THE EucharisticENCOUNTERDIVINEMeetingJesusinAdorationMARKHART Fall/Christmas 2022 Available August 2022 Available October 2022 Available October 2022Available September 2022


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The Divine Encounter Mark Hart Carving out time for Adoration can radically change your life, but it can seem daunting to find the time in the midst of a busy schedule. This latest book from Mark Hart will help you spiritually exhale and give you tools to make the most out of your time with Jesus. The Divine Encounter with you when you meet the Lord, and engage with the Gospel passages, reflections, prayers, and songs that will make you fully available to God in Adoration and throughout your life! ISBN: 978-1-59325-613-5 8, softcover, 72 pages, $7.95 BHMME2

Mark Hart serves as Chief Innovation Officer and Executive Vice President for Life Teen International, a Catholic youth ministry movement currently being implemented in almost 2,000 parishes in over thirty countries worldwide. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame and a 20+ year veteran of youth ministry, Mark is a bestselling author of over twenty books, a radio cohost on SiriusXM, an award-winning producer, and one of the most sought-after speakers serving in the Catholic Church today. Mark and his wife, Melanie, have three daughters (Hope, Trinity, and Faith) and one son, Josiah. They live in Phoenix, Arizona.
5¼ x

ISBN: 978-1-59325-608-1 5¼ x 8, softcover, 128 pages, $13.95 Item# BDRME2 Fr. James Mallon is the former pastor of Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, where Divine Renovation was born. He is also the author of the bestselling book Divine Renovation: Bringing Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission, an engaging guide for parishes seeking to cultivate vibrant and dynamic faith communities centered on missionary discipleship. Born in Scotland, Fr. James moved to Halifax, Canada in 1982. After studying at Christ the King Seminary in British Columbia and St. Augustine’s Seminary in Toronto, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1997.
Divine BeyondRenovationtheParish
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What does it mean not just to live but to thrive?
Bestselling author Fr. James Mallon meditates on this question and more in this thought-provoking book. Using his personal experiences and a deep understanding of the Catholic faith, he breaks open Scripture to reflect on how we can grow as disciples of Jesus—as individuals and as members of communities of faith. Each chapter includes reflection questions, perfect for reading prayerfully or journeying with others in a small group.
ISBN: 978-1-59325-143-7 328 pages, $19.95 Item# BDRDE9 Unlocking Your Parish ISBN: 978-1-59325-365-3 168 pages, $17.95 Item# BDRCE8

Also from Fr. Mallon:
Faith: Discipleship in Uncertain Times Fr. James Mallon

Life Lessons from St. Thérèse of Lisieux Br. Joseph Schmidt & Marisa Guerin, PhD Meet St. Thérèse as never before in this latest book from Br. Joseph Schmidt! He provides practical teachings on how to live a life of grace and gratitude derived directly from the qualities and lessons that Thérèse learned to rely upon. Each chapter contains material directly from the writings and life experience of Thérèse, as well as mentoring messages that connect her wisdom with daily life today. It’s like having St. Thérèse as your spiritual director. And what could be better than that? ISBN 978-1-59325-615-9 208 pages 5¼ x 8, softcover $16.95 Item# BMLGE2 For Customer Service or to place an order call 1-800-842-0646. Fax orders to 508-771-2229 . Email orders to 4 BELOVED SAINT THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX Everything is Grace $17.95,978-1-59325-095-9BSTLE7 Walking the Little Way of Thérèse of Lisieux $15.95,978-1-59325-205-2BSTSE2 Also from Br. Joseph Schmidt:

64978-1-59325-704-0pages5¼x8,softcover $8.95 Item# BJPSE2
Fr. Jacques Philippe is a member of the Community of the Beatitudes in France. He is involved in spiritual direction, the formation of new members in the Community, and participation in its General Counsel. Fr. Jacques Philippe’s writings on themes such as prayer, interior freedom, and peace of heart have become classics of modern Catholic spirituality.
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Fr. Jacques Philippe

Trusting God in the Present
What can we do when life gets hard? Like a wise friend, beloved author Fr. Jacques Philippe explores how we can receive and maintain peace through turbulent times. What he shares will help you grow in faith, hope, and love, and will lead you closer to God. be equipped to make better decisions and experience hope for today and tomorrow.

Gary Zimak
A practical, step-by-step approach to knowing, loving, and serving God. Learn to spend time in God’s presence and encounter him in your daily life. No matter where you are in your relationship with the Lord, peace and happiness will be found in your journey of faith with him. ISBN: 978-1-59325-554-1 5¼ x 8, 152 pages, $13.95, Item# BJFZE1
Gary Zimak is the author of several bestselling books, including Give Up Worry for Lent, Stop Worrying and Start Living, Let Go of Your Fear and Listen to Your Blessed Mother. He is a frequent speaker at parishes and conferences across the country and is recognized as the leading Catholic speaker on the topic of over coming anxiety. Gary resides in the Philadelphia suburbs with his wife, Eileen, and daughters Mary and Elizabeth. They are mem bers of Saint Mary of the Lakes parish in Medford, NJ.

A Guide to Feasts, Saints, Holy Days, and Seasons
Journey with God Finding Peace and Happiness

The Companion Book of Catholic Days

Karen Edmisten
This beautiful book will bring the rich traditions of the Catholic Church’s liturgical year into your home and your heart. You’ll find each month and season of the liturgical year is brimming with possibilities—feasts to be celebrated, litanies to discover, and saints to befriend. Practical and easy to use, you’ll find opportunities to connect to your faith in meaningful and extraordinary ways, including ideas for finding time to pray, making seasonal snacks for the whole family, observing a meaningful Lent, celebrating the full Octave of Christmas, and so much $16.95 BKEDE2 Customer Service or to place an order call 1-800-842-0646. Fax orders to 508-771-2229 . Email orders to OF
Powerful Question Finding Purpose and Meaning in God’s Plan
ISBN: 978-1-59325-604-3 5¼ x 8, softcover, 152 pages, $13.95
John Olesnavage, PhD
Item# BJOLE2
A 30-Day At-Home Retreat
New from Leo Zanchettin, editorial director for The Word Among Us magazine, Encountering the Lord in the Gospel of Mark is filled with fresh insights, moving stories, and meaningful commentary. Each chapter includes inspiring reflection questions that will launch you into deeper prayer. Let your heart be moved by Jesus’ love, and your mind filled with the truth of his gospel!
ISBN: 978-1-59325-557-2 5¼ x 8, softcover, 208 pages, $14.95
Encountering the Lord in the Gospel of Mark

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Your Most Powerful Question offers a practical simple discernment tool to help Catholics find their purpose and define their role in God’s plan. Dr. Olesnavage provides clear, easy-to-follow steps to identify the powerful question embedded in your own life story. Readers will also discover an energizing lens that empowers them to see service as a gift to themselves as well as to God. Extraordinary people, including the apostles Peter and Andrew, were called not with a command or request, but rather with a lifechanging question: “What do you want?” (John 1:38).
Item# BLZME1

Louise Perrotta
ISBN: 978-1-59325-599-2 64 pages, $7.95 Item# BMSUE0 St. Joseph, Tender Father His Life and His Care for Us Today

Fr. John Riccardo
Fr. Mike Schmitz

In this booklet, beloved speaker Fr. Mike Schmitz unfolds the mystery of bro kenness. He reminds us that we have been fought for by a God who wants us as we are, not as we should be or hope to be. The Lord’s will for us is to find our identity in him and to thrive, living the life he has given us.
Also by Fr. Riccardo: Rescued ISBN: 978-1-59325-381-3184pages,$14.95Item#BGSPE0 For more information about the book, see page 14

How often do we think of Mary’s trust in the Lord? Do we imagine what it must have been like for her as she accepted the Lord’s invitation to become the mother of our Savior, as she watched him grow from child to man, and witnessed the power of his adult ministry ending in his death and resurrection?
ISBN: 978-1-73649-201-7 5 x 7, 168 pages, $14.95, Item# BJRRE1 A World Undone Finding God When Life Doesn't Make Sense

In this book, Louise Perrotta invites you to meet and learn from this largely unnoticed saint who was called in a unique way to reveal God’s glory to the entire world. Encounter him in his struggles and triumphs and discover how a simple life lived with integrity and faith can be the most impactful. ISBN: 978-1-59325-533-6 5¼ x 8, softcover, 192 pages, $11.95 Item# BLPJE1
What must trust have been like for her? And how can we live as she did? The Rosary can guide us to this same trust of what Mary herself learned: that when we place everything we have in the hands of the Lord, he will guide us.
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Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak
Do you wish you could have discussions about difficult topics with your adult children? If so, you’re not alone. Using real-life examples of conversations based on calls to their syndicated radio show and their family counseling practice, bestselling authors Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak offer vital guidance that will give you the confidence and ability to have meaningful conversations on a variety of topics.
ISBN: 978-1-59325-520-6 5¼ x 8, 144 pages, $14.95 Item# BLSBE0 Overcommitted
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FOR A VIRTUOUS LIFE Having Meaningful (Sometimes Difficult) Conversations with Your Adult Sons and Daughters

ISBN: 978-1-59325-555-8 176 pages, $14.95, Item# BGLPE1 I Own a Bible and I’m Not Afraid to Use It An Operating Guide for Life Laura Stierman

Cut Chaos and Find Balance Rachel Balducci

Are you pulled in so many directions that you wonder if you are just overcommitted? Rachel Balducci, mom of six, has wondered the same thing. In Overcommitted, she gives us a solution to our frenzied days and a plan for achieving balanced, God-centered days. ISBN: 978-1-59325-385-1 5¼ x 8, 136 pages, $12.95 Item# BRBGE0
Have you ever struggled to pick up the Bible and read it? Have you ever sought to gain understanding for your life in its pages, but come up short? In this engaging book, Laura Stierman invites you to find guidance and inspiration in the words of Scripture in a different, more thoughtful way.
Elizabeth M. Kelly Imagine being near Jesus, crucified in the “place of the skull,” abandoned by all but a few. In this powerful book, author Elizabeth Kelly places you at the foot of the cross and offers thought-provoking insights into Jesus’ last words. Meditate on what Jesus’ words really mean for you, and deepen your understanding of his life, death, and resurrection. This book makes a wonderful personal retreat or gift and can be picked up anytime of year, but is especially meaningful during Lent. Each chapter includes opportunities for prayer and journaling. ISBN 978-1-59325-702-6 176 pages $16.95 Item #BEKGE2
A Place Called Golgotha Meditations on the Last Words of Christ

ISBN: 978-1-59325-551-0 184 pages, $14.95 Item# BWSKE1
a Saint Cultivating Virtue with Holy Women
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Elizabeth M. Kelly
In Love like a Saint, you are invited to be inspired by remarkable saints—virtuous, flawed, and real women who teach us how to surrender to God and be open to his grace. The women you will meet in this book have cultivated virtue through a life of surrender and love in the midst of deep sorrows and trials. They are students, wives, employees, friends, mothers, and will be your companions in your faith journey. Designed and written as a living workbook to be read in Adoration, as a study, or in prayer and meditation—either alone or in a small group.

Ascending with Ignatius
Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ
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A 30-Day At-Home Retreat
Learning from and Giving Yourself through Christ in Prayer
“Leonard DeLorenzo presents prayer as our journey with Jesus Christ to the heart of the Father. In prayer, our hearts become enlarged to the measure of the heart of Christ.”
Leonard DeLorenzo
“Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, is a skilled retreat guide. His prayer suggestions are easy to incorporate into a full and busy life. This will be a retreat I turn to time and time again to deepen my own faith life—and will also recommend to others I walk with in spiritual direction.”
—Fr. Robert Imbelli, author of Rekindling the Christic Imagination and the lecture series Christic Imagination: How Christ Transforms ISBN: 978-1-59325-552-7 144 pages, $14.95 Item# BDLJE1
—Becky Eldredge, spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and author of The Inner Chapel and Busy Lives & Restless Souls. ISBN: 978-1-59325-595-4 192 pages, $14.95 Item# BSTIE1
The saints offer great insight to this transformative spiritual practice. Follow in the footsteps of twelve remarkable saints and learn about how God transformed their view of the people and the world around them.
How does remembering your death help you live a holy and fulfilling life on earth? Memento mori (“remember your death”) is a Latin phrase associated with the medieval Catholic practice of remembering the inevitable end of your life in order to be prepared to meet God in heaven. This inspiring daily desk calendar from Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP, a former atheist turned religious sister, will help you grow closer to God and live a meaningful life today. ISBN: 978-1-59325-592-3 388 pages, $19.95 Item# CPMME1
Called to Christian Joy and Maturity Forming Missionary Disciples
Memento Mori Daily Desk Calendar

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An Invitation from the Saints
Deacon Matthew W. Halbach, PhD
Evangelism experts Gordy DeMarais and Daniel Keating lay out thoughtful actions for effectively bringing Christ to the world. A must-read for every follower of Jesus. ISBN: 978-1-59325-387-5 184 pages, $16.95 Item# BDKDE0

Gordon C. DeMarais and Dr. Daniel Keating
How do you see the people and the world around you? Have you wondered how God views us, others, and creation? When we look at things through God’s eyes, everything changes. Suddenly, for those we love, we experience greater compassion. For those we find difficult, we see them as the ones Jesus loves and died for.
Remember Your Death and Live for Heaven
More than ever, Christians must be grounded in their identity and purpose to reach a hurting world. This groundbreaking book brings together the latest best practices for how to be (and help others become) mature, balanced, and joyful Christians today.
God’s Eyes
ISBN: 978-1-59325-606-7 5¼ x 8, softcover, 128 pages, $13.95 Item# BMHGE2
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ScripturetheUnleashingPowerof In his entertaining and shows“The(alsostyle,engagingMarkHartknownasBibleGeek”)readerswhy
Behold Mysterythe A MassofUnderstandingDeepertheCatholic

ISBN: 978-1-59325-297-7 184 pages, $13.95 Item# BLCPE4

Item# BDRDE9
Inmessyanddemanding,challenging,aTransformingparishissometimeswork. Divine Renovation Apprentice, Fr. Simon Lobo breaks open his experience as an associate pastor working on the renewal of Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia. ISBN: 978-1-59325-336-3 208 pages, $13.95 Item# BDRBE8

Scripture should be central to our life with the Lord. When we become immersed in Scripture, he says, we allow it—not the secular culture—to form our minds and hearts.
Through his years as pastor of Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, Canada, Fr. James CatholicdiscoveredMallonparishes can become missionary disciples that bear lasting fruit! Tailored for Catholics, Alpha played a key role in the transformation of the parish he pastored. Unlocking Your Parish aims to provide insight into what Alpha can do to help any Catholic parish become a vibrant, mission-focused
Marriage is one of God’s most beautiful gifts and is intended to bless us, fulfill us, and give us a path to sanctity. Understanding what true love entails and how grace works to overcome our wounded human nature is the key to a holy, happy, and passionate marriage. ISBN: 978-1-59325-204-5 112 pages, $12.95 Item# BGPME2
As Catholics, the Mass should be a mountaintop experience for us. Often, though, we go through the motions at Mass without an appreciation for what has really happened. Popular speaker and author Mark Hart helps Catholics move beyond the repetition and ritual to see the Mass for what it really is: a heavenly banquet, a wedding feast in which heaven and earth meet. ISBN: 978-1-59325-228-1 192 pages, $13.95 Item# BMORE3
God’sEmbracingPlan for Marriage

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ParishBeyondRenovationDivinethe Fr. theMallonJamesanswersquestion: Now what? in this book. He wants to encourage you to pray, to trust, and to take the necessary steps to see your parish and your diocese fully equipped to fulfill God’s mission for the Church today. ISBN: 978-1-59325-143-7 328 pages, 6 x 9, $19.95

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Item# BGSPE0
Also available in Spanish Heaven Starts Now Becoming a Saint Day by Day

Fr. John Riccardo helps us dive into the Scriptures so that we can apply them to our daily lives. In his inspiring and incisive way, Fr. Riccardo addresses the obstacles we all face in becoming mature disciples. ISBN: 978-1-59325-301-1 144 pages, $12.95
Rerouting Finding Our Way Back to God and His Church
Item# BNOWE7
READS BY FR. JOHN RICCARDO Rescued The Unexpectd and Extraordiary News of the Gospel

Fr. Riccardo, in his distinctive, incisive way, brings us face-to-face with Christ as the Church has proclaimed him from its earliest days. Guiding us around obstacles we often face as we try to understand our faith, this book answers questions Catholics commonly ask. ISBN: 978-1-59325-332-5 160 pages, $15.95 Item# BBTGE8
In this powerful book, Fr. John Riccardo helps us to see the world through God’s lens, with a clear vision of the plot and the outcome of the story we’re living in. ISBN: 978-1-59325-381-3 184 pages, $14.95
For Customer Service or to place an order call 1-800-842-0646. Fax orders to 508-771-2229 . Email orders to 16 THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Lord, Renew Your Wonders Utilizing amazing stories and practical steps, Damian Stayne provides reasons and ways to grow in the wonderful gifts of the CanadaAvailableItem#248ISBN:Spirit.978-1-59325-323.3pages,$14.95BDSTE7intheUSandonly Mary’s Life in the Holy Spirit Item#128978-1-59325-359-2ISBN:pages,$14.95BYESE9 Living the Fruit of the Spirit The gifts of the Holy Spirit are meant to manifested through us to the world. With a fresh approach, Josh Danis unfolds each fruit and how to let it flourish. ISBN: 978-1-59325-499-5 144 pages, $14.95 Item# BFRTE0 An Invitation to the Spirit-Filled Life andAvailableItem#168978-1-59325-289-2ISBN:pages,$13.95BFHSE5intheU.S.Canadaonly Your Life in the Holy Spirit Item#232978-1-59325-105-5ISBN:pages,$13.95BHASE7 Amazed by God’s Grace Item#152978-1-59325-335-6ISBN:pages,$13.95BLDOE7 God Dwells in Me Item#144978-1-59325-604-3ISBN:pages,$13.95BJOLE2 A CurrentMightyof Grace Item#242978-1-59325-309-7ISBN:pages,$15.95BMOSE7

Item#64ISBN:Challenge978-1-59325-599-2pages,$7.95BMSUE0 n God’s story for us—we are created, we have been captured, we have been rescued, we have a response to God’s great gift n 17 chapters that expand on the focal captured,words—created,rescued,response n Each lesson includes: Explanations and commentary on the focus of the deeperbook—delvingintowhoGod is, why we are here, what happened, what God did, and how to respond to his great gifts. Key points of the chapters Discussion questions ISBN: 978-1-59325-381-3 184 pages, $14.95 Item# BGSPE0

A World Undone We live in a broken world and are broken ourselves but God has a plan for us—a plan that makes us whole. n Divided into four weekly discussions n Each lesson includes: Bible verse Reflection • Questions •

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n Each
Love like a Saint Cultivating Virtue with Holy Women n Delves into the virtues that God gives us to lead a holy life through the example of holy and saintly women that demonstrated the virtue lesson includes: Biblical references to the virtue A brief history of each woman, along with examples of the virtue A photograph • Her own words • Journaling or discussion

For Customer Service or to place an order call 1-800-842-0646. Fax orders to 508-771-2229 . Email orders to 18 GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR WOMEN I Own a Bible and I’m Not Afraid to Use It ISBN: 978-1-59325-520-6 144 pages, $14.95 Item# BLSBE0 Overcommitted ISBN: 978-1-59325-385-1 136 pages, $12.95 Item# BRBGE0 A Prayer Book for Catholic Women ISBN: 978-1-59325-334-9 176 pages, padded, hard cover with ribbon, $15.95 Item# BWMNE8 My Spirit Rejoices Through the Year with Mary Desktop Calendar ISBN: Item#Wirobound,978-1-59325-354-7$14.95CMPCE8 Biblical Women in Crisis ISBN: 978-1-59325-307-3 128 pages, $12.95 Item# BTWNE7 Better Together ISBN: 978-1-59325-362-2 7 x 10, 144 pages, $21.95 Item# JPF2E9 Call Me Blessed ISBN: 978-1-59325-361-5 7 x 10, 160 pages, $21.95 Item# JPF1E8 Perfect IndividualsfororBookClubs CustomerFavorite

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Jesus Speaks to Me about the Mass ISBN:

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Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion ISBN:

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