Evangelistic Impact May 2011

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Impact evangelistic



The magazine that edifies your life

Junio 2011 / Ediciรณn 690 / www.impactoevangelistico.net

National Convention

in Peru

The Essential Christ. By. Rev. Luis M. Ortiz junioMovement. 2011 โ ข 1 Translated by Word of Inspiration International Ministries. Worldwide Missionary Visit our web site: www.imiw.org


God asks us to



wenty -four years ago, in a

a radio station, or on television preaching

worldwide Congress in Panama,

the Gospel; but let me tell you that it is

the Lord told us He would give

necessary to use these means, fear not, do

us the most sophisticated mass media to

not say you are useless, dare yourself to

broadcast his message. Today we see that

come in thorugh that big door!

announcement has become real. The Bible says: “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations”. When someone starts a ministry,

any hall is fine; but when the laborer has some experience, he will find the way to buy a larger property because his vision has widen. We cannot expect God to do great things if our vision is small, we should have a wide vision. In Genesis 13:14, God tells Abraham: “Lift

Rev. Gustavo Martínez International President of the W.M.M.

If we want to expand, we need to widen our vision. We need to widen prayer, fatsting, the study of the Bible, and consecration; it is necesaary to have a life

Jesus told his

of devotion, intercession, and humiliation

disciples: "Go ye

before God. We should prepare our hearts

into the world,

to receive great things from the Lord, that’s

and preach the

why the Bible says: “Stretch forth the curtains of

gospel to every

thine habitations.”

creature." Maybe

The Lord will continue taking out the

you have never

unfaithful people who do not have God

imagined yourself

up now thine eyes, and look from the place where

in their hearts and make a profit from the

using a micro-

thou art northward, and southward, and eastward,

Gospel, and in their place, He will bring

phone, in a radio

and westward. 15For all the land which thou seest,

new people who is worthy of Him.

station, or on

to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.” The

time to grow is close, our field of action is God’s field of action as well. He asks us to expand. Jesus told his disciples: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Unto the uttermost part of the earth! If we believe this promise we need to plan and develop things that we have not

Time is short and laborers are a few, then,

television prea-

it is necessary to use mass media. The time

ching the Gospel;

to wake up, raise, and preach has come!

but let me tell you

God will call men and women, and will

that it is neces-

take them to different nations. There is

sary to use these

an urgency to reap the great harvest and

means, fear not,

preach the mighty message, it means: Jesus

do not say you

is coming soon! l

are useless, dare yourself to come

developed before. Maybe you have never

in thorugh that

imagined yourself using a microphone, in

big door!

2 • Impacto evangelístico


Impact Evangelistic

Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz May 2011 / Edition N° 689 (USPS 012-850) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a nonprofit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

POSTMASTER: send address changes to Impacto Evangelístico P.O. BOX 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644

OFICIALES DEL M.M.M. INC. INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS OF THE W.M.M. INC. Rev. Gustavo Martínez President Rev. José Soto Vice-president Rev. Jorge Álvarez Secretary Rev. Rodolfo González Treasurer Rev. Álvaro Garavito Director Rev. Margaro Figueroa Director Rev. Rómulo Vergara Director Rev. Humberto Henao Director CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN: Argentina Aruba Australia Belgium Belize Bolivia Bonaire Brazil Cameroon Canada Canaries Islands(Spain) Chile Colombia Congo Costa Rica Curacao Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador England English Guyana Equatorial Guinea France French Guyana Gabon Germany Ghana Guatemala Haiti

Hawaii Islands (U.S.A.) Holland Honduras India Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Malaysia Mexico Nicaragua Nigeria Panama Paraguay Peru Portugal Puerto Rico Republic of Mauritius Rodriguez Islands Spain Sweden Switzerland St. Andres Islands (Col.) St. Croix Islands Suriname The U.S.A. Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Venezuela

Made in the Depósito Legal at the National Library of Peru N° 2011-02530 Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostés-Movimiento Misionero Mundial: Av. 28 de Julio 1781 - Lima 13 - Perú


The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a nonprofit religious organization properly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in Washington D.C. with headquarters in both cities and in each state of the American Union, as well as in other countries where we have missionary works established.

• Salvation by Faith in Christ: Luke 24:47; John 3:16; Romans 10:13-15; Titus 2:11; 3:5-7.

n Important Offerings, cash donations, gifts in goods or commodities, real state given by will in favor of the Worldwide Missionary Movement Inc. are tax deductible and the receipts expedited by the Worldwide Missionary Movement may be presented to the U.S. Federal Government I.R.S. and the Associated Free State of Puerto Rico I.R.S.

• Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1; Titus 3:7.

n Visit our Website Obtain edifying information of the Work of God and stay up-to-date. Your personal access from any place in the world: www.impactoevangelistico.net

• Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 8:16, 17; Mark 16:18; James 5:14, 15.

n If you so desire You may write us to our mailing address: Worldwide Missionary Movement Inc. P.O. Box 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644

Copyright © 2010 Evangelistic Impact



The contents of this publication are properly registered at the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The complete or partial reproduction of the contents of this magazine or its translation to other languages is prohibited without the express written consent of the MOVIMIENTO MISIONERO MUNDIAL, INC. also known as the WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, INC. According to international agreements, copyright infringement is punishable by law. n OUR DOCTRINE The Worldwide Missionary Movement firmly adheres to the fundamental doctrines of the Holy Scriptures such as:

• The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21. • Divine Godhead in Three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Matthew 3:16, 17; 17:1-5; 28:19; John 17:5, 24, 26; 16:32; 14:16, 23; 18:5, 6; 2 Peter 1:17, 18; Revelation 5.

• The New Birth: John 3:3; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 3:9.

• Baptism in Water by immersion as ordered by Christ: Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:36-39. • Baptism in the Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation, speaking in other tongues accordingly: Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 8; 2:4.

• The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. • The Fruit of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. • Sanctification: 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15, 16; 1 John 2:6. • Church Ministry and Evangelism: Mark 16:15-20; Romans 10:15. • Tithing and the Financial Support of the Church: Genesis 14:20; 28:22; Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:21-26; Malachi 3:7-10; Matthew 10:10; 23:23. • The Rapture of the Church: Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. • The Second Coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-9; Matthew 24:30, 31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7; Titus 2:13; Jude 14, 15. • The Millennial Reign of Christ: Isaiah 2:1-4; 11:5-10; Zechariah 9:10; Revelation 19:20; 20:3-10. • The New Heavens and the New Earth: Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1.

Impresión: Quad/Graphics Perú S.A. Av. Los Frutales 344 - Lima 03 - Perú

Worldwide Circulation: 200,000 copies junio 2011



The essential


Our Lord Jesus Christ proclaims Himself before the world as the essential Christ, which means He is Almighty and without Him we can do nothing. Most of mankind has not accepted this claim and attempts to live without Him. That's why this world has gone from bad to worse. The crisis becomes more complex everyday. Rev. Luis M. Ortiz. Photo Roberto Guerrero

“And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the papswere white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” (Revelation 1:12-18). Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18; he also stated: “for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5. Through these forceful statements, our Lord Jesus Christ proclaims Himself as the essential Christ, it means: He has all power and without Him we can do nothing. Most of mankind has not accepted this claim and attempts to live without Him; We see crisis in the international, national, familiar, political, social, economical, industrial, moral, educational, and religious realms. When man does without Jesus he tries to find another medicine for his evils.

4 • Impacto evangelístico

that’s why this world has gone from bad to worse; the crisis becomes more complex everyday. We see crisis in the international, national, familiar, political, social, economical, industrial, moral, educational, and religious realms. When man lives without Jesus he tries to find other medicine for his evils. During ancient times, man used polytheism: many gods. There was a god for each natural force, and man sought protection and help from those gods. Man created a god for rain, another for fire, one for wind, another for sea, for war, for love, etc, however nothing worked. Later on, following the same model of paganism, polisantismo came into being, which means a patron saint for each need or trouble: Saint Michael to protect, Saint Raphael to defend, Saint Claire to clarify, Saint Anthony for romance, Saint Paschal Baylon for dancers, etc. But all of this has been useless. The popular proverb says: “If it’s not God’s will then the saints can do nothing,” and the words of Jesus remain valid: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” and “without me you can do nothing.” As polyteism and polisantismo did not work, and man has lived without Jesus, then he has used polyscience, which means much more science; a science for each poem and need, including the so called “ hidden sciences” such as occultism. Much more science, knowledge, study, examination, and analysis. Each science that excludes God is a false science, and because of this false science many >>>


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6 • Impacto evangelístico

vain philosophies with their complicated vain mazes that never solve human problems have flourished. The moral and spiritual troubles of men are the ones that cause human troubles, but none of the scientific spheres neither the science of man that excludes Jesus will be ever able to solve the basic problems of men. Neither psychology nor sociology or psychiatry or parapsychology or psychoanalysis or humanism or existentialism or hypnotism or theosofism or spiritism or occultism, nor any science that excludes Jesus will be able to change sinful man’s heart and give him true happiness, holiness, and abundant everlasting life. Before the thousands of frustrated sciences, the words of Jesus still resound: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” and “without me you can do nothing”; Jesus is essential. This rebelliousness of man against his

Maker; the tendency to ignore God and do without Jesus casting Him out from the sanctuary, home, and family devotion; the banning of prayer and reading of the Bible in schools; and the replacement of true worship of God at churches by empty rituals have undermined the Biblical principles of the nation and strengthened the anti-christ decisions of the goverments. Yes, because of all of this and many other things we could say here, the world is going from bad to worse, and the problems are more complex and alarming day after day. Some of those problems are: wars, revolutions, strikes and inflations, hatred, violence, crime, death, earthquakes, disasters, plagues, famines, fires, robberies, plundering, muggings, drugs, vices, deliquency, vandalism, terrorism; degeneration, indecency, sexuality, nudism, sodomy, lesbianism, and corruption. As all the human systems and efforts


have failed then everybody puts the guilt and responsibility on the individual and the Greek ideal that says: man, know yourself; the Roman ideal says: man, rule yourself; the Chinese ideal says: Man, improve yourself; the Buddhist ideal says: Man, annihilate yourself; the Hindu ideal says: Man, know more about yourself; the Islamic ideal says: Man, lower yourself; the Catholic ideal says: Man, save yourself, the modern ideal says: Man, better yourself; and each one separated from his way. But the essential Christ says: Man “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,” and “without me you can do nothing”, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Jesus is essential, He says to the lost one: I am the way; the the one that is mistaken: I am the truth; to the lost: I am the door; to the thirsty: come to me and drink; to the hungry: I am the bread of life; to the backslider: I am the good sheperd; to the one that is in darkness: I am the light; to the tired one: I will give you rest; to the one who does not have peace: My peace I leave with you; to the sick one: I am your healer; to the dying one: I am the resurrection and the life. God revealed Jesus Christ in the Holy Scriptures, book after book, from Genesis to Revelation, presenting multiple aspects of his character. In Genesis, He is the “Woman’s Seed”; in Exodus, He is the “Passover Lamb”; in Leviticus, He is the “High Priest”; in Numbers, He is the “Pillar of Fire”; in Deuteronomy, He is the “Announced Prophet”; in Joshua, He is the “Captain of Our Salvation”; in Judges, He is the “Legislator”; in Ruth, He is the “Near Kinsman”;in the two books of Samuel, He is the “Reliable Prophet”; in the two books of Kings and Chronicles, He is the “Enthroned King”; in Ezra and Nehemiah, He is the “Restorer”; in Esther, He is the “Mordecai”; in Job, He is the “Risen Redeemer”; in Psalms, He is the “Good Shepherd”; in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes , He is the “Wisdom”; in the Songs of Solomon, He is the “Beloved”; in Isaiah, He is the “Wonderful”; in Jeremiah, He is the “Branch”; In Lamentations, He is the “Prophet Who Cries”; in Ezekiel, “Wonderful”; in Daniel, the “Fourth Man”; in Hosea, the “Husband”; in Joel, He is the “Baptizer in the Holy Spirit”; in Amos, He is the “Just Judge”; in Obadiah, He is the “Powerful”; in Jonah,

He is the “Missionary”; in Micah, He is the “Messenger”; in Nahum, He is the “Avenger”; in Habakkuk, He is the “Reviver”; in Zephaniah, He is the “Powerful Saviour”; in Haggai, He is the “Desire of All Nations”; in Zechariah, He is the “Angel of the Lord”; and in Malachi, He is the “Sun of Righteousness”. And in the New Testament we see that in the Gospel of Mathew, He is the “Messiah”; in Mark, He is the “Worker of Miracles”; in Luke, He is the “Son of Man”; in John, He is the “Son of God”; in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, He is the “Giver of the Holy Ghost”; in Romans, He is the “One Who Justifies”; in the two epistles to the Corinthians, He is the “Sanctifier”; in Galatians, He is the “Deliverer”; in Ephesians, He is the “Owner of Riches”; in Philippians, He is the “Provider”; in Colossians, He is the “Fullness of Deity”; in the two epistles to the Thessalonians, He is the “King Who Comes”; in the two Epistles to Timothy, He is the “Mediator”; in Philemon, He is the “Faithful Friend”; in Hebrews, He is the “Testator”; in James, He is the “Healer”; in the epistles of Peter, He is the “Prince of Peace”; in the three epistles of John, He is the “Love”; in Jude, He is “ The One Who Comes”; in Revelation, He is the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”. Amen. Truly, Jesus is essential. we have in Him unmeasured love and life; peace that cannot be taken away; non-stop rest; joy that cannot be disturbed, hope that cannot be evaded, light that cannot be turned off; glory that cannot be clouded; we are fulfilled in Him; and we have everything in Him. Jesus is all, without Him we have nothing, we are nothing, we know nothing, we are capable of nothing, without Him we are lost; JESUS IS ESSENTIAL. My friend, come to Jesus at this very moment, receive Him in your heart, ask Him to forgive all your sins. Tell Him right now: I come to you Lord Jesus because I am tired of wandering around thousands of places. Today, I accept you as the only way that leads me to my home over there in heavenl

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To your name

A crowd of brethren that exceeded 350000 people attended the 21st National Convention of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Peru. During five days the whole world received, through the live radio and T.V. broadcast via internet, the message of the Lord. A great spiritual party. Johan Pérez, Michael Carrión, Marlo Pérez Photos: Roberto Guerrero, María Espejo, Evelyn Ángeles


8 • Impacto evangelístico


"The day is thine, the night also is thine…”, Psalm 74:16. More than 65.000 people gathered together at the Stadium San Marcos during each service..

he Worldwide Missionary Movement in Peru, held its 21st National Convention in May, in a massive meeting of the Peruvian people with God. 350,000 people gathered together at the Stadium San Marcos to receive Jesus’ message during 5 days. The “Spiritual Party” was broadcast to the 5 continents through Bethel Television. It will be remembered as a glorious and massive event in the Work. The activity that was broadcast live to the 5 continents thanks to Bethel Television strengthened the praiseworthy labour of the MMM in spreading the Christian faith. During this activity, there were inspirational preachings that strengthened people spiritually, and 220 laborers were promoted into the ministerial ranks. The order and security were noticeable in this spiritual party. Preachings. The main International Board Members of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, who came from different countries of the American continent, were the chosen vessels to share the messages with the attendees. Rev. Gustavo Martínez Garavito, International President of the MMM, reminded us of our commitment to hold fast to Sound Doctrine through the subject “Men and women committed to God.” He stated that no Christian


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Above: Rev. José Soto, Rev. Jorge Álvarez, and Rev. Álvaro Garavito; International Board Members of the MMM..

Rev. Gustavo Martínez, International President of the MMM. Rev. Clemente Vergara, and Rev. Humberto Henao; International Board Members.

should put up with sin and spiritual decline. Another important preaching was given by Rev. José Soto Benavides, Vicepresident of the International Board of the MMM and Supervisor for Europe. Through the message “The Stunning Testimony of God’s People”, he encouraged the Church to reach the lost through evangelization. In the same way, Pstr. Jorge Álvarez, Internatinal Secretary of the MMM, 10 • Impacto evangelístico

preached a powerful message entitled: “The Purpose of God”, where he focused on the need for man to ready his heart in order that God may accomplish His purpose in him. Organization. 35 committees were established to organize the 21st National Convention succesfully. About 1,500 brethren from the different churches in Lima were part of these committees. They were in charge of innumerable

tasks in order to guarantee order, security, and hygiene. Nothing was improvised, everything was planned eight months before. Promotion. During the last service of the event, amidst great expectations, 220 pastors were promoted. Men and women who are servants of God and His Work were promoted into different ranks of ministry as Lay Preachers, Licensed Pastors, and Ordained Ministers.

[CONVENTION] aniversario

ALL THE CONVENTIONS 1987 and 1989 • Church 28 de Julio. 1990 • Tent Grau. 1992 • Coliseum Dibós. 1993 • Coliseum Puente del Ejército. 1994 • Coliseum Dibós. 1995 y 1996 • Arenas de Lima. 1997-2007 • Coliseum Amauta. 2008 • Estadium San Marcos. 2009 • National Estadium. 2010-2011 • Estadium San Marcos.

Above: Rev. Rodolfo González, President of the MMM in Peru, in the opening service. Left: Pastor promoted to the position of Ordained Minister.

In so doing, it was noticeable how substantial the growth of the Worldwide Missionary Movement has been in this part of the continent where Christianity is thriving tremendously and the foundation of the Christian faith were established. Amidst an attendance of 60.000 people, 133 members of the MMM in Peru were promoted to the posisiton of Lay Preachers, 67 Lay Preachers were promoted to the position of Licensed Pastors, and 20 Licensed Pastors were promoted to the posiiton of Ordained Ministers. The last ones were anointed with oil as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, in compliance with the Holy Scriptures. The International and National Board Members laid hands on them while Rev. Gustavo Martínez and Rev. Rodolfo González led in prayer for theml

WORLDWIDE BROADCAST Brethren and viewers from different countries such as Australia, Israel, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Italy, Japan, England, among others, could follow the Convention thanks to the work of 85 professionals in various journalistic areas of the MMM in Peru. Bethel Television broadcast 10 hours of non-stop programming and repeated it early in the morning for Europe and Asia.

Licensed Pastors promoted to the position of Ordained Ministers. junio 2011

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March in favour of peace in

Colombia The Church organized a march in favour of peaceful living together and reconciliation. The march rejected crime, delinquency, gang life, and all kind of violence.


he Worldwide Missionary Movement in the Republic of Colombia, Labour Zone 19, led by Rev. Pablo Castro, organized the 2nd great march on May 7th in favor of peace in Cordoba. This march started in Montería at 6:00 a.m. and ended at 5:30 p.m. It was a day of great blessing for this Colombian state that has been lashed by violence and bloodshed. The route of the march to announce the Gospel of God covered the towns of Puerto Libertador, Montelíbano, Buenavista and Planeta Rica which were impacted by the presence and Word of God. The Church testified that she is committed to peace, living together, and reconciliation 12 • Impacto evangelístico

among the people. In additon, the Church rejected crime, delinquency, gang life, and all kind of violence. Criminals were invited to surrender their lives over to Jesus, renounce the use of weapons, and deal with their problems lawfully, otherwise, they will receive the unavoidable judgement of God. Some banners and billboards with the text “YOU SHALL NOT KILL” were shown. (Exodus 20:13). Before this calling, many knelt down on the ground asking for mercy to God and surrendered their lives accepting Jesus as their Saviour. This march had a great impact. 44 motorbikes, many cars and 8 packed buses partici-


pated in this event. More than 1.200 people participated in this activity. Rev. Dagoberto Ayala, Overseer of the Labour Zone 48, and brethren of that zone participated as well. We are sure these events will encourage the progress of the Gospel in Cordoba and all Colombia. We give the Lord all honour, praise, and acknowledgement for this great victory.l

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Youth Convention

in Haiti

More than 300 young people gathrered together at the church in Arcahaie in a meeting that was impacted by the Holy Spirit. Many attendees were touched by the power of God.


he district of Arcahaie, in the eastern state of the Republic of Haiti, was the venue of the 14th Youth National Convention of the Worldwide Missionary Movement. From April 21st-24th, the hard-working youth of the Work, held this annual activity under the astonishing and meaningful motto: “Young People Committed to God to Transform a Corrupted Society.” More than 300 young people from all over the country gathered together at the church in Arcahaie where they were received by the National Supervisor, Rev. Jean Joseph Preval. This Youth National Convention was impacted by the Holy Spirit and many young people were touched by the might of God. The messages during the evening services were given by the Puerto Rican brother Gerardo (Jerry) Vázquez, who was the main guest speaker of the event and to whom God used mightily through the preaching from the Word of God. On Friday morning, Pstr. Sandra Sánchez gave a teaching entitled: “A Good Choice, a Good Family, a Better Society.” She emphasised the importance of being led by God in order to form a family . On Saturday morning Rev. Lemete Zephyr preached the message: “Evangelization Across the Nations.” He spoke to the youth about the urgency of evangelizing and having 14 • Impacto evangelístico

a missionary vision. During the Sunday morning service, Rev. Preval, National Supervisor, was in charge of the preaching. The closing service on Sunday was very special for the attendees who were impacted by the testimony of the main guest speaker of the event. He testified how God saved him after being separated from the ways of God in which he had been raised up.


Sis. Awilda Menéndez, national leader of children, and Bro. Ángel Lemuel Cabán, from Puerto Rico, were as well a great blessing for the young people in Haiti. God’s support and presence was evident through everythig He did in this activity. The attendees were prepared, filled with the Holy Spirit, and challenged to continue being committed becoming people that transform and

change the society. To God be all glory! l

Left: National Supervisor Nacional Jean Joseph Preval. Right: Children Leader of Puerto Rico greeting the attendees.

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• 15


arcelona and Madrid were venues of the 1st Youth Fellowship Meeting of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Spain; the young people from the cities of the northen and central labour zones gathered together in this activity. The event started on April 21st in the city of Barcelona, in the neighbourhood La Sagrera and it continued on April 22nd in Madrid, Ciudad Lineal. The meetings started in the morning at 9:00 and in the afternoon at 7:00. During these days the attendees worshipped God with spiritual songs and recounting their own testimonies. The power and glory of God were manifested in a special way in the attendees’ hearts, being blessed and edified mightily. The mottos for this beautiful Youth Fellowship Meeting were very meaningful and inspiring: “A New Generation Committed to God” and “Young People in the Service of God.” These mottos left a hallmark on people’s lives as they hoped they would become real in their lives. During the services, some of the messages 16 • Impacto evangelístico

and teachings given were: “Young people, Arise and Let’s Build Up,” “ The Profile of a Young Christian,” “Who Shall I Marry?,” “Tools for A Youth Leadership,” and “Taking Care of the Body’s Window.” The teachings were sown in every young person’s heart and in all the others attendees. The hand of God was on this fellowship specifically for young people, in this way the Lord is preparing a new generation to carry the message of salvation to the European continent and the entire world. This and other events remind us the meetings of the first Christian people registered in the Holy Scripture, as the book af Acts says: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” (Acts 2:46-47).

We praise God for the glorious results! ¡To Him we give all glory! l

[EVENTS] aniversario

National Convention in

Honduras During four days our brethren of the Worldwide Missionary Movement gathered together at El Paraíso to confirm the growth of the Work and their commitment to our Lord.


he Worldwide Missionary Movement held the 11th National Convention of Honduras, from April 6th -9th. The event took place at the gymnasium of the Instituto Departamental de Oriente (IDO), in the city of Danlí, township of El Paraíso, state of El Paraíso. Among the attendees were: Rev. Margaro Figueroa, International Board Member and Pastor in Puerto Rico; Rev. Manuel Zúñiga, Missionary Supervisor in Central America (Mexico and Belize); Rev. Rubén Concepción, International Board Member and member of group of teachers of the Biblical Institute ELIM; Rev. Miguel Aponte, Pastor in Puerto Rico and Rev. Ernesto Moreno, National Supervisor of Nicaragua. On Wedenesday evening the event was opened with the welcoming words by the National Supervisor in Honduras, Rev. Ezequiel Cubillo Morales. The message was given by Rev. Rubén Concepción. On Thursday morning the Pastors and Overseers Meeting was held. God dealt with the ministerial body mightily. That very same

day, Rev. Margaro Figueroa, preached a powerful message. In the evening the message was given by Rev. Ernesto Moreno. On Friday morning Rev. Manuel Zuñiga was in charge of given the teaching and in the evening was Rev. Rubén Concepción. The Lord ministered through these servants, bringing exhortation, rebuke and blessing for the ministerial and the people of God. On Saturday the beautiful procession of the 18 Labour Zones that work in Honduras was held. Each Overseer together with his corresponding pastors, marched through the hall with identification banners in their hands. The ceremony of promotion took place as well. The closing message was preached by Rev. Manuel Zúñiga. The glory of God filled the hall during this event. The joy and the blessing of the attendees were evident. To God be all glory for the blessings received! l

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Youth service in

Panama The church of Sabanitas, in the Province of Colón, held a glorious youth service. All the members of the Youth National Board attended.


n Friday, May 6th a glorious youth service was held in the province of Colón, church of Sabanitas, which is being pastored by Rev. Andrés Murgas and his wife Sis. Isabel de Murgas. All the members of the Youth National Board attended led by Rev. Julio Klinger, current Youth President; Rev. Luis Bracho, Overseer in Colón; and the young people of the tribes of Isaacar, Joseph y Naphtali, who delighted in the presence of the Lord. The glory of the Lord fell upon the attendees in a special way during the song service. 18 • Impacto evangelístico

The message from the Word of God was given by Rev. Julio Klinger. After the message of God, new leaders and directors of the tribes were appointed, who will work with the young people during this time. We ask you to pray for the new youth leaders that God helps, strengthens, and gives them wisdom. New leaders: Leader of Isaacar, Josué Rodríguez; Leader of Joseph, Marcos Garay and Leader of Naphtali: Lizeth Brachol

[EVENTS] aniversario

New congregation in

Argentina Comodoro Rivadavia has become the first city of Patagonia where a new door has been opened. In a hall, offered by the community of the neighbourhood, the first service was held.


o the city of Comodoro Rivadavia, located at 1870 kilometers to the south of Buenos Aires, Federal Capital, the National Supervisor of the Work in Argentina, Rev. Ismael Enrique Parrado, travelled together with the pastors Rev. Joselín Jiménez, National Board Member and the Colombian Missionary José Célis. After visiting the church in Daireaux, province of Buenos Aires, they continued their journey to the southern city of Comodoro Rivadavia, in the province of Chubut where there is a group of brethren, who for more than a year had been waiting for the Worldwide Missionary Movement to open a church there. The first service and Sunday School meeting was held in a hall offered by the community of a city neighbourhood, with an attendance of more than 22 people. Comodoro Rivadavia has become the first city in Patagonia that the Lord has allowed us to reach. To Him be the glory! The Argentinian Patagonia, also called the Patagonian region, comprises a group of provinces and natural features unique to the whole world. The most important cities are: Neuquén in Alto Valle, Comodoro Rivadavia, and San Carlos de Bariloche in the mountain range zone.l

junio 2011

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Graduation of the Biblical Institute Elim

CHILE Anniversary of the church in Arica

PARAGUAY Glorious Youth Retreat

JAPON Service in Oppama





HE INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS of the Work: Rev. Gustavo Martínez Garavito, International President; and Rev. José Arturo Soto Benavides, International Vice-president and Missionary Supervisor for Europe attendedn this event. These International Board Members visited one of our churches in Switzerland in the month of March, and they led the graduation of the Biblical Institute Elim. A good number of brethren received their diplomas in theology after they finished their classes. To God be all glory! The Work in Switzerland keeps steadily pressing forward in evangelization and establishing new churches.

20 • Impacto evangelístico

ROM APRIL 2TH - 3RD, 2011 the church of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in the city of Arica, celebrated its 8th anniversary and work in prisons at the Recinto Penitenciario de Acha. Eight years of sowing seeds of hope, light and salvation. A glorious evangelistic campaign was held in Arica downtown. Rev. Gerardo Martínez, Missionary Supervisor of South America and National Supervisor of the Republic of Chile attended. Some delegations came as well from cities such as Viña del Mar, Iquique, Calama and Antofagasta. In these last two cities, by the grace of God, new places for preaching the Word of God are being raised up. In this activity the glory of God was manifested. The Word of God caused a great impact, telling the attendees that the time of harvest and blessing has come, but that it is necessary to make greater and more committed decisions for the Lord and His Work.

ROM APRIL 21ST - 23RD a glorious Youth Retreat was held in Paraguay under the motto: “A Double Portion of The Holy Spirit", seeking for fire, power, anointing, and glory. The main guest speaker was Pstr. Marcelo Quintana from Chile, who gave the Biblical teachings. The young people renewed their commitment to be faithful to God and obey the calling to the missionary field. Some of them were baptized with the Holy Spirit during this acitivity and many were renewed and strengthened. The pastors that were supporting this great activity were involved inthe glory of God. Those pastors were: National Supervisor of Paraguay, Arsenio Arzamendia; his wife, Sis. Nidia de Arzamendia; pastor Amalio Gonzáles, together with his beloved wife Sis. Raquel de Gonzáles; and pastor Luis Rivera, together with his wife Sis. Deisy de Rivera. The retreat was held under the direction of the national youth leader, Bro. Arialdo Chaquea, together with his wife.

T THE END OF THE MONTH OF MAY a Missionary Service was held at the church in Oppama. The good cheer of the brethren was used and before the service, an open air service was held which was the first for many believers. Sis. Mary Ogusuku tells us some of the experiences lived: “When we reached Japan, brethren used to tell us that we could not hold open air services. God led us to encourage them. We have not used a speaker up to now, to avoid police attention. For many believers, it was the first time they had held an open air service and they felt joyful." It was a beautiful day, at night the service was full of people and the glory of God filled the place. We thank the Lord." Said Sis. Mary Cerdán, Rev. Enrique Ogusuku's wife.

[REFLECTIONS] aniversario


greatness of small things “For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice”, Zechariah 4:10.

Rev. Luis M. Ortiz


he prophet Zecharíiah spoke about the ones who despise the small things, forgetting that God has always used the small ones and the small things. The Word of God says: “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty”, 1 Corinthians 1:27. Man expected the Messiah to be born in a palace but God sent Him to be born in a manger. Man expected the Messiah to be born of noble people but God sent Him to be born of humble villagers. Man expected the Messiah to be a famous general but God sent Him as a humble carpenter. Man expected the Messiah would deliver him from the political yoke but God sent Him to deliver man from the spiritual one. Man expected the Messiah would start His ministry in a ceremony of great decorum in a magnificient church but God sent Him to start His ministry by the muddy River Jordan. Man expected the Messiah would graduate from the University of Jerusalem but God sent Him to overcome temptation in the desert. Man expected the Messiah would agitate the multitudes and sow hatred against His enemies but God sent Him to pronounce the blessings and the law: love your neighbour. Man expected the Messiah to be a conqueror of human kingdoms but God sent Him to be a conqueror of hearts. Man expected the Messiah to be surrounded by rich and aristocratic personalities but God sent Him to be surrounded by publicans, fishermen, and humble people. Man expected the Messiah to be just a great Master able to feed the intellect but God sent Him to be the Great Saviour that would change hearts.

Man expected the Messiah to be a great religious hierarch but God sent Him to become a humble preacher of good tidings. Man expected the Messiah would establish His own offices at the comfortable grounds of the church or palace but God sent Him to walk throughout dusty roads, having no place to lay His head. Man expected the Messiah would condemn all the gentiles and pagan nations different to their race and creed but God sent Him to save the whole world. Man expected an exclusivist and sectarian Messiah but God sent Him to have no respect for persons. Man expected the Messiah would die as a great patriot but God sent Him to die as a vile criminal. Man’s pride, haughtiness, and vanity are what make him lose his way and transform everything. The devil’s pride was what made him lose and change everything. Jonah’s religious and sectarian pride was what led him in the opposite direction God had sent him to, he did not care at all even though thousands of souls would be lost. God had to intervene in the prophet’s arrogance and vanity, and Jonah said: “They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.” Beloved brother, whenever you feel unable to do something, it is then that God trains you. Whenever you feel small, it is then that God lifts you up. Whenever you feel you are useless, that is when God makes you useful. Whenever you feel you are vile and despised, that is when God makes you worthy and valued. Whenever you realize you have nothing, that is when God gives you abundantly. Whenever you know you can do nothing, it is then that God gives you power. You know! God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.. Beloved, you can be useful in the Lord’s hands in a wonderful way. Put your life, talents, time, and everything you own in the hands of God. l

junio 2011

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Some addresses of our

churches PUERTO RICO

INTERNACIONAL OFFICES OF THE WMM Address: Carretera 846, Km. 0.4 Trujillo Alto, PR 00976. Phone: 787-761-8805 / 8806 / 8903 E-mail: impactoahora@gmail.com


Ps. Ismael Parrado Prieto Address: Av. Independencia 3870, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Phone: (0054) 114931-9777 E-mail: mmmiepp@hotmail.com


Ps. Darren Richardson Address: Macuarima 112, Sta. Cruz. Phone: (00297) 5856365 E-mail: info@mmmaruba.org, darcilf304@ hotmail.com


Ps. Ricardo Villamisar Address: 252 Gordon Street Barrio Footscray, Melbourne. Phone: (0061) 383900389 / (0061) 410124233 E-mail: melbourne@mmmaustralia.com, edwinvizar@hotmail.com

E-mail: mmmbelize@yahoo.com


Ps. Ciro Soto Address: Calle Zoilo Flores entre Río Bamba y Almirante Grau 1273, Zona San Pedro, La Paz. Phone: (00591) 71292378 E-mail: ciroalsoto@hotmail.com


Ps. Marcos Salgado Address: 6125 Jean Talon East, Apt. 15 St. Leonard, Montreal HIS – 1M6. Phone: (001) 514 560 8358 E-mail: prontovendra@hotmail.com


Ps. Gerardo Martínez Garavito Address: Santa Rosa 377, Santiago. Centro entre Eleuterio Ramírez y Cóndor estación del Metro Santa Lucía Vereda Sur. Phone: (0056) 27557063 E-mail: gerargmg@hotmail.com


Ps. Gustavo Martínez Garavito Address: Carrera 45 número 44-90 Palo con San Juan, Medellín, Antioquia. Phone: (0057) 42398885 E-mail: jgustavomartinez@hotmail.com

Phone: (00506) 8721-4858 E-mail: mmmcroficina@yahoo.com, juancastilloaraya@yahoo.com


Ps. Clemente Vergara Address: kaya Aneisak 40, montana Abou, Curacao. Phone: (00599) 95210405 / (00599) 96975826 E-mail: clementevergara@hotmail.com


Ps. Yovan Armijos Vidal Address: Av. de los Quinches y Mendoza, Cooperativa Santa Martha, Santo Domingo. Phone: (00593) 23710684 E-mail: rev_yovan.armijos@yahoo.es


Ps. José Orlando Morales Trigueros Address: Lotificación Santa Elisa Nº 12, Plan del Pino, Ciudad Delgado, San Salvador. Phone (503) 2220-7191, Móvil (503) 78714722 E-mail: mmm.texiselsal@yahoo.es, pedroernesto2004@yahoo.es


Ps. Rodolfo Rebatta Herrera Address: Chaussé d' Alsemberg 77, Saint Gilles, Bruselas. Phone: (0032) 51407863 E-mail: siervo_alf@hotmail.com, joyita_68@ hotmail.com

Ps. Humberto Henao Address: Carrera 42 número 74-78- 12 de Octubre, Bogotá. Phone: (0057) 1-606-1411 / (0057) 1-6062020 E-mail: mmmofcent@hotmail.com

Ps. Carlos Medina Herrera Address: Calle Pasaje de Coello Nº 9 Bajo Línea Metro 1 - 5 Parada Sagrera (Referencia Salida Honduras), Barcelona. Phone: (0034) 660 259 270 / (0034) 608 118 094 E-mail: pastorcarlosmedina_mmm@hotmail. com





Ps. Anselmo Cooper Address: Savannah St., Orange Walk Town, Belize C. A. Phone: (501) 604-7325 / (501) 322-7256

22 • Impacto evangelístico

Ps. Juan Castillo Araya Address: Barrio Cristóbal Colón 400 Sur y 75 Oeste del Puente de Cieneguita, Limón Centro, Limón.

Ps. Carlos Guerra Suárez Address 2523 Curry Ford Rd. Orlando FL 32806, Florida. Phone: (001) 506 22380501


E-mail: charliewar5555@hotmail.com, supervisor@mmm-usa.org


Ps. Marie Madeleine Biteau Address: 51 Rue Thiers 38 000, Grenoble. Phone: (0033) 6-657-675-92 E-mail: mmm.grenoble@hotmail.com


Ps. Álvaro Garavito Address: 18, Calle 15-28 Zona 6 - Colonias Procesales, Guatemala. Phone: (502) 2289 – 5193 / (502) 5205-7188 E-mail: aegaravito@yahoo.com, info@ mmmguatemala.org

HAITÍI Ps. Lemette Zeprhyr Address: Rue Vincent 125 Brochette 97 Carrefour, Haití. Phone: (00509) 3748-9611 / (0059) 34483113 E-mail: sanzephyr@hotmail.com


Pastora Ruth Estella Paisible Address: Von Suppéstraat 13 – 6, EE Tilburg Noord, Tilburg. Phone (0031) 138509900 / Móvil (0031) 616419279 E-mail: ruthpaisible@hotmail.com Pastores Abraham Roggeband y Rosanna Marte Address: Calle 3e Carnissestraat 22a, Rotterdam. Phone: (0031) 108511076 E-mail: abrahamroggeband15@hotmail.com, rosannamarte78@hotmail.com


Ps. Ezequiel Cubillo Address: Apartado 97, CP 13201, Danlí, El Paraíso, Honduras C.A. Phone: (00504) 7632933 / (00504) 97597568 E-mail: rdarwin51@hotmail.es, luis.danielr@ hotmail.com


Ps. Sharon Devaprassannam Address: Nº 63rd 10th Cross, Hoysala Nagar, Ramamurthy Nagar, Post, Bangalore -16, Karnataka. Phone: (0091) 6991013 E-mail: info@douloswmm.org


Ps. David Echalar

Address: Muratori, 28 F 16152 Génova Cornigliano. Phone: (0039) 0107490944 / Móvil (0039) 347356940 E-mail: reydereyes@libero.it, mmmitalia. genova1@hotmail.it


Ps. German Cooper Bennet Address: Commodore District, Linstead St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I. Phone: (001876) 804-3298 E-mail: rositaelison@yahoo.com


Ps. Enrique Ogusuku Address: Kanagawa ken Yokosuka Shi Oppama Higashi Cho 3-27, Oppama. Phone: (0081) 4687-69263 / (0081) 43296546 E-mail: marogusuku@hotmail.com


E-mail: ofcentral_mmmperu@hotmail.com


Ps. Carlos Texeira Lopes Address: Rua Da Penha De França Nº 217-C 1170, Lisboa. Phone: (00351) 96-277-9341 / (00351) 21194-7160 E-mail: cjosr@hotmail.com


Ps. Jorge Álvarez Address: Ave. Ramón Ríos Román 5154, Esquina La Palma Sabana Seca, PR 00952-4234. Phone 787 761 7461 E-mail: mmmpuertorico@hotmail.com Ps. Rubén Concepción Address: Carrera 837, Km. 0.6, Bo. Santa Rosa, Sector Canta Gallo, Guaynabo; PR 00971. Phone: 787 789 5698 E-mail: cantagalloadora@hotmail.com

Ps. Alejandro Roblero González Address: Calle Libertad 316 Col. Centro Mpio deTuxpan, Nayarit. Phone: (0052) 319-232-2895 E-mail: Alejandro.r.glez@hotmail.com, mar_ celo_1986@hotmail.com

Ps. Luis Ayala Address: Carrera 967, Km. 0.7 Sector 3T, Río Grande, PR 00745. Phone: 787 226 4394 E-mail: ayala32249@hotmail.com

Ps. Anthony J. Sosa Powers Address: Circuito Golfo de México 611 Col. Miramapolis, Cd. Madero, Tamaulipas. Phone: (0052) 833-256-6781 E-mail: pastorsosa@netscape.com




Ps. Ernesto Moreno Address: Apartado 3201 Managua, Costado Sureste de la Normal Central de Managua Phone: (00505) 22793173 / Móvil (00505) 89332697 E-mail: jesusluzdelasnaciones@hotmail.com, panasmisioneros@live.com


Ps. José Soto Benavides Address: Calle 3ra. Parque Lefevre Final, Panamá. Phone: (00507) 399-79-33 / (00507) 3997934 E-mail: oficinammmpanama@hotmail.com

Ps. Jimy Ramírez Address: Av. des Grandes communes 8, 1213 Geneve, Ginebra. Phone: (0041) 762971926 E-mail: antioquiafirenze_7@hotmail.it Ps. Alfonso Martínez Address: Barrio La Unión, Emilio Castelar 4163 Esq. Espronceda, Montevideo. Phone: (00598) 25091402 E-mail: alfonsomartinez@terra.com, trasmar23@hotmail.com


Ps. Rómulo Vergara Address Av. Sucre, Calle el Carmen N°5-B Catia, al lado del Centro Comercial Oeste, Caracas. Phone: Móvil (0058) 04162758528 / (0058) 02754117806 E-mail: mmmvenezuela.ofcentral@hotmail. com, romulovergara53@hotmail.com

PERU Ps. Rodolfo González Cruz Address: Av. 28 de Julio 1781, La Victoria, Lima. Phone: (0051) 6131717 junio 2011

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24 • Impacto evangelístico

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