Coveted 21

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IVAN SATRIA KINTSUGI VISUAL, INDONESIA A skillful designer, Ivan Satria is our latest selected designer to be featured

it can be everything. “We aim to create this business ecosystem where our

on CovetED New Talents. From Indonesia, Ivan is the Co-founder and

businesses can help each other in certain conditions. COVID-19 and the fast

Lead Artist for Kintsugi Visual, a creative visual communication studio.

phase development of technology have shown us how various events can

Pursuing an ambitious journey through their partnership with dreamers &

really disrupt the business landscape. If we are not able to adjust, adapt, or

makers from all around the world, including their latest collaboration with

pivot really fast, then it can be the end of our business, so for our people.

Covet House for a fantastic project: High-end Contemporary Condo in Los

Several businesses that are currently in our pipeline are creative agencies,

Angeles. The studio aims through their smooth and clean, yet detailed result,

coffee chains, and media. But the main priority when we want to create a

satisfy and top their partner’s expectations, embrace their visions, and make

new business is the people because we always buy in the people, not the

sure every detail counts according to the message behind the ideas from the

business. For us, the business will always be there, but right/great business

designs. CovetED had the opportunity to find out more about this incredible

with the wrong people will lead to no way, while the right people in a wrong

designer and get a glimpse into his work and his studio. When interviewed,

business can be nurtured to work for something else.” Ivan Satria

Ivan affirmed that he loves everything about his work, every process and

Asked about the latest trends in the design world, Ivan was very quick to

detail in it, especially when it comes to the rendering stage because he really

his answer, affirming that he personally believes that immersive virtual

loves that moment when their partner’s ideas are

reality powered by various applications, such as

transformed into beautiful realistic images, he

unreal engine and others, would be a big thing

also added that having such a great team in his organization is also something that makes his days. Their spirit to always go above and beyond for Kintsugi Visual really sparks Ivan to always do nothing less but the best for the studio and for all of them. Having his company be globally well-known with strong positive purposes for people and for our world is one o Ivan’s hopes and goals in the future. “The key from my dream is in the “with strong positive purposes for people and for our world”. For me and my partner, to be globally well-known as a successful company is one thing, but if the


in the future and the implication can be used by almost all industries. “Just imagine when the quality of immersive virtual reality can reach to the point when you cannot differentiate between virtual reality or reality. It can definitely help a lot of businesses,” he added. Working mostly with architects, interior designers, and developers, but lately, the studios have also been approached by furniture and other creative studios as well, asking for their amazing rendering and animation work, creating private houses, apartments, offices, and large-scale master plan projects.

company runs without any strong purposes, then

Finalizing our interview, Ivan was asked about

what for?” he added. Ivan and his partner dream

what he thinks the focus of the design world will

that Kintsugi Visual to be globally well-known as

be, which he believes that the integration between

a company that people love to work with or to work for, a company that

design and technology will be the future of design. With an increasing variety

brings joy to everyone around, creating images that have strong messages

of lifestyles and needs, the use of technology will become a necessity in every

for our world, partnering & supporting a lot of great brands that have the

aspect of life. Believing that technology will be the fastest and the most

same vision/missions with the studio, and developing new products/services

efficient way to turn dreams into reality, connect people, and make everyone

that always gear towards that dream of his. “It’s a long journey for sure and

have a comfortable life. The developing technology innovations will also

we personally think that we don’t know whether we will be able to achieve

increase the value of the design and make the world a better place. “I would

what’s in our mind, but it’s better to strive for the best to reach our dream

like to see the use of more smart materials in the design. Smart materials

rather than just dreaming right? So, let’s go!!” he happily asserted.

are materials that are designed to be responsive to the environment. By

When asked about his relationship with his audience, Ivan says that all

using this, designers are expected to put more consideration and empathy

of their marketing, branding or communication efforts are always geared

not only for the client’s needs but also the impact on the environment.” he

towards inclusivity. The studio aims to have a very genuine connection with

summarized. CovetED is always in the search for the paramount of design,

their viewers, conveying a message that Kentsugi Virtual is a very open

and studios and artists like Ivan are always exciting and getting the chance

company where they can share their thoughts about the industry, about

to see these emerging stars is always a great opportunity to not only expose

them, or simply just a chit chat and not limited to creative industry only,

the incredible designs but also shine light into a world of exquisite imagery.

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