Tips for Installing Ceramic Tile Flooring If you decide to play handyman and home improvement on your own around your house, be sure to research first the project that you want to undertake. This article deals with ceramic tile flooring installation in very easy-to-follow steps, reading it helps you learn all the things you need to know for the installation process. Anyone can work with ceramic tile flooring installation; all you need to do is read up on it and gather the right materials and equipment before getting started. You can even print and keep these guidelines along with you for reference. Step 1 – Familiarizing yourself with the tools and equipment you will need to use in this project. To your own understanding, tools are tools so why will it be so important? If you are completely aware of the various tools needed in laying ceramic tile flooring installation, then it is big advantage for you in installing it. You can purchase all that you need at the local hardware store; ask the owner or sales clerk and get some valuable information. For those tools that are too expensive to purchase, it is possible to rent from a local tool rental yard. Listed below are some of the tools you will need: Safety clothing and gear: heavy-duty gloves, masks and glasses Carpentry tools and equipment – bubble level, carpenter’s square and measure tape Tile cutter, tile spaces, trowel, putty knife, rubber grout float Tile bonding products or tile adhesive, sealant and tile grout Step 2 – After you have assembled your tools, move to the second step; the preparation of the sub-floor for the ceramic installation. Check the floor for cracks and clean all debris. Repair the cracks on the floor surface and clean it as best you can. If the cracks are too big to repair replace that particular part of the floor. Wood floors should be well-supported with at least 2 inches thick to endure the weight of the tiles. Just remember if you have an existing tile floor, you will need to pull it out and then begin the ceramic tile flooring installation. Use a flat bladed chisel and