September 16,2024
Troy Sprister General Manager/COO
September 16,2024
Troy Sprister General Manager/COO
ABIGthankyoutoAquaticsDirectorJohnBeahnandhis teamoflifeguards,Bartenders,Servers,andCookswho makethisyear’spoolseasonahugesuccess!1557more members&theirguestsvisitedthepoolthisyear,makingit thebusiestyearonrecord. Only261daysuntilthepool opensagain.
Divots–wereplacedivotsasthegrasswillgrowback,but alsotokeepourfairwayslookingcleanandnotlitteredwith divots.Opendivotsallowweedstogerminate,soreplace divotsorifyourdivotfallsapartandcannotbereplaced,fill itwithsand.
Withstudentsbacktoschool,theHolyCrossgolfteamwill bepracticinglateafternoonsMonday–Thursday.These playersareveryrespectfultothecourseandourmembers anddotheirbesttostayoutoftheway.Takeaminuteto watchthemhitballsorplay,therearesomeverygood players!
WCCwillbehostingtheHolyCrossInvitationalonOctober 21&22.ThisinauguraleventwillfeatureLadiesCollegegolf teamsfromNewEnglandandbeyond.Membersare welcometocomeoutandwatchthesefuturetourplayers compete.AdinnerwillbeheldonMonday,October21which allmembersareinvitedtoattend,moreinformationto come.
SEPTEMBER 20TH 5:30 PM- 8:00 PM
On the Patio
In an effort to ensure the accuracy of club member charge slips, we now have the ability to send an email copy of your check after it is closed for the meal period. We do not send an email every time you make a purchase, only when the check is closed. For example, if you are at the pool for several hours during the day, you would only receive one (1) email when you check is closed at the end of the day.
Please take a look at the emailed check and if there are any discrepancies, please contact us to correct the check.
Members will now have immediate access to the receipt and the rest of the month to review their bill. Once the bill has been paid, charges may not be disputed.
This applies to all aspects of the club, Dinning, and Golf.
(Anywhere you have purchased something)
Dear Members,
In trying to be environmentally responsible we want to get away from paper statements and have monthly statements sent to you electronically through email.
Please let me know if you are receiving paper statements and would want to make the change to have them emailed. We appreciate your consideration to keep the earth cleaner!
Every Friday!
Bring your kids to watch a movie while you enjoy the evening
$20 Per child Max of 10 kids Dinner provided!
Must sign up online by noon on Fridays
(WWW.WORCESTERCC.ORG) open from 5pm-9:30pm Dinner is at 6:30pm
Please cancel before noon to prevent charges
I am excited to share that Worcester Country Club has completed the 2024 Francis Ouimet Golf Sprint! The annual event brings together golfers from across the state, all joining forces for a great cause: to play as many holes as possible in one hour to raise crucial funds for need-based scholarships! 17 Scholars from Worcester CC just received awards totaling more than $100,000. Click on the video link below to see a recap of the event that took place here at Worcester Country Club.
With the rising education costs, your contribution plays a pivotal role in increasing scholarship awards each year. Your support empowers these scholars to pursue their academic dreams and impact their communities meaningfully. Hear firsthand from Worcester scholar Quinn Cahill on just how thankful he was as he received his Ouimet Scholarship: https://youtu.be/gGNRqk00Pes
Thank you to those who have already donated and if you would like to still get involved, we invite you to visit the following link. Your generosity will make a tangible difference in the lives of these deserving scholars: https://give.ouimet.org/worcestercc24
Alternatively, you can send a check to the following address:
Francis Ouimet Scholarship Fund, 300 Arnold Palmer Blvd, Norton, MA 02766
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to providing educational opportunities for our future leaders.
Warm regards,
Worcester Ouimet Committee
Troy Sprister -General Manager- x101
Lynne Westerlind -Controller x102
Lori Cook - Membership Director x103
Jennifer Fernandez – Admin & Communications x104
Katerina Rajotte – Food & Beverage Manager x105
Dawn Zoppo -Clubhouse Manager x106
Craig Cobb -Executive Chef x107
Cynthia Petrillo - Assistant Controller x114
John Beahn -Pool Director x151
Adam Moore -Course Maintenance 508-853-6574
Andrew Lane -PGA Pro - x141
Thomas Fernandes -Senior Assistant - x142