Woolgoolga and the Northern Beaches
issue #5
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Friday 3rd Jan
Live Music
from 6.30pm and Meat Raffles
Wednesday 8th Jan Mega Trivia Night Free entry and prizes
7 Tasman Street, Corindi Beach Phone 6649 2622
Every Wednesday
$5 schooners (Carlton product only)
from 5pm-7pm
Welcome to Woopi News www.woopinews.com.au - woopinews@gmail.com - 0410 052 601 - ABN: 27 728 512 311 Welcome to the year 2020 Does that mean we can see more accurately and clearly now? I hope so. I hope what we will see is the continuance of community harmony. The past 12 months in Woopi has shown what an amazing community we are. Coming together and helping each other during the fires, the different groups collaborating to house people and animals, collect blankets and clothing, food for the evacuees and for our brave firefighters. Winning the Best Community in Australia at the R U OK? Awards confirmed we are caring about mental health and suicide prevention. The interested and supportive crowd and the meaningful conversations that were had when the R U OK? Trust the Signs tour came to town cemented that we are achieving positive results in our quest to bring awareness to and educating ourselves on how to help
those that may be struggling. The weekly Fluro Friday meet up has grown immensely over the past 12 months and is changing people’s lives. If you ever feel like you want to join in please come and meet the group at the beach on Fridays at 6.30am or at the Beachouse Café at around 7.30. Just go up to anyone wearing bright colours and they will make you feel welcome. The Fluro Friday Tribe invite you all down to Woolgoolga Main beach on Australia Day (Sunday, January 26) for a Fluro Fun Inflatable Floating Day. Bring your blowups, standups or anything that floats and enjoy a Woopi Summer Sunday together. Woopi starred in an episode of ABC Backroads this year which has brought many new visitors to our area. The Visitors Information Centre recorded a spike in inquiries after the episode screened. People were stopping us in
Ollie and Tahlia - the Kindness Crusaders with some of the gifts they collected to donate to other young people for Christmas
the street to say they had watched the show and that’s why they were here. The Community Surfboard and Street Art was a hit. I think of all the different projects and events around town, this has been the most well received. It certainly shows us to be a fun, inclusive community. During 2020 we are hoping to keep bringing you more great street art and really turn Woolgoolga into a unique and interesting town to visit. Curryfest, Blues and Berries and Eat Street are positive, tourism building, community driven events, all brought to us by Another Tasty Event. We are so lucky to have this business in our town, run by locals Carl and Sherry who put a lot of effort into creating exciting and always evolving events.
Elaine McInnes and her best furry friend Poppy are always ready to get into the mood for any occasion - bringing lots of smiles to lots of faces on the way
Located in the heart of Woolgoolga Quality products, well known brands, affordable 56 Beach Street - 0400 789 466 2 – WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND THE NORTHERN BEACHES – ISSUE 5 – JANUARY 2020
Welcome to Woopi News The Mitre 10 Carols by the Sea and the Shop Local Shop Woopi campaign has added some fun to the festive season. The Woolgoolga and Northern Beaches Chamber of Commerce will continue the shop local campaign all year. It is vital to the success and continuation of businesses in our area that we shop local whenever we can. The Healthy Town Project was a great success, implementing a lot of new initiatives in town including Healthy Town Month, a month of free healthy activities held last May. We are looking at doing that again this year, dependent on sponsors and funding. All of these events and activities couldn’t happen without the generosity of local sponsors so when you can, please support the businesses whose logos you see on promotions. Woopi News started publishing in September, this is our fifth edition. If you’ve missed any you can view them online at www.woopinews.com. au. The positive response we have received has been overwhelming and heartwarming. We hope to be able to increase our print run and page numbers during the year. Kindness has been everywhere in our town, we had our Random Acts of Kindness Cards with coffees being paid forward, chocolates being passed out, flowers presented to strangers, lawns mowed, gutters cleaned, shopping carried and so much more. The Kindness Crusaders, Ollie and Tahlia have been busy. These girls and their super supportive mums have offered so many acts of kindness, finishing the year by collecting as many gifts as
Wear your brightest colours, bring your blowups, standups or anything that floats and enjoy a Woopi Summer Sunday at the Fluro Fun Inflatable Floating Day. January 26 possible to donate to children who may not have the same opportunities as them. They are a pretty special couple of young ladies. Expect to see more of them. Here’s to 2020 being another fabulous and positive year for Woolgoolga and the Northern Beaches. We hope you have a good one.
“With over 60 years in the travel industry, our goal is to make your next holiday extraordinary” Lisa and Brad. PS don’t forget to tell them you saw it in Woopi News and Don’t forget to recycle your edition, if you’re not saving it, please pass it on to someone else or take it back to the shop you picked it up from. Share the love. Thank you. Cover: Pete, Wendy and Brett.
Open 9am to 5pm Weekdays 9am to 12noon Saturday
1/5 Market Street, Woolgoolga Tel: 6654 8114 Email: mail@coastaltravel.com.au
Woopi News - Fresh FM 87.6 Something new and Fresh is in the air Fresh FM 87.6 After a chance meeting whilst waiting for some takeaway at Mick Hundles’ Indian restaurant, in Woolgoolga’s Top Town, Safety Beach Resident Michael Krilich has now teamed with the owner of Fresh FM, Major Sidhu and is bringing Fresh FM Woolgoolga’s Own radio station back to life. For the past few years Fresh FM has been used for a popular Sikh prayer broadcast between 4.30am and 7am. For the rest of the day there has been a mixture of music played on a loop. Michael’s dream is to turn Fresh FM into a community driven local radio station. Michael admits he has no
technical idea on running a station like this but he has a wealth of knowledge regarding music, loving it since he was a kid. He has several facebook music groups he administers with over 60,000 followers and he is just about ready to publish a book detailing his knowledge and passion for music. So he sounds like the right bloke for the job. He has already introduced a number of three hourly programs covering different genres 60s-70s, 70s-80s, Country, Jazz, plus Chill relaxation for late at night. The Sikh Prayer show is still transmitted each morning. Michael is keen to hear from anyone who might like to get involved in the station or who has an idea for a radio slot. Major has invested in new computers and new software
for Michael to work with and they are hoping to take it online. At the moment the reach is not much further than the Woolgoolga town centre, but it’s worth tuning in to as the music they are playing is awesome.
“I listen to 87.6 Fresh FM – Woolgoolga’s Own�. So, if you would like to hear your voice on radio give Michael a call 0403 555 594 or email fresh. fm.87.6.radio@gmail.com
One of the next things Michael plans to do is approach members of the community to voice some station ID’s, something like
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BACK TO SCHOOL Special 15% ofF all BACKPACKS when you mention this ad JANUARY 2020 only 76 Beach Street, Woolgoolga 6654 1049
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4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WOOPI NEWS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WOOLGOOLGA AND THE NORTHERN BEACHES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; ISSUE 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JANUARY 2020
Woopi News Singing for their Supper
This month’s Woopi Wonder
So, if you think Queen Street, Woolgoolga has been a bit noisy of late, this story might give you the answer. Apparently some of our local Magpies have worked out where the finest meat in Woopi is and they won’t be quiet about it. Each morning the magpies turn up at the seat outside Woolgoolga’s Finest Butcher and squawk until Gerard comes out with a little tidbit. An Aussie classic.
Mitch Harvey has had a big year, winning the 7 News Young Achievers Award for Scouts NSW/ACT Youth Development Award, starring in an episode of ABC Backroads, being a finalist in the Rotary NSW Emergency Services Community Awards, attended a life changing Rotary Leadership week long camp, moved bases from Woolgoolga to Arrawarra with the Marine Rescue Centre, Skipper of the Woolgoolga 30, rescuing boats and saving lives, trained and supported the Maritime YES program TAFE students, to name a few! Now he has just been promoted from Deputy Unit Commander to being the Unit Commander for Woolgoolga Marine Rescue … and he’s only 24. Mitch has been with the Marine Rescue unit for over eight years and has been serving in the role of Deputy Unit Commander for the past 12 months as well as holding the role of Training Officer since June 2016. He is an active vessel Master and Watch Officer.
Mitchell has been instrumental in the unit’s training and development. As the first qualified Radio Operator, he was responsible for training the remaining 15 crew members up to the required standard, to meet State Rescue Board requirements. He has been responsible for developing countless training aids and resources, making the unit more efficient and compliant. Mitchell has been responsible for the training of close to 50 radio operators, 10 watch officers and 50 trainee crew members. How do you fit it all in Mitch?
regain your freedom! test ride an electric bike today :DUQLQJ VLGH HƬHFWV LQFOXGH IHHOLQJV RI HXSKRULD and uncontrollable grinning Call: 6654 1217 5/5 Market St, Woolgoolga woodseyswheels.com.au
Photographer of the month I moved to Emerald Beach from Townsville in 2014. From the day I arrived, I fell in love with the beauty of the surroundings and the friendly people who welcomed me to their community. I think my love for photography stemmed from my Nanna, she wasn’t a professional but loved photography with a passion. If Nanna wasn’t shooting something with her little camera, she was painting it. My home is adorned with her paintings, which inspire me daily, and are a constant reminder of a passion we shared. My photography journey started in March 2018 when I bought my first Canon DSLR. I’m self taught and still learning. Most mornings you will find me wandering the headland or beach at Emerald Beach. It’s always exciting to see what the new dawn will bring. All photographs available for purchase from my online shop front https://www.redbubble.com/people/ AussieCamera or follow me on facebook - www.facebook. com/cameradoinitaussiestyle
Look at Me Now Headland Storm
Karen Newlyn
Headland Kangaroos enjoying the view
Digging it at the Emerald Beach Picnic Table
Woopi News A message from the Northern Beaches Residents Association
Total approximate boardwalk length is 315m. Total approximate concrete footpath length is 428m. Three new viewing platforms. Stairs at northern end approximately 5m rise between viewing platforms and to rocks.
Design Proposal
A Whale Trail for Woolgoolga Headland is a proposal that has been endorsed by Coffs Harbour City Council (CHCC) and is a priority for the Northern Beaches Residents Association (NBRA). The NBRA believes it has the potential to be the jewel in not only our town’s crown but of the entire local area if creatively executed. The potential exists to create an iconic walking trail in line with or better than the Mutton Bird Island walk, Urunga boardwalk or even the North Head walk or Curl Curl boardwalk in Sydney. This is something we fear CHCC will not deliver. As shown in the concept plans (pictured) that were released by Council as part of the “Masterplan”, what CHCC have planned is a footpath along the side of the road (Pollack Esp). This simply is not good enough – a footpath is not iconic, and our town deserves better.
Woolgoolga Headland is unique, from its jaw dropping coastal views that stretch to Yuraygir National Park to the dunes and rolling hills of the Coffs Coast hinterland, it truly does have a lot going for it, and it deserves to be showcased. The NBRA believes a Whale Trail should maximise the headland’s natural form and environmental beauty and positioned to actually view whales as they migrate up and down the coast each
To see a larger version of this design, please visit www.woopinews.com.au
year - something you will not be able to do from the side of the road on a 1.8m wide concrete footpath. To achieve the best possible outcome for Woolgoolga we need to ensure that CHCC hears our voice. Local National Member Kevin Hogan has promised $1.1m in grants to the community of Woolgoolga for a specific project – a Whale Trail. We believe this funding should be spent on something of worth and not used to complete footpath infrastructure that should have been completed by CHCC decades ago. A combination of concrete path/cycleway, timber boardwalk (in part cantilevered over the rock platform below), viewing platforms and information signs as shown in the NBRA concept sketch/design is achievable. This has been presented to Council for consideration. If you would like to see
the Woolgoolga Headland Whale Trail be built as something noteworthy and iconic for our town, please
contact the NBRA in writing to express your thoughts. Please forward any ideas to nbrainc2456@gmail.com
Byron Bay
Location Unknown
Woopi News NSW State Community Service Award Recently Les Pepper, long time president of Woolgoolga Surf Club, a whopping 22 years long, was presented with a prestigious state award honouring his contribution to our community. Of particular note, the strong leadership he has shown during the preparation, planning and building of our new Surf Club. Les has been a Surf Life Saving club member for 33 years and has amassed 62 Surf Life Saving Awards. The NSW Government Community Service Award recognises individuals who help improve the quality of life for members of our community. On presenting the award, the Member for Coffs Harbour, Gurmesh Singh said, “Les epitomises what it means to be local and to love where you live, in this case our beautiful Northern Beaches.”
Thanks for what you do Les, we’re all looking forward to the completion of Woolgoolga’s new surf club in March. Woolgoolga Art Groups Members’ Summer Exhibition is on every day 10am to 4pm until January 24. Turon Parade, Woolgoolga 6654 1054
Woolgoolga Regional Community Gardens aka Woopi Gardens is open every Wednesday and Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm
Is this Spectacular HOLIDAY on your bucket list?
* Spectacular World famous Butchart Gardens
* Spectacular ƚůĂŶƟĐ DĂƌŝƟŵĞƐ͕ ŶŶĞ ŽĨ 'ƌĞĞŶ 'ĂďůĞƐ
* Spectacular &Ăůů ŽůŽƵƌ &ŽůŝĂŐĞ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ DĂŝŶĞ ĂŶĚ ŽƐƚŽŶ
* Spectacular Ăƚ ^ƵŶƌŝƐĞ͕ ^ƵŶƐĞƚ͕ ĞǀĞŶŝŶŐ ŝůůƵŵŝŶĂƟŽŶƐ͕ ĂŶĚ Ă ĐƌƵŝƐĞ ĂƌŽƵŶĚ ƚŚĞ ďĂƐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĨĂůůƐ
Guided throughout ,ĞLJ tŽŽƉŝ ƉĞŽƉůĞ ĂŶĚ ǀŝƐŝƚŽƌƐ͕ ǁŚLJ ŶŽƚ ũŽŝŶ :ĞŶ ĨƌŽŵ ,ĞůůŽǁŽƌůĚ EĂŵďƵĐĐĂ ĚĞƉĂƌƟŶŐ ŽīƐ ,ĂƌďŽƵƌ Žƌ ^LJĚŶĞLJ ϭϭth ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϮϬ͕ ƌĞƚƵƌŶŝŶŐ ϭϭth KĐƚŽďĞƌ ϮϬϮϬ͍ &Žƌ ĨƵƌƚŚĞƌ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ ŝƟŶĞƌĂƌLJ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ƉŚŽŶĞ Žƌ ĞŵĂŝů ,ĞůůŽǁŽƌůĚ dƌĂǀĞů EĂŵďƵĐĐĂ͘
Woopi News A message from Kevin Hogan MP As our community continues to face challenges with both the drought and fires, I want to ensure everyone is aware of the assistance that is available to you. The Farm Household Allowance (FHA) is there to help our farmers through periods of hardship, providing 4 years of income assistance. Payments are available now and eligibility can be checked by calling 180 22 66 or online www.humanservices.gov.au/ disaster Farmers and small businesses that have been hit by the bushfires can now access recovery grants of up to $15,000. To apply for a recovery grant, primary producers and small businesses should contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593 or visit raa.nsw.gov.au.
The Disaster Recovery Payment provides $1000 for adults and $400 for children. The payment will help people whose homes have been severely damaged or destroyed. They are available now and eligibility can be checked at www. humanservices.gov.au/ disaster or call 180 22 66 Members of our community, who have lost their income as a direct result of the bushfires, may be eligible for income support via the Disaster Recovery Allowance. Payments are available now and eligibility can be checked at www.humanservices.gov. au/disaster or call 180 22 66 Emergency fodder is available for those landholders impacted by bushfires, please call the Agricultural & Animal Services hotline 1800 814 647. For those that require assistance I encourage you to apply.
6621 4044
63 Molesworth Street, Lismore NSW 2480
Grafton Office:
6643 3973
1/83A Prince Street, Grafton NSW 2460
Find us on Facebook: Kevin Hogan MP
Instagram: kevin.hogan.mp
Authorised by K. Hogan MP, National Party of Australia, 63 Molesworth St, Lismore NSW 2480.
NEW Gifts & Homewares Store
NOW OPEN Next to
at Woolgoolga
WOOPI NEWS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WOOLGOOLGA AND THE NORTHERN BEACHES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; ISSUE 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JANUARY 2020 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9
Mind your mind Resilience continued… Happy 2020! I wish you all a year of personal growth and fulfilment. In our December issue amidst the bush fires I chatted about resilience. Learning healthy ways to move through adversity – a collection of skills that are referred to as resilience – can help us cope better and
recover more quickly, or at least start heading in that direction. Adversity comes in all shapes and sizes and different challenges affect people differently. Stress itself not a bad thing, our ability to cope with life stressors is the key. Mindfulness is one skill that has been associated with
– taco & tunes – Every Thursday and Friday in January Bookings essential
Open daily from 7:30am for all day seasonal breakfast and lunch
1/18 Market Street, Woolgoolga 6654 8361
Woolgoolga 6654 2477 3 Fawcett Street
increased resilience. To be mindful in a situation of adversity can help to bring perspective and reduce emotional upheaval. Try this; without judgment or analysis, notice what you’re feeling. Say, “This is a moment of suffering” or “This hurts” or “This is stress.”. By identifying and labelling exactly what we are experiencing physically and emotionally we can start to make headway towards a positive action. The Mindfulness practise pulls us out of mental rumination and towards clarity. It sounds simple and is of course harder to implement! Perhaps use the fresh vibes of the New Year to set an intention to include Mindfulness practise into your day. Start with some of the techniques I have previously shared here in
this Mind Your Mind column, try practises like yoga or tai chi under a qualified and experienced instructor or check out science-backed Mindfulness Apps like Smiling Minds or HeadSpace to give you support and guidance. Increasing your resilience is a really important part of your mental wellbeing. Author: Local, Anna Miley, Exercise Physiologist, Certified Yoga Teacher Disclaimer: Mindfulness techniques are useful in supporting wellbeing. Nothing in this article should be considered medical advice.
Coffs Harbour 6651 9622 78 Albany Street
Nick’s Nerdy News SCAMS! As we all know, scam phone calls are common in our community, they can vary their approach, but always have the same agenda - to rob you via a remote session on your computer or online device. These tactics can vary from a fraudulent ‘NBNco’ call notifying you that if you do not follow the prompts then your internet service will be cut off, through too a billing error from ‘Telstra’ where they would like to reimburse you! Another common one is from ‘Microsoft support’ telling you that there is an issue with your computer and they need remote access to solve the issue. All of these have been around for a while, however a
new approach has emerged and has exploited the obvious ground work performed by NBNco and Telstra’s technical support team, to create a false issue for the end user and capitalising on the interruptions our area has been experiencing - already it has worked. If you receive a phone call explaining they are from Telstra and they have noticed some interruptions to your internet service due to the NBN ground work, please hang up – but if you are concerned it was legitimate, initiate contact with your ISP through appropriate channels. If you know of someone that is not tech savvy, please help spread the awareness of this new tactic so we can all be informed, as a community.
Tech Savvy is Back for 2020! Are you over 60 and you need assistance to learn how to use computers and devices? You are in luck as Tech Savvy Senior Classes are back and are coming to Woolgoolga in the new year, once again at the Senior Citizen’s Club in Boundary Street. Topics include: Introduction to Android Tablets and Phones, Introduction to Online Banking, Introduction to iPads and iPhones, Introduction to Computers, Introduction to Social Media, Introduction to Online Shopping, Introduction to Email, Introduction to Cyber Safety, Sharing Photos and Other Attachments Online. Contact the friendly staff at Coffs Coast Community College 6652 5378 or if you are able, admin@coffscollege.nsw.edu.au
10% OFF if you mention this ad!
Asian Outlet – 0423 079 867 Monday to Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-3 Sunday Closed
Thai Chai Yo – 6654 0777
Open lunch Mon to Sat 11.30 - 2pm Open 7 nights a week 5 - 9.30pm Dine in, takeaway and now offering delivery from Corindi to Moonee
Taffy’s – 6654 7747
Monday to Friday 6.30 - 4pm Saturday 6.30 - 2pm Sunday Closed
Surfside Plaza Shopping Centre – 58 Beach Street Woolgoolga NSW 2456 WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND THE NORTHERN BEACHES – ISSUE 5 – JANUARY 2020 – 11
The Woopi that Was For the past two months we have been following Don Clinch’s memories from when he arrived in Woolgoolga in 1951 as an enthusiastic new chemist in town. He told us of his arrival and how it looked and felt. He shared some stories of Billy Avery’s café, the Priors, the Ratcliffe family, the Featherstones, the MacPhersons, the Blackadders and Billy Richards’ Supermarket. He shared with us stories of old about The Seaview, the Post Office, the banks and the clubs. He also reminded us of the old jetty and the timber cutting days. This month is the third part of four we hope you enjoy. Woolgoolga had its characters. There was one who contrived to lose his identity during the war years, and he did not exist officially. This was his first step to buying a series of properties in the names of his very young grandchildren. From the rents of these, he lived very well. When he died there was no trouble with Probate, Death Duties, or Conveyancing. I’m sure he died with a smile on his face. Then there was the man who delivered mail around the outlying areas under contract to the Post Master General.
He was also the local ‘starting price’ betting man and a sly grog operator. He reckoned the Government was paying all his business expenses with the money he got from the mail contract, so he had a ready made bet collection system and beer delivery service which did not attract attention. Then again, there was a chap who ran a banana case business on the vacant block next to the barber’s shop. In the early days of the banana industry, all fruit was consigned to market in special sized wooden boxes, which came from the mill in parts then nailed together. A truck would pull up with all the sections neatly bundled and drop them on the block of land. The local growers collected what they needed and went to the barber. The barber had
a large roll of brown wrapping paper on a stand on a shelf, and he would record the quantities of cases taken, by writing the details on the paper roll. The grower would pay for the cases, the paper would be torn off the roll and burned. There were no records, and everyone was happy. But the Commissioner did catch up with a grazier at Upper Corindi. He used to ride into town on a horse, usually with what was then popularly known as a Colonial Sugar Refinery suitcase … a sugar bag with a rope tied around a stone on one bottom corner and again at the neck, when it was filled, then slung over your shoulder. He’d been caught up in an examination of cattle sales records in Grafton. He rode in for the interview with the officers and was finally assessed a very substantial sum. He rode off home to get the payment. Next day he came back with a large cream can on the pommel of his saddle, he dismounted then went in and tipped the contents of the can on the table in front of the taxmen. “That’s it … check it for me please” he said. It was a pile of notes! It turned out to be more, far more than was needed. The officers looked up and advised him of it, and without so much of a smile, he said,
“Put it all back. I’ll have to go home again. I’ve brought the wrong can!”. The fortunes of the town were presided over by the most senior Senior Constable in the NSW Police Force, Cecil Marsh. He would not take a promotion because it would mean that he would be shifted from Woolgoolga to a bigger station. He finally retired in Woolgoolga. But with respect, he was an enigma. A fountain of kindness, woe betide anyone who transgressed, especially when he was cross. He believed in quiet summary justice including the knuckle if necessary, or a good kick in the backside for a young offender. He always delivered a stiff lecture before hand so you knew why you were getting. It saved a lot of bookwork and was more effective. Nobody tangled with him. He’d been in two wars and had taken a bit part in the filming of ‘Forty Thousand Horsemen’ in the Cronulla Sand Hills where he sustained an injury when his
The Old Post Masters General - south corner of River and High Streets (pic from woolgoolgaheritagewalk.org)
horse fell. One day he met his match from a bird. There was emu around this area and during one time when the lake was running out and the water level low, one got over into town and into a backyard. That was just the challenge Cec Marsh enjoyed.
Now everyone knows you don’t tangle with emus. A flamboyant character at any time, our intrepid policeman set off with a full kit of things which one might need to catch an emu. There are many versions of what happened next. Some said the emu viewed Cec with disdain while Cec tried to lasso it, others said the emu got upset because it was being chased, but the confrontation came to a preliminary end when the emu ran at Cec and, as emus do, launched itself feet first in mid air, knocking the guardian of the law to the ground, leaving an instant bruise of a well defined emu footprint on the constable’s cheek. Thereby advising the town that at last, he had met his match. His failure to subdue the emu stayed advertised and needed to be explained until the bruise disappeared. This has been a thumbnail sketch of how I found Woolgoolga. A frontier town? Maybe. But a town so real in itself. So real to those who lived here. Tough strong bushmen, sleeper cutters, banana growers, fishermen … all human beings, most of whom drank beer in fair quantities. Some of whom settled differences in the only way they knew … a few of whom would turn
The Woopi that Was a glass upside down in the bar on a Saturday afternoon to liven the place up a bit, and get rid of a bit of ‘agro’. There were women who saw their role as homemakers, caring for hard working men, used to having only an average amount of money and making things do.
Largely, socialising was restricted to drinking, dancing, fishing and sports. There was also the CWA and the Church groups and a lot of town organisations whose simple functions absorbed the few spare hours most people had. There was one doctor and no ambulance in town. The ambulances were in Grafton and Coffs Harbour and it depended on which one you joined whether you would have a free trip to hospital or whether you paid.
Getting sick was a bit of a lottery too. If you got hurt the Doctor had to decide whether you were bad enough to send to Grafton, where there was a base hospital and superior operating facilities; or whether you could get fixed up at the cottage hospital in Coffs Harbour. If he sent you to Coffs Harbour and they could not attend to you, the ambulance had to turn round and take you north towards Grafton where the Grafton ambulance would meet halfway and take you the rest of the way! Not very good for the patient or the pocket. So it was important to know how sick you would be before you joined the ambulance! The Doctor and I seemed to work together fairly well. Once he was
Woolgoolga did end up getting its own ambulance station in 1967. It was a rented house at 24 Nightingale St with a vehicle on loan from Coffs (pic from woolgoolgaheritagewalk.org/Yeates Collection)
stricken with a kidney stone, and I was able to help him through his renal colic. Another time we had an epidemic of viral pneumonia which he caught, so I did the rounds of his patients for him. In the sixties. Woolgoolga had not grown significantly and the banana and timber industries had suffered the ravages of drought and bushfires.
One night the hills around Woolgoolga were ringed with fires. Sawmills were burned down, plantations burned out, families left town, and we needed more population. Whilst a lot of people had come down from Grafton and thus had business roots there, Coffs Harbour was growing and slowly the attachment to the Clarence frayed away and people looked south and Coffs Harbour became the recognised area centre. About this time it was recognised that
an area between Nambucca Heads and Yamba and inland to Dorrigo was ideally balanced for tourist promotion. The Woolgoolga Chamber of Commerce was responsible for forming the first regional tourism promotion group in Australia, the Mid North Coast Tourist Authority. Its concept was five years ahead of the US. Slowly this promotion brought more people to the area by introducing them to the attractions of a place for permanent residence. It is safe to say that the region’s economy is now significantly based on tourism.
We’re sorry......but that’s it for this month. We know you’re enjoying reading Don’s little bits and pieces. Next month will be the final instalment but don’t worry we have heaps more history to share, so this will be a regular column.
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What’s New in Woopi New Owners at Crossfit Woopi News is not sure whether to start this article with ‘Woopi has a new World Champion in our midst’ or ‘Woopi Crossfit has a new owner’. How about we do both. Recently we had the pleasure of meeting with Lars Kristensen and his wife Trudy at their home in Sandy Beach. Lars has recently been crowned the World Crossfit Champion, (Masters Division). Trudy is also an accomplished athlete having competed in the Olympic Games in 2000, she is a two times Australian National Champion and a Commonwealth Champion Gymnast. So, for this power couple, along with business partner Paul Chambers, to takeover Woolgoolga Crossfit is of no surprise. Lars and Trudy met when they had both independently decided to run away to join the circus. Cirque Du Soleil, that is. They have travelled the world doing lots of exciting and
different things. At one stage they owned a Health and Fitness Centre and Pilates Studio in Denmark, but decided that Sandy Beach and Woolgoolga was their choice of places to settle down. Perfect to bring up their young family, four year old Annabelle and baby JP (short for Jens Peter). One of the decision makers for Lars and Trudy to choose Sandy Beach was it was close to a registered Crossfit gym so Lars could keep up his training. They explained that Crossfit is a series of workouts that are different each day. They are modified to help you achieve your individual goal. The key to the success of Crossfit, as an alternate way to getting fit, is variety, intensity, motivation and community. The program works for everyone, if you’re just starting out or if you have been training for years. Since moving to Sandy Beach, Lars has been a coach at Crossfit
Rob can advise you on all your denture and mouth guard needs... “For that one on one service you can trust”
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Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New in Woopi Woolgoolga where he loves that the atmosphere is friendly with lots of encouragement and high fives. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clear that Lars and Trudy are into healthy living, eating and exercise. I was lucky enough to sample a freshly baked piece of Larsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; home made Viking bread, full of seeds, nut, rye flour and other delicious ingredients. My intrigue of their time performing with Cirque Du Soleil uncovered another interesting sport that Lars is proficient at, that is Tumbling. No, not falling down the hill when you leave the Seaview on a Saturday night, but Power tumbling, tumbling with high speed down a 25m track performing crazy skills. He is five times National Champion and has also competed internationally.
including her. Trudy understands how demanding Crossfit is on your body so hopes to introduce stretching and pilates to help balance crossfit exercise with inner core stability. This will help with that little bit of extra push you give your body each session. Currently, Trudy is studying Exercise Science whilst enjoying being a mum. Lars wants to make it clear that Crossfit is not all about competing, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about endurance and improvement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You can do more than you think your body is capable of if you have the courage to show up and give it all you haveâ&#x20AC;?. Congratulations on your new business â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure the three of you will make Jana proud.
Trudy is keen to introduce Hatha yoga and pilates into the business. She also used to be an aerial skier, which is one of the most dangerous sports you can do. Out of the 10 people she trained with for the winter Olympics, nine injured their knee during the year,
Subway has a new owner, Kiara Edwards. Kiara, in her other life, is a Paralegal so she has employed her mum, Carly to be the new manager. Between them, they are bringing a whole new vibe to Subway. They have introduced lunchtime home and office deliveries. You need to order online (before 10.30am) then ring the store to confirm the delivery address. Call 6654 2350. By the way, Kiara is also a certified JP and happy to help out whenever needed.
Emerald Beach Pizza & Pasta have had a makeover which includes a nice new under cover area. Their woodfired pizzas are just as delicious as ever.
Emerald Beach General Store has also
Our services include but are not limited to:
completed some renovations and looking mighty fine.
Sapphire Beach has a new BBQ Beef Jerky business. You buy it online but you can trust itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s made from the best local purveyors and farmers. Some great flavours like Asian Beef, Chilli Lime, Honey, and Whiskey Beef. This specialty business has culminated from locals, Tony and Catrina Ryan experimenting with their recipe then sharing with their neighbours and friends. The response was so good they decided to keep doing it. Go to  bbqjerky.com.au  and order yours now.
Northern Beaches Physie and Dance Classes are now held at Sandy Beach Public School every Tuesday. Go to www.coffs.physie.com.au for more details. 0411 460 377
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WOOPI NEWS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WOOLGOOLGA AND THE NORTHERN BEACHES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; ISSUE 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; JANUARY 2020 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15
What’s New in Woopi Woolgoolga Dance Studio is
NEW Water restrictions.
evolving. Jade Naidu, current director of Naidu Performing Arts Company is the new Director of Woolgoolga Performing Arts Studio, previously known as WDS: Woolgoolga Dance Studio. Jade will bring a whole new element to the studio so we will be seeing a lot more quality performances on our Northern Beaches.
Level 1 Water Restrictions have been introduced. This means you are only permitted to hand water your garden every second day. The date needs to coincide with your house number, so odd house numbers can only water on the odd calendar days of the month. No watering is permitted on the 31st. If you’re not sure check the council website or they have a more detailed explanation on page 4.
North Coast Potters are a dynamic new group, based in Woolgoolga, who are welcoming new members. The group is planning to hold workshops, upskilling meets, and other short, hands on mini workshops. The first workshop for 2020 is Coloured Porcelain Jewellery Making with Selma Fida (February 15 and 16). Selma attended a porcelain jewellery workshop in Italy a few years back and has since honed her skills. She has held numerous workshops in NSW and Qld. Workshops will be held at the Woolgoolga CWA rooms, 21 Beach Street, next to Diggers. Membership is only $50 a year. For more information search North Coast Potters on Facebook, Email: northcoastpotters@ gmail.com or call Lyn 6654 2478 or Allan 0417 697 700.
BP Woolgoolga Service Centre has a new tank and brand new bowsers, or I think you call them pumps these days. Toot twice and they will come out, fill your car and check your oil and tyres. BP Unleaded, BP Ulitmate and BP Ultimate Diesel available.
Woopi News - SUPer Man Fortunately for Brett (and the roo) the quest was taken up by local resident Shane Lister who was just finishing his morning run. He nicked home to fetch his Stand Up Paddle board and headed out to help the marsupial into shore.
SUP man or SUPer man?
An early morning in Woolgoolga, the smoke was giving us a reprieve, walkers were enjoying the fresh air, lots of people were out swimming, the Fluro Friday tribe were about to form their anti bad vibe circle when the whole beach’s attention was shifted to a stranded kangaroo at sea. The roo had been chased by a dog and was struggling in the deep water. A shout out for someone with a board was given. I looked at my friend Brett Pilon standing next to me with a blow up donut and wondered if he would jump to action.
social media all over the world. Woopi News spoke with Shane a few days after the event and he was still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the kind and positive responses he has been receiving from the Woolgoolga community.
His daughter Mia (4) told us how proud she is of her dad. Woolgoolga has another Woopi Wonder and Brett will always roo the one day he didn’t bring his board to the beach. For more photos and video, see woopinews.com.au
Shane’s tactic was to paddle out past the roo and then herd it in with his paddle. He said the kangaroo was a good swimmer but was starting to get weary. Shane was close enough to touch the kangaroo with his board and he used his paddle to steer it in. Once the kangaroo was able to touch, it quickly bounded in to the joyous cheer of the entire beach of onlookers. Shane’s partner, who now calls Shane Skippy, said she heard the cheer from their house. Photographer Robert Watkin was on the scene to get these amazing shots which have since been shared via
What’s on in Woopi Thu 2: Summer Splash, kids water activities Moonee Beach Tavern 5pm
Sat 4: Moonee Mad Hatters Kid’s Show and Games Moonee Beach Tavern 6pm
Fri 3: GANGgajang. C.ex Woolgoolga tickets $30 from cex.com.au 18+ event
Sun 5: Paint pARTy Moonee Beach Tavern 2pm Mon 6: Moonee Mad Hatters Kid’s Show and Games Moonee Beach Tavern 12pm
8.45am. Book a team, Mufti Fours - any combination. $10 per head includes sausage sizzle. Great Family Fun. All proceeds go to Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club
Mon 6: Mad Hatters Art Club Moonee Beach Tavern 5.30pm Tue 7: Nerf Shoot Out Moonee Beach Tavern 5.30pm Fri 3: Fluro Friday. Wear your brightest colours, support Mental Health 6.30am Woolgoolga Main Beach Fri 3: Beer Bored & Buzz, 6pm Garage Board Store Mullaway. Fri 3: Live Music and Meat Raffles Amble Inn, Corindi from 6.30pm Fri 3: Moonee Mad Hatters Kid’s Show and Games Moonee Beach Tavern 12pm Fri 3: Moonee Mobile Trivia Moonee Beach Tavern 6.30pm Fri 3: The Killer Queen Experience Moonee Beach Tavern 7pm
Wed 8: Make a Rain Stick, Yarrawarra 10.30am $15 Book 6640 7104 Wed 8: Mega Trivia Night free entry Wed 8: Moonee Mad Hatters Kid’s Show and Games Moonee Beach Tavern 6pm Thu 9: Summer Splash, kids water activities Moonee Beach Tavern 5pm Fri 10: Fluro Friday. Wear your brightest colours, support Mental Health 6.30am Woolgoolga Main Beach Fri 10: Summer Splash, kids water activities Moonee Beach Tavern 5pm
Fri 3: Honey and Stone live Seaview Tavern 8pm
Fri 10: Moonee Mobile Trivia Moonee Beach Tavern 6.30pm
Sat 4: Bollywood Beach Markets Woolgoolga Beach Reserve
Fri 10: Living in the 70s Seaview Tavern 8pm
Sat 4: Live band karaoke with Miss Chief Seaview Tavern 8pm Sat 4: Free Kids Bingo with Dave James 1.30pm C.ex Woolgoolga. Book at reception Sat 4: Summer Splash, kids water activities Moonee Beach Tavern 5pm
Sat 11: Woolgoolga Beach Markets – Marine rescue Sat 11: Boomerang Painting Yarrawarra 10.30am $15 Book 6640 7104 Sat 11: Moonee Mad Hatters Kid’s Show and Games Moonee Beach Tavern 12pm Sat 11: Nicks - the Sound of Stevie tribute show Moonee Beach Tavern 7pm Sat 11: Ghost Road band live Seaview Tavern 8pm Sun 12: 43rd Annual Black & White Charity Bowls Day, Woolgoolga Bowling Club
Sun 12: Moonee Mad Hatters Kid’s Show and Games Moonee Beach Tavern 12pm Wed 15: Tie Dye Yarrawarra 10.30 $15 Book 6640 7104 Fri 17: Fluro Friday. Wear your brightest colours, support Mental Health 6.30am Woolgoolga Main Beach Fri 17: Moonee Mobile Trivia Moonee Beach Tavern 6.30pm Fri 17: Jacks Band Seaview Tavern 8pm Sat 18: Free Kids Ukulele Lesson with Steph from Uko Ono C.ex Woolgoolga 3pm Book 6654 1307.
There are three engaging literacy programs planned for students of all skill levels: 1. School Readiness (Focus on phonics and early literacy. Suitable for those about to begin Kindergarten) 2. Developing Reading Skills (For students experiencing difficulty with reading in the classroom and needing a confidence boost) 3. Creative Writing (For students looking at developing their skills in short story writing) Places are limited. Contact Lighthouse Health and Education today on 6656 4765 Moonee Beach Fri 24: Fluro Friday. Wear your brightest colours, support Mental Health 6.30am Woolgoolga Main Beach Fri 24: Moonee Mobile Trivia Moonee Beach Tavern 6.30pm Fri 24: Barnes Storm Seaview Tavern 8pm Sat 25: Bollywood Beach Markets Woolgoolga Beach Reserve Sat 25: The Shuffle Boys Live and free C.ex Woolgoolga 7.30pm Sat 25: Who’s Charlie Seaview Tavern 8pm
Sat 18: Bush Tucker and Medicine Tour. 10.30am $15 Book 6640 7104
Sun 26: Australia Day Fluro Inflatable Float Day. Everyone is welcome. 8am Woolgoolga Main Beach
Sat 18: RnB Night with the Funk Thieves and DJ Dangerwaves Seaview Tavern 8pm Sun 19: Corindi Pony Club Members Rally 8am gear check, 8.30 start. 2020 Pony Club Memberships are now open corindiponyclub. wordpress.com Mon 20 to Thur 23, Holiday Literacy Programs Get the kids literacy skills ready for their return to school in 2020.
Sun 26: Australia Day Boardies Bikini BBQ Seaview Tavern 12pm Fri 31: Moonee Mobile Trivia Moonee Beach Tavern 6.30pm Fri 31: Colonel Angus Band Seaview Tavern 8pm
What’s on in Woopi GANGgajang - Dont miss this one
Fashions come and go in the world of music. A song may be a hit for a few weeks but then it’s gone and the band is never heard of again. Occasionally, an enduring sub-culture will adopt a band, and their music becomes the soundtrack of their life. They pass on their love of the music to the next generation, the bands become legends and their music never dies... GANGgajang (official) is such a band. Renown for the perennial Sounds Of Then (This Is Australia), GANGgajang has been part of Australia’s cultural fabric for over 30 years beginning with their debut single in November 1984. It was the mid 1980’s surf culture who first adopted the band when songs from their debut selftitled album became the entire soundtrack to Quicksilver’s seminal surf movie Mad Wax. Surfers would describe GANGgajang’s distinctive groove and sound as a seamless soundscape to the rolling waves. Catch the band at an exclusive show at C.ex Woolgoolga on Friday 3 January 2020. Doors open 7pm. 18+ event.
Burritos as enchiladas tortillas tostadas nachos tacos as quesadillas spicy dips handmade corn chips - are you hungry yet? Mexican beers tequilas cocktails selection of wines
- you won’t go thirsty!
Plenty of vegetarian and vegan options
Black & White Charity Bowls Day This will be the 43rd time that this fundraiser has been held, how amazing is that? The C.ex Woolgoolga Bowling Club will once again be hosting the annual Black & White Charity Bowls Day at their club in Boundary Street. Starting at 8.45am on Sunday January 12, they are asking for Mufti Fours of any combination to be ready to register. It’s only $10 per head which includes a good old aussie sausage sizzle lunch. There are going to be lots of prizes and I’ve heard the past years have been heaps of fun so bring the family, or make up a team with your friends. All the proceeds go to a worthy cause, The Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club. For bookings or more info please call 6691 9239.
Bookings essential
Available ble for or functions
101 Fiddaman Road, Emerald Beach
(02) 6656 1633
Open from 5 pm Wednesday to Monday (closed Tuesday for siesta)
Our Woopi Community Boomerang Bags Next meeting Jan 19 1pm Community Centre CWA Woolgoolga third Monday 10am, CWA Rooms, 21 Beach Street. Carol 0402 249 371. Next meeting Feb 17
Seagulls Woolgoolga – Centre Based Respite Care – Community Centre, 8 Boundary Street, 6654 0766
contact Secretary Elfie Garbers 0427 541 032. woolgoolgaeveningviewclub@ gmail.com Visitors always welcome
Woolgoolga Art Gallery, Turon Parade. Open seven days 10am-4pm
Woolgoolga Mens Shed 6656 1210
Fluro Friday every Friday at 6.30am Woolgoolga Beach. Supporting Mental Health. Wear your brightest clothes
Woolgoolga Community Centre (also known as Mud Brick Hall) 8 Boundary St.
Free Legal Referral Service and discounted wills provided by KC Hilton, Gallagher Solicitors on the last Wednesday of the month at the Woolgoolga Neighbourhood Centre. Contact Woolgoolga Neighbourhood Centre for bookings on 6654 1598.
Woolgoolga Community Health Centre Early Childhood Health Clinic. Infant health screening, feeding advice, parent & child groups, new mothers’ groups, immunisation programs and referrals where appropriate. 6654 1111
Lions Club Woolgoolga meet first Thursday, 6pm, Woolgoolga Bowling Club. woolgoolga@lionsdistrict201n1. org.au or 0444 548 646
Woolgoolga and District Retirement Village Auxiliary meet second Monday 2pm Contact President Gail 6649 1816 or Beth 6649 2835
North Coast Potters are welcoming new members for workshops and other activities. Lyn 6654 2478 or northcoastpotters@gmail.com
Woolgoolga Day VIEW Club. Meet 3rd Thursday 10.30am at the Digger’s Club. $5 for coffee and meeting/ speaker/activity of the day. Stay on for lunch in the Bistro if desired. VIEW – Voices, Interests, Education of Women – supporting the Smith Family’s Learning For Life Programme. Contact Barbara Letts 0458 420 780 woolgoolgaday@gmail.com
Paul Mannix JP for the services of the New South Wales Justices Association Inc (NSWJA) A free JP service every Friday between 9am - 10.30am at Woolgoolga Central outside the Bakery. Paul can also be contacted on 0418120066 for any urgent matters. Red Cross second Tuesday 1.30pm CWA rooms 0409 600 056 Friendship afternoon tea last Friday of month, Senior Citizens 2pm 0409 600 056 Rotary Club of Woolgoolga, meet second and fourth Mondays 6-8pm Woolgoolga C.ex. 0429 449 385 Rotary auction first Saturday of month.
Woolgoolga Mental Health Carer Support Group meet fourth Thursday 10am Neighbourhood Centre. Woolgoolga Neighbourhood Centre, Cnr Beach and Boundary St 6654 1598 Woolgoolga Probus Club meet fourth Wednesday, Diggers 0410 466 188 Woolgoolga Seniors’ Centre 6 Boundary Street. 6654 7311. Membership is $10 per year. Come and have some fun and meet new friends. We have a range of activities/events including exercise classes, craft and knitting groups, computer classes, indoor lawn bowls, table tennis, bus trips (local and interstate), lunches, line dancing and Rummiking. Woolgoolga Sewing and Textiles Art Group meets Tuesday mornings, Masonic Hall (next to Woolworths). Learn to sew, work on own projects. Machines equipment available. 9.30am to 12.30pm. Ph. 0498 109 108
Woolgoolga and District Garden Club meets second Saturday, 1.30pm Senior Centre. 0419 414 324
Woopi Community Gardens – open Wed and Sat 8-12. Join them for a cuppa at 10am under the lilly pillies. woopigardens@gmail.com www. woopigardens.com.au 0421 225 369
Woolgoolga District Orchid Society, fourth Saturday, 2pm Community Centre. 0447 323 761
Woopi Connect On Demand public transport. 7am-7pm Mon-Fri. Download the app or phone 6654 0581
Woolgoolga Evening View Club meet 2nd Wednesday, 6pm C.ex Club (Bowlo) in the cinema room. Meeting followed by guest speaker and dinner
Woopi Walkers meet in front of the Surf Club every Tuesday and Thursday at 8am then back To Taff y’s for coffee. For listings please email woopinews@gmail.com
Woolgoolga CWA recently opened its doors to become a collection point for donations for fire victims. Their rooms quickly filled with community generosity, bedding, clothing, toys, kitchen appliances and equipment. These were gratefully accepted by Dean from Hope for the Homeless. Pictured here is Sandy Venier and Helen Deighton with special packs the CWA had also made to gift to the firefighters.
Tradie of the Month Let me introduce myself, my name is Brad Close. I’m happily living in beautiful Corindi Beach with my wife Johanna, having moved here from the hustle and bustle of the Gold Coast. We’re just loving the tranquil peaceful life that this area and its wonderful people offer. We have operated AllCoast Electrical Contracting business since 1981 and have always thrived on being prompt, reliable and fair.
AllCoast Electrical
Working on my own, I offer a service for small, domestic electrical installations and maintenance. A few examples of the work I provide are lights, power points, ceiling fans, hot water, stove repairs and switch board upgrades, just to name a few. I look forward to meeting and working with more locals and lending a helping hand where I can. Feel free to call me, Brad Close on 0408 756 590.
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PRINTING Printers of Woopi News (02) 6651 1566 5/9 GDT Seccombe Close Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 info@pepperprint.com.au
Josh MacRae 0423 864 843
Woopi News would like to acknowledge our contributors. Robert Watkins for many of the photos in every issue, Garreth Nicholls for Humans of the Northern Beaches (sorry no HoNB this issue due to Garreth being injured in a moto race crash), Anna Miley for her inspiring healthy minds tips, Nick Clayton for being such a knowledgeable nerd, Don Clinch for letting us publish his memoirs, Pepperprint for the awesome print job, Brad Nelson for Graphic Design and all the advertisers for their support. Without you we wouldn’t have a Woopi News. Advertisers and sponsors, editorial contributions and suggestions please send to woopinews@gmail.com WOOPI NEWS – WOOLGOOLGA AND THE NORTHERN BEACHES – ISSUE 5 – JANUARY 2020 – 21
Woopi sport Woopi Heroes start young The newest volunteer lifesavers of Woolgoolga Beach have been presented their uniforms as they proudly join their new patrol teams. This squad has successfully completed their Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) with Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club. Surf Lifesaving is proving it is for everyone with a diverse range of experience seen in this squad, with some having completed Nippers, after joining as an Under 6 Green Hat, right through to some that have joined the club for the first time this season. The SRC course involves dedication and commitment to complete the online, theory, demonstration and practical components, all delivered by the clubs quality volunteer trainers.
Jak Snowling, Emma Williams, Emily Snowling, Zaynab Alam, Lily Wise, Amy Wise, Arabella Chaplin, Skye Birkett, Kaleah Doherty, Rory Green, Jed Freudenstein, George Wells. Absent from photo are Nick Alford, Emily Bell, Milla Black, Cooper Cochrane, Jack Leeson, Jake Wise
Volunteers Jackson Della, Glynis Treuer and Patrick Mullan trained this group before they were assessed at the North Coast assessment held at Coffs Harbour SLSC.
She also thanked the assessors for volunteering their time to boost the patrol strengths of clubs across the North Coast Branch.
The practical assessment makes sure the candidates are competent to carry out patrol duties. North Coast Director of Education, Sue Neil, says, “This ensures our local beaches are well equipped, with patrolling members over the surfing season, for the safety
of our locals and visitors”.
Woolgoolga Surf Life Saving Club and Woopi News congratulate these members and welcome them on to their patrols. We look forward to seeing their futures within surf lifesaving.
club on a Sunday or call President Les Pepper 0410 542 320, Junior Club President Luke Fluechter 0408 612 469.
This summer season please remember to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide and SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS!
If you’ve been thinking of joining Woolgoolga SLSC call on down to the
NSW State Champions Woolgoolga The C.ex Woolgoolga Men’s Bowls team were crowned NSW State Champions (Silver Division) at the 2019 Bowls NSW Club Challenge played over the weekend of December 7-8. The format was made up of Hans Katala competing in singles, Dave Valentine and Ron Whelan competing in pairs and John Clarke, Shayne Dodd and Tom Allen competing in triples with David Henry as the team manager. The C.ex Woolgoolga team was one of eight teams to compete in the State Finals at Bomaderry Bowling Club on the Saturday, and finished top of their pool which saw them progress to the final against Moorefield Bowling Club. On Sunday morning the competition moved to Warilla Bowls Club where the C.ex Woolgoolga team was victorious
in all three disciplines (singles, pairs and triples), coming away as the convincing winners of the NSW Bowls Club Challenge.
Pictured are Hans Katala, John Clarke, Shayne Dodd, Tom Allen, David Henry, Ron Whelan & Dave Valentine.
Well done Woopi!
Woopi sport Sandy Beach’s Mitch East has had an amazing year.
surfer. I have had the past three years off competitive Bodyboarding but this year I took it back up as I needed to get back in the water to get over the depressed state I was in. What is the difference between a bodyboarder and a boogie boarder? There is no difference between a Bodyboarder and a Boogie board rider, lol. Boogie Boarder is the term from back in the 80s.
When he’s not being a dad to three, running his popular lawn mowing business, Solitary Islands Lawncare, or taking photographs and amazing drone shots, Mitch is out surfing, mainly bodyboarding. So much so that this year Mitch took out the honour of the Australian Bodyboarding Champion Masters Division.
Five minutes with Mitch East How long have you been bodyboarding for? I’ve ridden a bodyboard all my life but I normally am a
What is your favourite thing about this sport? The best thing about the sport would be the variety of waves that can be ridden and the search for them. Each Bodyboarder shares the same amount of stoke as you when you get that awesome wave or land a big flip. Is there a local Bodyboarders Club? Yes, Coffs has a club, Coffs Coast Bodyboarding Association which I’m part of. Roughly 60 members and it’s growing each year. We put together a competitive crew each year for team challenges between here and the Central Coast.
Mitch East pictured with this year’s trophies. 1st CCBA over 35’s. 1st Memorial Triple Crown Masters. 1st NSW State Titles Masters. 1st Australian Surf Championships over 35’s.
Are any of your three children looking like they will follow in your foot steps. Lucky enough my son Riley likes to ride the shark biscuit, but the girls prefer to ride stand up. Where is the best bodyboarding beach? or is that a secret? Ha. Gallows is the known bodyboarding beach for the area. What advice would you give any up and coming bodyboarders. I would advise any upcoming
boogers to just enjoy the ride, you don’t have to be amazing at it, it’s about being in the water and having great times and getting good waves with your mates.
Thanks for the chat Mitch and congratulations on a great year. Woopi News hopes 2020 provides you with more accolades and continues to help you free the funk.
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BP Woolgoolga
Seen at the scene...
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Jacob, Dylan and Owen at the Mull away Carols Night
Rylie Saban out for a bit of late night shopping
Elaine , Heidi, Brett, Noah and Ava promoting Wo opiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s late night shopping wit h love and bubbles
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Aalexy, Madi, Callie and Oceania also
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The Coastal Chemist Crew promoting Th
Shop Local Shop Woopi
full Bunch celebrating the end of a year The Boomerang Bags Woolgoolga e nativ alter free tic plas a of lots of sewing, providing us with