SEO Tips > SEO Basics > SEO Tips for Blogs

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In this post, I will give you some SEO tips along with my SEO Power Pack that I use to STOMP OUT the competition. First up: Stay away from strictly Squeeze Page marketing. Why Recently, there was a large number of Adwords Advertisers banned from Google Adwords. Most of these advertisers fell into just few categories. The category that is relevant to this topic is those who offer ‘Squeeze Page’ advertising. Squeeze Pages are basically web pages that make some extraordinary claim, (98% of the time false) and promise you something FREE IF ONLY you would give them your email address. To see these hustlers up close, Google the search term ‘make money online’ and click on the Ads on page #1 of Google. The below offers are worth you taking a look at because they are from the #1 Web Marketer in the world, my hero; Brad Callen.

The Best Affiliate Opportunity Available!

#1 Keyword Niche Finder!

Of course there are many more examples but the point is, if you want to become successful marketing on the web, change your thought processes now! Many times, all these are, with a few exceptions, is someone who is going to give you some JUNK REPORT for FREE in order to sell you something way more expensive later! For future success, I want to again remind you to establish a relationship with your potential customer through an interactive web platform of some kind or you will be out of business in the near future. Submitting your site to multiple search engines! (This is a joke!) This, in my opinion, having rocked 4 websites to #1 on Google and this one with 11 MILLION keyword searches per month will to: is the most dishonest web business practice going right now. Submitting your website to a search engine, any search engine, is not only non-productive, it is naïve! Submitting your site in this manner doesn’t guarantee you will be indexed, especially with Google. What will guarantee that your website is crawled by web bots and indexed fast is doing one the following things; 1.

Do a keyword search with Google on keywords that are relative to your offering. Post a SUBSTANATIVE comment on the first 7 blogs on Page #1. These sites are crawled many times

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