I ran across a search term called get domain and I thought it wise at this point to write a short blog post on this topic. As a web marketer, I preach the very thing that I am going to tell you right now. It is very tempting for you to come up with a fancy and\or catchy name for your business and buy a domain name based on that. If you have an already established company there is much benefit to selecting a name based on the company. However, even if a web company is well known and have been indexed on Page #1 across all three search engines, I guarantee that there are tens of thousands of keywords which demand a savvy web company exploit them. How do you do this? Here is a tip that whether you use WordPress of another web platform must be heeded. You want to introduce your company by keyword search and not by company name! I will use this very website where you found this post as an example. The name of my company is EDINC Publishing but I challenge anyone to find my company’s name on this website. Except for this post, you probably never will. The reason why you won’t is that I make it a point to introduce my company to the world by keyword search habits they have already formed. Take a gander at the domain name which is Websitewordpress.net. I am a blind believer in the WordPress platform. Not because someone smarter than I told me about it but I tried it, liked it and then used it to run a few very niche websites to Page #1 of Google.
My Free Domain and Great Hosting of Choice! The reason I was able to achieve (thus far only) 3 #1 websites and a #3 website in these keyword markets was mainly due to the proper selection of a key-worded domain and not my company name. I mean really. Who is searching for my company, EDINC? Yet, using this website at an example, 11 MILLION searches per month are conducted for the term website WordPress and WordPress website. It would take literally tens of thousands of dollars each month to achieve that kind of exposure for the brand EDINC using web marketing channels. Building your brand based on a key-worded domain will allow a mass search exposure through search patterns your future clients and customers have already formed. The 2nd thing which I need to inform you of is it takes alot more of effort to remember a company’s name than to remember a favorite search term. Once a search engine user becomes passionate about a particular keyword (like WordPress) or a group of keywords (like WordPress Plugins) and IF your website is positioned in the top four in a keyword search on Page #1 of Google, these searchers will be repeat visitors to your website.
Another added benefit of such an approach to getting a domain name is that there will always be new searchers using your favorite terms which takes care of the worries you have about location new site visitors! This traffic will be perpetual and all it will cost you is writing several posts per week and NO advertising dollars. I don’t want any reader to think that choosing a domain is the only thing a webmaster needs to do in order to achieve these sorts of results but this is a subject for future posts. Before I close I will shortly also deal with WHERE to buy domain names.
You all know that I am a blind believer in Blue Host in conjunction with WordPress. Another a service that Bluehost offers is the ability to buy a domain name when you sign up and pay the super small hosting fee. Godaddy has MILLIONS of dollars in advertising budgets and I have no doubt that this is the web’s #1 location for buying domains. However, running to GoDaddy does more harm than help for the small business person who is trying to launch a web business with a KEY-WORDED domain name. They have no web platform that I am aware of which allows everything you need to launch a serious web business in one place. There is another fact which I must tell you about which makes Godaddy very dangerous when you find a high search keyword and attempt to buy the domain you want. If you choose to buy it with Godaddy. Make sure you have everything you need to complete the transaction as soon as you find it is available. I will use this website as an example. The search term WordPress Website in any workable domain extension was unavailable, upon further research, I found out that although that one wasn’t available, Website WordPress was with the same number of searches (11MILLION). I am too experienced to believe that both of these search terms receives the exact same number of searches, NO WAY! My guess is that the 11 MILLION for the former is more accurate. However, for search purpose and my expert level of WordPress search engine optimization will nullify any deficit in advantage. I said all of that to point this out, IF I had attempted to buy my domain at Godaddy (which I didn’t) and didn’t have all the information (credit card etc) or motivation to complete the transaction, GoDaddy would have sold it to what are known as Domain Auction houses! This domain name, being a Premium domain just went from costing around $11.99 to over $2,000. There logic is if someone searched it, it must have value and BAM, you will lose it.
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