Worcester Art Museum Annual Report FY12

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SepteMber 1, 2011 - AuguSt 31, 2012

WOrCeSter Art MuSeuM opening doors to a vibrant future

55 Salisbury Street / Worcester, MA 01609 / worcesterart.org

Front + back cover: Visitors enjoying WAM’s Free Summer Open House in celebration of the re-opening of the Salisbury Street doors and WAM’s free admission summer. tape Art by Michael townsend, www.tapeart.com

to the WAM Community


the past year was marked by a once in a generation change in leadership. Finding a successor for Jim Welu, at the helm of the Worcester Art Museum for more than a quarter century, was a complex task. We sought a candidate who could understand and honor the successes of the past, but also brought fresh ideas to the table. Our charge was not a simple one: bring WAM to the forefront of museum thinking, make WAM financially sustainable, and make WAM a major force in Worcester, Central Massachusetts and beyond. After a careful search we were very fortunate to be able to attract Matthias Waschek. Matthias brings the highest professional credentials: besides extensive experiences at the Louvre Museum in paris and the pulitzer Foundation for the Arts in St. Louis, MO, he has an impressive bibliography, a deep passion for art, and a proven track record of engaging new audiences. In addition he speaks four languages, has a doctoral degree in the Fine Arts, and has extensive teaching experiences in higher education. From the beginning, his enthusiasm, strategic vision and fearless leadership continues to impress, as evidenced by

the local, regional, national and international attention that WAM has received in the press and on the web since his arrival. the positive impact of his stewardship is evident in the pages of this report, and I look forward to his continued success. It has been an honor working with him these past 12 months, and an even greater honor to call him a friend. In this my last year as president of this amazing institution, I would also like to extend my thanks to the team at WAM: the staff, the Corporators and my fellow board members. I would also like to add a personal thanks to Jim Welu, whose open door and amazing spirit brought me into this wonderful museum community as a volunteer. Our first conversation about the Museum’s collection left me no doubt that this was a museum I could call home. I remain humbled by your faith, grateful for this opportunity, and, as always, excited about the future at WAM.

Clifford J. Schorer, board president

Cliff and Matthias in the Art Since the mid-20t robert goddard, Worcester native and “fathe WOr C e S te r  A rt M u Seu M Annual report:2012

Nam June paik, Robert Goddard, 1995, Alum neon glass tubing, two video sequences, Mus Melville, Linda and John Nelson and the the

Can you believe it? One year has gone by since I was nominated the 13th director of the Worcester Art Museum.

plenty has happened over this year, and I am pleased to have this opportunity to share some of the significant growth and positive change that has occurred since my appointment in November 2011. First and foremost I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our board of trustees and board president, Cliff Schorer, for their ongoing support of and commitment to this institution.

Over the past year I have been struck by the quality and investment of the Museum staff; a group of exceptional people whom I value tremendously. Not only are they dependable and inspirational, but also open to change. the most important development this year was the inevitable move from a four- to a five- workday week, affecting many WAM staff members, without any changes to the annual budget. the rewards for this move will show, as we grow even more productive and efficient.

this past year is firmly rooted in the principles of strategic focus. the seeds of financial sustainability, relevance and access were planted with the implementation of significant changes to the way the Museum operates. the most emotional change was the reopening of the Salisbury Street doors, showing the community that we are open for business. the most visible change was evident in the quantity and quality of press attention the Museum received with leading articles, exhibition reviews and interviews in The Boston Globe, The New York Times, WGBH Greater Boston, and many professional and art journals. the most substantial change was when we took a calculated risk and opened the Museum for free over

two months this past summer, resulting in triple the foot traffic in 2012 compared to the same period in 2011. the most promising change was jumpstarting our long-term collaborations with local institutions, notably the Colleges of the Worcester Consortium and the Worcester Juvenile Court System. the most discreet change was the initial process of reorganizing our staff to better meet future challenges.the most ambitious change was when our leadership team forged a vision and laid a foundation with which to map our 10-year goals and establish benchmarks on how to measure our progress and create accountability among our colleagues.

rest assured this institution has incredibly healthy bones. It not just houses an outstanding collection, resides in phenomenal real estate, but also owns a relatively healthy endowment and employs a great staff. the most important factor in this equation of success is YOu, the community that champions us, stimulates us and challenges us. It is your right to ask for transparency and a vision that you can help sustain. this is your museum. Without you, we cannot exist. If this museum ignites your enthusiasm, if you believe in what we can do and be, if we have gained your trust via transparency and vision, you owe it to yourself and your passion to fully support us so that we can uphold our core mission of “art for the benefit of all.”

I look forward to sharing our continued growth with you.

Matthias Waschek, Director

th Century gallery next to Nam June paik’s portrait of er of modern rocketry.”

minum structure, wooden cabinet, electronic components, seum purchase with funds from Mary H. and Donald r. odore t. and Mary g. ellis Fund, 1997.108



Trustees are volunteers elected by the Corporators to manage the business of the Corporation. Individual trustees demonstrate their commitment to the Museum and its mission by providing leadership and strategic direction, by participating in programs and events, and by raising and contributing funds. trustees understand the Museum’s value within the community as well as in the lives of the people it serves. Board of Trustees 2012 Herbert S. Alexander

Julia D. Andreini

Marie A. Angelini

Joseph J. bafaro, Jr., treasurer Lisa M. bernat, Vice president* Sara buckingham

Suzanne r. Campbel-Lambert

Henry J. Ciborowski*

Catherine M. Colinvaux

John b. Dirlam

Susan M. Foley

gabriele M. goszcz patricia S. Lotuff

Katharine M. Michie Charles H. Moser

Moira Moynihan-Manoog

phyllis pollack, Vice president Clifford J. Schorer, president

Michael D. Sleeper, Vice president* * 3-term limit in November 2012

I implore you—go to Worcester. See works by all of the greats you’ve never seen before. Revel in your discoveries…you will be bowled over. I promise. —Jared bowen, WgbH, Greater Boston, July 20, 2012

Trustees Emeriti 2012 ellen r. berezin Sarah g. berry Irene browne-grim Mary t. Cocaine J. Christopher Collins richard b. Collins Dix F. Davis Henry b. Dewey Antonella Doucette Warner S. Fletcher Howard g. Freeman Nathan greenberg James N. Heald george e. Hecker John Herron, Jr. prentiss C. Higgins M Howard Jacobson James D. Javaras John Jeppson William D. Kelleher Judith S. King David A. Lemoine David A. Lucht C. Jean McDonough Donald r. Melville Anne M. Morgan philip r. Morgan Frederic H. Mulligan John M. Nelson✝ John F. O'brien richard J. pentland David A. persky richard prouty✝ Sarah C. ribeiro richard p. Sergel Sumner b. tilton ✝Deceased


WOr C e Ste r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

Building on the successes of the past, our team has formulated a vision statement for the next 10 years. This statement will help determine our strategic focus as we move forward. It will allow us to align our activities, focus on incremental goals and determine milestones of success. This statement is based on our Board’s request that we strengthen our sustainability and relevance, as we write the next chapter of institutional history.

2020 Vision

In 2020, the Worcester Art Museum is a top cultural destination in New england. We attract over 200,000 visitors annually to our exhibition spaces, and play a critical part in the cultural and economic vitality of the city of Worcester. building on past successes, we expand our role as a focal institution in the region, providing cohesion to an ever-changing social fabric. As a highly motivated team, we further connect with our communities and build on the synergy with our partner institutions, including the eleven colleges and universities in Worcester. Capitalizing on our medium size, our encyclopedic collection and a robust exhibition schedule, we emphasize our unique narrative – a narrative of connections: connecting art with individual experiences, joy and discovery, as well as connecting people, cultures, and histories with the here and now of a globalizing world. this narrative is supported by our visitor-focused culture, a highly welcoming environment and an all-pervading openness to experimentation and creative thinking.

New leadership team

Deputy Director + Chief Operating Officer tracy Caforio

Director of Development Jere Shea

Interim Chief Curator + Curator of Contemporary Art Susan L. Stoops

Director of Audience engagement Adam reed rozan worcesterart.org


Alvaro pirez, Scene from the Lives of St. Cosmos and Damian (Beheading), about 1411-1434, tempera on panel, bequest of Amy bess Miller, 2003.154 /5/

WOr C e Ste r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

WAM announces the Frank Channing Smith, Jr. Collection

ten panel paintings of the early renaissance, purchased during the 1920s and 1930s by Frank Channing Smith, Jr., a prominent Worcester attorney, Museum trustee, and for a short period, president of the Museum, have been donated to the Museum’s permanent collection. When Smith died in 1952, these extraordinary works were divided between his nieces, Amy bess Willliams Miller and Margery Anne Williams Adams, who were sisters. In 2003, the Museum received the following five paintings from the estate of Ms. Miller (former president of Hancock Shaker Village) of pittsfield, Massachusetts: taddeo di bartolo, Christ Carrying the Cross

Alvaro pirez, Scene from the Lives of Cosmos and Damian (Stoning)

< Alvaro pirez, Scene from the Lives of Cosmos and Damian (Beheading) Master of San Miniato, Death of St. Catherine of Siena

Master of the Madonna with a parrot, Madonna and Child with St. Joseph (accessioned 2006)

In 2007, Ms. Adams of Charlotte, North Carolina, appreciating the value of keeping the family’s collection together, put on long-term loan as promised gifts to the Museum the five paintings she had inherited from her uncle. In June of this year, Ms. Adams formally donated these works to the Museum: bernardo Daddi, Madonna and Child bernardo Daddi, Crucifixion

giovanni del biondo, Communion of the Sick giovanni del biondo, Extreme Unction

Master of the Accademia Annunciation, Pietà

two of the ten masterworks will be on view in the Museum galleries in July 2013.




Wall at WAM: Charline von Heyl November 19, 2010 – February 24, 2013

Supported by the Don and Mary Melville Contemporary Art Fund. Additional generous support provided by David and Marlene Persky, an anonymous donor, and Worcester Magazine.

The Strange Life of Objects: The Art of Annette Lemieux April 9 – October 9, 2011

Generously supported by the Don and Mary Melville Contemporary Art Fund and the Robert Wheaton Fund. Educational programs supported by Drs. Julia Andrieni and Robert Phillips; and the Amelia and Robert Haley Lecture Fund.

More than Face Value: Non-Traditional Subjects in American Miniature Painting May 4 – December 4, 2011 Leisure, Pleasure, and the Debut of the Modern French Woman May 14 – September 11, 2011

Exquisite Flowers from a Mysterious Garden: Prints by Itō Jakuchū (1716-1800) July 20, 2011 – February 5, 2012

Flowers and Jewels: Chinese Fascination with the Mughal Style August 31, 2011 – February 26, 2012

Rest Elsewhere: Netherlandish Mannerist Prints October 8 – December 4, 2011 Art Since the mid-20th Century Ongoing

Ladies of the House: Portrait Miniatures of Women from the Permanent Collection December 7, 2011 – June 3, 2012 In Search of Julien Hudson: Free Artist of Color in Pre-Civil War New Orleans December 9, 2011 – May 27, 2012

In Search of Julien Hudson: Free Artist of Color in pre-Civil War New Orleans is organized by the Worcester Art Museum and The Historic New Orleans Collection. The exhibition is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Related programming is made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Arts as part of American Masterpieces: three Centuries of Artistic genius.


WOr C e Ste r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

Julien Hudson, Portrait Of A Man, Called A Self-portrait, detail, 1839, oil on canvas, Collections of Louisiana State Museum, 07526 b

Hymn to the Earth: Photographs by Ron Rosenstock December 15, 2011 – July 15, 2012 Exhibition and catalogue generously sponsored by Cutler Capital Management and Cutler Associates.

Carrie Moyer: Interstellar February 11 – August 19, 2012

This exhibition is supported by the Don and Mary Melville Contemporary Art Fund.

Eight Views of the Ryūkyū Islands February 15 – July 15, 2012

Small Porcelain Luxuries from China February 29 – September 2, 2012 Pilgrimage to Hokusai's Waterfalls May 17 – November 11, 2012

The redesigned Japanese Gallery was made possible by generous funding from Margaret Hunter in memory of Mimi d. Bloch and the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation.

Recent Acquisitions: American Portrait Miniatures from the Bequest of Lewis Hoyer Rabbage June 6 – December 13, 2012 Spotlight on Maki Haku (1924-2000) July 19, 2012 – January 20, 2013 20th Century American Drawings August 18 – December 2, 2012



Highlights Ongoing

reoccurring: After Hours / Third Thursday of every month (Sponsored by the Members’ Council) reoccurring: Free First Saturdays (Sponsored by tJX Foundation) Wall at WAM (Sponsored by the Don and Mary Melville Contemporary Art Fund with additional generous support provided by David and Marlene persky and an anonymous donor)


Curators of Annette Lemieux Gallery Talk Leila Amalfitano and Judith Hoos-Fox discuss The Strange Life of Objects: The Art of Annette Lemieux WAM 101 (buses sponsored by the Libraries of the College of the Holy Cross) Fall Adult Classes Open House Conference Room Opening Party (Sponsored by Massachusetts Cultural Council / Massachusetts Development and Myles✝ and Jean McDonough)

Salisbury Society Lecture Series: Worcester’s Maya Column


Chamber Music Series—Worcester Chamber Music Society (Sponsored by Nydia and Charles Moser) 24-hour Comic Challenge Panel Discussion: Chapter House Tableaux Vivants: A Benefit honoring James A. Welu (Sponsored by Interstate Specialty products, Inc. and College of the Holy Cross)


Prof’s Night Family Day: Characters Welcome Engraving a Line Over the Alps: Lecture with Curator David Acton



WOr C e S te r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012


Julien Hudson: Opening Party (Sponsored by Fallon Community Health plan and unum) Symposium: Understanding Julien Hudson: Free Artist of Color in Context (Sponsored by MassHumanities) Julien Hudson: In Context Audio Tour Ron Rosenstock: Hymn to the Earth (exhibition and catalog sponsored by Cutler Capital Management and Cutler Associates) Holidays at WAM (Sponsored by people’s united bank) December Workshops First Night Worcester


In Search of your Treasures Appraisal Day Flora in Winter 2012 (Sponsored by unum, Fallon Community Health plan and people's united bank) Artist Talk: Ron Rosenstock


Black History Month Cele (Sponsored by MassHuman February Fun Vacation W Workshops Lecture: Oppressed Every in this Slavery-Cursed La People of Color Before th (Sponsored by MassHuman Career Night The Ghost of Pere Antoin Afro-Creole Traditions an Making of New Orleans C (Sponsored by College of th Traveler’s Trunk: A Partne Old Sturbridge Village (Sp MassHumanities) Interstellar: Carrie Moyer and catalog supported by th and Mary Melville Contemp Fund and CANADA, New Y Salisbury Society Lecture Meet Matthias Waschek, W New Director

Above: Anders Leonard Zorn, Opal, detail, 1891, oil on canvas, gift of Marianne a 1986.59, interpreted in flowers by Susan Detjens during Flora in Winter 2012.

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and John Jeppson,

Strategic focus Free Summer

After a successful grass-roots campaign to re-open the Museum’s Salisbury Street doors in the spring, jumpstarted by a lead gift from barry Morgan, WAM announced on June 20, 2012 that the Museum would be free for all during the months of July and August. to celebrate the announcement, WAM held a free open house with activities for families on Saturday, June 23.

One of our biggest priorities is to make the Worcester Art Museum more accessible to the community and the world. the re-opening of the Salisbury doors is a symbolic gesture of that accessibility and the free admission provides literal access to all. through the combination of these acts, combined with others in the future, we hope to deliver the message to the community that we welcome and encourage everyone to experience what this tremendous institution has to offer. We’re so appreciative of the encouragement and support we’ve received from our community in helping to make the Worcester Art Museum free for all to enjoy over the next couple of months...Without their commitment, it would have been extremely difficult to make this dream a reality. —Matthias Waschek, WAM Director

Several community leaders and elected officials attended a press conference to support the museum’s announcement, including: Senator Harriette Chandler; Malcolm rogers - Director, Museum of Fine Arts boston; Anita Walker executive Director, Massachusetts Cultural Coalition; Lisa Simmons – Director of pr, MA Office of travel and tourism; Councilor Konnie Lukes, and erin Williams, Cultural Development Officer, City of Worcester.


Julien Hudson Closing Party: La Féte Nouvelle Orléans (Sponsored by Fallon Community Health plan and unum) Anthony Amore Lecture Youth Art Month Reception (Sponsored by Massachusetts Art education Association) Chamber Music Series—duo from borromeo String Quartet (Sponsored by Nydia and Charles Moser) Family Day: Myths and Muses (Sponsored by unum)


April Art Break Vacation Week Workshops Artist Talk: Carrie Moyer Salisbury Society Lecture Series: Hymn to the Earth with Ron Rosenstock


Chamber Music Series—Michelle graveline and Stephen Hammer (Sponsored by Nydia and Charles Moser) The Macartys: A Biracial Family in New Orleans (Sponsored by MassHumanities) Hokusai Exhibition Opening Celebration Corporator Mid-Year Event: Three Perspectives on Procaccini's Betrayal of Christ


25th Anniversary Art All-State (Art All-State 2012 was made possible by the David Jay Freelander education Fund, and its co-sponsor the Massachusetts Art education Association. Further support was received from the Ostrowski Family in memory of Christopher Ostrowski AAS’96 and from Fallon Community Health plan. Additional assistance in the form of in-kind donations was received from AA transportation, Artist & Craftsman, blick Art Materials, Cocoon

The Museum knows how to pay it back with free admission…other museums: there’s a lesson here. —Judith H. Dobrzynski, Real Clear Arts, artsjournal.com, June 20, 2012

graphix, Corner grill, Curry printing & Copy Center, Davis publications, educational Sketchbook program, extras for Creative Learning, Fallon Community Health plan, golden paints, Institute of Contemporary Art, Maines paper & Food Service, papa gino’s, polar beverages, price Chopper, royal brush, Sargent Art, School Specialty, Sysco Corp., and utrecht Art Supply) Library Triennial Book Sale FREE Family Day Summer Family Open House Salisbury Society Gala Salisbury Award presented to Warner and Mary Fletcher


FREE SUMMER admission


FREE SUMMER admission Salisbury Lecture Series: Interstellar with Carrie Moyer


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behind the Scenes

Worcester Art Museum team Conserves Chapter House Chapter House, 1150-90 from the priory of Saint John Le bas-Nueil, poitou-Charentes, France Limestone

more about the Chapter House and its journey 8 Learn from France to WAM and view images of the conservation process at worcesterart.org

From 2010 to 2012 the Worcester Art Museum conservation laboratory evaluated, treated, and conserved the Chapter House, using the most advanced scientific methods. Conservators carefully studied the entire structure and diagnosed its problems, using such analytical techniques as x-ray fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy, and petrography. With detailed knowledge of the building’s condition they devised a methodical treatment plan. Decades of Museum visitors had touched the stone surfaces leaving oil and dirt from their skin. Conservators used a scientifically-formulated gel to dissolve the dirt and oil on the stone surfaces, and then removed both with moist cotton pads. With a laser they cleaned the lower walls where over the years floor coatings and waxes had gotten onto the stone. Orange iron stains, caused by a water leak, were removed with a special cleaning solution.

Old plaster repairs covered some areas of the building’s surface. Conservators removed these using a chisel and mallet, and also filled-in graffiti scratched into the walls. they found that some stones had become decayed and weakened from high salt deposits in their structure. using water-soaked poultices they were able to draw out these damaging salts. Conservators also stabilized brittle and deteriorating stone blocks by applying dilute adhesive with a brush, or injecting it into the stone with a syringe.

In 2010, funding for this project was generously provided by an anonymous donor through the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation. In 2011, the Museum was awarded an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Officer’s Grant in support of Conservation Fellow Susan Costello, who carried out the conservation research and treatment.

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WOr C e S te r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

WAM conservators work on the restoration process. Chapter House, 1150-90, from the priory of Saint John Le bas-Nueil, poitou-Charentes, France, Limestone, Museum purchase, 1927.46


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Learning @ WAM Youth

Igniting the connection between seeing and creating is the springboard for WAM’s kid-centric Classes. All of our young visitors begin their WAM experience with a trip through the galleries, which provided inspiration for hands-on art-making. Classes are offered for ages 3 to17, in the fall, winter, spring, and summer sessions.

Each year, every 4th grader in the WPS district visits the Museum to participate in The Artist’s Intent and Descriptive Landscapes. This interdisciplinary program of study is aligned with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Curriculum Frameworks.

2012 launched DigiWAM: a video game design program that teaches the essential art fundamentals required to successfully master the basics of video game design and execution.

2012 marked the 26th anniversary of WAM’s partnership with our neighbor, Elm Park Community School. All students in grades 1 through 6 visited the Museum for gallery and studio experiences. The program culminates with the 6th grade class celebrating their graduation from elementary school at the Museum. Students are given a life-time Membership to the Museum.



WAM Studio Classes, Lectures, and Workshops attracted a strong audience with a variety of learning opportunities in both the studios and galleries. Thoughtprovoking programs, such as Understanding Julien Hudson: Free Artist of Color in Context, provided rich insight for our visitors Families

During July and August, WAM offered a host of free family drop-in workshops on Sunday afternoons. These fun and accessible programs included activities such as drawing a comic or writing a Haiku poem. The Museum also hosted two popular collection-based Family Days: Characters Welcome in the fall and Myths and Muses in the spring.

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Worcester Public Schools

WOR C ES TER  ART M U SEU M Annual Report: 2012


Higgins Education Wing Exhibitions

24-hour Comic Challenge: Results!

Monkey Boy to Lunch Lady: 10 Years of Jarrett J. Krowsoczka Black History Month Celebration Youth Art Month

Exploring China Past and Present Art All-State Alumni

Art All-State

the Museum offered its 25th Art All-State on Friday and Saturday, June 1-2. Working collaboratively with teachers and administrators around the state, 226 students were nominated and 148 were accepted, representing 112 schools and 148 communities. Sixteen artist/mentors worked with these students in the galleries and studios over the two-day event. Art All-State began in 1988 under the sponsorship of the Worcester Art Museum and a generous grant from the then-Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities. Cosponsors were and still are the Massachusetts Art education Association (MAeA) and the MA Directors of Art education with funding from the David J. Freelander education Fund. Over 100 volunteers assisted in the planning and implementation of this annual program. Art All-State’s purpose is to encourage and motivate artistically talented juniors in high school, to advocate for quality art education, to give students an understanding of art related careers and direct knowledge of contemporary art forms. Art All-State alumni now number over 3,600. Art All-State 2012 was made possible by the David Jay Freelander Education Fund, and its co-sponsor the Massachusetts Art Education Association. Further support was received from the Ostrowski Family in memory of Christopher Ostrowski AAS'96 and from Fallon Community Health Plan. Additional assistance in the form of in-kind donations was received from AA Transportation, Artist & Craftsman, Blick Art Materials, Cocoon Graphix, Corner Grill, Curry Printing & Copy Center, Davis Publications, Educational Sketchbook Program, Extras for Creative Learning, Fallon Community Health Plan, Golden Paints, Institute of Contemporary Art, Maines Paper & Food Service, Papa Gino's, Polar Beverages, Price Chopper, Royal Brush, Sargent Art, School Specialty, Sysco Corp., and Utrecht Art Supply.


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One of


growing foot traffic

The City of Worcester is rich with cultural attractions, the Worcester Art Museum. As the Worcester Art Mu re-opens its Salisbury doors, residents and tourists c a wealth of our world history with the range of collect presented at the museum.

—Lieutenant governor timothy Murray, former mayor of Worcester, June

FY 2011

admissions: 31,435

on premises: 78,012 FY 2012

admissions: 45,589

on premises: 92,292

FY 2011-2012 admissions: +45% on premises: +18%

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WOr C e Ste r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

baron Wolman, American, born 1937, 300,000 Strong: Woodstock M

the nation’s great collections.

ian Smee, Boston Globe, October 23, 2011

, including useum can take in tions

e 20, 2012

It should be a landmark. But around Boston it’s almost like secret knowledge. Spread the word. —greg Cook, Boston Phoenix, November 7, 2012

Music and Art Fair (detail), 1969, gelatin silver print, gift of David Davis

growing web traffic FY 2011

visits: 158,144

unique visitors: 87,860

pageviews: 508,647 FY 2012

visits: 331,834

unique visitors: 218,083

pageviews: 1,037,574 FY 2011-2012 visits: +109% unique visitors: +149% page views: +104%


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Financial picture

Statement of Financial Position as of August 31, 2012 Current Assets:

Cash & Cash Equivalents Grant and Other Receivables Pledges Receivable, Net Investments Inventories Prepaid Expenses Property Plant & Equipment Pledges Receivable, Net Investments Total Assets

Operating $332,606 $83,828 $662,808 $445,577 $76,382 $89,702 $1,690,903

$10,389,502 $874,533 $86,986,383


Liabilities & Net Assets Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable, Trade Accrued and Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue Total Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Net Assets:

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$306,095 $392,705 $156,869 $855,669

$3,150,000 $25,608,310 $32,193,067 $38,134,275

Total Liabilities & Net Assets


WOr C e S te r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

Endowmen Other Inc

$5,628 65%

Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets

As o


$634,922 7%


Operating Expenses

g Support & Revenue

As of August 31st, 2012

of August 31st, 2012

nt &

come 8,964 %

Shop, Food Services,

Education $603,214 7% Membership $269,445 3%

& Rental $634,922 7%

Admissions $142,375 2% Shop, Food Services, Rental $658,110 7% Auxillary Activities $158,890 2%

Gifts & Grants $1,213,162 14%

Building, Grounds & Security $1,963,655 23%

Administration $1,610,936 19%

Curatorial & Conservation $1,827,366 21% Education $1,056,865 12% Fundraising & Marketing $1,426,581 16%

Library $153,835 2%

bernardo Strozzi, The Calling of Saint Matthew, about 1620, oil on canvas, Museum purchase, 1941.1


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Corporators, as stewards of the public trust, ensure the continuation of the Worcester Art Museum’s mission to collect, to preserve, to exhibit, and to educate. Corporators are committed to the Museum, and serve as ambassadors, contributors, and participants.


Herbert S. Alexander John b. Anderson^ Julia D. Andrieni Marie A. Angelini Janet Armstrong^ Joseph J. bafaro, Jr. thomas J. bartholomew Kay e. bassett Isabel A. bayon barbara Apelian beall-Fofana Susan M. berkeley george F. bernardin Lisa M. bernat Jeffrey D. bernhard richard L. bishop randolph r. bloom David M. bodah Melinda J. boone** Nicole brathwaite-Hunt Mary Ann S. brockelman Ann e. brown Christopher A. brown Sara buckingham Alta-Mae butler Suzanne r. Campbell-Lambert William r. Carrick Filomena Cesareo robert r. Charles Henry J. Ciborowski brigita Clementi Alexandra e. Cleworth Sandra Cohen Catherine M. Colinvaux James e. Collins paula H. Connolly Mary H. Coolidge Leonard Cowan elizabeth A. Crowley Leslie K. Cutler Jyoti Datta Laurel Davis elizabeth K. DeHoratius Jeffery L. Dill John F. Dion John b. Dirlam thomas M. Dolan Kevin Dowd** Kent D. dur russell Michael e. eramo Cathleen C. esleeck barbara e. Fargo Andrew Feldman Justin L. Fletcher Susan M. Foley Joan I. Freedman paul J. giorgio Laura glazier richard H. glew Maureen L. glowik roberta J. goldman John goldsberry

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WOr C e Ste r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

gabriele M. goszcz John e. graham Maureen r. gray Ivan r. green Michael gusar patricia A. Halpin James b. Hanshaw Lura Harrison Marjorie Hastings-O'Connell James e. Hogan^ Margaret p. Hunter Louis J. Iandoli Janet Ann Jaworski tay Ann Jay Kristina L. Jones Amar V. Kapur Alison C. Kenary^ brendan J. King Judith S. King Stephen A. Knapp Joyce r. Kressler Warren C. Lane gordon b. Lankton rafael Lazo Nel A. Lazour^ Diane Lebel Steven J. Ledbetter David A. Lemoine paul J. Levenson Ottilie Levine Vincent Lombardi patricia Lotuff edgar Luna^ Ingrid J. Mach Minh C. Mailloux Mark F. Mancevice thomas D. Manning Dominick N. Marcigliano Christian McCarthy Kathleen M. McDonough richard J. McNally J. William Mees ruthann Melancon toni K. Meltzer Katharine M. Michie thomas S. Michie erwin H. Miller Satya b. Mitra Jane L. Molina Charles F. Monahan Anna Mitra Morgan Leonard J. Morse Charles H. Moser patricia A. Moynihan^ Moira Moynihan-Manoog Victoria Mulligan Oanh H.t. Nguyen James S. Nicas Dominic J. Nompleggi Joseph O'brien** beata I. O'brien Candace Okuno Jean C. Osborne

Martha r. pappas Deborah penta Mary Ann pervier William O. pettit genevieve K. pioppi Stephen M. pitcher roger p. plourde phyllis pollack george C. rand Anne reisinger Linda b. robbins Susan D. roberts Helen A. ronan Henry b. rose^ Jennifer N. roy betsy p. Sargisson Margaret Savage John Savickas roberta r. Schaefer peter b. Schneider Clifford J. Schorer eric H. Schultz Sue ellen Scrogin Carol L. Seager Janice e. Seymour Mary F. Shasta Jeanice C. Sherman Jang b. Singh toby Sisson Michael D. Sleeper Joshua Lee Smith David W. Snell Albert b. Southwick Kristina M. Spillane Mark J. Spuria Suzanne St. pierre robin Starr Donald F. Stoddard Katy K. Sullivan John Szlyk Joyce tamer Anne C. tardanico Vickie thebeau Julie thomas Lynne M. tonna Josephine r. L. truesdell Judith C. Vaillancourt Carmen D. Vazquez barent W. Walsh elise b. Wellington barbara K. Wheaton Hillary White emily V. Wolf David K. Woodbury Stacy e. Woods thomas Worcester John t. Worcester edward C. Yasuna Alan S. Yoffie

** ex Officio ^ Corporator Council

To have a fine institution like the Worcester Art Museum in our city is an asset and to me, it is a gem right in my back yard. —Minh Mailloux Salisbury Society

The Salisbury Society was founded in 1992 to recognize the commitment of patrons who take a leadership role in supporting the Museum. Society members contribute to the philanthropic tradition begun by Stephen Salisbury III, the Museum’s founder. Chairman’s Circle ($25,000+) Clifford J. Schorer^

President’s Circle ($10,000 - $24,999) Marie and Mike Angelini Catherine M. Colinvaux and phillip D. Zamore Mary^ and Warner Fletcher Lisa Kirby gibbs^ and peter gibbs Mr. and Mrs. b. Anthony King Linda and John✝ Nelson Mr. and Mrs. theodore e. Shasta Director’s Circle ($5,000 - $9,999) Herb and Maura Alexander Dr. Julia D. Andrieni and Dr. robert A. phillips Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. bafaro, Jr. Jack and Susan bassick Lisa M. bernat^ and Abram rosenfeld Allen and Sarah berry Karin branscombe^ Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Collins Mr. and Mrs. David F. Dalton Maria and John Dirlam Dr. gabriele goszcz^ and Douglas Crawford John and Marianne Jeppson Joan peterson Klimann C. Jean and Myles✝ McDonough Don and Mary Melville Nydia and Charles Moser Mr. and Mrs. William O. pettit, Jr. Michael and Carol Sleeper Patron ($2,500 – $4,999) Jeanne Y. Curtis✝ Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. N. de Végvár paul A. Digeronimo and Katharine A. Marino Mr.^ and Mrs. James C. Donnelly, Jr. Antonella and roger Doucette roberta goldman Drs. Ivan and Noreen green Saundra b. Lane Stephen and Valerie Loring Mr. and Mrs.^ Henry t. Michie barrett and Mahroo Morgan Mr. and Mrs. bernard g. palitz Marlene and David persky Drs. phyllis pollack and peter Metz

Member ($1,250 – $2,499) Mr. and Mrs. James H. barnhill Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. bayon elaine W. beals ellen berezin and Lewis Shepard edward berman and Kathleen M. McDonough barbara and george bernardin

eleanor C. bernat richard^ and Sande bishop randolph and edla Ann bloom bollus Lynch, LLp Karl L. briel Frederick brose and Janice Seymour Ann brown and Dominic Nompleggi Mr. and Mrs. H. paul buckingham III Dawn^ and John budd Douglas p. butler george and tammy butler Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Caforio thomas W. Caldwell William r. Carrick robert and Nancy Charles Henry J. and elaine M.✝Ciborowski Alexandra Cleworth and gary Staab Christo and Mary t. Cocaine paula H. Connolly Mrs. Fairman C. Cowan✝ tracy A. Craig and Dr. James J. Convery Mary S. Cushman Dix and Sarah Davis Howard g. Davis III phil and Laurel Davis richard and Margery Dearborn Marjorie M. Deitz✝ Henry b. and Jane K. Dewey David Dipasquale and Candace Okuno tom and Joan Dolan Dr. and Mrs. John A. Duggan Michael e. eramo and Helen S. Carey Cathleen esleeck birgit Faber-Morse paul and Judith Falcigno barbara e. Fargo Andrew and robin Feldman Marianne e. Felice, M.D. and John M. giles III Yda and Allen Filiberti Mrs. John e. Flagg Allen W. Fletcher patricia A. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. richard I. Freedman In honor of Jim Welu Kathleen H. gadbois Dr. Wayne and Laura glazier Maureen L. glowik John and geri graham Maureen and bob gray Joel p. greene and Ann t. Lisi David r. and rosalie A. grenon Dr. thomas and Mrs. patricia Halpin barry and Chris Hanshaw patricia J. Harmon and David tongel Dr. N. Alan Harris and Dr. Diane Lebel Drs. Lynn and Lura Harrison Mr. and Mrs. James N. Heald 2nd george Hecker Frank Herron and Sandy urie Jock Herron and Julia Moore the Hetnarski Family prentiss and polly Higgins Dr. and Mrs. James e. Hogan James e. Hogan III Margaret Hunter^ Mrs. Louis C. Iandoli prof. Louis J. Iandoli Frances and Howard Jacobson Mrs. tay Ann Jay Jesuit Community at Holy Cross and thomas Worcester rachel Kaminsky John F. and rayna Keenan Margaret Keith Maureen and William Kelleher

David and barbara Krashes tracy and Morey Kraus Agnes e. Kull✝ Saundra b. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Lane, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Lazarus rafael Lazo Claude M. Lee III Mary Cotter-Lemoine and David Lemoine Mr. and Mrs. Joseph p. Lotuff David Lucht and Susannah baker Ingrid Jeppson Mach and Dany pelletier robert and Minh Mailloux tom and Nadine Manning Moira^ and Charlie Manoog Mr. and Mrs.✝Christian McCarthy Neil and Lisa^ McDonough J. William Mees Dr. and Mrs. glenn A. Meltzer thomas S. Michie Mrs. David J. Milliken Dr. Satya and Mrs. Supriya Mitra Mr. and Mrs. Andres Jaime Molina A. Mitra Morgan and phillip Moremen Mr.✝and Mrs. paul S. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. peter S. Morgan philip and gale Morgan James and patricia Moynihan Frederic and Victoria Mulligan robert and Charlene Nemeth Mary and Joseph Oakley Martha r. and Arthur M. pappas, M.D. Dr. James S. pease and Dr. Janice C. Hitzhusen Deborah penta^ John and patricia peterson Mr. and Mrs. N. William pioppi Stephen and Cynthia pitcher the plourde Family Charitable trust Candace and richard race george C. rand, Jr. Arthur and Debra remillard Martin S. richman and Joanne r. DeMoura Mr. and Mrs. Henry b. rose peter and Anne Schneider Kim and eric Schultz richard Sergel and Susan baggett Jeanice Sherman and Dwight Johnson robert M. and Shirley S. Siff Vivian b. Sigel Dr. Jang and Carol Singh John J. and Kristina M.^ Spillane Mark Spuria and Joseph Murphy✝ peter and Katy^ Sullivan Mr. and Mrs.✝ William F. Sullivan Anne C. tardanico george and Sheila tetler Sumner b. and Martha S. tilton george and Lynne^ tonna Herb and Jean Varnum Matthias Waschek and Steve taviner Kristin Waters^ roger and elise Wellington James A. Welu Mark and barb Wetzel barbara K. Wheaton peter and Shirley Williams Joanne and Douglas Wise emily and Kenneth✝ Wolf Susan and David Woodbury John Worcester Dr. edward C. Yasuna ✝Deceased ^ Salisbury Committee Members

photo: Mark Doyle

I became involved with the Worcester Art Museum when my husband was on the Members’ Council in the early 80’s. My first visit to the Museum was to enjoy the arts but I learned that it had much more resources to help me broaden my knowledge. After learning the Museum’s history, the founders’ vision for its future and what it has become today, I feel privileged to be a part of it.

ron rosenstock billboard on I-290. photo credit: ron rosenstock. worcesterart.org

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In Memoriam

In 2012 we were saddened to lose a number their mark on the Worcester Art Museum and through their philanthropy and commitment.

giving back to her community was always a h Ciborowski, who, like her husband Henry, a so through generous financial support and vo elaine and Henry contributed to many of the cultural and educational organizations. their Worcester Art Museum has resulted in numer years, setting a wonderful example for future

A patron devoted to education, Jeanne Curtis docent at the Worcester Art Museum where sh the impact of the Museum’s extensive educa She enjoyed the opportunity both to learn abo world-renowned collection and to share it with youngsters from throughout the community. O supported many Museum initiatives including t an active program of contemporary art.

Myles McDonough shared his business su communities in which he lived and worked. area’s major industrialists, Myles’s personal enabled him to contribute significantly to the

Orantes are ancient terracotta statues of wo Canosa, the capital of an ancient greek pro century bCe these half-life-sized statues we arms raised –a gesture of praying or mourn multi-chambered tombs. the Museum has i fascinating history. When they first came as transit. the intact figure was sold while the f of the damaged statue nearly seven decade its subsequent conservation by the Andrew coincided with a serendipitous opportunity to halfway around the world. After more than 8 one on loan from a private collection will be new Jeppson Idea Lab. this exhibition, whic paula Artal-Isbrand in consultation with Chri Senior Curator of greek and roman Art at t / 21 /

Orante Figure, South Italian, 4th–3rd century bCe, terrac

of friends who left the community

high priority for Elaine Museum trustee, did olunteer service. community’s social, commitment to the rous gifts over the generations.

s was a long-standing he witnessed firsthand ation program. ut the Museum’s others, especially ver the years Jeanne the effort to establish

ccess with the Like many of the achievements e Museum’s success.

He and his wife, Jean, became associated with the Worcester Art Museum in the 1960s. Myles served on the Members’ Council while Jean became a docent and eventually one of the Museum’s board members. In 1987 the McDonoughs endowed the Mayan Court, which was named in their honor. More recently they were the major donors behind the new Conference room. In 1995 Myles and Jean were given the Museum’s highest honor, the Salisbury Award. the Museum is fortunate that the McDonough’s involvement with the Museum has been a family affair, continuing into the next generation.

the Museum’s oldest trustee emeritus, Richard Prouty, passed away at age 99. Dick and his wife, Ann, were long-time supporters of the Worcester Art Museum and many other non-profit organizations. A trustee for 22 years, Dick served on several board committees, including many years on the Facilities and technology Committee. He and his wife gave regularly and generously to the Museum’s annual fund and contributed to the success of several capital campaigns. In 1989, Dick donated three family portrait miniatures to the Museum, including one of his mother, the noted author and poet Olive Higgins prouty.

elaine Ciborowski

Jeanne Curtis (second from left)

We are grateful to these very thoughtful and generous individuals whose altruistic spirit helped chart the course of the Worcester Art Museum. their legacy will live on, and impact generations to come.

omen that were discovered in underground tombs in ovince in modern-day southeastern Italy. Dating to the 3rd ere found in groups along with rich grave goods. With their ing—they surrounded the deceased laid to rest in these n its collection two of these statues, which have a a pair to Worcester in 1927, one was severely damaged in fragmentary one was forgotten in storage. the rediscovery es later by Curator of Ancient Art Christine Kondoleon, and w W. Mellon Fellow in Objects Conservation Susan Costello, o purchase its long-lost mate, which had by then traveled 80 years the Museum’s two reunited Orantes and a third displayed to the public for the first time in the Museum’s ch will open in June 2013, is organized by Conservator istine Kondoleon, now george D. and Margo behrakis he Museum of Fine Arts, boston.

otta with white slip, Stoddard Acquisition Fund, 2008.50

Myles McDonough

richard prouty


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Benefactor Members

Fellow $600-$1,249 Ann and bill Arthur Dr. barbara A. beall-Fofana and Dr. Mustapha S. Fofana Mr. and Mrs. gordon W. brockway Ann and bob buxbaum Justin and Laine Fletcher Dr. Abraham and Mrs. Linda Haddad Julie L. Heath and Krishna L. Moody roger and barbara Kohin tristan and Susanne Laurion Mark Mancevice and Marilyn butler Johanna and David Musselman bradley and Jennifer paradee terri priest Sarah and Joe ribeiro Helen ronan and Les Nelken Claudia A. russo Carol L. Seager Jonathan D. Silverman robin S. Starr Wyatt and erika Wade Ann-Meg White and Sean S. padgett Kenneth r. and Dorothy M. Woodcock Warren Yanoff

Sponsor $300-$599 Mr. and Mrs. Neil N. Ault robert and beverly bachelder Dr. Michele bilodeau and Mr. e. Cutter Wyman William r. breidenbach Dr. Mark J. brenner Michael D. and Mary Ann brockelman Dr. and Mrs. thomas H. Cahn Suzanne Campbell-Lambert Ken Crater and peg Ferraro rebecca b. Crocker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Cusimano tracy and Jeff Dill John F. Dion and Charlotte Dion-gaarde ruth W. evans Mr. and Mrs. James t. Flynn Dr. Julia M. gallagher Dr. and Mrs. richard H. glew Mr. and Mrs. Amar V. Kapur Jack and pam Kelly richard and Mary Ann Kennedy richard and betty Kesseli Henry W. Keyes gordon b. Lankton paul and Nel Lazour Mary beth Leonard Dr. and Mrs. eugene J. Mariani, Jr. thomas r. Mountain Mickie and Don Nelson professor edmund F. O'reilly Judith and thoru pederson gwen pratt Joseph and ren provo george reed Mr. and Mrs. edward J. robbins Vivian Shortreed Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stimpson John J. Szlyk, M.D. Mary and Fred taubert Mr. and Mrs. Donald taylor Mr. and Mrs. thomas W. thaler Lawrence and Katherine Van Cura David and Jessie Wallace barry Walsh and Valerie Wedge Mrs. Margaret Zakarian

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Benefactor Members are an important group of supporters whose unrestricted gifts strengthen virtually every area of the Museum – from collections and special exhibitions to education programs and outreach initiatives.

Friend $200-$299 Anonymous (4) Drs. Diran and Seta Apelian thomas Aquino blanca H. Arndt Anthony and barbara Athy David and Linda Ayers Joan bagley Charles p. and Margaret Mcevoy ball Mr. and Mrs. James p. ballard Janet and brian barlow Joseph and renee barnes Joan t. barry Kevin and Kim beaulieu Mr. and Mrs. robert W. beckwith the belanger Family Kierstan Leigh bell rosamond L. bennett Deborah bergeron Kenneth e. bibeau Mr. and Mrs. David e. blore Margaret r. boatwright-Mcevoy Karmen bogdesic and Dinko r. Vujic paul F. bolton Cush bozenhard gordon C. and Lou Anne branche richard bream, M.D. and Susan bream Catherine and John-paul Cardoso Alison Caron Drs. Francesco and Filomena Cesareo burton and Harriette Chandler Constance Areson Clark Mary Cleven eleanor Laing Clifford Dr. Jeff Cohen and Nina Laurencot paul and Laura Connelly Nancy M. Connor ruta Convent Louise and buzz Cue ronald S. Davis Jack g. and Maria C. De Cillis elizabeth O. Dean✝ William and paula Delaney Arthur and elizabeth Dempster Don and Lynda Deprez Mrs. Hope DiDomenico Dr. William W. Doerr Henry A. Donoghue paul t. Drew-bear Frank and Loraine Dufault Mr. and Mrs. Donald r. Dupré Marilyn and Joe ellis ralph and Mildred ellis Frank p. Fechner, M.D. Louise Feldhaus Natalie and rodney Ferris Helen and george Fifield robert Finberg and Joyce Fingeroth Dr. and Mrs. David N. French Mark and Jan Fuller Constance galanis and Stephen J. Linde Alberta Sebolt george and Albert george Dr. Lisa M. giarrusso and Dr. gregory Livanos renee L. goldberg Shawn graham and Amy Jean tomaso phyllis Harrington richard H. Harris and Nancy M. Wilson tina M. Healey Deirdre D. Healy and Larry Vidoli Shauna and thomas Hoffey, Jr. Micha Hofri and ellen More James and emily Holdstein timothy M. Houlihan Sandy Hubbard peter C. Isakson and Helen C. Hamman

WOr C e Ste r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

Marlys Jarstfer and John Zimmerman Lene A. Jensen and Jeffrey J. Arnett Joseph and Joanne Johnson Dr. and Mrs. richard F. Johnson Andrea b. Klein and peter D. Klein Lee A. Koehler and brian r. Ward elliott Krefetz and Sharon p. Krefetz Judith and richard Lamoureux Catherine H. Levine Maria C. Ma Diane and gary MacConnell Jane Maguire Martha Mahard John Louis Malkowski Dr. David Marker Jodie and David Martinson Drs. Kevin and Martha McKenna Michael F. Menard Douglas Q. Meystre and Diane S. Meystre Mr. and Mrs. erwin H. Miller Haytham Mohamed and Dr. Hala Saleh Michelle Morneau Dr. Leonard and Mrs. Maxine Morse Dawn M. Murphy Michael t. Murphy elaine t. Nedder Christopher and Melissa O'brien gerald and priscilla Olson Jean C. Osborne Sally gooch paynter tracy and Jason petrella John and Cheryl pierce Jim and patty pontarelli John and Kristin rainey Mr.✝ and Mrs. J. Douglas rapp Danielle ray eileen reinhardt Norton and Selina remmer Anderson ribeiro and erica Driscoll ribeiro Nancy and peter rice ellen F. rigatti reid and Sue roberts John robertson Ann-Marie and Jason roche Jane Salerno Dr. and Mrs. elliot W. Salloway Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Salmon Jr. elizabeth A. Salmon and robert W. riley bethany Anne Schloss Christine Smith and ronald Furmaniuk Clay and rachel Smook tess Sneesby Lynda and robert Sorrenti barbara and richard St. pierre Linda and Henry St. pierre Dr. Cristian Stefan and Ancuta M. Stefan Joseph Styborski and Joanna bauer Alex and Jessica Sullivan elizabeth J. taft Dr. and Mrs. John D. thayer Julie and Clive thomas Lee and Owen todd barbara tsantinis Mrs. John g. underhill A. eric van Leeuwen richard Van Nostrand Dr. Jeffrey W. Voss Jennifer Weyler giles and Lynn Whalen george and rita Witman rick and Kris Wobbe pamela Worden and Charles Faucher ✝Deceased

This gift is to support your wonderful museum. We have visited, and taken classes, over the past 11 years, and feel that it is one of the best museums anywhere. —theodore and Joanne buyniski

Gifts to the Annual Fund

$1,000 + Debbie and Vince Asbridge Jeanne Y. Curtis✝ robert S. Fairbrother Dr. gabriele goszcz and Douglas Crawford Janet and geoffrey graeber Mr. and Mrs.✝ Christian McCarthy elizabeth A. and bernard F. Meyer Clifford J. Schorer Lee and Owen todd Ken and Dorothy Woodcock Dr. edward C. Yasuna In honor of elton✝ and penny Yasuna Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Yoffie terry S. and David b. Yoffie Mr. and Mrs. eric H. Yoffie terry S. and David b. Yoffie In memory of Judith and William Yoffie $500-$999 Norman bitsoli theodore and Joanne buyniski Dr. and Mrs. W. robert Connor Chris and betsy Crowley John M. baker Susan Stoops and James rainville

$250-$499 barbara and george bernardin Michael D. and Mary Ann brockelman Leonard and Hallie Cowan Yda and Allen Filiberti John and Dorista goldsberry Dr. Jerry gurwitz and Dr. Leslie Fish Mary and Warner Fletcher In memory of Jeanne Y. Curtis Stephen and Valerie Loring J. William Mees Dawn Murphy terri priest Louise and John reynders✝ Nicholas rhind polly traina James A. Welu eric and Hillary White $100-$249 Andy and Jackie Aaron In memory of Janice green Denise r. Adams In honor of Family thomas H. Adams Mr. and Mrs. John b. Anderson June and Joseph bafaro, Sr.

The Worcester Art Museum Annual Fund supports all the operations of the Museum. Donations to the Annual Fund enable the Museum to care for and display the artworks, and to present exhibitions, events and community programs.

elizabeth J. baldarelli In memory of evo L. baldarelli Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. bayon In memory of Dr. John petter Dennis and Catherine berkey the blomquists of 77 paris Avenue Mr. and Mrs. A. Shepard boote Mr. and Mrs. H. paul buckingham III elizabeth b. burguet In memory of Dr. John petter elizabeth A. burkett Douglas p. butler Mary V. C. Callahan Mrs. Cecilia M. Carroll In honor of the Carroll Family eleanor Laing Clifford Dr. and Mrs. William r. Cohen Howard and peggy Cotton raphael and Alison Crawford In honor of gabriele goszcz ralph and Joan Crowley gilbert S. Davis✝ In memory of Dr. John petter Helen Marie Dearden tom and Joan Dolan In honor of Warner and Mary Fletcher ted Domville and Sandra Vergara In honor of birgit Straelhe Colleen Dowling george Dresser and Margaret McCandless Linwood M. erskine, Jr. In memory of Dr. John petter Joan Ferguson Natalie and rodney Ferris Mrs. John F. Finnegan In memory of Francis W. Hall roseann Fitzgerald Mary and Warner Fletcher In memory of Agnes e. Kull David and Ann Forsberg Mark and Jan Fuller Fotios and Helen ganias Dr. and Mrs. richard H. glew In memory of emilia Vallecillo Dr. and Mrs. robert S. Harper In memory of Dr. John petter✝ Angela Harvey Nancy A. Johnson ed.D. rogers Johnson phil and pris Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Lane, Jr. In memory of Dr. John petter

Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Lazare Jeff burk and Dale Lepage Ottilie and Jeffrey Levine brad Lisak and Cristian barbosa thomas Martin and Ivy Sun In honor of Jim Welu Don and Angela McClain Helen p. McLaughlin Ogretta V. McNeil ralph and Cynthia Montalvo Linda and John✝ Nelson In memory of Myles McDonough David and Susan Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. eugene r. Nixon Lydia pastuszek and brian Monahan Mr. and Mrs. peter S. Morgan In memory of Dr. John petter bruce and Mary plummer Zenie and Joel popkin Honorable and Mrs. James F. Queenan Andrew and Olga renzoni In honor of Sofia and John Mr. and Mrs. todd rodman In honor of Honee Hess Mr. and Mrs. Allen rubin Michael and Maryanne Scarfo In honor of gabriele goszcz roberta and David Schaefer Linda and robert Seega In memory of Julie and ray bouley Carol L. Seager patricia A. Segerson Mark L. Shelton Dan and Debby Steigman Donald and Judith Stoddard John M. Sutherland, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. gary M. tanguay Dr. and Mrs. Daniel g. tear george and Sheila tetler Mr. and Mrs. thomas W. thaler Mr. and Mrs. philip A. truesdell Mrs. John g. underhill David and Jessie Wallace trudy and Adriaan Walther Dr. Frederick p. Wassel gayle and Charles Weiss James A. Welu In memory of Dr. John petter Margaret F. Wolverton ✝Deceased

Your art museum, especially it’s classical collection, meant a great deal to me as a three-decker kid growing up in Worcester. —robert Connor

Carrie Moyer: Interstellar installation view in the Contemporary gallery.


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Corporate and Foundation Support

Business Partner Committee

Committee Chair: Joseph J. bafaro, Jr., J.J. bafaro, Inc. Committee: ursula A. Arello, Fallon Community Health plan Susan M. Foley, Foley Industrial engines David Oles, American Alarm and Communications, Inc. John Savickas, Interstate Specialty products, Inc.

Business Partners

Membership in the Business Partner Program offers companies excellent marketing, employee and client benefits, and an opportunity to invest in community. The program provides critical annual operating support for all the Museum’s programs. Sponsors / $5,000 and above Sponsorship of museum exhibitions, events and programs offers unique branding opportunities and marketing benefits, with exclusive access to the Museum. bank of America Cutler Associates Cutler Capital Management Fallon Community Health plan FLeXcon Company, Inc. Interstate Specialty products, Inc. people’s united bank the tJX Foundation, Inc. unum Worcester business Journal Worcester Mag, Inc. Donors / $2,500 J.J. bafaro, Inc. C. C. Lowell Christie's Fletcher, tilton p.C. Foley Industrial engines Highland Street Foundation Miles press, Inc. rDW group Inc. Saint-gobain Waters Corporation Members / $1,000 bartholomew & Company, Inc. benefitsLab - Health Insurance Solutions Herbert e. berg Florist, Inc. the berry Financial Consulting group of Wells Fargo Advisors Central One Federal Credit union Columbia tech Davis publications, Inc. Fidelity bank Fiduciary Investment Advisors, LLC greenberg, rosenblatt, Kull and bitsoli, p.C. Legacy Financial Advisors, Inc.

Mercier electric Co, Inc. russell Morin Fine Catering J. S. Mortimer, Inc. MSW Financial partners pepper's Fine Foods Catering perfect Focus eyecare target Corporation unibank Webster Five thomas J. Woods Insurance Agency, Inc. Zelle Hofmann Voelbel and Mason LLp Friends / $500 Alexander, Aronson, Finning & Co., p.C. bean Counter Coffee bar & bakery bowditch & Dewey, LLp burr Insurance Agency, Inc. Central Massachusetts podiatry Checkerboard Ltd. Coghlin electrical Contractors Crown Hill restoration Curry printing the protector group Skinner, Inc. Sotheby's Struck Catering Sullivan, garrity and Donnelly Insurance Agency, Inc. Corporate and Foundation Gifts and Grants bank of America, Museums On us the Frank M. barnard Foundation, Inc. e. rhodes and Leona b. Carpenter Foundation J. Irving england and Jane L. england Charitable trust the Hart Foundation the Clayton F. and ruth L. Hawkridge Foundation the Hoche-Scofield Foundation Institute of Museum and Library Services Museums for America the Henry Luce Foundation, American Art renewal Fund Mass Humanities project grant Mass Humanities project grant: Crisis, Community and Civic Culture Massachusetts Cultural Council, Cultural Investment partner National endowment for the Arts, Art Works the pacific Life Foundation, partner Involvement program the paine Charitable trust the Stoddard Charitable trust target Corporation, Arts And Culture in Schools - Store grants tJX Foundation, Inc

Membership at the Business Partner level is something I value both personally and professionally. The free month of admission for our employees, invitations to events and discounts are great. Add to that the visibility we get in front of thousands of people, and you can see why membership fits into our budget every year. How do I know? I’ve been a member since 1987, and the firm has been since 1999. —Warner Fletcher / Fletcher tilton p.C

There is a long history of strong support to the Worcester A Museum from the business community. In fact, this strong support is one of the reasons why the Worcester Art Museum one of the finest museums of its size in the country. J.J. Bafar Inc. is honored to be a long time member of the Business Par Program and actively support such a fine institution. —Joseph J. bafaro, Jr., J.J. bafaro Inc. / Chair of business partner Commitee

Corporate and Foundation Gifts to Membership or the Annual Fund Anonymous (1) bollus Lynch, LLp brigham Hill Foundation trust Citi group global Markets, Inc. Jeanne Y. Curtis Foundation Cutler Associates, Inc. Melvin S. Cutler Charitable Foundation ruth H. and Warren A. ellsworth Foundation Fidelity Charitable gift Fund barbara and george bernardin Family Fund Hetnarski Family Fund John M. Nelson Fund race Family Fund Sarah and Joe ribeiro Fund patricia Segerson Fund Yoffie Family Fund Fidelity Investments Fiduciary trust Company MpD Higgins Foundation Fletcher, tilton p.C. Joan L. Freedman trust Future plumbing and piping, Inc. the Nehemias gorin Charitable Foundation grace Movie LLC greater Worcester Community Foundation bozenhard Charitable Fund H. paul and Sara b. buckingham III Fund Douglas p. butler Fund Martha A. Cowan Fund theodore and Marjorie M. Deitz Fund Henry b. and Jane K. Dewey Fund David r. and rosalie A. grenon Fund Kirby Foundation Fund Louise r. and John F. reynders Fund International Ceramic engineering Jesuit Community at Holy Cross the Judy and tony King Foundation the Kirby Foundation Liberty Mutual the Mildred H. Mcevoy Foundation Morgan Stanley pacific Life Foundation the plourde Family Charitable trust the Quaker Insurance Agency, Inc. the Joseph rosenfeld Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund the Mark and barbara Wetzel Family Fund Siff Charitable Foundation Sigel Family Foundation Smook Architecture & urban Design, Inc. Spillane Charitable Foundation St. bernadette parish the Stoddard Charitable trust Dorothy tenney Charitable trust the tonna Charitable trust united Way of North Central Massachusetts, Inc. Vanguard Charitable endowment program the Woodcock Charitable Fund Worcester Art Museum Docents Worcester Cultural Commission Wyman-gordon Foundation

Matching Gift Organizations to Membership or the Annual Fund Ace Foundation-bermuda bank of America Chevron Humankind eastern bank Charitable Foundation FM global Foundation IbM Corporation Massachusetts electric Company MbI Foundation, Inc. Morgan Construction Company Mutual of America National grid Saint-gobain Corporation Foundation State Street bank & trust Company teagle Foundation uNuM uS Waters Corporation

Members’ Council

The purpose of the Members’ Council is to promote and support the goals and activities of the Museum by enlisting new members, expanding the Museum’s visibility, fundraising, and volunteering for and participating in the Museum’s programs and events.

elizabeth Alicea ursula Arello Joan t. barry Marianne belanger Suzanne r. Campbell-Lambert Kristy Collins philip F. Coppinger John F. Dion Donna Dufault Margaret glavin bJ Hill Sandy Hubbard Mariam Hyder-Farooq timothy Jalbert Jessica Jolin Kristina L. Jones Lydia Keene-Kendrick Kimberly Kirk eliza t. Laurent Dale Lepage brad S. Lisak Josephine F. Martins Nadia t. Mcgourthy Michelle S. Morneau David Oles Susan O'Neil Shannon pluta Marguerite K. Snow Luke M. Vaillancourt Mark A. Vining

Asian galleries, featuring Spotlight on Maku Haku (1924-2000). / 25 /

WOr C e S te r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2013


is o, rtner

Friends of the Library Victoria Aberhart gloria Abramoff Kathryn balistrieri georgia b. barnhill barbara bernardin Janet bessette Kelli blank patricia bonczyk Mary-ellen boyle Cushing bozenhard Merle brandzel gordon & eleanor brockway Alta-Mae butler Sid Callahan Mary Cocaine JoAnn DiVerdi Miller Antonella Doucette patricia A. Fletcher Kathleen H. gadbois Dotti glew phyllis Harrington John Herron, Jr. Margaret Hunter barbara A. Laplant Joe Leduc Otti Levine Celine Liberty Livingston Jane Maguire Kathleen A. Markees Josephine Martins Judith H.McCann Angela McClain ginger McCloy Linda Miller Carlotta D. Miller barry Morgan phyllis Nixon Candy Okuno Jean Osborne Jan parise Jane pastore Marcia patten Katherine plainte patricia b. peterson rita and John pope roberta pospisil Carolyn L. powell Virginia powell-brasier terri priest Anne reisinger Ken roy tressa Santillo Cory Shepherd Charlotte Shumway birgit Straehle Jim Welu

People who donated books to the Library

Art Docents in honor of Connie Salter Art Docents in honor of paula bates bill & Martha Densmore bonnie thomas bruce and Mary plummer David Acton David Snell Fred Mulligan georgia barnhill gerry Mcgovern ginny powell-brasier Donna Winant Anne pound eiblis goldings greg Kincaid Helen ronan Hope DiDomenico James Heald Jane Maguire Jane pastore Leslie Saffer Linda Miller Lynda Mcfarlane

Louise Miller Mason Marian Mullet Nancy Orlando for the estate of elizabeth Densmore patricia A. Fletcher paul goetting Scott Fortino terri priest Victoria Mulligan Amy Schenkein Cliff Schorer


Victoria Aberhart Mary Ann Abodeely Merle brandzel Christine brehany Alta-mae bulter Sandra Cohen Anne Collamore Antonella Doucette patricia Dupre Jane Freed Nancy Hall Carole Harmon patricia Hegedus Faith Lang Ottilie Levine Celine Livingston Jane Maguire paul Mahon Angela McClain Linda Miller Louise Miller-Mason Jean Miles Mary Louise Mills Cathryn Oles Jan parise Jane pastore Marcia patten patricia peterson bruce plummer Virginia powell-brasier patricia pulda Lisolette reinberg Joseph reynolds gyda robinson Jane rothstein pamella Saffer Jennifer Saffran David Snell Florence Stowe Carol Sutton F. roberta thomas Leslie Vigneau

There are many reasons why I love volunteering at WAM. I believe in WAM’s mission, and I want to be a part of realizing that vision. My fellow volunteers and many WAM employees have become my friends, and I truly enjoy spending time with them. WAM feels like home to me, whether I am at a concert or spending time alone in a gallery enjoying one of my favorite pieces of art. It always feels good to be at home. —John Dion, past president / Members’ Council

Gifts of Art

Margery Williams Adams American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York philip and elaine beals James bergquist patrick and Aimee butler Family Foundation Joan Corell John and Maria Dirlam birgit Faber-Morse Judy Ann goldman Mary Jane Harris Mr. and Mrs. James N. Heald II Honee A. Hess and phil Magnusson Joan peterson Klimann richard and Andrea Kremer Joan Kraft Laskoff Claude Lee Walter MacDonald peter Moriarty edward Osowski William S. reese blake robinson Nina H. Webber barbara Ketcham Wheaton Joanne and Douglas Wise


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Salisbury Doors Campaign

Anonymous (3) John and Victoria Aberhart Mr. Donald Ackerman Dr. and Mrs. richard Aghababian bernard M. Alicandro and Hannah g. Hall-Alicandro Mr. and Mrs. John b. Anderson Lois A. Angelsten Diane M. Aramony Frank Armstrong and ellen Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. robert A. Armstrong Van and Mary Aroian Ann and bill Arthur robert and beverly bachelder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. bafaro, Jr. Joan bagley Lisa bailey elizabeth J. baldarelli In memory of evo L. baldarelli Mr. and Mrs. James H. barnhill Mr. and Mrs. William F. barrett Susan barrett-Degon Joan t. barry Margaret p. bartley Dr. Marvin baum Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. bayon Karen A. beaudoin Mr. and Mrs. robert W. beckwith Marianne belanger and Stephen D. gabrielian rosamond L. bennett Margareta g. berg Allison berkeley Marion and edward bilzerian richard and Sande bishop Clealand and Nancy blair Dr. and Mrs. edwin A. boger Mr. and Mrs. bertrand g. bolduc Frank and Jacquelyn bonin Mr. and Mrs. A. Shepard boote Mr. and Mrs. thomas bostock Mary-ellen C. boyle Mr. and Mrs. gordon W. brockway Mr. and Mrs. H. paul buckingham III Jeff burk and Dale Lepage george and tammy butler Ann and bob buxbaum thomas W. Caldwell Suzanne Campbell-Lambert Nancy Capobianco Mrs. Cecilia Carroll Jane Antoun Cartelli Jennifer b. Caswell Alan M. Catalano Anne M. Cataldo Mr. and Mrs. richard A. Cerny Loretta Chekani Frances A. Ciccarelli Christine and Douglas Clayton Catherine M. Colinvaux and phillip D. Zamore Liz and thomas Colletta richard and priscilla Collins paul and Laura Connelly Lynne W. Connor Joanne and Aileen Cox Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Cramer ron and Donna Crocker rebecca b. Crocker Mr. and Mrs. ralph D. Crowley, Jr. Lisa Davenock photography Dr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Dean Helen Marie Dearden Mr. randall e. Decoteau Siobhan and Michael Dennis Marjory S. Dick Mrs. Hope DiDomenico Melanie Donegan Sidney and phyllis Dorfman Carole and ronald Dorris Antonella and roger Doucette Christine Drew Constance Driscoll / 27 /

The Salisbury Doors campaign ran during the spring of 2012 with a goal to raise the funds needed to re-open the Museum’s grand “front doors” at the Salisbury Street entrance. This successful effort was brought “over the top” by generous Museum members, and the doors opened once again in June of 2012. Mr. and Mrs. Donald r. Dupré thomas F. egan Allan J. eisenberg Kristen elmes Joel epstein Mr. and Mrs. robert e. evans Mary C. everleth Dr. Charlotte eyerman Mr. and Mrs. David I. Feingold Louise Feldhaus Shula Feldkran John Ferdella and elaine Simone Helen and george Fifield the Fletcher Foundation Dr. Mark J. Forgues and Ms. Claire J. Forgues Kent and Vivian Forsberg barbara Freer Dr. and Mrs. David N. French Leslie and tom Freudenheim Dorothy C. Fullam Constance galanis and Stephen J. Linde Meg and Steven gallo edward gardella eleanor M. garvey Susan gately Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. gehnrich Dr. and Mrs. Frederick J. giarrusso Dr. Lisa M. giarrusso and Dr. gregory Livanos Cindy and Kevin gilpatric Dr. and Mrs. richard H. glew reverend and Mrs. paul F. goetting Mr. and Mrs. robert H. golden John and Dorista goldsberry Mrs. Alvin goldsmith elizabeth D. goodwin Mrs. Frances gordon Martha p. grace and Nason A. Hurowitz Joel p. greene and Ann t. Lisi robert and Judith greene Mr. and Mrs. Simon gregory theodora guest-Civitenga Dr. Abraham and Mrs. Linda Haddad Mrs. beatrice A. Haddad Nancy W. Hall Dr. and Mrs. robert S. Harper phyllis Harrington Ms. Sandra L. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Hartman Andrea K. Henkels Mrs. Mary b. Hennessy Ms. geraldine Herlihy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hewes Mr. and Mrs. philip C. Heywood Mrs. Dorothy t. Higano Christie Higginbottom brian Higgins and Jane Higgins gavin Hilgemeier Alice p. Hochman James and Kathleen Hogan Doris e. Horgan betty Hoskins Frances Hruska Sandy Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Hulick Mrs. Julia Huot Wilfred Iandoli Candace Imming Jeanette McIntosh Ingersoll Marie and ted Jasiewicz Lene A. Jensen and Jeffrey J. Arnett Mr. and Mrs. Carle A. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. russell e. Johnson Arthur✝ and Janet Jones paul M. Jourcin paul and Nancy Kaminski ruth Kaprelian Nora Keil

WOr C eS ter  Art M u Seu M Annual report:2012

Maureen and bill Kelleher Susan e. Keller Alison C. Kenary reverend Dr. paul D. Kennedy and Carol L. Kennedy John and Cynthia Kennison Joyce M. Kent Mrs. Nancy Kimball Mr. and Mrs. b. Anthony King Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Knott II Mrs. Helen p. Koskinas elliott Krefetz and Sharon p. Krefetz elizabeth M. Kunhardt and Louis M. Swan A. Mary Labovites roger and betty Lou Lambert Jacqueline Lapierre tristan and Susanne Laurion gregory Lazan and Willa Kahn Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Lazare theresa and John Leahy Deanna Leamon and Davis baird geraldine Ledoux and David Jarbozski Mary beth Leonard Mary ellen and richard Letarte Mrs. Madelyn S. Levenson Lynn Lidz James Liebmann and gail Scully Dr. Yamuna Lingappa brad Lisak and Cristian barbosa Mr. and Mrs. robert p. Lombardi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Ludy Kevin p. Lynch Dr. Heather MacDonald Donald and Donna MacLean Jane Maguire Dr. paul J. Mahon In honor of Honee Hess Michael and Alicia Makowiecki John Louis Malkowski Naomi Mandell Mary Ann and edward Manion thomas Martin and Ivy S. Sun Don and Angela McClain Ann C. McDonald tim and Nadia Mcgourthy Drs. Kevin and Martha McKenna Dorothy McLoughlin C. Mary McLoughlin Sharon r. McManus Ogretta V. McNeil J. William Mees Anne and John Messier Mrs. Jean Miles Mr. and Mrs. erwin H. Miller William J. Moisuk Mr. and Mrs. Andres Jaime Molina Donna Mooradian Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Moore barrett Morgan Carol Morocco Dr. Leonard and Mrs. Maxine Morse Mr. and Mrs. Demitrios M. Moscho umberto Mosco and ebba Macke Mrs. Mary Moulson-Litchfield James and patricia Moynihan Margaret Myatt Mark Nault Dolores S. Neely Ann C. Nelson Mickie and Don Nelson Catherine A. Nicastro barbara e. Noble paul M. Novak Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Novick Mr. and Mrs. James M. O'Connell Mr. and Mrs. John t. O'Connor Kathleen e. O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Karl Okerstrom Cathryn F. Oles Anne t. O'Malley

In memory of John J. O’Malley John O'reilly and James tellin Mary Linda O'reilly Dr. and Mrs. robert D. Ouellette elizabeth Ann pacentrilli pagano Media Matthew W. panagiotu D.D.S. Mary e. panni Ioannis and Catherine papayannopoulos gail M. parker and Stephen g. Anderson Marcia patten Julia pauliukonis Suzanne F. pauquet penta Communications Mrs. Marcia M. pettee bruce and Mary plummer Virginia b. powell-brasier terri priest provo Financial Services, Inc. Mrs. Marilyn J. Quigley Carol e. rader gail t. randall Carl and Sandra rapp Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas rapp Lillian g. rappaport Jay reeg David L. reese and Karen L. barlow Donald and Sheila reid Joanne b. reitzel Mr. and Mrs. rico A. renzoni Mrs. Muriel reynolds David A. richardson and Audrey Doyle-richardson Joyce M. rivers Mr. and Mrs. edward J. robbins Irene r. roberts reid and Sue roberts Katherine robertson and peter Kush Jeanne D. rosenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Neal rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. ronald S. rosenstock Mr. and Mrs. Lester ross Jamie rotman Mr. and Mrs. Allen rubin Harold rude William rudolph Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Sabatalo Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Salmon, Jr. erika Sanger elizabeth Sanning Lance and Melissa Schachterle bethany Anne Schloss Mr. Michael g. Schwartz Ms. J. Murphy Scott Sue ellen Scrogin Carol L. Seager Mark Seeley and Dr. elise Forbes Seeley Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Selvitella Dan Shertzer and Deborah Martin Annette Shine Donna e. Silverberg Lowerre and edward Simsarian Mr. and Mrs. richard D. Sisson, Jr. M. barbara Smith Clay and rachel Smook Marguerite and John Snow Lynda and robert Sorrenti Suzanne St. pierre Dan and Debby Steigman phyllis and John Stoddard Susan Stoops and James rainville Dr. and Mrs. Allen Storm elizabeth p. Streicher and Lionel C. epstein Cynthia Sullivan elizabeth and Neil Swinton John J. Szlyk, M.D.

David and Donna talman Joseph and Joyce tamer patricia tassia Mary and Fred taubert Mr. and Mrs. John e. taylor F. roberta thomas Maxine S. tourigny polly traina John W. trexler Mrs. John g. underhill Judith and gary Vaillancourt elizabeth Van Atten Lawrence and Katherine Van Cura A. eric van Leeuwen patricia and paul Verderese roland✝ and H. eleanor Vincelette Mark g. Wagner ph.D. and Monica Wagner elefterion Mr. and Mrs. randall Wagner Charlotte and ronald Waite gordon Wallat Matthias Waschek and Steve taviner Christine p. Weinrobe Welch and Forbes, LLC Catherine L. Whelan eric and Hillary White Dr. and Mrs. richard H. Whitten erin Williams and Adam Laipson Kristina F. Wilson Fred Windover Mr. and Mrs. David Witman george and Donna Wright Matching gift Corporate Support to the Salisbury Door Campaign Mutual of America unum uS


21st Century Campaign In 2009, the Worcester Art Museum launched Campaign 21 to meet the initiatives outlined in the 2008 strategic plan. It aimed to integrate the Museum into people’s lives, transform the visitor experience through technology, feature the permanent collection, and build the endowment. Mr. and Mrs. Michael p. Angelini beagary Charitable trust Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. berry Mr. and Mrs. H. paul buckingham III Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ciborowski Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Collins Dirlam Charitable trust Antonella and roger Doucette estate of Louise Ines Doyle the Fletcher Foundation the george F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation the Albert J. gifford Charitable trust Hoche-Scofield Foundation Imperial Distributors, Inc. Massachusetts Cultural Council Jean C. McDonough the Mildred H. Mcevoy Foundation Drs. phyllis pollack and W. peter Metz Mr. and Mrs. Henry t. Michie Morgan Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Moser rSV Inc. the Stoddard Charitable trust Dr. James A. Welu

Docent Endowment Campaign The Docent Endowment Fund was created by a special campaign to create a restricted endowment for education. The following individuals contributed to this fund during 2012. Dr. and Mrs. James M. gibson In memory of Marianne gibson

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Dorfman In honor of Nancy Jeppson Mrs. Jean Miles In memory of paula H. bates In memory of Jeanne Y. Curtis In memory of gloria L. grenier In memory of Constance S. Salter Docent Chair Campaign Present and past Museum Docents supported furnishing of the new Conference Room; they participated in naming the new chairs in honor or in memory of an individual. Their gifts are recognized below, and also on plaques that have been affixed to the named chairs.

Victoria Aberhart Mary Ann Abodeely Ann D. Arthur Allison berkeley In honor of Susan Mctighe berkeley regina M. bonofilio Merle brandzel In honor of Suzanne geller eleanor brockway In memory of gloria grenier Sara b. buckingham tammy butler Mary t. Cocaine In honor of past and present Docents paula H. Connolly In memory of Leo W. Connolly Jeanne Y. Curtis✝ In memory of Ann M. Donelan Kim Cutler Hope DiDomenico In memory of gloria grenier Sidney and phyllis Dorfman pat Dupré In memory of gloria grenier Jane S. Freed Dr. James M. gibson In memory of Marianne e. gibson Irving goldstein the Hakim Family In memory of Nora Antoun Hakim Carole J. Harmon ursula Harper Honee A. Hess and phil Magnusson In memory of Isabel Carleton In memory of polly Cowan In memory of gloria grenier James W. Hunt In honor of Ann Hunt Judith H. McCann C. Jean McDonough In honor of Myles✝ McDonough Lisa McDonough In honor of C. Jean McDonough Jean H. Miles In honor of ben✝ and Jean Miles Linda A. Miller Louise Ann Miller-Mason In memory of richard Jerome Mason the Morgan Family In honor of Jerry Morgan Colleen Moore In memory of gloria grenier patricia b. peterson In honor of Honee Hess Joseph r. reynolds Sarah p. C. ribeiro ralph rothstein In honor of M. Jane rothstein regina Sher Carol Swiss Martha C. thayer James A. Welu In memory of eleanor Walker

Worcester Art Museum Docents In memory of gloria grenier Worcester Art Museum Staff 2011 In honor of James A. Welu


Restricted Gifts and Funds

Art Acquisitions Harriet b. bancroft Alexander H. bullock Loring Holmes Dodd theodore t. and Mary g. ellis Sarah C. garver edward Osowski the paine Charitabletrust blake robinson the Stoddard Charitable trust

Concerts thomas Hovey gage Memorial Fund Nydia and Charles Moser William S. Sargent

Conservation Culpepper Foundation the george F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation David and barbara Krashes george Stinson McCumber Conservation Fund Mellon Conservation Fellowship

Curatorial John and ruth Adam exhibition Fund Christian Johnson exhibition Fund Dirlam Charitable trust Amelia and robert Haley Lecture Fund Heald Curatorial Fund the Heald Foundation Mr. and Mrs. thomas A. Manahan Melville Contemporary Art Fund Michi Curatorial Fund John Nelson Fund for Contemporary Art bernard and Louise palitz Fund for european and American Art Joseph persky Foundation Marlene and David persky Hall and Kate peterson Fund for photography Worcester Art Museum Docents

Education Mr. robert C. Adler the george Alden trust Mrs. gina M. betti greater Worcester Community Foundation, booth Discovery Fund greater Worcester Community Foundation, the Honee A. Hess partnership for Children Fund Isabel Carleton Memorial Fund for education Dorothy F. Cruikshank Culture LeAp Mrs. rebecca Dagostino In memory of tina Seeley paul and Ann Dalianis In memory of edith grady David J. Freelander, Art All-State Fund Nehemias gorin Foundation Nathan greenberg education Fund Chester Heywood Jacob Hiatt FAMe Christian Johnson resource Center and Discovery Fund Marshall Katzen and bari boyer In honor of education Myles✝ and Jean McDonough Ms. Katharine price Susan reed-Lawson

remillard-Art partnerships romanoff education and Library Fund Saint Wulston Society Ms. Aili p. Singer ethel M. Smith Ivan Spear education Fund the Seth Sprague educational Charitable Foundation the Stoddard Discovery Fund Olga and Steven toulmin In honor of Katrina Stacy Alice eliza Waite Mr. and Mrs. earle D. Whitney In memory of Irene tuggle the estate of Irving N. Wolfson Worcester Art Society ✝Deceased

Library S. N. behrman Library Fund Dorothy M. briel Library Fund Frank F. Dresser Fund

Other Specific Funds barbara A. booth Flower Fund James Welu Director’s endowment Scholarships Sally bishop Fund Abbie S. and Mildred L. Cather Fund David J. Freelander Scholarship Fund edward F. goggin Charles A. Hamilton edith Florence Hendricks Jacob Hiatt Scholarship Fund Frances A. Kinnicutt Krosoczka Scholarship Fund: barnes & Noble bookstore Chad A. barraford Cathy C. bonnell John and Nelda brangwin todd and Amy Fujimoto Jason and brook gideon richard Hennessy In honor of Jarrett Krosoczka Dennis Johnson Leslie A. Krosoczka Jarrett and gina Krosoczka ellen Lind Martha Magee robert and eleanore Morello Mary e. and Irene piper Sudbury Foundation Scholarship Fund Miriam Washburn Wass/Lundquist Scholarship Fund Bequests, Unrestricted Hester N. Wetherell✝ trust James e. Lowell✝ trust estate of elton Yasuna✝ estate of Irving A. Lepore✝

Honorary Gifts ✝Deceased

In honor of Family Denise r. Adams In honor of the Carroll Family Mrs. Cecilia M. Carroll In honor of Warner and Mary Fletcher tom and Joan Dolan In honor of gabriele goszcz raphael and Alison Crawford Kimberly and James Kubilus Michael and Maryanne Scarfo In honor of education Marshall Katzen and bari boyer In honor of Honee Hess Dr. paul J. Mahon Mr. and Mrs. todd rodman In honor of Nancy Jeppson Sidney and phyllis Dorfman In honor of Jarrett Krosoczka richard Hennessy

In honor of Anne t. O'Malley robert and Susan Akie Dr. Leonard and Mrs. Maxine Morse In honor of Dorothy Shea James A. Welu In honor of Sofia and John Andrew and Olga renzoni In honor of Katrina Stacy Olga and Steven toulmin In honor of birgit Straelhe ted Domville and Sandra Vergara In honor of Jim Welu thomas Martin and Ivy Sun Mr. and Mrs. robert A. Martin richard and Joan Freedman Worcester Art Museum Docents In honor of elton✝ and penny Yasuna Dr. edward C. Yasuna

Memorial Gifts ✝Deceased

In memory of elizabeth Ayres Jeanette McIntosh Ingersoll In memory of evo L. baldarelli elizabeth J. baldarelli In memory of paula bates Mrs. Jean Miles In memory of Julie and ray bouley Linda and robert Seega In memory of Nephew Mark Cardwell June Ayres In memory of Jeanne Y. Curtis Mary and Warner Fletcher Mrs. Jean Miles In memory of Marianne gibson Dr. James M. gibson In memory of edith grady paul and Ann Dalianis In memory of Janice green Andy and Jackie Aaron rich and Arlee Weiss In memory of gloria grenier Mrs. Jean Miles In memory of Francis W. Hall Mrs. John F. Finnegan In memory of John Howard Jan bauer In memory of russell Ireland Mrs. elizabeth g. petter In memory of Agnes e. Kull Mary and Warner Fletcher In memory of Jack Lund Alison A. Coady In memory of Myles McDonough Linda and John✝ Nelson In memory of Josephine Metcalf guy D. Metcalf In memory of John J. O'Malley Anne t. O'Malley In memory of Dr. John petter Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. bayon elizabeth b. burguet gilbert S. Davis✝ Linwood M. erskine, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. robert S. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Lane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. peter S. Morgan James A. Welu In memory of eric rowlett elizabeth greenwood In memory of Connie Salter Mrs. Jean Miles Worcester Art Museum Docents In memory of tina Seeley rebecca Dagostino In memory of Harold Simmonds Alvin and Devorah Weiss In memory of Colonel John Szlyk, Jr. beverly and Mark Stewart In memory of Irene tuggle Mr. and Mrs. earle D. Whitney In memory of emilia Vallecillo Dr. and Mrs. richard H. glew In memory of Judith and William

Yoffie terry S. and David b. Yoffie

Legacy Society Members ✝Deceased

Legacy Society membership is extended to individuals who have included the Worcester Art Museum as a beneficiary in a will or other estate arrangement. These generous members create a legacy for the future of the Worcester Art Museum.

Anonymous (1) Anonymous✝ (3) Mrs. Margery W. Adams Ann and bill Arthur philip✝ and elaine beals Allen and Sarah berry Mrs. Howard M. booth✝ Karl and Dorothy✝ briel Dr. elaine and Mr. robert bukowiecki elizabeth b. burguet Douglas p. butler William r. Carrick Alexandra Cleworth and gary Staab paula H. Connolly Susan C. Courtemanche Martha A. Cowan✝ Jeanne Y. Curtis✝ Mr.✝ and Mrs. robert Cushman Mr.✝ and Mrs. bruce g. Daniels Dix and Sarah Davis Henry b. and Jane K. Dewey Maria and John Dirlam Andrea N. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs I. r. Freelander✝ esther and Howard Freeman Daniel grim and Irene brownegrim Mrs. Milton p. Higgins✝ James and Kathleen Hogan Frances and Howard Jacobson peter Jefts John and Marianne Jeppson Henry W. Keyes Sarah bramson Kupchik Irving and Marie Lepore✝ patricia F. Mallard Carl A. Mangano Mr.✝ and Mrs. robert K. Massey Myles✝ and Jean McDonough Don and Mary Melville Mrs. David J. Milliken Ileana Muniz Dr. and Mrs. Haim g. Nagirner✝ Linda and John✝ Nelson edward Osowski Mrs. Mae I. palmgren Sarah and Joe ribeiro Mr.✝ and Mrs. Chapin riley blake robinson✝ Mr. and Mrs.✝ elijah b. romanoff Mr. and Mrs. Henry b. rose Mr.✝ and Mrs. Sidney rose Mr. Norman L. Sharfman✝ Dr. Shirley S. Siff and robert M. Siff Mary Skousgaard Helen M. Stinson✝ Helen e. Stoddard✝ richard S. teitz Mr. Jack tobin✝ Irving N. Wolfson, M.D.✝ Mrs. John M. Woolsey, Jr.✝ Mr. O. bradley Wood✝ elton Yasuna✝ ✝deceased


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partners in the Community Community Partners

Marlborough public Library

Assumption College

New england Dream Center

Arts Worcester

Anna Maria College

Central MA garden Clubs and

bancroft School

CC Lowell

professional florists that

participate in Flora in Winter

City of Worcester

Clark university Art History

Department/precolumbian Art

becker College

Clark university

College of the Holy Cross

Colleges of the Worcester Consortium

Audio tour

Worcester Academy

Art partnership


elm park Community School Sprague education Fund tower Hill botanic

garden/Worcester County Horticultural Society


Worcester Cultural Coalition Worcester garden Club

Worcestser Historical Museum Worcester Juvenile Courts program

Worcester public Schools Worcester public

Schools/Artists Intent and Descriptive Landscapesgrade 4 program

Worcester public Schools/21st

Century After School program

Worcester regional Chamber of Commerce

Worcester Women’s History project

Worcester Youth Center/urban and Community Action planning for teens

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Institutional Members

Worcester State university Library Pass Members

beaman Memorial public Library

berlin public Library

bigelow Free public Library bolton public Library

Chester C. Corbin public Library

Conant public Library

grafton public Library groton public Library

Harvard public Library

Haston Free public Library Hopedale Library

Hopkinton public Library Hudson public Library J.V. Fletcher Library

Jacob edwards Memorial Library

Joshua Hyde public Library Killingly public Library

Leicester public Library

Lunenburg public Library

WOr C e Ste r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012

Millbury public Library

WOrCeSter Art MuSeuM

Northborough Free Library Oxford Free public Library

peterborough town Library Jaffrey public Library

princeton public Library

richards Memorial Library

rutland Free public Library Sargent Memorial Library

Shrewsbury public Library Southborough Library

Southgate at Shrewsbury, Inc.

Stevens Memorial Library thayer Memorial Library upton town Library

Wayland public Library

Westborough public Library Weston public Library

Whitinsville Social Library Woods Memorial Library

Worcester public Library

In many cities — large and small — there is an invisible boundary that separates art from city life. Worcester Art Museum’s programming is unique to Worcester: naturally and seamlessly integrating the two. Whether enjoying the Museum’s permanent collection with out of town guests and family, taking classes with friends, or meeting new people at the exhibit openings and After Hours, the Museum is unquestionably an integral part of the Worcester fabric. Just as the city is growing at an exciting rate, the Worcester Art Museum is keeping pace, if not exceeding, its role in both art and city life. —Luke M. Vaillancourt, Chair of third thursday/After Hours program Committee

Worcester Art Museum and its innovative Director Matthias Waschek have literally opened new doors for our students and the greater community, our students and faculty continue to grow their engagement with the Museum in many ways—across our curriculum in departments as diverse as psychology, Computer Science, Visual and performing Arts, and Communication Science and Disorders." —barry M. Maloney, Worcester State university president

Can you imagine a world without art? the Worcester Art Museum is a repository of beautiful, provocative, masterful and confounding works that give us the opportunity to see, think and feel in new ways. WAM embraces and lifts up our community by sharing some of the world's finest expressions of art. by opening the doors and inviting the community to call the Museum our own, WAM weaves a new thread of cultural connections, inspiring creativity and demonstrating that the arts brings our world to life in wondrous ways. —erin I. Williams, Cultural Development Officer, City of Worcester

that this area enjoys both a rich contemporary art scene and a world-class art museum is not coincidental. great museums inspire people to become artists, and the holdings educate and challenge them throughout their careers. It's hands-on, too: emerging artists often take courses at the Museum, and when they are ready, submit their work for an exhibit at ArtsWorcester for their first public showing or their first solo exhibit. the Museum also inspires collectors in the area, who provide the necessary market for contemporary art. From these broad connections to the Museum's support for the ArtsWorcester biennial, the presence and accessibility of WAM means that living artists flourish here, as well. —Juliet Feibel, executive Director, Arts Worcester


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City’s museum a masterpiece

—Albert Southwick, headline in Telegram & Gazette, September 20, 2012

Capacity building

towards improved efficiency

the annual report of every institution, although a recap of the past, is also a stepping stone towards the future. Henceforth, WAM’s annual reports will refer in one way or another to the realization of our Vision Statement, namely to welcome 200,000 visitors annually to our gallery spaces.

Currently, the Museum does not have the necessary curatorial staff depth to develop a sustained exhibition program, which is essential for attracting more visitors through our doors. Other departments in the Museum are also understaffed. We need to increase access to our building, expand parking availability and make necessary facility upgrades. As we move forward, our focus will have to be strategic in order to accomplish all of these vital initiatives.

thanks to a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, we will now be able to fill the vacant position of Curator of American Art. Other initiatives will follow to further fortify our curatorial team. An important announcement, which will be made in the next couple of months, will tell you how we will further strengthen our Museum’s capacity to tell our story better – stay tuned. I would also like to announce that we have begun the process of creating a master plan with Kulapat Yantrasast, principal, WHY Architecture (www.why-architecture.com). Yantrasast has numerous prominent projects under his belt, including the design of the grand rapids Art Museum and the master plan for the Speed Museum in Louisville, KY. Yantrasast recommends a novel approach—”architectural acupuncture” where limited, but strategically applied means allow institutions to activate existing architecture, rather than overstretching an institutions’ financial capacity with expensive new structures. the image you see on this page reflects his idea of transforming our Lancaster Street lobby into a more welcoming and functional space to visitors an-d increasing access to the building through a ramp on the outside of the building—stay tuned.

the next chapter of WAM’s history will be most exciting – a string of press releases is in preparation, reflecting a string of amazing opportunities and of strategic decisions that will unfold in the months to come!

Stay tuned...

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WOr C e Ste r  A rt Mu Seu M Annual report: 2012


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