VIZLINE STUDIO Minsk Dedicated designers, CG artists, and architects complete the team from this Studio, based in Minsk, Belarus. Inspired by t h e u n i v e r s e ’s b e a u t y , t h e y t r y t o b r i n g y o u r wildest architectural and design dreams to come true! Come along with CovetED and get to know more. Reaching client’s expectations is what this team loves. That and also the moral satisfaction after successfully completing large and complex projects! Teamwork is also a huge and important point when it comes to overcoming difficulties. Every time an obstacle arises, they gather and solve the question together. When we spoke about dreams, they weren’t unraveled. Guess what? The team says it’s important not to tell them to anyone, otherwise they won’t come true! After being asked if they had already reached all their goals, the answer was that whenever they would achieve a goal, they set themselves to another, and so on.