I am going to focus on giving you folks one tip at a time as it concerns WordPress website help. It is needful because I want all of you to come back often and I refuse to give too much information at one-time because, well, you can easily become overwhelmed with my knowledge. The first tip I am going to give you is the basic sign up plan. I have tried hosts such as Host Gator, 1and1 and finally wound up at Bluehost. Bluehost is by far the best web platform for those of you who are beginners, novices and can’t afford (yet anyway) to pay some expensive and over rated web designer to do something that you can do far cheaper, just as well and get your website rocking. All of the Wordpress help you will EVER need is wrapped up in this EXPLOSIVELY SIMPLE manual. I used the secrets and, well, you found one of my pages didn’t you?
Dominate Every other Website!
Easy Back Link Builder!
Wordpress Niche Keyword Finder!
Wordpress Marketing on STEROIDS!
#1 Wordpress Money Making AND SEO Themes!
Lazy Marketer’s Article Spinner!
As I have said before I now say again. I will never steer anyone in a direction to services which I myself either don’t use, won’t use or have branded the service the kings and queens of suckology! For instance, and although Ewin Chia is a millionaire affiliate marketer, I don’t believe in any of his products because most of them are based on down line sales and if you aren’t among the first to sign up for his new offers, you will never make money. Further, most of his Affiliates sell his information without mastering the content and WordPress platforms are for serious marketers only. I mean really, how serious could anyone be if they are selling something that they have neither mastered or owns? I believe that the partnership between Blue Host and WordPress (simple script install) is great because back when I was first starting out on my own web marketing journey, it was and is so user friendly that I was able to take 4 separate websites to the top 2 spots on Google in my keyword markets. Now keep in mind, way back then I had no experience in either web design or search engine optimization but the tools on WordPress allowed me to figure things out starting from a knowledge base of Zero.
Just briefly, there is a difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org so please understand that I am strictly speaking about the latter. If you choose to stay with the former, go away and get your information somewhere else because it is apparent that you couldn’t possibly be serious about your blog and web business. I also want to let you know that there is another marketer whose product I believe in blindly. His name is Brad Callen and he has a product called SEO Elite which will skyrocket any marketer to web success! SEO Elite will due for a very small price what so-called SEO Experts are charging outrageous fees of up to $1,000 to do and the issue is, many of those SEO Experts are using Brad software to do the work anyway! So why wouldn’t you just cut through the clutter, get serious about your business and buy this super low cost software? So let’s take a look at what we so far as far as launching your I use these themes on all of my websites and they are designed by another master web marketer whom I have much respect for named Joel Comm. He is the #1 Adsense Guru on the planet and although I am not prone to running these ads, I love this guy’s style and as a best selling author, he has made many people rich who follow his marketing plans. As I close, I will enlighten you on why I don’t believe in running Adsense Ads on my site(s) at this time. Any ad that runs on a website is called a ‘content placement.’ Content placement ads on websites typically have high CTR (click thru rates) but the conversion rate STINKS as compared to strictly search marketing ads. It could be lucrative but I suggest to all of my students to stay away from this sort of advertising as it is a waste of advertising dollars. If I ran ads like these on my site and told everyone who would listen that this is stupid, wouldn’t that make me a hypocrite?
Dominate Every other Website!
Easy Back Link Builder!
Wordpress Niche Keyword Finder!
Wordpress Marketing on STEROIDS!
#1 Wordpress Money Making AND SEO Themes!
Lazy Marketer’s Article Spinner!