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Woopi News - Volunteers needed for Annual Science Challenge Woolgoolga
Do you enjoy working with young people and are keen to see them succeed in their future careers?
Volunteers are sought for Coffs Coast Science and Engineering Challenge 2024.
Planning is well-advanced for this year’s Challenge. It will be held at the Wiigulga Sports and Multipurpose Centre.
The Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC) is a nationwide STEM* outreach program (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). It is presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities, and sponsors. Through the SEC, students experience aspects of science and engineering that they would not usually see in their school environment. School teams are given real-world challenges, from building earthquake-resistant towers, sending encrypted messages using light, constructing bridges, etc.
Volunteers must have or obtain a current Working with Children Check and be able to commit to a two-hour briefing the afternoon before and then attend the event on Tuesday, 9 April, from 8.30am to 3.30pm. Free morning tea and lunch will be provided.
The Challenge focuses on fun, practical, hands-on activities to inspire high school students. You will have a small group of students to support along with other volunteers.
Approximately 250 Year 10 students from eight state and private schools will be involved in the Coffs, Woolgoolga, Bellingen, Dorrigo, and Grafton areas. The successful school can progress to regional, state and national levels. Committee member Patty Delaney stated, “We are excited to have the Challenge back at Wiigulga. It is a fantastic venue. This is a great opportunity for our students to participate in a unique experience.”
Sponsorship for the event has been secured from Engineers Australia, Clarence Consultants, and the Chief Scientist of New South Wales.