
Are you and I willing to take a stand for the truth in what is an increasingly anti-Christian world? Of late, I’ve been fairly focused on the writings of several early church fathers, including Saint Athanasius, “On the Incarnation” and Saint Augustine’s “The City of God.” These followers of Christ faced significant opposition from pagans (those who continued to worship the Roman gods while loudly blaming Christians for anything that went wrong) as well as from many within “the church” (you may recall the story of how Athanasius stood virtually alone soon after the Council of Nicea in defense of Christ’s deity).
In the first half of “City of God,” Augustine, addressing especially the pagans of his day, rather exhaustively demonstrates the folly of worshipping the Roman gods who, as portrayed by star poets and playwrights, are an envious, adulterous, and violent lot who desire to exploit mankind for their own benefit. These, argues Augustine, are the fallen angels, followers of Satan, the demons of the spiritual world. Their goal is to keep as many people as possible away from God. Notice the unapologetic Christian worldview.
“ “ Are you and I willing to take a stand for the truth in what is an increasingly anti-Christian world?
Satan hasn’t changed a bit from the snake in the garden of Eden who convinced our first mother and father to disobey their God and Creator, has he? Who will we serve, God or ourselves (Satan)?
In Book V, Chapter 20, Augustine pictures a dinner table with Pleasure seated at the head and others such as Prudence, Virtue, and Justice seated around the table all acting as her slaves. He leaves us to wrestle with who is seated at the head of our table. Augustine and Athanasius, while imperfect, strove to live a life with God at the head of their table and so were able to face a hostile world in dependence on Him. What about us?
In this issue, across the world in Nicaragua, Carlos Coffin tells us of the Gospel being faithfully presented to a “population enslaved to pagan practices.” Rob Van der Kooy writes that witch doctors and the prosperity Gospel (Pleasure) are flourishing in South Africa, underlining the need for biblical theological training. Kasper Van Veen, the newest member of our team, writes of a Gospel-malnourished people in Tanzania, and Dr. Sherif Fahim beautifully presents a wonderful and stark contrast to all that Satan and his hosts can offer, the “The Lord is my Shepherd.” Motivated by the love of this Shepherd and the example of those who have gone before, may we lovingly and fearlessly bring the truth of the Gospel to many, both locally and abroad. W&D
Rick Postma is the Director of Public Relations for Word & Deed Ministries.
Rick Postma
Assistant Editors
Scott Koopman, Kara Luiting Graphic Design
Knor Graphic Design Solutions
Copy Editors
Shelly Crites, Hanna Korvemaker, Bethany Post, Susan Trentacosti
Word & Deed North America is an evangelical and Reformed humanitarian relief and development organization. Our aim is to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles for the glory of God. With cooperating offices in St. Thomas, Ontario, and Hudsonville, Michigan, Word & Deed partners with Christian agencies in Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Kenya, Myanmar, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Malawi, South Africa, South Sudan, and Tanzania..
Director of Projects John Otten
Director of Public Relations
Rick Postma
Director Heidi Pronk
Support Staff
Scott Dekorte, Scott Koopman, John Kottelenberg, Kara Luiting, Dave Vander Meer, Kasper Van Veen, Nikki Veurink, Laurenne Wattel
Canadian Board of Directors
Chairman – Corney Les Vice-Chairman –John Vangameren
Secretary – Dave Wielinga
Treasurer – Henry de Waal Wilf Bout, John Jagersma, James Neven, Paul Wagenaar, Lyle Ypma
USA Board of Directors
President – Paul Beezhold
Vice President - Jay Van Voorst
Secretary – Harry Kooistra
Treasurer – Karen Vander Sloot Eric Brandt, Pastor Adrian Dieleman, Eric Greendyk, Paul Laman, Pete Vander Stel
Mr. Jim Beeke –
BY DR. SHERIF FAHIMWhenever we remember the Lord’s care for us, we remember the Shepherd’s psalm, Psalm 23. This psalm presents two images of God in His relationship with us. The first image in verses 1–4 is that of the Shepherd. The Shepherd provides water, food, and rest for the sheep (vs. 1–2). He guides the sheep to the appropriate paths (v. 3) and protects the sheep from any danger that might surround them (v. 4). Our minds should not only focus on material matters; the Shepherd also provides our spiritual food, spiritual drink, and spiritual comfort. He is the true manna descending from heaven and the spring of water from whom, if we drink, we will never thirst. He said, “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
This Shepherd guides our steps in paths of righteousness and leads us in good deeds prepared beforehand, “for His name’s sake.”
God is faithful to His promises, guaranteeing that He will never abandon us. Even if we go astray, He will restore our souls. He shepherds us not only to green pastures and still waters, but is also with us in the valley of the shadow of death. Our Shepherd is Immanuel and He protects us from evil and eternal death.
The second image in Psalm 23 is that of the
sheep, but also shares a loving meal with them (v. 5). Amazingly, this hospitality happens in the presence of enemies who threaten us. The Shepherd prepares the table for us in the valley of the shadow of death. It is not a poor table, but a rich table where our cup overflows, and He honors us by anointing our heads with the oil of blessing. The Lord wants us to rejoice in Him and through Him in the midst of our hardships and turmoil. The goodness and mercy that the sheep enjoy are not at certain times but on all days (v. 6). The question remains: How can lost, sinful sheep enjoy all these blessings in the presence of God?
Christ comes in the New Testament to say about Himself, “I am the good Shepherd” (John 10:11a). How could a Jew hear this statement and not remember Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd”? Christ’s saying, “I am the good Shepherd,” is a public declaration that He is God manifested in the flesh. The surprise did not stop there. Rather, Christ added that He is the good Shepherd who gives His life for the sheep and lays down His life for them. Instead of the sheep being slaughtered, Christ was sacrificed so that the sheep could live and be able to exist in the presence of God, enjoying goodness and mercy forever. The Shepherd is the one who calls the sheep, and His sheep hear His voice. He now cares for them, nourishes them, leads them, and protects them from wolves and thieves; and when we are far from Him, He restores our souls and guides us to Him again. The Shepherd’s sheep hear His voice, love Him, and follow Him as He promises them, saying, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:28). Surely goodness and mercy shall pursue the sheep of this great Shepherd all the days of their life! W&D
Dr. Sherif Fahim is the Director of El Soora Ministries in Alexandria, Egypt, and holds a PhD from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI.
“Working and teaching to change lives” is the motto of Palabra y Hecho Nicaragua (Word & Deed Nicaragua). In recent years our efforts have focused on providing greater education to families in the different indigenous communities of our region. These programs range from Bible studies to agricultural training, and we also offer business management classes for small entrepreneurs. The benefits of these programs have been very significant for the people who participate. We can see, little by little, improvement in crop production and the well-being of families. However, in this article we are focusing our attention on one region in particular: Wangky Maya. This region is located in a remote area of Nicaragua, in the extreme northeast, approximately 700 kilometers from the capital. The ministry that we have begun in this region consists of three different areas.
First, we developed a diploma program in theology that trained a total of 34 pastors and leaders from different churches who had never before had a formal biblical education. These leaders participated in 20 short courses, all from a Reformed worldview, in the areas of biblical theology, systematic theology, and practical theology. The interest and enthusiasm shown by the students was encouraging. At each meeting there were people who walked or traveled in cayucos (canoes) for long hours just to attend the courses. Many community members also attended only as listeners, and they expressed that they had never heard the Bible explained in such a way. A surprising testimony is from a Roman Catholic woman who decided to attend the courses. When the leaders of her church found out, they threatened to excommunicate her from the church, to which she responded that she would
Word & Deed works closely with Palabra y Hecho Nicaragua to provide training in agriculture techniques, business practices, and a Christian worldview. Through agriculture training in cocoa and coffee, 120 farming families are able to think long term and grow a profitable crop while also being taught a Christian worldview. Through basic business education to 40 families each year, small businesses can be managed well and provide opportunities to help their families grow sustainably. Through theological training, using a simplified version of MINTS courses, 35 leaders of eight remote river villages are able to share a Christian worldview of family, work, and worship within their communities. 2024
Budget: $142,000 CAD / $107,000 USD
gladly accept the decision they made, but that she would never stop studying because these opportunities are not common in the area where they live. The program had a very positive impact, and some of the students are now teaching the things they have learned to people in their own churches.
Second, a special program was started with 24 young people from different communities who were taught the Gospel and development principles from a biblical worldview. These young people were very impacted by the biblical message because they had never heard these things before. We hope to continue working with these young people to deepen their understanding of the Bible and prepare them for development through the following program that we hope to start soon.
Third, we have carried out the necessary research to start a new technical training program in this region to improve agricultural production in these communities. Since these communities are in very low areas and have river floods every year, they have a short margin of time to take advantage of agricultural work. Our staff is prepared to teach them how to make the most of their land and the time they have, producing enough food for their families. We hope, with God’s blessing, to make this program a reality this year.
God is doing great things in Wangky Maya. The Reformed church in Puerto Cabezas also had the opportunity to serve families in these communities that were affected by flooding with food and clothing in late 2022 and early 2023. However, the spiritual need in Wangky Maya is great. Although there are Christian churches in these communities, the population remains enslaved by traditional pagan practices such as witchcraft, idol worship, sexual immorality, and other religious practices and false beliefs. Even in the midst of this situation, we believe that there is an open door to share the Gospel with them, because the elders of the communities received us very well and requested that we return again to share the Word of God with the entire community at an outdoor conference. We are willing to continue ministering to these communities with the Word of God and hope that God will raise up faithful men who will remain in these communities preaching the truth indefinitely.
As for the future of Palabra y Hecho, it is uncertain, since there are increasing regulations by the government towards NGOs and churches in Nicaragua, but we trust in God that in one way or another we will continue serving our brothers in the love of Christ. Our God continues to sit on His throne. Soli Deo Gloria. W&D
Carlos Coffin is the Director of Palabra y Hecho Nicaragua.
A few beneficiaries of the Nicaragua Agriculture Program.
“The whole world in one country.” That is what South Africa is often referred to in order to draw in tourists. But this is also very true for much more than the country’s impressive landscapes, famous nature reserves, beautiful beaches, the unique Table Mountain, and its modern cosmopolitan cities. To name a few other “whole world” characteristics: it has some of the sharpest inequalities between rich and poor in the world with unemployment at over 35%, nearly half of its 60 million people living in poverty, and monthly government grants being given to over 18 million very poor people.
Almost all religions in the world are represented in South Africa, yet 77% of the population claims to be Christian, including millions of people who worship in churches where the number of witch doctors continue to increase, even in urbanized areas. There are also millions of others
who are deceived by the prosperity gospel. In reality, only a very small number of this 77% actually know the Bible and how rightly to serve God. Many millions need to be taught what the Bible teaches: to “present myself a living sacrifice of thankfulness to Him” (Heidelberg Catechism, answer 32) and “to glorify and enjoy God forever” (Westminster Shorter Catechism, answer 1). Most still have not experienced their need for faith and good deeds (James 2:14–26); they have not learned life’s main purpose of knowing God. Many only know the half-message that “Jesus is love” without genuine saving faith as taught in the Bible.
The many years of colonialism, apartheid, and state-capture now result in extreme inequality and poverty, many conflicting cultures and traditions, and problems of communication, due to the fact that there are 12 official lan-
guages and many other unofficial languages that are spoken. All of these reasons increase the mistrust between many people. Not merely between the white, black, and colored, but also between and within the dozen or so black tribes. There is a general lack of credibility between hundreds of groups. And, according to the surveys, racism is on the rise. This mistrust makes it very difficult for an evangelist from one group to preach the Gospel to another group. This is not unique to South Africa; it is a serious obstacle and challenge in many parts of the world where missionaries work.
One way to overcome this challenge is for each group of people to train more ministers to serve within their own groups. There is great need for faithful leaders who are trusted at home between their own people, who know the Bible and understand how to please and serve God, and who are able to preach effectively. This is where the “training of trainers” is most strategic: reliable, knowledgeable, and strong church leaders with genuine faith, who are men of prayer and study, led by the Holy Spirit, and who have a heart to serve within their own language and culture.
In South Africa there are many institutions that teach the Bible in some way: seminaries, universities, colleges, and many online courses, but very few teach Reformed theology. This is what makes Mukhanyo Theological College, a Word & Deed partner, so important. It teaches students from all over South Africa, as well as a number of other
Word & Deed partners with Mukhanyo Theological College as they develop material for the Mukhanyo Distance Learning Program and conduct churchbased training. The program is designed to increase the availability of high-quality, Reformed Bible teaching with contextual application in Africa. This is being done by developing video distance training courses and making them available to those who do not live within traveling distance of the college. 2024 Budget: $76,500 CAD / $57,000 USD
African countries, about what God expects of His children. This is how they can be equipped to preach the true Gospel. This is also the reason why Mukhanyo Theological College continuously works hard to spread its wings. The college is now entering its thirtieth year of ministry in South Africa. With the help of God and through the generosity of many donors, Mukhanyo now has many locations where students are taught each week. At present there are sites all over the country where its programs are facilitated, including five full-time campuses and some 75 local study groups with tutors for approximately 650 part-time students, training them to become effective preachers of the true Gospel. Through this strategy, it is possible to train more and more students who will become preachers, each within their own region and in their own culture and language, which at least partly solves the many obstacles mentioned above.
Yes, in many ways South Africa is a world within one country. It presents a very large challenge, full of Godgiven opportunities to preach the Gospel. May our gracious Father in Heaven, through His Son Jesus Christ, bless this work so that Mukhanyo can continue serving, as fast and effectively as possible, in this unique and needy environment. May it be to His glory and to the benefit of His people! W&D
We all have times in our lives where an event or a conversation becomes etched in our minds. For me, one of those occasions was a day in mid-July in 2023; while relaxing on the shores of Lake Huron, I received an eagerly anticipated email offering me a position at Word & Deed Ministries.
The reason this is etched in my mind is not so much the fact that it was a job offer; it was more than that. I firmly believed the Lord had adjusted my career path so that it ran straight into Word & Deed’s parking lot. The journey to Word & Deed was a prayerful and thoughtful one, with many interviews, assessments, and discussions about talents and abilities—but more importantly about my faith, my walk with the Lord, and how I trust in Him. In my professional history, this focus was unfamiliar territory. Prayer framed every step of the hiring process, there was a genuine concern for how my wife felt about this role, and there was strong consideration regarding testimonies from others about my walk and my faith so that my perspective matched that of the organization. In the past, when hiring team members, I too had looked for personal fit and prioritized the ability to learn over having full knowledge,
but using similar tools in such a Christ-centered manner was refreshing and encouraging for me.
As I became a member of the Word & Deed team, what really struck me is that these same principles permeate the entire organization. There is a strong desire to act with integrity and to be faithful stewards of what we have been entrusted with. Transparency in our dealings is an understood requirement. Love and care for the joys and challenges that our international brothers and sisters experience is evident every single day; whether that be during our daily prayers together as staff or simply in our correspondence and attentiveness to their needs.
I have come to realize that this not only characterizes Word & Deed, it also flows out to characterize our partners. This was very striking when I had the opportunity to visit our partner Pastor Joseph Marwa, the director of Hope Royal Schools and the Mwanza Bible Institute in Tanzania. The Gospel is central in their approach, the children are hearing the Word of God, the young men are being trained to bring the Word to others, and the local community is demonstratively enthusiastic about hearing the Word!
Although Word & Deed is supporting their efforts, it is the local people who are leading the charge and making the difference. They are working together to find ways to broaden their reach and attain a greater degree of self-sufficiency. They are thankful for our support, but they do not want to rely on it; rather, they have a strong desire to educate others in the Word as an independent entity.
I also had the privilege of witnessing the construction of a new school building being completed in Tanzania. Situated on the slope of a long valley, I could see the many neighborhoods surrounding them. These were entire communities that were ripe for the harvest, ready to hear the Gospel, have their children educated with a Christian perspective, and seeking to experience the love and grace that our Father shows us.
We live in a world that is starving for the Gospel truth. In the developing world, we meet so many people that are undernourished, but they don’t realize just how undernourished they really are. The same could be said for spiritual hunger. We don’t know how malnourished our souls are and how much that hunger is causing so much pain, grief, loneliness, and hopelessness in our lives. Our brothers and sisters in the developing world are no different than us. They may have very different socioeconomic struggles, but the need for the Word to guide them in their lives is the same guide we require in ours.
May the Lord bless and encourage the work of our partners, such as Pastor Marwa, to bring the Word to his countrymen. May the Lord also bless us—all of you as you support Word & Deed, as well as our board and staff as we
collaborate with our partners to meet their physical and spiritual needs. W&D
Kasper Van Veen joined Word & Deed in September 2023 as a Project Manager and Public Relations Representative. He is a member of Emmanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Guelph, Ontario.
Manuela LOPEZ
Oct. 11, 2016
After-School Program
Oct. 2, 2013
After-School Program
Word & Deed supports four children’s programs with AMG Guatemala. Three of these programs are after-school programs, and the other is La Palabra Christian School. The after-school programs are for children who live in areas that do not have access to Christian schools. These programs provide students with help with their homework, Bible lessons, nutritional supplements, and some medical support. The teachers in these programs also prove to be good mentors for the students, encouraging them to walk with the Lord.
Dec. 8, 2013
After-School Program
Margarita LOPEZ
Sept. 18, 2017
After-School Program
La Palabra Christian School provides a high-quality Christian education for its students. A local church started the school in 2001 as a means of giving their children a Christian education and reaching out to the community. Today, approximately half of the 560 students are sponsored while the other half have their parents paying their school fees.
These students in Guatemala need sponsors. To support one of these children for $38 CAD/$35 USD per month, please visit www.wordanddeed.org/child-sponsorship or email Laurenne at office@wordanddeed.org
May 19, 2016 After-School Program
Feb. 10, 2011 After-School Program Wilson DANILO
May 13, 2012 After-School Program
Dec. 11, 2010 La Palabra Christian School
Your will is your final act of stewardship and care, a means to purposefully allocate your resources to support the people and causes you hold dear. By including charitable giving in your will, you model a legacy of generosity to your loved ones, and you help ensure that Word & Deed Ministries continues to have an impact well beyond your lifetime.
To learn more about this or other ways to give visit our Planned Giving Page: wordanddeed.org/get-involved/ planned-giving-canada/
1. Thank our Shepherd for His gracious care over us, His sheep, as He leads us through our lives here on earth.
1. Thank the Lord that Palabra y Hecho Nicaragua has been able to expand their outreach to the region of Wangky Maya.
2. Pray for a blessing over the three programs that Palabra y Hecho is organizing in this region. Pray that everything the students learn helps them to grow in their relationship with the Lord and with each other.
1. Thank the Lord for the many locations and countries that Mukhanyo Theological College can reach.
2. Pray that the truths of God’s Word would spread through those trained at Mukhanyo.
1. Please pray that Word & Deed would continue to faithfully serve our partners and that the Lord would be glorified in the work that He calls us to be a part of.
2. Please pray that the Lord would continue to bless our partners as they, too, strive to work faithfully and for His glory.
1. A lot of people claim Psalm 23 as their favorite psalm in the Bible. What is your favorite psalm and why?
2. Why is it comforting for us to know that the Lord is our Shepherd?
1. What is the motto of Palabra y Hecho? Do you think this motto fits well with the work that they are doing in Nicaragua?
2. Briefly outline the three programs that Palabra y Hecho is organizing in Wangky Maya. Which program do you find the most interesting and why?
1. What are some of the challenges faced by Mukhanyo Theological College in teaching the true Gospel in South Africa?
2. How does mistrust between people groups make it difficult for evangelists to spread the Gospel?
1. What was it that was striking to Kasper when he visited Mwanza Bible Institute in Tanzania?
2. What need is it that Kasper reminds us we share with our brothers and sisters all over the world?