The Word Among Us Parish Catalog

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Parish Resource Catalog Summer/Fall 2018

Just in time for small faith sharing groups this fall . . .

New: The Something More Faith Series

From Mark Hart (page 2)

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Faith Sharing Groups

New from Mark Hart God always has more for us—more of his love, more of his grace, more of his peace. These three booklets will help you and others get more out of prayer, Mass, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each booklet is 40 pages long and designed to maximize individual or small group time, while providing a deep impact on your spiritual life. Getting More Out of Prayer Patricia Mitchell Mark Hart, Series Editor $6.95 Product Code: BHPRE8

Getting More Out of Mass Fr. John Muir Mark Hart, Series Editor $6.95 Product Code: BHMSE8

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Getting More Out of Confession Joel Stepanek Mark Hart, Series Editor $6.95 Product Code: BHCOE8 SOMETHING MORE FAITH SERIES Parish Discounts Copies

All booklets are softcover and 40 pages each.


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$1.50 each $2.95 each $3.95 each $4.95 each $5.95 each

For Questions and Orders, Call Our Parish Line 1-800-775-9673 and Choose Option 3.

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Leading Catholic Voices

New from Pope Francis and Father Mike Schmitz Don’t Be Afraid to Say Yes to God! Pope Francis Speaks to Young People with Reflections by Fr. Mike Schmitz

Set out for the future without fear! That’s the message of Pope Francis to young people as he challenges them to follow Christ and his plan for their lives. In this collection of short excerpts of his talks from around the world, Pope Francis speaks to the best instincts of young people, inviting them to do their part to build a better, more just world. He encourages teens and young adults to say yes to all that God is asking of them, even while acknowledging that following the Lord wholeheartedly involves risks as well as rewards.

Great for Teens and Young Adults Fr. Mike Schmitz $9.95 Product Code: BPFPE8

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Popular youth speaker Fr. Mike Schmitz provides follow-up questions after each selection that are designed to help young people draw closer to God in prayer, giving them the courage to rise up and embrace the pope’s words. This book can profoundly influence the choices that young people make at crucial decision points in their lives.

A great gift for parish staff

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Leading Catholic Voices

Parish Renewal Divine Renovation Apprentice Transforming a parish is challenging, demanding, and sometimes messy work. In Divine Renovation Apprentice, Fr. Simon Lobo breaks open his experience as an associate pastor working on the renewal of St. Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the birthplace of Divine Renovation. With honesty, humility, and great clarity, Fr. Simon offers his personal reflections on the actual process of renovation. More than simply a biographical account of the change at St. Benedict, this book contains insights on how to change the culture, build a game plan, and develop leaders for lasting parish change.

A great gift for parish staff and ministry volunteers Fr. Simon Lobo, with Foreword by Father James Mallon $12.95 Product Code: BDRBE8


Looking for renewal in your parish? Find out what other parishes are doing with Divine Renovation Apprentice and Rerouting.


Parish Discounts


1 to 5 copies 25% off 6 to 100 copies 30% off 100 + copies 35% off Call for shipping prices

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Leading Catholic Voices

Parish Renewal Rerouting Finding Our Way Back to God and His Church

When we lack a basic understanding of what the Church teaches, we can feel as if we’re on a road without a map, or have the wrong map, or only pieces of the map. So how can we journey to the Father and the eternal life Christ won for us? Without a map, how will we make it to our destination? Rerouting presents us with a sweeping vista of what we believe in a way that makes sense and causes our faith to grow and flourish, both in our hearts and in the world.


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Fr. John Riccardo $14.95 Product Code: BBTGE8

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Heaven Starts Now Becoming a Saint Day by Day

Once we have encountered the Lord Jesus, how do we keep growing in Christ? How do we let the Lord mold us and make us into missionary disciples capable of spreading the gospel? Instead of just trying to get into heaven, how do we live the life of heaven now so that we can become saints? Fr. John Riccardo $12.95 Product Code: BNOWE7

Bestseller from Fr. John Riccardo

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Marriage & Family Life

Praying for (and with) Your Spouse The Way to Deeper Love

Praying for (and with) Your Spouse will show you how to let God take every part of your relationship to the next level—from living each day with your joys and struggles to working out your decisions and disagreements to setting aside time for love and romance. Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak $14.95 Product Code: BHWPE8

The Catholic Grandparents Handbook Creative Ways to Show Love, Share Faith, and Have Fun

Great for Grandparents

What’s the difference between being a grandparent and being a Catholic grandparent? You’ll find the answer to this question—and much more—in The Catholic Grandparents Handbook. This book offers ideas and inspiration on how you can incorporate faith, hope, love, and fun into your relationship with your grandchildren. Topics such as the importance of prayer, sharing faith, passing on family history, and preserving family traditions are explored. Plus much more! Lorene Hanley Duquin $14.95 Product Code: BGRAE8

Praying for Our Adult Sons and Daughters Placing Them in the Heart of God

When our children become adults, we can’t hold them on our laps and protect them like we used to. We need new strategies for caring for them. And the most important strategy of all is to lift up our adult sons and daughters in prayer and place them in the heart of God. John and Therese Boucher $11.95 Product Code: BPACE2


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Spiritual Growth

A Prayer Book for Catholic Women Traditional and Contemporary Prayers for Every Season of Life Prayer lifts us up and transforms our lives—and the lives of those we love. This beautiful prayer book is the perfect guide for women of all ages who want to deepen their personal relationship with the Lord. Traditional and contemporary prayers help women engage with a loving and compassionate God. Agnes M. Kovacs $14.95 Product Code: BWMNE8

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The Ten Biggest Lies of the Enemy And How to Combat Them Jesus died to set us free, yet we all experience thoughts from the enemy that lead us away from Christ and his truth. Popular author and speaker Deacon Keith Strohm shines God’s light on ten of the most common lies that Satan uses to bind our hearts and prevent us from experiencing the fullness of God’s love. Deacon Keith Strohm $14.95 Product Code: BGLIE8


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How to Listen When God Is Speaking A Guide for Modern-Day Catholics Bestselling author and popular EWTN host Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ tackles how we learn to listen to God and discern his will. He says that first we need to believe in God and his moral laws and make a commitment to please him in all that we do. Then we need to pray so that we can

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experience the peace that can come only from God. Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ $12.95 Product Code: BLTGE0

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Spiritual Growth

Great for Small Groups Rejoice and Be Glad On the Call to Holiness in the Contemporary World “Do not be afraid of holiness. It will take away none of your energy, vitality or joy. On the contrary, you will become what the Father had in mind when he created you, and you will be faithful to your deepest self. To depend on God sets us free from every form of enslavement and leads us to recognize our great dignity.” You were not created for a bland and mediocre existence, but for happiness! In this apostolic exhortation on holiness, Pope Francis reminds you that being holy is an attainable goal and is, in fact, the source of your greatest joy. A study guide is included for personal or small group study. Pope Francis $9.95 Product Code: BPFGE8

A great gift for parish staff and ministry volunteers

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The Gospel according to St. Therese

Joseph F Schmidt, FSC $11.95 Product Code: BFTLE7


A Faith-Sharing Guide Thérèse of Lisieux is one of the most popular saints of our time—and for good reason. As Pope St. John Paul II wrote when declaring her a doctor of the Church, Thérèse’s “little way” is “nothing other than the gospel way of holiness for all.” In this faith-sharing guide, Br. Joseph Schmidt helps readers understand Thérèse’s message through the Scripture passages that illuminated her insights about God and his merciful love. Each of the 7 sessions features one or more passages from Scripture as well as excerpts from Thérèse’s writings that allude to those passages. Thoughtful commentary and questions for reflection follow, enabling us to discover how our own relationship with the Lord might be transformed by the Little Way of St. Thérèse.



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Making Disciples Yes, There Is a God And Other Answers to Life’s Big Questions

How many times have you wanted to convey to someone the joy and excitement of the basic gospel message—but stumbled in the process? Here is a book that explains the kerygma—the proclamation of the gospel—in a simple way. Dr. Bergsma, a professor at Franciscan University and noted biblical scholar, uses both words and illustrations to tell the story of the Bible. In this short book, he brings the gospel to life for believers and nonbelievers alike.

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John Bergsma, Ph.D. $12.95 Product Code: BHERE7

How to Win Friends for Christ One Conversation at a Time

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As a seminarian, Fr. Thomas Cavanaugh felt called to learn how to evangelize, so he and his professor at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Dr. John Love, organized a “New Evangelization Club.” Its purpose was to learn how to engage students on college campuses. This book tells their story and offers practical “how-to” guidelines on how to win friends for Christ. Lively and engaging!

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“Evangelization is as Catholic as ashes and incense and holy cards and missals.” —Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington

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BOOKS Parish Discounts

Thomas Cavanaugh and John Love $12.95 Product Code: BWINE7

1 to 5 copies 25% off 6 to 100 copies 30% off 100 + copies 35% off Call for shipping prices For Questions and Orders, Call Our Parish Line 1-800-775-9673 and Choose Option 3.

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Bible Study

Tools from The Evangelical Catholic Believe! Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures When people “chew” on the word of God through dynamic discussions of the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit reveals the person of Jesus. That’s why the staff of The Evangelical Catholic ministry created this guide—to encourage everyone, no matter where they are in their spiritual life, to have a personal encounter with Jesus. The Evangelical Catholic $11.95 Product Code: BEC1E5

Amazed and Afraid: Discover the Power of Jesus Amazed and Afraid is designed to help anyone dive into the Gospels and begin a regular pattern of prayer. The Evangelical Catholic $11.95 Product Code: BEC4E7

Signs and Wonders: Encountering Jesus of Nazareth If we want to know who Jesus is, then we have to discover what his friends said and wrote about him. We can find detailed accounts of Jesus’ life—including the signs and wonders he performed—in the Gospels. They show us what Jesus cared about, how he treated people, and what he thought was most important in life. The Evangelical Catholic $11.95 Product Code: BEC3E6




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Bible Study

Tools from The Evangelical Catholic

Order NOW for Lent 2019. A great resource for your parish



With Jesus to the Cross: A Lenten Guide on the Sunday Mass Readings for Years A, B and C

This 7-session guide is designed for those just beginning their faith journey as well as those who want to dive deeper into the Scriptures during Lent. The Evangelical Catholic ministry has written insightful discussion questions that draw participants into a personal relationship with the Lord.


A great gift for faith formation teachers


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The Evangelical Catholic $11.95/each year Product Code: BEC2E7 (Year A) BEC2E8 (Year B) BEC2E6 (Year C) Purchase Year “C� for Lent 2019 BOOKS Parish Discounts

1 to 5 copies 25% off 6 to 100 copies 30% off 100 + copies 35% off Call for shipping prices For Questions and Orders, Call Our Parish Line 1-800-775-9673 and Choose Option 3.

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More from Top Catholic Author Mark Hart

PRAYER The “R” Father The Lord’s Prayer is so familiar to us that we risk reciting it, not praying it. Popular Catholic speaker and author Mark Hart says that the Our Father is an invitation into a daily relationship with God and suggests 14 ways we can respond to him in this prayer. $11.95 Product Code: BTRFE9


Embracing God’s Plan for Marriage Marriage is one of God’s most beautiful gifts and is intended to bless us, fulfill us, and give us a path to sanctity. Understanding what true love entails and how grace works to overcome our wounded human nature is the key to a holy, happy, and passionate marriage. $11.95 Product Code: BGPME2

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THE MASS Behold the Mystery A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass

As Catholics, the Mass should be a mountaintop experience for us. Often, though, we go through the motions at Mass without an appreciation for what has really happened. Popular speaker and author Mark Hart helps Catholics move beyond the repetition and ritual to see the Mass for what it really is: a heavenly banquet, a wedding feast, in which heaven and earth meet. $12.95 Product Code: BMORE3


Unleashing the Power of Scripture In his entertaining and engaging style, Mark Hart (also known as “The Bible Geek”) shows readers why Scripture should be central to our life with the Lord. When we become immersed in Scripture, he says, we allow it—not the secular culture—to form our minds and hearts. $13.95 Product Code: BLCPE4

A great gift for faith formation teachers

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Great Resources for Pre-K–Primary Faith Formation classes

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For Ages 6–10

Jesus Speaks to Me about the Mass Jesus loves children and wants to draw close to them during the Mass. In this beautifully illustrated book, Jesus “speaks” directly to children, explaining the Mass by linking the liturgy to scenes from the Gospels. Angela Burrin Illustrator: Maria Cristina Lo Cascio $12.95 Product Code: BQBEE1 Hardcover


For Ages 3–6


The Look and Find Book of Bible Stories In this book of nineteen famous Bible stories, young readers can enjoy the detailed illustrations while looking for certain people, animals, or objects on each page. The Look and Find Book of Bible Stories will help children learn about the major events in the Bible from both the Old and New Testament while having fun searching for things in the busy and colorful illustrations. Marion Thomas Illustrator: Andrew Everitt-Stewart $12.95 Product Code: BABSE2 Hardcover


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For Ages 3–6

I’m Going To Mass: A Lift-the-Flap Book Here is a book that will help young children join in the celebration of the Mass! For ages 2 to 5. Angela Burrin Illustrator: Eleanora Pace BOOKS $12.95 Parish Discounts Product Code: BAMSE8 1 to 5 copies 25% off Hardcover

6 to 100 copies 30% off 100 + copies 35% off Call for shipping prices

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First Reconciliation/First Eucharist

Great Resources for Sacramental Preparation God Is Listening to Me: My Book of Catholic Prayers God listens to us when we pray! This collection features not only traditional Catholic prayers but also original ones that will encourage kids to begin to pray each day and learn how to talk to God as they would their best friend. Angela Burrin Illustrator: Andrew Everitt-Stewart $14.95 Product Code: BPRAE7 Hardcover For Ages 5–8

For Ages 6–10

For Ages 6–10

Jesus Speaks to Me about Confession In this book, Jesus speaks lovingly to children about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Angela Burrin Illustrator: Maria Cristina Lo Cascio $13.95 Product Code: BQBRE6 Hardcover Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion In this unique gift book, Jesus speaks warmly and lovingly to children who are receiving him in the Eucharist for the first time. In twelve scenes from Scripture, from Creation to Pentecost, Jesus explains that it is his Father’s plan for each child to be part of their family of love. He invites the child to be his friend and to draw close to him in the Eucharist and in prayer. $12.95 Product Code: BQBBE9 BOOKS Hardcover Parish Discounts

1 to 5 copies 25% off 6 to 100 copies 30% off 100 + copies 35% off Call for shipping prices 14

For Questions and Orders, Call Our Parish Line 1-800-775-9673 and Choose Option 3.

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Ordering Information

To Order: Phone: 1-800-775-9673 (Press 3) (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time Zone) Fax: 1-240-436-1251 Email: Mail: The Word Among Us Press, 7115 Guilford Drive, Suite 100, Frederick, MD 21704 Shipping: The shipping cost for parish is determined for each package by the specific carrier and is based on the total weight, shape, and destination of your order. If your order is such that it requires more than one shipment, shipping charges will be applied separately for each shipment. To help you manage your shipping costs we suggest the following options: 1) you can simply hold the item/items that cannot be shipped and include them in your next order, if the items are available at that time, 2) request that your total order be delayed until the item/items not yet available are ready for shipment, or 3) pay for the additional shipments. Returns Policy • Advance permission not required. • Only undamaged, resalable products may be returned. • Copy of original invoice must be included with return. If no invoice is included, each product of the return will be credited at 60% off its Suggested Retail Price (i.e., a $10.00 book will receive a $4.00 credit). • Only current titles are returnable. Dated materials must be returned meeting above conditions and within 6 months of original ship date. Any out-of-print items are not returnable.

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• Shipping costs on returns are the responsibility of the customer. Returns with collect shipping charges cannot be accepted. • Returns should be shipped to the following address: The Word Among Us, c/o Sisk Fulfillment Service, Inc, 1900 Industrial Park Road, Federalsburg, MD 21632. Returns sent to any other address will not be processed for return, and will need to be reshipped at customer’s expense. Did you receive damaged, defective, or incorrect titles from The Word Among Us? Claims for shortages or damaged product must be made within 30 days of invoice date to our customer service department at 1-800775 9673 x 3. All errors will be promptly corrected to your satisfaction. Mission Statement To encourage Catholics to develop a life-changing relationship with the Lord, sustained and nourished through prayer, Scripture, and the sacraments. • To form missionary disciples empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel. • To support Christ-centered relationships within families, Christian community within parishes, and unity among the people of God. The Word Among Us® is a registered trademark of The Word Among Us Inc.

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Get your parish ready for Advent and Lent! “The Word Among Us’ mission that ‘every Catholic encounter Christ through the Scriptures’ is not only commendable but essential to each person’s spiritual growth. Thank you for your good work!” —Bishop James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska

Give your parishioners the best resource to help them grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus. The Word Among Us, a daily devotional based on the daily Mass readings, provides a resource to enrich your parishioners’ daily prayer lives.

Order now for Advent 2018 & Lent 2019 and SAVE!!! As low as $1 per copy.

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For Questions and Orders, Call Our Parish Line 1-800-775-9673 and Choose Option 3.

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