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Woopi News - Fluro Friday Woopi

There’s been a lot happening at Fluro Friday this year, as we gather every Friday at 6.30am, in our brightest clothes, to bring awareness to and support of mental health and suicide prevention, no matter the weather. We start each session with an Anti-badvibe circle, where we discuss different topics, talk about ourselves, and how we feel or what we have planned. Then, some of us go for a swim or a surf, and some of us go for a coffee, while others do both!

Recently, a number of us attended the safeTALK training morning provided by Lifeline. We all found it extremely helpful, even though we have attended many similar courses. We all agree that you can never have too much training on how to have a conversation with someone who is contemplating taking their own life.

This month, we have a couple of special mornings coming up.

On Friday, March 15, we plan to remember Sukhi Hundal by creating a nature mandala on the beach. It should be a lovely low tide that morning, and we encourage you to bring as much pink and purple as possible.

Then, on Friday, March 22, it will be One Wave’s (Fluro Friday’s founding group) 11th birthday. We invite the entire northern beaches to GO FLURO that day! Mufti Day dress ups with as much colour and happiness as you can find.

We will once again start the day forming a human wave along the shoreline of Woopi Beach. Beaches all over the world will be doing the same thing to celebrate 11 years of

Freeing the Funk and helping people understand and support those struggling with their mental health. We hope you can join us!

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