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Lead article

Cover lines

Main image

Left third Barcode


Features and articles Images

Masthead Interview

Pull quote Article

Main image

Second Mast Head

TheMasthead provides an identity for the magazinewhich can providethecustomer to relate to themagazine. My Mast Head was used to relateto a younger rebellious ordinance. My Masthead looks likesomeonescribbled it because it’s a littlemessy which is what teenagers are. I wanted to providea magazinewhich would be thesourcefor rock smashes, rock crashes and rock fulfilment. A lot of teenagers who listen to rock musicarevery rebellious in their everyday lifethey arevery different, they have a senseof individuality about them which is what I wanted them to personally recognisetheresimilarities with this magazine.

Themain imageis used to convey theartist in an interesting way so thereader will read there main article. TheMain Imagecan help the customers comparethemselves with the portrayal of the artist weather it is the clothes they arewearing or theposes they arepulling. My main imageis quitelarge but it portraysa closerelationship between theband. I wanted a main imagethat could beused with thepuzzle background . Theband used in this pictureseem very together but becausetheimageis so largeit seems to bea different kind of article.

Thecontents Provides a selection of articles and new bands but it needs to beconveyed in a different, interesting well proportioned way or my way which ismessy, dark and full of images and articles. Thereader can relate to oneof theimages it can also bea little mesmerising becauseof theway it is presented. The pageis completely full with articlesimages and a faded imagewhich relates to liveaudiences at gigs and festivals. Thecontents really provides a rock feel due to thedarkness of the contents. The background is kept thesame asthemain page to keep them similar.

The skyline can beused as a advertising featureor a way of promoting theinside of thearticle. Theskylinecan besituated either at thetop or thebottom of thefront page. The skyline can beany shapeor colour (that fits and suits themagazine) I kelp my skyline a rectangle but used dark colours with moons between them to separatethe names. I used theskylineto promotethe bands featured in my magazine.

My magazine represents rebellioushard rocking fans of gigs and festivals. I represent this through thelayout of my pages especially thedoublepagespread and contents. ScuttleBug is theAmerican term for passing on news (gossip) thereason I called it this is to pass on a message that rock beatspop and R&B any day. My magazine allows readers to find new bands, new albums and up and coming festivals so thereader and their friends can enjoy themusic and thegigs. Scuttle bug also shows a meaning towards all themain songs listen to for instants thereason for thesong and any strangestories to how thesongs cameabout. Scuttlebug represents every person who hasthereown individual attitudelikethebands they admire, thesongs they enjoy.

Gui t ar pl ayer s Dr um pl ayer s

Mai nl y a mal e audi ence Peopl e who want f r ee ext r as E. G. post er s

Al l t hemes of Unknown bands r ock Met al 16 – 24 year Peopl e who want ol ds t o know about Band gi gs and f ol l owi ngs f est i val s Peopl e who l i ke bands

Bauer media arethepublishers for Kerrange, a hugerock magazine, and Q, a world widedistributed magazine. Both of these represent magazines that areworld wideand aim at younger people like my magazine. Bauer media production would bethebest choice as it is thebiggest magazineproduction company in Europeas it owns over 20 magazines from heat to motor cyclenews. Becauseall thesemagazines have been a successBauer will beable to make ScuttleBug a hugesuccess as well. The UK based production will mean a lot dueto producing morework for theUK and proving that British media is still a big success.


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