Evangelistic Impact March-April 2011

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March-April 2011 / Edition 688 / www.impactoevangelistico.net

Impact Evangelistic aniversario


The magazine that edifies your life

prophecies are fulfilled Events.

Trip around Asia. 23rd National Convention in Panama.


Beginning of Sorrows David and Goliath.

marzo-abril 2011




5-8 Convention in Puerto Rico 17-21 Convention in Colombia


10-13 Convention in Argentina 10-13 Convention in Bélice 17-20 Convención in Paraguay


5-8 Convention in Panama


(D.F.) 21-24 Convention in Australia

29 April - 1 May

Convention in Japan



18-22 Convention in Peru 16-18 Convention in Brazil (Manaos) 22-25 Convention in India 29 June – 3 July Convention in Bolivia


6-9 Convention in Honduras 13-16 Convention in Dominican Republic 21-23 Pastors Meeting in Mexico

5-9 Convention in Costa Rica 12-15 Convention in the U.S.A. 27-30 Convention in Mexico


3-7 European Congress (Madrid) 10-13 Convention in Africa 11-14 Convention in El Salvador 17-20 Convention in Haiti 17-21 Convention in Ecuador 29 August – 2 September Convention in Venezuela


1-4 Convention of Antilles and Guyanas 12-14 Annual Meeting of Central American Supervisors and Overseers


7-9 National Fellowship Meeting in Canada 26-27 Convention in Rodriguez Islands 27-30 Convention in Uruguay 28-30 Convention in Mauritius Islands


3-6 Convention in Chile 17-20 Convention in Guatemala 24-27 Convention in Nicaragua


1-4 Convention in Brazil (Sao Paolo)

n Events already held

2 • Impacto evangelístico

The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a nonprofit religious organization properly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in Washington D.C. with headquarters in both cities and in each state of the American Union, as well as in other countries where we have missionary works established.

• Salvation by Faith in Christ: Luke 24:47; John 3:16; Romans 10:13-15; Titus 2:11; 3:5-7.

n Important Offerings, cash donations, gifts in goods or commodities, real state given by will in favor of the Worldwide Missionary Movement Inc. are tax deductible and the receipts expedited by the Worldwide Missionary Movement may be presented to the U.S. Federal Government I.R.S. and the Associated Free State of Puerto Rico I.R.S.

• Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1; Titus 3:7.

n Visit our Website Obtain edifying information of the Work of God and stay up-to-date. Your personal access from any place in the world: www.impactoevangelistico.net

• Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 8:16, 17; Mark 16:18; James 5:14, 15.

n If you so desire You may write us to our mailing address: Worldwide Missionary Movement Inc. P.O. Box 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644

Copyright © 2010 Evangelistic Impact



The contents of this publication are properly registered at the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The complete or partial reproduction of the contents of this magazine or its translation to other languages is prohibited without the express written consent of the MOVIMIENTO MISIONERO MUNDIAL, INC. also known as the WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, INC. According to international agreements, copyright infringement is punishable by law. n OUR DOCTRINE The Worldwide Missionary Movement firmly adheres to the fundamental doctrines of the Holy Scriptures such as:

• The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21. • Divine Godhead in Three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Matthew 3:16, 17; 17:1-5; 28:19; John 17:5, 24, 26; 16:32; 14:16, 23; 18:5, 6; 2 Peter 1:17, 18; Revelation 5.

• The New Birth: John 3:3; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 3:9.

• Baptism in Water by immersion as ordered by Christ: Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:36-39. • Baptism in the Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation, speaking in other tongues accordingly: Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 8; 2:4.

• The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. • The Fruit of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. • Sanctification: 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15, 16; 1 John 2:6. • Church Ministry and Evangelism: Mark 16:15-20; Romans 10:15. • The Tithing and the Financial Support of the Church: Genesis 14:20; 28:22; Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:21-26; Malachi 3:7-10; Matthew 10:10; 23:23. • The Rapture of the Church: Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. • The Second Coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-9; Matthew 24:30, 31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7; Titus 2:13; Jude 14, 15. • The Millennial Reign of Christ: Isaiah 2:1-4; 11:5-10; Zechariah 9:10; Revelation 19:20; 20:3-10. • The New Heavens and the New Earth: Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1.






Rev. Gustavo Martínez International President of the W.M.M.

Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz March-April 2011 / Edition N° 688 (USPS 012-850) WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT OFFICIAL PUBLICATION The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a non-profit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World. PUBLISHER MONTHLY BY Movimiento Misionero Mundial, INC World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

POSTMASTER: send address changes to

Impacto Evagenlístico P.O. BOX 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644 INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS OF THE W.M.M. INC. Rev. Gustavo Martínez President Rev. José Soto Vice-president Rev. Jorge Álvarez Secretary Rev. Rodolfo González Treasurer Rev. Álvaro Garavito Director Rev. Margaro Figueroa Director Rev. Rómulo Vergara Director Rev. Humberto Henao Director CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN: Argentina Hawaii Islands (U.S.A.) Aruba Holland Australia Honduras Belgium India Belize Israel Bolivia Italy Bonaire Jamaica Brazil Japan Cameroon Malaysia Canada Mexico Canary Islands(Spain) Nicaragua Chile Nigeria Colombia Panama Congo Paraguay Costa Rica Peru Curacao Portugal Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Ecuador Republic of Mauritius El Salvador Rodriguez Islands England Spain English Guyana Sweden Equatorial Guinea Switzerland France St. Andres Islands (Col.) French Guyana St. Croix Islands Gabon Suriname Germany The U.S.A. Ghana Trinidad and Tobago Guatemala Uruguay Haiti Venezuela Made in the Depósito Legal at the National Library of Peru N° 2011-02530 Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostés-Movimiento Misionero Mundial: Av. 28 de Julio 1781 - Lima 13 - Perú Printing: Quad/Graphics Perú S.A. Av. Los Frutales 344 - Lima 03 - Perú

Circulation: 150,000 copies


Come Lord


n the Gospel of Matthew chapter 25 there is a touching picture about the condition of ten women, the Bible says they were virgins, the wise ones and the foolish ones, two groups of women. The foolish ones did not take oil with them, but the wise ones took oil in their vessels along with their lamps. The difference between these two groups is noticeable and the Bible clearly tells us that five were taken and five were rejected. However, that was not the will of the Lord. How sad is that their lamps did not have oil, they responded too late. When they realized the bridegroom was coming and their lamps had no oil, they responded and told the wise ones “give us of your oil”. We know that holiness and a life of obedience cannot be sold, holiness is neither bought nor sold. A life of obedience cannot be bought, you cannot buy prayers or fastings. If we want to live in holiness and be found worthy, we have to remove from our lives the load of sin that holds us down, and run this race as God orders it, as the Bible teaches us. We need to preach as God gives us the message, so that he that hears may repent, he that is walking out of the path may walk on it, and what is crooked may be made straight. But there is also a glorious hope and a joy for the Church that lives without blemish, for the one whose garments are clean. “Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.”(Revelation 3:4). How do you think the pastor of that church felt about the state of those people? However, in this verse there is also a compliment: “Thou hast a few names ... which have not defiled their garments”. There was a large church in Sardis, but just a few people kept in holiness. In the history of the Church there was a faithful remnant. Once Elijah said: “I, even I only, am left” (1 Kings 19:14), and the divine answer was: “Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.” (1 Kings 19:18). Concern yourself with sorting your life out and making straight what is crooked, not in order to be worhty before the church but to be worhty before the Lord, and be taken into account on that day when the Lord comes. The moment will come when one shall be taken and the other left. Today is the day of salvation!, Church of God, the Lord Jesus is coming soon! Shun lukewarmness and conformity, look for holiness. The true church says: “Come, Lord Jesus”(Revelation 22:20) l

marzo-abril 2011



Beginning of

sorrows The current time is a time of reflection, especially because there are many signs of the Biblical prophecy written in the Gospel of Matthew, which speak about the beginning of pain. Rev. Rodolfo González Cruz, International Treasurer of the W. M. M.


nd as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a This is the beginning of sorrows, and these sufferings came not just to Japan but also to Chile and many other countries due to man’s sin. Many do not want to believe it, but the big truth is that sin draws pain and suffering to homes and families. If this is the beginning of sorrows, then, how will what is coming be llike? 4 • Impacto evangelístico

witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:3-14). Jesus, some days before his crucifixion, gathered together with His disciples and told them that He would go to His Father’s house, but he added: I will come again. (John 14:3). He will come for His people which is His Church, that people is not a religion, is not a building; the Church of God is a group of men and women of different races, different languages, rich and poor, illiterate and scientific, and all of them living apart from wickedness. Church consists of men and women who do not just believe in Jesus but also keep the Word of God. Jesus said: If a man love me, he will keep my words (John 14:23), He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (1 John 2:4-5). Many people say they are Christians, but they do evil things: they say bad words, get drunk, hit their wives, mis-

aniversario Photo Felipe Gonzalez

treat their children; live amidst scandals and violence because of drugs, alcohol, and adultery; nevertheless that’s why Jesus came: to destroy the works of the wicked one. One of the works of the enemy is to destroy homes. Homes must have an atmosphere of peace and happiness where man, woman and children live happily. The Bible says that the world will go from bad to worse. We do not need to be so wise to realize that the situation in the world is worsening in all aspects daily. God always desires our well-being, but sin blocks the blessing. We also see in this passage that the disciples came closer to Jesus and asked him: “when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Later, the Lord told them, ‘but of that day and that hour knoweth no man. Nevertheless, there will be signs before His coming, and when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors, and you must get

ready.’ The Lord also warns them to take heed that no man deceive them because there will be many religions, preachers, sorcerers, wizards, and many people that will say they have the power of God. Jesus told them: “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:21-23) Jesus told the disciples: “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be

The Bible says that the world will go from bad to worse. We do not need to be so wise to realize that the situation in the world is worsening in all aspects daily

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Photo Felipe Gonzalez

The situation is difficult in many countries where natural disasters have punished men and women.

Do you know how the waves of the sea roared in Japan? How the waves reached that horrifying and terrible height? How houses were swept away by those waves? How ships were pushed against bridges and arrived many kilometers inland? The roaring of the sea was terrible. But that did not happen just there, that will continue happening. >>>

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famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matthew 24:4-8). This is the beginning of sorrows, and these sufferings came not just to Japan but also to Chile and many other countries due to man’s sin. Many do not want to believe it, but the big truth is that sin draws pain and suffering to homes and families. If this is beginning of sorrows, then, how will what is coming be like? Since the 70s more earthquakes have occurred than in the past centuries, and every year dreadful earthquakes have killed many people. During the last decade, those earthquakes have not been of 5 or 6 degrees, but of 7 and 9 degrees. In Central America, from Panama to Mexico, there is a series of volcanos which will cause irreparable damage when they erupt. It is possible that the Pacific and Athlantic oceans would join together, then, what is written in the book of Revelation will be fulfilled: every island will be moved. With all the tsunamis, the waters of the sea have passed over the islands. In 2004, a terrible tsunami, after an earthquake of 8.9 on the Richter scale, whose epicenter was close to the island of Sumatra, killed 226,408 people in 12 countries situated surrounding the Indian ocean. Buildings were totally swept away, the destruction was enormous, so-

mething like this had happened never before. I remember in Cuba, some years ago, a seaquake caused several deaths, and entire families withchildren disppeared. It was terrible, however it was somewhat small compared to the Tsunami of the Indian Ocean and now with the one in Japan, the situation is becoming worse every day. In Peru there are many volcanos, in the city of Arequipa is the volcano Misti which is next to others such as Chachani. The day will come when those volcanoes will erupt and it will be terrible for that city. Those volcanoes will erupt and that will be beginning of sorrows. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”, Luke 21:25. Do you know how the waves of the sea roared in Japan? How the waves reached that horrifying and terrible height? How houses were swept away by those waves? How ships were pushed against the bridges and arrived many kilometres inland? The roaring of the sea was terrible. But that did not happen just there, that will continue happening. It was only a few years ago that those disasters occurred. In the gospel of Matthew 24:13 we read: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” He that perseveres faithfully believing in Jesus and obeying His Word, shall be saved. We live amidst a violent world, a perverted and corrupted world, where adultery reigns, divorced is seen every hour: men and women want to have sex without getting married, but if the woman gets preganant, they do not want to have the baby and then they kill him. Do you know how


many millions of abortions occur in the world? Abortion is the most terrible crime against the most innocent beings. The Bible says that God abhors the hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17), but people have lost sensitivity; they have pleasure having sex and they become worse than animals. The Bible says that due to men’s wickedness, they will do vile things, things that they should not do. (Romans 1:21-32). “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” (Romans 1:26-27). God always abhorred this practice; the sentence of death was established for those who committed horrible and abominable sins. If a father had sex with his daughter, or raped his little child, all of that was damned to sentence of death , and I think God approved it because those abominable deeds were stopped in this way. The situation has become bad, but every day will become even worse. When this Work reached Peru in 1981, the Christian population was not even 1%, but God started opening doors such as radio and T.V. stations, acquired not through money from the U.S.A. or Europe, but through the grace of God. And this media has helped us to preach the Gospel, as Jesus said: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:14). In Peru we are not the 1% any more, we are the 20%. The number of Christian people not only in Peru but in the whole world has increased. Right now the message of God is reaching the five continents through Internet, through six satellites, and through radio because God wants everybody to be able to listen to the Gospel; it does not matter how lost a person is neither what his sins are. Jesus Christ said: I came not to call good people because there is no one good; I came not to call the righteous because there is no one righteous; I came to call sinners. It does not

matter how deep you have fallen, Jesus came to take you out of the miry clay; Jesus came to deliver you. Religion can do nothing for you, religion causes no change in people, but Jesus Christ changes us; yes, He can. When the Gospel reaches a nation, and it hears carefully the Word of God, those people will pray to God wholeheartedly, and that will please God. Jesus said that whenever we need something, we should ask the Father in His name and He will do it (John 14:13-14). It is necessary to learn how to pray, how to come closer to God; you should learn how to pray for

your prayer be heard, the apostle James said: “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” (James 4:3). Ask God for what is good and just for you and your family, for the people, for your neighbours. Ask well, do not ask wrongly, because if you ask wrongly God will not answer to you. Ask with love and compassion, and God will answer your prayer. Beloved, God wants us to know that His hand is not short. He came to save people’s souls; to deliver people; to give peace to every home; to deliver from alcohol, drugs and any other vice which corrupts human life. Beloved reader, to have an encounter with God you do not need to pay. Jesus Christ paid the price when he died on the cross of Calvary. The only thing you need to do is confess before God that you are a sinner, and He will forgive your sins and heal your soul. Amen l

marzo-abril 2011



David and

Goliath “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts...”, 1 Samuel 17:45.

Rev. Luis M. Ortiz Ilustration: Julio Limache


he people of Israel, under the reign of Saul, were in war against the Philistines who harassed, provoked, and even invaded the national territory constantly. On this occasion, the Philistines had united their armies for the war, invaded the territory of Judah and had taken over a mountain. King Saul and his men camped on other mountain opposite them in battle formation against the Philistines, and both armies were watching each other. Then, a giant called Goliath came out of the camp of the Philistines. His height was six cubits and a span. He was wellarmed from head to foot. He stood up in the middle of the battle field and started to insult, ridicule, and provoke Israel. He said: “ am not I a Philistine, and ye servants to Saul? choose you a man for you, and let him come down to me. If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then will we be your servants: but if I prevail against him, and kill him, then shall ye be our servants, and serve us. And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together. When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly afraid.” (1 Samuel

17:8-11). Beloved, they were disturbed and felt afraid because all of them were in disobedience and had dishonoured God. Disobedience and sin lead to confusion, fear, and reproach. Saul was almost as tall and burly as Goliath. Among Saul’s army there were great generals who had >>> 8 • Impacto evangelístico


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distinguished themselves by defending the country in the past. There were skillful diplomats and theorists. There were great tycoons and cunning politicians, but all of them were as afraid as scared little doves while listening the shouts, insults, threats, and insolences by the uncouth Goliath. My friends, these insults and provocations by Goliath were not received just once, or just because one day he got up in a bad mood. Goliath did this three times a day for forty days, which means one hundred and twenty times. The horde of disobedient and cowardly men who had fallen from the grace of God did not dare go out and fight. Perhaps they were in conferences, secret meetings, shady deals etc, considering not the insults by Goliath but the benefits and advantages Saul was offering for the ones who would fight and defeat the giant. All of them were backsliders and had been defeated, not by Goliath, but by their own crooked conscience. God has never been forced to backslide, although the backsliders are many. All those powerful people


(who were many) were full of fear due to their sin, the Bible says: “And all the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him, and were sore afraid. ” (1 Samuel 17:24).

Nonetheless, beloved, God had among his reserves one man who was a little bit older than a teenager. Of course, that man had no importance for them because he was a shepherd, a boy who followed instructions, he had never had a weapon in his hands, and he was not of military age. Therefore, he was strongly rebuked by his own brothers when he determined to go out and fight against that uncircumcised Philistine. Saul himself told him: “Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to

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fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth” (1 Samuel 17:33). And David replied: “The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.” (1 Samuel 17:37).

Saul clothed David with his armour, and put a helmet and a coat on him, but David said: “I cannot go with these” (1 Samuel 17:39). “And David girded his sword

upon his armour, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved them. And David put them off him. And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine. And the Philistine came on and drew near unto David; and the man that bare the shield went before him. And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth... And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field.” (1 Samuel 17:39-44). “Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hands. And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came, and drew nigh to meet David, that David hastened, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to the earth... And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled.” (1

Samuel 17:45-51). My friends, right now in the world, an


enormous giant is rising up. It is growing and growing, and it threatens to destroy everything. It is the horrible giant of sin with its multiple squires; those old squires who have not retired yet, and many other new squires of the new age: The squire of divorce and re-marriage. The sly squires of adultery and fornication which are so promoted and glorified in cinemas and television. The disrespectful and audacious squire of immorality which lead people to wear a bikini, a swim suit, or even go out naked. The thrill-seeking squire of juvenil delinquency which some people think is fun, and it is well-treated by society. The hideous squire of drugs, heroin, and narcotics which pierces the poor and the rich, the worker and the professor. The hypocritical squire of the peaceful coexistence with crime, terror, and violence. The treacherous and criminal squire of atheistic materialism that denies faith. The bloody squire of war and revolutions with their nuclear weapons and unquenchable thirst of blood. The speedy squire of spaceflights in order to exterminate. The hairy and shaggy squire of a rebellious and libertine youth. My friends, the panorama is devastating. The giant of sin with its horrible herd of wicked and destructive squires seems set to stay in the world’s camp. They move forward and it seems no one will stop them. Despite seeing the progress this giant of sin is making for its master satan, kings can do nothing, generals are impotent, politicians are disturbed, rulers are alarmed, teachers are disconcerted, sociologists are confused, scientists have become fools, religious people are lethargic; all of them are afraid because of the devastating and destructive advance of the giant sin. They are unable to do anything to avoid it. Dr. Harold Hurei, an expert in nuclear energy, said: “We, the scientists are the most fearful people in the world.” A high religious prelate said: “We as the church acknowledge that we have failed to give what the world needs.” However, my friends, in these present days God has also His David, this David

is wrestling against the giant of sin and is winning the battle. This David is the flock of the Lord, the group of faithful Christians who keep themselves pure and holy, the ones who are not accomodating sin or compromising with it. The ones who due to their consecration and obedience to the Lord and His Word, fear nothing and nobody. They preach with no fear, and bravely march ahead to face the giant of sin. Not using vain philosophies or the armour and strength of the flesh, neither using a false ecumenism, but the stone which is the Word of God and the sling which is the Holy Spirit. Goliath is being beheaded in many lives due to the action, braveness, and valiant and consecrated ministry of many unknown Davids. They are not acknowledged or mentioned; sometimes they are even despised in high ecclesiastic circles, however, they are the ones who are fighting against the Goliath of sin. This is a spiritual war and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual because it is not by might nor by power but by my Spirit, said the Lord of hosts, (...) IN THE PRESENT DAYS GOD HAS ALSO HIS DAVID, THIS DAVID IS WRESTLING AGAINST THE GIANT OF SIN AND IS WINNING THE BATTLE. THIS DAVID IS THE FLOCK OF THE LORD, THE GROUP OF FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS WHO KEEP THEMSELVES PURE AND HOLY, THE ONES WHO ARE NOT ACCOMODATING SIN OR COMPROMISING WITH IT. (...)

my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. The weapons of the Church are the glorious power of the Holy Spirit, and the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit. My friends, it is the humble David of the true Christians who is defeating Goliath, and as long as the giants do not repent before God, they will continue being defeated and their ruin too will be gigantic. Beloved, let’s keep facing and defeating sin, moral disorder, and sin in all his manifestations as the words of David say: “I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts and the victory will always be ours.”

Beloved reader, would you like the

marzo-abril 2011

• 11


Trip around


The churches in India and Malaysia were visited by the Supervisor for Asia. This is the confirmation that the Work is now present in this continent. An important announcement was given: let's pray that God opens doors for our organization in Thailandia, Singapore, and Philippines. “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15.


n January 31st, 2011, Rev. Samuel David Mejía (Missionary Supervisor to Asia) and Rev. Tony Sosa (American Missionary to Mexico) met in the city of Miami (the U.S.A.) to continue their trip towards the Asian continent where precious activites were held for the glory of God. There were glorious fellowship meetings. Both pastors arrived on February 3rd in the city of Madras. They were welcomed by Pstr. Sukumar Jeyasing, Secretary of our Work in India, pastors, and brethren of our churches. That very night, the Fellowship Meeting in Alamthy (city located in the outskirts of Madras) was started. Pstr. Sam Jacob, National Supervisor of India, among others attended this event. This activity was held from February 3rd to 6th. During these days, three daily services were held: one for pastors, another at 10:00 a.m., and the next one at 6:30 p.m. The attendance was glorious, there were about 500 people at the night service. This led brethren to hold the event outside the church where a special place was prepa12 • Impacto evangelístico

The Worldwide Missionary Movement keeps making progress. The Word of God is being heard in the whole world. Right: Time for food after the spiritual activity.


aniversario Moments of glory in Asia. Dozens of brothers and sisters surrendering their lives over to the Lord.

Above: Rev. Samuel David MejĂ­a, Missionary Supervisor to Asia and Rev. Sam Jacob, Supervisor to India. marzo-abril 2011

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The Word of God is being heard in several Asian countries. Right: Pstr. Samuel David Mejía and Pstr. Sam Jacob.


red. The Word of God flowed in a special way, Pastors Samuel David Mejía and Tony Sosa preached the message of God that touched lives deeply. Pastors and people were edified greatly. There was also a precious amount of people who surrendered their lives to the Lord, and many miracles were performed by the migthy hand of God. The following week, pastors went to Panagudi in the district of Nagercoil (it is the southernmost point of the State of Tamil Nadu as well as of all India). The three oceans (the sea of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabic Sea), which surround the Indian subcontinent, converge at that specific geographical point. Another precious Fellowship Meeting was held in that place. This event started with an attendance of around 300 people and it ended with more than 500. It was a glorious time in that place as well. The pastor of our central church there, Samuel Jevarash, testified that after the Worldwide Missionary Movement was established there, the Work has made progress in such a special way that it is actually necessary to extend the hall. Brethren are glad because they belong to a Work of 14 • Impacto evangelístico

Above: A person afflicted by deafness was healed. Below: Choir of the W.M.M. churches in India.


VISIT TO MALAYSIA Pastors Mejia and Sosa took a flight from the city of Madras to Kuala-Lumpur (Malaysia) on February 15th to share during a week with our church located in Kajang, Selangor which is half an hour from the capital city. Pastor Murasurajan welcomed the guest pastors. There were precious services in this city; in the morning there was time for praying and studying the Lord’s Doctrine, and during some evenings there were special meetings with the leaders of our church. The goal is the doctrinal strengthening of this Work’s vision in the planting of new churches. Our brethren were strengthened and encouraged. Rev. Tony Sosa and Rev. Samuel David Mejía spoke to them about the need to plant at least one hundred churches in Malaysia, and our brethren responded to

Sound Doctrine where the support of God is seen in all the areas. In the outskirts of this area we have about eleven churches. Other important news is that a church in the city of Mumbai (Bombay) has been established. Pastors Paulus have been working in that place since August last year, and we have a precious group of believers there. In a very short time, the National Supervisor of India, Rev. Sam Jacob, will travel with another National Board Member to the city of Calcuta because we are praying to plant a church there.

Left: Pstr. Samuel David Mejía and Pstr. Murasurajan in the church of Malaysia. Below: Part of the congregation in KualaLumpur.

this with great joy. The first offering proconstruction was collected so that the church in Kajang, Selangor may buy its own property under the Worldwide Missionary Movement. During this trip, the missionary pastors came back with a great burden, and we started praying for three specific countries in Asia that the Lord would open new doors and the Work be established there. These countries are: Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines. Praise the Lord! l

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23rd National Convention in

Panama The Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panama held a great spiritual activity to celebrate its 23rd National Convention. This event was held at the Gym Orlando Winter, San Miguelito. The four days were full of God's power and many were touched by the Holy Spirit mightily.

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ith a service filled with God’s glory, the 23rd National Convention of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panama commenced. From March 5th to 8th 2011, the churches of the W.M.M. moved into the Gym Orlando Winter which has a capacity for five thousand people. This occasion was opened by the International Vice-president and Missionary Supervisor to Europe, Rev. José Arturo Soto. The National Supervisor of the Work in Panama, Rev. José Alcides Ramea, was in charge of the welcoming words. The first day the preaching from God’s Word was imparted by Rev. Manuel Zúñiga, Missionary Supervisor of Central America. He spoke on the subject: “The Power of Grace”, based on Ephesians 2:8. During the preaching of this message, he stated that the grace of God had been manifested since the creation of man in the garden of Eden. “Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven.” (Psalm 85:11), said Pastor Zúñiga. He said that the grace of God exploded on the cross of Calvary when the Lord Jesus said: “It is finished”, and it was spread across the world. That redeeming grace of God was accomplished when the Lord said about the Church: “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” said Rev. Zúñiga. The National Convention of Panama was attended by Rev. Humberto Henao, International Board Member and National Supervisor of Colombia; Rev. Carlos Guerra, National Supervisor of the U.S.A.; Rev. Juan Castillo, National Supervisor of Costa Rica; National Board Members and Zonal Overseers of Panama and Costa Rica, and brethren from different parts of the country. During the Convention a Youth service and then a Missionary service were held during which God called many people to His Work. There was also a Promotion Ceremony where it was demonstrated that the Work in Panama is making progress. Thirtyfour brethren entered the ranks of ministry and were acknowledged as Lay Preachers; ten pastors, who have been working for more than three years in the ministry were promoted to the position of Licensed Pastors; and finally, nineteen Licensed Pastors were promoted to the position of Ordained Minister.



Rev. José Soto, Missio-

nary Supervisor of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Europe and pioneer of the Church in Panama, told us how our Organization made progress in this country. The man of God said that the Work reached Panama in the 60s, after an evangelistic crusade in Costa Rica. The first congregation was opened in Boca del Toro. After that, other churches were established in other cities. In 1973, Pstr. Soto, who by that time was pastor in Costa Rica, was appointed to work in the church of Panama. The International Board Members decided to send him to a small town. “I thought I could not thrive in such a small town, I even sent a letter to the Board explaining my feelings to them, but I received as an answer to my request a very big stamp that said “rejected”, said Rev. Soto. After some time, Pstr. Soto realized that the plans of God do not usually fit in with man’s timings. It was like this that the Worldwide Missionary Movement started a period of permanent growth that has continued up to now in Panamal Left: Attendance fully worshipping God. Above: Rev. José Alcides Ramea and wife. Below: Rev. José Soto praying by the pastors who have been promoted.

Some Zonal Overseers, Pastors, and Youth Leaders of the W.M.M. in Panama were replaced as well. The Supervisor of Panama, Rev. José Alcides Ramea, was confirmed in his position by the International Board Members. He has been the National Supervisor of the Work in Panama for three yearsl

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translates material of the Work to English

The Office of Translation, Department of English, was created about two years ago. The translation and printing of the magazine “Evangelistic Impact” is addressed to the U.S.A., English Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica.


nglish is considered an essential language to universalize our publication. Currently 2000 copies are printed per issue. India, Malaysia and, in a very short time, Australia, Mauritius and Rodriguez Islands as well are catered for. Our publication is printed and distributed in India; furthermore, quite soon the first edition of the book “Biblical Lessons for New Converts” (in English) is about to be printed. The Worldwide Missionary Movement La Concordia Church in Bucaramanga, Colombia, has been developing a project for nearly 13 years in its Department of English. It involves the teaching of the English language to the members of this church for free; there are well-trained teachers and the reason this teaching is free is because of the burden for the Missionary Work in the different countries of the world. Under the name of Missionary School of Languages, we try to support brethren whose financial resources are not the best, but feel burdened for the Work in the whole world. Right now there are about 150 students. Services in English are also held on 18 • Impacto evangelístico

Universalization is under way. Colombia works to translate literature of the Work and broadcast radio programs in English.



In the month of May, 2010,

Sundays from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. And Services with bilingual preaching are held on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. These services are broadcast live by video through Internet.

TRANSLATION OFFICE The Translation Team of written material of the Work was created about two years ago. In addition to the members of the local church, Pstr. Tony Sosa (American Missionary to Mexico who speaks Spanish) is also involved in this work. He is in charge of revising the translations before printing and distributing them worldwide. The first translation to English of our magazine Evangelistic Impact was distributed in the South American Congress in Lima, Peru, 2009. Since that time, the translation and

printing of the magazine in English have been done. 2000 copies are printed in order to cover the U.S.A., English Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica. In India another quantity of magazines are printed and distributed in India, Malaysia, Australia, Mauritius and Rodriguez Islands. Currently in India, the book of “Biblical Lessons for New Converts” (by Rev. Luis M. Ortiz) is beng printed for the first time in English. Another printing will be done in America to cover the English speaking countries in which we have established the Work.l

La Concordia church in Bucaramanga, Colombia, inaugurated the online radio station: WORD OF INSPIRATION INTERNATIONAL RADIO (WIIR) www.imiw.org which broadcasts 24 hours. The speakers are students and teachers of the Missionary School of Languages (members of La Concordia Church) where Rev. Samuel David Mejía pastors. The messages are preached by different pastors of the Worldwide Missionary Movement across the world. We have received reports from the 5 continents, and are amazed by reports received from Egypt, Iran, Russia, Kazakstan, China, Taiwan, HongKong, Singapore, Arabia Saudi, Malaysia, and many other countries in Asia. Also from Australia. From Africa: South- Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Ghana and others. In Europe: Spain, England, Germany, Italy, Holland, etc. In America, the list of reports received is led by the U.S.A. followed by different countries from all Latin America. To God be all glory! l

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ith God’s help a new Mission Field of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Milan-Certosa was initiated. A young couple of Missionaries will be in charge of it: Bro. Heber Henry Quiroz and his beloved wife. Let’s pray that the Lord may use and help them. This activity was held on March 8th of this year, and the messenger of the Word of God was Rev. David Echalar, National Supervisor of Italy. Members of the church in Milan were present there.

New Churches in


The European continent is being blessed by the Lord. The Worldwide Missionary Movement has opened two new places in Milan and Torino to bless many people and expand the Kingdom of Heaven. Glory to God!

SECOND CHURCH IN THE CITY OF TORINO The Work in Italy keeps pressing forward

Above: Congregation in Milan-Certosa. Right: young couple of Missionaries, Bro. Heber Henry Quiroz and his wife.

20 • Impacto evangelístico

saving and delivering people from the claws of satan in a resounding way. Recently a second church was opened in the city of Torino, in Barriera, Milan. This glorious activity was held on February 19th and 20th. This spiritual celebration was held with great joy. Different churches from all over the country attended such as: Firenze, Imperia, San Remo, Torino, Roma and Genoa. Special songs were sang for the Lord, and above all, the mighty Word of God was preached by Rev. David Echalar. Pstr. Ramón Ortega Macías together with his wife Leitther de Ortega will be in charge of this church. Hallelujah! l



WMM in Austria

The church of the worldwide Missionary Movement was opened recently on February 19th and 20th with a precious Fellowship Meeting in Vienna. Rev. David Echalar, National Supervisor of Italy was present for this occasion.


he new hall was opened through the prayer of a mother who asked God fervently to show her a church of Sound Doctrine which she could attend. The answer came after two years. This sister experienced a miracle. She found out that in South America, in the Republic of Peru, there was a T.V. station called Bethel Television whose signal was received in the city of Vienna. This sister, together with her children rejoiced on a daily basis with the spiritual programming broadcast by Bethel Television, the channel that brings happiness to the family.

Through this media, she was filled with the Word of God through the preaching, studies, and testimonies. This sister, led by the Lord, contacted the T.V. station in the Republic of Peru to find out if there was a possibility of opening a church in Austria (Vienna). She was told that in Italy she could find the Central Church, thus she was able to contact the National Supervisor of the Work in Italy, Rev. David Echalar. Under God’s direction, a couple from the church in Genoa, Italy, was chosen as helpers to plant a church in Vienna, Austria’s capital. These brethren travelled frequently to the new place to preach. At the beginning it was very difficult for the helpers due to the language difference as well as the weather. Finally, on February 19th and 20th, the church was inaugurated with a precious Fellowship Meeting in the city of Vienna, district 17, Street Taubergasse 15. Rev. David Echalar attended together with a small delegation of brethren. Bro. Humberto Arias and his wife Martha Barros are in charge of this church that is in the heart of God.l

Full joy. The opening of the new hall of the church in Vienna filled the brethren with joy. The activity was led by Rev. David Echalar.

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Evangelistic crusade in the United States This activity was led by the American youth of the Worldwide Missionary Movemetn in Grand Rapids, Michigan. "Stir up the Fire" was the motto (based on 2 Timothy 1:6) for this activity.

The youth of the U.S.A received new strength to keep preaching the Gospel of Jesus.

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uring four days, from January 27th 30th, 2011, a powerful Evangelistic Crusade was held in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. This event was a glorious blessing that left a special mark on people’s hearts. The message from God’s Word was translated to English because some Americans attended too. This event was broadcast via Internet. During these days, many people surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and many young people were blessed and strengthened by the touch of God on their lives. They were encouraged to keep preaching the Gospel of

Jesus Christ and believing in the promises of God. Amidst an atmosphere of glory, praising, and worshipping, the Word of God flowed as rivers, bringing comfort, strength, and salvation. The young boy Bro. Jerry Vásquez (from Puerto Rico) testified how God took him out of wordly music to sing to Him now. Emphasis was also put on the importance of children in what God wants to do before the rapture of Church. Those were special days for all the attendees. Hallelujah! l

[ACTIVITIES] aniversario

PANAMA Recovering What Was Lost

GERMANY Fellowship Meeting in Hamburg

PARAGUAY 22nd National Convention

SWITZERLAND Men’s Fellowship Meeting





ITH A GREATmanifestation of the glory of God, the 15th Women's National Convention of the W.M.M. in Panama was held at the Camp of Chilibre, in Villa Unida. The motto was: “Recovering What Was Lost”. This activity was held almost at the end of 2010. Around 1,200 women from all over the country gathered together for this very important event. Rev. José A. Soto, International Vice-president; Rev. Alcides Ramea, National Supervisor of Panama; the National Board of Women, led by Sis. Laura de Bracho; and the National Board Members of the Work attended this activity. Sis. Olga de Cabrera, Pastor of one of our churches in Manhattan, New York, was the guest speaker during the evening services. During these days, the power of God was manifested by healing, delivering, and baptizing with His Holy Spirit. Amen l

N FEBRUARY 26TH AND 27TH a precious Fellowship Meeting was held in the city of Hamburg, Germany. Rev. David Echalar, from the church in Genoa, Italy; and Pstr. Rubén Castañeda, from the church in Berlín, Germany attended this event. Pstr. Hugo Lope from the church in Bustarsizio, Italy, was given the privilege of preaching the Word of God during those days of the event. God was ministering mightily, and in one of the services, a Spanish family was reconciled with God. Praise the Lord! Pstr. Emanuel from the church of Hamburg thanked those brethren who were backing up the event with their attendance in spite of the long journey. During the break time, brethren had the opportunity to know the Touristic Centre of Hamburg l

HE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT in Paraguay held a tremendous spiritual celebration from the February 17th- 20th, 2011. Brethren from the whole guarani nation attended the 12th National Convention. The event took place in Ciudad del Este. The new Missionary Supervisor of the Work in South America, Rev. Gerardo Martínez; and the Missionary from Argentina, Joselin Giménez presented this event. Rev. Gerardo Martínez preached under the title: “Things that Prevent us from Receiving More from God.” Pastor Joselin Giménez also preached the message: “Let's Commit ourselves to God.” The Pastors Meeting was held in the church where Rev. Arsenio Arzamendia pastors together with his wife, Sis. Nidia de Arzamendia. Many lives were moved to obey the calling of going to the missionary field. People received Jesus in their hearts while some others were healed, renewed, and delivered through the power of God.l

HE 2ND MEN'S FELLOWSHIP MEETING was held in the city of Zurich,Switzerland, from February 26th - 27th , 2011. The churches of Ginebra, Berna, and France, attended with their respectivce pastors. The motto for this event was: “Men Chosen to Conquer”, based on Joshua 13:1. Among the attendees were: Rev. David Echalar; Rev. Jimy Ramírez; Pstr. Christian Giordanino; Pstr. Patricia Almache; Pstr. Ruth Sueiro; Pstr. César Gonzales and Pstr. Rafaela Gonzales. Brethren from Ginebra, Berna, and Tichino attended as well. During this activity, Rev. David Echalar and Rev. Jimy Ramírez preached the Word of God. The congregation felt happy because they could meet their new brethren from the south of Switzerland, Tichino, which has a developing church. Let's pray for Rev. Jimy Ramírez who is in charge of the Work in Switzerland, and for Pstr. Ruth Sueiro responsible for the church in Zurich, for their great effort in the organization of this glorious activity and for the way they ministered to the servants of Godl

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