Evangelistic Impact August 2011

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Impact August-September 2011 / Edition 692 / www.impactoevangelistico.net




The magazine that edifies your life

Renewal of faith

agosto-setiembre 2011



Stayed Up His arms and

Israel prevailed Moses was a man with extraordinary qualities, guiding the people of Israel through

Rev. Gustavo Martínez International President of the W.M.M.

lower his arms, Amalek would prevail. This is how Aaron and Hur realized the

the desert on their way to the Promised Land.

reality of Moses humanity and that even

Israel had to fight with Amalek. Moses gave

though he was a man of God he needed the

instructions to Joshua his servant, to confront

faithfulness of his helpers; they realized that

the enemy: ““Then came Amalek, and fought

God had called them for that hour and had put

that their leader

with Israel in Rephidim. And Moses said unto

them close to their leader.

needed help, one

They perceived

Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight

They perceived that their leader needed help,

of the things that

with Amalek: to morrow I will stand on the top

one of the things that a leader needs is that God

a leader needs is

of the hill with the rod of God in mine hand.

rise up faithful people that will be of support,

that God rise up

So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and

that will keep them from dangers of the evil

faithful people that

fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and

will of the false “brethren.”

will be of support,

Hur went up to the top of the hill. And it came

that will keep them

The apostle Paul was a victim to this false

to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that

“brethren” who faint their love and desire to be

from dangers of

Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand,

with him, but they betrayed him, they defamed

the evil will of the

Amalek prevailed. But Moses hands were heavy;

his character and they opposed his ministry.

false “brethren.”

and they took a stone, and put it under him, and

The apostle Paul

That is why it is necessary to have people of

he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his

support that love and be faithful to God and

was a victim to this

hands, the one on the one side, and the other

to their leader. Those immediate to him, his

false “brethren”

on the other side; and his hands were steady

family are the first who should be of support of

who faint their

until the going down of the sun. And Joshua

his labor. Those who are close to the servant of

love and desire

discomfited Amalek…”, (Exodus 17:8-16).

God should cooperate with him faithfully and

to be with him,

not allow themselves to be taken by the devil to

but they betrayed

attack or to destroy.

him, they defamed

The Bible describes the men chosen by God as human beings with normal characteristics: weak, who would get tired, who would

his character and

It is the obligation of the co-worker to

get hunger, who would give up under the

spiritually and morally guard his leader. To

they opposed his

load. Moses also would get tired, and it was

pray for him, to be sensitive to his needs, and to


necessary to have the presence of two men

not permit anyone to do him harm, to be by his

that could help him. When Moses would lift

sight, to support him and to encourage him to

up his hands symbolizing worship to God and

obtain his goals guarantying his unconditional

begging for his favor, Israel would take the

support, this, well this is his privilege. Amen.

advantage but when he would get tired and

2 • Impacto evangelístico




Impact Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz July 2011 / Edition N° 691 (USPS 012-850) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a non-profit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936


The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a nonprofit religious organization properly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in Washington D.C. with headquarters in both cities and in each state of the American Union, as well as in other countries where we have missionary works established.

• Salvation by Faith in Christ: Luke 24:47; John 3:16; Romans 10:13-15; Titus 2:11; 3:5-7.

n Important Offerings, cash donations, gifts in goods or commodities, real state given by will in favor of the Worldwide Missionary Movement Inc. are tax deductible and the receipts expedited by the Worldwide Missionary Movement may be presented to the U.S. Federal Government I.R.S. and the Associated Free State of Puerto Rico I.R.S.

• Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1; Titus 3:7.

n Visit our Website Obtain edifying information of the Work of God and stay up-to-date. Your personal access from any place in the world: www.impactoevangelistico.net

• Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 8:16, 17; Mark 16:18; James 5:14, 15.

POSTMASTER: send address changes to Impacto Evangelístico P.O. BOX 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644 Teléfono (787) 761-8806; 761-8805; 761-8903

OFICIALES DEL M.M.M. INC. INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS OF THE W.M.M. INC. Rev. Gustavo Martínez President Rev. José Soto Vice-president Rev. Jorge Álvarez Secretary Rev. Rodolfo González Treasurer Rev. Álvaro Garavito Director Rev. Margaro Figueroa Director Rev. Rómulo Vergara Director Rev. Humberto Henao Director

Copyright © 2010 Evangelistic Impact


CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN: Argentina Aruba Australia Belgium Belize Bolivia Bonaire Brazil Cameroon Canada Canaries Islands(Spain) Chile Colombia Congo Costa Rica Curacao Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador England English Guyana Equatorial Guinea France French Guyana Gabon Germany Ghana Guatemala Haiti

n If you so desire You may write us to our mailing address: Worldwide Missionary Movement Inc. P.O. Box 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644

Hawaii Islands (U.S.A.) Holland Honduras India Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Malaysia Mexico Nicaragua Nigeria Panama Paraguay Peru Portugal Puerto Rico Republic of Mauritius Rodriguez Islands Spain Sweden Switzerland St. Andres Islands (Col.) St. Croix Islands Suriname The U.S.A. Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Venezuela

Made in the Depósito Legal at the National Library of Peru N° 2011-02530 Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostés-Movimiento Misionero Mundial: Av. 28 de Julio 1781 - Lima 13 - Perú Impresión: Quad/Graphics Perú S.A. Av. Los Frutales 344 - Lima 03 - Perú

Worldwide Circulation: 200,000 copies

• The New Birth: John 3:3; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 3:9.

• Baptism in Water by immersion as ordered by Christ: Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:36-39. • Baptism in the Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation, speaking in other tongues accordingly: Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 8; 2:4.

• The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. • The Fruit of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. • Sanctification: 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15, 16; 1 John 2:6.

WORDLWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, INC. • Church Ministry and Evangelism: (MOVIMIENTO MISIONERO MUNDIAL, INC.) Mark 16:15-20; Romans 10:15.

The contents of this publication are properly registered at the Library of Congress, Washing- • Tithing and the Financial Support of the Church: ton D.C., USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Genesis 14:20; 28:22; Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:21-26; Malachi 3:7-10; The complete or partial reproduction of the Matthew 10:10; 23:23. contents of this magazine or its translation to other languages is prohibited without the • The Rapture of the Church: express written consent of the MOVIMIENTO Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; MISIONERO MUNDIAL, INC. also known as 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. the WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, INC. According to international agreements, • The Second Coming of Christ: copyright infringement is punishable by law. Zechariah 14:1-9; Matthew 24:30, 31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7; Titus 2:13; Jude n OUR DOCTRINE 14, 15. The Worldwide Missionary Movement firmly adheres to the fundamental doctrines of the • The Millennial Reign of Christ: Holy Scriptures such as: Isaiah 2:1-4; 11:5-10; Zechariah 9:10; Revelation 19:20; 20:3-10. • The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21. • Divine Godhead in Three persons: Father, Son • The New Heavens and the New Earth: and Holy Spirit. Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; ReveGenesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Matthew 3:16, 17; lation 21:1. 17:1-5; 28:19; John 17:5, 24, 26; 16:32; 14:16, 23; 18:5, 6; 2 Peter 1:17, 18; Revelation 5.

agosto-setiembre 2011



María Espejo Cerdán Pictures: Gabriele Marsile and Maria Espejo

The Worldwide Missionary Movement in Spain held its first European Congress. A historic event attended by brethren from 30 countries. Amid the violence and economic crisis affecting the first world, the Word of God served to send a message of hope.

Europe mafnifies the



t is summer in Europe, but it is gray: Violence, economic crisis, roads taken by hordes who burn everything. From England, Greece, Spain, news emerges that speaks of a critical moment. In the midst of a stage not at all auspicious for the continent, the word of God emanates majestically. More than three thousand brethren of our Work came together in Madrid for five days of the First European Congress of the Worldwide Missionary Movement. A moment of peace and prayer for this part of the world, which now more than ever demands the Divine Presence.

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From the 3rd to the 7th of August thousands of brethren from 30 countries around the world, gathered at the Hotel Auditorium Madrid along with the significant attendance of Reverend Gustavo Martinez Garavito, Jose Soto, Rodolfo Gonzalez, Jorge Alvarez, Alvaro Garavito, Margaro Figueroa, Rómulo Vergara, and Rubén Concepción, international officials of the WMM. Glowing convocation marked by the different messages, testimonies and stories of the power of God, irrefutable evidence of the Almighty’s infinite capacity to achieve everything that is impossible for man. Thus, the Lord sent his message of hope to a region hit by the clutches of evil via severe financial and social depression.

[COVER] aniversario

REV. GUSTAVO MARTĂ?NEZ International President of the WMM

We are gathered here in Spain in the presence of the Lord. We have come from around the world to worship the Owner of the Work of the WMM and give Him all honor and all glory for He is the only sovereign and wise. But we have also gathered to reaffirm, once again, that this Work was born in the heart of God. This is a Work unlike others who follows the direction of God, who believes in the Word, and whose desire is always to obey that Word. It is a work, too, that has an identity and a vision to fulfill in the world. A work of testimony and biblical foundations, which for half a century has upheld the sound doctrine. God has raised up this Work and blessed it. In this process, the enemy lurks and seeks a way to damage it. However, because of the blood of Christ and the selfless sacrifice of men and women who have served for years and adhered to the doctrine, and their loyalty to God and his work, it will not fall before the Evil One. We have to halt the stride of the enemy. We must highly consecrate this doctrine that the Lord continue to be with us and his glory and power be magnified.

agosto-setiembre 2011



REV. JOSÉ SOTO International Vice-President of the WMM and Supervisor in Europe

Things in the physical world do not change immediately, but when a man of faith stands full of the grace and confidence from God, the devil must depart, and succumb to the authority of God. The devil knows that we have power against all of the forces of the enemy and the church is enabled to trample the devil, and tread on serpents. The devil will have to flee from your life, your home, and your church; from any entrenchment, we have the power and authority to shake the devil’s nests and proclaim victory. He will not be able to tie your life. The intention of the devil is to destroy God’s creation. So he destroys mankind in the physical area with vices, drugs, and other ills of society. He destroys the human personality; he makes humans to be as rag dolls, puppets of promiscuity and immorality. Moral values disappear and negative values are exalted and to a great extent, they are published and weighted through television, film, and other media. The human race is bombarded in such a way that people are confused and call good that which is evil, and view what is good as if it were bad, just as the Scriptures indicate.


Under the slogan, “Committed to Magnify His Work,” the event focused on the re-transmission of edifying evangelistic messages. The task of a meticulous organization fell upon the work established in Spain, led by Pastor Carlos Medina, and as in the case of other events, this one stood out for its excellence and cleanliness.. In the opening ceremony, after a welcoming service led by Rev. Medina, the International President of the WMM, Rev. Gustavo Martinez, stressed the great satisfaction of the millions of brethren who belong to this Work because of the magnificent event that took



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place with God’s help and His grace. He also noted that the First European Congress, “Will mark a before and an after in the life of the World Missionary Movement in Europe.” He likewise emphasized the enormous responsibility on the shoulders of the people of God, because through their work the image of God will shine in every corner of the earth. At the time of the inaugural sermon, Rev. Jose Soto, International Vice-President of the WMM and Missionary Supervisor in Europe, did not overlook the importance of this Congress embodied on Spanish lands in the midst of the crisis of a society that is pressed to know Christ,



for which He emphasized that the Worldwide Missionary Movement is the ideal shield to resist the temptations of the devil. “God is near, and He has ordained for his Work to expand throughout Europe. We have the task of keeping His Word alive and take it everywhere,” he said.

SPIRITUAL FEAST Meanwhile, on the second and third day of the Congress, the Lord’s presence became increasingly evident. Thus, with a multicultural audience, Pastor Jimmy Ramirez, responsible for the Work in Switzerland, and Pastor Wilson


France agosto-setiembre 2011



REV. JORGE ÁLVAREZ International Secretary of the WMM

Amidst the problems we, the Christians, grow spiritually. Problems and trials are ideal for our growth and our training. The greatest trial for the missionaries and the Church comes with the economic crisis with its recession and unemployment. If you have come with a trial, or a problem, appeal to the help from the Lord, draw upon the spiritual help He offers. The devil wants our hands to be tied, for us not to have any freedom, he wants to chain us, but we have the liberty and the power of God. A people are here, who no one can silence. The Bible speaks to us about the door to Noah’s Ark, which once it was closed, no one could enter. The Holy Scriptures tell us about Thomas, about the disciples who were present in the service of resurrection, who saw when Jesus entered and appeared while the doors were closed, and how they said to Thomas, “You were not at the resurrection service. You missed Jesus who was with us.” He had not been enclosed with the Lord. This is the problem of not enclosing ourselves with God: We miss the presence, the glory, and the blessing of the Heavenly Father.


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Sanchez, in charge of the Church in Italy, prayed for all of Europe, who currently witnesses with amazement the large outbreaks of violence in the United Kingdom. They asked God for a speedy awakening and revival of the Old Continent. Also, other Christians came from Israel, Switzerland, Sweden and Mauritius to this spiritual feast, full of devotion, revealing important spiritual testimonials. To achieve the global expansion of the faith of



Jesus Christ, the main members of the International Board of the WMM powerfully preached in Madrid the doctrine of the Most High. Rev. Gustavo Martinez Garavito, who throughout the whole event never ceased to stress the commitment of the Christian brethren to magnify the Work of God, confirmed that we should always believe and obey the principles stated in the Bible. He noted that, “The Worldwide Missionary Movement will keep pressing forward, >>>


GLOBAL TRANSMISSION The continued development of the First European Congress of Work was transmitted by the Bethel TV signal, live and direct from Spain in high definition format. The whole world witnessed this event via the most important telecommunications Christian network in the world. Similarly, the broad media platform of the WMM, which highlighted Bethel Radio, the celestial frequency based in Lima, and various websites, permitted the activities of this Congress to be disseminated in such faraway nations such as, India, the United States, Italy, Japan, and Ecuador. They were five days of transmission, which took place even during the early dawn of the South American continent.

Equatorial Guinea

Guatemala agosto-setiembre 2011


[COVER] and will never depart from the sound doctrine essential to salvation.” Whereas Rev. Alvaro Garavito, International Board Member and National Supervisor of the Work in Guatemala, encouraged the Christian people to serve God by following the example of those great men who came to understand the spiritual life and the conditions under which human beings unfold. “Only with spiritual eyes can we see what God has prepared for us,” said Rev. Garavito, who inspired by Psalm 119, verse 18, preached a powerful message entitled: “Seeing With the Vision;” the same gathered more than one positive comment, and was recorded in the hearts of the audience.

tire Worldwide Missionary Movement participated in, will allow us to gather more brethren in a country that will be designated in due time.” Furthermore, he said that the next Worldwide Congress will be held in Panama in 2013 where “the 50th anniversary of the Worldwide Missionary Movement will be celebrated.” In this way, the Worldwide Missionary Movement demonstrated that in Europe the Gospel is gaining ground day after day at a steady and sure pace. It is evidence that, beyond any worldly doubt, strengthens the foundation of the Christian faith and increases the labor of this Work in the total propagation of the message of hope from the Creator. Both, fruits of a labor began by Jesus Christ through his servant Luis M. Ortiz in 1963 in Puerto Rico, and that now is a worldwide denomination with an active presence in the five continents.

PANAMA WILL BE THE HOST OF THE WORLDWIDE CONGRESS On Sunday, August 7th, the last day of the 1st European Congress of the W.M.M., the massive attendance of believers served as the ideal setting for the promotion ceremony of 26 servants of Jesus Christ, who were promoted to the different positions of Lay Preachers, Licensed Pastors, and Ordained Ministers. Likewise, Pastor Sam Jacob, from India, was appointed the National Supervisor of the Work in that country; and Rev. Jimmy Ramírez, from Switzerland and Rev. Hugo López, from Italy, were promoted to Presbyters. Moreover, Pastor Janet Ramírez was appointed Missionary to South Africa. Rev. Martínez, before the closing of the event, announced that the dates for the Continental Congress of the Work in Europe will be held every five years and emphasized: “The next one will be even more glorious. The experience acquired during this appointment with God, in which the Church in Spain and the en-


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[COVER] aniversario


REV. RODOLFO GONZĂ LEZ International Treasurer of the WMM

The only way for this Work to remain on its feet is for us all to be vigilant and to be aware of any incorrect thing that can ruin us. We need to sustain one to another. Let us pray the ones for the others, and let us do so with love. A special greeting to the brethren of Peru and to the representatives of the different countries who have come to Spain. In Peru, God continues to do marvelous things. Here in Madrid, the capital of one of the most important countries of Europe, we have felt the presence of God. Jesus has allowed his Word, through the Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, to be diffused worldwide. Blessed be the Lord, who allows us today by His infinite power to take His teachings throughout a continent that urgently needs to receive the Grace of God, and to know the truth before the end of time. All the nations need to know that Christ does not approve of anything that is against the Bible.

The United States


This first European Congress of the Work has overflowed our expectations. The mood has been of great spiritual heights from the beginning, and the presence of God was manifested in all the messages. Before the start of this event, my daughter, a faithful Christian and a member of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, had a precious revelation from Christ through a dream, in which the altar was an arsenal where the Christian people from all over the world came to seek their weapons of faith. That revelation came true: Delegations from South America, Central America, Europe, and even from Africa came. In my capacity as host, and as a member of the organizing committee for the Congress, I would like to thank all the participants. The event was a success of the Lord. The delegations of Italy and Spain are worth mentioning as from both countries, the concurrence of the brethren who integrate the Work was massive and multitudinous. Thus, here in Madrid, the Almighty kindled a very powerful flame, which I am certain will never burn out, and will illuminate the entire European continent. It is very clear the Creator is preparing His people for a great Revival.

Puerto Rico agosto-setiembre 2011

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Above, the promotion of pastors held on the fourth day of the First European Congress

REV. EDELMIRO IVINA National President of the WMM in Africa

Thanks to the Work in Spain, the Worldwide Missionary Movement was able to establish a church in Equatorial Guinea, who planted the seed of God in African soil, and because of that closeness, the European Congress was of vital importance for the delegations of the WMM in Africa. We who form part of the Christian community in the second largest continent of the planet are pleased to have enjoyed the powerful Word of Christ. This has been wonderful. Now, as we return to our homes in Africa, we take with us all the materials of this great spiritual feast in which the Almighty manifested Himself from start to finish, and we are determined to take the most out of them, so that other people on African soil can also come to know God. The idea, moreover, is to bring about, in a not too distant future, and with the guidance of Jesus Christ, the First African Congress of the WMM. We trust that the Board Members of the Work, as with this event, will give us their full support.


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REV. ÁLVARO GARAVITO The Work of God has two important phases, such as two parallel lines: The physical or material work, and the spiritual work. Both must move forward parallel to each other, but many have remained in the physical work, entangled in the material things. They have abandoned the spiritual part, and their eyes can no longer see the vision. The spiritual motor of mankind is the vision. The vision detects those who the Lord calls. In the vision, we can understand when God calls a young person, or a family. We need to instruct them, advise them, and orient them so they can rise up spiritually. You can say, “I cannot,” but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. You can say, “I am weak,” but the Lord is with you as a powerful giant. Therefore, you should not fear what man can do to you. God has the resources, Missionary Brethren, God did not bring you to Europe to vegetate, or get comfortable; time is too short. Pray, fast, watch, study the Word, fill yourself of the Lord, have the vision, and take the Work all about because the trumpets will sound soon, and the Lord will take away those who have their eyes open.



[DEVOTION] aniversario

The accuracy of

GOD’S WORD Rev. Luis M. Ortiz


ome time ago I read in a daily newspaper an article the content of which, in my opinion, is much more important and transcendental than the fact that man has gone and come back from the moon, and the launching of spaceships. This article was entitled: “A Whole Day Is Missing Since the Foundation of the Universe.” I would like to quote this interesting article: The story is about a discovery made and related by Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, Maryland, and consultant of the Space Program (NASA), who said that a day was missing throughout time. Mr. Hill said that one of the most amazing things that God can show us today happened to our astronauts and space scientists of the United States of America. They were trying to determine the position of the sun, the moon, and the planets from that time to one hundred years, and then to one thousand years; however, in order to determine the future positions they needed to know what their positions had been in the past. They found out what their positions in the past centuries had been, when suddenly they stopped; the computers pointed out that something was wrong either with the information submitted or with the results obtained; a day was missing in the history of time. Scientists were confused, there was no explanation. One of them remembered a comment in the Bible concerning the sun, and when they searched it

(...) cience has had to recur to the Bible, the Word of God, to

solve its scientific problems; nothing in life, in death, in creation, in time, in space, in eternity finds an explanation apart from God and His Word. In the Biblical passage about the origin of the universe, the world, man, and life in all its forms, the Bible frequently repeats a phrase that is precisely the key to the beginning of all things, which is: “And God said.”

they found in the book of Joshua a very “ridiculous prayer” for everybody with “common sense.” According to the Scriptures Joshua was worried because he was surrounded by his enemies and he would be defeated by night. Then, he asked God to stop the sun and it stood still in the midst of heaven and hasted not to go down about a whole day (Joshua 10:13); the missing day had been found. When they returned the computers back to the date in which Joshua wrote the prayer, the scientists found that their calculations were almost correct; the time that had passed in Joshua’s day was only 23 hours and 20 minutes, not a whole day. They read again the Scriptures and found that the Bible said: “about a whole day.” They could not explain yet what happened with the remaining 40 minutes. They had to find the remaining 40 minutes because when projecting the orbits into space, that time would multiply. Again, the same person, the same scientist, remembered that in another part of the Bible it said that the sun moved backwards. In the 2nd book of Kings chapter 20, Hezekiah on his deathbed was visited by the Prophet Isaiah to whom he asked for a sign as a proof. Isaiah said: “Shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees? And Hezekiah answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees.” (2 Reyes 20:9,10). Ten degrees are exactly 40 minutes; 23 hours and 20 minutes in the case of Joshua, plus the 40 minutes in the case of Hezekiah, resulted in the 24 hours that were missing in the space calculation as the day that is missing in the universe. This ends the mentioned scienti-

fic article. My friends, once again science has had to recur to the Bible, the Word of God, to solve its scientific problems; nothing in life, in death, in creation, in time, in space, in eternity finds an explanation apart from God agosto-setiembre 2011

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and His Word. In the Biblical passage about the origin of the universe, the world, man, and life in all its forms, the Bible frequently repeats a phrase that is precisely the key to the beginning of all things, which is: “And God said.” This means: Everything came into existence and to life through the Word of God, about which the apostle Paul wrote: “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which were seen were not made of things which do appear” (Hebrews 11:3).

Friends, in the article we just read, we saw how the Bible solved a scientific problem that was revealed by the computer, the lack of a whole day since the foundation of the world. The source of true science is the Word of God. The Word of God is accurate, it is faithful; 1st Timothy 1:15 says: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation.” The Word of God is upright, Psalm 33:4 says:”For the Word of the Lord is right.” The Word of God is extremely pure, Psalm 119:140 says:”Thy word is very pure.” The word of God is tried, in 2nd Samuel 22:31 says: ““The word of the Lord is tried.” Also, Psalm 12:6 says: “The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”

Friends, the Word of God does not only solve scientific problems and many other types of problems with such an amazing accuracy, but above and before all it solves man’s spiritual problem first, which is the biggest problem facing humanity. It has been very well stated that the Bible is the travelers’ map, the pilgrims’ staff , the pilots’ compass, the soldiers’ sword, the Christians’ Magna Carta, water for the thirsty, bread for the hungry, light for the lost, comfort for the sad, it is a mine of riches, the paradise of glory, and the fountain of happiness. Great thinkers, philosophers, writers, poets, musicians, liberators, and statesmen have exalted the Holy Bible. Gabriela Mistral, a Chilean writer, said: “the Bible is the book for me; I don’t know how anyone can live without it.” Galo Plaza Lasso, one of Ecuador’s ex-presidents, and the OEA’s ex-secretary, said: “Here is the Bible, the one I read every morning to be clothed of patience and Christian virtues.”

Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, an Argentinean writer and politician, expressed the following: “The reading of the Bible laid the foundations of the popular education that has changed the face of the nations that own it.” Abraham Lincoln, an ex-president of the United States and a politician said: “I believe the Bible is the greatest gift God has ever given to man, all the good that emanates from the Savior of the world is communicated through this book.” William Gladstone, British politician and statesman, said: “I have met 95 of the world’s greatest men in my time, and 87 of them were followers of the Bible. The Bible brings the hallmark of its origin, and an immeasurable distance separates it from any other book.” George Washington, leader of the independence and the first president of the United States of America, said: “It is impossible to rightly govern the whole world without God and the Bible.” Napoleon, French military and ruler, said: “The Bible is not just a book, but a living creation with a power that overcomes everything that may come against it.” Daniel Webster, United States politician, said: “If in my thoughts, style, there is something commendable, I owe it to my parents who inspired me from an early age to love the Holy Scriptures.” Patrick Henry, a prominent figure in the American Revolution, said: “The Bible is worth more than any other book that has ever been written.” Immanuel Kant, German philosopher, expressed the following: “The existence of the Bible as a book for the people has been the greatest benefit that the human race has ever experienced; any attempt to discredit it is a crime against humanity.” Isaac Newton, English scientist, said: “There are more signs of authenticity in the Bible than in any secular history.” Geothe, a German playwright and a poet, said: “Let mental culture make progress, let the depth and extension of natural science increase every moment, and let the human mind be expanded as much as it wishes, beyond the elevation and the moral culture of Christianity as the Gospel shines, they will never be brighter.” >>>

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[DEVOTION] aniversario

Sir William Crookes, English chemist and physicist, expressed the following: “All human discoveries seem to be made just to prove more and more the truths contained in the Holy Scriptures.” Ferrar Fenton, Bible translator, clearly stated: “The only key for mankind to discover the mysteries of the universe and himself is in the Holy Scriptures.” Juan Donoso Cortez, Spanish philosopher, writer, politician, and diplomat, exclaimed: “Marvelous book that mankind began to read 33 centuries ago, and in reading it every day and every hour, has not yet finished reading it; that prodigious book, which when the heavens withdraw into themselves like a giant scroll, and the earth faints, and the sun gathers up its light, and the stars stop shining, this book alone will remain with God because it is His eternal Word echoing forever in the highest.”

The Word of God does not only solve scientific problems and many other types of problems with such an amazing accuracy, but above and before all it solves man’s spiritual problem first, which is the biggest problem facing humanity. It has been very well stated that the Bible is the travelers’ map, the pilgrims’ staff , the pilots’ compass, the soldiers’ sword, the Christians’ Magna Carta, water for the thirsty, bread for the hungry, light for the lost, comfort for the sad, it is a mine of riches, the paradise of glory, and the fountain of happiness.

My dear friends, if the fools, the unbelievers, the atheists, and the materialists pretend to deny the authenticity and the authority of the Bible, we’ll continue to read, to believe, to practice, and to proclaim the Word of God. Their denial and unbelief produces insensitivity, brutalization, corruption, sin, violence, and miserable morals; our assertion and faith produces forgiveness, cleanli ness, peace, salvation and eternal life. Thank God for the accuracy, the authenticity, the truth, and the eternity of the Word and all its blessings towards us. Friends and brethren, read the Bible to be wise, believe in the Bible to be saved, and practice the Bible to be holy. My friend, if you want to receive the glorious benefits of the Word of God, repent of all your sins, receive Jesus Christ into your heart and life as your great Savior.

If the fools, the unbelievers, the atheists, and the materialists pretend to deny the authenticity and the authority of the Bible, we’ll continue to read, to believe, to practice, and to proclaim the Word of God. Their denial and unbelief produces insensitivity, brutalization, corruption, sin, violence, and miserable morals; our assertion and faith produces forgiveness, cleanli ness, peace, salvation and eternal life. Thank God for the accuracy, the authenticity, the truth, and the eternity of the Word and all its blessings towards us.

agosto-setiembre 2011

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Powerful revival in the

United States

The church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Grand Rapids, Michigan held a great event. Dozens of people surrendered their lives to the Almighty.


he Pentecostal Church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement “Light and Truth” in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where Sister Hilda Gonzalez pastors, held a powerful revival of salvation, liberation, and divine healing from the 17th to the 19th of June. The pastors and the congregations from Zone 4 were present. For this event Rev. Alberto Ortega, pastor in Miami, Florida, was invited as the guest 16 • Impacto evangelístico

speaker to preach the Word of God on each day. One of the messages he shared was entitled: “ The Profound Anointing,” based on the book of Song of Solomon 1:4. During this evangelistic revival, many lives surrendered their lives to the God Almighty. To God be the Glory from everlasting l to everlasting! Hallelujah!

[EVENTS] aniversario

National Convention in

India The Ninth National Convention of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in India was held from June 22nd to the 25th, 2011, at the House of Prayer, Christhukula Ashramam, Tiruppattur, at about 36 kilometers from Yelagiri


great number of brethren from the churches around the country gathered under the presence of God at the Ninth National Convention of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in India. This megaevent was held from June 22nd to the 25th at the House of Prayer, Christhukula Ashramam, Tiruppattur, at about 36 kilometers from Yelagiri Hills. Rev. Jose Soto, International Vice-President and Missionary Supervisor to Europe; Rev. Samuel (don’t forget to add the space after the period) David Mejia, Missionary Supervisor to Asia and National Vice-President in Colombia; and Rev. David Echalar, National Supervisor of the Work in Italy who were the bearers of the Word of God were present at this event. During the services it was necessary to have the preacher and two translators on the platform due to the different languages the attendees of this convention speak. The Lord took control over this precious event and manifested His power. Each preaching was glorious; it touched and shook the hearts of everyone. The Word of God renewed the lives of the pastors and the believers. In addition, this event transformed the character of all the brethren from the different churches and the cities of the Indian Territory. It was wonderful to see how the pastors and the different churches committed themselves to God and His Work. Delegations from other countries such as: Oman (Bro. Omar and his family), Singapore, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, the Islands of Andaman and Nicobar also attended. From the Indian Republic we also had special guests, pastors, and believers from Western Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, and Mumbai (Bombay). The opening ceremony was a great blessing and the delegates were touched by the message Rev. Jose Soto preached. En el segundo día de Convención, en horas On the second day of the Convention in the morning, Rev. David Echalar preached a message under the title: “Provoking a Revival.” In the afternoon, a special gathering for the pastors and wives took place; for that occasion Rev. Jose Soto preached about the twelve apostles. Later in the evening service, Rev. Samuel David Mejia >>> agosto-setiembre 2011

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preached about: “Faith, The Connection Between your Heart, Your Mouth, and Your Actions.” On the third day of the Convention, in the morning, Rev. José Soto preached based on Chapter 21 of the Book of John, and in the evening time, a special meeting was held for the families. A graduation service was also held in which 10 students, after fulfilling all the needed requirements, received their diploma in Christian Ministry. Rev. David Echalar preached a message entitled: “Taking Care of God’s Fire.” God manifested His presence during this service.

THE LAST AND GREAT DAY En la clausura se realizó el Culto Misionero. El The Missionary Service was held in closing. Rev. José Soto preached the message: “Apostasy, Always A Problem,” and the Epistle of Jude was the passage used for this preaching. All the pastors and attendees committed their lives to protect the Christian faith even amidst the apostasy. The Promotion Ceremony was held during this service, where 12 brothers and 2 sisters were promoted to the position of Lay Preachers; 7 Lay Preachers were promoted to the position of Licensed Pastors, and 3 Licensed Pastors were promoted to the position of Ordained Ministers. It was the first time the Lord granted us the privilege to broadcast live the National Convention of India via Internet in audio and video through www.imiw.org. All the attendees testified about the great blessings poured out in each service. The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident and spoke to each attendee leaving an indelible mark in each one of them. VISIT TO THE CHURCH OF MUMBAI On the Monday following the National Convention, Pastor Sam Jacob, Pastor Sukumar 18 • Impacto evangelístico

Jeyasing, and Pastor Sharon Devaprassannam traveled together with Rev. Samuel David Mejía, Missionary Supervisor to Asia, to the city of Mumbai (Bombay) to visit the new church. This congregation was established through Pastor Paulose and his family who relocated to said city in August of 2010 to commence the Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Mumbai (Bombay). Currently, services are held in a classroom of a school that has been provided free of charge because this church does not yet have the necessary finances for the rental of a specific place in which to hold services. In this city, the Lord moved in a precious way in the midst of about 20 to 25 brethren. Two precious special services were held, and even pastors from other churches came drawn by the news of what God has been doing in this Work. Let us continue praying for the Work in Mumbai (Bombay), for India, and the entire Asian continent. Let us pray for three specific countries, The Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, so that the Work of the Lord of the Worldwide Missionary Movement can be established in them as soon as possible.

[EVENTS] aniversario

National Camp Meeting in


The church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Montreal lived glorious moments at the third National Camp Meeting where Canada was declared for Christ.


he Worldwide Missionary Movement in Canada held their National Camp Meeting where an important part of the Work gathered. This event took place from the 24th to the 26th of June, 2011. The pastors from Calgary (province of Alberta), Pastor Darwin Aquino and his beloved wife, Sis. Mirta de Aquino, together with a group of brethren that flew for almost five hours just to arrive in Montreal, and a hour and a half to move to the campground; another family from the same church drove for almost five days to attend the event. The pastors from Toronto (province of Ontario), Rev. Denis Guadamuz and his beloved wife, Sis. Lidia Guadamuz, also attended. Moreover, a group of brethren traveled for almost nine hours just to reach the campground. The church of Montreal (province of Quebec), with their pastor Rev. Marcos Salgado, Presbyter of Canada, and his beloved

wife, Sis. Roxana Salgado, were present as well. They worked hard, together with the brethren, for this precious event to take place. The visit of Rev. Anthony Sosa, Missionary to Tampico, Mexico, was an enjoyable blessing for God used him in a powerful way while preaching the Word. Rev. Sosa emphasized, “God has proclaimed and confirmed what we have believed... The time has come to conquer Canada for Jesus Christ.” This event has left a big expectation for the Glorious National Fellowship Meeting that will take place from the 7th to the 9th of October. Rev. Carlos Guerra, National Supervisor, (as there are only two, only a comma is sufficient) and Rev. Jose Soto, International Vice President of the Work, will be taking part in this event. We glorify our Lord Jesus Christ for his precious visitation during this Third National Camp Meeting. agosto-setiembre 2011

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Youth and Pastors Convention in

Colombia The young people and the pastors of the Work gathered together in Medellin for their National Convention. Twenty thousand people gathered to worship the presence of God in the Colombian territory.


his year’s Youth and Pastors National Convention in Colombia took place in the capital of the state of Antioquia, from the 21st to the 24th of June. The attendees gathered at the famous arena “ La Macarena,” which has a capacity for 18,000 people in the bleachers and 2,000 in the central part of the stadium. The Pastors gathered during the day at the “Palacio de Exposiciones,” a place specially made for fairs and international conventions with a unique architectural design that can be divided into rooms with a capacity of 5,000 people in each. During the night, everyone gathered at the arena “La Macarena.” Both areas were located near the Metro station. The arena “La Macarena” is near the “Suramericana” station, and the “Palacio de Exposiciones” is close to the “Exposiciones” station. Both places were close to one another, which facilitated the shuttling. The people were honored with the attendance of some of the International Board Members and the entire National Board of the Worldwide Missionary Movement. Some of the main speakers were Rev. Gustavo Martinez Garavito, International President; Rev. Jorge Alvarez, International Secretary; and Rev. Humberto Henao, International Board Mem20 • Impacto evangelístico

ber and National Supervisor of the Work in Colombia.

GLORIOUS OPENING The opening night was so glorious with a massive attendance of the people of God who did not want to miss such a great blessing. Rev. Gustavo Martinez Garavito preached the Word of God under the title: “To Serve God Has Always Been Costly.” During those days, the event was broadcast on the web site: www. volvamosadios.org SECOND NIGHT IN MEDELLIN An atmosphere of glory)was enjoyed on the second night of the Youth and Pastors Convention. The service, filled with the Glory of God, began with great joy; despite the difficulties with the sound system, it was a wonderful service full of the Glory of God. The Elohim Choir and the Joram Group were in charge of the song service. The special songs were sung by the children’s choir and the music band from the Central Church in Medellin. Rev. Jorge Alvarez shared the powerful message of the Word of God entitled: “The Empty Throne and The Occupied Throne.” He urged the pas-


tors not to allow themselves to be dominated by pride or anything else that might steal the glory of God. In addition, Rev. Alvarez told the young people that God should be the only King on their throne.

YOUNG PEOPLE AND PASTORS Glory, Honor, and Praise were given unto the Lord during the Youth and Pastors Convention held in Medellin. This event touched thousands of lives during these four consecutive days. The results have been marvellous. Hallelujah! THE LAST DAY OF THE CONVENTION The last day of this convention was filled with the Glory of God while the Joram and Elohim Choirs led the song service. Following were a series of some specials by the zone of the state of “Meta,” where they glorified the name of God with the flatland’s harp; other specials were also sung, all to give Glory and Honor to the Lord. Rev. Gustavo Martinez Garavito gave the message of the Word of God entitled: “Kill the Oxen and Burn the Plow.” It is based on the

Scripture of 1st Kings 19:19-21, which presents the calling of the heir of the prophet Elijah; it shows Elisha’s reaction who left everything behind to follow Elijah. Rev. Martínez also encouraged the young people to get rid of everything that hinders them from serving the Lord. “What hinders you from serving the Lord? Perhaps pride? Perhaps some oxen might have to be burned here, and tonight is the night to burn them, otherwise there will be no anointing in your life,” Rev. Martinez affirmed. This unparalleled convention culminated on Friday, June 24th, reaching millions of people thanks to mass media. It also encouraged young people and pastors to stand strong in the labor of evangelizing. At the end of the service, many important announcements were made about upcoming events that the Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement will hold in Colombia. The ensuing events will be the National Ladies Convention in Medellin in October, and the National Convention that will be held in the city of Cali. God Bless You!

agosto-setiembre 2011

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National Convention in


Delegations of brethren and new souls gathered in the Auditorium of the Municipal Prefecture in Manaos to celebrate the presence of the Work in the Brazilian territory.


nder the motto: “Commitment to God Above All,” the Eleventh National Convention of the Worldwide Missionary Movement was held in the Federative Republic of Brazil. This event took place in the Auditorium of the Municipal Prefecture in Manaos, located on “Avenida Brasil,” Barrio Campensa. With an attendance of about 800 to 1000 people where the Glory of God was manifested in each service, both during the day and night, the place became small. The Word of God flowed freely and many souls were touched by the power of God in each preaching. The visit of Reverend Rodolfo Gonzalez Cruz, an International Board Member, and his wife Sister Rita Vazquez, both of whom visited this country for the first time, was very pleasant. Rev. Gerardo Martinez Garavito, recently appointed Missionary Supervisor to South America, was also present. Both of these men of God were responsible for the exposition of the powerful Word of God on those days. EDIFYING PASTOR’S MEETING On the second day of this event approximately 80 pastors were uplifted in an edifying pastor’s meeting. The Word of God transmitted by Rev. Rodolfo Gonzalez Cruz was edifying and inspiring for everyone who was 22 • Impacto evangelístico

present. Simultaneously, the convention was being held for God’s people at the Auditorium of the Municipal Prefecture in Manaos.

PROMOTION OF PASTORS During this event, 25 new pastors, who were already working in favor of many lives, officially joined the ministry. Two pastors were promoted to the position of Presbyters: Pastor Luis Carlos Ribeiro Viegas, in charge of the Presbytery of Sao Paulo and its municipalities; and Pastor Dilmer Mondragon in charge of the Presbytery of Alto Solimões in the state of Amazonas. THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD The National Convention held in the city of Manaos was filled with the glory and the presence of the Lord. From the first to the last day, many brethren were strengthened, souls


saved, sick healed, and many baptized with the Holy Ghost. The Work in Brazil is deeply thankful to the Lord for everything He did during these three days. This event was possible with the help of all the pastors and the brethren of this country who worked together with their National Supervisor, Reverend Henry Ramos Escobar to make this a glorious event. To God be all glory, honor, and recognition!

THE WORK IN MANAOS It has been 13 years in which the Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement has worked hard in Manaos serving the community and spreading the Word of God. The city of Manaos is located to the north of Brazil and it’s the capital of the state of Amazonas. It was founded by Portuguese in the year of 1669 and currently has an estimated population of

about 2 million inhabitants. It constitutes the cultural and economic hub of the Northern Region of Brazil. 80% of the population know about the gospel, but only 40% truly and sincerely serve God. Evangelism is carried out through evangelistic revivals, fellowship meetings, and marches through the most popular places in that area. It is also realized through national conventions such as the one this year, 2011. The impact of this event has been transcendental because many people and pastors of different organizations attended the convention due to all the invitations made through flyers, posters, and sound systems, among othersl

agosto-setiembre 2011

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Ladies Convention in

Puerto Rico

The Work of the Lord celebrated its Eighteenth Ladies Convention under the theme: "Building with Commitment." The event took place at the Metropolitan Evangelical Center "La Finca," in Trujillo Alto.


he ladies of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Puerto Rico, and their leader, Sister Gretchen Lugo, celebrated their Eighteenth Ladies Convention. They were three days filled with the Glory of God, from the 23rd to the 25th of June, 2011. It was held at the Metropolitan Evangelical Center “La Finca”, in Trujillo Alto. They began this event under the motto: “Building with Commitment.” The Bible verse used throughout the event was Isaiah 61:4, which says, “And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.” This activity was endorsed by Rev. Margaro Figueroa, International Board Member; Rev. Ruben Concepcion, International Board Member; Rev. Luis Ayala, National Supervisor of Puerto Rico, the National Board Members of Puerto Rico and the ladies of this country. On the first day, the leaders of the ladies’ groups from Puerto Rico each marched with a brick in her hand representing an area of our lives in which we need to build: perseverance, principles, doctrine, modesty, testimony, struggles, diligence, holiness, etc. The presence of the Lord was manifested in a glorious way. Sis. Rosa Vilorio, a National Board Member of the Work of the Lord in the Dominican Republic, had the honor and commission to preach 24 • Impacto evangelístico

the Word of God. The Holy Spirit of God began to speak to everyone who was present, cand the powerful Word of God marked the lives of many people, exhorting them to go up to the mount to restore the ruined altars so that later on we can build. Another great victory was obtained the second day, especially when receiving the Word of God through Sister Ana Flores de Moyeno with the subject: “We Also Build.” In the afternoon, the Word of God was exposed by Sister Elizabeth Severino, exhorting to have courage and disposition to meet the goals and to fight the battles. The blessing continued through that night and the cloud of the Lord God covered the place impacting the ladies and the brethren who were present. That day the attendees were impacted by the objective lesson: “Get Up and Build,” presided by Sis Migdalia Gonzalez together with the brethren from “the Church of Mamey (Guaynabo) from Zone 1”; e, exhorting the Church to wake up and do what God is demanding and to look for the lost souls. The last and greatest day of the feast God spoke about the promises He has for his people. On that day the ladies answered to the calling to rebuild the old ruins in their family and in the Work of the Lord, to enlarge the site of their tent, to reinforce the stakes, so then they can build up l their commitment with God.

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