PROJECT Good News. No Boundaries.
INITIATIVES 2015 - 2016
Life runs on hope. Hope looks ahead with expectation. Hope can overcome fear. The Bible says “we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure,” (Hebrews 6:19). The hope spoken of in Hebrews is the Christian assurance of salvation, made possible by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since Christ is our one great hope, it is only natural that as Christians we seek to share that hope with those around us. We believe that the hope of the gospel will transform this world. Life by life, family by family, town by tribe by nation, the hope of Christ will bring the Kingdom of God to earth.
Let’s join in this adventure of grace together!
Dear friend, Over the years Words of Hope has been able to reach millions of individuals with the saving message of Jesus Christ because of the faithful support of people like you. Words of Hope focuses its ministry efforts on building the church in those parts of the world where gospel mission work is difficult to carry out. In these hardto-reach locations, we equip indigenous Christian organizations so their witness can reach further. We provide living wages for ministry workers, quality media equipment for recording gospel programs, theological training for leaders with limited access to education, and radio and television station time for airing the programs produced. We do this because we believe seriously in the power of preaching Christ crucified in languages that people will understand around the world. Media allows us to spread the gospel into areas we might not be able to reach otherwise. It provides alternative forms of access to Scripture for people who may be fearful or unable to set foot in a church building. Hope calls us, compels us, and convicts us to reach as many people as we can with the saving news of Christ. With your help, we can extend our reach farther today than ever before, even to the ends of the earth.
David Bast
UGANDA Though largely a Christian nation, Uganda has a great need for compelling Biblical content to deepen the faith of new believers. Words of Hope’s staff in Uganda already produce broadcasts in 11 tribal languages, and Director Titus Baraka envisions adding several more language broadcasts as resources permit. A modern facility built in 2009 has dramatically boosted the ministry’s operational efficiency and future potential. Four additional studios have been built in Northern Uganda as well. The Ugandan leadership team has effectively developed a network of regional production volunteers to create culturally relevant program content. Words of Hope also provides counseling services for Ugandans, a much-needed resource,
especially in northern Uganda as people recover from the traumas of war. Phone numbers are given at the end of radio programs so that individuals who have questions or need someone to talk to can get the help they need. Regular training conferences are held in Uganda to equip pastors and lay leaders to provide key follow-up efforts for radio station listeners. Bibles are provided to these followup workers to distribute to listeners who do not own a copy. The church of Uganda continues to grow spiritually through Words of Hope’s broadcasts. In addition to new language broadcasts, Words of Hope seeks to expand daily production in each of the existing language broadcasts.
Designated Giving Needed: $103,000 Luganda Broadcasts: A commonly spoken language in Uganda........................ $13,000 Bari-Kuku Broadcasts:
The only available radio broadcast in this language....
This region is an important local commercial center and transportation route.............................................................................................
Arur Broadcasts:
Bari-Kakwa Broadcasts: Has received tremendous listener response................ $8,000 English Broadcasts: Uganda’s national language.................................................. $7,000 Counseling Services:
Especially important for individuals in northern Uganda healing after the trauma of war.............................................................
Training Conference: Designed to equip pastors and lay leaders to effectively
follow up with radio station listeners.................................................................
Distributed to radio station listeners who do not own a copy...........
Lumasaaba Broadcasts: Spoken by two million people....................................... $5,000 Luo Broadcasts: Spoken in northern Uganda....................................................... $5,000 Acholi Broadcasts:
Spoken in northern Uganda. The main site of conflict with the LRA..........................................................................................................
Lukonzo Broadcasts: Spoken in southwestern Uganda........................................ Rutooro Broadcasts: Spoken in northwestern Uganda........................................ Runyoro Broadcasts: A tonal language................................................................... Kup-Sabiny Broadcasts: New language broadcast for Words of Hope..............
$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Words of Hope’s ministry to one of the most closed countries in the world is having a substantial impact. Recently, Iran’s Intelligence Minister publicly acknowledged the growing impact of Christianity inside the country when he said, “House churches draw thousands of Iranians to Christianity each year.” We celebrate the growth occurring here despite widespread persecution. Words of Hope’s evangelism efforts include nightly radio broadcasts in the Persian language, training and support for workers inside the country, Bible distribution, and publishing of literature.
“Thank you for faithfully sharing God’s goodness to us. I am so grateful I can hear your radio programs. I pray you would be filled with the Holy Spirit and God bless you and help you to continue serving the Lord through the radio programs.” – Listener response
The hiring of an additional producer has enabled Words of Hope to double its program production to 60 minutes daily. A partnership with Through the Bible has allowed for an additional 30-minute broadcast as well. Web-based ministry allows us to follow up with individuals who listen to the broadcasts. One unique aspect of this ministry is the annual Bible training conferences we sponsor for Iranian Christians and seekers. These week-long gatherings encourage believers to continue to persevere in their faith and train up these leaders to grow the church inside Iran. Funding for additional conferences continues to be a strategic priority. In addition to our Iranian producers who live outside the country, we partner with many house church pastors inside the country to produce program content and distribute resources like Bibles, Christian literature, and microchips that contain recordings of Scripture.
Designated Giving Needed: $69,000 New Producer Salary: “S� produces radio programs, follows up with listeners via
text message and Skype, and facilitates at the conferences.....................................
Iranian Conference:
Bible conferences are held the country so that Iranians can learn about community, something that is illegal inside lodging for these Iranians is covered by Words
at safe locations outside Scripture and worship in the country. Travel and of Hope.................................
Pastoral Producers: House church pastors inside the country produce portions of programs for us and help distribute follow-up materials................ Bibles and Follow-Up Literature: Distributed secretly inside the country to new believers............................................................................................................
$20,000 $5,000 $3,000
Internet Follow-Up: Many emails pass back and forth between producers and
listeners with questions. New listeners are directed to the Iranian website and may join online worship communities hosted by our producers...............
Microchips: The Scriptures are recorded on tiny microchips that can be hidden
in phones or audio........................................................................................................
$2,000 $1,000
The continued growth in our partnership with Back to God Ministries International is facilitating ministry expansion in the Hindi broadcasts. Hindi is spoken by 490 million people, of which 74% are Hindu, with an official estimate of 5.8% Christian. Our goal is to build a team of program producers since our longtime Hindi broadcaster recently retired after nearly 35 years of service. We plan to increase the number of our broadcasts so they air daily. Attractive indigenous music, multiple voices, and sound Biblical teaching continue to attract new listeners. Pray that the Lord will lead us to the producers we need in order to further develop this strategic ministry. New Director for South Asia, Dr. A.K. Lama, plans to further develop partnerships with evangelical ministries throughout Northern India to build the evangelical church. Words of Hope also broadcasts in Tibetan, Nepali, Dzongkha, and several other Indian languages. Our Tibetan programs have received over 15,000 responses in a single year. The Tibetan team also distributes literature and CDs as follow-up for the radio listeners. The Words of Hope studio in Nepal incurred damage from the earthquake and will need repairs. The church that currently houses the studio uses it to record radio programs, short videos, and Christian music. These resources are used to strengthen church plants throughout the region.
Designated Giving Needed: $117,000 Tibetan Broadcasts: These daily programs are listened to by Tibetans inside Tibet, as well as by the many ethnic Tibetans that live in India, Bhutan, and Nepal............................. $34,000 Hindi Broadcasts: Hindi
is spoken by 407 million people, of which 80% are Hindu and only 2.4% are Christian................................ $31,000
Dogri Broadcasts: Dogri
is spoken in the northernmost Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir......................................................... $13,000
Kashmiri Broadcasts: These broadcasts have recently restarted after four years of being off the air due to Words of Hope’s producer being forced to flee the country..................... $12,000 Garhwali Broadcasts: Programs are listened
to by people living high in the mountains of northern India........................................... $10,000
Nepal Broadcasts: Nepal is experiencing rapid evangelical growth, and radio broadcasts and music and video recordings are helping to grow church plants in the region............ $9,000 Dzongkha Broadcasts: Programs are listened
to in Bhutan, one of the world’s least evangelized nation......................................... $8,000
WHERE WE WORK North America Albania Turkey Iran Arab World Niger South Sudan Uganda India Nepal Bhutan Tibet Indonesia
Niger’s literacy rate is 28.7%.
Turkey is 97% Muslim.
Bhutan is one of the world’s least evangelized countries.
Iran is one of the ten countries where persecution of Christians is most severe.
Arabic broadcasts reach out to the 21 nations of the Arab League and beyond.
Good News. No Boundaries.
700 Ball Ave NE • Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-459-6181 • www.woh.org