Magazine Analyse
By Michael Tanswell
1st magazine MOJO
Front cover Masthead
MOJO targetsan older audienceso that is why the magazineis kept original and largeletters areused a swell as a younger picturebecausethat’s what they will seehim as. TheFront cover is very dark which gives a serious feeling. Themain picture, a medium shot, is old and isgiving themain attention to thelargest figureit is also used to convey themain story which in this caseis Paul McCartney, themen in thebackground aretherest of his former band theBeetles. Thesideheadings are new bands or solo artists who might havebrought out a new CD or single. Thesideheadingson theright are headlines of famous people. Themast head is largeto catch thecustomers eye. Most of theimportant titles, or theleft third, is on theright sidebecausethat’s theside thecustomersgoing to seewhen on thestores shelf. The sky lineruns across thetop of thepage, it isa special attraction to thecustomers.
Sky line
Splash-the main story on thepage
Mug-shot Headlines arein Caps
Contents Headline
Theheading is thesamefont as thefront cover of the magazine. Thebackground is of Bob Marley a famous reggaesinger who is leaning on theinsideof an arch way. Heis thebackground becauseheis oneof the articles listed in thecontents healso has a pull quoteat thebottom of thepagethat describes and emphasises a certain themeof an old photo. Thebackground is in black and whitewhich makesit look so much better. The numbers arelargeso thecustomer can navigatetheir way around themagazine. Thecontents titles each havea description which they clarify thearticle. Thecontents can also beaway for advertising as it isthemost read pagein themagazine, thereisn't any advertising I this contents. Thedateand issuenumber arein thecontents when they areusually on theFront cover.
Pull quote
Double pagespread Pull quote
This doublepagespread is on themain articleof Paul McCartney and theBeetles. Thearticles focuses on histimewith thebeetles and his solo career in single. This doublepagespread is split equally between writing and photographs, this will bebecausea picturespeaksa thousand words and becausethere areno other living band members. Thepictures areof theBeetles and of Paul McCartney with other famous men. Thesehelp by showing what hehas donein his career, they portray him as happy and serious to portray what his career waslike. Thearticleseems morelikean interview as it has lots of quotesfrom Paul McCartney. ThePull quoteis about hisCDs. Thearticleis kept simplebecauseit is aimed at an older audience. I likethelayout of thearticleand how thepictures aregrouped together to createa montage.
Body copy
Drop cap
2 column dips
Lead image
2nd magazine Classic FM
Front cover Masthead
ClassicFM targetspeoplewho enjoy classical music for instantstheopera. It also does theclassical music doneby largeorchestras. Wecan tell instantly by this dueto themany famous facesfrom many well known films. Themasthead is written in largeclassicwriting. Themain story is plastered in themiddleof the magazinein big and bold writing. Thefamous faces around thesidearegiving thereader a slight glimpse of which movies will bein thechart. Thereare smaller articles towards thebottom which focusmore on theclassical sidefor instants thereis an article about Vaughn Williamsand how hechanged cinema for ever using an orchestra.
Splash-the main story on thepage Mug-shots
Cover lines
Contents Headline
Thefirst thing I noticed when looking at this contents wasthe‘lord of therings’ photo and thelittlepull quotefrom thecomposer of theorchestra from the film this is on thecontents becauseit relates to the main story. Themain storiesarepagenumbered and theheadlines in Bold so thereaderscan find the articlethey would liketo read. Thetext is kept classic to stay with thefashion of themagazine. Thereis a pictureby-linefrom theeditor describing what hehas doneto themagazineand featuresthat hehas improved. TheHeadlineis thesamefont as themain headlineon thefront cover. Thecontentsarelayed out around theimageand pictureby-line. The contents arelayed out into four columns mainly kept to theright sideof thepage. Thecontents is used to advertiseaswell on thiscontentsitsadvertising its own magazine.
Stand first
Pull quote contents
Double pagespread •
This articleis mainly based on orchestras, composers and soloists. TheArticlesmain point is about thefamous pianist and composer Paul Lewis playing a well known Beethoven song. Thearticleis layed out in a classic newspaper stylewith 4 columns and a lead image. The imaged used isto convey Paul Lewis playing alongside theBBC symphony orchestra to oneof themost famous composers of all timeBeethoven. Thepull quoteis from Paul Lewis explaining thefeeling and understanding of playing such a fine, gentlepieceof music. TheHeadline istwo words describing John Lewis and how good he really is, how hehas raised thebar so high its becomethe benchmark. TheBackground has chords flowing over theheading to show how themusicbreaks out from paper to music. TheJournalist describesJohn Lewis almost as if heis a revolutionary extraordinaire, he writes about him as if hewas Beethoven him self. I like theway thechords arealmost playing in thebackground as it gives a real affect over thearticle.
Lead image
4 column dips
Stand first
Drop cap
Pull quote
Body copy
3rd magazine Kerrang
Front cover Mast head •
Ker rang is an international musiccompany, they are oneof thebiggest selling magazines in theworld. This magazineis oneof hundreds that comeout every week. TheMast head is all cracked up which shows it rebellion likeitsteenageaudience. Thelayout of the cover isquitemessy with pictures and articles scattered all over, this makes it look great especially to teenagers who arenaturally messy and rebellious. Themagazineis kept colourful which gives it a rebellious feeling. Themain articleis of a band called ‘Lostprophets’ who area emo, rock band thisis why thelead imagehas themain singer, in a medium shot, in dark clothing, with jewellery and possing in a relaxed, but trying to look cool, kind of pose. Most of thewriting hasan outlinewhich attractstheeyeto it. Thepictures arebundled together, it looks likethey havejust manageto fit all thephotosin, thisis why themagazinelooks messy. They havetotally disregarded thethird left instead they haveput pictures as teenagers enjoy thephotos.
Mug shots Splash-the main story on thepage Cover lines
Contents headlin e
Thecontents iskept to thesametypeof layout as the front cover. Themain pictureisat a stadium concert it shows theparty lifealmost advertising peopleto go to concerts. All thewriting is put at thebottom put into order of news, livereviews, gig guidesand features. Thepageis kept black and whiteand goes well with thefront page. Therearesmall photos next thearticleand pagenumber showing thereaders what its about. Thereis also a pictureby-linefrom theeditor describing what this issueabout, mainly oneof thearticles heenjoyed reading about.
Main picture
Stand first
Double pagespread Lead image •
Thefirst thing you noticeabout this doublepage spread is it is mainly enlarged photos. Thereisn't much text which showsthat teenagers don’t like reading much. This articleis about Muse’s visit to Australia. Thelead imagesarefocused on singleband members singing and playing their music. Thelayout isquitestrangedueto theslanted picturesand un equal columns on each page. Thejournalist describes what happened hedescribes theband as being really good but as a fan they acted superbly. Thereis also a littlearea for thefanswho describewhat they felt about theconcert. This is unusual as non of theother magazines havethis instead they havean area of which they interviewed theband.
Body copy
No proper column dips