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HAVE YOU SCENE IT? AN INSIGHT ON MOVIE SET DECORATIONS The raging 20’s brought us life, gave us meaning and people learned that

There’s no doubt that tv played a major role in shaping our current

life was not all about work. But it was in the late 1920s that a little silver

(and past) society, and its such a rich and heavy subject, to deep to

screen would change our everyday routines and even 100 years later that

even put on paper. So, to correctly explore all the details regarding

little screen (even smaller now), is still one of our biggest achievements.

this subject would be needed an extended thesis, and one subject

Can you imagine your life without the background noise of a television? Or even your own lazy Sunday afternoons without turning on your tv? No. Even with all of our available screens, television

that is probably not explored enough,

“As a movie aficionado, I’ve come across some quite jaw-dropping movie sets that completely pulled me into the scene itself.”

has set itself has the centrepiece of our

or at least heard enough, is all the amazing set design productions behind our favourite tv shows and movies. As a movie aficionado, I’ve come across some quite jaw-dropping movie sets

living rooms, we even arrange the furniture accordingly. With such a

that completely pulled me into the scene itself.

presence over the years from this tiny box and the wider movie screens,

Who doesn’t remember the iconic scene where little Danny roams

their broadcasts and imagery were one of the biggest propellers of pop

the empty corridors of the Stanley Hotel in Kubrick’s masterpiece

culture around the world. Finally, typewritten black letters and words

“The Shinning” (1980)? David Hick’s famous hexagonal carpet

would escape our books and our imagination and gain life on a movie

became a staple in pattern aesthetic both in hotels and residential

screen, and for a little more than a century, we’ve got glued to the screens.

projects, hauntingly beautiful.

Image © The Shining (1980) Warner Bros., Hawk Films

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