Techniques most professional contractors follow in home painting If we want to paint our own houses, then we might do an OK job doing so. However, seasoned painting service contractors will do a much better job. It is quite obvious that these contractors would have more experience in home painting under their belts and will know a lot of techniques and tricks to do a better painting job. Here are some of their secrets. Do not cut corners. Professional painting service contractors do not cut painting time. They usually spend an average of two to four days working on an average-sized room. During this time, these painters make sure that the room is prepared, primed and painted correctly so that the final results will come out perfectly. Clear the room. When working on a home painting project, painting contractors usually work on one room at a time. They make sure that the room is cleared of furniture and all fixtures, and that drop cloths cover the floor area. When there are large furniture that cannot be fully moved out, they cover them and move them in the center of the room. Prepare the surfaces. Painting service contractors meticulously check the surfaces to be painted for minor cracks, bumps and nail heads popping out. Contractors will then smoothen or fill these cracks up using either painter’s putty for minor cracks or plaster of Paris for deep dents. For wooden surfaces, they use wood fillers. When preparing the surface, professional house painters do a two-step sanding process to ensure that chipped paints are feathered out and that the next coat of paint will have more surface area to stick into. Choose the right paint and primer. Painting contractors will then select a primer that will be suitable for the home painting project being undertaken. Primers provide a solid even base that will ensure that the top coat will stick securely to the surface. Most professional painting service contractors use alcohol and alkyd primers because they are able to cover just about any surface in the house. Painting service contractors always use high quality paint and select paints that are suitable for the primer that was used. Likewise, contractors also choose the type of the primer that will affect positively the appearance of the top coat. Depending on how quickly the paint dries, contractors will often use paint additives that would either slow down or hasten paint drying. Most painting service contractors such as Bayside Painting and Flooring follow the above techniques in making sure that every home painting project that they undertake will be a work of art.