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Woopi News - Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch

Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch AGM and Anzac Day Update

The 2024 Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch AGM was held at the Woolgoolga Diggers Club on 10 February. An experienced volunteer Treasurer, Allan Harrison, joined the subbranch’s Executive team. He is also the Treasurer of the Coffs Coast Showjumping Club. Thank you for stepping up, Allan.

The President’s report to the AGM reflected a successful 2023. The Sub-branch delivered Anzac Day and Remembrance Day commemorative ceremonies in Woolgoolga to fulfil its commitment to the Northern Beaches community. The community reciprocated by turning out in large numbers, despite wet weather on Anzac Day and a sweltering Remembrance Day. Much of the credit for event success was due to the tireless efforts of Honourary Secretary Christopher Chayko, who revived and strengthened connections with the City of Coffs Harbour, NSW Police, other state authorities, schools, service clubs and community organisations, building on the solid foundation laid by former Secretary Allan Crouch. Thank you, Christopher and Allan.

The Anzac Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies in 2024 will apply the lessons from 2023 to ensure that the Northern Beaches community and visitors join their compatriots on these two iconic days to remember the service and sacrifice of those who have protected Australia’s sovereignty and way of life and the rules-based global order in distant areas of military operations.

The sub-branch has secured the support of the Coffs Coast Pipes and

Drums to lead the 2024 Anzac Day march and support the Anzac Day lunch at the Diggers Club. The 41st Royal NSW Regiment will provide a guard for the Dawn and Main services, and trumpeter Dave Michael and piper William Mackie will play. Jenny Holliday will lead Woolgoolga’s Zingapella Choir at both ceremonies. Thank you to the choir for your continuing support and congratulations to the Zingapellas, who are celebrating their 20th Anniversary this year. Thank you again to the Coffs Coast Pipes and Drums, the 41st Battalion and Dave and William.

The Sub-branch will take events to a new level with a couple of marquees for those who forget umbrellas and raincoats if it rains, more chairs undercover, as well as a professional Public Address system to ensure everyone attending can enjoy the experience comfortably – rain, hail or shine.

Those attending the AGM recommended reminding those attending ceremonies in 2024 of the Bay Scout movement’s famous motto. The sub-branch does not have the resources to put everyone under cover, give everyone a seat with a view of the ceremonies or ensure they are hydrated sufficiently for an outdoor event subject to the vagaries of the Mid-North Coast climate.

The sub-branch convened the Northern Beaches Memorials Project in 2022 to modernise the Diggers Club memorial and restore the Woolgoolga and District Great War Memorial to a location on public land in the heart of Woolgoolga. In 2023, the Project secured $10,000 for a local architectural firm, Design Studio 22, to propose an enhanced design for community consideration in 2024— the sub-branch thanks the Wyong Leagues Group for this donation and Christopher Chayko’s ingenuity in securing it. The proposed design will be in the next edition of Woopi News and available at the Diggers Club for community consideration in April.

The Project has collaborated with the Woolgoolga Rotary Club in a joint funding submission to secure a DVA Saluting

Welfare provision by the sub-branch has continued through ‘friendship visits’ with referral of actual casework to Veterans Wellbeing Network Mid North Coast, the Department of Veterans Affairs and RSL LifeCare. The sub-branch is most grateful to Roz McKenzie for leading friendship visits. Now that Covid restrictions have been eased, the sub-branch will develop a roster of members to visit veterans in hospital, care and home-bound in the Northern Beaches district. In sum, in 2024, the sub-branch will deliver enhanced Anzac Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies and progress the Northern Beaches Memorials Project in collaboration with the Woolgoolga Rotary Club, while increasing outreach to veterans in care, home-bound and in-hospital and referring clinical physical and mental issues to Veterans Wellbeing Network Mid North Coast, the Department of Veterans Affairs and RSL LifeCare.

Please e-mail woolgoolgasb@rslnsw.org.au if you would like to help us in this vital community work.

✍ Bob Breen OAM �� Stephanie Burnip and Ian Warburton
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