7 minute read
Editor’s Watch
by WorkBoat

DEC. 1 - 3, 2021 NEW ORLEANS

Morial Convention Center, Halls B, C, D, E & F

See you next year!

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The riders are ready

It would be tough to disagree that of all the workboat sectors — even the depressed offshore oil and gas business — the passenger vessel industry has been hit the hardest by Covid-19.
In just one short year, passenger vessels have gone from arguably the hottest workboat sector to the coldest. A year ago, the industry was riding a long winning streak, with several operators reporting their best years in decades. With operators adding new boats and routes, the biggest challenge for many companies was nding employees, especially ones who would show up for work on time.
In Dale DuPont’s cover story last year, John Groundwater, executive director of the Passenger Vessel Association (PVA), said “operators David Krapf, Editor in Chief from all passenger vessel industry market segments reported strong 2019 to individuals purchasing tickets.” seasons” and have been “adding ves- “People are seeing a vaccine startsels to their eets as well as upgrading ing to be distributed, and that’s given facilities.” them a lot of hope. We’re getting a lot
PVA’s membership also grew, add- of calls from people believing they’re ing about 50 new companies in 2019. going to be in Alaska in 2021, and
This year, PVA estimates that lost we believe that, too,” said Capt. Dan revenue for the U.S. passenger vessel Blanchard, owner and CEO, UnCruise industry through the end of 2020 will Adventures, Seattle. be between $5 billion and $10 billion. With wide distribution of a vacBusiness for many has dropped 90% cine, Groundwater said, “customers from previous years. will once again look to U.S. passenger But people are ready to return to vessels for entertainment and transporthe water and operators are optimistic. tation that will begin fueling a return
“Everybody’s really pissed off to normalcy beginning in the spring of they’re stuck in their houses,” said 2021.” Capt. Jeff Stewart Sr. of Cape May For these operators, let’s hope so. Whale Watcher in New Jersey.
“There’s a tremendous amount of pent-up demand,” said Capt. Troy Manthey, CEO of Yacht StarShip and Pirate Water Taxi, Tampa, Fla. ai16109820207_editwatch_BPA_2021.pdf 1 1/18/21 10:00 AMdkrapf@divcom.com“We’re going to see a very quick return

WORKBOAT® (ISSN 0043-8014) is published monthly by Diversified Communications, 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112-7438. Editorial Office: P.O. Box 1348, Mandeville, LA 70470. Annual Subscription Rates: U.S. $39; Canada $55; International $103. When available, extra copies of current issue are $4, all other issues and special issues are $5. For subscription customer service call (978) 671-0444. The publisher reserves the right to sell subscriptions to those who have purchasing power in the industry this publication serves. Periodicals postage paid at Portland, ME, and additional mailing offices. Circulation Office: 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112-7438. From time to time, we make your name and address available to other companies whose products and services may interest you. If you prefer not to receive such mailings, please send a copy of your mailing label to: WorkBoat’ s Mailing Preference Service, P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to WORKBOAT, P.O. Box 1792, Lowell, MA 01853. Copyright 2021 b

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EDITOR IN CHIEF David Krapf dkrapf@divcom.com
SENIOR EDITOR Ken Hocke khocke@divcom.com
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Kirk Moore kmoore@divcom.com
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS • Capt. Alan Bernstein • Bruce Buls • Michael Crowley • Dale K. DuPont • Pamela Glass • Betsy Frawley Haggerty • Max Hardberger • Joel Milton • Jim Redden • Kathy Bergren Smith
ART DIRECTOR Doug Stewart dstewart@divcom.com
PUBLISHING OFFICES Main Office: 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438 • Portland, ME 04112-7438 • (207) 842-5608 • Fax: (207) 842-5609
Southern/Editorial Office: P.O. Box 1348 • Mandeville, LA 70470
Subscription Information: (978) 671-0444 • cs@e-circ.net General Information: (207) 842-5610
PRODUCTION & ADVERTISING Wendy Jalbert PROJECT MANAGER 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438 • Portland, ME 04112-7438 (207) 842-5616 • Fax: (207) 842-5611
NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Kristin Luke (207) 842-5635 • Fax: (207) 842-5611
SALES REPRESENTATIVE Mike Cohen (207) 842-5439 • Fax: (207) 842-5611
EXPOSITIONS (207) 842-5508 • Fax: (207) 842-5509 Producers of The International WorkBoat Show and Paci c Marine Expo
www.workboatshow.com www.paci cmarineexpo.com
EXPOSITION SALES DIRECTOR Christine Salmon (207) 842-5530 • Fax: (207) 842-5509
PRESIDENT & CEO Theodore Wirth
GROUP VICE PRESIDENT Bob Callahan bcallahan@divcom.com

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