Branch. Consolidating its real estate footprint from three buildings into one, this project serves to refresh DBS Bank’s facilities as it forges a new identity, and to drive cultural change to reflect more openness, transparency and collaboration across the organisation.

The internal branding of the new DBS Workplace will express its aspiration to be the #1 Asian bank. It will also create diverse, multiple spaces and opportunities to meet and engage with its clients. The concept design proposed by the Woodhead design team during the shortlist process captured the spirit of Asia and the approval of the steering committee. Our vision for a multi-faceted Workplace environment for DBS Bank is themed around the geography of Asia — with its contour lines, dynamic Asian lifestyle, rich arts & crafts, vibrant market places, as well as tranquil places of meditation. From the stringent RFP selection process and design competition, Woodhead became DBS Bank’s designer of choice for our combined ability to deliver high standards of design integrity, a quality team to service the project, directly relevant prior experience with banking clients at MBFC, and all at a competitive price.


Employers too, are beginning to understand the benefits of good workplace design. Well designed spaces translate into improved comfort, better efficiencies and higher productivity among employees. The Bank’s new offices at Changi feature an open and flexible design that maximises space usage, natural light, air flow and ventilation. Steve Riley, Global Head of Property, Standard Chartered Bank


Standard Chartered Bank



Project size




BANKING ENVIRONMENT Portfolioproject project experience Experience

Standard Chartered Bank Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC), Singapore Part of Singapore’s largest commercial fitout project, Woodhead has completed the second stage of the Standard Chartered Bank at Marina Bay Financial Centre in Singapore. The new premises encompass approximately 48,000sqm over 25 floors of Marina Bay Financial Centre, Tower One. Woodhead, as Lead Consultant for the interior design, has designed the fitout consolidating 6,800 staff from twelve facilities into two. The Marina Bay site houses Consumer Banking, Wholesale Banking, Private Banking, Trading Floors, Executive Offices and Client Meeting Suites, with collocation in one site effecting cost savings and operational efficiencies in its property strategy. Woodhead’s design for the workplace is driven by the bank’s objectives: improving workflow efficiency, engaging multi-generational and cultural fusion in its human capital, and unlocking technology enablers. The resultant workplace demonstrates how design can lead and support cultural change to bring about business goals.

Woodhead has worked closely with Standard Chartered’s in-house Workplace Effectiveness team, Project Management team, both inhouse and third party consultants and Facilities Management as a cohesive team over a 3-year period. The team has achieved a successful workplace design despite the challenge and complexities of large-scale planning and stack in an environment of headcount ambiguity and industry volatility. The design outcomes reflect Woodhead’s commitment to creating worldclass workplace environments that attract and retain the best talent. The design team applied ongoing research and knowledge in Environmentally Sustainable Design principles in alignment with Standard Chartered’s corporate Sustainability objectives of operating from buildings that are Green Mark accredited.


Woodhead recently collaborated with Suncorp and Jones Lang Lasalle to evaluate 11 x shortlisted developer proposals responding to their 30,000m2 campus HQ accommodation requirement.




December 2011

Project size


BANKING ENVIRONMENT Portfolioproject project experience Experience

Suncorp Campus Headquarters Brisbane, Queensland Suncorp’s vision was articulated as “One Company, Many Brands, One Team”, which recognised the unique brand propositions the Suncorp Group offer their customers. The new Campus HQ development was seen as an opportunity to deliver the physical and cultural embodiment of the journey Suncorp are undertaking and at the same time looking forward to “brighter futures” and creating “Suncorp - THE place to work.”

−−Inclusion of connecting bridges, walkways and pathways to link people more visibly, rather than relying on traditional vertical transportation. −−Large swages of contiguous floor space, which allows flexible planning and the ability to alter team sizes efficiently. −−Atria should be provided to allow natural light into key central spaces within the building and to enhance visual connectivity in all directions. Our brief was to shape a building that could −−Floorplates should be efficient and no inherently demonstrate the DNA of the less that 87% GFA/NLA, with the ability to Suncorp brand in an authentic manner to its accommodate neighbourhoods of between people, customers and shareholders. During 40-100 people. extensive workshop sessions with key project −−Support an average population density ratio of stakeholders the following key criteria emerged 1:10, including support spaces. for the new campus: One of the key development considerations was to foster a learning environment, which −−Floorplates should be a minimum of 3,000sqm was maximised with the provision of a and facilitate vertical and horizontal visual Learning Academy that could be used for a connection. wide variety of associated uses. Suncorp −−Floorplates should be as column free as promotes a culture that encourages and possible to allow flexibility and simple churn supports continual learning and the campus reconfigurations. development was designed to embody this −−Large, simple, modular floor plates, linked principle. both horizontally and vertically to allow greater 15 flexibility for growth, change and agility.

The premises are a balance of functional practicality and aesthetic appeal that delivers a new environment conducive to ASIC’s business needs...What impressed about Woodhead was the attention to detail, collaborative design process, understanding of our requirements, comprehensive engagement process, and their ability to communicate to a broad audience. Jonathan Betts, Former National Manager Property, Australian Securitites & Investments Commission


Australian Securities and Investments Commission



Project value


Project size


BANKING ENVIRONMENT Portfolioproject project experience Experience

Australian Securities and Investments Commission Brisbane, Queensland Woodhead were engaged by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) to design their new long term office accommodation located at 240 Queen Street, Brisbane. The design of the 3400m2 tenancy space over three and a half floors includes open plan workstations, customer and internal meeting rooms, conference and training facilities, breakout spaces and a customer service centre/reception. Extensive client consultation at the beginning of the project via ‘discovery workshops’ established a set of guiding principles that underpinned the planning and design of the project. From this consultation our objective was to create a workplace environment that improved workflow, was an extension of the workplace culture and embedded responsible sustainable design principles. The design concept is based on a contemporary interpretation of Queensland vernacular architecture. Woodhead transposed

elements of this architectural style from a domestic level into a modern workplace design aesthetic. This design inspiration provides the Brisbane staff with a sense of familiarity and a unique office environment, setting it apart from interstate offices, as well as redefining ASIC’s Brisbane Brand position as a responsive, outward facing agency. The design maximises access to natural daylight and views whilst providing screening and privacy to the occupants, creating clearly defined paths of circulation, creating distinct zones for separate functions and maximizing flexibility, with modular built environments also allowing for secure collaborative spaces. The design solution incorporates the current and future needs of the organisation, providing a workplace tailored to enhance communication, collaboration and culture amongst employees.


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Allianz Global Assistance



Project size


BANKING ENVIRONMENT Portfolioproject project experience Experience

Allianz Global Assistance Brisbane, Queensland We recently collaborated with Allianz Global −−Choice of work platform – Physical and virtual Assistance to provide a 1,000sqm agile −−Seamless movement – People can move workplace environment ‘Pilot’, designed seamlessly between platforms without to trial new ways of working. The ‘Pilot’ interrupting their workflow workspace was designed with the following −−Ambient awareness – Of the customer, objectives in mind: products and market (AGA’s culture is embodied in the workplace) −−To provide a choice of work settings that support identified organisational activities, −−Flexibility and reusability – Enables people to quickly come together and disperse – ‘self −−To support collaboration, knowledge sharing churn’ and in turn, aid speed to market, −−To maintain customer focus and business support performance. We have also developed a bespoke technology solution that underpins the agile working concept and includes: −−Location agnostic collaboration – Enable people to discover and collaborate with anyone, regardless of location



Deutsche Bank


December 2011 (Phase 1)

Project size


BANKING ENVIRONMENT project experience

Deutsche Bank Mapletree Business Centre, Singapore In February 2011, Woodhead was appointed by Deutsche Bank to design and fitout their new back office at Mapletree Business City. Phase I, completed in 2011, comprises 3 floors totalling 3,600sqm, and is connected by an internal staircase to accommodate 280 work positions. The new workplace planning principles mandated by Deutsche Bank called for a focus on flexibility to respond to the changing needs of the business. The goal was to achieve a higher quality work environment that better utilises space and integrates technologies, ergonomics and considerations for the environment.

The proposed designs demonstrate attractive, multi-functional communal work spaces that support a highly mobile workforce, are agile enough to adapt to both known and unknown changing business needs, foster an internal culture of collaboration and transparency, and demonstrate environmental sustainability principles.

With the client’s objectives and values aligned with Woodhead’s own, the design solution-finding process was smooth, and facilitated efficiently by Confluence, the Project Management consultant.



Community CPS



Project value


Project size


BANKING ENVIRONMENT project experience Portfolio pro

Community CPS Adelaide, South Australia In its first significant workplace project in over 15 years, leading credit union Community CPS chose to partner with Woodhead to deliver its new flagship branch and workplace project. The new working environment is designed to create an engaging, efficient and peoplefocused workplace. Designed in close consultation with users, the workplace provides a space which is professional, comfortable and inspiring. Key design principles were agreed early, and drove the final workplace solution including: −−Clearly defined circulation paths for ease of orientation; −−Enclosed rooms deliberately located within the building core to maximise the benefit of natural light and views for all;

−−Providing a diversity of work and meeting settings on each floor to best suit the task at hand; −−Immediate access to support facilities including printing hubs and storage facilities. The new flagship branch located on the ground floor provides clients and visitors with a non “bank-like” experience. Offering opportunities for self-directed information gathering within a welcoming and comfortable space, visitors are encouraged to spend time within the space and interact with mobile and multi-skilled people. CPS describe their new home as “Designed with people as the primary focus to create an environment which deepens relationships and provides a healthy, flexible and connected community.”



Rural Bank



BANKING ENVIRONMENT Portfolioproject project experience Experience

Rural Bank National Rollout Adelaide, South Australia, and Perth, Western Australia Rural Bank have chosen to partner with Woodhead to develop their first national design guidelines for retail stores, and embark upon their national roll-out of banking outlets. Rural Bank have recently re-branded their position in the market, and need a retail space which reflects this. Woodhead have worked closely with Rural Bank to develop a fresh yet timeless palette that speaks of Rural Bank’s history and aspirations moving forward. A standard “kit of parts” have been individually developed to enable the bulk of manufacture to happen off-site, and ensure a level of consistency is achieved across the country in both city and rural locations. Branches in Adelaide and Perth have recently been completed, with staff enjoying the open and transparent atmosphere, which still provides a level of privacy and security required from such a space.


DBS Bank, singapore


Banking Experience Case Studies

Standard Chartered Bank Global Office Workplace Standards Woodhead worked with Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) over a 4 year period on a number of projects and assignments. We employed a client centred - account management ethos, one that sees Woodhead designing the workplace within evolutionary cycles and where continuous improvement is the culture. This is a paradigm shift in the planning and provisioning of workplaces, in that we are able to take key learning into new projects and continuously improve and refine the model to suit different geographies and cultures, whilst still maintaining the key elements that define SCB as a leading Global Bank. We worked with SCB to evolve their previous accommodation guidelines into a less prescriptive and more intuitive set of principles built around flexibility, agility and diversity. Client

Standard Chartered Bank


Changi Business Park Beijing Marina Bay Financial Centre Jakarta

One of the key findings was that we needed to design a system rather than a specific projectby-project response. SCB has a very diverse workforce and they are at different stages in the evolutionary cycle of “new ways of working� depending on their geographic location.


In response to this the environment was designed with transition in mind, such that when the take up of agile working patterns happened in these diverse geographic locations, the environment could be adapted to cater for it without great expense.

talent. The design team applied ongoing research and knowledge in Environmentally Sustainable Design principles in alignment with Standard Chartered’s corporate Sustainability objectives of operating from buildings that are Green Mark accredited.

Woodhead’s design for the workplace was driven by the bank’s objectives: improving workflow efficiency, engaging multi-generational and cultural fusion in its human capital, and unlocking technology enablers. The resultant workplace demonstrates how design can lead and support cultural change to bring about business goals. Woodhead worked closely with Standard Chartered’s in-house Workplace Effectiveness team, Project Management team, both in-house and third party consultants and Facilities Management as a cohesive team over the 4-year period.

Following an extensive stakeholder and design development process, Woodhead achieved a new design standard for SCB, widely acclaimed in terms of sensitivity to internal branding, space planning principles, design principles and addressing agile work practices. The interior design principles reflect Standard Chartered’s own brand and its diverse and inclusive culture by creating workplace environments which enhance communication within and across business units and compel opportunistic meetings. Robust and flexible planning in the configuration of workspaces enhances teamwork and communication, whilst balancing the need for privacy. The space planning is designed against a modular grid enabling ease of reconfiguration, churn and minimal construction wastage.

The team has achieved a successful workplace design despite the challenge and complexities of large-scale planning and stack in an environment of headcount ambiguity and industry volatility. The design outcomes reflect Woodhead’s commitment to creating world-class work environments that attract and retain the best


Standard Chartered Bank Global Office Workplace Standards The workplace design incorporates a 30% increase in communal space, hot-desk system for a mobile workforce, a Learning Centre featuring seven bespoke training rooms, recreational lounge, staff cafeteria and in-house café, open plan staff kitchens, sensor lights/ timer, and lighting control master settings in meeting rooms to conserve energy. ‘Interchange Hubs’ act as alternative work zones with wireless connectivity to support informal working, collaborative/chance interactions across departments and encourage a sense of open culture. Woodhead has worked closely with Standard Chartered’s in-house Workplace Effectiveness team, Project Management team, both inhouse and third party consultants and Facilities Management as a cohesive team over a 4-year period. The team has achieved a successful workplace design despite the challenge and complexities of large-scale planning and stack in an environment of headcount ambiguity and industry volatility.


The design outcomes reflect Woodhead’s commitment to creating world-class workplace environments that attract and retain the best talent. The design team applied ongoing research and knowledge in Environmentally Sustainable Design principles in alignment with Standard Chartered’s corporate Sustainability objectives of operating from buildings that are Green Mark accredited. The Woodhead project team included designers from Singapore, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane, collaborating across studios to deliver agile workplace solutions for Standard Chartered. Standard Chartered has incorporated the planning and design principles developed and refined in MBFC into the bank’s new Global Office Workplace Standards. In addition to the MBFC commission, the client engaged Woodhead for the interior design of its other locations including Beijing, Mumbai, Nairobi and Mauritius.


Design Concept – Hub HUB SCREENS








design concept

Development Bank of Singapore (DBS), Marina Bay Financial Centre, Singapore Woodhead were engaged by DBS to create a flagship office of regional significance for the bank, which included the co-location of staff from three CBD buildings into a new space at Marina Bay Financial Centre. At the time, this was the largest workplace project in South East Asia, at 70,000sqm. We worked closely with the DBS management group to obtain, and also continually update and develop the brief to suit the client’s growth and development. In terms of the ‘functional brief’, obtaining the brief was a collaborative and iterative process. We interviewed all of the business units (BU) to understand and record their headcount (current and projected), equipment, storage, privacy, air con, power, security, IT and general facility and operational requirements.


DBS Bank Singapore


Marina Bay Financial Centre



We also surveyed/inspected the existing workspace of each BU to obtain a greater understanding of their comments in the interviews.


This information was consolidated and scheduled into BU and common facility requirements. The 18 floors were then planned simultaneously to incorporate all the requirements. It was important that the design concept represented the message, goals and values of DBS. The Group Strategic Marketing & Communications (GSMC) department within DBS provided an insight into the DBS identity. We worked closely with them to ensure their slogan of ‘Living Breathing Asia’ was translated into all aspects of the design.

−−“Asian values can be represented through the energy and vibrancy of the work environment.” −−“A sense of family and belonging is critical; Asia is home for DBS.” −−“Encouraging people to reflect upon their roots.” −−“Celebrating diversity and creating a sense of community.” −−“The focus is on the people - DBS is about real people with real stories.”

GSMC emphasised the following key issues to underpin our concept design: −−“It is critical that the space represents the essence of what it means to be new Asian, contemporary Asian….and is not simply an aesthetic caricature of Asian ideas and artefacts - less emphasis on the black and red - and more emphasis on what it is to be Asian in the 21st century…the Asian century.” −−“Going beyond Singapore - understanding the diverse cultures of the countries we operate in.”


Translating the brief into the design To meet the ‘functional brief’, the following spaces were developed and included on every floor: −−The Hub - meeting rooms (approximately 5), pantry and breakout/collaborative meeting/ dining area, and reception space (social space). Located centrally for access and use by all staff and with expansive views over Marina Bay. −−Workspace - open plan workspace including workstations, breakout areas and offices (team space) −−Focus rooms and utility areas (approximately 6) - pairs of semi-enclosed satellite focus rooms and utility areas located throughout the floor (individual space) In translating the brief into the ‘design concept’, we firstly identified geographic locations throughout Asia where DBS has a presence. We then used the topographical map of some key locations to obtain a set of contour lines which represented the contours of the DBS ‘natural landscape’.


These contours were overlaid on the floor plans to give a sense of place to the office environment.

This contoured landscape became the natural landscape upon which all the built elements of the fitout are located.

These ‘contours’, the natural landscape of DBS, influenced space planning of key areas, along with the floor, core wall and ceiling designs and materials.

The built environment of the office fitout (including elements such as meeting rooms, receptions, pantries, breakouts, offices, workstations and focus rooms) are inspired by the New Asian identity of DBS.

In the Hub areas, the contours are represented on the floor through a combination of timber, stone and concrete look finishes. On the ceiling they become cloud-like contours floating over the landscape below and allowing beams of light to penetrate down through the gaps in between. The ceiling accent contour is deconstructed into many elements, reminiscent of raindrops, and allows the light and air from the sky above to softly filter into the space. In the workspace, the contours are represented through a detailed carpet. The accent contours continue up the core walls through glass, mirror, film and coloured panels.

In the same culturally diverse regions of Asia that the topography plans were taken from, we investigated different elements of Asian life. We studied the evolution of these elements over time and how they influence society today. This process resulted in three key concepts which we incorporated into the fitout design in a contemporary, New Asian way. These concepts are based on the marketplace, arts and crafts, and meditation.


Design Concept – Executive Reception Area Marketplace - Commerce The nature of a marketplace is a central, social space for gathering, trading, and sharing, which inspired the informal, collaborative environment of The Hub spaces. Due to the number of floors, each key concept is made up of four types that have been grouped and randomly allocated to the 18 floors to ensure individuality. The marketplaces used over various floors are flower market, textile market, vegetable market and spice market. Arts and Crafts - Culture As the hub of production, thinking and creating, the workspace is reflective of Asian arts and crafts. The specific arts and crafts used across the floors are weaving, paper folding, calligraphy, and carving. Meditation - Calm The focus rooms and utility areas are quiet zones which are designed to be in contrast to the rest of the workspace. Used for quiet individual work or small team meetings, the meditation concepts that have influenced the


design and materials of these spaces are rainfall, zen, bamboo, and retreat. The success of delivering each floor on schedule within a compressed design and construction program is a result of close collaboration and coordination with the client, consultants and contractors alike. Woodhead developed a close relationship with DBS which has led to our collaboration in other parts of Asia. We have implemented the ‘New Asian’ design concept and supporting design principles conceived for this fitout into the DBS Jakarta, Indonesia office and the DBS New Delhi, India office. The connectivity and flexibility built into the design allow it to be internationally rolled out to all offices. The new workplace offers a range of benefits for DBS people and visitors, including: −−Flexible, fun and interactive day-to-day work environment −−Variety of work, meeting and breakout zones to suit personal and/or project requirements

−−A shared ‘superhub’ called Habitat, designed as a flexible hub/conference/breakout/meeting space based on an Asian Courtyard concept. Developed to blur the lines between outside and inside, this one-off space is designed as a series of pavilions and grassed open space for meeting, dining or touchdown working. Stone paths connect the various open and semienclosed areas. Trees not only act as screens but reinforce the connection with the outside environment. Materials are reflective of those used in Asian courtyards such as rendered stone walls, concrete slabs and pavilions made of timber slats. ‘Habitat’ is available for all staff to use and is a relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of the workplace. IT services are integrated in the design of the furniture, allowing touchdown work or an informal meeting anywhere within the space. This was the first large-scale project in which we adopted the use of Revit to develop a 3D model and develop all of the documentation for the project, which proved beneficial due to the scale and complexity of the design. 37

department of climate change & energy efficiency, act


Environmental Sustainability


Sustainability and Innovation Our responsibility as architects and designers extends beyond the completion of construction as we focus upon the lifecycle of a building. This is reflected in our commitment to environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Greenhouse Impacts from Projects Our core service is in the delivery of world-class design. The built environment has a significant impact on global warming and water use, and we believe that we can drive positive change in our industry, ultimately to the point where sustainable development is part of the solution to global warming. Our Climate commitment objectives have been incorporated into our design process, whereby every project is assessed for sustainable benefits and outcomes. These outcomes are balanced between environmental, social and economic benefits. Woodhead are increasingly raising the sustainability value in all of our projects – we believe that every client should benefit from improved building performance, improved user comfort, and reduced environmental risk.

Environmental Management System Woodhead’s Environmental Management System (EMS) aims to reduce the environmental impacts that may result from our day to day operations and from the projects we design. Our EMS has been tailored around our existing ISO 9001 Quality Assurance system, and focuses primarily on actions needed to address our Climate Friendly commitment. We look forward to achieving final EMS ISO 14001:2004 certification shortly.

Green Building Codes As an inaugural and continuing member of the Green Building Council of Australia, Woodhead continue to be actively involved in the creation of Australia’s first Green Star rating tools. In fact we were using similar rating tools on projects even before the creation of the GBCA, and we now support the GBCA in all their endeavours. Woodhead is committed to maintaining Green Star Accredited Professionals within each studio and at leadership level across the group. In addition our team has the knowledge and skills to work with and apply NABERS energy rating requirements and relevant Government and Defence sustainability guidelines.

Woodhead Environmental Sustainability




During demolition and construction works at least 70% of all waste by weight (except hazardous materials) should be reused or recycled.

Water: achieve a 30% reduction in potable water consumption compared to a design reference building.

Energy: 20% improvement target is generally consistent with the minimum 4.5 star NABERS rating for commercial office buildings.




ESD Performance Targets

Climate Friendly Partner

Woodhead has developed a set of ‘ESD Performance Targets’ that are quantifiable measures relating to the assessment and design resolution of energy, water and materials in our projects.

Woodhead has purchased 50% of the company’s carbon offsets from the first Australian project accredited under the international Verified Carbon Standard scheme. The Tasmanian Native Forest Protection Project is 7,666 hectares of privately owned land in the Tasmanian Central Highlands.

The ESD Performance Targets work together with a defined set of ‘ESD Essential Requirements’ to capture additional initiatives to lower the overall environmental impact of the building during design, construction and operation.


Green Star

“New environmental benchmarks were established by aligning the Department’s vision to produce the most environmentally sustainable largescale commercial office fitout in Australia, with Woodhead’s knowledge and expertise in sustainable design” Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Canberra ACT

“We take our role as responsible corporate citizens seriously, and are committed to making the world a better place through lasting economic, environmental and social contributions. Operating from a Green Star-rated building is one of the best ways to demonstrate this” Mike Foster Fujitsu Australia’s Chief Executive Officer

As an inaugural and continuing member of the Green Building Council of Australia, Woodhead have been actively involved in the creation of Australia’s first Green Star rating tools. In fact we were using similar rating tools on projects even before the creation of the GBCA, and we now support the GBCA in all their endeavours. Accredited Professionals Woodhead is committed to maintaining Green Star Accredited Professional expertise at leadership level in each of our Portfolios across the Company. Green Star Accredited Professionals (GSAP) are recognised for their advanced knowledge, experience and competency with the Green Star environmental rating system. Green Star Projects Green Star is a comprehensive, national, voluntary environmental rating system that evaluates the environmental design and construction of buildings. With more than 4 million square metres of Green Star-certified space around Australia, and a further 8 million square metres of Green Star-registered space, Green Star has transformed Australia’s property and construction market.

Woodhead Environmental Sustainability POrtfolio Key Personnel

Certified & Registered Green Star Projects 2 Victoria Avenue, Perth 6 Star Green Star – Office Design v2 rating

GP Super Clinic, Noarlunga Green Star - Healthcare As Built v1 (r)

60 Light Square, Adelaide 4 Star Green Star - Office Design v1

Jacana House, Darwin 5 Star Green Star - Office Design v3

Australian Centre for Indigenous Knowledge, Darwin Green Star - Education Design v1 (r)

Land Management Corporation, Adelaide 5 Star Green Star - Office Interiors v1.1

Australian Tropical Forest Institute, Cairns QLD Green Star - Education As Built v1 Central Land Council, Alice Springs 4 Star Green Star - Office Design v2 Department of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency, Canberra 6 Star Green Star - Office Interiors v1.1 Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations, Canberra 5 Star Green Star - Office Interiors v1.1

Maritime Skills Centre, Port Adelaide 5 Star Green Star - Education PILOT SA Police Headquarters, Adelaide SA 5 Star Green Star - Office Design v3 Shell Development Australia, Perth WA 5 Star Green Star - Office Interiors v1.1 Wood and Grieve, Perth WA 5 Star Green Star - Office Interiors v1.1 World Park, Adelaide SA 5 Star Green Star - Office As Built v2

Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide Star Green Star - Healthcare Design v1, 5 Star Green Star - Healthcare As Built v1 Fujitsu The Gauge, Melbourne 6 Star Green Star - Office Interiors v1.1 43

Standard chartered Bank, changi business park, singapore


Technology and Innovation


Quality Certified Australian Standards Woodhead operates a certified Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, across Woodhead Studios covered on the Certificate. Renewal: 23 February 2015 Woodhead takes the quality of its services and output seriously. Excellent outcomes for our clients are our goal, achieved by working with a Management System that provides checks and balances to our processes, ensuring consistent success. This mature Management System is certified in five Australian States and Territories, by SAI-Global, to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008. This includes a Management Manual detailing the company’s approach to policies, objectives, management review, resources, sub-consultant appointment and improvement strategies. Core business processes from Project Initiation through to Completion are described. In addition, a range of system-specific procedures, forms and checklists provide a structure to ensure Woodhead staff work consistently and well. These relate to document and record control, required competencies, client feedback and continuous improvement action through a sophisticated internal audit program.

Case Study: Greenskills Perth WA Woodhead is commissioned as lead consultant for the design and delivery of the Central Institute of Technology’s Greenskills project in Perth, WA. The new building will provide an innovative learning centre for the development of knowledge in the area of sustainable building design studies. Woodhead are collaborating with the Structural and Building Services Engineers to develop the integrated BIM model, capturing the work of all design team members, to establish and validate the building design, to enable construction documentation production, and to capture future ‘as constructed’ information, maintenance and manual requirements. The appointment includes the provision of full architectural and interior design services and coordination and integration of all sub consultants. The latest technological developments and processes were adopted to inform the move towards fully integrated project delivery. Project

Greenskills, Central Institute of Technology, East Perth Campus, WA


Central Institute of Technology, Perth, Western Australia




March 2010


February 2014

Woodhead Quality and Technical Capability

BIM Commitment Woodhead is committed to the continual improvement and up-skilling of our team with the latest documentation and visualisation technology. Our teams are fluent in CAD and BIM authoring and coordination technology, specialist graphic design and publication packages and traditional administration processing tools. The implementation of BIM (Building Information Modelling) tools and processes have made it possible to better streamline workflows throughout a building’s lifecycle, from concept/schematic design to model integration of design and construction models, to facilitating the management of maintenance and decommissioning information of the built asset. BIM tools and processes enable our team to reduce risk, retain design intent and better ensure that client interest is maintained throughout the project. This also helps streamline quality control and provides a higher level of coordination between consultants. The processes adopted and the generation of coordinated models facilitates clear communication between all project stakeholders which in turn provides access to a wider range of analytic tools, thereby better addressing our client’s specific needs.

BIM lessons we have learned: −−Technology... BIM is a process with efficiencies available through planning of clear workflow practices and procedures. −−Modelling may incur more up front costs, yet... −−The integrated model can provide a greater level of control all round. −−There is value in working with Contractors as Consultants, however not all procurement processes will support this. −−Getting the right team is an issue for all projects. With BIM implementation selecting the right team is essential. BIM is only as effective as the most ineffective link. −−The level of service is superior to that of traditional service provision and therefore of greater value to the Client.

Our BIM technology enables our teams to:

−−Reduce risk −−Retain design intent throughout the project −−Streamline quality control −−Provide design and construction certainty between consultant disciplines −−Reduce conflicts on site through clash detection and comprehensive scheduling and data reporting during the design process. At Woodhead, the adoption of BIM tools and processes is now our predominant and preferred method of workflow thereby ensuring quality solutions for our clients. 47

Commercial | Education | Health | Hospitality | Industrial | Residential | Retail | Transport | Workplace

Contact Angelo Di Marco Managing Director Woodhead Pty Ltd 343 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 T : +61 (2) 9964 9500 F : +61 (2) 9964 9683 M :+61 (0) 416201574

Graham Stanley Associate + Brisbane Workplace Leader Woodhead Pty Ltd Level 9, 333 Ann St Brisbane QLD 4000 T : +61 (7) 3221 1333 F : +61 (7) 3221 6111 E: CONTACT

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Gavin Adams Group Health Leader, Principal E T +61 7 3221 1333 M +61 414 764 758

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