Winter / Spring 2012 Catalog
N ew
B acklist New
Children’s Titles Available February 2011
St. Peter’s Story Marion Thomas Illustrated by Maria Cristina Lo Cascio
imon Peter was an ordinary fisherman, but his life changed when he met Jesus. Peter heard Jesus’ teachings and saw his great miracles. He knew that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. After Jesus died on the cross, Peter saw him alive again. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter fearlessly spread the good news about Jesus’ saving love. As the first pope, he led the early Church. This is Peter’s story, retold in this beautiful hardcover book illustrated by Italian artist Maria Cristina Lo Cascio. • Brings to life the amazing story of St. Peter. • Makes a great gift, especially for Easter. For ages 5 to 10. ISBN: 978-1-59325-196-3 8¼ x 9¼, hardcover, 32 pages, $12.95 Item# BQBFE2 Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
Saints Tell Their Stories ISBN: 978-1-59325-161-1 Hardcover, 62 pages, $12.95 Item# BQBDE9 For ages 5 to 10. Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
42 Bible Stories for Little Ones ISBN: 978-1-59325-138-3 Hardcover, 96 pages, $13.95 Item# BQBAE8 For ages 4 to 8. Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
St. Joseph’s Story ISBN: 978-1-59325-173-4 Hardcover, 32 pages, $11.95 Item# BASJE0 For ages 4 to 8. Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
The Life of Jesus of Nazareth for Children ISBN: 978-1-59325-191-8 Hardcover, 96 pages, $14.95 Item# BAJCE1 For ages 5 to 10. Available in U.S. and Canada only.
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B acklist
Best-Selling Children’s Titles Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion Angela M. Burrin Illustrated by Maria Cristina Lo Cascio
n this unique gift book, Jesus speaks warmly and lovingly to children who are receiving him in the Eucharist for the first time. In addition to twelve Bible scenes, there are pages to record memories, including photos, church programs, and a space for children to write or draw. For ages 5 to 10.
ISBN: 978-1-59325-149-9 Hardcover, 48 pages, $12.95 Item# BQBBE9 Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
Jesus Speaks to Me About the Mass Angela M. Burrin Illustrated by Maria Cristina Lo Cascio
n this beautifully illustrated book, Jesus “speaks” directly to children, explaining the Mass by linking the liturgy to scenes from the Gospels. Reading this book with children will help them understand what is happening when they go to Mass and why Jesus is so happy they are there. Illustrations of objects used at Mass, as well as several prayers for children, are also included. For ages 5 to 10.
ISBN: 978-1-59325-182-6 Hardcover, 48 pages, $12.95 Item# BQBEE1 Available in U.S. and Canada only.
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B acklist
Ash Wednesday Is February 22 Lenten Titles! Conversing with God in Lent: Praying the Sunday Mass Readings with Lectio Divina ISBN: 978-1-59325-165-9 176 pages, $11.95 Item# BLDVE0
Hope from the Cross: Reflections on Jesus’ Seven Last Words Cardinal Basil Hume ISBN: 978-1-59325-177-2 80 pages, $7.95 Item# BDLHE0 Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
A Family Journey with Jesus Through Lent ISBN: 978-1-59325-050-8 160 pages, $13.95 Item# BLFCE4
Christians at the Cross N. T. Wright ISBN: 978-1-59325-142-0 79 pages, $10.95 Item# BCACE8 Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
Bible Studies
The Seven Last Words of Christ ISBN: 978-0-932085-98-6 96 pages, $9.95 Item# BJY3E3
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving New! ISBN: 978-1-59325-197-0 136 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWJE0
The Words of the Risen Christ ISBN: 978-1-59325-100-0 112 pages, $9.95 Item# BJY6E5
The Life-Giving Power of the Cross ISBN: 978-1-59325-180-2 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWKE2
Jesus’ Journey to the Cross ISBN: 978-1-59325-150-5 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWGE9
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N ew T itles
Ash Wednesday Is February 22 Lenten Titles! Available January 2012
Lent with Pope Benedict XVI Meditations for Every Day Compiled by Jeanne Kun
ccompany the Holy Father through the forty days of Lent and the octave of Easter with short daily reflections that will enrich your prayer and draw you closer to Jesus. These reflections, taken from the homilies, Angelus addresses, and encyclicals of Pope Benedict, will help readers delve into God’s word and be nourished by it. Each meditation is short enough to be read in a few minutes but can also be used as the basis for a longer time of prayer. As the Holy Father says, “It is urgently necessary in these forty days to listen anew to the gospel, the word of the Lord, the word of truth.” Pope Benedict is an inspiring and insightful guide who can lead us into a deeper understanding of the gospel and the truths of our faith so that we become more faithful disciples of Christ. • Reminds us of the benefits of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during Lent. • Leads us into a meaningful celebration of Christ’s resurrection and the Easter season. • Useful for individuals, families, or prayer groups. ISBN: 978-1-59325-198-7 5¼ x 8, softcover, 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BPBFE2
ent with Pope Benedict XVI is an opportunity to experience our Holy Father once again as a sensitive spiritual director and a teacher of profound wisdom. As he guides us through each day of Lent, he shows us that Christ is our ‘sturdy support’ and the source of that ‘indispensable spiritual energy’ we need to live in peace and happiness. The meditations in this book will nurture you on your Lenten journey so that at Easter, you can experience all over again the joy of the risen Lord and the new life he came to bring us.”
—Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington For Customer Service or to place an order call 1-800-842-0646. Fax orders to 240-436-1251. E-mail orders to Winter / Spring 2012 Catalog | 5
N ew T itles Available March 2012
Lord, I Hurt! The Grace of Forgiveness and the Road to Healing Anne Costa
t the core of every story of forgiveness are Jesus and his cross. In this book, Catholic spiritual writer Anne Costa shares her own story of forgiveness and healing as well as those of many others. In the process, she encourages readers to take their own journey. By dispelling myths about what forgiveness is—“I need to be free of bad feelings to forgive” or “In order to forgive, I have to forget”—Costa helps readers remove the obstacles that may be blocking the healing process. She explores such emotions as anger, grief, and fear and their effect on healing and also discusses our need to forgive God—and ourselves. Costa is a reassuring guide who shares her deep insights with compassion and offers us a road to healing that leads us right into the loving embrace of Jesus. • Each chapter ends with a reflection section to help readers make progress toward forgiveness and healing. • Includes healing prayers to pray. • Offers a list of Catholic organizations that can offer help and hope. ISBN: 978-1-59325-200-7 5¼ x 8, softcover, 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BHOHE0
Anne Costa is a spiritual coach, motivational speaker, and the author of the best-selling book Refresh Me, Lord! Meditations to Renew a Woman’s Spirit, published by The Word Among Us Press. A licensed master social worker, Anne lives in Baldwinsville, New York, with her husband and daughter.
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N ew T itles Available April 2012
Seeking the Beloved A Prayer Journey with St. John of the Cross Wayne Simsic
rayer is not just time set aside for God or the use of certain techniques—it is primarily an intimate relationship with God the Beloved. If we hunger for a prayer that is deeper than words and that we can bring to every part of our lives, no matter what we are doing, then we can turn to St. John of the Cross as our guide. Retreat master and author Wayne Simsic insists that while it’s easy to write off this saint as an otherworldly ascetic and mystic, he was actually a downto-earth and wise administrator, poet, and artist whose writings have great relevance for us today. In this book, Simsic helps readers discover the gift of contemplative prayer as unfolded by this Carmelite saint, whose longing for a deep intimacy and union with God can become our longing as well. • Each chapter ends with helpful suggestions for reflection and prayer. • Encourages us not only to walk in the “dark night” but to trust it as a time of fertile spiritual growth. ISBN: 978-1-59325-201-4 5¼ x 8, softcover, 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BWOLE2
Wayne Simsic leads seminars and retreats on spirituality, prayer, and the mystics as spiritual guides. He teaches in the Religious Studies Department and the Ministry Program of Ursuline College in Pepper Pike, Ohio. Among the numerous books he has written are Praying Through Our Losses: Meditations for Those Who Are Grieving and Thomas Merton: An Invitation to the Contemplative Life.
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N ew T itles
New to The Keys to the Bible Series Available January 2012
Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving Spiritual Practices That Draw Us Closer to God Kevin Perrotta
rayer, fasting, and almsgiving are often called “spiritual disciplines.” In this Bible study, popular Scripture commentator Kevin Perrotta selects six readings from Scripture—one Old Testament and one New Testament text for each spiritual discipline. Each passage confronts us with some of the most important aspects of these practices, showing us why we undertake them and how they can transform us so that we become more like the persons that God has created us to be. “This Bible study by Kevin Perrotta is an illuminating guide on how to carry out Jesus’ teachings on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in a very practical way.” —Fr. Joseph Wimmer, OSA, associate professor of Sacred Scripture, Washington Theological Union, and author, Fasting in the New Testament ISBN: 978-1-59325-197-0 5¾ x 8⅜⅜, softcover, 136 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWJE0
Available May 2012
Embracing God’s Plan for Marriage A Scripture Study for Couples Mark and Melanie Hart
arriage is one of God’s most beautiful gifts and is intended to bless us, fulfill us, and give us a path to sanctity. Understanding what true love entails and how grace works to overcome our wounded human nature is the key to a holy, happy, and passionate marriage. In this six-session Bible study, popular author and speaker Mark Hart and his wife, Melanie, help couples understand key Scripture passages that illuminate the truths about married love and the “two becoming one flesh” (see Genesis 2:24). By undertaking this study, couples will grow in their understanding of sacramental marriage so they can reflect God’s plan and glory and become witnesses of Christ’s sacrificial love for each of us. ISBN: 978-1-59325-204-5 5¾ x 8⅜, softcover, 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BGPME2
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R ecent R eleases
Conversations with Mother Teresa
Mary’s Life in the Spirit
“Renzo Allegri shared a special openness and intimacy with Blessed Mother Teresa that took their conversations far beyond the usual inquisitiveness of ordinary reporters. Although she often dismissed questions from the merely curious, she opened her heart to Allegri. This book will not only lift up your soul, but it will also challenge you to love the way Blessed Teresa did.” —Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, author, speaker, and EWTN host
“In Mary’s Life in the Spirit, eminent Scripture scholar Fr. George Montague assumes the role of an artist. Each of his reflections paints a lovely portrait of Mary as the bride of the Holy Spirit, surprising us with fresh insights that show us how to imitate Mary’s faith in our daily lives.” —–Bert Ghezzi, author of Adventures in Daily Prayer ISBN: 978-1-59325-192-5 128 pages, $10.95 Item# BMLSE1
ISBN: 978-1-59325-190-1 200 pages, $11.95 Item# BCMTE1
Turning to God in Tough Times “In my ministry, people often ask me to suggest a book that they might give to a friend who is going through a rough stretch. This is a book I will certainly recommend.” —Most Rev. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv, author, retreat master, and assistant general of the Conventual Franciscan Friars ISBN: 978-1-59325-189-5 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BPHTE2
The Compact Catholic Prayer Book Updated Edition “Solidly grounded in Catholic tradition, the Church fathers, and the saints, The Compact Catholic Prayer Book is well organized, easy to use, and a springboard for both communal and personal prayer with God. Absolutely outstanding!” —Bishop Joseph W. Estabrook, Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA ISBN: 978-1-59325-127-7 208 pages, $12.95 Item# BCPBE8
Money in the Kingdom of God “Scripture scholars have noted that Jesus spent more time teaching about money than he did about prayer. And while we are blessed with thousands of wonderful books about prayer, so often the more ticklish and controversial subject of the holy use of money gets ignored. Thank you, Susan Vogt, for engaging us in a respectful, inspiring, and challenging Scripture-based consideration of how we can be a faithful people with the resources God has given us.” —Jack Jezreel, founder, JustFaith Ministries ISBN: 978-1-59325-188-8 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWHE0
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B acklist Scriptural Resourses Dictionary of Biblical Theology ISBN: 978-0-932085-09-2 712 pages, $21.95 Item# BDUFR5 Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
Conversing with God in Scripture: Lectio Divina ISBN: 978-1-59325-126-0 152 pages, $11.95 Item# BLDVE8
Building Our House on Rock: The Sermon on the Mount ISBN: 978-1-59325-181-9 260 pages, $12.95 Item# BBFAE9
Bible Studies The Women of the Gospels ISBN: 978-1-59325-170-3 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWFE9
Heart to Heart with God: Six Ways to Empower Your Prayer Life ISBN: 978-1-59325-125-3 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWEE8
Food from Heaven: The Eucharist in Scripture ISBN: 978-1-59325-096-6 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWCE7
Mighty in Power: The Miracles of Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-083-6 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWBE6
Treasures Uncovered: The Parables of Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-056-0 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWAE5
Living as a Confident Daughter of God ISBN: 978-1-59325-112-3 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BLCDE8
Living as a Beloved Daughter of God ISBN: 978-1-59325-052-2 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BGSTE4
Praying with Thérèse of Lisieux ISBN: 978-0-932085-89-4 160 pages, $12.95 Item# BSMUE3
Praying with Padre Pio ISBN: 978-1-59325-091-1 168 pages, $12.95 Item# BSM3E7
Praying with Faustina ISBN: 978-1-59325-135-2 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BSM5E8
Praying with Ignatius of Loyola ISBN: 978-0-932085-87-0 160 pages, $12.95 Item# BSMDE3
Companions for the Journey
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B acklist The Peace of the Lord
Refresh Me, Lord! Meditations to Renew a Woman’s Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-134-5 224 pages, $10.95 Item# BRFSE8
Surrendering Our Stress ISBN: 978-1-59325-154-3 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BSTRE9
The Emotions God Gave You ISBN: 978-1-59325-185-7 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BEMOB1
Turning to God in Tough Times ISBN: 978-1-59325-189-5 112 pages, $10.95 Item# BPHTE2
When Life Doesn’t Go Your Way ISBN: 978-1-59325-152-9 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BWGCE9
The Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, Make Your Home in Me ISBN: 978-1-59325-128-4 212 pages, $12.95 Item# BHSPE9
Your Life in the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-105-5 232 pages, $12.95 Item# BHASE7
The Action of the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-070-6 128 pages, $11.95 Item# BHSAE6
Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-035-5 112 pages, $9.95 Item# BJY5E4
Moved by the Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-114-7 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BTWDE8
How to Listen When God Is Speaking ISBN: 978-1-59325-183-3 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BLTGE0
Praying Our Experiences ISBN: 978-1-59325-116-1 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BSM4E8
The Practice of Healing Prayer ISBN: 978-1-59325-140-6 144 pages, $10.95 Item# BGHTE8
The “R” Father: Responding to the Lord’s Prayer ISBN: 978-1-59325-174-1 184 pages, $11.95 Item# BTRFE9
The Compact Catholic Prayer Book Updated Edition ISBN: 978-1-59325-127-7 208 pages, $12.95 Item# BCPBE8
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B acklist The Holy Father
The Joy of Knowing Christ ISBN: 978-1-59325-151-2 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BPBDE9
The Gift of Blessed John Paul II ISBN: 978-1-59325-195-6 288 pages, $14.95 Item# BJP2E1
The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church ISBN: 978-1-59325-193-2 200 pages, $11.95 Item# BPBGE0 Available in U.S. only.
Charity in Truth ISBN: 978-1-59325-175-8 144 pages, $7.95 Item#BPBEE0 Available in U.S. only.
Mary and the Saints Mary’s Life in the Spirit ISBN: 978-1-59325-192-5 128 pages, $10.95 Item# BMLSE1
My Soul Magnifies the Lord ISBN: 978-1-59325-023-2 184 pages, $13.95 Item# BIGVE3
The Gospel Way of Mary ISBN: 978-1-59325-184-0 128 pages, $10.95 Item# BGOME1
Following Mary to Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-118-5 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BMRYE8
Everything Is Grace: Thérèse of Lisieux ISBN: 978-1-59325-095-9 352 pages, $16.95 Item# BSTLE7
The Rosary Handbook ISBN: 978-1-59325-099-7 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BRSAE7
The Patron Saints Handbook ISBN: 978-1-59325-169-7 212 pages, $12.95 Item# BPSHE0
Perpetual Calendars
Wisdom from Women Saints ISBN: 978-1-59325-132-1 Wiro Bound Desk Calendar, $13.95 Item# CGWFE9
Journey with the Saints ISBN: 978-1-59325-009-6 Wiro Bound Desk Calendar, $13.95 Item# CSTSE3
Pope John Paul II: Words to Live By ISBN: 978-1-59325-059-1 Wiro Bound Desk Calendar, $13.95 Item# CDSKE0
Day by Day with Mary, the Mother of God ISBN: 978-1-59325-079-7 Wiro Bound Desk Calendar, $13.95 Item# CMARE7
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More Outstanding Backlist Titles Everyday Encounters with God ISBN: 978-1-59325-139-0 152 pages, $12.95 Item# BWLGE8
Real People, Real Presence ISBN: 978-1-59325-064-5 176 pages, $11.95 Item# BEUCE5
Life Lessons from the Monastery ISBN: 978-1-59325-166-6 128 pages, $10.95 Item# BQFGE9
The Theology of the Body ISBN: 978-1-59325-086-7 232 pages, $12.95 Item# BTHEE6
Contemplating the Trinity ISBN: 978-1-59325-097-3 128 pages, $10.95 Item# BCTRE7
Asking God for the Gifts He Wants to Give You ISBN: 978-1-59325-144-4 128 pages, $12.95 Item# B5GRE9
Remember Jesus Christ ISBN: 978-1-59325-109-3 152 pages, $11.95 Item# BRJCE7 Experiencing Jesus with Mother Teresa ISBN: 978-1-59325-067-6 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BSM2E5 For the Greater Glory of God ISBN: 978-1-59325-219-9 208 pages, $14.95 Item# BIGGE2 My Lord and My God! ISBN: 978-1-59325-051-5 192 pages, $13.95 Item# BDSCE5 Praying Through Our Losses ISBN: 978-1-59325-098-0 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BCFHE7 Praying the Psalms with the Early Christians ISBN: 978-1-59325-155-0 212 pages, $12.95 Item# BHSGE9 Praying with Blessed John Paul II ISBN: 978-1-59325-069-0 176 pages, $12.95 Item# BSM1E5
An Invitation to the Contemplative Life: Thomas Merton ISBN: 978-1-59325-085-0 144 pages, $11.95 Item# BTM1E6 Available in the U.S. and Canada only.
I Cry to You, O Lord! The Mystery of Suffering ISBN: 978-1-59325-115-4 120 pages, $10.95 Item# BMYSE8 Signposts: For Catholic Men ISBN: 978-0-932085-38-2 128 pages, $13.95 Item# BSGNE0 Discovering the God We Call Father: Lord’s Prayer Bible Study ISBN: 978-1-59325-136-9 112 pages, $9.95 Item# BJY7E8 A Priest’s Life ISBN: 978-1-59325-168-0 192 pages, $11.95 Item# BYPBE0 Come Meet Jesus ISBN: 978-1-59325-167-3 160 pages, $11.95 Item# BBMJE0 Move It Out! ISBN: 978-0-932085-99-3 144 pages, $12.95 Item# BTF1E2
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C omplete L isting
O ur T itles
Title .....................................................Price
13-Digit ISBN
Item #
42 Bible Stories for Little Ones............ $13.95 Abide in My Word 2012....................... $16.50 Action of the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, The..... $11.95 Advent: A Family Celebration.............. $12.95 Asking God for the Gifts He Wants to Give You.......................... $12.95 Building Our House on Rock.............. $12.95 Charity in Truth .................................... $7.95 Christians at the Cross......................... $10.95 Christmas Mouse, The ....................... $11.95 Church in Transition, A........................ $16.00 Come Meet Jesus.................................. $11.95 Compact Catholic Prayer Book: Updated Edition............................. $12.95 Contemplating the Trinity.................... $10.95 Conversations with Mother Teresa....... $11.95 Conversing with God in Lent............... $11.95 Conversing with God in Scripture........ $11.95 Day by Day with Mary, the Mother of God........................ $13.95 Dictionary of Biblical Theology........... $21.95 Discovering the God We Call Father...... $9.95 Embracing God’s Plan for Marriage..... $10.95 Emotions God Gave You, The.............. $11.95 Everyday Encounters with God............ $12.95 Everything Is Grace.............................. $16.95 Experiencing Jesus with Mother Teresa................................. $11.95 Family Journey with Jesus through Lent, A.............................. $13.95 Following Mary to Jesus....................... $10.95 Food from Heaven................................ $10.95 For the Greater Glory of God............... $14.95 Gift of Blessed John Paul II, The......... $14.95 Gospel Way of Mary, The..................... $10.95 Heart to Heart with God...................... $10.95 Holy Spirit, Make Your Home in Me.............................................. $12.95 Hope from the Cross.............................. $7.95 How To Listen When God Is Speaking............................. $12.95 I Cry to You, Oh Lord! . ...................... $10.95 Invitation to the Contemplative Life, An.$11.95 Jesus’ Journey to the Cross................... $10.95 Jesus Speaks to Me About the Mass...... $12.95 Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion.................. $12.95 Journey with the Saints........................ $13.95 Joy of Knowing Christ, The................. $11.95 Lent with Pope Benedict XVI............... $11.95 Life Lessons from the Monastery......... $10.95 Life of Jesus of Nazareth for Children, The................................. $14.95
978-1-59325-138-3 BQBAE8 978-1-59325-187-1 AB2012 978-1-59325-070-6 BHSAE6 978-1-59325-041-6 BAFCE4 978-1-59325-144-4 B5GRE9 978-1-59325-181-9 BBFAE9 978-1-59325-175-8 BPBEE0 978-1-59325-142-0 BCACE8 978-1-59325-194-9 BCMTE5 978-1-59325-055-3 BTIME5 978-1-59325-167-3 BBMJE0 978-1-59325-127-7 BCPBE8 978-1-59325-097-3 BCTRE7 978-1-59325-190-1 BCMTE1 978-1-59325-165-9 BLDVE0 978-1-59325-126-0 BLDVE8 978-1-59325-079-7 CMARE7 978-0-932085-09-2 BDUFR5 978-1-59325-136-9 BJY7E8 978-1-59325-204-5 BGPME2 978-1-59325-185-7 BEMOB1 978-1-59325-139-0 BWLGE8 978-1-59325-095-9 BSTLE7 978-1-59325-067-6 BSM2E5 978-1-59325-050-8 BLFCE4 978-1-59325-118-5 BMRYE8 978-1-59325-096-6 BTWCE7 978-1-59325-219-9 BIGGE2 978-1-59325-195-6 BJP2E1 978-1-59325-184-0 BGOME1 978-1-59325-125-3 BTWEE8 978-1-59325-128-4 BHSPE9 978-1-59325-177-2 BDLHE0 978-1-59325-183-3 BLTGE0 978-1-59325-115-4 BMYSE8 978-1-59325-085-0 BTM1E6 978-1-59325-150-5 BTWGE9 978-1-59325-182-6 BQBEE1 978-1-59325-149-9 BQBBE9 978-1-59325-009-6 CSTSE3 978-1-59325-151-2 BPBDE9 978-1-59325-198-7 BPBFE2 978-1-59325-166-6 BQFGE9 978-1-59325-191-8 BAJCE1
Title .....................................................Price
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