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Editor’s Watch

We know that the WorkBoat Show is your annual chance to network, shop, connect, and get in the know among the best in the business. It is a maritime industry tradition. And through good times and bad, this is the marine industry’s show. With many things changing in the world right now, we want you to know that the International WorkBoat Show will be held as scheduled, December 1-3, 2021. For over 40 years the WorkBoat Show has been here for you and this year, more than ever, we cannot wait to host you in New Orleans.

DEC. 1 - 3, 2021 NEW ORLEANS

Morial Convention Center, Halls B, C, D, E & F

Produced by Presented by

It’s in the wind

Proposed offshore wind farms in the U.S. are getting a lot of attention. If not trending, they’re certainly trendy. What has burned like an ember for years is now a grass re.

What’s fueling the re is this country’s desire to get its energy from a more environmentally friendly source compared to oil and gas. People seem to want it.

President Joe Biden is leading this charge toward change. He issued executive orders on Jan. 27 that called for an end to fossil fuel subsidies and froze new leasing off the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), while simultaneously directing the Department of Interior (DOI) to review permitting processes and identify other steps the U.S. can take to double offshore wind capacity Ken Hocke, Senior Editor over the next decade. On March 29, Biden oated plans to offer $3 billion ef cient ways to use them all. Maybe in federal loan guarantees for offshore even coal. wind development. But no matter what form of energy

So is this the beginning of the end we use, nothing will burn, spin or profor fossil fuels? Don’t bet on it. As Jim cess like the dirtiest business of them Redden wrote in this month’s cover all — politics. And that’s the key to the story, “Despite the subsequent cancel- future of the Gulf of Mexico, according lation of a scheduled federal offering to veteran energy analyst Allen Brooks. on March 17, the leasing moratorium, “I think the Gulf has several challengin and of itself, had little near-term es. Yes, prices are up and that’s good. impact on the Gulf of Mexico, where Cash ow for companies are improving operators collectively hold more than and that’s good. But, then you have the 1,700 active leases not in production, unknown, which at the moment is what according to the Bureau of Ocean the heck is government policy going to Energy Management (BOEM). Earlier be?” acquired leases and permits were not That would depend on who’s running affected by the leasing interruption.” the country.

My guess is when all this shakes out (maybe by 2050), our energy future will include a menu of energy producing options such as wind, solar, hydrogen, wave technology and, yes, ai16109820207_editwatch_BPA_2021.pdf 1 1/18/21 10:00 AMkhocke@divcom.comoil and gas. We’ll nd cleaner and more

WORKBOAT® (ISSN 0043-8014) is published monthly by Diversified Communications, 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112-7438. Editorial Office: P.O. Box 1348, Mandeville, LA 70470. Annual Subscription Rates: U.S. $39; Canada $55; International $103. When available, extra copies of current issue are $4, all other issues and special issues are $5. For subscription customer service call (978) 671-0444. The publisher reserves the right to sell subscriptions to those who have purchasing power in the industry this publication serves. Periodicals postage paid at Portland, ME, and additional mailing offices. Circulation Office: 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112-7438. From time to time, we make your name and address available to other companies whose products and services may interest you. If you prefer not to receive such mailings, please send a copy of your mailing label to: WorkBoat’ s Mailing Preference Service, P.O. Box 7438, Portland, ME 04112. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to WORKBOAT, P.O. Box 1792, Lowell, MA 01853. Copyright 2021 b



The largest commercial marine trade show on the West Coast, serving commercial mariners from Alaska to California, returns in the Fall of 2021.

fALL 2021 | Seattle, WA

Lumen Field Event Center

Look for the Pacific Marine Expo Official Date Announcement this Spring and sign up for Expo updates at pacificmarineexpo.com

EDITOR IN CHIEF David Krapf dkrapf@divcom.com

SENIOR EDITOR Ken Hocke khocke@divcom.com

CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Kirk Moore kmoore@divcom.com

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS • Capt. Alan Bernstein • Bruce Buls • Michael Crowley • Dale K. DuPont • Pamela Glass • Betsy Frawley Haggerty • Max Hardberger • Joel Milton • Jim Redden • Kathy Bergren Smith

ART DIRECTOR Doug Stewart dstewart@divcom.com

PUBLISHING OFFICES Main Office: 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438 • Portland, ME 04112-7438 • (207) 842-5608 • Fax: (207) 842-5609

Southern/Editorial Office: P.O. Box 1348 • Mandeville, LA 70470

Subscription Information: (978) 671-0444 • cs@e-circ.net General Information: (207) 842-5610




PRODUCTION & ADVERTISING Wendy Jalbert PROJECT MANAGER 121 Free St., P.O. Box 7438 • Portland, ME 04112-7438 (207) 842-5616 • Fax: (207) 842-5611


NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Kristin Luke (207) 842-5635 • Fax: (207) 842-5611


SALES REPRESENTATIVE Mike Cohen (207) 842-5439 • Fax: (207) 842-5611


EXPOSITIONS (207) 842-5508 • Fax: (207) 842-5509 Producers of The International WorkBoat Show and Paci c Marine Expo

www.workboatshow.com www.paci cmarineexpo.com

EXPOSITION SALES DIRECTOR Christine Salmon (207) 842-5530 • Fax: (207) 842-5509


PRESIDENT & CEO Theodore Wirth

GROUP VICE PRESIDENT Bob Callahan bcallahan@divcom.com

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