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S U BMI S S IO N GU ID E L INE S Who We Are: The Word Among Us is an inspirational magazine designed to help Catholics and other Christians read, meditate, and understand Scripture and to provide them with sound, practical advice for everyday Christian living. The vision and purpose of The Word Among Us is to help people grow in love and knowledge of Jesus Christ and his living word. We hope to be an instrument of the Holy Spirit and to contribute to the Church’s mission of proclaiming the gospel to the world. Style and Tone: The Word Among Us maintains a hopeful and down-to-earth tone. We encourage submissions that would appeal to all Christians, that share insights from Scripture and personal prayer, and that show a dynamic relationship with God. The majority of our readers are lay Catholics in North America. Their level of education varies so we try to be accessible—think tenth-grade reading level. Submit Your Story: We consider first-person “testimony” narratives that meet our word limit of 1200 words. We are looking for stories that focus on a significant experience of conversion, change, or spiritual insight in a simple, anecdotal style. Don’t try to tell an entire life’s story. Use some description, dialogue, detail to dramatize one main conflict or personal victory. Tell how the situation was resolved, how you changed, how you experienced the Lord. Completed essays may be submitted for consideration to editor@wau.org. Content Standards: All articles should be written in a popular-level, readable style that avoids jargon and technical theological language. Long Scripture quotes and use of copyrighted material from other sources will be cut. We reserve the right to edit your story to meet our standards. Please study recent issues and www.wau.org to get a sense for our style. Original Content: The Word Among Us does not publish simultaneous submissions or articles previously published. All submissions must be the original work of the author. We are unable to provide feedback or comment on submissions that we do not accept. Publishing Rights: If we accept your story for publication in a future issue of the magazine, we will pay you $150. This secures us the first full non-exclusive worldwide rights to publish the article in any and all languages, forms, or formats, including all electronic formats. We make the article available on our digital platforms during the month in which it appears in the print version of the magazine. After that, it is accessible to subscribers in our online archive. We reserve the right to make print articles available again in the future, whether on our digital platforms or by reprint.