
This year we are celebrating 30 years of ministry for Word & Deed. How time flies! Starting with one project in Guatemala, we have expanded and diversified into 18 countries with 55 ongoing projects and 30 one-time projects. Yet our mission, which is “to meet the spiritual and physical needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles for the glory of God,” remains the same. Our primary focus remains the glory of God and it is rather astounding how the Lord has blessed this organization! Praise Him for all the work that is done and for the means to support our partners, but above all pray that His Word will bear fruit in the saving of many.
In recent years we have encountered increasing challenges in at least half of the countries where we help the poor and needy. Wars, violent tribal conflicts, gang warfare, and religious persecution seem to have grown exponentially. In addition to these serious issues that have put many people at risk, there are increased government controls and interference in the affairs of their citizens and mission organizations. There appears to be growing animosity, even hostility, toward Christians in many areas.
us be encouraged and continue to pray for our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
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Jesus taught his people to rejoice in tribulation. We are taught some things about this joy. First, it comes from the Holy Spirit, not from our own efforts. “But the fruit of the Spirit is . . . joy” (Galatians 5:22). This joy also comes from belonging to the Kingdom of God. “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). Lastly, this joy comes through faith, that is, through believing in God. “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing” (Romans 15:13). As believers, we can cling to the joy that we have, knowing that it produces perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3,4).
Our partners continue to serve the Lord in light of this joy and in the midst of many challenges. Yet we clearly see the advance of the Gospel. Let us be encouraged and continue to pray for our brothers and sisters throughout the world. May God be glorified. W&D
Corney Les is a board member of Word & Deed Canada and until recently served as Board Chairman. He attends the Heritage Reformed Church in Chilliwack, BC.
Official Publication of Word & Deed
An International Reformed Relief and Development Agency
Free for sponsors and friends SUMMER 2024
Rick Postma
Assistant Editors
Scott Koopman, Kara Luiting
Graphic Design
Knor Graphic Design Solutions
Copy Editors
Shelly Crites, Hanna Korvemaker, Bethany Post, Susan Trentacosti
Word & Deed North America
is an evangelical and Reformed humanitarian relief and development organization. Our aim is to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles for the glory of God.
Director of Projects
John Otten
Director of Public Relations
Rick Postma
Heidi Pronk
Support Staff
Scott Dekorte, Scott Koopman, John Kottelenberg, Kara Luiting, Dave Vander Meer, Kasper Van Veen, Nikki Veurink, Laurenne Wattel
Canadian Board of Directors
Chairman – John Jagersma Vice-Chairman –John Vangameren
Secretary – Dave Wielinga
Treasurer – Henry de Waal
Wilf Bout, Clarence Jonker, Corney Les, James Neven, Paul Wagenaar, Lyle Ypma
USA Board of Directors
President – Paul Beezhold
Vice President - Jay Van Voorst
Secretary – Harry Kooistra
Treasurer – Karen Vander Sloot
Eric Brandt, Pastor Adrian Dieleman, Eric Greendyk, Paul Laman, Pete Vander Stel
Advisory Committee
Mr. Jim Beeke –International Educational Consultant
Dr. Gerald M. Bilkes – Professor of Old & New Testament, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Pastor Richard Bout –
URCNA Missions Coordinator
Dr Arjan de Visser –Emeritus Professor of Ministry and Mission, Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary
Pastor Danny Hyde – Pastor, Oceanside United Reformed Church
Pastor Mark Vander Hart –
Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies, Mid-America Reformed Seminary
Pastor Frank Van Dalen –Former Executive Director of the Foreign Missions
Board of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Canada Office
PO Box 20100
St. Thomas, ON N5P 4H4
Toll free 877.375.9673
United States Office PO Box 157, Hudsonville, MI 49426
Toll free 866.391.5728
Registered Charity Number (Canada) 89 120 0941 RR0001
EIN Non-profit Number (USA) 37-1429283
In 2 Corinthians 5:14, Paul writes “for the love of Christ compels us.” We often take for granted the love of God in Christ for us. I do not want to diminish or deny your apprehension of that love. However, I would like to revisit the testimony of Scripture so that we comprehend afresh the depth and breadth of the love of God in Christ for his people.
Let’s start in Ephesians 1. We read “in love, having predestined us to adoption . . . according to the good pleasure of His will,” and a few verses later we read, “having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure.” It is God’s pleasure to save us as His adopted children. He delights to do so. Perhaps at times the language pervasive in this passage about election and predestination obscures the personal love and pleasure, indeed delight, that the Lord has in saving us. But even more startling than this is what we see when we look at the other text where the same words, love and pleasure, are found together in Matthew 3:17, “‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’” Don’t miss it—the love and pleasure God has for His only begotten Son is the same love and pleasure He has for His adopted sons!
So that you do not quickly dismiss this as a
preacher’s exegetical trick, please turn to John 15:9 where Jesus says, “‘As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you.’” This is far from a one-off, for if that was insufficient, turn to John 17:23 where in His high priestly prayer Jesus petitions His Father, “that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” And it is repeated in verse 26, “that the love with which You loved Me may be in them.”
Robert Candlish, an old Puritan preacher, teaches “The only difference between our enjoyment of sonship and Christ’s was that Christ enjoyed the privileges of sonship before we did, but not in a different manner.” The love that God the Father has for Christ is the same love He has for His adopted children! It defies comprehension and calculation!
Let that massage your heart, soothe your soul, apply it as a salve to your conscience, and let the refreshing springs of the cool water of God’s love replenish your spirit. And once you have refreshed and renewed your comprehension of the love of God in Christ, let it compel you to loving, thankful service. W&D
Paul T. Murphy is the Pastor Emeritus of Messiah’s Reformed Fellowship in New York City.
Haiti shares an island with the Dominican Republic and is located in the Caribbean. Its population is an estimated 11.4 million people, making it the most populous country in the Caribbean. Haiti is a volatile country and quite often filled with political unrest, resulting in gangs burning tires in the streets and looting businesses. Many people live in high-risk, poverty-stricken areas. Adoration Christian Centre is a holistic Christian development foundation serving and discipling Haitians, focusing on poverty relief and supporting at-risk families.
Over the last couple of years, Haiti has been receiving the attention of international news outlets. This time we are back in the news not for an earthquake as in January 2010 or August 2021, nor for a cholera outbreak as in 2011, nor even for a devastating hurricane as in 2016, but for the assassination of our president and the subsequent spiral of violence. Little by little, armed gangs have taken control of Port-au-Prince. They massacre, rape, pillage, and burn houses under the indifferent, impotent, or complicit eyes of the government.
This unpopular government has not done anything to improve the situation. In January, the situation became so chaotic that schools were forced to close. In February,
the gangs consolidated a criminal federation to overthrow the government and to install themselves in power. At the beginning of March, they blocked the port of Port-auPrince and attacked the airport, forcing its closure. That same month, the gangs attacked the two largest prisons and released over 4,000 inmates, using most of them to increase the numbers of their “soldiers.”
Port-au-Prince has begun to feel more and more like “the valley of the shadow of death.” According to UN statistics, more than 4,000 people have been killed in the violence so far, including more than 1,500 in the first three months of 2024. It has been estimated that more than 90,000 people have been displaced since February alone. The gangs continue to rape and kill people, burn down houses, and loot businesses. Even hospitals, schools, and churches have not been spared. Thousands of people have been injured. Please pray for the Christians living in these difficult areas.
Haiti’s politicians have been trying to put a government in place since the beginning of March. A nine-member presidential council has been chosen and installed with a mandate to restore peace and organize elections in 2025. They must choose a prime minister and form a government. However, conflicts between them are holding up the process.
UN troops led by Kenya promise to arrive in the country at the end of May. We hope they will help bring us peace. U.S. military planes have also been arriving, delivering equipment for the Kenyan troops. The airport is still closed to commercial flights and the port of Port-au-Prince is also
closed. With this situation, gasoline is often in short supply and food prices are rising every week.
The local church continues to meet every Sunday despite these difficulties. Please pray that our people can continue to meet and find in Jesus Christ the comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding. Adoration Christian School was closed for three months, but it is operating fully now. The students do not wear uniforms for security reasons. Please pray that they may be protected, that they may learn in these troubled times, and that even these difficult times may be an opportunity to lead them to Christ.
Is there hope in this situation? We believe so, and that is why we keep preaching the Gospel and continue to provide our students with a quality Christian education. Though we are in this valley of the shadow of death, we know that the Lord is in control and that He has a plan. We praise His name for His protection every day. His mercies endure forever and they are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness!
Pastor Octavius Delfils serves as chairman of Adoration Christian Centre and is the pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Haiti’s current situation has a significant impact on my daily life and emotional well-being. Political instability and general insecurity are constant sources of worry for me and my family. These factors make it difficult for me to concentrate on my studies and to participate actively in school activities. In addition, teaching resources and learning opportunities are limited due to the crisis, which compromises the quality of my education. Employment prospects are also worrying, with a struggling economy making it difficult for me to plan my professional future. Some of my friends and family, myself included, have even considered leaving the country. This contributes to a feeling of isolation. I also sometimes feel a strong desire to get involved to bring about change and to improve the situation, but I often feel discouraged by the political polarization and apathy of some people. This reinforces my feeling of powerlessness and uncertainty about the future.
The country of Kenya is located in East Africa, bordering the Indian Ocean. The country has many national parks and reserves and because of this, people come from around the world to see the abundant wildlife. Coffee is an important export in Kenya, yet many people don’t drink it because of its high value—they would rather sell it than drink it! Many people consider Kenya to be a Christian nation. There are many churches there, but basic biblical knowledge is lacking for most people and even many pastors.
I want to thank God for providing us with this unique opportunity to serve Him together, in many ways, for His glory. We are the Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) of Bumala, Kenya, and we are involved in training local pastors and church leaders in Reformed theology, which is new in this area. As we began doing this, we were introduced to Brother Christo Heiberg through a friend in South Africa who is aware of our curriculum. Christo then began visiting us to train our students. He identified our needs and introduced us to Word & Deed. After many discussions, we signed a formal agreement with Word & Deed in 2021. Word & Deed initially helped us in finishing our library—furnishing and providing some laptops, desktop computers, a printer,
and a solar power system to provide the much-needed light and power for the proper use of the library.
Word & Deed’s working relationship with RTS has been excellent since its inception. We have been able to carry out a number of food relief programs that serve different needy groups in the areas of our jurisdiction. We have also provided seeds and agricultural training to various needy groups with very good outcomes of empowering them to have food security and also to help others. In every activity we participate in, the Word of God is given first priority. This effort has led to some people putting their faith in Christ and in leading to the formation of new church plants as well. Recently we received a 40-foot container of dried food from the Niagara Christian Gleaners, with the help of Word & Deed, that was distributed to 2,220 families. The community leaders are urging us to plant a church in this distribution area because they would like to listen to the Gospel which we preached there again and again. This is the village where the former U.S. President Barack Obama’s family is from. We are considering sending our diploma students to carry out door-to-door evangelism for one week and to plant a church there soon.
We have also kept pigs at the RTS farm as the Pigs for Pastors Project continues to operate. This program provides pastors with piglets to raise and breed in order to provide for their families. So far 70 pastors have benefited from this program, which helps to alleviate food shortages in pastors’ homes. This empowers the pastors, because in this part of the world pastors are not given a salary and
have to find alternate ways to provide for their families.
Last year, through the help of Word & Deed, we sent three officials from RTS to Rwanda to study the methods of organic farming. They did study excellent methods; upon return, the staff began training the Christians here to prepare compost manure for increased crop yields without using the organic manure which has too many chemicals that destroy soil acidity and alkalinity that lead to poor harvests. This effort is already yielding results, and there will be less need for chemical fertilizers in the future.
We have also received very good textbooks for the library through Word & Deed, as well as support for modules from Word & Deed’s partner Mukhanyo Theological College in South Africa. Through a joint effort, we have established learning centers where more than 200 rural church leaders are trained in basic theology and how to handle the Word of God correctly. Word & Deed has also supported the Annual Bible School Consultation Meetings for staff from RTS, thus making it possible to discuss theological matters that are challenging to the church in this century.
Recently, Word & Deed also supported the construction of lecture halls and offices at RTS and the construction is ongoing. When complete, this building will alleviate the problem of insufficient space, allowing us to run in a more efficient and hospitable way. We praise the Lord for our partnership with Word & Deed. W&D
Pastor Eric Ngala Mutumbi is the Principal of the Reformed Theological Seminary in Bumala, Kenya.
After my husband Cornelius and I returned to Canada after two years of working at Adoration Christian Centre in Haiti, we wanted to stay involved with supporting the school. We knew we could sponsor a student or make a small donation ourselves, but we wanted to do something more. With some ideas from friends, we decided to organize an annual fundraiser, and in 2016 the first Adoration Colour Run was planned.
The first year took quite a bit of planning and thought, as this was new for us. We reserved the park where we were going to run, bought supplies, and did some advertising. Word & Deed helped us with a website and the collection of donations. We stayed up late the night before, making posters for registration and organizing all of our supplies. The day of the event was super fun! We had lots of help and a good turnout. It went smoothly and we raised about $6,000 CAD, which is more than we would have been able to donate on our own!
Every year this event gets easier for us and our team of
volunteers to organize. Even during COVID-19, when we asked people to run in their own communities, we were thrilled that so many people stayed involved and the fundraiser ended up collecting over $70,000 CAD for Adoration! If you want to increase your impact in a meaningful and fun way, organizing a fundraiser is a great way to do it!
Since 2016, this fundraiser has collected over $300,000 CAD for Adoration Christian Centre! Are you interested in organizing a Colour Run or another event in your area? Send Kara an email at and she’ll help you get started!
If you’re in Ontario, we would love to have you join us for this year’s event. Visit for more details! We’re also excited that the second annual Edmonton Adoration Colour Run will be happening in September again. You can visit for more details about that event. W&D
Mindy Broersma and her husband Cornelius live in Hamilton, Ontario.
Our colleague, John Kottelenberg, will be retiring from his work at Word & Deed at the end of June. John has played a pivotal role in cultivating and maintaining relationships with many of our partners in the 12 years that he has worked for us. He also had a passion for connecting with many of you through church presentations, business group meetings, and personal interactions. Thank you, John, for the many years you served with Word & Deed. We will miss the humor, energy, and encouragement that you have brought to us all. May the Lord bless you and Toni as you continue to serve in His Kingdom.
The Word & Deed Board & Staff
1 Thank the Lord for the love of God in Christ and ask Him to compel you to live a life of loving, thankful service to Him.
1 Continue to pray for safety and wisdom for the Adoration community in Haiti.
2 Ask the Lord to encourage the Adoration community to look to Him as their source of strength and hope for the future.
1 Thank the Lord for the growth of RTS in recent years and pray that the seminary would be a bright light in its community.
2 Pray that many pastors in Kenya would have the desire and opportunity to increase their spiritual knowledge and, in turn, pass it on to the people in their communities.
1 Thank the Lord for the gifts and talents that he has given to many faithful volunteers who help to organize Word & Deed fundraisers every year.
For $6 USD (support five children for $30) or $8 CAD (support five children for $40), you can cover the monthly cost of a child who is a part of the Malawi Orphan Care Program. This program supports over 2,100 orphaned and vulnerable children in Malawi who are cared for in a family-based program. The support that you give will provide a child with:
• 3–5 meals per week
• School supplies and uniforms
• Help with their homework
• Biblical instruction
• Family support
As a supporter of the Malawi Orphan Care Program, you will receive an annual update on the status of the program. If you’re interested in supporting this program, send us an email at or sign up through our website at
Your will is your final act of stewardship and care, a means to purposefully allocate your resources to support the people and causes you hold dear. By including charitable giving in your will, you model a legacy of generosity to your loved ones, and you help ensure that Word & Deed Ministries continues to have an impact well beyond your lifetime.
To learn more about this or other ways to give, visit our website: planned-giving-canada/
1 Why is it important for us, as Christians, to remember the personal love and pleasure that the Lord has in saving us? How does this truth encourage you in your relationship with God?
1 After reading Neysha’s account about how the situation in Haiti is impacting her life, what are some things that you take for granted living in a relatively stable country?
2 What is Pastor Octavius’s outlook on the future of Haiti? Would you have this same response if you were in his shoes?
1 What are some of the projects that Word & Deed has been able to help RTS with? Which project do you think would be the most impactful for the people they are serving?
2 Why do you think it was important for Word & Deed not only to provide food aid to the people of RTS but also training in helpful agricultural practices?
1 If you organized a fundraiser for Word & Deed, what kind of fundraiser would it be?