Make Money on the Internet > Make Money Internet > Making Money on Internet

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I will start out with a few ways to not make money on the Internet. These techniques are old and outdated and the only people who would even consider using them are those who are being conned by ‘upline marketers’ who tell them that this is the way. 

Writing articles on EZINES: I don’t know how else to say this other than to do so: EZINES ARE A COMPLETE JOKE! Many of you experienced marketers will surely object to me saying this! However, whatever your main keyword is as far as your websites goes, Google the term and see how many EZINE Articles are on page

Creating good content for other sites is an OK thing to do in the short term, but all your best posts must be reserved for your own website! Google is in the business of providing relative KEYWORD content so why would you give relative keyword content to an EZINE over the long term? Take care of HOME first. However, there is a way for you to write only ONE 400 word post for your website and have it SPUN in hundreds of different ways! This software is only for those who want to MULTIPLY their website articles without spending WEEKS manually writing different posts.

This is ONLY for the Lazy writer! Go to Google and search your top make money with website keywords. How many EZINE articles

are on page 1 of any search engine? Now some of you will argue that these articles are viral in nature and not meant to be on Page If that is your thought process, you really need to assess the direction that you are taking your business in. Everything you do in web marketing should be geared towards dominating your keywords and ultimately, page 1 results! Folks, I have had 4# websites and this will be the 5th so I know what I am talking about. EZINE issues are as follows: Even if they get descent search engine position, they are easily knocked down by a more current EZINE article than yours. It is the classic case of the old Greek Tale of Sisyphus . This tragic figure was punished throughout eternity by being made to roll a HUGE boulder up a hill and when he got near the top each time, the boulder rolled back down

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