Partners Report
Bringing God‘s Love Behind Bars
62,000 Prisoners See page 2
Serving Those Who Serve
26,000 Service Men and Women See page 4
Speaking Words of Life
6,500 Woman Troubled about a Pregnancy See below
Young Catholics Thriving
7,500 College Students See page 3
“Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did it for me.”
—Matthew 25:40
n 2014, your prayers and financial giving helped Word Among Us Partners reach
over 100,000 Catholic men and women in need with the gift of The Word Among Us. Jesus tells us that whatever we do for the least of his brothers and sisters, we do for him. Thank you for generously caring for those in challenging circumstances. As we begin 2015, join us in praying for those receiving The Word Among Us through Partners. Please also consider beginning 2015 by becoming a Monthly Partner. Even a small monthly gift can have a big impact. Thank you. —The Partners Team Brendan, Angela, Bryan, Orlando, Maurice, and Sue
Speaking Words of Life and Hope
s Catholics, we treasure and pro-
tect God’s gift of life at all its stages. In January, many of you will pray for the March for Life, and some may even attend it in Washington, D.C. At Partners, we join with thousands of men and women in praying for an end to abortion. We are grateful for the opportunity to support women who are struggling over a pregnancy or grieving after an abortion with the gift of The Word Among Us. You may even know a woman needing help with an unplanned pregnancy. If you do, please encourage her to seek help through a pregnancy center hotline. Heartbeat International sponsors a pregnancy hotline,
and is featured in an article in the January issue of The Word Among Us. The Heartbeat Pregnancy Hotline phone number is 1-800-712-HELP. Speaking Words of Life, continued on page 3
Because of your generous gifts to Partners, 6,500 women receive The Word Among Us every month at pregnancy centers and postabortion ministries.