Best Workday Finance Training by Workday Training Online

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© 2020 Workday Training Online

What is Workday Finance?

Workday Financials is the new object-oriented, cloudGive a striking overview of the problem computing software solution to handle today's financial and explain it briefly. needs and business objectives. Elaborate on how this negatively impacts Setup financial accounting for a company. people an their experiences. Create a supplier and enter supplier invoices. Setup a new bank account and run settlement. Setupthe asset accounting and process Frame problems effectively as itassets. will set the stagea of your entire pitch.Customer Invoices. Create customer and enter

© 2020 Workday Training Online

Core Concepts Financial accounting setup Workday revenue management

Period close Workday Finance

Financial Reporting

Business Asset

Š 2020 Workday Training Online

Workday supplier management

Banking and Settlement

Workday Financial Accounting, which is the foundation

Finance accounting setup

for all the workday Finance Solutions, can manage all Accounting activity and report on that activity at any time. Workday delivers financial records and reports with speed, accuracy and a complete audit trial.

Š 2020 Workday Training Online

Financial Transaction Flow 1.Edit Company Accounting Details 2.Create a Ledger 3.Create Ledger year and Ledger Periods 4.Maintain Ledger Periods Š 2020 Workday Training Online

Operational Transaction

Accounting Journals Workday creates journals behind the scenes for operational transactions, and uses posting rules to interrupt the business events into credits and debits, and accounts, Journal entries are posted to a ledger defined for each company.

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Account posting rules

Operational Journals

Accounting Journals


Workday Revenue Management manages all the aspects of revenue from the sale, from registering customers , billing and invoicing , Managing customer

Workday Revenue Management

account receivable and cash receipts. Security Groups for customer Setup. Maintaining Customer categories and groups. Create revenue categories. Maintain the revenue account posting rule. Create a new Custom Validation for Customer Invoices.

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Workday Finance enable you to manage the invoices

and sales terms, record customer payments and cash sales, deposit money into the bank , record invoice

Customer Invoice

adjustments, write off bad debit.

You will learn to Identify the required security group for customer invoice creation

Create a customer invoice and invoice adjustment Email and print customer invoices

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Workday Supplier Management supports the processes and information necessary to effectively manage your vendors . Supplier Management uses

Workday supplier Management

web-based business communication . Efficiently process supplier invoices Manage payables and Settlement Provide cash optimization. Maintaining strong internal controls with insight into all aspects of enterprise spend

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Supplier invoice is a business process as such, your requirements regarding segregation of duty; approval, or review.

Supplier invoice can be created:

Supplier Invoice

Without Purchase Order From Purchase Order

From Receipts From Timesheets From Task Logs


© 2020 Workday Training Online

Workday Cash management Consists of Banking, Settlements, and bank reconciliation tools that enable

Banking and Settlement

you to activity manage and optimize the cash inflows

and outflows for your organization. Using Workday banking and settlement, companies can automate the coordination and control of cash flow activity.

Š 2020 Workday Training Online

Track and manage any business asset. Track Zero Cost Items.

Business Asset

Assign Custody and responsibility . Purchase business assets for tracking Place depreciable asset in service.  Record depreciable asset.

© 2020 Workday Training Online

Workday delivers the gamut of financial reporting. Workday Reports can be rendered in tabular or graphical format for display or download.

Financial Reporting

Workday Standard Reports Trial balance Report Operational and activity Reports Customer Reports Creating custom Reports Financial Metrics Reports

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provides several tools to help you to

complete your close procedures at the end of an accounting period , quarter or year. With this tool you can manage :

Period close

Start a period close event. Update year end closing rules. Create a new fiscal year. Roll forward a year end balance. Create an adjustment journal. Close the ledger year.

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WORKDAY TRAINING ONLINE Workday Training Online provides indepth




certification in Workday Finance. If you are







Finance course is the best option for

you. Our instructor has guided over 20,000 students who have been placed in reputed companies. Š 2020 Workday Training Online


For more info +1 214-872-7517

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