Bayan Family Album 1

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Welcome to the first issue of the Bayan F amily Album. The photo on this page shows the HROD family while viewing the photographs they have taken during our recent R & R. Here at Bayan, we love to take and look at photographs. We appreciate the power of images, which makes us want to take them as well as look at them—to remember the moment. Photographs record our lives...where we’ve been, who we’ve met, how we (and others) once looked. Pictures are tangible evidence of our personal histories. As the years pass, our “photographic record” will probably become the trigger for potent feelings of nostalgia. It doesn’t matter if we use the latest DSLRs or just a crappy cellphone. It’s not always about the quality of the image, or the composition, or the lighting... Sometimes it’s just about the people in the image and the feeling that it elicits. As more people consume more photography than they ever did thanks to things like Facebook, Instagram, iPads, Flicker, and other mediums, it is safe to say that this is the golden age of photography. Everyone takes photos now, and there is inspiration all around us. History is being made, and we’re capturing it. Thus we came up with the Bayan Family Album. We solicited your photos...your memorable moments that you would like to cherish and share with others. Because at Bayan, we are family.

Bayan M oments

Bayan Mancom members and key leaders, all clad in their KKK jackets, enjoying a light moment during the fun-filled Dobleng Saya Para sa mga Naki-1sa event which n concluded our ambitious 1sa Para sa Baya n Baya sa Para 1sa program. Achieving the target is one of the proudest moments of the company, and it would not be possible without the “TDK” inspiration provided by the Bayan Mancom headed by COO Raffy Aguado. – Gerry Baclagon, HROD

Bayan M oments

Bayan Marketing led by VP Marketing Juan Jose de Jesus during its Strategic Checkpoint & Team Building at Palm Beach Resort in San Juan, Batangas last March 8-9. If BAYAN says jump, 1Marketing will ask, “How high?” Dahil sa 1Marketing, lahat ay i-Kusang Kakasa sa pag-plan at pag-abot ng Y2012 Strategic goals ni Bayan! Kitang kita naman sa picture na we can and we will! Dahil sa 1Marketing, we have fun while working and achieving. – Gleendo Dasmariñas & Cindy Nahil, Marketing

Bayan Consu mer Sales and our suppo rt group s remin d me of why I love worki ng in Bayan – they repre sent how Kasad o we are as an organ izatio n. They prove that Taya+ Gawa =Res ulta at Saya . They displa y how our drive to succe ed and malas akit allow us to alway s rise up to a challe nge and work toget her so we can celeb rate our victo ry with a Bang! Way to go Team ! – Nans Tiongson, HROD

Bayan M oments

Controllership Summer Get Away – May 10, 2012 Water Camp, Cavite. A day without numbers! Simply enjoying the company of each other! Sharing jokes and laughter! – Ruby Ferrer, Finance, Controllership & Admin

CCBC’s Teambuilding in Nuvali “While we’re young and beautiful, living free and easy... Here we are without a worry, dancing in our bare feet because when the summer’s done we might not be so young and beautiful. Every summer has a story.” s – Jennifer Madali, Finance, Controllership & Admin

(To p rig ht) Lol a Tec hie vis it the GE NER AL S las t Ma y 03 ,30 12 . Ano the r mo me nt to che ris h and rem em ber . A day full of lau ght er, fun and wo nde rfu l me mo rie s wit h the Bes t Lol a in Bay an. (Rig ht) A sim ple min ute bre ak tim e dur ing our MS AN ori ent ati on tra inin g @ Bay an ROC roo m 60 6 Tak en las t Jan uar y 29 ,20 12 . – Edw in D. Pla za , Net wo rk Reg iona l (Ge nSa n)

Bayan M oments


After a couple of operational interventions, limited funding and some six hours of road trip away from ROC, Information Technology (IT) leaders finally got this teambuilding going last May 24-25.

With the challenges we faced, we said ‘Bring IT On!’ and thus were able to explore the coast of Bolinao, Pangasinan. This blazing sunset team photo-op, the fun team bonding activities, and the camaraderie built from knowing your teammates more – we say that it was all worth the effort! – Erick M. Magpili, Information Technology

Ka tuw aan sa HR fro m wo rki ng and bei ng Hap pin ess at Bay an com es res . Wit h the m, it is not wit h peo ple wh o tru ly ca “bi da” but abo ut doi ng abo ut win nin g and bei ng h My Bay an life is fille d wit thi ngs wit h you r hea rt. Fam ily wo rks har d and me mo rie s of how thi s HR -ka ya tal ag a pag sam apla ys har der . Dit o, kay ang to the bes t HR Tea m sam ang ma y say a. Che ers I’ve had , eve r! – Nan s Tio ngs on, HRO D

Bonding Moments with the F amily

Ang saranggola ni Carlos — Just finished bonding with his father in the rice fields of Sta Rita in Nueva Ecija. – Ejay Gambol, Customer Care

en las t Ma rch Thi s wa cky sho t wa s tak s out to rel ax & 20 12 wh ile the fam ily wa Spr ing Res ort , a bon d at Lol eng ’s Mou nta in Cit y. Thi s wa s loc al nat ure par k in Da vao we re pla yin g in ca ptu red wh ile the kid s inc lud e sa sce ne, the sw ing , and “pa ra ma join ag ad si Mom & Da d”. – Av iga il Ma teo -Of am in, in (Da vao ) Finance, Controllership & Adm

te It’s me an d my fav ori e Ba ta ng as Th at ni, pa ma ng kin Ya we dd ing of Ch uc h to at te nd the te . Ya ni is my hig hs ch oo l cla ss ma l. Na iini s na on e of the flo we r gir ya nili ba ng sy a sa go wn ny a ka s us ing my ko mu na sy a sa ga me gin g ok ph on e. Bu ti na lan g na mo od ny a. er Ca re – Ne ss Br illo , Cu st om

& a



min , ao)

My hu sb an d is an OF W th at ’s wh y it on ly ha pp en s on ce ev er y ye ar — A tim e fo r fa mi ly ly bo nd ing an d a fa mi e let mp ph ot o wi th co is s fa mi ly me mb er in or de r. Th e fir st ph ot o wa s ta ke n las t Ma rc h 17 , 20 12 ’s du rin g my da ug ht er en Th 7t h bir th da y. , of f we go to Bo lin ao a r Pa ng as ina n fo 3, va ca tio n las t Ap ril 20 12 . – Cy nt hia B. Ta nie gr a, Co rD ev

Bonding Moments with the F amily

Snow in Summer — Me and my kids – Sunshine, Gabby, Lala and Gio went to Manila Ocean Park last April to visit the penguins and we found ourselves in this room that mimics a snowy town. Truly an unforgettable summer for us! Penguins — Summer is a special season for children. My kids specially since this is their first time living in Manila. Having transferred from Cebu, I wanted to immerse them with the culture and environ of the bustling metropolis. One of our trip was at the Manila Ocean Park and we had a chance to take photos with the penguins. This shot is unique since is quite rare for these Humboldt penguins to gather in any photo shots. – Gleendo Dasmariñas, Marketing

My Daughter’s Birthday Angel Christine Santos last June 5, 2012 @ Hidden Sanctuary Hotel & Resort, Marilao Bulacan. – Rommel Santos, Network

Our fam ily sum me r end er ge taw ay wa s in Pue rto Prin ce sa, Pal aw an. We had the cha nce to exp lor e the Und erg rou nd Riv er, one of the New 7 Wo nde rs of Nat ure , wh ich me asu res 8.2 kilo me ter s of win din g str etc h tha t pas ses thr oug h a ca ve wit h ma jor for ma tio ns of sta lac tite s and sta lag mit es. – Ge mm a Esq uiv el, Finance , Controllership & Admin (Le gas pi)

The se pic tur es sum up my har dsh ips , joy and fulf illm entwho le life . My mot her but as a who le per –no t only as a son . The ir sm iles brin gs bac k all the me mor ies tre asu re in my hea rt. The ir tha t I will alw ays by tim e and any one who will sm iles are not cha nge d will alw ays hav e tha t sam e look at the se pic tur es pea cef ulne ss the y hav e in fee ling of hap pine ss and in the ir eye s will alw ays be the ir sou l. The inno cen ce old er. Nik ka , EJ and Bea … the re eve n if the y gro w The JOY S OF MY LIFE …. – Nov elit a Mat iba g, Finance, Controllership & Admin

Bonding Moments with the F amily

(Abo ve) How amu sing to see the gene ratio n gap. Fath er whis tles with fun and child hood rem inisc ing like cade nce with his stee l Kari ling while daug hter enjo ying ly stru ggle s. its (Righ t) Hanb ok – Clad Fam ily in one of r, Oma y hubb my is Villa ges. In the phot o . seco nd daug hter Ira and youn gest Irish – Thelma De Leon, Customer Care Head

My wife and my son enjoyed their Summer vacation last April at Club Manila East. Perfect bonding for my family. They really enjoyed the splashin g water from the pool to scape from the scourgin g hit of the sun. – Jhun Guillerm o, Finance, Controllership & Admin

Ito ang pinaka malayong out of town na kasama ang aking mag ina, nakakatakot dahil sa naging byahe namin papunta pero napakasaya naman nang makarating na kami. Inenjoy namin ang buong araw sa pag suswimming at ang bawat sandali na kapiling sila ay walang kasing sya. – Jhon Dela Cruz, Customer Care

Bonding Moments with the F amily

My husband and I were given a chance to see the future we dream about when we attended the 50th wedding anniversary of my uncle last May. If we will be given the chance, we would also like to celebrate our anniversary in the place where it all started, saan pa kung di sa University of Santo Tomas. Syempre, we also took the moment to reminisce our college days and the best ways to do it is mag-picture – picture sa giant UST. – Jenny Elman, PDM

Noong April 28, 2012, kami ng family ko ay bumiyahe ng out of town papuntang St. Benedict Church sa Silang, Cavite, para mag-attend ng wedding ng isang relative. Masaya ang lakad namin na ito dahil kumpleto kami bilang isang family, at nakabihis pa kami ng formal para sa occasion. Kahit ang 10-year-old ko na si DJ ay pinagawan ko pa ng barong na maisusuot, dahil siya ang napiling Bible bearer para sa kasal. – Dimpy Jazmines, HROD

Mother-daughter bonding — Taking a dip into a pool on Mothers’ Day. Happy together. With my only daughter Kathreen. – Ruby Ferrer, Finance, Controllership & Admin

Bonding Moments with the F amily

We ddi ng Ann ive rsa ry, Feb 20 12 ... Ev ery yea r, my hus ban d and I ce leb rat e our ann ive rsa ry wit h a dat e. Thi s yea r, to ma ke it kak aib a and mo re me mo rab le, our dat e wa s wit h our chi ldr en. It wa s ano the r cha nce to bon d by tal kin g, pla yin g, sw imm ing and sye mp re, pic tur e-t aki ng to ca ptu re pre cio us mo me nts . Jio , Moi ra and Jec – our lov ely chi ldr en, our ang els , our ins pir ati on. The y are Go d’s gre ate st gif t and we ce leb rat e the m on our spe cia l day . – Nan s Tio ngs on, HRO D

tene t of “one for In our fami ly, whe re love abou nds, the 201 1 Chri stma s our in n show as all, all for one” is sacr ed our broo d, our first Fam ily Pict ure whe n the youn gest in kids , did a thum bsuc k born gran dson and neph ew of all our (a.k .a. tsup tsup .) Tsar ap!! – Bits Siso n, HROD

Cele brat ing Moth er’s Day on May 13, 201 2 at Sta. Rosa Peak s Reso rt cour tesy of my neph ew. My sist er Anni e (4th from the righ t) and I (2nd from the righ t) rece ived surp rise gifts of rose s and pers onal ized post er from our daug hter s Jann el, Aria nne, Aiae , Tric ia and Ches ca. Simp le yet so mea ning ful and a prod uct of love stra ight from thei r hear ts… – Luci a L. Cato lico, Netw ork

Spending summer with my Family at Enchanted Kingdom. We enjoyed every moment together. The day at Enchanted Kingdom was really that fantastic and the memories we spent together will remain in our hearts. I love my Family! – Mary Christine Barrameda, Finance, Controllership & Admin

Bakasyo n Moments

io n a nd th is w it h V is b lim c ou y ever ol c a no . If or e th a n y ou m h it Th e M a y on V w k c a ill c om e b Fa it h, y ou w k ri g a , Ne tw or – J e s us Ta im a g in e d .

It’s our second time to visit CWC, and by any means, we made sure to conquer wakeboarding. We sure did, along with the pains, splashes and all the fun that comes with it. Can’t wait for next time... – Annalyn Alivio, Customer Care

Bakasyo n Moments

– Bernadette Velado, CQCI

Dur ing fie sta “LU WA ” is bei ng ren der ed in hon or of the pat ron sai nt. Thi s pic tur e dep ict s how it wa s ren der ed in hon or of our pat ron SA N AN TON IO DE PAD UA dur ing the fie sta ce leb rat ion in our Bar ang ay Poo c in Taa l, Bat ang as las t Jun e 13 , 20 12 . – Ari s Ve rtu cio , CQ CI

B o n d in g m oments du r in g o u r “ v a c a t io n ” grand la s t M a y 2 7, o f u s in c lu d in g o u r 8 2 0 1 2 . A ll 6 -m o n t h -o ld t r a v e ll e d to HongKo baby n g t im e ! P h o t o w a s t a k fo r t h e fi r s t e n in s id e c a b le c a r the on our wa y to Ngon V ill a g e . g P in g – E r ic k D e la V e g a , Network

ec ia l an d ec ia l pl ac es …. sp sp at n ke ta at th e t to be l pe rs on ... Ta ke n om en ts ne ed no ia m l ec ia sp ec a Sp ith ) w op (T u ar e ha pp en w he n yo ha pp y m om en ts l. co Bi in n el on a, ci fic oc ea Bu ild in g in Ba rc sh or el in e of Pa ic Pr es id en ci a or st th e hi e as w th d at 74 , an ta ke n e w as bu ilt in 18 ur (A bo ve ) Th is w as ct th e ru in st n d tio ol h oc cu pa 13 8- ye ar rin g th e Sp an is So rs og on . Th is du t en m rn ve an is h Go se at of th e Sp , Ne tw or k Jo ce ly n Fi es ta – s. ne pi ilip Ph

Bakasyo n Moments

Krus ng Sierra Madre visits Bulacan The Krus ng Sierra Madre is made of pieced-together drift woods of the mulawin tree that were found in the mountains of Ingrid-Angelo which is part of the Sierra Madre mountain range in Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija. The cross symbolizes the trees that were destroyed and that are being destroyed in Sierra Madre mountain range. The pilgrimage aims to raise awareness on Sierra Madre’s current state of forest degradation and to get full support on its protection and regeneration. The Diocesan Ecological and Environmental Program (DEEP) of the Diocese of Malolos came out with a program on the arrival of the cross in Bulacan and on its different vicariate stop over which includes a 45-km bicycle fun ride from Sta. Monica Parish of Angat to Malolos Cathedral; followed by orientation on the activity and overview of the situation of Sierra Madre and the Diocese of Malolos’ response to the challenge of Save Serra Madre Network Alliance. - Liza Ventura, Finance, Controllership & Admin

Kuya Reck and Mico... We are supposed to go to CAMSUR kaso may pasok sa work, and hindi nakapagfile ng vacation leave. Kaya we went to Amadeo Falls nalang at Gen Trias Cavite. We had a great time pa rin, at least complete parin kami as family. – Ness Brillo, Customer Care

My Liliw Lagun a Esca pe The daily chore s of life, tends to get us so busy, The tensio ns we face every day gets our heads dizzy . At last! Out of my busy life, I was able to relax and unwin d Liliw Lagun a can’t take you out of my mind… – Jennifer Madali, Finance, Controllership & Admin



Bonding time with friends of more than three decades at the Big Rock Farm Resort in San Rafael, Bulacan . It was a day filled with lots of fun and memora ble stories with colleagu es way back in element ary. Cheers to our friendsh ip! – Lucia L. Catolico , Network

gh ie nd sh ip w ith Hi 25 ye ar s of fr r fo to n d io te at ra br ig le On e m A si m pl e ce se ph ’s Co lle ge . Jo ou r St , om ce fr an s st te ve r th e di Sc ho ol fr ie nd ha W S. U. e th he r to Se rb ia an d an ot ill co nt in ue . st Cu st om er Ca re ill fr ie nd sh ip w – Ej ay Ga m bo l,

Tak en last Mar ch 24, 201 2 dur ing the PAR EF Sou thr idge sch ool Tha nks givi ng dinn er give n to par ent s by aft ern oon sch ool fac ulty and adm inis tra tion . Incl ude d in the pho tos are som e fat her s of the 201 2 gra dua ting cla ss who pos ed at the pho to boo th pro vide d by the sch ool. – Eric k Del a Veg a, Net wor k Stress needs a day-off... No matter how tough or loaded the situation is, I make it a point to spend some time with my friends...take a long walk, ride or take a vacation with them. Kameraderie is one key to stay and look young. – Dick Lesaca, Network



wa s Me mo rie s... Our Hom ec om ing 20 Ye ars of His tor y and our by ed rat giv ing ma ss ce leb sta rte d off wit h a tha nks abo ut 20 0 by ed end Bas co. It wa s att en Efr Fr. . Rev ate chm bat rs. me r tea che rs and me nto alu mn i and som e of our for Controllership & Admin - Liz a Ve ntu ra, Finance,

At th e Iloc that o there s Norte we s Sand ’ s a d u we e re didn’t esert in Dunes... C x a j t 4x4 perience ust awe he Philipp n’t believ d the on th ride ines. e a e sure ly to nd sand beauty b beauty And ok al b of it, y ha behin l of o oarding! v d. ur w The b ing this orrie s and umpy rid e troub les – Wil liams on C hung , Net work

Bida Moments

I accompa n ie d m y n e p h e w , N e il J o n L o u ie P . M ir a n d a , o n s ta g e when DPWH Se S in g s o n a w c re ta ry R o g e lio L . a rd e d h im a medal fo r g ra d u a ti n g M a g n a Cum Laude (B S E C E ) d u ri n R it e s o f U P g th e R e c o g n it io n – D ili m a n C o lle g e o f E n g in e e ri n g, at UP T h e a te r o n A p ri l 2 1 , 2 0 1 2 . C u ri o u s ly , d u ri n th e s c h o o g l’ s C o m m e n c em E x e rc is e s h e ld th e fo e n t llo w in g d a y w h ic h I a ls o a tt e nded, our C h a ir m a n E m e ri tu s M r. Oscar M. Lopez, wa s g iv e n a n h o n o ra ry d e g re e o f D o c to r o f Laws Hono Causa, and ri s h e w a s th e guest s p e a k e r. Finance, Co - C ri s P e ti lu n ia , ntrollership & Admin

Bat aan Dea th Mar ch 102 Ultr a Mar ath on. Mar ch 3-4 , 201 2. Fro m KM0 0 (Ma rive les Bat aan ) to KM1 02 (Sa n Fer nan do Pan gpa nga ) with Rac e Dire cto r wel com ing and con gra tula ting me at the Fini sh Line . Nev er acc ept def eat eve n in sco urg ing hea t, pain ful l leg s and tire d dur ing the rac e. I can not finis h the rac e with out my NEV ER SUR REN DER BAY AN SUP POR T CRE W. – Ger zon Pat rian a, Net wor k

Bida Mom ents My Son Francis Guillermo enjoys our gift to him when he got his Honor in School at Good Shepherd Cathedral School. We are very proud of him and as a reward since he love Dog so much. We gave him a very lovable Poodle named “Morgan.” – Jhun Guillermo, Finance, Controllership & Admin

sa M. Juco mula sa Pina rang alan with hono rs si Chin a Alek in Vist a Verd e, ool Sch n grad e scho ol ng Faith Chri stia anak sa dala wa kong anay Cain ta, Riza l. Si Chin a ang pang kong anak na baba e. at naka mit niya sa Tum angg ap si Chin a ng tatlo ng med alya od na OUTS TAND ING kani yang reco gnit ion ang mga sum usun AWA RDS: Best in PUPI L: First Hono rabl e Ment ion; CITA TION si, Most Dilig ent at sa Scie nce, Best in Read ing, Best in Heka RD: SCIE NCE QUIZ EXTR A & CO-C URRI CULA R ACT IVITI ES AWA IC AWA RDS: Best in BEE -Firs t Plac e at sa LEV EL ACA DEM hter . I than k God for Scie nce. I am real ly prou d of my daug His cont inuo us supp ort and bles sing s. & Admin – Mign on M. Juco , Finance, Controllership

Th is pic tur e wa s ta ke n wh en I pa rti cip at ed in the 36 th Mil o Ma ra fir st Fu ll Ma ra tho n (4 tho n. It wa s my 2k ) an d I’m pro ud I fin ish ed it in 6h rs an d 2m ins did n’t re ac h the cu t . Th ou gh I off tim e wh ich is 6h rs , it wa s st ill ful fill ing be ca us e I wa s ab le to an d ve ry re wa rd ing ge t a fin ish er me da l an d a fin ish er sh irt –s ab ou t. Fu rth er mo re , I om et hin g to br ag wa s ab le to co ntr ibu te in my ow n litt le wa y a ra ise fun ds for ch ar ita he lpin g ha nd to ble pu rpo se s. – Fo nd ie Fra nc isc o, Ba ya n Bu sin es s

Bida Mom ents



My weig ht-lo ss journ ey has brou ght me plac es and thing s I neve r imag ined I’ll 50 see and expe rien ce. Losi ng more than ok outlo and s, look poun ds, chan ging my has been an over whe lming expe rien ce I that it som etim es surp rise s even me. lot a tried and , nted rese arch ed, expe rime of thing s. It’s real ly strik ing a bala nce betw een disc ipline d, but not stric t, diet and out phys ical acti vity , one won’ t just do with ed help also that s the othe r. Som e thing p, inclu de the follo wing – plen ty of slee even dly frien g bein no TV, lots of mov ies, ys with peop le you do not know , and alwa boss my h whic , face putt ing a smile on my s told me neve r to lose even unde r time eat to not try I of stre ss and dure ss. and whe n I’m emo tiona l. I also mea sure d, . ress prog my d mea sure d, and mea sure I if ed work have not Most ly, thes e woul d who le peop with elf did not surr ound mys are supp ortiv e of my goal . – Noel Bart olom e, CQC I Head

We end this issue of Bayan Family Album with a breathtaking evening scene from Bayan Tacloban courtesy of Joseph Gaw of Network. This was taken during their celebration of “Fiesta ng Bayan” wherein lighted paper lanterns were launched under the night sky. The lanterns carried the employees’ prayers, petitions and wishes for Bayan, their families and our customers.

P arting


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